Billing - Technical

Last updated: October 2023

1. Do I need any special or additional infrastructure to set up SUSE Manager billing via the cloud marketplaces?

No, all components needed to handle the billing are part of the SUSE Manager PAYG code base.

2. What is the deployment mechanism for SUSE Manager PAYG on the cloud marketplace?

The cloud marketplace listing for SUSE Manager PAYG will deploy a SUSE Manager instance, together with the embedded billing engine.

3. What version of SUSE Manager is installed when using the marketplace listing?

The cloud marketplace listing for SUSE Manager PAYG is tied to a specific version of SUSE Manager (4.3.8 at launch). Future listings will typically include the latest version available at the time of product/image creation. Please check the listing for further information.

4. I need a prior version of SUSE Manager installed; can I still use the listing?

No, there is no choice over the SUSE Manager version when deploying using the cloud marketplace listing. If a prior version of SUSE Manager is required, this will need to be installed manually using the standard documentation and BYOS billing.

5. How often is the listing updated (including the version of SUSE Manager etc.)?

The Marketplace listing is tied to a specific version of SUSE Manager, which is the latest version available at the time of the listing.

Typically, the listing in the cloud marketplace is updated quarterly, or more frequently if there are security issues.

It is worth noting that the image update process may not be fully aligned to the SUSE Manager product maintenance releases (every 6-8 weeks), so SUSE Manager PAYG instances should be patched regularly after deployment.

6. I have purchased multiple PAYG - Pay-as-you-go SUSE products from the cloud provider marketplace (i.e. Rancher, NeuVector and SUSE Manager), does the marketplace billing method still work?

Yes, the billing mechanism for the products is independent. Each deployment will be billed separately via the cloud marketplace.

7. I already have an existing SUSE Manager deployment; how can I get this deployment to bill via the cloud marketplace?

Existing deployments cannot be directly converted or updated to provide billing via the cloud marketplace. To benefit from monthly billing, SUSE Manager PAYG must be deployed directly from the cloud marketplace listing.