Supported Debian Features

This table lists the availability of various features on Debian clients.

The operating system you run on a client is supported by the organization that supplies the operating system. Debian is supported by the Debian community.

The icons in this table indicate:

  • the feature is available

  • the feature is not available

  • the feature is under consideration, and may or may not be made available at a later date

Table 1. Supported Features on Debian Operating Systems
Feature Debian 12


System packages

Debian Community

Debian Community


Install packages

Apply patches

Remote commands

System package states

System custom states

Group custom states

Organization custom states

System set manager (SSM)

Product migration



Basic Virtual Guest Management

Advanced Virtual Guest Management

Virtual Guest Installation (Kickstart), as Host OS

Virtual Guest Installation (image template), as Host OS

System deployment (PXE/Kickstart)

System redeployment (Kickstart)

Contact methods

ZeroMQ, Salt-SSH

ZeroMQ, Salt-SSH

Works with SUSE Manager Proxy

Action chains

Staging (pre-download of packages)

Duplicate package reporting

CVE auditing

SCAP auditing

Package verification

Package locking

System locking

Maintenance Windows

System snapshot

Configuration file management

Package profiles

Profiles supported, Sync not supported

Profiles supported, Sync not supported

Power management

Monitoring server

Monitoring clients

Docker buildhost

Build Docker image with OS



Kiwi buildhost

Build Kiwi image with OS

Recurring Actions







Virtual Guest Management:

In this table, virtual guest management is split into basic and advanced.

Basic virtual guest management includes listing VMs, slow refresh, VM lifecycle actions (start, stop, resume, pause), and modifying VM vCPU and Memory.

Advanced virtual guest management includes all features of Basic virtual guest management plus fast refresh, VM lifecycle actions (delete, reset, power off), modifying VM disk, network, graphical display, and graphical display configuration.