
The following spacecmd functions are available for working with scheduling.

1. schedule_cancel

Cancel a scheduled action.

usage: schedule_cancel ID|* ...

2. schedule_details

Show the details of a scheduled action.

usage: schedule_details ID

3. schedule_getoutput

Show the output from an action.

usage: schedule_getoutput ID

4. schedule_list

List all actions.

usage: schedule_list [BEGINDATE] [ENDDATE]

Dates can be any of the following:
Explicit Dates:
Dates can be expressed as explicit date strings in the YYYYMMDD[HHMM] format.
The year, month and day are required, while the hours and minutes are not; the hours and minutes will default to 0000 if no values are provided.

Dates can be expressed as delta values.  For example, '2h' would mean 2 hours in the future.  You can also use negative values to express times in the past (e.g., -7d would be one week ago).

s -> seconds
m -> minutes
h -> hours
d -> days

5. schedule_listarchived

List archived actions.

usage: schedule_listarchived [BEGINDATE] [ENDDATE]

Dates can be any of the following:
Explicit Dates:
Dates can be expressed as explicit date strings in the YYYYMMDD[HHMM] format.
The year, month and day are required, while the hours and minutes are not; the hours and minutes will default to 0000 if no values are provided.

Dates can be expressed as delta values.  For example, '2h' would mean 2 hours in the future.  You can also use negative values to express times in the past (e.g., -7d would be one week ago).

s -> seconds
m -> minutes
h -> hours
d -> days

6. schedule_listcompleted

List completed actions.

Dates can be any of the following:
Explicit Dates:
Dates can be expressed as explicit date strings in the YYYYMMDD[HHMM] format.
The year, month and day are required, while the hours and minutes are not; the hours and minutes will default to 0000 if no values are provided.

Dates can be expressed as delta values.  For example, '2h' would mean 2 hours in the future.  You can also use negative values to express times in the past (e.g., -7d would be one week ago).

s -> seconds
m -> minutes
h -> hours
d -> days

7. schedule_listfailed

List failed actions.

usage: schedule_listfailed [BEGINDATE] [ENDDATE]

Dates can be any of the following:
Explicit Dates:
Dates can be expressed as explicit date strings in the YYYYMMDD[HHMM] format.
The year, month and day are required, while the hours and minutes are not; the hours and minutes will default to 0000 if no values are provided.

Dates can be expressed as delta values.  For example, '2h' would mean 2 hours in the future.  You can also use negative values to express times in the past (e.g., -7d would be one week ago).

s -> seconds
m -> minutes
h -> hours
d -> days

8. schedule_listpending

List pending actions.

usage: schedule_listpending [BEGINDATE] [ENDDATE]

Dates can be any of the following:
Explicit Dates:
Dates can be expressed as explicit date strings in the YYYYMMDD[HHMM] format.
The year, month and day are required, while the hours and minutes are not; the hours and minutes will default to 0000 if no values are provided.

Dates can be expressed as delta values.  For example, '2h' would mean 2 hours in the future.  You can also use negative values to express times in the past (e.g., -7d would be one week ago).

s -> seconds
m -> minutes
h -> hours
d -> days

9. schedule_reschedule

Reschedule failed actions.

usage: schedule_reschedule ID|* ...