
The Systems  Bootstrapping section allows you to register a single Salt client.

Table 1. Bootstrap Options
Option Description Default


The hostname of the client to be registered


SSH port

The port on the client that allows SSH access



The user name to use to log in to the client


Authentication Method

Choose Password for simple authentication, or SSH Private Key to use SSH authentication.



The password to use to log in to the client


SSH Private Key

Upload the SSH Private Key to use to log in to the client


SSH Private Key Passphrase

The passphrase for the SSH Private Key, or leave blank for no password.


Activation Key

The activation key to use to register the client. Leave blank to use the universal default activation key, or select None for no activation key.



The proxy to which the client should be registered. Leave blank if you are not using a proxy.


Disable SSH strict host key checking

Automatically adds the host key to the known hosts file


Manage system completely via SSH

Uses only the SSH contact method


SSH private keys are stored only for the duration of the bootstrapping process. They are deleted from the SUSE Manager Server as soon as bootstrapping is complete.

When you have completed the details of the client you want to register, click Bootstrap. When the client has completed registering, navigate to Systems  System List to see details.

For more information about bootstrapping, see Register Clients With the Web UI.