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Keg Reference Guide

Publication Date: 01 Aug 2024



Template-Based KIWI Description Builder

1 Overview



This document provides a conceptual overview about the steps of creating an image description with keg which can be used to build an appliance with the KIWI appliance builder.


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All information found in this book has been compiled with utmost attention to detail. However, this does not guarantee complete accuracy. Neither SUSE LLC, its affiliates, the authors nor the translators shall be held liable for possible errors or the consequences thereof.

1.1 Conceptual overview

Keg is a tool which helps to create and manage image descriptions for use with the KIWI appliance builder. A KIWI image description consists of a single XML document that specifies type, configuration, and content of the image to build. Optionally there can be configuration scripts and overlay archives added to an image description, which allow for further configuration and additional content.

Since KIWI image descriptions are monolithic, maintaining a number of image descriptions that have considerable overlap with respect to content and setup can be cumbersome and error-prone. Keg attempts to alleviate that by allowing image descriptions to be broken into modules. Those modules can be composed in different ways in so called image definitions, and modules can inherit from parent modules which allows for fine-tuning for specific image setups. Configuration scripts and overlay archives can also be generated in a modular fashion.

The collection of source data required for keg to produce image descriptions is called recipes. Keg recipes are typically kept in a git repository, and keg has support for producing change logs from git commit history, but this is not a requirement. A recipes repository provides keg with the information how an image description is to be composed as well as the content of the components.

The basic principle of operation is that when keg is executed, it is pointed to a directory within the recipes repository and it reads any YAML files in that directory and any parent directories and merges their contents into a dictionary. How the image definition data is structured and composed is not relevant, as long as the resulting dictionary represents a valid image definition. This allows for a lot of flexibility in the layout of a recipes repository. The SUSE Public Cloud Keg Recipes repository provides an example of a highly modular one with strong use of inheritance.

For more details on what constitutes a recipes repository, see section Chapter 4, Recipes basics (ff).

1.2 Working with keg

To create an image description, keg needs to be installed, as well as KIWI, as the latter is used by keg to validate the final image description. See Chapter 2, Installation for information about how to install keg, and KIWI Installation about how to install KIWI.

Additionally, a recipes repository is required. The following example uses the aforementioned SUSE Public Cloud keg recipes:

$ git clone https://github.com/SUSE-Enceladus/keg-recipes.git

$ mkdir sles15-sp4-byos

$ keg --recipes-root keg-recipes --dest-dir sles15-sp4-byos \

After the keg command completes the destination directory specified with --dest-dir contains a description for a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4 image for use in the Public Clouds. It can be processed with KIWI to build an image. For more details about KIWI image descriptions, see https://osinside.github.io/kiwi/image_description.html.

Recipes used to generate an image description can be spread over multiple repositories. For that purpose, the --recipes-root command line argument may be given multiple times, with each one specifying a different recipes repository. Repositories will be searched in the order they are specified, and for any dictionary key, config scriptlet, or overlay archive module that exists in multiple repositories, the one that is read last will be used.

Using multiple repositories for recipes can be useful in some situations. For example, if some parts of recipes data are public and some private, they can be kept in different repositories. It could also be used to base recipes on an upstream repository and only maintain additional image definitions or modifications in a separate repository.

Keg also provides support for producing image descriptions for use with the Open Build Service. It can generate _multibuild files that are required by OBS for image descriptions with multiple profiles, and it comes with an OBS Source Service plug-in for automating generating image descriptions. See Chapter 8, Keg OBS source service for details.

2 Installation


This document describes how to install Keg. Currently keg is available from PyPi and from the openSUSE Build Service for several openSUSE distributions. It is included in openSUSE Tumbleweed.

2.1 Installation from openSUSE Cloud:Tools repository

Keg is available for various openSUSE distributions from the Cloud:Tools repository in the openSUSE Build Service. Package name is python[py_version]-kiwi-keg.

2.2 Installation from PyPI

Keg can be obtained from the Python Package Index (PyPi) via Python’s package manager pip:

$ pip install kiwi_keg

3 Command Line

3.1 keg


keg [options] <source>


keg is a tool which helps to create and manage image descriptions suitable for the KIWI appliance builder. While keg can be used to manage a single image definition the tool provides no considerable advantage in such a use case. The primary use case for keg are situations where many image descriptions must be managed and the image descriptions have considerable overlap with respect to content and setup.

keg requires source data called recipes which provides all information necessary for keg to create KIWI image descriptions. See Chapter 4, Recipes basics for more information about recipes.

