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Building Linux System Appliances

Publication Date: 05 Feb 2025



This documentation covers KIWI Next Generation (KIWI NG) 10.2.2- the command line utility to build Linux system appliances. If you are using a KIWI NG schema version older than v74, upgrade the kiwi file as follows:

$ xsltproc /usr/share/kiwi/xsl_to_v74/update.xsl config.xml|*.kiwi

1 The Appliance Concept

An appliance is a ready to use image of an operating system including a pre-configured application for a specific use case. The appliance is provided as an image file and needs to be deployed to, or activated in the target system or service.

KIWI NG can create appliances in various forms: beside classical installation ISOs and images for virtual machines it can also build images that boot via PXE or Vagrant boxes.

In KIWI NG, the appliance is specified via a collection of human readable files in a directory, also called the image description. At least one XML file config.xml or .kiwi is required. In addition there may as well be other files like scripts or configuration data.

2 Use Cases

The following list shows a selection of use cases for which an appliance is needed:

Private and Public Clouds

Cloud environments are managed through an API provided by the cloud service provider. The classic way to install a machine is not possible in such an environment because there is no physical access to the machine. An appliance is needed to be registered with the cloud

Custom Linux Distribution

Linux distributors provides their distribution based on a collection of packages and release them on an install media like a DVD or an USB stick. Typically a lot more software components exists for the distribution which are not part of the default installation media or the installation media comes with software and installation routines that are not matching your target audience. With an appliance made by KIWI NG you can create provide an installation media that matches custom criteria as needed by the customer and does not require extra post processing steps after the default installation method provided by the distributor.

Live Systems

The ability to have a Linux OS that runs from a small storage device like a USB stick or a SD card is the swiss army knife of many system administrators. The creation of such a live system includes use of technologies that are not part of a standard installation process. An appliance builder is needed to create this sort of system

Embedded Systems

Embedded Systems like the Raspberry Pi comes with limited hardware components. Their boot sequences often does not allow for classic installation methods through USB or DVD devices. Instead they boot through SD card slots or via the network. SoC (System on Chip) devices also tend to implement non standard boot methods which can only be implemented through custom OS appliances.

And More

3 Contact

  • Mailing list

    The kiwi-images group is an open group and anyone can subscribe, even if you do not have a Google account.

  • Matrix

    An open network for secure, decentralized communication. Please find the #kiwi:matrix.org room via Matrix on the web or by using the supported clients.

1 Overview



This document provides a conceptual overview about the steps of creating an image with KIWI NG. It also explains the terminology regarding the concept and process when building system images with KIWI NG 10.2.2.

1.1 Basic Workflow



Installation of a Linux system generally occurs by booting the target system from an installation source such as an installation CD/DVD, a live CD/DVD, or a network boot environment (PXE). The installation process is often driven by an installer that interacts with the user to collect information about the installation. This information generally includes the software to be installed, the timezone, system user data, and other information. Once all the information is collected, the installer installs the software onto the target system using packages from the software sources (repositories) available. After the installation is complete the system usually reboots and enters a configuration procedure upon start-up. The configuration may be fully automatic or it may include user interaction.

This description applies for version 10.2.2.

A system image (usually called “image”), is a complete installation of a Linux system within a file. The image represents an operational system and, optionally, contains the “final” configuration.

The behavior of the image upon deployment varies depending on the image type and the image configuration since KIWI NG allows you to completely customize the initial start-up behavior of the image. Among others, this includes images that:

  • can be deployed inside an existing virtual environment without requiring configuration at start-up.

  • automatically configure themselves in a known target environment.

  • prompt the user for an interactive system configuration.

The image creation process with KIWI NG is automated and does not require any user interaction. The information required for the image creation process is provided by the primary configuration file named config.xml. This file is validated against the schema documented in: Chapter 8, Image Description.

In addition, the image can optionally be customized using the config.sh and images.sh scripts and by using an overlay tree (directory) called root. See Components of an Image Description section for further details.


Previous Knowledge

This documentation assumes that you are familiar with the general concepts of Linux, including the boot process, and distribution concepts such as package management.

1.1.1 Components of an Image Description

A KIWI NG image description can composed by several parts. The main part is the KIWI NG description file itself (named config.xml or an arbitrary name plus the *.kiwi extension). The configuration XML is the only required component, others are optional.

These are the optional components of an image description:

  1. config.sh shell script

    Is the configuration shell script that runs at the end of the Section 7.10.1, “The Prepare Step” if present. It can be used to fine tune the unpacked image.

    Note that the script is directly invoked by the operating system if its executable bit is set. Otherwise it is called by bash instead.

  2. images.sh shell script

    Is the configuration shell script that runs at the beginning of the create step. So it is expected to be used to handle image type specific tasks. It is called in a similar fashion as config.sh

  3. Overlay tree directory

    The overlay tree is a folder (called root) or a tarball file (called root.tar.gz) that contains files and directories that will be copied to the target image build tree during the Section 7.10.1, “The Prepare Step”. It is executed after all the packages included in the config.xml file have been installed. Any already present file is overwritten.

  4. CD root user data

    For live ISO images and install ISO images an optional cdroot archive is supported. This is a tar archive matching the name config-cdroot.tar[.compression_postfix]. If present it will be unpacked as user data on the ISO image. This is mostly useful to add e.g license files or user documentation on the CD/DVD which can be read directly without booting from the media.

  5. Archives included in the config.xml file.

    The archives that are included in the <packages> using the <archive> subsection:

    <packages type="image">
        <archive name="custom-archive.tgz"/>

1.2 Conceptual Overview

A system image (usually called “image”), is a complete installation of a Linux system within a file. The image represents an operation system and, optionally, contains the “final” configuration.

KIWI NG creates images in a two step process:

  1. The first step, the prepare operation, generates a so-called unpacked image tree (directory) using the information provided in the image description.

  2. The second step, the create operation, creates the packed image or image in the specified format based on the unpacked image and the information provided in the configuration file.

The image creation process with KIWI NG is automated and does not require any user interaction. The information required for the image creation process is provided by the image description.

1.3 Terminology


An appliance is a ready to use image of an operating system including a pre-configured application for a specific use case. The appliance is provided as an image file and needs to be deployed to, or activated in the target system or service.


The result of a KIWI NG build process.

Image Description

Specification to define an appliance. The image description is a collection of human readable files in a directory. At least one XML file config.xml or .kiwi is required. In addition there may be as well other files like scripts or configuration data. These can be used to customize certain parts either of the KIWI NG build process or of the initial start-up behavior of the image.

Overlay Files

A directory structure with files and subdirectories stored as part of the Image Description. This directory structure is packaged as a file root.tar.gz or stored inside a directory named root. Additional overlay directories for selected profiles are supported too and are taken into account if the directory name matches the name of the profile. The content of each of the directory structures is copied on top of the existing file system (overlayed) of the appliance root. This also includes permissions and attributes as a supplement.


An OS appliance builder.

Virtualization Technology

Software simulated computer hardware. A virtual machine acts like a real computer, but is separated from the physical hardware. Within this documentation the QEMU virtualization system is used. Another popular alternative is Virtualbox.

1.4 System Requirements

To use and run KIWI NG, you need:

  • A recent Linux distribution, see Section 5.1, “Build Host Constraints” for details.

  • Enough free disk space to build and store the image. We recommend a minimum of 15GB.

  • Python version 3.5 or higher

  • Git (package git) to clone a repository.

  • Any virtualization technology to start the image. We recommend QEMU.

2 Installation


This document describes how to install KIWI NG.

Apart from the preferred method to install KIWI NG via a distribution package manager, it is also available on pypi and can be installed using Python’s package manager pip as follows:

$ sudo pip install kiwi

2.1 Installation from OBS

The most up to date packages of KIWI NG can be found on the Open Build Service in the Virtualization:Appliances:Builder project.

To install KIWI NG, follow these steps:

  1. Open the URL https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Virtualization:/Appliances:/Builder in your browser.

  2. Right-click on the link of your preferred operating system and copy the URL. In Firefox it is the menu Copy link address.

  3. Insert the copied URL from the last step into your shell. The DIST placeholder contains the respective distribution. Use zypper addrepo to add it to the list of your repositories:

    $ sudo zypper addrepo \
          http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Virtualization:/Appliances:/Builder/<DIST> \
  4. Install KIWI NG:

    $ sudo zypper --gpg-auto-import-keys install python3-kiwi

Other Distributions

If your distribution is not using zypper, please use your package manager’s appropriate command instead. For dnf, as an example, that is:

$ sudo dnf config-manager \
      --add-repo https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Virtualization:/Appliances:/Builder/<DIST>/Virtualization:Appliances:Builder.repo

$ sudo dnf install python3-kiwi

2.2 Installation from Distribution Repositories

Some Linux distributions ship KIWI NG in their official repositories. These include openSUSE and Fedora since version 28. Note, these packages tend to not be as up to date as the packages from OBS, so some features described here might not exist yet.


There are many packages that contain the name kiwi in their name, some of these are not even python packages. Please double check the packages’ description whether it is actually the KIWI NG Appliance builder before installing it. Please also note, depending on how the responsible packager has integrated KIWI NG into the distribution, the install name can be different from the instructions provided in: Installation from OBS

To install KIWI NG for the desired distribution, run the following command:

$ sudo zypper install python3-kiwi
$ sudo dnf install kiwi-cli

2.3 Installation for SUSE Linux Enterprise

KIWI NG is available and supported for SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE). The recommended and supported way is to install KIWI NG by using zypper.

However, if you rely on some plugins for KIWI NG, either the plugin itself or any dependencies might not be available for your service pack.

If you want to proceed anyway, keep these things in mind:

  • Plugins that are not provided by SLE are not supported.

  • You probably need to install dependencies via pip. The pip command installs these dependencies from PyPI (the Python Package Index). However, this approach will not update the RPM database.

  • Depending on your security concerns, installing Python packages outside the secured SLE installation may not be desirable.

  • Python packages installed from PyPI won’t contain any SUSE customizations.

  • Depending on your extension and its dependencies, you might even need a more recent Python version.

2.4 Example Appliance Descriptions

There are two places for example appliance descriptions:

The KIWI NG build tests:

The KIWI NG project itself hosts a collection of appliance descriptions which are used for integration testing of the KIWI NG builder itself. These descriptions are required to build prior any KIWI NG release and are also used as the base for this documentation. Please check them out when working with this reference guide:

$ git clone https://github.com/OSInside/kiwi

$ tree -L 3 kiwi/build-tests
The KIWI NG community descriptions project:

There is a GitHub project hosting example appliance descriptions to be used with the next generation KIWI NG. Contributions from the community makes up the contents of this repository and users who need an example for a specific use case and distribution can clone the project as follows:

$ git clone https://github.com/OSInside/kiwi-descriptions

3 Quick Start



This document describes how to start working with KIWI NG, an OS appliance builder. This description applies for version 10.2.2.

3.1 Before you start

  1. Install KIWI NG first, either via your distributions’ package manager (see Chapter 2, Installation) or via:

    $ sudo pip install kiwi
  2. Clone the KIWI NG repository containing example appliances (see Section 2.4, “Example Appliance Descriptions”):

    $ git clone https://github.com/OSInside/kiwi

In case the following procedure causes any trouble please take a look at the Chapter 5, Troubleshooting chapter and/or reach out at: Section 3, “Contact”

3.2 Choose a First Image

Find example appliance descriptions in the KIWI NG repository checkout as follows:

$ tree -L 3 kiwi/build-tests

Take a look which images are available in the example appliances repository and select one that matches your desired image as close as possible. Or just use the one given in the examples below.

3.3 Build your First Image

Your first image will be a simple system disk image which can run in any full virtualization system like QEMU. Invoke the following KIWI NG command in order to build it:

$ sudo kiwi-ng system build \
    --description kiwi/build-tests/x86/leap/test-image-disk \
    --set-repo obs://openSUSE:Leap:15.5/standard \
    --target-dir /tmp/myimage

The resulting image will be placed into the folder /tmp/myimage with the suffix .raw.

If you don’t wish to create a openSUSE Leap 15.5 image, substitute the folder following the --description option with another folder that contains the image description which you selected.

3.4 Run your Image

Running an image actually means booting the operating system. In order to do that attach the disk image to a virtual system. In this example we use QEMU and boot it as follows:

$ sudo qemu -boot c \
    -drive file=kiwi-test-image-disk.x86_64-1.15.3.raw,format=raw,if=virtio \
    -m 4096 -serial stdio

3.5 Tweak and Customize your Image

Now that you have successfully built and started your first image, you can start tweaking it to match your needs.

4 Working from the Command Line


This document provides a list of the existing KIWI Next Generation (KIWI NG) commands for version 10.2.2.

4.1 kiwi-ng


kiwi-ng [global options] service <command> [<args>]

kiwi-ng -h | --help
kiwi-ng [--profile=<name>...]
    image <command> [<args>...]
kiwi-ng [--logfile=<filename>]
    result <command> [<args>...]
kiwi-ng [--profile=<name>...]
    system <command> [<args>...]
kiwi-ng -v | --version
kiwi-ng help


KIWI NG is an imaging solution that is based on an image XML description. A description can consist of a single config.xml or .kiwi file. It may also include additional files, such as scripts or configuration data.

A collection of example image descriptions can be found in the following GitHub repository: https://github.com/OSInside/kiwi-descriptions. Most of the descriptions provide a so-called appliance image. Appliance is a small, text-based image including a predefined remote source setup to allow installation of missing software components.

Although KIWI NG operates in two steps, the system build command combines both steps into one to make it easier to start with KIWI NG.

The first step is to prepare a directory that includes the contents of a new filesystem based on one or more software package sources. The second step uses the prepared contents of the new image root tree to create an output image.

KIWI NG supports the creation of the following image types:

  • ISO Live Systems

  • virtual disk for e.g cloud frameworks

  • OEM expandable disk for system deployment from ISO or the network

  • file system images for deployment in a PXE boot environment

Depending on the image type, different disk formats and architectures are supported.



Use escape sequences to print different types of information in colored output. for this option to work, the underlying terminal must support those escape characters. Error messages appear in red, warning messages in yellow, and debugging information is printed in light grey.


Use specified runtime configuration file. If not specified, the runtime configuration is expected to be in the ~/.config/kiwi/config.yml or /etc/kiwi.yml files.


Print debug information on the command line. Same as: --loglevel 10.


Run scripts called by KIWI NG in a screen session.


Specify log file. The logfile contains detailed information about the process. The special call: --logfile stdout sends all information to standard out instead of writing to a file.


Send log data to the specified Unix Domain socket in the same format as with --logfile.


Specify logging level as a number. Further info about the available log levels can be found at: https://docs.python.org/3/library/logging.html#logging-levels Setting a log level displays all messages above the specified level.

| Level    | Numeric value |
| CRITICAL | 50            |
| ERROR    | 40            |
| WARNING  | 30            |
| INFO     | 20            |
| DEBUG    | 10            |
| NOTSET   | 0             |

Select profile to use. The specified profile must be part of the XML description. The option can be specified multiple times to allow a combination of profiles.


Specify an alternative shared cache directory. The directory is shared via bind mount between the build host and image root system, and it contains information about package repositories and their cache and meta data. The default location is /var/cache/kiwi.


Specify an alternative base temporary directory. The provided path is used as base directory to store temporary files and directories. Default is /var/tmp.


Specify an image architecture. By default, the host architecture is used as the image architecture. If the specified architecture name does not match the host architecture (thus requesting a cross architecture image build), you must configure the support for the image architecture and binary format on the building host. This must be done during the preparation stage, and it is beyond the scope of KIWI NG.


Select an image build type. The specified build type must be configured as part of the XML description.


Basename of kiwi file that contains the main image configuration elements. If not specified, kiwi uses a file named config.xml or a file matching *.kiwi


Show program version


$ git clone https://github.com/OSInside/kiwi

$ sudo kiwi-ng system build \
    --description kiwi/build-tests/x86/leap/test-image-disk \
    --set-repo obs://openSUSE:Leap:15.5/standard \
    --target-dir /tmp/myimage

4.2 kiwi-ng result list


kiwi-ng [global options] service <command> [<args>]

kiwi-ng result list -h | --help
kiwi-ng result list --target-dir=<directory>
kiwi-ng result list help


List build results from a previous build or create command. During multiple image builds with the same target directory, the build result information is overwritten every time you build an image. This means that the build result list is valid for the last build only.



Directory containing the KIWI NG build results.

4.3 kiwi-ng result bundle


kiwi-ng [global options] service <command> [<args>]

kiwi-ng result bundle -h | --help
kiwi-ng result bundle --target-dir=<directory> --id=<bundle_id> --bundle-dir=<directory>
kiwi-ng result bundle help


Create a result bundle from the image build in the specified target directory. Each resulting image contains the specified bundle identifier as part of its filename. Uncompressed image files are also compressed as an XZ archive. An SHA checksum is generated for each resulting image.



Directory containing the bundle results, compressed versions of image results, and SHA checksum files.


Specify the bundle format to create the bundle. If provided, this setting will overwrite an eventually provided bundle_format attribute from the main image description. The format string can contain placeholders for the following elements:

  • %N : Image name

  • %P : Concatenated profile name (_)

  • %A : Architecture name

  • %I : Bundle ID

  • %T : Image build type name

  • %M : Image Major version number

  • %m : Image Minor version number

  • %p : Image Patch version number

  • %v : Image Version string


Bundle ID. It is a free-form text appended to the image version information as part of the result image filename.


Directory containing the KIWI NG build results.


Download location of the bundle file or files. Only relevant if zsync is used to sync the bundle.

  • The zsync control file is created for the bundle files marked for compression.

  • All files in a bundle must be stored in the same download location.


Create an RPM package containing the result files.

4.4 kiwi-ng system prepare


kiwi-ng [global options] service <command> [<args>]

kiwi-ng system prepare -h | --help
kiwi-ng system prepare --description=<directory> --root=<directory>
kiwi-ng system prepare help


Create a new image root directory. The prepare step sets up a new image root directory from the specified XML description. The specified directory acts as a root directory of the new image root system. You can enter the system as root via chroot using the following command:

$ chroot <directory> bash



Specify a package to install as part of the early KIWI NG bootstrap phase. The option can be specified multiple times.


Add a container label to the container configuration metadata. It overwrites the label with the provided key-value pair if it was already defined in the XML description.


Specify a package to add (install). The option can be specified multiple times.


Add a new repository to the existing repository setup in the XML description. This option can be specified multiple times. For details about the supported option values, see the –set-repo information below


For uri://user:pass@location type repositories, set the user and password connected with an add-repo specification. If the provided value is a filename in the filesystem, the first line of the file is used as credentials.


Allow to re-use an existing image root directory.


Delete repository cache for each of the used repositories before installing any package. This is useful if an image build validates the signature of the package from the original repository source for any build. Some package managers unconditionally trust the contents of the cache, which works for cache data dedicated to one build. In case of KIWI NG, the cache is shared between multiple image builds on the host for performance reasons.


Specify a package to delete. The option can be specified multiple times.


Path to the KIWI NG XML description. The directory must contain at least a config.xml of *.kiwi XML description.


Ignore all repository configurations in the XML description. This option is normally used in combination with the --add-repo` option. Otherwise, an image build operation results in an error.


Works the same way as --ignore-repos,` but the repository configurations that have the imageonly attribute set to true are not ignored.


Path to the new root system.


Overwrite the first repository entry in the XML description with the provided information:

  • source

    Source URL pointing to a package repository that must be in a format supported by the selected package manager. See the URI_TYPES section for details about the supported source locators.

  • type

    Repository type: rpm-md, apt-deb.

  • alias

    An alias name for the repository. If not specified, KIWI NG generates an alias name based hex representation of uuid4. While the hex is used to uniquely identify the repository, it is not descriptive. We recommend to use a descriptive and unique alias name.

  • priority

    A number indicating the repository priority. How the value is evaluated depends on the selected package manager. Refer to the package manager documentation for details about the supported priority ranges and their meaning.

  • imageinclude

    Set to either true or false to specify if the repository is part of the system image repository setup or not.

  • package_gpgcheck

    Set to either true or false to specify if the repository must validate the package signatures.

    • {signing_keys}

    List of signing_keys enclosed in curly brackets and delimited by the semicolon. The reference to a signing key must be provided in the URI format.

  • components

    Component list for Debian-based repos as a space-delimited string.

  • distribution

    Main distribution name for Debian-based repos.

  • repo_gpgcheck

    Set to either true or false to specify if the repository must validate the repository signature.


For uri://user:pass@location type repositories, set the user and password connected to the set-repo specification. If the provided value is a filename in the filesystem, the first line of that file is used as credentials.


Overwrite the source location of the base container for the selected image type. The setting is only effective if the configured image type is setup with an initial derived_from reference


Overwrite the container tag in the container configuration. The setting applies only if the container configuration provides an initial tag value.


Overwrite/set the attribute with the provided value in the selected build type section. Example: --set-type-attr volid=some


Overwrite/set the release-version element in the selected build type preferences section


Set the key file to be trusted and imported into the package manager database before performing any operation. This is useful if an image build validates repository and package signatures during build time. This option can be specified multiple times.

4.5 kiwi-ng system update


kiwi-ng [global options] service <command> [<args>]

kiwi-ng system update -h | --help
kiwi-ng system update --root=<directory>
kiwi-ng system update help


Update a previously prepare image root tree. The update command refreshes the contents of the root directory according to the repository setup of the image XML description. The update command can also be used to add or remove packages from the image root tree.



Specify a package to add (install). The option can be specified multiple times.


Specify a package to delete. The option can be specified multiple times.


Path to the root directory of the image.

4.6 kiwi-ng system build


kiwi-ng [global options] service <command> [<args>]

kiwi-ng system build -h | --help
kiwi-ng system build --description=<directory> --target-dir=<directory>
kiwi-ng system build help


Build an image in one step. The build command combines preparation and building steps, which makes it possible to create an image with a single command. The build command creates the root directory of the image under <target-dir>/build/image-root and writes a log file <target-dir>/build/image-root.log. The result image files are created in the specified target directory.



Specify package to install as part of the early KIWI NG bootstrap phase. The option can be specified multiple times.


Add a container label in the container configuration metadata. It overwrites the label with the provided key-value pair if it is already defined in the XML description.


Specify package to add (install). The option can be specified multiple times.


Add a new repository to the existing repository setup in the XML description. This option can be specified multiple times. For details about the possible option values see the –set-repo information below.


For uri://user:pass@location repositories, set the user and password associated with an add-repo specification. If the provided value describes a filename in the filesystem, the first line of that file is used as credentials.


Use an existing root directory from a previous build attempt. Use with caution, because this can cause an inconsistent root tree if the existing contents does not fit to the previous image type setup.


Delete repository cache for each of the used repositories before installing any package. This is useful when an image build validates the signature of the package from the original repository source for any build. Some package managers unconditionally trust the contents of the cache, which works for cache data dedicated to one build. In case of KIWI NG, the cache is shared between multiple image builds on that host for performance reasons.


Specify package to delete. The option can be specified multiple times.


Path to an XML description. This is a directory containing at least one _config.xml_ or _*.kiwi_ XML file.


Ignore all repository configurations from the XML description. This option is used in combination with the --add-repo` option. Otherwise, there are no repositories available for an image build, which leads to an error.


Works the same way as --ignore-repos, except that repository configuration with the imageonly attribute set to true is not ignored.


Overwrite the first repository entry in the XML description with the provided information:

  • source

    Source URL pointing to a package repository that must be in a format supported by the selected package manager. See the URI_TYPES section for details about the supported source locators.

  • type

    Repository type: rpm-md, apt-deb.

  • alias

    An alias name for the repository. If not specified, KIWI NG generates an alias name as result of hex representation from uuid4. While the hex is used to uniquely identify the repository, it is not descriptive. We recommend using descriptive aliases.

  • priority

    A number indicating the repository priority. How the value is evaluated depends on the selected package manager. Refer to the package manager documentation for details about the supported priority ranges and their meaning.

  • imageinclude

    Set to either true or false to indicate if the repository is be part of the system image repository setup or not.

  • package_gpgcheck

    Set to either true or false to indicate if the repository should validate the package signatures.

  • {signing_keys}

    List of signing_keys enclosed in curly brackets and delimited by the semicolon. The reference to a signing key must be provided in the URI format.

  • components

    Component list for Debian-based repos as space-delimited string.

  • distribution

    Main distribution name for Debian-based repos.

  • repo_gpgcheck

    Set to either true or false to indicate if the repository should validate the repository signature.


For uri://user:pass@location type repositories, set the user and password connected to the set-repo specification. If the provided value describes a filename in the filesystem, the first line of that file is used as credentials.


Overwrite the source location of the base container for the selected image type. The setting applies only if the configured image type is setup with an initial derived_from reference.


Overwrite the container tag in the container configuration. The setting is only effective if the container configuration provides the initial tag value.


Overwrite/set the attribute with the provided value in the selected build type section. Example: --set-type-attr volid=some


Overwrite/set the release-version element in the selected build type preferences section


Set the key file to be trusted and imported into the package manager database before performing any operation. This is useful when an image build validates repository and package signatures during build time. This option can be specified multiple times.


Path to store the build results.


  • http:// | https:// | ftp://

    Remote repository delivered via the HTTP or FTP protocol.

  • obs://

    Open Buildservice repository. The source data is translated into an HTTP URL pointing to http://download.opensuse.org.

  • ibs://

    Internal Open Buildservice repository. The source data is translated into an HTTP URL pointing to download.suse.de.

  • iso://

    Local ISO file. KIWI NG loop mounts the file and uses the mount point as temporary directory source type.

  • dir://

    Local directory.

4.7 kiwi-ng system create


kiwi-ng [global options] service <command> [<args>]

kiwi-ng system create -h | --help
kiwi-ng system create --root=<directory> --target-dir=<directory>
kiwi-ng system create help


Create an image from the previously prepared image root directory. The kiwi create command is normally issued after the kiwi prepare command, and it and builds the requested image type in the specified target directory.



Path to the image root directory. This directory is normally created by the kiwi prepare command. Keep in mind that if the specified directory is not created using the kiwi prepare command, KIWI NG stores image build metadata in the image/ directory. This directory must exist for the kiwi create command to work correctly.


Path to store the build results.


Trusted key file to be imported into the package manager database before performing any operation. This is useful if an image build validates repository and package signatures during build time. In the create step, this option only affects the boot image. This option can be specified multiple times.

4.8 kiwi-ng image resize


kiwi-ng [global options] service <command> [<args>]

kiwi-ng image resize -h | --help
kiwi-ng image resize --target-dir=<directory> --size=<size>
kiwi-ng image resize help


For disk based images, allow to resize the image to a new disk geometry. The additional space is free and not in use by the image. The OEM boot code in KIWI NG offers a resizing procedure that can be used to make use of the additional free space. For OEM image builds, it is advisable to run the resizing operation.



