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documentation.suse.com / SUSE Enterprise Storage 7.1 Documentation / Administration and Operations Guide / Ceph Dashboard / Manage users and roles on the command line
Applies to SUSE Enterprise Storage 7.1

11 Manage users and roles on the command line

This section describes how to manage user accounts used by the Ceph Dashboard. It helps you create or modify user accounts, as well as set proper user roles and permissions.

11.1 Managing the password policy

By default the password policy feature is enabled including the following checks:

  • Is the password longer than N characters?

  • Are the old and new password the same?

The password policy feature can be switched on or off completely:

cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-pwd-policy-enabled true|false

The following individual checks can be switched on or off:

cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-pwd-policy-check-length-enabled true|false
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-pwd-policy-check-oldpwd-enabled true|false
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-pwd-policy-check-username-enabled true|false
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-pwd-policy-check-exclusion-list-enabled true|false
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-pwd-policy-check-complexity-enabled true|false
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-pwd-policy-check-sequential-chars-enabled true|false
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-pwd-policy-check-repetitive-chars-enabled true|false

In addition, the following options are available to configure the password policy behaviour.

  • The minimum password length (defaults to 8):

    cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-pwd-policy-min-length N
  • The minimum password complexity (defaults to 10):

    cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-pwd-policy-min-complexity N

    The password complexity is calculated by classifying each character in the password.

  • A list of comma-separated words that are not allowed to be used in a password:

    cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-pwd-policy-exclusion-list word[,...]

11.2 Managing user accounts

The Ceph Dashboard supports managing multiple user accounts. Each user account consists of a user name, a password (stored in encrypted form using bcrypt), an optional name, and an optional e-mail address.

User accounts are stored in Ceph Monitor's configuration database and are shared globally across all Ceph Manager instances.

Use the following commands to manage user accounts:

Show existing users:
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-user-show [USERNAME]
Create a new user:
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-user-create USERNAME -i [PASSWORD_FILE] [ROLENAME] [NAME] [EMAIL]
Delete a user:
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-user-delete USERNAME
Change a user's password:
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-user-set-password USERNAME -i PASSWORD_FILE
Modify a user's name and email:
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-user-set-info USERNAME NAME EMAIL
Disable user
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-user-disable USERNAME
Enable User
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-user-enable USERNAME

11.3 User roles and permissions

This section describes what security scopes you can assign to a user role, how to manage user roles and assign them to user accounts.

11.3.1 Defining security scopes

User accounts are associated with a set of roles that define which parts of the dashboard can be accessed by the user. The dashboard parts are grouped within a security scope. Security scopes are predefined and static. The following security scopes are currently available:


Includes all features related to the Hosts menu entry.


Includes all features related to the management of Ceph configuration options.


Includes all features related to pool management.


Includes all features related to the Ceph OSD management.


Includes all features related to the Ceph Monitor management.


Includes all features related to the RADOS Block Device image management.


Includes all features related to the RADOS Block Device mirroring management.


Includes all features related to iSCSI management.


Includes all features related to the Object Gateway management.


Includes all features related to CephFS management.


Includes all features related to the Ceph Manager management.


Includes all features related to Ceph logs management.


Includes all features related to the Grafana proxy.


Include all features related to Prometheus alert management.


Allows changing dashboard settings.

11.3.2 Specifying user roles

A role specifies a set of mappings between a security scope and a set of permissions. There are four types of permissions: 'read', 'create', 'update', and 'delete'.

The following example specifies a role where a user has 'read' and 'create' permissions for features related to pool management, and has full permissions for features related to RBD image management:

  'role': 'my_new_role',
  'description': 'My new role',
  'scopes_permissions': {
    'pool': ['read', 'create'],
    'rbd-image': ['read', 'create', 'update', 'delete']

The dashboard already provides a set of predefined roles that we call system roles. You can instantly use them after a fresh Ceph Dashboard installation:


Provides full permissions for all security scopes.


Provides read permission for all security scopes except the dashboard settings.


Provides full permissions for 'rbd-image', 'rbd-mirroring', and 'iscsi' scopes.


Provides full permissions for the 'rgw' scope.


Provides full permissions for the 'hosts', 'osd', 'monitor', 'manager', and 'config-opt' scopes.


Provides full permissions for the 'pool' scope.


Provides full permissions for the 'cephfs' scope. Managing custom roles

You can create new user roles by using the following commands:

Create a new role:
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-role-create ROLENAME [DESCRIPTION]
Delete a role:
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-role-delete ROLENAME
Add scope permissions to a role:
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-role-add-scope-perms ROLENAME SCOPENAME PERMISSION [PERMISSION...]
Delete scope permissions from a role:
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-role-del-perms ROLENAME SCOPENAME Assigning roles to user accounts

Use the following commands to assign roles to users:

Set user roles:
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-user-set-roles USERNAME ROLENAME [ROLENAME ...]
Add additional roles to a user:
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-user-add-roles USERNAME ROLENAME [ROLENAME ...]
Delete roles from a user:
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-user-del-roles USERNAME ROLENAME [ROLENAME ...]
Tip: Purging custom roles

If you create custom user roles and intend to remove the Ceph cluster with the ceph.purge runner later on, you need to purge the custom roles first. Find more details in Section 13.9, “Removing an entire Ceph cluster”. Example: Creating a user and a custom role

This section illustrates a procedure for creating a user account capable of managing RBD images, viewing and creating Ceph pools, and having read-only access to any other scopes.