The recipes used for generating SUSE Public Cloud image descriptions can be found in the Public Cloud Keg Recipes repository.



Path to image source under RECIPES_ROOT/images


-r --recipes-root

Root directory of keg recipes. Can be used more than once. Elements from later roots may overwrite earlier one.

-d --dest-dir

Destination directory for generated description [default: .]


Option to disable creation of OBS _multibuild file (for image definitions with multiple profiles). [default: false]


Option to disable the creation of root.tar.gz in destination directory. If present, an overlay tree will be created instead. [default: false]


Dump generated data dictionary to stdout instead of generating an image description. Useful for debugging.

-l --list-recipes

List available images that can be created with the current recipes

-f --force

Force mode (ignore errors, overwrite files)


Format/Update Keg written image description to installed KIWI schema and write the result description in YAML markup


Currently no translation of comment blocks from the Keg generated KIWI description to the YAML markup will be performed.


Format/Update Keg written image description to installed KIWI schema and write the result description in XML markup


Currently only top-level header comments from the Keg written image description will be preserved into the formatted/updated KIWI XML file. Inline comments will not be preserved.

-i --image-version

Set image version


Generate image description for architecture ARCH (can be used multiple times)

-s --write-source-info

Write a file per profile containing a list of all used source locations. The files can used to generate a change log from the recipes repository commit log.

-v --verbose

Enable verbose output


Print version


git clone https://github.com/SUSE-Enceladus/keg-recipes.git

keg --recipes-root keg-recipes --dest-dir leap_description leap/jeos/15.2

3.2 generate_recipes_changelog


generate_recipes_changelog [options] <logfile>


generate_recipes_changelog generates a change log from the git commit history of one or more keg-recipes repositories. The input file is a source info log that is generated by keg when run with source tracking enabled (-s command line switch).

The exit status is 0 in case a change log was generated successfully, 1 in case an error occurred, or 2 in case no error occurred but generated change log is empty.



A source info log file produced by keg.



Write output to OUTPUT_FILE (stdout if omitted)


Set git revision range to REV for repo at PATH


This limits the applicable set of commits to the given revision spec. This can be used to select only newer changes from a previous change log generator run. See EXAMPLE below.


Output format, ‘text’ or ‘yaml’ [default: yaml]


Format spec for commit messages (see ‘format:<string>’ in ‘man git-log’) [default: - %s] (only used with text format)


Use ROOT_TAG for yaml output (e.g. image version)


generate_recipes_changelog -r /path/to/repo:12345678.. -t 1.1.8 log_sources

This will produce a YAML change log, namespaced with 1.1.8, intended as a version number, only considering commits after hash 12345678. If 12345678 was the hash of the HEAD commit in the checked out branch at /path/to/repo at the previous run of generate_recipes_changelog on the same data set, this would limit the change log to only contain newer changes. This method can be used to produce incremental change logs.

The change log will have the following format:

  - change: git message subject
    date: git commit UTC timestamp
    details: |-
      git message body

4 Recipes basics

To produce image descriptions, keg must be provided with source data, also called keg recipes. Unlike KIWI descriptions, keg recipes can be composed of an arbitrary number of files, which allows for creating building blocks for image descriptions. Keg does not mandate a specific structure of the recipes data, with the exception that it expects certain types of source data in specific directories.

This document describes the fundamental keg recipes structure and how keg processes input data to generate an image definition.

4.1 Recipes data layout

Essentially, a keg recipes repository conists of three top-level directories which contain different types of configuration data. Those three are:

  1. Image Definitions: images

    The images directory contains all image definitions. An image defintion specifies the properties and content of the image description to generate. Include statements in the image definition allow to reference chunks of content from the data modules. Image definitions are specifed in YAML format, can be modular and support data inheritence. See Chapter 5, Image definition for details.

  2. Data Modules: data

    The data directory contains different bits of configuration and content data that can be used to compose an image description. There are three different types of data modules:

    2.1 Image Definition Modules

    Any directory in data that is not file:scripts or file:overlayfiles is considered a module, or module tree, for image definition data. Those modules can be referenced in the image definitions using _include statements. The data is in YAML format and spports inheritence.