The path to the root directory. If not specified, kiwi searches the root directory in build/image-root under the specified target directory.


New size of the image. The value is either a size in bytes, or it can be specified with m (MB) or g (GB). Example: 20g


Directory containing the kiwi build results.

4.9 kiwi-ng image info


kiwi-ng [global options] service <command> [<args>]

kiwi-ng image info -h | --help
kiwi-ng image info --description=<directory>
kiwi-ng image info help


Provides information about the specified image description. If no specific info option is provided, the command lists basic information about the image. This information is also available in the image XML description file. Specifying an extension option like resolve-package-list makes a dependency resolver to run through the list of packages, providing more detailed information about the image description.



Add repository with given source, type, alias and priority.


The description must be a directory containing a kiwi XML description and optional metadata files.


Ignore all repository configurations from the XML description. This option is usually used together with the –add-repo option. Otherwise there are no repositories available for the processing the requested image information, which could lead to an error.


list profiles available for the selected/default type.

NOTE: If the image description is designed in a way that there is no default build type configured and/or the main build type is also profiled, it’s required to provide this information to kiwi to list further profiles for this type. For example: kiwi-ng –profile top_level_entry_profile image info …


print kiwi profile environment variables. The listed variables are available in the shell environment of the kiwi hook scripts.

NOTE: The kiwi profile environment grows during the build process. When used in early stages e.g. in a post_bootstrap.sh script it can happen that not all variables have a value. The setup of the kiwi profile environment in the image info output can therefore also only list the static configuration values which are known at the beginning of a build process.


Solve package dependencies and return a list of all packages including their attributes, for example size, shasum, and more.


Print image description in the XML format. The specified image description is converted to XML and sent to the XSLT stylesheet processor. The result is then validated using the RelaxNG schema and the schematron rules. The command is normally used to convert an old image description to the latest schema.


Behaves similar to --print-xml, but after validation, the result is converted to the YAML format. The command can be used for different operations:

  • Conversion of the specified image description from or into different formats. This requires the anymarkup Python module to be installed. The module is not a hard requirement and loaded on demand. If the module is missing, requests to convert to other format than XML fail.

  • Update of an old image description to the latest schema

5 Troubleshooting



This document describes situations which leads to issues during build or boot time of the image build with KIWI NG. The suggested solutions are considered best practice but are just one out of other possible solution candidates.

5.1 Build Host Constraints

For building images a host system is required that runs the build process. Tools to create the image are used from that host and this creates an indirect dependency to the target image. For example; Building an Ubuntu image requires the apt and dpkg tools and metadata to be available and functional on the host to build an Ubuntu image. There are many more of those host vs. image dependencies and not all of them can be resolved in a clear and clean way.

The most compatible environment is provided if the build host is of the same distribution than the target image. In other cases our recommendation is that the build host is of the same distribution than the target and near to the major version (+-1) compared to the target. Such an environment can be found in:

In general, our goal is to support any major distribution with KIWI NG. However for building images we rely on core tools which are not under our control. Also several design aspects of distributions like secure boot and working with upstream projects are different and not influenced by us. There are many side effects that can be annoying especially if the build host is not of the same distribution vendor than the image target.

5.2 Architectures

With regards to the information in Section 5.1, “Build Host Constraints” one requirement between the build host and the image when it comes to architecture support is, that the image architecture should match the build host architecture. Cross arch building would require any core tool that is used to build an image to be cross arch capable.

To patch e.g an x86_64 system such that it can build an aarch64 image would require some work on binutils and hacks as well as performance tweaks which is all not worth the effort and still can lead to broken results. Thus we recommend to provide native systems for the target architecture and build there. One possible alternative is to use the kiwi boxed plugin as mentioned above together with a box created for the desired architecture. However keep in mind the performance problematic when running a VM of a different architecture.

The majority of the image builds are based on the x86 architecture. As mentioned KIWI NG also supports other architectures, shown in the table below:






yes note:distro


yes note:distro


yes note:distro


yes note:distro

5.3 Host Security Settings Conflicts with KIWI



This page provides further information how to solve image build problems caused by selinux security policies.

Linux systems are protected against write/read or other operations depending on the application which wants to access or modify data. The rules for this protection are provided in security policies. There are several applications enforcing these security settings, e.g apparmor or selinux. In this troubleshooting chapter the focus is set on selinux

Protecting files, process groups, kernel filesystems, device nodes and more from unauthorized access and restrict it to a certain set of applications is a nice concept. However, if taken serious no other application except the ones configured in the security policy will function properly.

When building an appliance, the appliance builder has to have access to a wide range of services. It must be able to create a new package database elsewhere in the system. It must be able to create, read and write device nodes, create filesystems, partitions, bootloader configurations etc etc. The list is very long and no security policy could cover this in a way that it would not be open to everything which in the end leads to a pointless exercise and no security at all.

This means for users who would like to keep the security settings of the system enforced and unchanged, the only way to allow KIWI NG to do its job is to run it through boxbuild as explained in Section 6.1, “Building in a Self-Contained Environment”

For users who can afford to open the system security policy, the following procedure will make KIWI NG to work:

sudo setenforce 0

This action disables selinux temporary. To disable selinux permanently perform the following steps:

  1. Open the SELinux configuration file: /etc/selinux/config

  2. Locate the following line: SELINUX=enforcing

  3. Change the value to disabled:

  4. On the next reboot, SELinux is permanently disabled.


similar instructions applies to other application security subsystems like apparmor. Due to the complexity of these systems this article just mentions the most common issue people run into when building images on systems protected through selinux.

5.4 Incompatible Filesystem Settings on Host vs. Image



This page provides further information how to solve image boot problems if the filesystem tool chain on the image build host is incompatible with the image target distribution

When KIWI NG builds an image which requests the creation of a filesystem, the required filesystem creation tool, for example mkfs.xfs, is called from the host on which KIWI NG gets called. It is expected that the generated filesystem is compatible with the image target distribution. This expectation is not always correct and depends on the compatibility of the filesystem default settings between build host and image target. We know about the following settings that causes an incompatible filesystem which will not be able to be used on boot:


Check /etc/mke2fs.conf on the build host and make sure the configured inode_size is the same as the setting used for the target image. To solve an issue of this type use the following filesystem creation option in your KIWI NG image configuration:

<type fscreateoptions="-I inode-size"/>

Check the XFS metadata setup on the build host and make sure the settings are compatible with the target image. XFS has the default settings compiled in, thus it might be needed to build the image first and use the xfs_info tool in a disk.sh script to fetch the settings at build time of the image. We know from community reports that the setting sparse=1 will cause issues on older versions of grub’s xfs module, which does not know how to handle this setting properly. To solve an issue of this type use the following filesystem creation option in your KIWI NG image configuration:

<type fscreateoptions="-i sparse=0"/>

There can be more inconsistencies in the area of filesystems which we haven’t listed here. In general it’s advisable to build the image in a compatible environment. At best the build host distribution is of the same major Linux version than the image target. For this purpose KIWI NG provides the so called boxed-plugin. Further details can be found in Section 6.1, “Building in a Self-Contained Environment”

5.5 Boxbuild Tweaks



This document describes a few ways to modify box build VMs for testing/debugging.

5.5.1 Increase Box Build Image Size

In particularly large builds, you may find that the upstream build boxes aren’t quite large enough, and fail to build during the final few steps. While it is a bit of a kludge, it is possible to increase the size of the build box.

To do so, follow these steps:


For this example, we will assume the box increase question is an Ubuntu box, located in ~/.kiwi_boxes/ubuntu

  • While the VM is offline, locate the VM you want to modify and resize with qemu-img. Here we will increase the size by 20G. The VM will have to be told to utilize this space in the following steps.

$ qemu-img resize Ubuntu-Box.x86_64-1.22.04-System-BuildBox.qcow2 +20G
  • When relaunching your kiwi-ng box build, make sure you use --no-snapshot and --box-debug options within your build command/script. Example:

$ kiwi --debug --profile="Disk" --type oem system boxbuild --no-snapshot \
--box-memory=32G --box-smp-cpus=16 --box-debug --box ubuntu -- \
--description ./ubuntu-jammy --target-dir /build/kiwi/outputs/
  • When the build fails and drops you into the VM console, you will need to extend the partition of the VM rootfs, then resize with resize2fs. In this example, parted was used and the partition in question was /dev/vda3.

$ parted
# Can run parted print to check for relevant partitions if needed.
(parted) $ print
(parted) $ resizepart 3 100%
# Exit from parted
(parted) $ quit
# Run resize2fs to grow the filesystem to fill the space
$ resize2fs /dev/vda3
  • From this point, depending on where your build failed, it may be possible to continue your build from inside the box, using the existing 9p mount points defined by your build command. Using the command above as an example, /result within the box maps up to /build/kiwi/outputs on the host, and it’s possible to run

$ kiwi-ng --profile="Disk" --type oem  system create \
--root=/result/build/image-root/ --target-dir=/result
  • If the rebuild from within was successful, you can copy the files from /result to /bundle, from within the VM, where /bundle maps to your target-dir on the host.

6 KIWI Plugins


This document provides a list of the existing KIWI Next Generation (KIWI NG) plugins which provides extended functionality for version 10.2.2.

6.1 Building in a Self-Contained Environment



Users building images with KIWI NG face problems if they want to build an image matching one of the following criteria:

  • build should happen as non root user.

  • build should happen on a host system distribution for which no KIWI NG packages exists.

  • build happens on an incompatible host system distribution compared to the target image distribution. For example building an apt/dpkg based system on an rpm based system.

  • run more than one build process at the same time on the same host.

  • run a build process for a different target architecture compared to the host architecture (Cross Arch Image Build)

This document describes how to perform the build process in a self contained environment using fast booting virtual machines to address the issues listed above.

The changes on the machine to become a build host will be reduced to the requirements of the KIWI NG boxed plugin

6.1.1 Requirements

Add the KIWI NG repo from the Open Build Service. For details see Section 2.1, “Installation from OBS”. The following KIWI NG plugin needs to be installed on the build system:

$ sudo zypper in python3-kiwi_boxed_plugin

6.1.2 Building with the boxbuild command

The installation of the KIWI NG boxed plugin has registered a new kiwi command named boxbuild. The command implementation uses KVM as virtualization technology and runs the KIWI NG build command inside of a KVM controlled virtual machine. For running the build process in a virtual machine it’s required to provide VM images that are suitable to perform this job. We call the VM images boxes and they contain kiwi itself as well as all other components needed to build appliances. Those boxes are hosted in the Open Build Service and are publicly available at the Subprojects tab in the: Virtualization:Appliances:SelfContained project.

As a user you don’t need to work with the boxes because this is all done by the plugin and provided as a service by the KIWI NG team. The boxbuild command knows where to fetch the box and also cares for an update of the box when it has changed.

Building an image with the boxbuild command is similar to building with the build command. The plugin validates the given command call with the capabilities of the build command. Thus one part of the boxbuild command is exactly the same as with the build command. The separation between boxbuild and build options is done using the -- separator. The following example shows how to build one of KIWI NG’s integration test image:

$ kiwi-ng --type oem system boxbuild --box leap -- \
      --description KIWI_GIT_CHECKOUT/build-tests/x86/leap/test-image-disk \
      --set-repo obs://openSUSE:Leap:15.5/standard \
      --target-dir /tmp/myimage

The provided --description and --target-dir options are setup as shared folders between the host and the box. No other data will be shared with the host.

6.1.3 Sharing Backends

As mentioned above, the boxbuild call shares the two host directories provided in --description and --target-dir with the box. To do this the following sharing backends are supported:


With QEMU’s 9pfs you can create virtual filesystem devices (virtio-9p-device) and expose them to the box. For more information see 9pfs. Using this sharing backend does not require any setup procedure from the user and is also the default for boxbuild


SSHFS is a FUSE-based filesystem client for mounting remote directories over a Secure Shell connection (SSH). In boxbuild this is used to mount directories from the host into the box. Because this runs through an SSH connection the host must allow connections from the box. If you plan to use sshfs add the following SSH public key to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file of the user which is expected to call boxbuild

echo "ssh-rsa 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 kiwi@boxbuild" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

The public key mentioned here is associated with an SSH key pair we provide in the pre-built box images.


If the sshfs backend is used without the host trusting the box, the boxbuild call will become interactive at the time of the sshfs mount. In this case the user might be asked for a passphrase or depending on the host sshd setup the request will be declined and the boxbuild fails.


QEMU virtio-fs shared file system daemon. Share a host directory tree with a box through a virtio-fs device. For more information see virtiofs. Using this sharing backend does not require any setup procedure from the user


virtiofs support was added but considered experimental and not yet stable across the distributions. Feedback welcome.

6.2 Building based on Containers



When building images exposes one of the following requirements the stackbuild plugin provides an opportunity to address it:

  • Preserve the image rootfs for a later rebuild without requiring the original software repositories.

  • Build an image based on an existing container.

  • Build an image based on a container stack.

  • Transform a container into a KIWI NG image type

6.2.1 Installation

Add the KIWI NG repo from the Open Build Service. For details see Section 2.1, “Installation from OBS”. The following KIWI NG plugin needs to be installed on the build system:

$ sudo zypper in python3-kiwi_stackbuild_plugin

6.2.2 Concept

The design of the stackbuild plugin is two fold:

First the plugin comes with a command called stash which allows to store a kiwi built root tree as an OCI container. OCI stands for Open Container Interface and is a defacto standard format in the container world. Once the container got created it can be managed using the preferred container toolchain. The plugin code itself uses podman to work with containers.

As a next step and with the root tree as a container the plugin offers the opportunity to build images based on one ore more containers. That’s also the reason why the plugin is called stackbuild as it allows you to stack different root containers together. Consequently the other command provided is named stackbuild.

The stash and stackbuild commands can be used independently from each other. If there is already a registry with containers that should be used to build images from, stackbuild can directly consume them.

This concept leads to a number of use cases and a few of them were picked and put into the abstract of this article. For the purpose of documenting the functionality of the plugin only a part of the possibilities are taken into account as follows:

6.2.3 Create a stash

The stash command creates an OCI compliant container from a given KIWI Next Generation (KIWI NG) image root tree and registers it in the local container registry. From there a user can push it to any registry of choice.

The following example creates a stash of a Tumbleweed build and illustrates how to register it in a foreign container registry:

# Build some image...
$ git clone https://github.com/OSInside/kiwi.git
$ sudo kiwi-ng system build \
    --description kiwi/build-tests/x86/tumbleweed/test-image-MicroOS/ \
    --set-repo http://download.opensuse.org/tumbleweed/repo/oss \
    --target-dir /tmp/myTWToday

# Stash the image root into a container
$ sudo kiwi-ng system stash \
    --root /tmp/myTWToday/build/image-root \
    --container-name twmos-snapshot

# Register the stash in a registry
$ podman login
$ podman push twmos-20211008 \

If the stash command is called multiple times with the same container-name this leads to a new layer in the container for each call. To inspect the number of layers added to the container the following command can be used:

$ podman inspect twmos-snapshot

To list all stashes created by the stash command the following command can be used

$ kiwi-ng system stash --list

6.2.4 Rebuild from a stash

The stackbuild command takes the given container(s) from the local or remote registry and uses it/them to either rebuild an image from that data or build a new image on top of that data. If multiple containers are given the stackbuild command stacks them together in the order as they were provided.


When using multiple containers the result stack root tree is created from a sequence of rsync commands into the same target directory. The stackbuild plugin does this with any container content given and does not check, validate or guarantee that the selection of containers are actually stackable or leads to an usable root tree. This means it’s in the responsibility of the caller to make sure the provided containers can actually be stacked together in the given order.

To simply rebuild the image from the stash created in Create a stash call stackbuild as follows:

# Delete the image
$ sudo rm -rf /tmp/myTWToday

# Rebuild image from stash
$ sudo kiwi-ng system stackbuild \
    --stash twmos-snapshot:2021-10-08 \
    --target-dir /tmp/myTWToday

This rebuilds the image from the stash and the KIWI NG configuration inside of the stash. As all rootfs data is already in the stash, the command will not need external resources to rebuild the image.

6.2.5 Turn a container into a VM image

Another use case for the stackbuild plugin is the transformation of container images into another image type that is supported by KIWI NG. The following example demonstrates how an existing container image from the openSUSE registry can be turned into a virtual machine image.

When moving a container into a virtual machine image the following aspects has to be taken into account:

  1. A container image usually has no kernel installed.

  2. A container image usually has no bootloader installed.

  3. A container image usually has no user configured.

For a VM image the mentioned aspects are mandatory. Therefore the following KIWI NG image description contains this additional information which the container cannot provide: Create the KIWI NG description as follows:

$ mkdir container_to_VM_layer
$ vi container_to_VM_layer/config.kiwi

And place the following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<image schemaversion="8.0" name="Leap-VM">
    <description type="system">
        <author>The Author</author>
            Leap Container as VM
        <type image="oem" filesystem="xfs" firmware="uefi">
    <repository type="rpm-md" alias="Leap">
        <source path="obs://openSUSE:Leap:15.5/standard"/>
    <packages type="image">
        <package name="grub2"/>
        <package name="grub2-x86_64-efi" arch="x86_64"/>
        <package name="grub2-i386-pc"/>
        <package name="shim"/>
        <package name="kernel-default"/>
        <user password="$1$wYJUgpM5$RXMMeASDc035eX.NbYWFl0" home="/root" name="root" groups="root"/>

To build the virtual machine image from the current hosted Leap 15.3 container at SUSE, call the following stackbuild command:

$ sudo kiwi-ng system stackbuild \
    --stash leap:15.5 \
    --from-registry registry.opensuse.org/opensuse \
    --target-dir /tmp/myLeap \
    --description container_to_VM_layer

The resulting virtual machine image can be booted as follows:

$ qemu-kvm Leap-VM.x86_64-1.99.1.raw

7 Concept and Workflow



The following sections describe the concept and general workflow of building appliances with KIWI NG 10.2.2.

7.1 Host Requirements To Build Images

Building OS images requires several tools and sub-systems to be present on the host KIWI NG host. For example, to build a virtual disk image, tools for partition table setup or tools to create filesystems must to be available on the host that builds the image.

The number of required components depends on the selected image type and the features used with the image. It’s unreasonable to expect KIWI NG users to know which exact components are needed to build the image. A mechanism called kiwi-systemdeps is designed to handle the host requirements.

kiwi-systemdeps consists out of a collection of sub-packages provided with the python-kiwi main package. Each individual package requires a number of tools and subsystem packages that belongs to the package category. There are the following systemdeps packages:

  • Supports building the simple root archive tbz image type.

  • Installs the package managers which are supported by the target distribution as well as the tar archiving tool.

  • Supports building OCI image types used with docker, podman.

  • Installs the distribution specific tool chain to build OCI compliant container images.

  • Supports building appx image types.

  • Installs the distribution specific tool chain to build WSL compliant container images on Windows systems.

  • Supports building iso image types and oem install media.

  • Installs all tools required to build ISO filesystems.

  • Depends on the -core, -filesystems and -bootloaders kiwi-systemdeps packages.

  • Supports building bootable oem and iso image types.

  • Installs all bootloader tools depending on the host architecture to allow setup and install of the bootloader. The pulled in components are required for any image that is able to boot through some BIOS or firmware.

  • Depends on the -core kiwi-systemdeps packages.

  • Supports building fs-type, oem, pxe, kis and live iso image types.

  • Installs all tools to create filesystems supported by KIWI NG. The pulled in components are needed for any image type that needs to create a filesystem. This excludes the archive-based image types like docker, appx or tbz. The package also installs tools one level below the actual filesystem creation toolkit. These are components to manage loop devices as well as partition table setup and subsystem support like LVM and LUKS.

  • Depends on the -core kiwi-systemdeps packages.

  • Supports building the oem image type.

  • Installs all tools to create virtual disks. Virtual disks in KIWI NG are created using the QEMU toolchain.

  • Depends on the -filesystems and -bootloaders kiwi-systemdeps packages.

  • Installs the jing tool to validate the image description. This is useful for detailed error reports from KIWI NG if an image description validation error occurs. In addition, the anymarkup Python module is installed if the the option to install recommended packages is set. With anymarkup available, KIWI NG can also handle image descriptions in another format than the XML markup (for example,YAML).

Depending on the image type the kiwi-systemdeps` packages can help to quickly setup the host system for building images. In case the host must support everything, there is also the main kiwi-systemdeps package that has all other existing systemdeps packages as its dependency.


Pulling in all kiwi-systemdeps packages can result in a large number packages installed on the host., because the required packages themselves have other dependencies (for example, java for jing).

7.2 Setting up Repositories

The repository selection is a crucial part of an appliance. KIWI NG allows the end user to customize the selection of repositories and packages via the repository element.

7.2.1 Adding repositories

KIWI NG installs packages into an appliance from the repositories defined in the image description. This means that at least one repository must be defined. Otherwise, KIWI NG cannot fetch any packages.

A repository is added to the description via the repository element which is a child of the top-level image element:

<image schemaversion="8.0" name="{exc_image_base_name}">
    <!-- snip -->
    <repository type="rpm-md" alias="kiwi" priority="1">
        <source path="obs://Virtualization:Appliances:Builder/openSUSE_Leap_15.5"/>
    <repository type="rpm-md" alias="OS" imageinclude="true">
        <source path="{exc_repo}"/>

The above example specifies two repositories:

  1. The repository belonging to the KIWI NG project: obs://Virtualization:Appliances:Builder/openSUSE_Leap_15.5 at the Open Build Service (OBS).

  2. The RPM repository belonging to the OS project: {exc_repo}, at the Open Build Service (OBS). The translated http URL is also included in the final appliance.

The repository element accepts one source child element that contains the URL of the repository in an correct format along with the following optional attributes:

  • imageinclude: Specifies whether the repository should be added to the resulting image. Default is false.

  • imageonly: A repository with imageonly="true" is not available during image build, but is present in the resulting appliance. Default is false.

  • priority: An integer value for all packages in this repository. If the same package is available in more than one repository, then the one with the highest priority is used.

  • alias: Name to use for the repository. It appears as the repository’s name in the image visible via zypper repos or dnf repolist. If alias` is not specified, KIWI NG generates an alias name using hex representation from uuid4.

  • repository_gpgcheck: Specifies whether the repository is configured to perform repository signature validation. If not set, the package manager’s default is used.

  • package_gpgcheck: Boolean value that specifies whether each package’s GPG signature is verified. If omitted, the package manager’s default is used.

  • components: Distribution components used for deb repositories. Default is main.

  • distribution: Distribution name information, used for deb repositories.

  • profiles: List of profiles to which this repository applies.

  • customize: Script to run custom modifications to the repo file or files. Repo files allow for several customization options, but not all of them are supported to be set by kiwi through the current repository schema. As the used options do not follow any standard, and they are not compatible between package managers and distributions, the only way to handle this is through a script hook which is invoked with the repo file as parameter for each file created by KIWI NG.

    An example for a script call to add the module_hotfixes option for a dnf compatible repository configuration could look as follows:

    echo 'module_hotfixes = 1' >> ${repo_file}

    If the script is provided as a relative path, it is expected to be found in the image description directory: Supported repository paths

The actual location of a repository is specified in the source child element of repository via its only attribute path. KIWI NG supports the following paths types:

  • http://URL or https://URL or ftp://URL: a URL to the repository available via HTTP(s) or FTP.

  • obs://$PROJECT/$REPOSITORY: checks whether the repository $REPOSITORY of the project $PROJECT available on the Open Build Service (OBS). By default, KIWI NG looks for projects on build.opensuse.org, but this can be overridden using the runtime configuration file (see Section 7.7, “The Runtime Configuration File”). Note that it is not possible to add repositories using the obs:// path from different OBS instances (use direct URLs to the .repo file instead in this case).

  • obsrepositories:/: special path only available for builds using the Open Build Service. The repositories configured for the OBS project where the KIWI NG image resides are made available inside the appliance. This allows you to configure the repositories of your image from OBS itself, without modifying the image description.

  • dir:///path/to/directory or file:///path/to/file: an absolute path to a local directory or file available on the host building the appliance.

  • iso:///path/to/image.iso: the specified ISO image is mounted during the build of the KIWI NG image and a repository is created, pointing to the mounted ISO.

7.3 Adding and Removing Packages

In addition to the Section 7.2, “Setting up Repositories” setup, the package setup is required. KIWI NG allows the end user to completely customize the selection of packages via the packages element.

<image schemaversion="8.0" name="{exc_image_base_name}">
    <packages type="bootstrap">
        <package name="udev"/>
        <package name="filesystem"/>
        <package name="openSUSE-release"/>
        <!-- additional packages installed before the chroot is created -->
    <packages type="image">
        <package name="patterns-openSUSE-base"/>
        <!-- additional packages to be installed into the chroot -->

The packages element provides a collection of different child elements that instruct KIWI NG when and how to perform package installation or removal. Each packages element acts as a group, whose behavior can be configured via the following attributes:

  • type: either bootstrap, image, delete, uninstall or one of the following build types: docker, iso, oem, kis, oci.

    Packages for type="bootstrap" are pre-installed to populate the images’ root file system before chrooting into it.

    Packages in type="image" are installed immediately after the initial chroot into the new root file system.

    Packages in type="delete" and type="uninstall" are removed from the image, for details see Uninstall System Packages.

    And packages which belong to a build type are only installed when that specific build type is currently processed by KIWI NG.

  • profiles: a list of profiles to which this package selection applies (see Section 7.4, “Image Profiles”).

  • patternType: selection type for patterns, supported values are: onlyRequired, plusRecommended, see: The product and namedCollection element.

The following sections describes the different child elements of a packages group.

7.3.1 The package element

The package element represents a single package to be installed (or removed), whose name is specified via the mandatory name attribute:

<image schemaversion="8.0" name="{exc_image_base_name}">
    <!-- snip -->
    <packages type="bootstrap">
        <package name="udev"/>

This adds the package udev to the list of packages to be added to the initial filesystem. Note, that the value that you pass via the name attribute is passed directly to the used package manager. Thus, if the package manager supports other means how packages can be specified, you may pass them in this context too. For example, RPM based package managers (like dnf or zypper) can install packages via their Provides:. This can be used to add a package that provides a certain capability (for example, Provides: /usr/bin/my-binary) via:

<image schemaversion="8.0" name="{exc_image_base_name}">
    <!-- snip -->
    <packages type="bootstrap">
        <package name="/usr/bin/my-binary"/>

Whether this works depends on the package manager and on the environment that is being used. In the Open Build Service, certain Provides either are not visible or cannot be properly extracted from the KIWI NG description. Therefore, relying on Provides is not recommended.

Packages can also be included only on specific host architectures via the arch attribute. KIWI NG compares the arch attributes value with the host architecture that builds the image according to the output of uname -m.

