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documentation.suse.com / Starting and stopping systemd services

Starting and stopping systemd services

Publication Date: 18 Apr 2024

1 Environment

This document applies to the following products and product versions:

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5, 15 SP4, 15 SP3, 15 SP2, 12 SP5

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP5, 15 SP4, 15 SP3, 15 SP2, 12 SP5

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability 15 SP5, 15 SP4, 15 SP3, 15 SP2, 12 SP5

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15 SP5, 15 SP4, 15 SP3, 15 SP2

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP5

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time 15 SP5

2 Starting and stopping services with systemctl

systemctl is the systemd command for managing services. The syntax for starting and stopping services manually is as follows:

systemctl start|stop|restart|try-restart|reload|reload-or-restart SERVICE-NAME

You can manage multiple services at once, for example, start two services:


It is a best practice to use systemctl to stop services, rather than the ps command. A systemd service can include commands, processes, and dependencies. ps operates on single processes. Using ps may leave a systemd service in an inconsistent state.

systemctl also controls whether services start at boot, see xref linkend="FOO".

3 Starting and stopping services with systemctl

systemctl status SERVICE-NAME

Check if a service is running, stopped, enabled, or masked, and display the most recent log entries.

systemctl start SERVICE-NAME

Start a service.

systemctl stop SERVICE-NAME

Stop a service.

systemctl restart SERVICE-NAME

Stop the service and then start it. If a service is not running it will be started.

systemctl try-restart SERVICE-NAME

Restart a service if it is running. This has no effect on a service that is not running.

systemctl reload SERVICE-NAME

Reload the service's configuration file without interrupting operation.

systemctl reload-or-restart SERVICE-NAME

Reload the service if it supports reloading, otherwise it restarts the service. If the service is not running it will be started.