    2.2 Image Configuration Scriptlets

    Scriptlets can be used to compose optional configuration shell scripts that KIWI can run during the build process. The scriptlets are located in data/scripts.

    2.3 Overlay Files

    Image description may include overlay files that get copied into the target image. Keg can create overlay archives from overlay data directories. Overlay files trees are located in data/overlayfiles.

See Chapter 6, Data modules for details on data modules.

  • Schema Templates: schemas

Keg uses Jinja2 templates to produce the headers for config.sh and images.sh. Both are optional and keg will write a fallback header if they are missing. Additionally, a Jinja2 template can be used to generate config.kiwi instead of using the internal XML generator.

4.2 Source data format and processing

This section contains some general information about how keg handles its source data.

An image description is internally represented by a data dictionary with a certain structure. This dictionary gets composed by parsing source image definition and data files referenced by the image definition and merging them into a dictionary.

Image definitions as well as data modules are used by referencing a directory (under images or data respectively), which may be several layers of directories under the root directory. When parsing those, keg will also read any .yaml file that is in a directory above the referenced one, and merge all source data into one dictionary, with the lower (i.e. more specific) layers taking precedence over upper (i.e. more generic) ones. This inheritance mechanism is intended to reduce data duplication.

Keg uses namespaces in the image definition to group certain bits of information (for instance, a list of packages) which can be overwritten in derived modules, allowing for creating specialized versions of data modules for specific use case or different image description versions.

Once everything is merged, the resulting dictionary is validated against the image definition schema, to ensure its structure is correct and all required keys are present. If that is the case, keg runs the image dictionary through its XML generator to produce a config.kiwi file. In case the image definition contains configuration scripts or overlay archives specifications, keg will generate those as well.

5 Image definition

In keg terminology, an image definition is the data set that specifies the KIWI image description that should be generated. keg reads image definition from the images directory in the recipes root directory.

Keg considers all leaf directories in images to be image definitions. This means by parsing any YAML file from those directories and all YAML files in any parent directory and merging their data into a dictionary, a complete image definition needs to be available in the resulting dictionary. There is no specific hierarchy required in images. Any level of sub directories can be used to create multiple levels of inheritance, or simply just to group image definitions. Example directory layout:


This example layout defines two images, opensuse/leap/15.2 and opensuse/leap/15.3. It uses inheritance to define a common content definition for both image definitions, and to set some opensuse specific defaults. Running keg -d output_dir opensuse/leap/15.3 would merge data from the following files in the show order:


All keys from the individual YAML files that are in the given tree will be merged into a dictionary that defines the image to be generated.

5.1 Image definition structure

An image definition dictionary is composed of several parts that define different parts of the image. The actual image description, configuration scripts, overlay archives. All parts are defined under a top-level key in the dictionary. There are additional top-level keys that affect data parsing and generator selection.

The top-level keys are as follows:

5.1.1 image

The image dictionary. This is the only mandatory top-level key. It defines the content of the config.kiwi file keg should generate and is essentially a YAML version of KIWI's image description (typically in XML). It contains all image configuration properties, package lists, and references to overlay archives. There is a number of special keys that influence how keg constructs the dictionary and generates the XML output. The basic structure is as follows:

    schemaversion: "<schema_maj>.<schema_min>"
    name: <image_name>
    displayname: <image_boot_title>
      type: <system_type>
    author: <author_name>
    contact: <author_email>
    - version: <version_string>
    - _attributes:
          - <profile_name>
          image: <image_type>
            <kernel_param>: <kernel_param_value>
            unit: <size_unit>
          _text: <disk_size>
      - _attributes:
          name: <user_name>
          groups: <user_groups>
          home: <user_home>
          password: <user_password>
    - _attributes:
        type: image|bootstrap
          - <profile>
          name: <archive_filename>
          - _attributes:
              name: <package_name>
              arch: <package_arch>
      - _attributes:
          name: <profile_name>
          description: <profile_description>

This only outlines the structure and includes some of the configuration keys that KIWI supports. See KIWI Image Description for full details.