<image schemaversion="8.0" name="{exc_image_base_name}">
    <!-- snip -->
    <packages type="image">
        <package name="grub2"/>
        <package name="grub2-x86_64-efi" arch="x86_64"/>
        <package name="shim" arch="x86_64"/>

This results in grub2-x86_64-efi and shim being only installed if the build host is a 64bit x86 machine, but grub2 will be installed independent of the architecture.

7.3.2 The archive element

In certain situations, it is necessary to include additional packages into the image that are not available in the package manager’s native format. KIWI NG supports the inclusion of regular tar archives via the archive element, whose name attribute specifies the filename of the archive (KIWI NG looks for the archive in the image description folder).

<packages type="image">
    <archive name="custom-program1.tgz"/>
    <archive name="custom-program2.tar"/>

KIWI NG extracts the archive into the root directory of the image using GNU tar. This means that only archives supported by it can be included. When multiple archive elements are specified then they are applied in a top to bottom order. If a file is already present in the image, then the file from the archive overwrites it (same as with the image overlay).

7.3.3 Uninstall System Packages

KIWI NG supports two different methods for removing packages from the appliance:

  1. Packages present as a child element of <packages type="uninstall"> are gracefully uninstalled by the package manager together with dependent packages and orphaned dependencies.

  2. Packages present as a child element of <packages type="delete"> are removed by RPM/DPKG without any dependency check, potentially breaking dependencies and compromising the underlying package database.

Both types of removals take place after config.sh is run in the Section 7.10.1, “The Prepare Step” (see also Section 7.6, “User-Defined Scripts”).


An uninstall packages request deletes:

  • the listed packages

  • the packages dependent on the listed ones

  • any orphaned dependency of the listed packages

Use this feature with caution as it can cause removal of required tools, leading to failures in later build stages.

Removing packages via type="uninstall" can be used to completely remove a build time tool (for example, a compiler), without having to specify all dependencies of that tool (as opposed to when using type="delete"). Consider the following example, where we want to compile a custom program in config.sh. We ship its source code via an archive element and add the build tools (ninja, meson and clang) to <packages type="image"> and <packages type="uninstall">:

<image schemaversion="8.0" name="{exc_image_base_name}">
    <!-- snip -->
    <packages type="image">
        <package name="ca-certificates"/>
        <package name="coreutils"/>
        <package name="ninja"/>
        <package name="clang"/>
        <package name="meson"/>
        <archive name="foo_app_sources.tar.gz"/>
    <!-- These packages will be uninstalled after running config.sh -->
    <packages type="uninstall">
        <package name="ninja"/>
        <package name="meson"/>
        <package name="clang"/>

The tools meson, clang and ninja are then available during the Section 7.10.1, “The Prepare Step”, and they can be used in config.sh (for further details, see Section 7.6, “User-Defined Scripts”), for example to build foo_app:

pushd /opt/src/foo_app
mkdir build
export CC=clang
meson build
cd build && ninja && ninja install

The <packages type="uninstall"> element ensures that the final appliance no longer contains the tools required to build foo_app, thus making the image smaller.

There are also other use cases for type="uninstall", especially for specialized appliances. For containers, you can remove the package shadow (it is required to setup new user accounts) or any remaining partitioning tools (parted or fdisk). All networking tools can be safely uninstalled in images for embedded devices without a network connection.

7.3.4 The product and namedCollection element

KIWI NG supports the inclusion of openSUSE products or of namedCollections (patterns in SUSE based distributions or groups for RedHat based distributions). These can be added via the product and namedCollection child elements, which both take the mandatory name attribute and the optional arch attribute.

product and namedCollection can be used to shorten the list of packages that need to be added to the image description. A named pattern, specified with the namedCollection element is a representation of a predefined list of packages. Specifying a pattern installs all packages listed in the named pattern. Support for patterns is distribution-specific and available in SLES, openSUSE, CentOS, RHEL and Fedora. The optional patternType attribute on the packages element allows you to control the installation of dependent packages. You may assign one of the following values to the patternType attribute:

  • onlyRequired: Incorporates only patterns and packages that the specified patterns and packages require. This is a “hard dependency” only resolution.

  • plusRecommended: Incorporates patterns and packages that are required and recommended by the specified patterns and packages.

7.3.5 The ignore element

Packages can be explicitly marked to be ignored for installation inside a packages collection. This can be used to exclude certain packages from being installed when using patterns with patternType="plusRecommended" as shown in the following example:

<image schemaversion="8.0" name="{exc_image_base_name}">
    <packages type="image" patternType="plusRecommended">
        <namedCollection name="network-server"/>
        <package name="grub2"/>
        <package name="kernel"/>
        <ignore name="ejabberd"/>
        <ignore name="puppet-server"/>

Packages can be marked as ignored during the installation by adding a ignore child element with the mandatory name attribute set to the name of the package. Optionally, you can specify the architecture via arch, similarly to The package element.


Adding ignore elements as children of a <packages type="delete"> or a <packages type="uninstall"> element has no effect! The packages will still be deleted.

7.4 Image Profiles

A profile is a namespace for additional settings that can be applied by KIWI NG in addition to the default settings (or other profiles), making it possible to build multiple appliances with the same build type but with different configurations.

The use of profiles is advisable to distinguish image builds of the same type but with different settings. In the following example, two virtual machine images of the oem type are configured: one for QEMU (using the qcow2 format) and one for VMWare (using the vmdk format).

<image schemaversion="8.0" name="{exc_image_base_name}">
        <profile name="QEMU" description="virtual machine for QEMU"/>
        <profile name="VMWare" description="virtual machine for VMWare"/>
    <preferences profiles="QEMU">
        <type image="oem" format="qcow2" filesystem="ext4">
    <preferences profiles="VMWare">
        <type image="oem" format="vmdk" filesystem="ext4">

Each profile is declared via the element profile that must be a child of profiles, and it must contain the name and description attributes. The description is only present for documentation purposes, name, on the other hand, is used to instruct KIWI NG which profile to build via the command line. Additionally, you can provide the boolean attribute import, which defines whether this profile should be used by default when KIWI NG is invoked via the command line.

A profile inherits the default settings that do not belong to any profile. It applies only to elements that contain the profile in their profiles attribute. The attribute profiles expects a comma-separated list of profiles for which the settings of this element apply.

Profiles can furthermore inherit settings from another profile via the requires sub-element:

    <profile name="VM" description="virtual machine"/>
    <profile name="QEMU" description="virtual machine for QEMU">
        <requires profile="VM"/>

In the above example, the profile QEMU inherit the settings from VM.

For further details on the usage of profiles, see Section 11.19, “Building Images with Profiles”

7.5 Adding Users

User accounts can be added or modified via the users element that supports a list of multiple user child elements:

<image schemaversion="8.0" name="{exc_image_base_name}">
            home="/home/me" name="me"
            groups="users" pwdformat="plain"
            home="/root" name="root" groups="root"

Each user element represents a specific added or modified user. The following attributes are mandatory:

  • name: the UNIX username

  • password: The password for the user account. It can be provided either in clear-text form (pwdformat="plain") or in encrypted form (pwdformat="encrypted"). Using lain passwords is not advisable, as anyone with access to the image description can see the password. It is recommended to generate a hash of your password using openssl as follows:

    $ openssl passwd -1 -salt 'xyz' YOUR_PASSWORD

Additionally, the following optional attributes can be specified:

  • home: the path to the user’s home directory

  • groups: A comma-separated list of UNIX groups. The first element of the list is used as the user’s primary group. The remaining elements are appended to the user’s supplementary groups. When no groups are assigned, the system’s default primary group is be used.

  • id: The numeric user ID of the account.

  • pwdformat: The format in which password is provided, either plain or encrypted (the latter is the default).

7.6 User-Defined Scripts



This chapter describes the purpose of the user-defined scripts config.sh, image.sh, pre_disk_sync.sh and disk.sh. These scripts can be used to further customize an image in ways that are not possible via the image description alone.

KIWI NG supports the following optional scripts that it runs in a root environment (chroot) containing an appliance:


Runs at the end of the bootstrap phase as part of the Section 7.10.1, “The Prepare Step”. The script can be used to configure the package manager with additional settings that apply in the following chroot-based installation step which completes the installation. The script can also be used for other tasks.


Runs at the end of the Section 7.10.1, “The Prepare Step” and after users have been set and the overlay tree directory has been applied. It is usually used to apply a permanent and final change of data in the root tree, such as modifying a package-specific config file.


Available only if delta_root="true" is set. In this case, the script runs at the end of the Section 7.10.1, “The Prepare Step” prior the umount of the overlay root tree. It runs after config.sh (if specified), and it is the last entry point to change the delta root tree.


Available only if delta_root="true" is set. In this case, the script runs at the end of the Section 7.10.1, “The Prepare Step” prior the umount of the overlay root tree. The script is called NOT CHROOTED from the host with the image root directory as its working directory. It runs after config.sh and config-overlay.sh (if any or both are specified), and it is the last entry point to change the delta root tree.


Executed at the beginning of the Section 7.10.2, “The Create Step”. It runs in the same image root tree created by the prepare step, but it is invoked whenever an image needs to be created from that root tree. It is normally used to apply image type specific changes to the root tree, such as a modification to a config file that must be done when building a live iso, but not when building a virtual disk image.


Executed for the disk image type oem only, and it runs right before the synchronization of the root tree into the disk image loop file. The pre_disk_sync.sh can be used to change content of the root tree as a last action before the sync to the disk image is performed. This is useful, for example, for deleting components from the system which were needed earlier or cannot be modified afterwards when syncing into a read-only filesystem.


Executed for the disk image type oem only, and it runs after the synchronization of the root tree to the disk image loop file. The chroot environment for this script call is the virtual disk itself and not the root tree. The script disk.sh is normally used to apply changes at parts of the system that are not an element of the file-based root tree, such as the partition table, the contents of the final initrd, the bootloader, filesystem attributes, etc.

KIWI NG executes scripts via the operating system if their executable bit is set (in that case, a shebang is mandatory); otherwise they are invoked via the Bash shell. If a script exits with a non-zero exit code, KIWI NG reports the failure and aborts the image creation.

7.6.1 Developing/Debugging Scripts

Creating a custom script may require some experimenting and testing. To help developers with this task, KIWI NG calls scripts associated with a screen session. The connection to screen is only done if KIWI NG is called with the --debug option.

In this mode, a script can be started using the following template:

# The magic bits are still not set

echo "break"

Calling the script executes a screen session executes, which gives you access to the break in shell. You can then implement the desired script code in this environment.. Once the shell is closed the KIWI NG process continues.

In addition to providing a fully featured terminal throughout the execution of the script code, you also have have control of the session during the process of the image creation. Listing the active sessions for script execution can be done as follows:

$ sudo screen -list

There is a screen on:
     19699.pts-4.asterix     (Attached)
1 Socket in /run/screens/S-root.

As shown above the screen session for executing the script code provides extended control, which can be considered a security risk. Because of that, KIWI NG only runs scripts through screen when explicitly enabled via the --debug switch. In production, all scripts must run natively and must not require a terminal to operate correctly. Script Template for config.sh / images.sh

KIWI NG provides a collection of methods and variables that offer custom actions. For details, see Functions and Variables Provided by KIWI NG. The following template shows how to import this information into a script:

# Include functions & variables
test -f /.kconfig && . /.kconfig
test -f /.profile && . /.profile


Modifications of the unpacked root tree

Keep in mind that there is only one unpacked root tree the script operates in. This means that all changes are permanent and are not automatically restored. Functions and Variables Provided by KIWI NG

KIWI NG creates the .kconfig and .profile files to be sourced by the shell scripts config.sh and images.sh. .kconfig contains several helper functions that can be used to simplify image configuration, while .profile contains environment variables populated from the settings provided in the image description. Functions

The .kconfig file provides a common set of functions. Functions specific to SUSE Linux Enterprise and openSUSE start with suse, functions applicable to all Linux distributions start with base.

The following list describes all functions provided by .kconfig:

baseSetRunlevel {value}

Set the default run level.

baseStripAndKeep {list of info-files to keep}

Helper function for the baseStrip* functions that reads a list of files to check from stdin for removing params: files which should be kept.

baseStripLocales {list of locales}

Removes all locales, except for the ones given as the parameter.

baseStripTranslations {list of translations}

Removes all translations, except those given as the parameter.


Removes libraries that are not directly linked against applications in the bin directories.

baseUpdateSysConfig {filename} {variable} {value}

Updates the contents of a sysconfig variable.

baseSystemdServiceInstalled {service}

Prints the path of the first found systemd unit or mount with name passed as the first parameter.

baseSysVServiceInstalled {service}

Prints the name ${service} if a SysV init service with the same name is found; otherwise it prints nothing.

baseSystemdCall {service_name} {args}

Calls systemctl ${args} ${service_name} if a systemd unit, a systemd mount, or a SysV init service with the ${service_name} exists.

baseInsertService {servicename}

Activates the specified service via systemctl.

baseRemoveService {servicename}

Deactivates the specified service via systemctl.

baseService {servicename} {on|off}

Activates or deactivates a service via systemctl. The function requires the service name and the value on or off as parameters.

The following example enables the sshd service on boot:

baseService sshd on
suseInsertService {servicename}

Calls baseInsertService. It exists only for compatibility reasons.

suseRemoveService {servicename}

Calls baseRemoveService. It exists only for compatibility reasons.

suseService {servicename} {on|off}

Calls baseService. It exists only for compatibility reasons.


Creates the /etc/products.d/baseproduct link pointing to the product referenced either by /etc/SuSE-brand or /etc/os-release or the latest prod file available in /etc/products.d


Configures the image to work as a vagrant box by performing the following changes:

  • add the vagrant user to /etc/sudoers or /etc/sudoers.d/vagrant

  • insert the insecure vagrant ssh key, apply recommended ssh settings and start the ssh daemon

  • create the default shared folder /vagrant

Debug {message}

Helper function to print the supplied message if the variable DEBUG is set to 1 (disabled by default).

Echo {echo commandline}

Helper function to print a message to the controlling terminal.

Rm {list of files}

Helper function to delete files and log the deletion. Profile Environment Variables

The .profile environment file is created by KIWI NG and contains a specific set of variables listed below.


A value of the compressed attribute set in the type element in config.xml.


A list of all packages which are children of the packages element with type="delete" in config.xml.


A comma-separated list of driver entries as listed in the drivers section of config.xml.


The name of the image as listed in config.xml.


The image version as a string.


The contents of the keytable setup as specified in config.xml.


The contents of the locale setup as specified in config.xml.


A comma-separated list of profiles used to build this image.


The contents of the timezone setup as specified in config.xml.


The image type as extracted from the type element in config.xml.



If there is the file /.profile.extra available in the initrd, KIWI NG imports the file importing /.profile. Configuration Tips

  1. Locale configuration:

    To set locale, KIWI NG relies on systemd-firstboot that writes the locale configuration file /etc/locale.conf. The values for the locale settings are taken from the description XML file in the <locale> element under <preferences>.

    Keep im mind that if the build distribution does not use /etc/locale.conf, the systemd-firstboot does not have any effect on the locale settings. For example, in the SLE12 distribution, systemd-firstboot is only effective when locales in /etc/sysconfig/language are not set, or when the file does not exist at all. For compatibility reasons, the file /etc/sysconfig/language in SLE12 has precedence over /etc/locale.conf, and management tools can still use sysconfig files for locale settings.

    In any case, it is possible to configure the locale setting inside the config.sh script in KIWI NG using in distribution-specific way, or by adding any additional configuration file as part of the overlay root-tree.

  2. Stateless systemd UUIDs:

    Machine ID files (/etc/machine-id, /var/lib/dbus/machine-id) may be created and set during the image package installation depending on the distribution. Those UUIDs must be unique and must be set only once in each deployment.

    If /etc/machine-id does not exist or contains the string uninitialized (systemd v249 and later), this triggers firstboot action in systemd, and the services are run with ConditionFirstBoot=yes. Unless the file already contains a valid machine ID, systemd generates a machine ID and write it into the file, creating it if necessary. See the machine-id man page for more details.

    Depending on whether firstboot action should be triggered or not, /etc/machine-id can be created, removed, or set to uninitialized by config.sh.

    To prevent images from including a generated machine ID, KIWI NG clears /etc/machine-id if it exists and does not contain the string uninitialized. This only applies to images based on a dracut initrd.


    rw is necessary if /etc/machine-id does not exist.

    For systemd to be able to write /etc/machine-id on boot, either the file must exist (so that a bind mount can be created) or /etc must be writable.

    By default, the root filesystem is mounted read-only by dracut/systemd, so a missing /etc/machine-id will lead to an error on boot. To force the initial mount to be read-write, add the rw option to the kernel commandline.


    Avoid inconsistent /var/lib/dbus/machine-id

    /etc/machine-id and /var/lib/dbus/machine-idmust contain the same unique ID. On modern systems /var/lib/dbus/machine-id, there is already a symlink to /etc/machine-id. However, on older systems there might be two different files. This is the case for SLE-12 based images. If you are targeting older operating systems, it is recommended to add the symlink creation into config.sh:

    # Make machine-id consistent with dbus
    if [ -e /var/lib/dbus/machine-id ]; then
        rm /var/lib/dbus/machine-id
    ln -s /etc/machine-id /var/lib/dbus/machine-id

7.7 The Runtime Configuration File

KIWI NG supports an additional configuration file for runtime specific settings which do not belong in the image description but which are persistent and are unsuitable for command-line parameters.

The runtime configuration file must adhere to the YAML syntax, and the file can be pointed to via the global --config option at call time of KIWI NG. If no config file is provided, KIWI NG searches for the runtime configuration file in the following locations:

  1. ~/.config/kiwi/config.yml

  2. /etc/kiwi.yml

A default runtime config file in /etc/kiwi.yml is provided with the python3-kiwi package. The file contains all settings as comments including a short description of each setting.

7.8 Customizing the Boot Process

Most Linux systems use a special boot image to control the system boot process after BIOS or UEFI hands over control of the hardware to the operating system. This boot image is a compressed cpio initial RAM disk, and it’s called the initrd. The Linux kernel loads the initrd into the RAM and executes init or, if present, linuxrc.

Depending on the image type, KIWI NG creates the boot image automatically during the create step. To create the initrd, KIWI NG uses a tool called dracut. dracut-generated initrd archives can be extended with custom modules to add functionality which is not natively provided by dracut itself. In the scope of KIWI NG, the following dracut modules are used:


Serves as an image installer. It provides the required implementation to install a KIWI NG image on a selectable target. This module is required if one of the attributes in the image type definition installiso, installstick or installpxe is set to true.


Serves to boot the system into the installed image after installation is completed.


Boots up a KIWI NG live image. This module is required if the iso image type is selected.


Allows to boot disk images with the attribute overlayroot set to true. A disk like that has its root partition compressed and readonly. The disk boots up using overlayfs for the root filesystem with a separate partition on the same disk for persistent data.


Resizes an OEM disk image after installation on the target disk to meet the size limits configured in the oemconfig section of the image description. The module takes over the tasks of repartitioning the disk, resizing RAID, LVM, LUKS and other layers as well as resizing the system filesystems.


Provides common functions used by dracut modules.


Using Custom Boot Image Support

In addition to the standard dracut-based creation of the boot image, KIWI NG supports the use of custom boot images for the image types oem and pxe. The use of a custom boot image is enabled by setting the following attribute in the image description:

<type ... initrd_system="kiwi"/>

Along with this setting, you must provide a reference to a boot image description in the boot attribute as follows:

  <type ... boot="netboot/suse-tumbleweed"/>

While KIWI NG supports this approach, it is recommended using dracut instead.
Keep also in mind that although KIWI NG supports creation of custom boot
images, KIWI NG does not include any official boot image descriptions. You
can find an OEM boot description example at
and an PXE boot description example at

The custom boot image descriptions makes it possible to completely customize the behavior of the initrd. This concept is mostly used in PXE environments that are usually heavily customized and require a specific boot and deployment workflow.

7.8.1 Boot Image Hook-Scripts

The dracut initrd system uses systemd to implement a predefined workflow of services documented in the bootup man page:


To hook in a custom boot script to this workflow, it is necessary to provide a dracut module that dracut picks when KIWI NG calls it. The module files can be provided either as a package or as part of the overlay directory in the image description.

The following example shows how to include a custom hook script before the system rootfs is mounted.

  1. Create a subdirectory for the dracut module:

    $ mkdir -p root/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90my-module
  2. Register the dracut module in the configuration file:

    $ vi root/etc/dracut.conf.d/90-my-module.conf
    add_dracutmodules+=" my-module "
  3. Create the hook script:

    $ touch root/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90my-module/my-script.sh
  4. Create a module setup file in root/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90my-module/module-setup.sh containing the following:

    # called by dracut
    check() {
        # check module integrity
    # called by dracut
    depends() {
        # return list of modules depending on this one
    # called by dracut
    installkernel() {
        # load required kernel modules when needed
        instmods _kernel_module_list_
    # called by dracut
    install() {
        declare moddir=${moddir}
        inst_multiple _tools_my_module_script_needs_
        inst_hook pre-mount 30 "${moddir}/my-script.sh"

Declaring Extra Tools for Hook Scripts

The install() function called by dracut can define extra tools required by the specified hook script. The inst_multiple command and its parameters instruct dracut to include these extra tools and items into the initrd.

The specified tools and items can be files. Normally, they are executables and libraries required by the hook script.

  • Each file must be included in the KIWI NG description either in a package, archive, or in the root tree of the image description directory.

  • The parameters of the inst_multiple command are space separated.

  • Each parameter can be a single executable name if it exists in /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, or /usr/sbin` directories.

  • Otherwise, a full path to the file is required. This normally applies for libraries and other special files.

When KIWI NG calls dracut, the 90my-module is installed into the generated initrd. At boot time, systemd calls the scripts as part of the dracut-pre-mount.service.

The dracut system offers many other possibilities to customize the initrd than shown in the example above. For more information, visit the dracut project page.

7.8.2 Boot Image Parameters

A dracut generated initrd in a KIWI NG image build process includes one or more of the KIWI NG provided dracut modules. The following list documents the available kernel boot parameters for these modules:


Exports the TERM variable into the initrd environment. If the default value for the terminal emulation is not correct, rd.kiwi.term can be used to overwrite the default. The environment is also passed to the systemd unit that calls dialog based programs in KIWI NG dracut code, which means that the TERM setting applies there too.


Activates the debug log file for the KIWI NG part of the boot process in /run/initramfs/log/boot.kiwi.


Instructs an OEM installation image to lookup the system image on a remote location specified in rd.kiwi.install.image.


Specifies the remote location of the system image in a PXE based OEM installation.


Instructs an OEM installation image to pass an additional boot parameters to the kernel used to boot the installed image. This can be used, for example, to pass on first boot configuration for a PXE image. Note that options starting with rd.kiwi are not passed to avoid side effects.


Specifies the maximum disk size an unattended OEM installation uses for image deployment. Unattended OEM deployments default to deploying on /dev/sda (or more precisely, the first device that is not filtered out by oem-device-filter). With RAID controllers, you may have big JBOD disks along with a 480G RAID1 configured for OS deployment. With rd.kiwi.oem.maxdisk=500G, the deployment is performed on the RAID disk.


Forces the disk resize process on an OEM disk image. If set, no sanity check for unpartitioned/free space is performed and also an eventually configured <oem-resize-once> configuration from the image description will not be taken into account. The disk resize will be started which includes re-partition as well as all steps to resize the block layers up to the filesystem holding the data. As rd.kiwi.oem.force_resize bypasses all sanity checks to detect if such a resize process is needed or not, it can happen that all program calls of the resize process ends without any effect if the disk is already properly resized. It’s also important to understand that the partition UUIDs will change on every resize which might be an unwanted side effect of a forced resize.


Configures the disk device to use in an OEM installation. This overwrites or resets any other OEM device-specific settings, such as oem-device-filter, oem-unattended-id or rd.kiwi.oem.maxdisk, and continues the installation on the given device. The device must exist and must be a block special.


Non interactive mode activated by rd.kiwi.oem.installdevice

When setting rd.kiwi.oem.installdevice explicitly through the kernel command line, KIWI NG uses the device without prompting for confirmation.


Specifies the size for the tmpfs filesystem of a live ISO image that is used for the overlayfs mount process. If the write area of the overlayfs mount uses this tmpfs, any new data written during the runtime of the system is written in this space. The default value is 50%, meaning half of the available RAM space can be used for writing new data.


Instructs a live ISO image to prepare a persistent write partition.


Specifies which filesystem of a live ISO image to use for storing data on the persistent write partition.


Specifies the size of the COW file in MB. When using tools like live-grub-stick, the live ISO image is copied as a file on the target device, and a GRUB loopback setup is created there to boot the live system from the file. In this case, the persistent write setup that normally creates an extra write partition on the target will fail in most situations, because the target has no free and unpartitioned space available. To prevent this from happening, a COW file (live_system.cow) of a partition is created alongside the live ISO image file. The default size of the COW file is 500MB.


Effectively used in isoscan loop mounted live systems. For details on this type of live system refer to Section 11.2, “Deploy ISO Image as File on a FAT32 Formated USB Stick”. Specifies the path of the COW file below the /run/initramfs/isoscan loop mount point. If not specified the cowfile is placed at /run/initramfs/isoscan/live_system.cow.


Specifies a directory that contains the live OS root directory. Default is LiveOS.


Specifies the name of the squashfs image file which contains the OS root. Default is squashfs.img.


By default kiwi stops plymouth if present and active in the initrd. Setting rd.kiwi.allow_plymouth will keep plymouth active in the initrd including all effects that might have to the available consoles. Boot Debugging

If the boot process encounters a fatal error, the default behavior is to stop the boot process without any possibility to interact with the system. To prevent this, activate dracut’s builtin debug mode in combination with the KIWI NG debug mode as follows:

rd.debug rd.kiwi.debug

This must be set at the kernel command line. With these parameters activated, the system enters a limited shell environment when a fatal error occurs during boot. The shell provides a basic set of tools, and it can be used for inspection using the following command:

less /run/initramfs/log/boot.kiwi

7.9 Overview

KIWI NG builds so-called system images (a fully installed and optionally configured system in a single file) of a Linux distribution in two steps (for further details, see Image Building Process):

  1. Prepare operation: generate an unpacked image tree of your image. The unpacked tree is a directory containing the future file system of your image, generated from your image description.

  2. Create operation: the unpacked tree generated in step 1 is packaged into the format required for the final usage (e.g. a qcow2 disk image to launch the image with QEMU).

KIWI NG executes these steps using the following components, which it expects to find in the description directory:

Chapter 8, Image Description:

The config.xml file contains the image description, which is a collection of general settings of the final image, like the image layout installed packages, present users, etc.


The filename config.xml is not mandatory, the image description file can also have an arbitrary name plus the *.kiwi extension. KIWI NG first looks for a config.xml file. If it cannot be found, it picks the first *.kiwi file.