  1. Create a new user named tux:

     cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-user-create tux PASSWORD
  2. Create a role and specify scope permissions:

    cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-role-create rbd/pool-manager
    cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-role-add-scope-perms rbd/pool-manager \
     rbd-image read create update delete
    cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-role-add-scope-perms rbd/pool-manager pool read create
  3. Associate the roles with the tux user:

    cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-user-set-roles tux rbd/pool-manager read-only

11.4 Proxy configuration

If you want to establish a fixed URL to reach the Ceph Dashboard or if you do not want to allow direct connections to the manager nodes, you can set up a proxy that automatically forwards incoming requests to the currently active ceph-mgr instance.

11.4.1 Accessing the dashboard with reverse proxies

If you are accessing the dashboard via a reverse proxy configuration, you may need to service it under a URL prefix. To get the dashboard to use hyperlinks that include your prefix, you can set the url_prefix setting:

  cephuser@adm > ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/url_prefix URL_PREFIX

Then you can access the dashboard at http://HOST_NAME:PORT_NUMBER/URL_PREFIX/.

11.4.2 Disabling re-directions

If the Ceph Dashboard is behind a load-balancing proxy such as HAProxy, disable the redirection behaviour to prevent situations where the internal (unresolvable) URLs are published to the front-end client. Use the following command to get the dashboard to respond with an HTTP error (500 by default) instead of redirecting to the active dashboard:

cephuser@adm > ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/standby_behaviour "error"

To reset the setting to the default redirection behaviour, use the following command:

cephuser@adm > ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/standby_behaviour "redirect"

11.4.3 Configuring error status codes

If the redirection behaviour is disabled, then you should customize the HTTP status code of standby dashboards. To do so, run the following command:

cephuser@adm > ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/standby_error_status_code 503

11.4.4 HAProxy example configuration

The following example configuration is for TLS/SSL pass through using HAProxy.


The configuration works under the following conditions: If the dashboard fails over, the front-end client might receive an HTTP redirect (303) response and will be redirected to an unresolvable host.

This happens when the failover occurs during two HAProxy health checks. In this situation the previously active dashboard node will now respond with a 303 which points to the new active node. To prevent that situation you should consider disabling the redirection behaviour on standby nodes.

    log global
    option log-health-checks
    timeout connect 5s
    timeout client 50s
    timeout server 450s

  frontend dashboard_front
    mode http
    bind *:80
    option httplog
    redirect scheme https code 301 if !{ ssl_fc }

  frontend dashboard_front_ssl
    mode tcp
    bind *:443
    option tcplog
    default_backend dashboard_back_ssl

  backend dashboard_back_ssl
    mode tcp
    option httpchk GET /
    http-check expect status 200
    server x HOST:PORT ssl check verify none
    server y HOST:PORT ssl check verify none
    server z HOST:PORT ssl check verify none

11.5 Auditing API requests

The Ceph Dashboard's REST API can log PUT, POST, and DELETE requests to the Ceph audit log. Logging is disabled by default, but you can enable it with the following command:

cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-audit-api-enabled true

If enabled, the following parameters are logged per each request:


The origin of the request, for example 'https://[::1]:44410'.


The REST API path, for example /api/auth.


'PUT', 'POST', or 'DELETE'.


The name of the user (or ‘None’).

An example log entry looks like this:

2019-02-06 10:33:01.302514 mgr.x [INF] [DASHBOARD] \
 from='https://[::ffff:]:37022' path='/api/rgw/user/exu' method='PUT' \
 user='admin' params='{"max_buckets": "1000", "display_name": "Example User", "uid": "exu", "suspended": "0", "email": "user@example.com"}'
Tip: Disable logging of request payload

The logging of the request payload (the list of arguments and their values) is enabled by default. You can disable it as follows:

cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-audit-api-log-payload false

11.6 Configuring NFS Ganesha in the Ceph Dashboard

Ceph Dashboard can manage NFS Ganesha exports that use CephFS or Object Gateway as their backstore. The dashboard manages NFS Ganesha configuration files stored in RADOS objects on the CephFS cluster. NFS Ganesha must store part of their configuration in the Ceph cluster.

Run the following command to configure the NFS Ganesha configuration object's location:

cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-ganesha-clusters-rados-pool-namespace pool_name[/namespace]

You can now manage NFS Ganesha exports using the Ceph Dashboard.

11.6.1 Configuring multiple NFS Ganesha clusters

The Ceph Dashboard supports the management of NFS Ganesha exports belonging to different NFS Ganesha clusters. We recommend each NFS Ganesha cluster store its configuration objects in a different RADOS pool/namespace to isolate the configurations from each other.

Use the following command to specify the locations of the configuration of each NFS Ganesha cluster:

cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-ganesha-clusters-rados-pool-namespace cluster_id:pool_name[/namespace](,cluster_id:pool_name[/namespace])*

The cluster_id is an arbitrary string that uniquely identifies the NFS Ganesha cluster.

When configuring the Ceph Dashboard with multiple NFS Ganesha clusters, the Web UI automatically allows you to choose to which cluster an export belongs.

11.7 Debugging plugins

Ceph Dashboard plugins extend the functionality of the dashboard. The debug plugin allows the customization of the behaviour of the dashboard according to the debug mode. It can be enabled, disabled, or checked with the following command:

cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard debug status
Debug: 'disabled'
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard debug enable
Debug: 'enabled'
cephuser@adm > dashboard debug disable
Debug: 'disabled'

By default, this is disabled. This is the recommended setting for production deployments. If required, debug mode can be enabled without need of restarting.