For the purpose of generating the KIWI XML image description, any key in the image dictionary that is not a plain data type is converted to an XML element in the KIWI image description, with the tag name being the key name. Any key that starts with an _ has a special meaning. The following are supported:


If a key contains a sub key called _attributes, it instructs the XML generator to produce an attribute for the XML element with the given key name and value as its name-value pair. If value is not a plain data type, it is converted to a string, which allows for complex attributes being split over different files and also for redefinition on lower levels. For example:

    image: vmx
      console: ttyS0
      debug: []

Would generate the following XML element:

<type image="vmx" kernelcmdline="console=ttyS0 debug"/>

The empty list used as value for debug means the attribute parameter is valueless (i.e. a flag).


If a key contains a key called _text, its value is considered the element’s content string.


Any key that start with _namespace does not produce an XML element in the output. Namespaces are used to group data and allow for an inheritance and overwrite mechanism. Namespaces produce comments in the XML output that states which namespace the enclosed data was part of.


If a key contains a key _map_attribute, which needs to be a string type, any _attribute key under the key that is a simple list instead of the actually required mapping, is automatically converted to a mapping with the attribute key equal to _map_attribute value. For example:

  _map_attribute: name
      - pkg1
      - pkg2

Is automatically converted to:

    - _attribute:
        name: pkg1
    - _attribute:
        name: pkg1
    - _attributes:
        name: archive1.tar.gz

This allows for making lists of elements that all have the same attribute (which package lists typically have) more compact and readable.


Any key that has a key that starts with _comment will have a comment above it in the XML output, reading the value of the _comment key (needs to be a string).

5.1.2 config

The config dictionary defines the content of the config.sh file keg should generate. config.sh is a script that KIWI runs during the image prepare step and can be used to modify the image’s configuration. The config dictionary structure is as follows:

  - profiles:
      - <profile_name>
        - path: <file>
          append: bool (defaults to False if missing)
          content: string
        - <script>
        - <service_name>
        - name: <service_name>
          enable: bool
        - file: <sysconfig_file>
          name: <sysconfig_variable>
          value: string

Each list item in config produces a section in config.sh, with the optional profiles key defining for which image profile that section should apply. Each item can have the following keys (all are optional, but there has to be at least one):

files defines files that should be created (or overwritten if existing) with the given content or have content appended to in config.sh.

scripts defines which scriptlets should be included. <script> refers to a file data/scripts/<script>.sh in the recipes tree.

services defines which systemd services and timers should be enabled or disabled in the image. The short version (just a string) means the string is the service name and it should be enabled.

defines which existing sysconfig variables should the altered.


<namespace> defines a namespace with the same purpose as in the image dictionary, but config namespaces don’t have to start with _, but are allowed to.

5.1.3 setup

The config dictionary defines the content of the images.sh file keg should generate. This script is run by KIWI during the image create step. Its structure is identical to config.

See User defined scripts in the KIWI documentation for more details on user scripts.

5.1.4 archive

The archive dictionary defines the content of overlay tar archives, that can be included in the image via the archive sub-section of the packages section of the image dictionary. The structure is as follows:

  - name: <archive_filename>
        - <overlay_module>

When generating the image description, keg will produce a tar archive for each entry in archive with the given file name, with its contents being composed of all files that are in the listed overlay modules. Each module references a directory in data/overlayfiles.

Keg automatically compresses the archive based on the file name extension. Supported are gz, , xz, or no extension for uncompressed archive.


The archive name root.tar (regardless of compression extension) is automatically included in all profiles (if there are any) by KIWI. It is not necessary to include it explicitly in the image definition.

5.2 The _include statement

Keg supports importing parts of the image definition from other directory trees within the recipes to allow for modularization. For that purpose, a key in the image dictionary may have a sub-key called _include. Its value is a list of strings, each of which points to a directory in the data sub-directory of the recipes root. To process the instruction, keg generates another dictionary from all YAML files in the referenced directory trees (the same mechanism as when parsing the images tree applies). It then looks up the key in that dictionary that is equal to the parent key of the _include key, and replaces the _include key with its contents. That means, if the _include statement is below a key called packages, only data under packages in the include dictionary will be copied into the image definition dictionary. This allows for having different types of configuration data in the same directory and including them in different places in the image definition. See Chapter 6, Data modules for details on data modules.

5.3 Additional configuration directives

There are three additional optional top-level image definition sections that affect how the image definition dictionary is composed and the image description is generated:

5.3.1 include-paths

The include-paths key defines a list of search paths that get appended when _include statements are processed. This allows for having different versions of data modules and still share the most of an image definition between different versions. See Chapter 6, Data modules for details.