Section 7.6, “User-Defined Scripts”:

If present, custom configuration shell scripts run at different stages of the build process. They can be used to fine tune the image in ways that are not possible via the settings provided in config.xml.

Overlay tree directory:

The overlay tree is a folder (called root) or a tarball (called root.tar.gz) that contains files and directories that will be copied into the unpacked image tree during the Prepare operation. The copying is executed after all the packages included in config.xml have been installed. Any already present files are overwritten.

CD root user data:

For live ISO images and install ISO images an optional archive is supported. This is a tar archive matching the name config-cdroot.tar[.compression_postfix].

If present, the archive will be unpacked as user data on the ISO image. For example, this is used to add license files or user documentation. The documentation can then be read directly from the CD/DVD without booting from the media.

7.10 Image Building Process

KIWI NG creates images in a two step process: The first step, the prepare operation, generates a so-called unpacked image tree (directory) using the information provided in the config.xml configuration file (see Chapter 8, Image Description)

The second step, the create operation, creates the packed image or image in the specified format based on the unpacked image tree and the information provided in the config.xml configuration file.

Image Creation Architecture
Figure 7.1: Image Creation Architecture

7.10.1 The Prepare Step

As the first step, KIWI NG creates an unpackaged image tree, also called “root tree”. This directory will be the installation target for software packages to be installed during the image creation process.

For the package installation, KIWI NG relies on the package manager specified in the packagemanager element in config.xml. KIWI NG supports the following package managers: dnf, zypper (default) and apt.

The prepare step consists of the following substeps:

  1. Create Target Root Directory

    By default KIWI NG aborts with an error if the target root tree already exists to avoid accidental deletion of an existing unpacked image. The option --allow-existing-root can be used to work based on an existing root tree

  2. Bootstrap Target Root Directory

    First, KIWI NG configures the package manager to use the repositories specified in the configuration file, via the command line, or both. After the repository setup, the packages specified in the bootstrap section of the image description are installed in a temporary directory external to the target root tree. This establishes the initial environment to support the completion of the process in a chroot setting. At the end of the bootstrap phase the script post_bootstrap.sh is executed, if present.


    The essential bootstrap packages are usually filesystem and glibc-locale to specify as part of the bootstrap. The dependency chain of these two packages is usually sufficient to populate the bootstrap environment with all required software to support the installation of packages into the new root tree.

  3. Install Packages

    After the bootstrap phase all other <packages> sections are used to complete the installation as chroot operation. KIWI NG uses the package manager as installed in the bootstrap phase and installs all other packages as configured.


    The installation of software packages through the selected package manager may install unwanted packages. Removing these packages can be accomplished by marking them for deletion in the image description, see Section 7.3.3, “Uninstall System Packages”.

  4. Apply the Overlay Tree

    Next, KIWI NG applies all files and directories present in the overlay directory named root or in the compressed overlay root.tar.gz to the target root tree. Files already present in the target root directory are overwritten. This allows you to overwrite any file that was installed by one of the packages during the installation phase.

  5. Apply Archives

    All archives specified in the archive element of the config.xml file are applied in the specified order (top to bottom) after the overlay tree copy operation is complete (see Section 7.3.2, “The archive element”). Files and directories are extracted relative to the top level of the new root tree. As with the overlay tree, it is possible to overwrite files already existing in the target root tree.

  6. Execute the user-defined script config.sh

    At the end of the preparation stage the script config.sh is executed (if present). It is run in the top level directory of the target root tree. The script’s primary function is to complete the system configuration. For more details about custom scripts see Section 7.6, “User-Defined Scripts”

  7. Modify the Root Tree

    The unpacked image tree is now finished to be converted into the final image in the create step. It is possible to make manual modifications to the unpacked tree before it is converted into the final image.

    Since the unpacked image tree is just a directory, it can be modified using the standard tools. Optionally, it is also possible to “change root (chroot)” into it, for instance to invoke the package manager. Beside the standard file system layout, the unpacked image tree contains an additional directory named /image that is not present in a regular system. It contains information KIWI NG requires during the create step, including a copy of the config.xml file.

    By default, KIWI NG will not stop after the prepare step and will directly proceed with the create step. Therfore to perform manual modifications, proceed as follows:

    $ kiwi-ng system prepare $ARGS
    $ # make your changes
    $ kiwi-ng system create $ARGS

    Modifications of the unpacked root tree

    Do not make any changes to the system, since they are lost when re-running the prepare step again. Additionally, you may introduce errors that occur during the create step which are difficult to track. The recommended way to apply changes to the unpacked image directory is to change the configuration and re-run the prepare step.

7.10.2 The Create Step

KIWI NG creates the final image during the create step: it converts the unpacked root tree into one or multiple output files appropriate for the respective build type.

It is possible to create multiple images from the same unpacked root tree, for example, a self installing OEM image and a virtual machine image from the same image description. The only prerequisite is that both image types are specified in config.xml.

During the create step the following operations are performed by KIWI NG:

  1. Execute the User-defined Script images.sh

    At the beginning of the image creation process the script named images.sh is executed (if present). For more details about custom scripts see Section 7.6, “User-Defined Scripts”

  2. Create the Requested Image Type

    KIWI NG converts the unpacked root into an output format appropriate for the requested build type.

8 Image Description


This document explains the toplevel structure of the KIWI NG image description document for version 10.2.2

8.1 Image Description Elements


This document provides a reference for the elements and attributes of the KIWI NG XML document in version 10.2.2

8.1.1 <image>

The toplevel of any KIWI NG image description

<image schemaversion="8.0" name="{exc_image_base_name}">
    <!-- descendants -->

The image definition starts with an image tag and requires the schema format at version 8.0. The attribute name specifies the name of the image which is also used for the filenames created by KIWI. Because we don’t want spaces in filenames the name attribute must not have any spaces in its name.

The following optional attributes can be inserted in the image tag:


Allows setup of the boot menu title for the selected boot loader. So you can have suse-SLED-foo as the image name but a different name as the boot display name. Spaces are not allowed in the display name because it causes problems for some boot loaders and kiwi did not take the effort to separate the ones which can display them correctly from the ones which can’t


sets an identification number which appears as file /etc/ImageID within the image.

8.1.2 <include>

Optional include of XML file content from file

<image schemaversion="8.0" name="{exc_image_base_name}">
    <include from="file://description.xml"/>

with file description.xml as follows:

    <description type="system">

This will replace the include statement with the contents of description.xml. The validation of the result happens after the inclusion of all include references. The value for the from attribute is interpreted as an URI, as of now only local URI types are supported as well as the this:// resource locator which translates into the path to the KIWI image description.


The include information must be embedded into an <image> root node. Only the inner elements of the root node will be included. The processing of XML data via XSLT always requires a root node which is the reason why this is required to be specified for include files as well.


Nesting of include statements in other include files is not supported. This will lead to unresolved include statements in the final document and will cause the runtime checker to complain about it.


The include is implemented via a XSLT stylesheet and therefore expects an XML document. Other markup formats are not supported as include reference.

8.1.3 <description>

Provide an image identity.

<description type="system">

The mandatory description section contains information about the creator of this image description. The attribute type could be either of the value system which indicates this is a system image description or at value boot for custom kiwi boot image descriptions.

The following optional sub sections can be inserted below the description tag:


Specifies the license name which applies to this image description.

8.1.4 <preferences>

Setup image type and layout.

<preferences arch="arch">
  <packagemanager name="zypper"/>
  <type image="tbz"/>

The mandatory preferences section contains information about the supported image type(s), the used package manager, the version of this image, and further optional elements. The preferences section can be configured to apply only for a certain architecture. In this case specify the arch attribute with a value as it is reported by uname -m <preferences><version>

The mandatory image version must be a three-part version number of the format: Major.Minor.Release. In case of changes to the image description the following rules should apply:

  • For smaller image modifications that do not add or remove any new packages, only the release number is incremented. The XML description file(config.xml) remains unchanged.

  • For image changes that involve the addition or removal of packages the minor number is incremented and the release number is reset.

  • For image changes that changes the behavior or geometry of the image file the major number is incremented. <preferences><packagemanager>

The mandatory packagemanager element specifies which package manager should be used to handle software packages. The packagemanager setup is connected to the distribution used to build the image. The following table shows which package manager is connected to which distributor:


Package Manager




dnf4 / dnf5

Debian Based


Arch Linux


In general the specification of one preferences section is sufficient. However, it’s possible to specify multiple preferences sections and distinguish between the sections via the profiles attribute.

In combination with the above the preferences element supports the following optional elements: <preferences><rpm-locale-filtering>

locale-filtering can be set to “true” or “false”. If set to “true” it sets the install_lang macro for RPM based installations to the RPM configured locale list. This results in language specific files to become filtered out by rpm if they don’t match the configured list.


It depends on the individual package design if the install_lang macro contents apply to the package or not. <preferences><rpm-check-signatures>

Specifies whether package signatures should be checked or not

</preferences> <preferences><rpm-excludedocs>

Specifies whether files marked as documentation should be skipped during installation

</preferences> <preferences><keytable>

Specifies the name of the console keymap to use. The value corresponds to a map file in /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/xkb.

</preferences> <preferences><timezone>

Specifies the time zone. Available time zones are located in the /usr/share/zoneinfo directory. Specify the attribute value relative to /usr/share/zoneinfo. For example, specify Europe/Berlin for /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Berlin.

</preferences> <preferences><locale>

Specifies the name of the UTF-8 locale to use, which defines the contents of the RC_LANG system environment variable used in the image and to run the custom scripts specified as part of the KIWI NG image description. Please note only UTF-8 locales are supported here which also means that the encoding must not be part of the locale information. This means you need to specify the locale using the 4-digit name like the following example: en_US or en_US,de_DE

</preferences> <preferences><bootsplash-theme>

Specifies the name of the plymouth bootsplash theme to use

</preferences> <preferences><bootloader-theme>

Specifies the name of the bootloader theme to use if that used bootloader has theme support.


Along with the version and the packagemanager at least one image type element must be specified to indicate which image type should be build. <preferences><release-version>

Specifies the distribution global release version as consumed by package managers. Currently the release version is not set or set to 0 for package managers which requires a value to operate. With the optional release-version section, users have an opportunity to specify a custom value which is passed along the package manager to define the distribution release.


The release version information is currently used in dnf/dnf5 and microdnf package managers only. It might happen that it gets applied to the other package manager backends as well. This will happen on demand though. <preferences><type>

At least one type element must be configured. It is possible to specify multiple type elements in a preferences block. To set a given type description as the default image use the boolean attribute primary and set its value to true:

  <type image="typename" primary="true"/>

The image type to be created is determined by the value of the image attribute. The following list describes the supported types and possible values of the image attribute:


A simple tar archive image. The tbz type packs the contents of the image root tree into a xz compressed tarball.


A filesystem image. The image root tree data is packed into a filesystem image of the given type. An image of that type can be loop mounted and accessed according to the capabiities of the selected filesystem.


An iso image which can be dumped on a CD/DVD or USB stick and boots off from this media without interfering with other system storage components. A useful pocket system for testing and demo and debugging purposes.


An image representing an expandable system disk. This means after deployment the system can resize itself to the new disk geometry. The resize operation is configurable as part of the image description and an installation image for CD/DVD, USB stick and Network deployment can be created in addition. For use in cloud frameworks like Amazon EC2, Google Compute Engine or Microsoft Azure this disk type also supports the common virtual disk formats.


An archive image suitable for the docker container engine. The image can be loaded via the docker load command and works within the scope of the container engine


An archive image that builds a container matching the OCI (Open Container Interface) standard. The container should be able to run with any oci compliant container engine.


An archive image suitable for the Windows Subsystem For Linux container engine. The image can be loaded From a Windows System that has support for WSL activated.


An optional root filesystem image associated with a kernel and initrd. The use case for this component image type is highly customizable. Many different deployment strategies are possible.

For completion of a type description, there could be several other optional attributes and child elements. The type element supports a plethora of optional attributes, some of these are only relevant for certain build types and will be covered in extra chapters that describes the individual image types more detailed. Certain attributes are however useful for nearly all build types and will be covered next:


Boolean parameter notifying KIWI NG whether an extra boot partition should be used or not (the default depends on the current layout). This will override KIWI NG’s default layout.


For images with a separate boot partition this attribute specifies the size in MB. If not set the boot partition size is set to 200 MB


For images with an EFI layout, specify if the legacy CSM (BIOS) mode should be supported or not. By default CSM mode is enabled.


For images with an EFI fat partition this attribute specifies the size in MB. If not set the EFI partition size is set to 20 MB


For ISO images (live and install) the EFI boot requires an embedded FAT image. This attribute specifies the size in MB. If not set the FAT image size is set to 20 MB


For images with an EFI firmware specifies the partition table type to use. If not set defaults to the GPT partition table type


For oem disk images, specifies to make use of logical partitions inside of an extended one. If set to true and if the msdos table type is active, this will cause the fourth partition to be an extended partition and all following partitions will be placed as logical partitions inside of that extended partition. This setting is useful if more than 4 primary partitions needs to be created in an msdos table


Boolean parameter to activate filesystem quotas if the filesystem is btrfs. By default quotas are inactive.


For oem disk images using the btrfs filesystem, requests to set a default volume for the rootfs which is used when the filesystem gets mounted. In case a true value is provided or the attribute is not specified at all, kiwi will make a volume the default volume. This can be either / or the configured root subvolume or the configured root snapshot. Consequently the entry created for the rootfs in the /etc/fstab file will not contain any specific volume definition. In case a false value is provided, kiwi will not set any default volume which also means that the entry for the rootfs in the /etc/fstab file requires a volume definition which is placed by kiwi as a subvol= parameter in the respective fstab field entry. In addition the parameter rootflags=subvol= is added to the kernel commandline such that early initrd code has a chance to know about the rootfs volume.


Tell kiwi to create a root volume to host (/) inside. The name of this subvolume is by default set to: @. The name of the subvolume can be changed via a volume entry of the form:

  <volume name="@root=TOPLEVEL_NAME"/>

By default the creation of a toplevel volume is set to: true


Boolean parameter that tells KIWI NG to install the system into a btrfs snapshot. The snapshot layout is compatible with snapper. By default snapshots are turned off.


Boolean parameter notifying KIWI NG that the btrfs root filesystem snapshot has to made read-only. if this option is set to true, the root filesystem snapshot it will be turned into read-only mode, once all data has been placed to it. The option is only effective if btrfs_root_is_snapshot is also set to true. By default the root filesystem snapshot is writable.


For use with the apt packagemanager only. Specifies the name of a bootstrap package which provides a bootstrap tarball in /var/lib/bootstrap/PACKAGE_NAME.ARCH.tar.xz. The tarball will be unpacked and used as the bootstrap rootfs to begin with. This allows for an alternative bootstrap method. For further details see Section 11.22, “Circumvent Debian Bootstrap”.


Specifies whether the image output file should be compressed or not. This option is only used for filesystem only images or for the pxe or cpio types.


Specifies the path to a script which is called right before the bootloader is installed. The script runs relative to the directory which contains the image structure.


Specifies the path to a script which is called right after the bootloader is installed. The script runs relative to the directory which contains the image structure.


The root filesystem


Specifies the boot firmware of the appliance. This attribute is used to differentiate the image according to the firmware which boots up the system. It mostly impacts the disk layout and the partition table type. By default bios is used on x86, ofw on PowerPC and efi on ARM.

  • efi Standard EFI layout

  • uefi Standard EFI layout for secure boot

  • bios Standard BIOS layout for x86

  • ec2 Standard BIOS layout for x86 using Xen grub modules for old style Xen boot in Amazon EC2

  • ofw Standard PPC layout

  • opal Standard openPOWER PPC64 layout. kexec based boot process


Boolean parameter to force the usage of a MBR partition table even if the system would default to GPT. This is occasionally required on ARM systems that use a EFI partition layout but which must not be stored in a GPT. Note that forcing a MBR partition table incurs limitations with respect to the number of available partitions and their sizes.


Specifies the filesystem mount options which are passed via the -o flag to mount and are included in /etc/fstab.


Specifies the filesystem options used to create the filesystem. In KIWI NG the filesystem utility to create a filesystem is called without any custom options. The default options are filesystem specific and are provided along with the package that provides the filesystem utility. For the Linux ext[234] filesystem, the default options can be found in the /etc/mke2fs.conf file. Other filesystems provides this differently and documents information about options and their defaults in the respective manual page, e.g man mke2fs. With the fscreateoptions attribute it’s possible to directly influence how the filesystem will be created. The options provided as a string are passed to the command that creates the filesystem without any further validation by KIWI NG. For example, to turn off the journal on creation of an ext4 filesystem the following option would be required:

  <type fscreateoptions="-O ^has_journal"/>

Additional kernel parameters passed to the kernel by the bootloader.


For oem disk images, this attribute allows to create number clone(s) of the root partition, with number >= 1. A clone partition is content wise an exact byte for byte copy of the origin root partition. However, to avoid conflicts at boot time the UUID of any cloned partition will be made unique. In the sequence of partitions, the clone(s) will always be created first followed by the partition considered the origin. The origin partition is the one that will be referenced and used by the system. Also see Section 11.12, “Partition Clones”


Same as root_clone but applied to the boot partition if present


Supplying a value will trigger the encryption of the partition serving the root filesystem using the LUKS extension. The supplied value represents either the passphrase string or the location of a key file if specified as file://... resource or the reserved name random. When using a passphrase the system will interactively ask for that passphrase on first boot unless it is set empty. In case of an empty passphrase the system cannot be considered secure. When using a key file the information from the file is read and used as a passphrase. The given key file is not automatically placed into the system or added to the etc/crypttab which means the passphrase in the key file is by default requested from an interactive dialog at boot time. When using the reserved word random, kiwi will create a key file with a random passphrase and place this information into etc/crypttab. This allows the system to boot without user interaction but also requires the initrd to be protected in some way because it will contain the keyfile. The use of random is therefore only secure if the image adds additional security that encrypts the initrd like it is e.g. done in the IBM secure execution process. If the encryption of the system is combined with the attribute bootpartition="false" it’s important to understand that this will place /boot into the encrypted area of the system and leaves reading boot data from it as a responsibility to the bootloader. Not every bootloader can cope with that and those that can e.g. grub will then open an interactive dialog at the bootloader level asking for the credentials to decrypt the root filesystem.


Specify which LUKS version should be used. If not set and by default luks is used. The interpretation of the default depends on the distribution and could result in either ‘luks1’ or ‘luks2’. The specification of the LUKS version allows using a different set of luksformat options. To investigate the differences between the two please consult the cryptsetup manual page.


Specifies the image blocksize in bytes which has to match the logical blocksize of the target storage device. By default 512 Bytes is used, which works on many disks. You can obtain the blocksize from the SSZ column in the output of the following command:

blockdev --report $DEVICE

Indicate if the target disk for oem images is deployed to a removable device e.g a USB stick or not. This only affects the EFI setup if requested and in the end avoids the creation of a custom boot menu entry in the firmware of the target machine. By default the target disk is expected to be non-removable


The selinux_policy attribute sets the SELinux policy to use. targeted policy is the default policy. Only change this option if you want to use the mls or minimum policy.


Request a spare partition right before the root partition of the requested size. The attribute takes a size value and allows a unit in MB or GB, e.g 200M. If no unit is given the value is considered to be mbytes. A spare partition can only be configured for the disk image type oem


Specify mount point for spare partition in the system. Can only be configured for the disk image type oem


Specify filesystem for spare partition in the system. Can only be configured for the disk image type oem


Specify filesystem attributes for the spare partition. Attributes can be specified as comma separated list. Currently the attributes no-copy-on-write and synchronous-updates are available. Can only be configured for the disk image type oem


Specify if the spare partition should be the last one in the partition table. Can only be configured for the oem type with oem-resize switched off. By default the root partition is the last one and the spare partition lives before it. With this attribute that setup can be toggled. However, if the root partition is no longer the last one the oem repart/resize code can no longer work because the spare part would block it. Because of that moving the spare part at the end of the disk is only applied if oem-resize is switched off. There is a runtime check in the KIWI NG code to check this condition


Specifies which method to use for persistent device names. This will affect all files written by kiwi that includes device references for example etc/fstab or the root= parameter in the kernel commandline. By default by-uuid is used


Specifies the compression type for mksquashfs


Specifies the compression type and level for erofs. The attribute is a free form text because erofs allows paramters for the different compression types. Please consult the erofs man page for details how to specify a value for the -z option on mkfs.erofs and pass a proper value as erofscompression


For the oem type only, specifies to create a standalone dm_integrity layer on top of the root filesystem


For the oem type only and in combination with the standalone_integrity attribute, Allow to use old flawed HMAC calculation (does not protect superblock).


Do not use this attribute unless compatibility with a specific old kernel is required!


For the oem type only and in combination with the standalone_integrity attribute, protects access to the integrity map using the given keyfile.


For the oem type only and in combination with the embed_integrity_metadata attribute, specifies a custom description of an integrity key as it is expected to be present in the kernel keyring. The information is placed in the integrity metadata block. If not specified kiwi creates a key argument string instead which is based on the given integrity_keyfile filename. The format of this key argument is:


For the oem type only, and in combination with the standalone_integrity attribute, specifies to write a binary block at the end of the partition serving the root filesystem, containing information to create the dm_integrity device map in the following format:


Is a string of the following information separated by spaces

  • version: currently set to 1

  • fstype: name of filesystem attribute

  • access: either ro or rw depending on the filesystem capabilities

  • integrity: fixed identifier value


Is a string of the following information separated by spaces

  • provided_data_sectors: number of data sectors

  • sector_size: sector size in byte, defaults to 512

  • parameter_count: number of parameters needed to construct the integrity device map. After the parameter_count a list of space separated parameters follows and the parameter_count specifies the quantity of these parameters

  • parameters: The first element of the parameter list contains information about the used hash algorithm which is not part of the superblock and provided according to the parameters passed along when KIWI NG calls integritysetup. As of now this defaults to:

    • internal_hash:sha256

    All subsequent parameters are taken from the flags field of the dm-integrity superblock. see the dm-integrity documentation on the web for possible flag values.


For the oem type only, specifies to create a dm verity hash from the number of given blocks (or all) placed at the end of the root filesystem For later verification of the device, the credentials information produced by veritysetup from the cryptsetup tools are needed. This data as of now is only printed as debugging information to the build log file. A concept to persistently store the verification metadata as part of the partition(s) will be a next step.


For the oem type only, and in combination with the verity_blocks attribute, specifies to write a binary block at the end of the partition serving the root filesystem, containing information for dm_verity verification in the following format:


Is a string of the following information separated by spaces

  • version: currently set to 1

  • fstype: name of filesystem attribute

  • access: either ro or rw depending on the filesystem capabilities

  • verity: fixed identifier value


Is a string of the following information separated by spaces

  • hash_type: hash type name as returned by veritysetup

  • data_blksize: data blocksize as returned by veritysetup

  • hash_blksize: hash blocksize as returned by veritysetup

  • data_blocks: number of data blocks as returned by veritysetup

  • hash_start_block: hash start block as required by the kernel to construct the device map

  • algorithm: hash algorithm as returned by veritysetup

  • root_hash: root hash as returned by veritysetup

  • salt: salt hash as returned by veritysetup


For the oem type only, specifies to use an overlayfs based root filesystem consisting out of a squashfs compressed read-only root filesystem combined with an optional write-partition or tmpfs. The optional kernel boot parameter rd.root.overlay.temporary can be used to point the write area into a tmpfs instead of a persistent write-partition. In this mode all written data is temporary until reboot of the system. The kernel boot parameter rd.root.overlay.size can be used to configure the size for the tmpfs that is used for the overlayfs mount process if rd.root.overlay.temporary is requested. That size configures the amount of space available for writing new data during the runtime of the system. The default value is set to 50% which means one half of the available RAM space can be used for writing new data. By default the persistent write-partition is used. The size of that partition can be influenced via the optional <size> element in the <type> section or via the optional <oem-resize> element in the <oemconfig> section of the XML description. Setting a fixed <size> value will set the size of the image disk to that value and results in an image file of that size. The available space for the write partition is that size reduced by the size the squashfs read-only system needs. If the <oem-resize> element is set to true an eventually given <size> element will not have any effect because the write partition will be resized on first boot to the available disk space. To disable the use of any overlay the kernel boot parameter rd.root.overlay.readonly can be used. It takes precedence over all other overlay kernel parameters because it leads to the deactivation of any overlayfs based action and just boots up with the squashfs root filesystem. In fact this mode is the same as not installing the kiwi-overlay dracut module.


For the oem type only, allows to specify if the extra read-write partition in an overlayroot setup should be created or not. By default the partition is created and the kiwi-overlay dracut module also expect it to be present. However, the overlayroot feature can also be used without dracut (initrd_system="none") and under certain circumstances it is handy to configure if the partition table should contain the read-write partition or not.


Specifies the size in MB of the partition which stores the squashfs compressed read-only root filesystem in an overlayroot setup. If not specified kiwi calculates the needed size by a preliminary creation of the squashfs compressed file. However this is only accurate if no changes to the root filesystem data happens after this calculation, which cannot be guaranteed as there is at least one optional script hook which is allowed and applied after the calculation. In addition the pre-calculation requires some time in the build process. If the value can be provided beforehand this also speeds up the build process significantly


If an extra boot partition is required this attribute specify which filesystem should be used for it. The type of the selected bootloader might overwrite this setting if there is no alternative possible though.


For the iso image type specifies the live iso technology and dracut module to use. If set to overlay the kiwi-live dracut module will be used to support a live iso system based on squashfs+overlayfs. If set to dmsquash the dracut standard dmsquash-live module will be used to support a live iso system based on the capabilities of the upstream dracut module.


For disk image type oem, specifies the format of the virtual disk such that it can run on the desired target virtualization platform.


Specifies additional format options passed on to qemu-img formatoptions is a comma separated list of format specific options in a name=value format like qemu-img expects it. kiwi will take the information and pass it as parameter to the -o option in the qemu-img call


Specifies the filesystem mount options which also ends up in fstab The string given here is passed as value to the -o option of mount


Specifies options to use at creation time of the filesystem


Force use of MBR (msdos table) partition table even if the use of the GPT would be the natural choice. On e.g some arm systems an EFI partition layout is required but must not be stored in a GPT. For those rare cases this attribute allows to force the use of the msdos table including all its restrictions in max partition size and amount of partitions


For GPT disk types only: Create a hybrid GPT/MBR partition table


For the live ISO type, triggers the creation of a partition for a COW file to keep data persistent over a reboot


For the live ISO type, set the filesystem to use for persistent writing if a hybrid image is used as disk on e.g a USB Stick. By default the ext4 filesystem is used.


Specify which initrd builder to use, default is set to dracut. If set to none the image is build without an initrd. Depending on the image type this can lead to a non bootable system as its now a kernel responsibility if the given root device can be mounted or not.


