

The list of the packages managed by a SUSE Manager instance


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
mgm_id numeric 131089 null
channelpackage.mgm_id channelpackage_package_fkeyR
systempackageupdate.mgm_id systempackageupdate_package_fkeyR

The id of the SUSE Manager instance that contains this data

package_id numeric 131089 null
channelpackage.package_id channelpackage_package_fkeyR
systempackageupdate.package_id systempackageupdate_package_fkeyR

The id of the package

name varchar 256 null

The name of the package

epoch varchar 16 null

The epoch of the package

version varchar 512 null

The version number of the package

release varchar 512 null

The release number of the package

arch varchar 64 null

The architecture where this package is installable

type varchar 10 null

The type of the package. Possible values: rpm, deb

package_size numeric 131089 null

The size of the package, in bytes

payload_size numeric 131089 null

The size of the payload contained in this package, in bytes

installed_size numeric 131089 null

The final size after the installation of this package, in bytes

vendor varchar 64 null

The vendor providing this package

organization varchar 128 null

The organization that owns this data

synced_date timestamptz 35,6 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

The timestamp of when this data was last refreshed.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
package_pk Primary key Asc/Asc mgm_id + package_id

Check Constraints

Constraint Name Constraint
vn_package_arch (((arch)::text <> ''::text))
vn_package_version (((version)::text <> ''::text))
vn_package_type (((type)::text <> ''::text))
vn_package_vendor (((vendor)::text <> ''::text))
vn_package_epoch (((epoch)::text <> ''::text))
vn_package_organization (((organization)::text <> ''::text))
vn_package_name (((name)::text <> ''::text))
vn_package_release (((release)::text <> ''::text))