5.3.2 image-config-comments

This section allows to add top-level comments in the produced KIWI file. The format is as follows:

  <comment_name>: <comment>

<comment_name> is just a name and is not included in the generated output. Comments can be used to include arbitrary information in the image description. Some comments have a special meaning for processing image descriptions by the Open Build Service, for instance the OBS-Profiles directive that is required to process multi-profile image descriptions. See https://osinside.github.io/kiwi/working_with_images/build_in_buildservice.html for details.


Keg generates some comments automatically. In case the image definition has multiple profiles and the --disable-multibuild command line switch is not set, it will add an OBS-Profiles: @BUILD_FLAVOR@ comment. In case the image description is generated for one or more specific architectures via the -a command line option, the apprpriate OBS-ExclusiveArch comment is added.

5.3.3 xmlfiles

This optional section allows generating additional custom XML files. The format is as follows:

  - name: <filename>

For each list item in this section, an XML file named <filename> will be created, with the content being generated from the <content_dictionary>. For this dictionary the same rules about formatting, including, namespacing, etc., apply as for the image dictionary.

Custom XML files can be useful when generating image descriptions for use in the Open Build Service, which accepts build configuration directives via XML source files, like the _constraints file. See https://openbuildservice.org/help/manuals/obs-user-guide/cha.obs.build_job_constraints.html for details.

5.3.4 schema

Keg starting with version 2.0.0 has an internal XML generator to produce KIWI image descriptions. Previously, a Jinja2 template was used to convert the image dictionary that keg constructed into a KIWI image description. Using a Jinja2 template is still supported and can be configured as follows in the image definition:

schema: <template>

In this case, instead of running the XML generator, keg would read the file <template>.kiwi.templ from the schemas directory in the recipes root directory and run it trough the Jinja2 engine.


While using a Jinja2 template would in theory allow to operate on different input data structures, the internal schema validator requires the image definition to comply with what keg expects.

6 Data modules

Data modules are essentially directories in the data tree. There are three different kinds of data modules:

  • Image Definition Modules

Any part of the image definition can be in a data module that is included by the _include statement from the main image definition.

  • Image Configuration Scriptlets

Configuration scriptlets are stored in data/scripts. Those scriptlets can be used to compose an image configuration script or image setup script config and setup key in the image definition.

  • Overlay Files

Files that can be directly included in the image description and will be copied into the image’s file system by KIWI during the build process. Overlay files are stored under data/overlayfiles.

6.1 Image definition modules

Any directory under data that is not scripts or overlayfiles is considered an image definition data module and may be included in the main image definition using the _include statement.

Inheritance rules apply similarly to the image definition tree, but additionally, keg supports sub-versions of data modules. This can be used for instance to create slightly different versions of modules for use with different image versions while still sharing most of the image definition between those versions.

For this purpose, keg supports the include-paths directive in the image definition. Include paths are paths that get appended to any source path and those get scanned for input files as well. See the following image definition as an example:

    - _include:
        - base/common
    - _include:
        - base/common
    - _include:
        - base/common

This tells keg, when adding data from directory data/base/common to the image data dictionary, to also look into sub directories leap15/2, leap15/1, and leap15 (through inheritance). This would lead to the following directories being scanned:


This allows for example to put generic configuration bits in data/common/base, Leap 15 specific configuration in data/common/base/leap15, and adjust the configuration for minor versions, if necessary.

When merging the included dictionaries into the main dictionary, keg only copies the dictionary under the top level key that matches the key under which the _include statement is. That means, assuming the YAML files collected from the above trees resulted in the following data structure:

  locale: en_US
  timezone: UTC
      firmware: efi
      image: vmx
      - bash
      - glibc
      - kernel-default
      - sshd

Would result in a data structure like this:

    locale: en_US
    timezone: UTC
        firmware: efi
        image: vmx
        - bash
        - glibc
        - kernel-default
      - sshd

Merging based on the parent key allows for grouping of different types of configuration data in one data module.

6.2 Image configuration scriptlets

Configuration scriptlets are individual script snippets that can be used to generate image configuration scripts. KIWI runs those scripts at certain points in the image build process. They can be used to do changes to the system’s configuration.