Specifies a path to additional metadata required for the selected image type or its tools used to create that image type.


Currently this is only effective for the appx container image type.


Specifies the bootloader default boot entry for the initial boot of a KIWI NG install image.


This value is only evaluated for grub


Specifies the boot timeout handling for the KIWI NG install image. If set to “true” the configured timeout or its default value applies. If set to “false” no timeout applies in the boot menu of the install image.


Specifies if the bootloader menu should provide an failsafe entry with special kernel parameters or not


Specifies if an install iso image should be created. This attribute is only available for the oem type. The generated ISO image is an hybrid ISO which can be used as disk on e.g a USB stick or as ISO.


Specifies if a tarball that contains all data for a pxe network installation should be created. This attribute is only available for the oem type.


For ISO images, specifies if the bootloader menu should provide an mediacheck entry to verify ISO integrity or not. Disabled by default and only available for the x86 arch family.


Setup software raid in degraded mode with one disk Thus only mirroring and striping is possible


Specifies this type to be the primary type. If no type option is given on the commandline, KIWI NG will build this type


For all images that are configured to use the overlay filesystem this setting forces any COW(Copy-On-Write) action to happen in RAM.


Label name to set for the root filesystem. By default ROOT is used


For the ISO type only, specifies the volume ID (volume name or label) to be written into the master block. There is space for 32 characters.


For the ISO/(oem install ISO) type only, specifies the Application ID to be written into the master block. There is space for 128 characters.


For the VHD disk format, specifies the GUID


For container images, specifies the image URI of the container image. The image created by KIWI NG will use the specified container as the base root to work on.


For container images and in combination with the derived_from attribute. If delta_root is set to true, {kiwi-ng} creates a container image which only contains the differences compared to the given derived_from container. Such a container is on its own no longer functional and requires a tool which is able to provision a container instance from the derived_from container combined with the delta_root application container. Such a tool exists with the oci-pilot project and allows to manage applications as containers that feels like native applications on the host system.


For OCI container images, specifies whether to ensure /run and /tmp directories are empty in the container image created by Kiwi. Default is true.


For ISO images, specifies the publisher name of the ISO.

The following sections shows the supported child elements of the type element including references to their usage in a detailed type setup: <preferences><type><luksformat>

The luksformat element is used to specify additional luks options passed on to the cryptsetup luksFormat call. The element requires the attribute luks to be set in the <type> section referring to luksformat. Several custom settings related to the LUKS and LUKS2 format features can be setup. For example the setup of the dm_integrity feature:

  <option name="--cipher" value="aes-gcm-random"/>
  <option name="--integrity" value="aead"/>
</luksformat> <preferences><type><bootloader>

The bootloader element is used to select the bootloader. At the moment, grub2, systemd_boot and the combination of zipl plus userspace grub2 grub2_s390x_emu are supported. The special custom entry allows to skip the bootloader configuration and installation and leaves this up to the user, which can be done by using the editbootinstall and editbootconfig custom scripts.


bootloaders provides a very different set of features and only work within their individual implementation priorities. KIWI NG provides an API for bootloaders but not all API methods can be implemented for all bootloaders due to the fact that some features only exists in one but not in another bootloader. If a bootloader setting is used that is not understood by the selected bootloader the image build process will fail with an exception message.


Specifies the bootloader to use for this image.


systemd_boot ESP size

The implementation to support systemd-boot reads all data from the ESP (EFI Standard Partition). This also includes the kernel and initrd which requires the size of the ESP to be configured appropriately. By default KIWI NG configures the ESP with 20MB. For systemd_boot this is usually too small and can be changed with the efipartsize attribute. Reading boot relevant files from another filesystem requires to provide alternative EFI filesystem drivers e.g efifs and also needs adaptions on the setup of bootctl.


systemd_boot and shim

At the moment the EFI image provided along with systemd-boot is not compatible with the shim signed loader provided in an extra effort by the distributions.

In addition to the mandatory name attribute, the following optional attributes are supported:


Specifies whether to use Bootloader Spec-style configuration if grub in the image supports it. It is a no-op if the blscfg module is not available. This option is only available for grub and defaults to true if not set.


Specifies the bootloader console. The attribute is available for the grub bootloader type. The behavior for setting up the console is different per bootloader:

For grub the console setting is split into the setting for the output and the input console:

  • A single console value is provided. In this case the same value is used for the output and input console and applied if possible. Providing the none value will skip the console setup for both.

  • Two values separated by a space are provided. In this case the first value configures the output console and the second value configures the input console. The none value can be used to skip one or the other console setup. More than two space separated values will be ignored.


Specifies a custom grub bootloader template file which will be used instead of the one provided with Kiwi. A static bootloader template to create the grub config file is only used in Kiwi if the native method via the grub mkconfig toolchain does not work properly. As of today, this is only the case for live and install ISO images. Thus, this setting only affects the oem and iso image types.

The template file should contain a Template string and can use the following variables:




parameters needed for grub’s search command to locate the root volume


number of the default menu item to boot


the name of the kernel file


the name of the initial ramdisk file


kernel command line options for booting normally


kernel command line options for booting in failsafe mode


the resolution to use for the bootloader; passed to grub’s gfxmode command


the name of a graphical theme to use


the boot menu timeout, set by the timeout attribute


the boot timeout style, set by the timeout_style attribute


directives used to initialize the serial port, set by the serial_line attribute


a title for the image: this will be the <image> tag’s displayname attribute or its name attribute if displayname is not set; see: <image>


the bootloader lookup path


the name of the grub directory


architecture-specific EFI boot binary name


the bootloader console mode, set by the console attribute


Specifies the bootloader serial line setup. The setup is effective if the bootloader console is set to use the serial line. The attribute is available for the grub bootloader only.


Specifies the boot timeout in seconds prior to launching the default boot option. By default, the timeout is set to 10 seconds. It makes sense to set this value to 0 for images intended to be started non-interactively (e.g. virtual machines).


Specifies the boot timeout style to control the way in which the timeout interacts with displaying the menu. If set, the display of the bootloader menu is delayed after the timeout expired. In countdown mode, an indication of the remaining time is displayed. The attribute is available for the grub loader only.


Specifies the device type of the disk zipl should boot. On zFCP devices, use SCSI; on DASD devices, use CDL or LDL; on emulated DASD devices, use FBA. The attribute is available for the zipl loader only. <preferences><type><bootloader><securelinux>

Used to specify data required to setup secure linux execution. Secure linux execution reads the kernel, initrd and boot parameters from an encrypted data blob and couples the image to the machine it gets executed on. Typically the private key is protected in hardware on the machine itself. KIWI NG supports secure execution for the IBM secure linux target on the s390 platform along with the bootloaders zipl and grub2-s390x-emu

    <hkd_cert name="some1-host.crt"/>
    <hkd_cert name="some2-host.crt"/>
    <hkd_ca_cert name="some-ca.crt"/>
    <hkd_sign_cert name="some1-signing.crt"/>
    <hkd_sign_cert name="some2-signing.crt"/>
    <hkd_revocation_list name="some1-revocation.crl"/>
    <hkd_revocation_list name="some2-revocation.crl"/>

Except for the hkd_ca_cert all other certificates can be specified multiple times.


The file specified in hkd_cert defines the Host Key Document and tightly couples the image to the host matching the document


Required in combination with hkd_cert, providing the Common Authority certificate (signed by the root CA) that is used to establish a chain of trust for the verification of the Host Key Document.


Required in combination with hkd_cert, providing the Signing certificate that is used to establish a chain of trust for the verification of the Host Key Document.


Optional in combination with hkd_cert, providing the the revocation list to check on use of expired certificates in the chain of trust. <preferences><type><bootloader><bootloadersettings>

Used to specify custom arguments for the tools called to setup secure boot e.g shiminstall, installation of the bootloader e.g grub-install or configuration of the bootloader e.g grub-mkconfig.

    <shimoption name="--suse-enable-tpm"/>
    <shimoption name="--bootloader-id" value="some-id"/>
    <installoption name="--suse-enable-tpm"/>
    <configoption name="--debug"/>

{kiwi-ng} does not judge on the given parameters and if the provided data is effectively used depends on the individual bootloader implementation. <preferences><type><containerconfig>

Used to describe the container configuration metadata in docker or wsl image types. For details see: Section 10.4, “Build a Container Image” and: Section 10.5, “Build a WSL Container Image” <preferences><type><vagrantconfig>

Used to describe vagrant configuration metadata in a disk image that is being used as a vagrant box. For details see: Section 11.7, “Image Description for Vagrant” <preferences><type><systemdisk>

Used to describe the volumes of the disk area which contains the root filesystem. Volumes are either a feature of the used filesystem or LVM is used for this purpose. For details see: Section 11.11, “Custom Disk Volumes”


When both <partitions> and <systemdisk> are used, <partitions> are evaluated first and mount points defined in <partitions> cannot be redefined as <systemdisk> volumes. The two types define a complete disk setup, so there cannot be any overlapping volumes or mount points. As a result, whatever is written in <partitions> cannot be expressed in the same way in <volumes>. <preferences><type><partitions>

Used to describe the geometry of the disk on the level of the partition table. For details see: Section 11.10, “Custom Disk Partitions” <preferences><type><oemconfig>

Used to customize the deployment process in an oem disk image. For details see: Section 10.3.5, “OEM Customization” <preferences><type><size>

Used to customize the size of the resulting disk image in an oem image. For details see: Section 10.2.2, “Modifying the Size of the Image” <preferences><type><machine>

Used to customize the virtual machine configuration which describes the components of an emulated hardware. For details see: Section 10.2.3, “Customizing the Virtual Machine” <preferences><type><installmedia>

Used to customize the installation media images created for oem images deployment. For details see: Section 10.3.6, “Installation Media Customization”

8.1.5 <containers>

Setup containers to fetch from a registry assigned to one of the supported container backends

<containers source="registry.opensuse.org" backend="podman">
    <container name="some"/>

The optional containers element specifies the location of one ore more containers on a registry source server. KIWI NG will take this information and fetch the containers as OCI archives to the image. On first boot those container archives will be loaded into the local container backend store for the selected backend and the archive files get deleted.

Supported backend values are docker and podman. The backend attribute is mandatory and specifies for which container backend the image should be available in the system. The containers element has the following optional attributes:


The containers section can be configured to apply only for a certain architecture. In this case specify the arch attribute with a value as it is reported by uname -m.


A list of profiles to which this containers selection applies (see Section 7.4, “Image Profiles”).

8.1.6 <containers><container>

Details about the container

<containers source="registry.opensuse.org" backend="podman">
    <container name="some"/>

The name attributes is mandatory and specifies the name of the container as it exists in the registry. The container element has the following optional attributes:


The path to the container in the registry. If not specified the value defaults to /


If set to true kiwi will only fetch the container but does not setup the systemd unit for loading the container into the local registry. In this mode the container archive file stays in the system and can be handled in a custom way. By default fetch_only is set to false.


Specifies the container tag to fetch. If not set the tag name defaults to latest


The container section can be configured to apply only for a certain architecture. In this case specify the arch attribute with a value as it is reported by uname -m.

8.1.7 <repository>

Setup software sources for the image.

<repository arch="arch">
  <source path="uri"/>

The mandatory repository element specifies the location and type of a repository to be used by the package manager as a package installation source. KIWI NG supports apt, dnf4, dnf5, pacman and zypper as package managers, specified with the packagemanager element. The repository element has the following optional attributes:


Specifies an alternative name for the configured repository. If the attribute is not specified KIWI NG will generate a random alias name for the repository. The specified name must match the pattern: [a-zA-Z0-9_-.]+


Used for Debian (apt) based repositories only. Specifies the component name that should be used from the repository. By default the main component is used


Used for Debian (apt) based repositories only. Specifies the distribution name used in the repository data structure.


Specifies whether or not this repository should be configured in the resulting image without using it at build time. By default the value is set to false


Specifies whether or not this specific repository is configured to to run repository signature validation. If not set, no value is appended into the repository configuration file. If set the relevant key information needs to be provided on the KIWI NG commandline using the --signing-key option or via the <signing> element as part of the <repository> setting in the image description.


Custom script hook which is invoked with the repo file as parameter for each file created by KIWI NG.


If the script is provided as relative path it will be searched in the image description directory


Specifies whether the given repository should be configured as a repository in the image or not. The default behavior is that repositories used to build an image are not configured as a repository inside the image. This feature allows you to change the behavior by setting the value to true.


Scope of repository uri’s

The repository is configured in the image according to the source path as specified with the path attribute of the source element. Therefore, if the path is not a fully qualified URL, you may need to adjust the repository file in the image to accommodate the expected location. It is recommended that you use the alias attribute in combination with the imageinclude attribute to avoid having unpredictable random names assigned to the repository you wish to include in the image.


Specifies a password for the given repository. The password attribute must be used in combination with the username attribute. Dependent on the repository location this information may not be used.


Specifies a user name for the given repository. The username attribute must be used in combination with the password attribute. Dependent on the repository location this information may not be used.


The repository providing this attribute will be used primarily to install the license tarball if found on that repository. If no repository with a preferred license attribute exists, the search happens over all repositories. It’s not guaranteed in that case that the search order follows the repository order like they are written into the XML description.


Specifies the repository priority for this given repository. Priority values are treated differently by different package managers. Repository priorities allow the package management system to disambiguate packages that may be contained in more than one of the configured repositories. The zypper package manager for example prefers packages from a repository with a lower priority over packages from a repository with higher priority values. The value 99 means “no priority is set”. For other package managers please refer to the individual documentation about repository priorities.


Specifies the source type of the repository path. Depending on if the source path is a simple url or a pointer to a metadata file or mirror list, the configured package manager needs to be setup appropriately. By default the source is expected to be a simple repository baseurl.


Used for Debian (apt) based repositories only. It specifies whether this repository should be the one used for bootstrapping or not. It is set to ‘false’ by default. Only a single repository is allowed to be used for bootstrapping, if no repository is set for the bootstrap the last one in the description XML is used. <repository><source>

The location of a repository is specified by the path attribute of the mandatory source child element:

<repository alias="kiwi">
  <source path="obs://Virtualization:Appliances:Builder/openSUSE_Leap_15.5"/>

The location specification may include the %arch macro which will expand to the architecture of the image building host. The value for the path attribute may begin with any of the following location indicators:

  • dir:///local/path An absolute path to a directory accessible through the local file system.

  • ftp://<ftp://> A ftp protocol based network location.

  • http://<http://> A http protocol based network location.

  • https://<https://> A https protocol based network location.


    https repositories

    When specifying a https location for a repository it is generally necessary to include the openssl certificates and a cracklib word dictionary as package entries in the bootstrap section of the image configuration. The names of the packages to include are individual to the used distribution. On SUSE systems as one example this would be openssl-certs and cracklib-dict-full

  • iso://<iso://> An absolute path to an .iso file accessible via the local file system. KIWI NG will loop mount the the .iso file to a temporary directory with a generated name. The generated path is provided to the specified package manager as a directory based repository location.

  • obs://Open:Build:Service:Project:Name A reference to a project in the Open Build Service (OBS). KIWI NG translates the given project path into a remote url at which the given project hosts the packages.

  • obsrepositories:/ A placeholder for the Open Build Service (OBS) to indicate that all repositories are taken from the project configuration in OBS.

A repository <source> element can optionally contain one ore more signing keys for the packages from this repository like shown in the following example:

<repository alias="kiwi">
  <source path="obs://Virtualization:Appliances:Builder/openSUSE_Leap_15.5">
    <signing key="/path/to/sign_key_a"/>
    <signing key="/path/to/sign_key_b"/>

All signing keys from all repositories will be collected and incorporated into the keyring as used by the selected package manager.

8.1.8 <packages>

Setup software components to be installed in the image.

<packages type="type"/>

The mandatory packages element specifies the setup of a packages group for the given type. The value of the type attribute specifies at which state in the build process the packages group gets handled, supported values are as follows:


Bootstrap packages, list of packages to be installed first into a new (empty) root tree. The packages list the required components to support a chroot environment from which further software components can be installed


Image packages, list of packages to be installed as part of a chroot operation inside of the new root tree.


Packages to be uninstalled or deleted. For further details see Section 7.3.3, “Uninstall System Packages”


Packages to be installed for the given image type name. For example if set to type=”iso”, the packages in this group will only be installed if the iso image type is build.

The packages element must contain at least one child element of the following list to provide specific configuration information for the specified packages group: <packages><package>

<packages type="image"/>
  <package name="name" arch="arch"/>

The package element installs the given package name. The optional arch attribute can be used to limit the installation of the package to the host architecture from which KIWI NG is called. The arch attribute is also available in all of the following elements. <packages><namedCollection>

<packages type="image" patternType="onlyRequired">
  <namedCollection name="base"/>

The namedCollection element is used to install a number of packages grouped together under a name. This is a feature of the individual distribution and used in the implementation of the KIWI NG package manager backend. At the moment collections are only supported for SUSE and RedHat based distributions. The optional patternType attribute is used to control the behavior of the dependency resolution of the package collection. onlyRequired installs only the collection and its required packages. plusRecommended installs the collection, any of its required packages and any recommended packages.


Collections on SUSE

On SUSE based distributions collections are called patterns and are just simple packages. To get the names of the patterns such that they can be used in a namedCollection type the following command: $ zypper patterns. If for some reason the collection name cannot be used it is also possible to add the name of the package that provides the collection as part of a package element. To get the names of the pattern packages type the following command: $ zypper search patterns. By convention all packages that starts with the name “patterns-” are representing a pattern package.


Collections on RedHat

On RedHat based distributions collections are called groups and are extra metadata. To get the names of these groups type the following command: $ dnf group list -v. Please note that since KIWI NG v9.23.39, group IDs are allowed only, e.g.: <namedCollection name=”minimal-environment”/> <packages><collectionModule>

<packages type="bootstrap">
    <collectionModule name="module" stream="stream" enable="true|false"/>

In CentOS Stream >= 8 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux >= 8, there are Application Streams that are offered in the form of modules (using Fedora Modularity technology). To build images that use this content KIWI NG offers to enable/disable modules when using the dnf or microdnf package manager backend. Modules are setup prior the bootstrap phase and its setup persists as part of the image.

There are the following constraints when adding collectionModule elements:

  • collectionModule elements can only be specified as part of the <packages type="bootstrap"> section. This is because the setup of modules must be done once and as early as possible in the process of installing the image root tree.

  • Disabling a module can only be done as a whole and therefore the stream attribute is not allowed for disabling modules. For enabling modules the stream` attribute is optional

  • The enable attribute is mandatory because it should be an explicit setting if a module is effectively used or not. <packages><file>

<packages type="image"/>
  <file name="name"/>

The file element takes the name attribute and looks up the given name as file on the system. If specified relative KIWI NG looks up the name in the image description directory. The file is installed using the rsync program. The file element has the following optional attributes:


The owner attribute can be specified to make the file belonging to the specified owner and group. The ownership of the original file is meaningless in this case. The provided value is passed along to the chown program.


The permissions attribute can be specified to store the file with the provided permission. The permission bits of the original file are meaningless in this case. The provided value is passed along to the chmod program.


The target attribute can be used to specify a target path to install the file to the specified directory and name. Eventually missing parent directories will be created. <packages><archive>

<packages type="image"/>
  <archive name="name" target_dir="some/path"/>

The archive element takes the name attribute and looks up the given name as file on the system. If specified relative KIWI NG looks up the name in the image description directory. The archive is installed using the tar program. Thus the file name is expected to be a tar archive. The compression of the archive is detected automatically by the tar program. The optional target_dir attribute can be used to specify a target directory to unpack the archive. <packages><ignore>

<packages type="image"/>
  <ignore name="name"/>

The ignore element instructs the used package manager to ignore the given package name at installation time. Please note whether or not the package can be ignored is up to the package manager. Packages that are hard required by other packages in the install procedure cannot be ignored and the package manager will simply ignore the request. <packages><product>

<packages type="image">
  <product name="name"/>

The product element instructs the used package manager to install the given product. What installation of a product means is up to the package manager and also distribution specific. This feature currently only works on SUSE based distributions

8.1.9 <users>

Setup image users.


The optional users element contains the user setup KIWI NG should create in the system. At least one user child element must be specified as part of the users element. Multiple user elements may be specified.

Each user element represents a specific user that is added or modified. The following attributes are mandatory:


the UNIX username


The password for this user account. It can be provided either in cleartext form or encrypted. An encrypted password can be created using openssl as follows:

$ openssl passwd -1 -salt xyz PASSWORD

It is also possible to specify the password as a non encrypted string by using the pwdformat attribute and setting it’s value to plain. KIWI NG will then encrypt the password prior to the user being added to the system.


plain text passwords

We do not recommend plain passwords as they will be readable in the image configuration in plain text

All specified users and groups will be created if they do not already exist. The defined users will be part of the group(s) specified with the groups attribute or belong to the default group as configured in the system. If specified the first entry in the groups list is used as the login group.

Additionally, the following optional attributes can be specified:


The path to the user’s home directory


A comma separated list of UNIX groups. The first element of the list is used as the user’s primary group. The remaining elements are appended to the user’s supplementary groups. When no groups are assigned then the system’s default primary group will be used. If a group should be of a specific group id, it can be appended to the name separated by a colon.


Group ID’s can only be set for groups that does not yet exist at the time when KIWI NG creates them. A check is made if the desired group is already present and if it exists the user will become a member of that group but any given group ID from the KIWI NG configuration will not be taken into account. Usually all standard system groups are affected by this behavior because they are provided by the OS itself. Thus it’s by intention not possible to overwrite the group ID of an existing group.


The numeric user id of this account.


The format in which password is provided. The default if not specified is encrypted.

8.1.10 <profiles>

Manage image namespace(s).

  <profile name="name" description="text"/>

The optional profiles section lets you maintain one image description while allowing for variation of other sections that are included. A separate profile element must be specified for each variation. The profile child element, which has name and description attributes, specifies an alias name used to mark sections as belonging to a profile, and a short description explaining what this profile does.

For example to mark a set of packages as belonging to a profile, simply annotate them with the profiles attribute as shown below:

<packages type="image" profiles="profile_name">
  <package name="name"/>

It is also possible to mark sections as belonging to multiple profiles by separating the names in the profiles attribute with a comma:

<packages type="image" profiles="profile_A,profile_B">
  <package name="name"/>

If a section tag does not have a profiles attribute, it is globally present in the configuration. If global sections and profiled sections contains the same sub-sections, the profiled sections will overwrite the global sections in the order of the provided profiles. For a better overview of the result configuration when profiles are used we recommend to put data that applies in any case to non profiled (global) sections and only extend those global sections with profiled data. For example:

  <packagemanager name="zypper"/>

<preferences profiles="oem_qcow_format">
  <type image="oem" filesystem="ext4" format="qcow2"/>

<preferences profiles="oem_vmdk_format">
  <type image="oem" filesystem="ext4" format="vmdk"/>

The above example configures two version of the same oem type. One builds a disk in qcow2 format the other builds a disk in vmdk format. The global preferences section without a profile assigned will be used in any case and defines those preferences settings that are common to any build process. A user can select both profiles at a time but that will result in building the disk format that is specified last because one is overwriting the other.

Use of one or more profile(s) during image generation is triggered by the use of the --profile command line argument. multiple profiles can be selected by passing this option multiple times.

8.2 Main Root


The mandatory Section 8.1.1, “<image>” element represents the root (top-level element) of an image description. All other elements must be descendants of this element. There can be only one image element.

8.3 Image Identity


The mandatory Section 8.1.3, “<description>” element contains information about the author, contact, license and the specification about the use case of this image. All data together forms the identity card of the image. There can be only one description element

8.4 Image Preferences


The mandatory Section 8.1.4, “<preferences>” element contains information to classify the image and to describe the layout. All data about the image type, its version, the partition layout and much more is specified here. There can be multiple preferences elements

8.5 Image Software Sources


The mandatory Section 8.1.7, “<repository>” element contains information where to find the software packages that are used to build the image. There can be multiple repository elements

8.6 Image Content Setup


The mandatory Section 8.1.8, “<packages>” element contains information to list which software should be installed from the configured repositories into the image. Software can be defined as names for packages, collections, archives or products. There can be multiple packages elements

8.7 Image Users


The optional Section 8.1.9, “<users>” element contains information about system users to be created inside of the image. There can be multiple users elements

8.8 Image Namespace


The optional Section 8.1.10, “<profiles>” element contains information to create one or more namespaces to an image description. The namespace can be used with any of the above elements and therefore tie them into a namespace which can be selected at call time of KIWI NG

8.9 Image Includes

<include from="file://filename.xml"/>

The optional Section 8.1.2, “<include>” element allows to drop in the contents of the specified filename.xml file at the place were the include statement was specified in the document. The include statement is only allowed as descendant of the root (top-level element) of the image description.

9 Image Types


Before building an image with KIWI NG it’s important to understand the different image types and their meaning. This document provides an overview about the supported KIWI NG image types, their results and some words about the environment to run the build.

ISO Hybrid Live Image

An iso image which can be dumped on a CD/DVD or USB stick and boots off from this media without interfering with other system storage components. A useful pocket system for testing and demo and debugging purposes. For further details refer to Section 10.1, “Build an ISO Hybrid Live Image”

Virtual Disk Image

An image representing the system disk, useful for cloud frameworks like Amazon EC2, Google Compute Engine or Microsoft Azure. For further details refer to Section 10.2, “Build a Virtual Disk Image”

OEM Expandable Disk Image

An image representing an expandable system disk. This means after deployment the system can resize itself to the new disk geometry. The resize operation is configurable as part of the image description and an installation image for CD/DVD, USB stick and Network deployment can be created in addition. For further details refer to: Section 10.3, “Build an Expandable Disk Image”

Docker Container Image

An archive image suitable for the docker container engine. The image can be loaded via the docker load command and works within the scope of the container engine. For further details refer to: Section 10.4, “Build a Container Image”

WSL Container Image

An archive image suitable for the Windows Subsystem For Linux container engine. The image can be loaded From a Windows System that has support for WSL activated. For further details refer to: Section 10.5, “Build a WSL Container Image”

KIS Root File System Image

An optional root filesystem image associated with a kernel and initrd. The use case for this component image type is highly customizable. Many different deployment strategies are possible. For further details refer to: Section 10.6, “Build KIS Image (Kernel, Initrd, System)”

AWS Nitro Enclave

An initrd based image using the eif binary format. The image is expected to be used in the AWS Nitro Enclave system or for testing in QEMU. For further details refer to: Section 10.7, “Build an AWS Nitro Enclave”

9.1 Image Results

KIWI NG execution results in an appliance image after a successful run of Section 4.6, “kiwi-ng system build” or Section 4.7, “kiwi-ng system create” command. The result is the image binary plus some additional metadata files which are needed for image deployment and/or exists for informative reasons. By default the output files follow this naming convention:


where <image-name> is the name stated in the Chapter 8, Image Description as an attribute of the Section 8.1.1, “<image>” element. The <arch> is the CPU architecture used for the build, <version> is the image version defined in Section 8.1.4, “<preferences>” element of the image description and the <extension> is dependent on the image type and its definition.

Any KIWI NG appliance build results in, at least, the following output files:

  1. The image binary, <image-name>.<arch>-<version>.<image-extension>:

    This is the file containig the actual image binary, depending on the image type and its definition it can be a virtual disk image file, an ISO image, a tarball, etc.

  2. The <image-name>.<arch>-<version>.packages file:

    This file includes a sorted list of the packages that are included into the image. In fact this is normalized dump of the package manager database. It follows the following cvs format where each line is represented by:


    The values represented here are mainly based on RPM packages metadata. Other package managers may not provide all of these values, in such cases the format is the same and the fields that cannot be provided are set as None value. This list can be used to track changes across multiple builds of the same image description over time by diffing the packages installed.

  3. The <image-name>.<arch>-<version>.verified file:

    This file is the output of a verification done by the package manager against the package data base. More specific it is the output of the rpm verification process or dpkg verification depending on the packaging technology selected for the image. In both cases the output follows the RPM verification syntax. This provides an overview of all packages status right before any boot of the image.

Depending on the image type, the following output files exists:


For this image type the result is mainly a root tree packed in a tarball:

  • root archive: exc_image_base_name.x86_64-1.15.3.tar.xz


The image root tree data is packed into a filesystem image of the given type, hence the resutl for an ext4 image would be:

  • filesystem image: exc_image_base_name.x86_64-1.15.3.ext4


The image result is an ISO file:

  • live image: exc_image_base_name.x86_64-1.15.3.iso


An image representing an expandable disk image. KIWI NG can also produce an installation ISO for this disk image by setting installiso="true" in the Section 8.1.4, “<preferences>”) section or a tarball including the artifacts for a network deployment by setting installpxe="true". For further details see Section 10.3, “Build an Expandable Disk Image”. The results for oem can be:

  • disk image: exc_image_base_name.x86_64-1.15.3.raw

  • installation image (optional): exc_image_base_name.x86_64-1.15.3.install.iso

  • installation pxe archive (optional): exc_image_base_name.x86_64-1.15.3.install.tar

The disk image can also be provided in one of the various virtual disk formats which can be specified in format attribute of the Section 8.1.4, “<preferences>” section. For further details see Section 10.2, “Build a Virtual Disk Image”. The result for e.g format="qcow2" would be:

  • disk image: exc_image_base_name.x86_64-1.15.3.qcow2

instead of the raw default disk format.


An archive image suitable for the docker container engine. The result is a loadable (docker load -i <image>) tarball:

  • container: exc_image_base_name.x86_64-1.15.3.docker.tar.xz


An archive image that builds a container matching the OCI (Open Container Interface) standard. The result is a tarball matching OCI standards:

  • container: exc_image_base_name.x86_64-1.15.3.oci.tar.xz


An archive image suitable for the Windows Subsystem For Linux container engine. The result is an appx binary file:

  • container: exc_image_base_name.x86_64-1.15.3.appx


An optional root filesystem image associated with a kernel and initrd. All three binaries are packed in a tarball, see Section 10.6, “Build KIS Image (Kernel, Initrd, System)” for further details about the kis archive:

  • kis archive: exc_image_base_name.x86_64-1.15.3.tar.xz

9.2 Image Bundle Format

The result files as mentioned above are used in the KIWI NG result bundler. The kiwi-ng result bundle command can be used to copy or package the mandatory image files to create a customer release. In this process it’s possible to apply a specific name pattern suitable for the requirements of the release. A typical result bundle call can look like the following:

$ kiwi-ng result bundle --target-dir /path/to/image/build_result \
      --bundle-dir=/path/to/image/release_result \

In this call and depending on the image type the required files as they exist in /path/to/image/build_result are copied to /path/to/image/release_result/. The only modification on the file names is the --id information which is appended with a - to at the end of the version substring. If we take exc_image_base_name.x86_64-1.15.3.iso as example. This file would be bundled as exc_image_base_name.x86_64-1.15.3-release_identifier.iso

Depending on the use case and the customer requirements this naming schema and the default way how the kiwi bundler processes the result files is not appropriate. To allow for a more flexible naming schema when bundling results, KIWI NG allows to specify a bundle_format per type like in the following example:

<type image="..." bundle_format="name_pattern">
    <!-- type definition -->

The specified name_pattern is used as the base name for the image files the bundler uses. As part of the name_pattern the following placeholders which gets replaced by their real value can be used:


Turns into the contents of the name attribute of the <image> section


Turns into the profile name used at build time of the image. If multiple profiles were used to build the image the result name consists out of the individual profile names concatenated by a _ in the order of their specification in the image description and/or the commandline.


Turns into the architecture name at build time of the image. Arch names are taken from Python’s platform.machine information.


Turns into the identifier name given via the --id option at call time of the bundler


Turns into the contents of the image attribute of the <type> section


Turns into the major number of the <version> section


Turns into the minor number of the <version> section


Turns into the patch number of the <version> section


Turns into the version text of the <version> section

10 Building Images for Supported Types


This document provides an overview how to build and use the KIWI NG supported image types. All images that we provide for testing uses the root password: linux

10.1 Build an ISO Hybrid Live Image

  • how to build an ISO image

  • how to run the image with QEMU

A Live ISO image is a system on a removable media, for example a CD/DVD or a USB stick. Booting a Live ISO image does not interfere with other system storage components, making it a useful portable system for demonstration, testing, and debugging.

To add a Live ISO build to your appliance, create a type element with image set to iso in the config.xml file as shown below:

<image schemaversion="8.0" name="Tumbleweed_appliance">
  <!-- snip -->
    <type image="iso" primary="true" flags="overlay" hybridpersistent_filesystem="ext4" hybridpersistent="true"/>
    <!-- additional preferences -->
  <!-- snip -->

The following attributes of the type element are relevant when building Live ISO images:

  • flags: Specifies the dracut module to use.

    If set to overlay, the kiwi-live dracut module supplied by KIWI NG is used for booting.

    If set to dmsquash, the dracut-supplied dmsquash-live module is used for booting.

    Both modules support a different set of live features. For details see overlay or dmsquash

  • filesystem: Specifies the root filesystem for the live system.

    If set to squashfs, the root filesystem is written into a squashfs image. This option is not compatible with device-mapper specific features of the dmsquash-live dracut module. In that case, use overayfs.

    If set to a value different from squashfs, the root filesystem is written into a filesystem image of the specified type, and the filesystem image written into a squashfs image for compression.

    The default value of this option is ext4.

  • hybridpersistent: Accepts true or false, if set to true, the resulting image is created with a COW file to keep data persistent over a reboot.

  • hybridpersistent_filesystem: The filesystem used for the COW file. Valid values are ext4 or xfs, with ext4 being the default.

With the appropriate settings specified in config.xml, you can build an image using KIWI NG:

$ sudo kiwi-ng system build \
      --description kiwi/build-tests/x86/leap/test-image-live \
      --set-repo obs://openSUSE:Leap:15.5/standard \
      --target-dir /tmp/myimage

The resulting image is saved in /tmp/myimage, and the image can be tested with QEMU:

$ sudo qemu -cdrom \
      kiwi-test-image-live.x86_64-1.15.3.iso \
      -m 4096 -serial stdio

The image is now complete and ready to use. See Section 11.1, “Deploy ISO Image on an USB Stick” and Section 11.2, “Deploy ISO Image as File on a FAT32 Formated USB Stick” for further information concerning deployment.

10.1.1 overlay or dmsquash

Whether you choose the overlay or dmsquash dracut module depends on the features you intend to use. The overlay module supports only overlayfs based overlays, but with automatic creation of a writable layer for persistence. The dmsquash module supports overlayfs as well as device-mapper based overlays.

The following list describes important Live ISO features and their support status in the overlay and dmsquash modules.

ISO scan

Usable in the same way with both dracut modules. This feature allows to boot the Live ISO as a file from a grub loopback configured bootloader. The live-grub-stick tool is one example that uses this feature. For details how to setup ISO scan with the overlay module see Section 11.2, “Deploy ISO Image as File on a FAT32 Formated USB Stick”

ISO in RAM completely

Usable with the dmsquash module through rd.live.ram. The overlay module does not support this mode, while KIWI NG supports RAM only systems as OEM deployment into RAM from an install ISO media. For details how to setup RAM only deployments in KIWI NG see: Section 11.9, “Deploy and Run System in a RamDisk”

Overlay based on overlayfs

Usable with both dracut modules. The readonly root filesystem is overlaid with a readwrite filesystem using the kernel overlayfs filesystem.

Overlay based on device mapper snapshots

Usable with the dmsquash module. A squashfs compressed readonly root is overlaid with a readwrite filesystem using a device mapper snapshot.

Media Checksum Verification

Boot the Live iso only for ISO checksum verification. This is possible with both modules but the overlay module uses the checkmedia tool, whereas the upstream dmsquash module uses checkisomd5. The verification process is triggered by passing the kernel option mediacheck for the overlay module and rd.live.check for the dmsquash module.

Live ISO through PXE boot

Boot the Live image via the network. This is possible with both modules, but it uses different technologies. The overlay module supports network boot only in combination with the AoE (Ata Over Ethernet) protocol. For details see Section 11.16, “Booting a Live ISO Image from Network”. The dmsquash module supports network boot by fetching the ISO image into memory from root=live: using the livenet module.

Persistent Data

Keep new data persistent on a writable storage device. This can be done with both modules but in different ways. The overlay module activates persistency with the kernel boot parameter rd.live.overlay.persistent. If the persistent setup cannot be created the fallback to the non persistent mode applies automatically. The overlay module auto detects if it is used on a disk or ISO scan loop booted from a file. If booted as disk, persistency is setup on a new partition of that disk. If loop booted from file, persistency is setup on a new cow file. The cow file/partition setup can be influenced with the kernel boot parameters: rd.live.overlay.cowfs and rd.live.cowfile.mbsize. The dmsquash module configures persistency through the rd.live.overlay option exclusively and does not support the automatic creation of a write partition in disk mode.

10.2 Build a Virtual Disk Image

  • define a simple disk image in the image description

  • build a simple disk image

  • run it with QEMU

A simple virtual disk image is a compressed system disk with additional metadata useful for cloud frameworks like Amazon EC2, Google Compute Engine, or Microsoft Azure. It is used as the native disk of a system, and it does not require an additional installation workflow or a complex first boot setup procedure.

To enable KIWI NG to build a simple disk image, add a type element with image="oem" in config.xml, where the oem-resize option disabled. An example configuration for a 42 GB large VMDK image with 512 MB RAM, an IDE controller and a bridged network interface is shown below:

<image schemaversion="8.0" name="Tumbleweed_appliance">
  <!-- snip -->
    <type image="oem" filesystem="ext4" format="vmdk">
      <bootloader name="grub2" timeout="0"/>
      <size unit="G">42</size>
      <machine memory="512" guestOS="suse" HWversion="4">
        <vmdisk id="0" controller="ide"/>
        <vmnic driver="e1000" interface="0" mode="bridged"/>
    <!-- additional preferences -->
  <!-- snip -->

The following attributes of the type element are deserve attention when building simple disk images:

  • format: Specifies the format of the virtual disk, possible values are: gce, ova, qcow2, vagrant, vmdk, vdi, vhd, vhdx and vhd-fixed.

  • formatoptions: Specifies additional format options passed to qemu-img. formatoptions is a comma-separated list of format specific options in a name=value format as expected by qemu-img. KIWI NG forwards the settings from the attribute as a parameter to the -o option in the qemu-img call.

The bootloader, size and machine child-elements of type can be used to customize the virtual machine image. These elements are described in the following sections: Setting up the Bootloader in the Image, Modifying the Size of the Image and Customizing the Virtual Machine

Once your image description is finished , you can build the image using the following KIWI NG command:

$ sudo kiwi-ng system build \
     --description kiwi/build-tests/x86/leap/test-image-disk-simple \
     --set-repo obs://openSUSE:Leap:15.5/standard \
     --target-dir /tmp/myimage

The resulting .raw image is stored in /tmp/myimage.

You can test the image using QEMU:

$ sudo qemu \
    -drive file=kiwi-test-image-disk-simple.x86_64-1.15.3.raw,format=raw,if=virtio \
    -m 4096

For further information on how to configure the image to work within a cloud framework see:

For information on how to setup a Vagrant system, see: Section 11.7, “Image Description for Vagrant”.

10.2.1 Setting up the Bootloader in the Image

     <bootloader name="grub2"/>

The bootloader element defines which bootloader to use in the image, and the element offers several options for customizing its configuration.

For details, see: Section, “<preferences><type><bootloader>”

10.2.2 Modifying the Size of the Image

The size child element of type specifies the size of the resulting disk image. The following example shows an image description, where 20 GB are added to the virtual machine image, of which 5 GB are left unpartitioned:

  <type image="oem" format="vmdk">
    <size unit="G" additive="true" unpartitioned="5">20</size>

The following optional attributes can be used to futher customize the image size:

  • unit: Defines the unit used for the provided numerical value, possible values are M for megabytes and G for gigabytes. The default unit is megabytes.

  • additive: Boolean value that determines whether the provided value is added to the current image size (additive="true") or whether it is the total size (additive="false"). The default value is false.

  • unpartitioned: Specifies the image space in the image that is not partitioned. The attribute uses either the same unit as defined in the attribute unit or the default value.

10.2.3 Customizing the Virtual Machine

The machine child element of type can be used to customize the virtual machine configuration, including the number of CPUs and the connected network interfaces.

The following attributes are supported by the machine element:

  • ovftype: The OVF configuration type. The Open Virtualization Format is a standard for describing virtual appliances and distribute them in an archive called Open Virtual Appliance (OVA). The standard describes the major components associated with a disk image. The exact specification depends on the product using the format. Supported values are zvm, powervm, xen and vmware.

  • HWversion: The virtual machine’s hardware version (vmdk and ova formats only), refer https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1003746 for further information on which value to choose.

  • arch: the VM architecture (vmdk format only). Valid values are ix86 (= i585 and i686) and x86_64.

  • xen_loader: the Xen target loader which is expected to load the guest. Valid values are: hvmloader, pygrub and pvgrub.

  • guestOS: The virtual guest OS’ identification string for the VM (only applicable for vmdk and ova formats. Note that the name designation is different for the two formats). Note: For vmware ovftools, guestOS is a VMX GuestOS, but not VIM GuestOS. For instance, correct value for Ubuntu 64 bit is “ubuntu-64”, but not “ubuntu64Guest”. See GUEST_OS_KEY_MAP in guest_os_tables.h at https://github.com/vmware/open-vm-tools for another guestOS values.

  • min_memory: The virtual machine’s minimum memory in MB (ova format only).

  • max_memory: The virtual machine’s maximum memory in MB (ova format only).

  • min_cpu: The virtual machine’s minimum CPU count (ova format only).

  • max_cpu: The virtual machine’s maximum CPU count (ova format only).

  • memory: The virtual machine’s memory in MB (all formats).

  • ncpus: The number of virtual CPUs available to the virtual machine (all formats).

machine also supports additional child elements that are covered in the following subsections. Modifying the VM Configuration Directly

The vmconfig-entry element is used to add entries directly into the virtual machine’s configuration file. This is currently only supported for the vmdk format where the provided strings are directly pasted into the .vmx file.

The vmconfig-entry element has no attributes and can appear multiple times. The entries are added to the configuration file in the provided order. Note that KIWI NG does not check the entries for correctness.

The following example adds the two entries numvcpus = "4" and cpuid.coresPerSocket = "2" into the VM configuration file:

  <type image="oem" filesystem="ext4" format="vmdk">
    <machine memory="512" guestOS="suse" HWversion="4">
      <vmconfig-entry>numvcpus = "4"</vmconfig-entry>
      <vmconfig-entry>cpuid.coresPerSocket = "2"</vmconfig-entry>
</preferences> Adding Network Interfaces to the VM

Network interfaces can be explicitly specified for the VM when required via the vmnic element. This makes is possible to add another bridged interface or to specify the driver wto be used.

Note that this element is used for the vmdk image format only.

The following example adds a bridged network interface that uses the e1000 driver:

  <type image="oem" filesystem="ext4" format="vmdk">
    <machine memory="4096" guestOS="suse" HWversion="4">
      <vmnic driver="e1000" interface="0" mode="bridged"/>

The vmnic element supports the following attributes:

  • interface: Mandatory interface ID for the VM’s network interface.

  • driver: An optional driver.

  • mac: The MAC address of the specified interface.

  • mode: The mode of the interface.

Note that KIWI NG doesn not verify the values of the attributes, it only inserts them into the appropriate configuration files. Specifying Disks and Disk Controllers

The vmdisk element can be used to customize the disks and disk controllers for the virtual machine. This element can be specified for each disk or disk controller present.

Note that this element is used for vmdk and ova image formats only.

The following example adds a disk with the ID 0 that uses an IDE controller:

  <type image="oem" filesystem="ext4" format="vmdk">
    <machine memory="512" guestOS="suse" HWversion="4">
      <vmdisk id="0" controller="ide"/>

Each vmdisk element can be further customized using optional attributes: Adding CD/DVD Drives

KIWI NG supports adding IDE and SCSCI CD/DVD drives to the virtual machine using the vmdvd element for the vmdk image format. The following example adds two drives: one with a SCSCI and another with a IDE controller:

  <type image="oem" filesystem="ext4">
    <machine memory="512" xen_loader="hvmloader">
      <vmdvd id="0" controller="scsi"/>
      <vmdvd id="1" controller="ide"/>

The vmdvd element features two mandatory attributes:

  • id: The CD/DVD ID of the drive.

  • controller: The CD/DVD controller used for the VM guest. Valid values are ide and scsi.

10.3 Build an Expandable Disk Image

  • build an expandable disk image

  • deploy an expandable disk image

  • run the deployed system

An expandable disk represents the system disk with the capability to automatically expand the disk and its filesystem to a custom disk geometry. This allows deploying the same disk image on target systems with different hardware setups.

The following example shows how to build and deploy an expandable disk image based on openSUSE Leap using a QEMU virtual machine as a target system:

  1. Make sure you have checked out the example image descriptions (see Section 2.4, “Example Appliance Descriptions”).

  2. Build an image with KIWI NG:

    $ sudo kiwi-ng --type oem system build \
        --description kiwi/build-tests/x86/leap/test-image-disk \
        --set-repo obs://openSUSE:Leap:15.5/standard \
        --target-dir /tmp/myimage

    The resulting image is saved in /tmp/myimage.

    • The disk image with the suffix .raw is an expandable virtual disk. It can expand itself to a custom disk geometry.

    • The installation image with the suffix install.iso is a hybrid installation system which contains the disk image and is capable to install this image on any target disk.

10.3.1 Deployment Methods

The goal of an expandable disk image is to provide the virtual disk data for OEM vendors to support easy deployment of the system to physical storage media.

Basic deployment strategies are as follows:

  1. Manual Deployment

    Manually deploy the disk image onto the target disk.

  2. CD/DVD Deployment

    Boot the installation image and let KIWI NG’s installer deploy the disk image from CD/DVD or USB stick onto the target disk.

  3. Network Deployment

    PXE boot the target system and let KIWI NG’s installer deploy the disk image from the network onto the target disk.

10.3.2 Manual Deployment

The manual deployment method can be tested using virtualization software like QEMU and an additional virtual a large-size target disk. To do this, follow the steps below.

  1. Create a target disk:

    $ qemu-img create target_disk 20g

    Retaining the Disk Geometry

    If the target disk geometry is less than or equals to the geometry of the disk image itself, the disk expansion that is performed on a physical disk install during the boot workflow is skipped and the original disk geometry stays unchanged.

  2. Dump disk image on target disk:

    $ dd if=kiwi-test-image-disk.x86_64-1.15.3.raw of=target_disk conv=notrunc
  3. Boot the target disk:

    $ sudo qemu -hda target_disk -m 4096 -serial stdio

    On first boot of the target_disk, the system is expanded to the configured storage layout. By default, the system root partition and filesystem are resized to the maximum free space available.

10.3.3 CD/DVD Deployment

The deployment from CD/DVD via an installation image can also be tested using virtualization software such as QEMU. To do this, follow the steps below.

  1. Create a target disk:

    Follow the steps above to create a virtual target disk

  2. Boot the installation image as CD/DVD with the target disk attached.

    $ sudo qemu -cdrom \
          kiwi-test-image-disk.x86_64-1.15.3.install.iso -hda target_disk \
          -boot d -m 4096 -serial stdio

    USB Stick Deployment

    Like any other ISO image built with KIWI NG, the installation image is also a hybrid image. Thus, it can also be used on USB stick and serve as installation media as explained in Section 10.1, “Build an ISO Hybrid Live Image”

10.3.4 Network Deployment

The process of deployment from the network downloads the disk image from a PXE boot server. This requires a PXE network boot server to be setup as described in Section 11.13, “Setting Up a Network Boot Server”

If the PXE server is running, the following steps show how to test the deployment process over the network using a QEMU virtual machine as a target system:

  1. Create an installation PXE TAR archive along with your disk image by replacing the following configuration in kiwi/build-tests/x86/leap/test-image-disk/appliance.kiwi

    Find the line below:

    <type image="oem" installiso="true"/>

    Modify the line as follows:

    <type image="oem" installpxe="true"/>
  2. Rebuild the image, unpack the resulting kiwi-test-image-disk.x86_64-1.15.3.install.tar.xz file to a temporary directory, and copy the initrd and kernel images to the PXE server.

    1. Unpack installation tarball:

      mkdir /tmp/pxe && cd /tmp/pxe
      tar -xf kiwi-test-image-disk.x86_64-1.15.3.install.tar.xz
    2. Copy kernel and initrd used for PXE boot:

      scp pxeboot.kiwi-test-image-disk.x86_64-1.15.3.initrd PXE_SERVER_IP:/srv/tftpboot/boot/initrd
      scp pxeboot.kiwi-test-image-disk.x86_64-1.15.3.kernel PXE_SERVER_IP:/srv/tftpboot/boot/linux
  3. Copy the disk image, MD5 file, system kernel, initrd and bootoptions to the PXE boot server.

    Activation of the deployed system is done via kexec of the kernel and initrd provided here.

    1. Copy system image and MD5 checksum:

      scp kiwi-test-image-disk.x86_64-1.15.3.xz PXE_SERVER_IP:/srv/tftpboot/image/
      scp kiwi-test-image-disk.x86_64-1.15.3.md5 PXE_SERVER_IP:/srv/tftpboot/image/
    2. Copy kernel, initrd and bootoptions used for booting the system via kexec:

      scp kiwi-test-image-disk.x86_64-1.15.3.initrd PXE_SERVER_IP:/srv/tftpboot/image/
      scp kiwi-test-image-disk.x86_64-1.15.3.kernel PXE_SERVER_IP:/srv/tftpboot/image/
      scp kiwi-test-image-disk.x86_64-1.15.3.config.bootoptions PXE_SERVER_IP:/srv/tftpboot/image/

      The config.bootoptions file is used with kexec to boot the previously dumped image. This file specifies the root of the dumped image, and the file can include other boot options. The file provided with the KIWI NG built image connected to the image present in the PXE TAR archive. If other images are deployed, the file must be modified to match the correct root reference.

  4. Add/Update the kernel command line parameters.

    Edit your PXE configuration (for example pxelinux.cfg/default) on the PXE server, and add the following parameters to the append line similar to shown below:

    append initrd=boot/initrd rd.kiwi.install.pxe rd.kiwi.install.image=tftp://

    The location of the image is specified as a source URI that can point to any location supported by the curl command. KIWI NG uses curl to fetch the data from this URI. This means that the image, MD5 file, system kernel and initrd can be fetched from any server, and they do not need to be stored on the PXE_SERVER.

    By default KIWI NG does not use specific curl options or flags. But it is possible to specify desired options by adding the rd.kiwi.install.pxe.curl_options flag to the kernel command line (curl options are passed as comma-separated values), for example:


    The above instructs KIWI NG to run curl as follows:

    curl --retry 3 --retry-delay 3 --speed-limit 2048 -f <url>

    This can be particularly useful when the deployment infrastructure requires specific download configuration. For example, setting more robust retries over an unstable network connection.


    KIWI NG replaces commas with spaces and appends the result to the curl command. Keep that in mind, because command-line options that include commas break the command.


    The initrd and Linux Kernel for PXE boot are always loaded via TFTP from the PXE_SERVER.

  1. Create a target disk.

    Follow the steps above to create a virtual target disk.

  2. Connect the client to the network and boot QEMU with the target disk attached to the virtual machine:

    $ sudo qemu -boot n -hda target_disk -m 4096

    QEMU bridged networking

    To connect QEMU to the network, we recommend to setup a network bridge on the host system and connect QEMU to it via a custom /etc/qemu-ifup configuration. For details, see https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/QEMU/Networking

10.3.5 OEM Customization

The deployment process of an OEM image can be customized using the oemconfig element. This element is a child section of the type element, for example:


Below is a losr list of optional oem element settings.


Determines if the disk has the capability to expand itself to a new disk geometry or not. By default, this feature is activated. The implementation of the resize capability is done in a dracut module packaged as dracut-kiwi-oem-repart. If oem-resize is set to false, the installation of the corresponding dracut package can be skipped as well.


By default, the string OEM is used as the boot manager menu entry when KIWI creates the GRUB configuration during deployment. The oem-boot-title element allows you to set a custom name for the grub menu entry. This value is represented by the kiwi_oemtitle variable in the initrd.


Determines if the system waits for user interaction before continuing the boot process after the disk image has been dumped to the designated storage device (default value is false). This value is represented by the kiwi_oembootwait variable in the initrd.


When enabled, the system is rebooted after the disk image has been deployed to the designated storage device (default value is false). This value is represented by the kiwi_oemreboot variable in the initrd.


When enabled, the system is rebooted after the disk image has been deployed to the designated storage device (default value is false). Before the reboot, a message is displayed, and it and must be acknowledged by the user for the system to reboot. This value is represented by the kiwi_oemrebootinteractive variable in the initrd.


Determines if the system boots in silent mode after the disk image has been deployed to the designated storage device (default value is false). This value is represented by the kiwi_oemsilentboot variable in the initrd.


Determines if the system is powered down after the disk image has been deployed to the designated storage device (default value is false). This value is represented by the kiwi_oemshutdown variable in the initrd.


Determines if the system is powered down after the disk image has been deployed to the designated storage device (default value is false). Before the shutdown a message is displayed, and it must be acknowledged by the user for the system to power off. This value is represented by the kiwi_oemshutdowninteractive variable in the initrd


Determines if a swap partition is be created. By default, no swap partition is created. This value is represented by the kiwi_oemswap variable in the initrd.