The scriptlets are located in data/scripts and are required to have a .sh suffix. These are referenced in the scripts lists of the config or setup sections in the image definition (without the .sh suffix). See Section 5.1.2, “config” for details on the config section.

6.3 Overlay files

KIWI image descriptions can contain optional overlay archives, which will be extracted into the system’s root directory before the image is created. Overlay files are located in sub-directories in data/overlayfiles, with each sub-directory representing an overlay files module. Any directory structure under the module’s top directory is preserved.

Overlay files modules can be referenced in the archive section of the image definition using the _include_overlays directive. See Section 5.1.4, “archive” for details.

7 Generating change logs

Keg comes with a separate tool that can be used to produce a change log for a generated image description from the git commit history of the used keg recipes tree(s). This obviously requires these keg recipes to be stored in git repositories.

To produce a change log for an image description, the description needs to be generated with source info tracking enabled in keg (-s command line switch).

7.1 Source info tracking

With source info tracking enabled, keg will write one or more source info files in addition to the image description in the output directory. In case the image description at hand is single-build, a single file log_sources is written, in case it is multi-build, a file log_sources_PROFILE is written for each profile. This allows for generating individual change logs for the resulting image binaries.

The source info logs contain detailed information about which bits from the keg-recipes tree was used to generate the image description. The source info log files will contain several lines of the following format:


The first line specifies the repository location. There will be one for each keg-recipes directory given to keg. Lines starting with range: specify a part of a file in a repository. This is used to track the source location of each key that was in the final image dictionary. The third line format simply specifies a file or a directory in the repository that was used in the image description, and is used for configuration script snippets and overlay files.

This enables the change log generator to produce a change log using the git commit history, selecting only commits that apply to the generated image description.

7.2 Change log generator

The generated source info log files, together with the keg-recipes in the place and state they were used to generate the image description, can be used to generate change logs. The keg distribution contains a tool generate_recipes_changelog for that purpose. When called with a source log file as argument, generate_recipes_changelog will use the source information to select matching git messages and produce a change log in chronological order. There are parameters to to narrow down the applicable commit range as well as some formatting options. Refer to Section 3.2, “generate_recipes_changelog” command overview for details.

7.3 Integration in OBS source service

The keg distribution contains a module for integrating with the Open Build Service, an implementation of a so-called OBS Source Service. It supports automatic handling of change log generation. See Chapter 8, Keg OBS source service for details.

8 Keg OBS source service

The OBS Source Service for keg provides a mechanism to produce kiwi image descriptions for use with the Open Build Service in an automated fashion. The OBS Source Service, named compose_kiwi_description, checks out any given keg-recipes repositories, runs keg to produce the specified image description, and optionally produces change log files and stores the HEAD commit hashed of the keg-recipes repositories to be used for the next source service run.

To set up an OBS package as a keg source service package, simply create a file named _service in your package directory. The contents of the file should look like the following:

    <service name="compose_kiwi_description">
        <param name="git-recipes">https://github.com/SUSE-Enceladus/keg-recipes.git</param>
        <param name="git-branch">released</param>
        <param name="image-source">cross-cloud/sles/byos/15-sp3</param>

In this example, the released branch of the public keg-recipes repository for SUSE Linux Enterprise images hosted on github is used as source and the selected image source is cross-cloud/sles/byos/15-sp3. Running the source service will produce a description for a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3 BYOS image for several cloud service provider frameworks.

The parameters <git-recipes> and <git-branch> may be used multiple times if the image description should be composed from more than one repository.

There are a few additional optional parameters:

  • arch (string)

Set build target architecture. Can be used multiple times.

  • image-version (string)

Set image version. If no version is given, the version number of the existing image description will be used with the patch level increased by one.

  • version-bump (true|false)

Whether the patch version number should be incremented. Ignored if --image-version is set. If set to false and --image-version is not set, the image version defined in the recipes will be used. If no image version is defined, image description generation will fail. Default is true.

  • update-changelogs (true|false)

Whether changes.yaml files should be updated. Default is true.

  • update-revisions (true|false)

Whether _keg_revisions (used for storing current commit IDs) should be updated. Default is true.

  • force (true|false)

If true, refresh image description even if there are no new commits. Default is false.

The system the source service is run on needs to have keg and obs-service-keg installed. Refer to the Using Source Services section of the OBS manual about details on how to run the source service and which operating modes are available.