Specifies the name of the swap space. By default, the name is set to LVSwap. The default indicates that this setting is only useful in combination with the LVM volume manager. In this case, the swapspace is configured as a volume in the volume group, and every volume requires a name. The name specified in oemconfig.oem-swapname here is used as a name of the swap volume.


Specifies the size of the swap partition. If a swap partition is created while the size of the swap partition is not specified, KIWI calculates the size of the swap partition, and creates a swap partition at initial boot time. In this case, the swap partition size equals the double amount of RAM of the system. This value is represented by the kiwi_oemswapMB variable in the initrd.


Specifies the size the operating system is allowed to occupy on the target disk. The size limit does not include any swap space or recovery partition considerations. In a setup without the systemdisk element, this value specifies the size of the root partition. In a setup that includes the systemdisk element, this value specifies the size of the LVM partition that contains all specified volumes. This means that the sum of all specified volume sizes plus the sum of the specified freespace for each volume must be smaller than or equal to the size specified with the oem-systemsize element. This value is represented by the variable kiwi_oemrootMB in the initrd.


The installation of the image to the target system occurs automatically without requiring user interaction. If multiple possible target devices are discovered, the image is deployed to the first device. kiwi_oemunattended in the initrd.


Selects a target disk device for the installation according to the specified device ID. The device ID corresponds to the name of the device for the configured devicepersistency. By default, it is the by-uuid device name. If no representation exists, for example for ramdisk devices, the UNIX device node can be used to select one. The given name must be present in the device list detected by KIWI.


Disables the checksum verification process after installing of the image to the target disk. The verification process computes the checksum of the image installed to the target. This value is then compared to the initrd embedded checksum generated at build time of the image. Depending on the size of the image and machine power, computing the checksum may take time.

10.3.6 Installation Media Customization

The installation media created for OEM network or CD/DVD deployments can be customized with the installmedia section. It is a child section of the type element, for example:

  <initrd action="omit">
    <dracut module="network-legacy"/>

The installmedia is only available for OEM image types that include the request to create an installation media.

The initrd child element of installmedia lists dracut modules. The element’s action attribute determines whether the dracut module is omitted (action="omit") or added (action="add"). Use action="set" to use only the listed modules and nothing else (that is, none of the dracut modules included by default).

10.4 Build a Container Image

  • basic configuration explanation

  • how to build a Container Image

  • how to run it with a Container Runtime

KIWI NG can build native container images from scratch or using existing images. KIWI NG container images are considered to be native, because a KIWI NG tarball image can be loaded directly into container runtimes like Podman, Docker or Containerd, including common container configurations.

The container configuration metadata is supplied to KIWI NG as part of the Section 1.1.1, “Components of an Image Description” using the <containerconfig> tag. The following configuration metadata can be specified.

containerconfig attributes:

  • name: Specifies the repository name of the container image.

  • tag: Sets the tag of the container image.

  • maintainer: Specifies the author of the container. Equivalent to the MAINTAINER directive in a Dockerfile.

  • user: Sets the user name or user id (UID) to be used when running entrypoint and subcommand. Equivalent of the USER directive of a Dockerfile.

  • workingdir: Sets the working directory to be used when running cmd and entrypoint. Equivalent of the WORKDIR directive in a Dockerfile.

containerconfig child tags:

  • subcommand: Provides the default execution parameters of the container. Equivalent of the CMD directive in a Dockerfile.

  • labels: Adds custom metadata to an image using key-value pairs. Equivalent to one or more LABEL directives in a Dockerfile.

  • expose: Defines which ports can be exposed to the outside when running this container image. Equivalent to one or more EXPOSE directives in a Dockerfile.

  • environment: Sets environment variables using key-value pairs. Equivalent to one or multiple ENV directives in a Dockerfile.

  • entrypoint: Sets the binary to use for executing all commands inside the container. Equivalent of the ENTRYPOINT directive in a Dockerfile.

  • volumes: Creates mountpoints with the given name and marks them to hold external volumes from the host or from other containers. Equivalent to one or more VOLUME directives in a Dockerfile.

  • stopsignal: The stopsignal element sets the system call signal that will be sent to the container to exit. This signal can be a signal name in the format SIG[NAME], for instance SIGKILL, or an unsigned number that matches a position in the kernel’s syscall table, for instance 9. The default is SIGTERM if not defined

Other Dockerfile directives such as RUN, COPY or ADD, can be mapped to KIWI NG using the Section 1.1.1, “Components of an Image Description” script file to run Bash commands, or the Section 1.1.1, “Components of an Image Description” to include additional files.

The following example illustrates how to build a container image based on openSUSE Leap:

  1. Make sure you have checked out the example image descriptions (see Section 2.4, “Example Appliance Descriptions”).

  2. Include the Virtualization/containers repository into your list (replace the placeholder <DIST> with the name of the desired distribution):

    $ zypper addrepo http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Virtualization:/containers/<DIST> container-tools
  3. Install umoci and skopeo tools

    $ zypper in umoci skopeo
  4. Build an image with KIWI NG:

    $ sudo kiwi-ng system build \
        --description kiwi/build-tests/x86/leap/test-image-docker \
        --set-repo obs://openSUSE:Leap:15.5/standard \
        --target-dir /tmp/myimage
  5. Test the container image.

    First load the new image into your container runtime:

    $ podman load -i kiwi-test-image-docker.x86_64-1.15.3.docker.tar.xz

    Then run the image:

    $ podman run --rm -it buildsystem /bin/bash

10.5 Build a WSL Container Image

KIWI NG can build WSL images using the appx utility. Make sure you have installed the package that provides the command on your build host.

Once the build host has the appx installed, the following image type setup is required in the XML description config.xml:

<type image="appx" metadata_path="/meta/data"/>

The /meta/data path specifies a path that provides additional information required for the WSL-DistroLauncher. This component consists out of a Windows(exe) executable file and an AppxManifest.xml file that references other files, like icons and resource configurations for the startup of the container under Windows.



Except for the root filesystem tarball KIWI NG is not responsible for providing the meta data required for the WSL-DistroLauncher. It is expected that the given metadata path contains all the needed information. Typically this information is delivered in a package provided by the distribution, and it is installed on the build host.

10.5.1 Setup of the WSL-DistroLauncher

The contents of the AppxManifest.xml is changed by KIWI NG if the containerconfig section is provided in the XML description. In the context of a WSL image, the following container configuration parameters are taken into account:

<containerconfig name="my-wsl-container">
    >Container Description Text</history>

All information provided here, including the entire section, is optional. If the information is not specified, the existing AppxManifest.xml is left untouched.


Specifies the name of a publisher organization. An appx container must to be signed off with a digital signature. If the image is build in the Open Build Service (OBS), this is done automatically. Outside of OBS, you must o make sure that the given publisher organization name matches the certificate used for signing.


Provides the name of the author and maintainer of this container.


Specifies an ID name for the container. The name must start with a letter, and only alphanumeric characters are allowed. KIWI NG doesn not validate the specified name string, because there is no common criteria for various the container architectures.


Specifies the version identification for the container. KIWI NG validates it against the Microsoft Package Version Numbering rules.


Specifies the binary file name of the launcher .exe file.


KIWI NG does not check the configuration in AppxManifest.xml ifor validity or completeness.

The following example shows how to build a WSL image based on openSUSE Tumbleweed:

  1. Check the example image descriptions, see Section 2.4, “Example Appliance Descriptions”.

  2. Include the Virtualization/WSL repository to the list ((replace <DIST> with the desired distribution)):

    $ zypper addrepo http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Virtualization:/WSL/<DIST> WSL
  3. Install fb-util-for-appx utility and the package that provides the WSL-DistroLauncher metadata. See the previous note on /meta/data.

    $ zypper in fb-util-for-appx DISTRO_APPX_METADATA_PACKAGE

    When building images with the Open Build Servic,e make sure to add the packages from the zypper command above to the project configuration via osc meta -e prjconf along with the line support: PACKAGE_NAME for each package that needs to be installed on the Open Build Service worker that runs the KIWI NG build process.

  4. Configure the image type:

    Add the following type and container configuration to kiwi/build-tests/x86/tumbleweed/test-image-wsl/appliance.kiwi:

    <type image="appx" metadata_path="/meta/data">
        <containerconfig name="Tumbleweed">
            >Tumbleweed Appliance text based</history>

    If the configured metadata path does not exist, the build will fail. Furthermore, KIWI NG does not check whether the metadata is complete or is valid according to the requirements of the WSL-DistroLauncher

  5. Build the image with KIWI NG:

    $ sudo kiwi-ng system build \
        --description kiwi/build-tests/x86/tumbleweed/test-image-wsl \
        --set-repo http://download.opensuse.org/tumbleweed/repo/oss \
        --target-dir /tmp/myimage

10.5.2 Testing the WSL image

For testing the image, you need a Windows 10 system. Before you proceed, enable the optional feature named Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux. For further details on how to setup the Windows machine, see: Windows Subsystem for Linux

10.6 Build KIS Image (Kernel, Initrd, System)

A KIS image is a collection of image components that are not associated with a dedicated use case. This means that as far as KIWI NG is concerned, it is not known in which environment these components are expected to be used. The predecessor of this image type was called pxe under the assumption that the components will be used in a PXE boot environment. However, this assumption is not always true, and the image components may be used in different ways. Because there are so many possible deployment strategies for a kernel plus initrd and optional system root filesystem, KIWI NG provides this as the universal KIS type.

The former pxe image type still exist, but it is expected to be used only in combination with the legacy netboot infrastructure, as described in Section 11.14, “Build PXE Root File System Image for the legacy netboot infrastructure”.

To add a KIS build to an appliance, create a type element with image set to kis in the config.xml as shown below:

    <type image="kis"/>

With this image type setup, KIWI NG builds a kernel and initrd not associated with any system root file system. Normally, such an image is only useful with certain custom dracut extensions as part of the image description.

The following attributes of the type element are often used when building KIS images:

  • filesystem: Specifies the root filesystem and triggers the build of an additional filesystem image of that filesystem. The generated kernel command-line options file (append file) then also include a root= parameter that references this filesystem image UUID. Whther the information from the append file should be used or not is optional.

  • kernelcmdline: Specifies kernel command-line options that are part of the generated kernel command-line options file (append file). By default, the append file contains neither information nor the reference to the root UUID, if the filesystem attribute is used.

All other attributes of the type element that applies to an optional root filesystem image remain in effect in the system image of a KIS image as well.

With the appropriate settings present in config.xml, you can use KIWI NG to build the image:

$ sudo kiwi-ng --type kis system build \
    --description kiwi/build-tests/x86/tumbleweed/test-image-pxe \
    --set-repo http://download.opensuse.org/tumbleweed/repo/oss \
    --target-dir /tmp/myimage

The resulting image components are saved in /tmp/myimage. Outside of a deployment infrastructure, the example KIS image can be tested with QEMU as follows:

$ sudo qemu
    -kernel /tmp/myimage/*.kernel \
    -initrd /tmp/myimage/*.initrd \
    -append "$(cat /tmp/myimage/*.append) rw" \
    -drive file=/tmp/myimage/kiwi-test-image-pxe.*-1.15.3,if=virtio,driver=raw \
    -serial stdio

For testing the components of a KIS image normally requires a deployment infrastructure and a deployment process. An example of a deployment infrastructure using PXE is provided by KIWI NG with the netboot infrastructure. However, that netboot infrastructure is no longer developed and only kept for compatibility reasons. For details, see Section 11.14, “Build PXE Root File System Image for the legacy netboot infrastructure”

10.7 Build an AWS Nitro Enclave

  • how to build an AWS Nitro Enclave

  • how to test the enclave via QEMU

AWS Nitro Enclaves enables customers to create isolated compute environments to further protect and securely process highly sensitive data such as personally identifiable information (PII), healthcare, financial, and intellectual property data within their Amazon EC2 instances. Nitro Enclaves uses the same Nitro Hypervisor technology that provides CPU and memory isolation for EC2 instances. For further details please visit https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/nitro/nitro-enclaves

To add an enclave build to your appliance, create a type element with image set to enclave in the config.xml file as shown below:

<image schemaversion="8.0" name="kiwi-test-image-nitro-enclave">
  <!-- snip -->
    <profile name="default" description="CPIO: default profile" import="true"/>
    <profile name="std" description="KERNEL: default kernel" import="true"/>
    <type image="enclave" enclave_format="aws-nitro" kernelcmdline="reboot=k panic=30 pci=off console=ttyS0 i8042.noaux i8042.nomux i8042.nopnp i8042.dumbkbd random.trust_cpu=on rdinit=/sbin/init"/>
    <!-- additional preferences -->
  <packages type="image" profiles="std">
     <package name="kernel"/>
  <!-- more packages -->
  <!-- snip -->

The following attributes of the type element are relevant:

  • enclave_format: Specifies the enclave target

    As of today only the aws-nitro enclave target is supported

  • kernelcmdline: Specifies the kernel commandline suitable for the enclave

    An enclave is a system that runs completely in RAM loaded from an enclave binary format which includes the kernel, initrd and the kernel commandline suitable for the target system.

With the appropriate settings specified in config.xml, you can build an image using KIWI NG:

$ sudo kiwi-ng system build \
      --description kiwi/build-tests/x86/rawhide/test-image-nitro-enclave \
      --set-repo https://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/metalink?repo=rawhide&arch=x86_64 \
      --target-dir /tmp/myimage

The resulting image is saved in /tmp/myimage, and the image can be tested with QEMU:

$ sudo qemu-system-x86_64 \
      -M nitro-enclave,vsock=c \
      -m 4G \
      -nographic \
      -chardev socket,id=c,path=/tmp/vhost4.socket \
      -kernel kiwi-test-image-nitro-enclave.eif

The image is now complete and ready to use. Access to the system is possible via ssh through a vsock connection into the guest. To establish a vsock connection it’s required to forward the connection through the guest AF_VSOCK socket. This can be done via a ProxyCommand setup of the host ssh as follows:

$ vi ~/bin/vsock-ssh.sh

CID=$(echo "$1" | cut -d . -f 1)
$ vi ~/.ssh/config

host *.vsock
  ProxyCommand ~/bin/vsock-ssh.sh %h

After the ssh proxy setup login to the enclave with a custom vsock port as follows:

$ ssh root@21.vsock

11 Working with Images


This document provides a collection of worksheets which describes the creation and setup of appliances to work within a number of different target environments.

11.1 Deploy ISO Image on an USB Stick

In KIWI NG all generated ISO images are created to be hybrid. This means, the image can be used as a CD/DVD or as a disk. This works because the ISO image also has a partition table embedded. With more and more computers delivered without a CD/DVD drive this becomes important.

The very same ISO image can be copied onto a USB stick and used as a bootable disk. The following procedure shows how to do this:

  1. Plug in a USB stick

    Once plugged in, check which Unix device name the stick was assigned to. The following command provides an overview about all linux storage devices:

    $ lsblk
  2. Dump the ISO image on the USB stick:


    Make sure the selected device really points to your stick because the following operation can not be revoked and will destroy all data on the selected device

    $ dd if={exc_image_base_name}.x86_64-1.15.3.iso of=/dev/<stickdevice>
  3. Boot from your USB Stick

    Activate booting from USB in your BIOS/UEFI. As many firmware has different procedures on how to do it, look into your user manual. Many firmware offers a boot menu which can be activated at boot time.

11.2 Deploy ISO Image as File on a FAT32 Formated USB Stick

In KIWI NG, all generated ISO images are created to be hybrid. This means, the image can be used as a CD/DVD or as a disk. The deployment of such an image onto a disk like an USB stick normally destroys all existing data on this device. Most USB sticks are pre-formatted with a FAT32 Windows File System and to keep the existing data on the stick untouched a different deployment needs to be used.

The following deployment process copies the ISO image as an additional file to the USB stick and makes the USB stick bootable. The ability to boot from the stick is configured through a SYSLINUX feature which allows to loopback mount an ISO file and boot the kernel and initrd directly from the ISO file.

The initrd loaded in this process must also be able to loopback mount the ISO file to access the root filesystem and boot the live system. The dracut initrd system used by KIWI NG provides this feature upstream called as “iso-scan”. Therefore all KIWI NG generated live ISO images supports this deployment mode.

For copying the ISO file on the USB stick and the setup of the SYSLINUX bootloader to make use of the “iso-scan” feature an extra tool named live-grub-stick exists. The following procedure shows how to setup the USB stick with live-grub-stick:

  1. Install the live-grub-stick package from software.opensuse.org:

  2. Plug in a USB stick

    Once plugged in, check which Unix device name the FAT32 partition was assigned to. The following command provides an overview about all storage devices and their filesystems:

    $ sudo lsblk --fs
  3. Call the live-grub-stick command as follows:

    Assuming “/dev/sdz1” was the FAT32 partition selected from the output of the lsblk command:

    $ sudo live-grub-stick {exc_image_base_name}.x86_64-1.15.3.iso /dev/sdz1
  4. Boot from your USB Stick

    Activate booting from USB in your BIOS/UEFI. As many firmware has different procedures on how to do it, look into your user manual. EFI booting from iso image is not supported at the moment, for EFI booting use –isohybrid option with live-grub-stick, however note that all the data on the stick will be lost. Many firmware offers a boot menu which can be activated at boot time. Usually this can be reached by pressing the Esc or F12 keys.

11.3 Booting a Live ISO Images from Grub2

In KIWI NG, all generated ISO images are created to be hybrid. This means, the image can be used as a CD/DVD or as a disk. This works because the ISO image also has a partition table embedded. With more and more computers delivered without a CD/DVD drive this becomes important. The deployment of such an image onto a disk like an USB stick normally destroys all existing data on this device. It is also not possible to use USB stick as a data storage device. Most USB sticks are pre-formatted with a FAT32 or exFAT Windows File System and to keep the existing data on the stick untouched a different deployment needs to be used.

Fortunately Grub2 supports booting directly from ISO files. It does not matter whether it is installed on your computer’s hard drive or on a USB stick. The following deployment process copies the ISO image as an additional file to the USB stick or hard drive. The ability to boot from the disk is configured through a Grub2 feature which allows to loopback mount an ISO file and boot the kernel and initrd directly from the ISO file.

The initrd loaded in this process must also be able to loopback mount the ISO file to access the root filesystem and boot the live system. Almost every Linux distribution supports fat32, and more and more of them also support exFAT. For hard drives, Linux filesystems are also supported.

The dracut initrd system used by KIWI NG provides this feature upstream called as “iso-scan/filename”. Therefore all KIWI NG generated live ISO images supports this deployment mode.

The following procedure shows how to setup Grub2 on your hard drive:

  1. Copy the ISO image to a folder of your choice on your hard drive.

  2. Add the following code to the “grub.cfg” file:

    Be sure to set the path to the ISO image, you can set your own menu name. The drive identification for Grub2 can be checked at boot time by pressing the ‘c’ key and typing ‘ls’.

    submenu "Boot from openSUSE ISO" {
         export iso_path
         loopback loop "$iso_path"
         source /boot/grub2/loopback.cfg
         loopback --delete loop
  3. Restart your computer and select the added menu.

For USB sticks, the procedure is identical. You would then install Grub2 on the USB drive and follow the steps above. The use of scripts such as “MultiOS-USB” is strongly recommended.

11.4 Image Description for Amazon EC2

A virtual disk image which is able to boot in the Amazon EC2 cloud framework has to comply the following constraints:

  • Xen tools and libraries must be installed

  • cloud-init package must be installed

  • cloud-init configuration for Amazon must be provided

  • Grub bootloader modules for Xen must be installed

  • AWS tools must be installed

  • Disk size must be set to 10G

  • Kernel parameters must allow for xen console

To meet this requirements add or update the KIWI NG image description as follows:

  1. Software packages

    Make sure to add the following packages to the package list


    Package names used in the following list matches the package names of the SUSE distribution and might be different on other distributions.

    <package name="aws-cli"/>
    <package name="grub2-x86_64-xen"/>
    <package name="xen-libs"/>
    <package name="xen-tools-domU"/>
    <package name="cloud-init"/>
  2. Image Type definition

    Update the oem image type setup as follows

    <type image="oem"
          kernelcmdline="console=xvc0 multipath=off net.ifnames=0"
      <bootloader name="grub2" timeout="1"/>
      <size unit="M">10240</size>
      <machine xen_loader="hvmloader"/>
  3. Cloud Init setup

    Cloud init is a service which runs at boot time and allows to customize the system by activating one ore more cloud init modules. For Amazon EC2 the following configuration file /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg needs to be provided as part of the overlay files in your KIWI NG image description

      - default
    disable_root: true
    preserve_hostname: false
    syslog_fix_perms: root:root
    datasource_list: [ NoCloud, Ec2, None ]
      - migrator
      - bootcmd
      - write-files
      - growpart
      - resizefs
      - set_hostname
      - update_hostname
      - update_etc_hosts
      - ca-certs
      - rsyslog
      - users-groups
      - ssh
      - mounts
      - ssh-import-id
      - locale
      - set-passwords
      - package-update-upgrade-install
      - timezone
      - scripts-per-once
      - scripts-per-boot
      - scripts-per-instance
      - scripts-user
      - ssh-authkey-fingerprints
      - keys-to-console
      - phone-home
      - final-message
      - power-state-change
        name: ec2-user
        gecos: "cloud-init created default user"
        lock_passwd: True
        sudo: ["ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL"]
        shell: /bin/bash
        cloud_dir: /var/lib/cloud/
        templates_dir: /etc/cloud/templates/
      ssh_svcname: sshd

An image built with the above setup can be uploaded into the Amazon EC2 cloud and registered as image. For further information on how to upload to EC2 see: ec2uploadimg

11.5 Image Description for Microsoft Azure

A virtual disk image which is able to boot in the Microsoft Azure cloud framework has to comply the following constraints:

  • Hyper-V tools must be installed

  • Microsoft Azure Agent must be installed

  • Disk size must be set to 30G

  • Kernel parameters must allow for serial console

To meet this requirements update the KIWI NG image description as follows:

  1. Software packages

    Make sure to add the following packages to the package list


    Package names used in the following list matches the package names of the SUSE distribution and might be different on other distributions.

    <package name="hyper-v"/>
    <package name="python-azure-agent"/>
  2. Image Type definition

    Update the oem image type setup as follows

    <type image="oem"
          kernelcmdline="console=ttyS0 rootdelay=300 net.ifnames=0"
      <bootloader name="grub2" timeout="1"/>
      <size unit="M">30720</size>

An image built with the above setup can be uploaded into the Microsoft Azure cloud and registered as image. For further information on how to upload to Azure see: azurectl

11.6 Image Description for Google Compute Engine

A virtual disk image which is able to boot in the Google Compute Engine cloud framework has to comply the following constraints:

  • KIWI NG type must be an expandable disk

  • Google Compute Engine init must be installed

  • Disk size must be set to 10G

  • Kernel parameters must allow for serial console

To meet this requirements update the KIWI NG image description as follows:

  1. Software packages

    Make sure to add the following packages to the package list


    Package names used in the following list matches the package names of the SUSE distribution and might be different on other distributions.

    <package name="google-compute-engine-init"/>
  2. Image Type definition

    To allow the image to be expanded to the configured disk geometry of the instance started by Google Compute Engine it is suggested to let KIWI NG’s OEM boot code take over that task. It would also be possible to try cloud-init’s resize module but we found conflicts when two cloud init systems, google-compute-engine-init and cloud-init were used together. Thus for now we stick with KIWI NG’s boot code which can resize the disk from within the initrd before the system gets activated through systemd.

    Update the oem image type setup to be changed into an expandable type as follows:

    <type image="oem"
          kernelcmdline="console=ttyS0,38400n8 net.ifnames=0"
      <bootloader name="grub2" timeout="1"/>
      <size unit="M">10240</size>

An image built with the above setup can be uploaded into the Google Compute Engine cloud and registered as image. For further information on how to upload to Google see: google-cloud-sdk on software.opensuse.org

11.7 Image Description for Vagrant

Vagrant is a framework to implement consistent processing/testing work environments based on Virtualization technologies. To run a system, Vagrant needs so-called boxes. A box is a TAR archive containing a virtual disk image and some metadata.

To build Vagrant boxes, you can use Packer which is provided by Hashicorp itself. Packer is based on the official installation media (DVDs) as shipped by the distribution vendor.

The KIWI NG way of building images might be helpful, if such a media does not exist or does not suit your needs. For example, if the distribution is still under development or you want to use a collection of your own repositories. Note, that in contrast to Packer KIWI NG only supports the libvirt and VirtualBox providers. Other providers require a different box layout that is currently not supported by KIWI NG.

In addition, you can use the KIWI NG image description as source for the Open Build Service which allows building and maintaining boxes.

Vagrant expects boxes to be setup in a specific way (for details refer to the Vagrant box documentation.), applied to the referenced KIWI NG image description from Section 10.2, “Build a Virtual Disk Image”, the following steps are required:

  1. Update the image type setup

    <type image="oem" filesystem="ext4" format="vagrant">
        <bootloader name="grub2" timeout="0"/>
        <vagrantconfig provider="libvirt" virtualsize="42"/>
        <size unit="G">42</size>

    This modifies the type to build a Vagrant box for the libvirt provider including a pre-defined disk size. The disk size is optional, but recommended to provide some free space on disk.

    For the VirtualBox provider, the additional attribute virtualbox_guest_additions_present can be set to true when the VirtualBox guest additions are installed in the KIWI NG image:

    <type image="oem" filesystem="ext4" format="vagrant">
        <bootloader name="grub2" timeout="0"/>
        <size unit="G">42</size>

    The resulting Vagrant box then uses the vboxfs module for the synchronized folder instead of rsync, that is used by default.

  2. Add mandatory packages

    <package name="sudo"/>
    <package name="openssh"/>
  3. Add additional packages

    If you have set the attribute virtualbox_guest_additions_present to true, add the VirtualBox guest additions. For openSUSE the following packages are required:

    <package name="virtualbox-guest-tools"/>
    <package name="virtualbox-guest-x11"/>
    <package name="virtualbox-guest-kmp-default"/>

    Otherwise, you must add rsync:

    <package name="rsync"/>

    Note that KIWI NG cannot verify whether these packages are installed. If they are missing, the resulting Vagrant box will be broken.

  4. Add Vagrant user

    <users group='vagrant'>
        <user name='vagrant' password='vh4vw1N4alxKQ' home='/home/vagrant'/>

    This adds the vagrant user to the system and applies the name of the user as the password for login.

  5. Configure SSH, the default shared folder and sudo permissions

    Vagrant expects that it can login as the user vagrant using an insecure public key . Furthermore, vagrant also usually uses /vagrant as the default shared folder and assumes that the vagrant user can invoke commands via sudo without having to enter a password.

    This can be achieved using the function baseVagrantSetup in config.sh:

  6. Additional customizations:

    Additionally to baseVagrantSetup, you might want to also ensure the following:

    • If you have installed the Virtualbox guest additions into your box, then also load the vboxsf kernel module.

    • When building boxes for libvirt, then ensure that the default wired networking interface is called eth0 and uses DHCP. This is necessary since libvirt uses dnsmasq to issue IPs to the VMs. This step can be omitted for Virtualbox boxes.

An image built with the above setup creates a Vagrant box file with the extension .vagrant.libvirt.box or .vagrant.virtualbox.box. Add the box file to Vagrant with the command:

vagrant box add my-box image-file.vagrant.libvirt.box

Using the box with the libvirt provider requires alongside a correct Vagrant installation:

  • the plugin vagrant-libvirt to be installed

  • a running libvirtd daemon

Once added to Vagrant, boot the box and log in with the following sequence of vagrant commands:

vagrant init my-box
vagrant up --provider libvirt
vagrant ssh

11.7.1 Customizing the embedded Vagrantfile


This is an advanced topic and not required for most users

Vagrant ship with an embedded Vagrantfile that carries settings specific to this box, for instance the synchronization mechanism for the shared folder. KIWI NG generates such a file automatically for you and it should be sufficient for most use cases.

If a box requires different settings in the embedded Vagrantfile, then the user can provide KIWI NG with a path to an alternative via the attribute embebbed_vagrantfile of the vagrantconfig element: it specifies a relative path to the Vagrantfile that will be included in the finished box.

In the following example snippet from config.xml we add a custom MyVagrantfile into the box (the file should be in the image description directory next to config.sh):

<type image="oem" filesystem="ext4" format="vagrant">
    <bootloader name="grub2" timeout="0"/>
    <size unit="G">42</size>

The option to provide a custom Vagrantfile can be combined with the usage of profiles (see Section 7.4, “Image Profiles”), so that certain builds can use the automatically generated Vagrantfile (in the following example that is the Virtualbox build) and others get a customized one (the libvirt profile in the following example):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<image schemaversion="8.0" name="{exc_image_base_name}">
  <!-- description goes here -->
    <profile name="libvirt" description="Vagrant Box for Libvirt"/>
    <profile name="virtualbox" description="Vagrant Box for VirtualBox"/>

  <!-- general preferences go here -->

  <preferences profiles="libvirt">
        <bootloader name="grub2" timeout="0"/>
        <size unit="G">42</size>
   <preferences profiles="virtualbox">
         <bootloader name="grub2" timeout="0"/>
         <size unit="G">42</size>

   <!-- remaining box description -->

11.8 Image Description Encrypted Disk

A virtual disk image can be partially or fully encrypted using the LUKS extension supported by KIWI NG. A fully encrypted image also includes the data in /boot to be encrypted. Such an image requests the passphrase for the master key to be entered at the bootloader stage. A partialy encrypted image keeps /boot unencrypted and on an extra boot partition. Such an image requests the passphrase for the master key later in the boot process when the root partition gets accessed by the systemd mount service. In any case the master passphrase is requested only once.

Update the KIWI NG image description as follows:

  1. Software packages

    Make sure to add the following package to the package list


    Package names used in the following list match the package names of the SUSE distribution and might be different on other distributions.

    <package name="cryptsetup"/>
  2. Image Type definition

    Update the oem image type setup as follows

    Full disk encryption including /boot:
    <type image="oem" filesystem="ext4" luks="linux" bootpartition="false">
    Encrypted root partition with an unencrypted extra /boot partition:
    <type image="oem" filesystem="ext4" luks="linux" bootpartition="true">

    The value for the luks attribute sets the master passphrase for the LUKS keyring. Therefore the XML description becomes security critical and should only be readable by trustworthy people. Alternatively the credentials information can be stored in a key file and referenced as:

    <type luks="file:///path/to/keyfile"/>

11.9 Deploy and Run System in a RamDisk

If a machine should run the OS completely in memory without the need for any persistent storage, the approach to deploy the image into a ramdisk serves this purpose. KIWI NG allows to create a bootable ISO image which deploys the image into a ramdisk and activates that image with the following oem type definition:

<type image="oem" filesystem="ext4" installiso="true" initrd_system="dracut" installboot="install" kernelcmdline="rd.kiwi.ramdisk ramdisk_size=2048000">
    <bootloader name="grub2" timeout="1"/>

The type specification above builds an installation ISO image which deploys the System Image into the specified ramdisk device (/dev/ram1). The setup of the ISO image boots with a short boot timeout of 1sec and just runs through the process without asking any questions. In a ramdisk deployment the optional target verification, swap space and multipath targets are out of scope and therefore disabled.

The configured size of the ramdisk specifies the size of the OS disk and must be at least of the size of the System Image. The disk size can be configured with the following value in the kernelcmdline attribute:

  • ramdisk_size=kbyte-value”

An image built with the above setup can be tested in QEMU as follows:

$ sudo qemu -cdrom \
      {exc_image_base_name}.x86_64-1.15.3.install.iso \
      -serial stdio

Enough Main Memory

The machine, no matter if it’s a virtual machine like QEMU or a real machine, must provide enough RAM to hold the image in the ramdisk as well as have enough RAM available to operate the OS and its applications. The KIWI NG build image with the extension .raw provides the System Image which gets deployed into the RAM space. Substract the size of the System Image from the RAM space the machine offers and make sure the result is still big enough for the use case of the appliance. In case of a virtual machine, attach enough main memory to fit this calculation. In case of QEMU this can be done with the -m option

Like all other oem KIWI NG images, also the ramdisk setup supports all the deployments methods as explained in Section 10.3.1, “Deployment Methods” This means it’s also possible to dump the ISO image on a USB stick let the system boot from it and unplug the stick from the machine because the system was deployed into RAM


Limitations Of RamDisk Deployments

Only standard images which can be booted by a simple root mount and root switch can be used. Usually KIWI NG calls kexec after deployment such that the correct, for the image created dracut initrd, will boot the image. In case of a RAM only system kexec does not work because it would loose the ramdisk contents. Thus the dracut initrd driving the deployment is also the environment to boot the system. There are cases where this environment is not suitable to boot the system.

11.10 Custom Disk Partitions

KIWI NG has its own partitioning schema which is defined according to several different user configurations: boot firmware, boot partition, expandable layouts, etc. Those supported features have an impact on the partitioning schema.

MBR or GUID partition tables are not flexible, carry limitations and are tied to some specific disk geometry. Because of that the preferred alternative to disk layouts based on traditional partition tables is using flexible approaches like logic volumes.

However, on certain conditions additional entries to the low level partition table are needed. For this purpose the <partitions> section exists and allows to add custom entries like shown in the following example:

    <partition name="var" size="100" mountpoint="/var" filesystem="ext3"/>

Each <partition> entry puts a partition of the configured size in the low level partition table, creates a filesystem on it and includes it to the system’s fstab file. If parts of the root filesystem are moved into its own partition like it’s the case in the above example, this partition will also contain the data that gets installed during the image creation process to that area.

The following attributes must/can be set to configured a partition entry:


Mandatory name of the partition as handled by KIWI NG.


There are the following reserved names which cannot be used because they are already represented by existing attributes: root, readonly, boot, prep, spare, swap, efi_csm and efi.


Optional name of the partition as it appears when listing the table contents with tools like gdisk. If no name is set KIWI NG constructs a name of the form p.lx(identifier_from_name_attr)


Optional partition type identifier as handled by KIWI NG. Allowed values are t.linux and t.raid. If not specified t.linux is the default.


Mandatory size of the partition. A size string can end with M or G to indicate a mega-Byte or giga-Byte value. Without a unit specification mega-Byte is used.


Mandatory mountpoint to mount the partition in the system.


Mandatory filesystem configuration to create one of the supported filesystems on the partition.


Optional setting to indicate that this partition should be cloned number of times. A clone partition is content wise an exact byte for byte copy of the origin. However, to avoid conflicts at boot time the UUID of any cloned partition will be made unique. In the sequence of partitions, the clone(s) will always be created first followed by the partition considered the origin. The origin partition is the one that will be referenced and used by the system

Despite the customization options of the partition table shown above there are the following limitations:

  1. By default the root partition is always the last one

    Disk imags build with KIWI NG are designed to be expandable. For this feature to work the partition containing the system rootfs must always be the last one. If this is unwanted for some reason KIWI NG offers an opportunity for one extra/spare partition with the option to be also placed at the end of the table. For details lookup spare_part in Section 8.1, “Image Description Elements”

  2. By default there are no gaps in the partition table

    The way partitions are configured is done such that there are no gaps in the table of the image. However, leaving some space free at the end of the partition geometry is possible in the following ways:

    • Deploy with unpartitioned free space.

      To leave space unpartitioned on first boot of a disk image it is possible to configure an <oem-systemsize> which is smaller than the disk the image gets deployed to. Details about this setting can be found in Section 8.1, “Image Description Elements”

    • Build with unpartitioned free space.

      To leave space unpartitioned at build time of the image it is possible to disable <oem-resize> and configure an <oem-systemsize> which is smaller than the kiwi calculated disk size or the fixed setting for the disk size via the size> element.

    • Build with unpartitioned free space.

      Setting some unpartitioned free space on the disk can be done using the unpartitioned attribute of size element in type’s section. For details see Section 10.2.2, “Modifying the Size of the Image”

    • Resize built image adding unpartitioned free space.

      A built image can be resized by using the kiwi-ng image resize command and set a new extended size for the disk. See KIWI NG commands docs Section 4.8, “kiwi-ng image resize”.

11.11 Custom Disk Volumes

KIWI NG supports defining custom volumes by using the logical volume manager (LVM) for the Linux kernel or by setting volumes at filesystem level when filesystem supports it (e.g. btrfs).

Volumes are defined in the KIWI NG description file config.xml, using systemdisk. This element is a child of the type. Volumes themselves are added via (multiple) volume child elements of the systemdisk element:

<image schemaversion="8.0" name="openSUSE-Leap-15.1">
  <type image="oem" filesystem="btrfs">
    <systemdisk name="vgroup" preferlvm="true">
      <volume name="usr/lib" size="1G" label="library"/>
      <volume name="@root" freespace="500M"/>
      <volume name="etc_volume" mountpoint="etc" copy_on_write="false"/>
      <volume name="bin_volume" size="all" mountpoint="/usr/bin" quota="2G"/>

Additional non-root volumes are created for each volume element. Volume details can be defined by setting the following volume attributes:

  • name: Required attribute representing the volume’s name. Additionally, this attribute is interpreted as the mountpoint if the mountpoint attribute is not used.

  • mountpoint: Optional attribute that specifies the mountpoint of this volume.

  • size: Optional attribute to set the size of the volume. If no suffix (M or G) is used, then the value is considered to be in megabytes.


    Special name for the root volume

    One can use the @root name to refer to the volume mounted at /, in case some specific size attributes for the root volume have to be defined. For instance:

    <volume name="@root" size="4G"/>

    In addition to the custom size of the root volume it’s also possible to setup the name of the root volume as follows:

    <volume name="@root=rootlv" size="4G"/>

    If no name for the root volume is specified the default name: LVRoot applies.

  • freespace: Optional attribute defining the additional free space added to the volume. If no suffix (M or G) is used, the value is considered to be in megabytes.

  • label: Optional attribute to set filesystem label of the volume.

  • copy_on_write: Optional attribute to set the filesystem copy-on-write attribute for this volume.

  • quota: Optional attribute for the btrfs filesystem only. Allows to specify a quota size for the generated volume.

  • filesystem_check: Optional attribute to indicate that this filesystem should perform the validation to become filesystem checked. The actual constraints if the check is performed or not depends on systemd and filesystem specific components. If not set or set to false no system component will be triggered to run an eventual filesystem check, which results in this filesystem to be never checked. The latter is the default.

  • arch: Optional attribute to create the volume only if it matches the specified host architecture. Multiple architecture names can be specified as comma separated list.


The size attributes for filesystem volumes, as for btrfs, are ignored and have no effect.

The systemdisk element additionally supports the following optional attributes:

  • name: The volume group name, by default kiwiVG is used. This setting is only relevant for LVM volumes.

  • preferlvm: Boolean value instructing KIWI NG to prefer LVM even if the used filesystem has its own volume management system.

11.12 Partition Clones

KIWI NG allows to create block level clones of certain partitions used in the image. Clones can be created from the root, boot and any other partition listed in the <partitions> element.

A partition clone is a simple byte dump from one block storage device to another. However, this would cause conflicts during boot of the system because all unique identifiers like the UUID of a filesystem will no longer be unique. The clone feature of KIWI NG takes care of this part and re-creates the relevant unique identifiers per cloned partition. KIWI NG allows this also for complex partitions like LVM, LUKS or RAID.

The partition clone(s) will always appear first in the partition table, followed by the origin partition. The origin partition is the one whose identifier will be referenced and used by the system. By default no cloned partition will be mounted or used by the system at boot time.

Let’s take a look at the following example:

<type image="oem" root_clone="1" boot_clone="1" firmware="uefi" filesystem="xfs" bootpartition="true" bootfilesystem="ext4">
        <partition name="home" size="10" mountpoint="/home" filesystem="ext3" clone="2"/>
    <size unit="G">100</size>

With the above setup KIWI NG will create a disk image that contains the following partition table:

Number  Start (sector)    End (sector)  Size       Code  Name
   1            2048            6143   2.0 MiB     EF02  p.legacy
   2            6144           47103   20.0 MiB    EF00  p.UEFI
   3           47104          661503   300.0 MiB   8300  p.lxbootclone1
   4          661504         1275903   300.0 MiB   8300  p.lxboot
   5         1275904         1296383   10.0 MiB    8300  p.lxhomeclone1
   6         1296384         1316863   10.0 MiB    8300  p.lxhomeclone2
   7         1316864         1337343   10.0 MiB    8300  p.lxhome
   8         1337344         3864575   2 GiB       8300  p.lxrootclone1
   9         3864576         6287326   2 GiB       8300  p.lxroot

When booting the system only the origin partitions p.lxboot, p.lxroot and p.lxhome will be mounted and visible in e.g. /etc/fstab, the bootloader or the initrd. Thus partition clones are present as a data source but are not relevant for the operating system from a functional perspective.

As shown in the above example there is one clone request for root and boot and a two clone requests for the home partition. KIWI NG does not sanity- check the provided number of clones (e.g. whether your partition table can hold that many partitions).


There is a limit how many partitions a partition table can hold. This also limits how many clones can be created.

It’s important when using the root_clone attribute to specify a size for the part of the system that represents the root partition. As of today KIWI NG does not automatically divide the root partition into two identical pieces. In order to create a clone of the partition a size specification is required. In the above example the size for root is provided via the oem-systemsize element. Using a root clone and fixed size values has the following consequences:

  1. The resize capability must be disabled. This is done via oem-resize element. The reason is that only the last partition in the partition table can be resized without destroying data. If there is a clone of the root partition it should never be resized because then the two partitions will be different in size and no longer clones of each other

  2. There can be unpartitioned space left. In the above example the overall disk size is set to 100G. The sum of all partition sizes will be smaller than this value and there is no resize available anymore. Depending on the overall size setup for the disk this will leave unpartitioned space free on the disk.

11.12.1 Use Case

Potential use cases for which a clone of one or more partitions is useful include among others:

Factory Resets:

Creating an image with the option to rollback to the state of the system at deployment time can be very helpful for disaster recovery

System Updates with Rollbacks e.g A/B:

Creating an image which holds extra space allowing to rollback modified data can make a system more robust. For example in a simple A/B update concept, partition A would get updated but would flip to B if A is considered broken after applying the update.


Most probably any use case based on partition clones requires additional software to manage them. KIWI NG provides the option to create the clone layout but it does not provide the software to implement the actual use case for which the partition clones are needed.

Developers writing applications based on a clone layout created with KIWI NG can leverage the metadata file /config.partids. This file is created at build time and contains the mapping between the partition name and the actual partition number in the partition table. For partition clones, the following naming convention applies:


The (name) is either taken from the name attribute of the <partition> element or it is a fixed name assigned by KIWI NG. There are the following reserved partition names for which cloning is supported:

  • root

  • readonly

  • boot

For the mentioned example this will result in the following /config.partids:


11.13 Setting Up a Network Boot Server

To be able to deploy a system through the PXE boot protocol, you need to set up a network boot server providing the services DHCP and tftp. With dnsmasq an utility exists which allows to setup all needed services at once:

11.13.1 Installing and Configuring DHCP and TFTP with dnsmasq

The following instructions can only serve as an example. Depending on your network structure, the IP addresses, ranges and domain settings needs to be adapted to allow the DHCP server to work within your network. If you already have a DHCP server running in your network, make sure that the filename and next-server directives are correctly set on this server.

The following steps describe how to set up dnsmasq to work as DHCP and TFTP server.

  1. Install the dnsmasq package.

  2. Create the file /etc/dnsmasq.conf and insert the following content

    # Don't function as a DNS server.
    # Log information about DHCP transactions.
    # Set the root directory for files available via FTP,
    # usually "/srv/tftpboot":

    In the next step it’s required to decide for the boot method. There is the PXE loader provided via pxelinux.0 from the syslinux package and there is the GRUB loader provided via the grub package.



    Replace all placeholders (written in uppercase) with data fitting your network setup.

2.1. insert the following content to use pxelinux.0:

# The boot filename, Server name, Server Ip Address

# Disable re-use of the DHCP servername and filename fields as extra
# option space. That's to avoid confusing some old or broken
# DHCP clients.

# PXE menu.  The first part is the text displayed to the user.
# The second is the timeout, in seconds.
pxe-prompt="Booting FOG Client", 1

# The known types are x86PC, PC98, IA64_EFI, Alpha, Arc_x86,
# Intel_Lean_Client, IA32_EFI, BC_EFI, Xscale_EFI and X86-64_EFI
# This option is first and will be the default if there is no input
# from the user.
pxe-service=X86PC, "Boot to FOG", pxelinux.0
pxe-service=X86-64_EFI, "Boot to FOG UEFI", ipxe
pxe-service=BC_EFI, "Boot to FOG UEFI PXE-BC", ipxe

On boot of a network client with that configuration the default pxelinux.0 config file is expected at TFTP_ROOT_DIR/pxelinux.cfg/default

2.2. insert the following content to use grub:

# The boot filename, Server name, Server Ip Address

When using grub the referenced dhcp-boot grub module must be genereated. To do this change the directory to TFTP_ROOT_DIR and create the setvars.conf with the following content:

set root=(tftp)
set net_default_server=BOOT_SERVER_IP
set prefix=boot/grub2

Now call the following commands to create the grub module

$ grub2-mknetdir --net-directory=TFTP_ROOT_DIR --subdir=boot/grub2
$ grub2-mkimage -O i386-pc-pxe \
    --output boot/grub2/i386-pc/core.0 \
    --prefix=/boot/grub2 \
    -c setvars.conf \
  pxe tftp

On boot of a network client with that configuration the grub config file is expected at TFTP_ROOT_DIR/boot/grub2/grub.cfg

  • Run the dnsmasq server by calling:

    systemctl start dnsmasq

11.14 Build PXE Root File System Image for the legacy netboot infrastructure

  • how to build a PXE file system image

  • how to setup the PXE file system image on the PXE server

  • how to run it with QEMU

PXE is a network boot protocol that is shipped with most BIOS implementations. The protocol sends a DHCP request to get an IP address. When an IP address is assigned, it uses the TFTP protocol to download a Kernel and boot instructions. Contrary to other images built with KIWI NG, a PXE image consists of separate boot, kernel and root filesystem images, since those images need to be made available in different locations on the PXE boot server.

A root filesystem image which can be deployed via KIWI NG’s PXE netboot infrastructure represents the system rootfs in a linux filesystem. A user could loop mount the image and access the contents of the root filesystem. The image does not contain any information about the system disk its partitions or the bootloader setup. All of these information is provided by a client configuration file on the PXE server which controlls how the root filesystem image should be deployed.

Many different deployment strategies are possible, e.g root over NBD (network block device), AoE (ATA over Ethernet), or NFS for diskless and diskfull clients. This particular example shows how to build an overlayfs-based union system based on openSUSE Leap for a diskless client which receives the squashfs compressed root file system image in a ramdisk overlayed via overlayfs and writes new data into another ramdisk on the same system. As diskless client, a QEMU virtual machine is used.

  1. Make sure you have checked out the example image descriptions, see Section 2.4, “Example Appliance Descriptions”.

  2. Build the image with KIWI NG:

    $ sudo kiwi-ng --profile Flat system build \
        --description kiwi/build-tests/x86/tumbleweed/test-image-pxe \
        --set-repo http://download.opensuse.org/tumbleweed/repo/oss \
        --target-dir /tmp/mypxe-result
  3. Change into the build directory:

    $ cd /tmp/mypxe-result
  4. Copy the initrd and the kernel to /srv/tftpboot/boot:

    $ cp *.initrd /srv/tftpboot/boot/initrd
    $ cp *.kernel /srv/tftpboot/boot/linux
  5. Copy the system image and its MD5 sum to /srv/tftpboot/image:

    $ cp kiwi-test-image-pxe.x86_64-1.15.3 /srv/tftpboot/image
    $ cp kiwi-test-image-pxe.x86_64-1.15.3.md5 /srv/tftpboot/image
  6. Adjust the PXE configuration file. The configuration file controls which kernel and initrd is loaded and which kernel parameters are set. A template has been installed at /srv/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default from the kiwi-pxeboot package. The minimal configuration required to boot the example image looks like to following:

        kernel boot/linux
        append initrd=boot/initrd
        IPAPPEND 2
  7. Create the image client configuration file:

    $ vi /srv/tftpboot/KIWI/config.default

    All PXE boot based deployment methods are controlled by a client configuration file. The above configuration tells the client where to find the image and how to activate it. In this case the image will be deployed into a ramdisk (ram1) and overlay mounted such that all write operations will land in another ramdisk (ram2). KIWI NG supports a variety of different deployment strategies based on the rootfs image created beforehand. For details, refer to PXE Client Setup Configuration

  8. Connect the client to the network and boot. This can also be done in a virtualized environment using QEMU as follows:

    $ sudo qemu -boot n -m 4096

11.14.1 PXE Client Setup Configuration

All PXE boot based deployment methods are controlled by configuration files located in /srv/tftpboot/KIWI on the PXE server. Such a configuration file can either be client-specific (config.MAC_ADDRESS, for example config.00.AB.F3.11.73.C8), or generic (config.default).

In an environment with heterogeneous clients, this allows to have a default configuration suitable for the majority of clients, to have configurations suitable for a group of clients (for example machines with similar or identical hardware), and individual configurations for selected machines.

The configuration file contains data about the image and about configuration, synchronization, and partition parameters. The configuration file has got the following general format:






KIWI_KERNEL_OPTIONS="opt1 opt2 ..."


Quoting the Values

The configuration file is sourced by Bash, so the same quoting rules as for Bash apply.

Not all configuration options needs to be specified. It depends on the setup of the client which configuration values are required. The following is a collection of client setup examples which covers all supported PXE client configurations. Setup Client with Remote Root

To serve the image from a remote location and redirect all write operations on a tmpfs, the following setup is required:

# When using AoE, see vblade toolchain for image export


# When using NFS, see exports manual page for image export


# When using NBD, see nbd-server manual page for image export


The above setup shows the most common use case where the image built with KIWI NG is populated over the network using either AoE, NBD or NFS in combination with overlayfs which redirects all write operations to be local to the client. In any case a setup of either AoE, NBD or NFS on the image server is required beforehand. Setup Client with System on Local Disk

To deploy the image on a local disk the following setup is required:


In the referenced x86/tumbleweed/test-image-pxe XML description the pxe type must be changed as follows and the image needs to be rebuild:

<type image="pxe" filesystem="ext3" boot="netboot/suse-tumbleweed"/>

The setup above will create a partition table on sda with a 5MB swap partition (no mountpoint) and the rest of the disk will be a Linux(L) partition with / as mountpoint. The (X) in the PART setup specifies a place holder to indicate the default behaviour. Setup Client with System on Local MD RAID Disk

To deploy the image on a local disk with prior software RAID configuration, the following setup is required:


In the referenced x86/tumbleweed/test-image-pxe XML description the pxe type must be changed as follows and the image needs to be rebuild:

<type image="pxe" filesystem="ext3" boot="netboot/suse-tumbleweed"/>

The first parameter of the RAID line is the RAID level. So far only raid1 (mirroring) is supported. The second and third parameter specifies the raid disk devices which make up the array. If a RAID line is present all partitions in PART will be created as RAID partitions. The first RAID is named md0, the second one md1 and so on. It is required to specify the correct RAID partition in the IMAGE line according to the PART setup. In this case md0 is reserved for the SWAP space and md1 is reserved for the system. Setup Loading of Custom Configuration File(s)

In order to load for example a custom /etc/hosts file on the client, the following setup is required:


On boot of the client KIWI NG’s boot code will fetch the hosts file from the root of the server ( with 4k blocksize and deploy it as /etc/hosts on the client. The protocol is by default tftp but can be changed via the kiwiservertype kernel commandline option. For details, see Setup a Different Download Protocol and Server Setup Client to Force Reload Image

To force the reload of the system image even if the image on the disk is up-to-date, the following setup is required:


The option only applies to configurations with a DISK/PART setup Setup Client to Force Reload Configuration Files

To force the reload of all configuration files specified in CONF, the following setup is required:


By default only configuration files which has changed according to their md5sum value will be reloaded. With the above setup all files will be reloaded from the PXE server. The option only applies to configurations with a DISK/PART setup Setup Client for Reboot After Deployment

To reboot the system after the initial deployment process is done the following setup is required:

REBOOT_IMAGE=1 Setup custom kernel boot options

To deactivate the kernel mode setting on local boot of the client the following setup is required:


This does not influence the kernel options passed to the client if it boots from the network. In order to setup those the PXE configuration on the PXE server needs to be changed Setup a Custom Boot Timeout

To setup a 10sec custom timeout for the local boot of the client the following setup is required.


This does not influence the boot timeout if the client boots off from the network. Setup a Different Download Protocol and Server

By default all downloads controlled by the KIWI NG linuxrc code are performed by an atftp call using the TFTP protocol. With PXE the download protocol is fixed and thus you cannot change the way how the kernel and the boot image (initrd) is downloaded. As soon as Linux takes over, the download protocols http, https and ftp are supported too. KIWI NG uses the curl program to support the additional protocols.

To select one of the additional download protocols the following kernel parameters need to be specified

kiwiserver= kiwiservertype=ftp

To set up this parameters edit the file /srv/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default on your PXE boot server and change the append line accordingly.


Once configured all downloads except for kernel and initrd are now controlled by the given server and protocol. You need to make sure that this server provides the same directory and file structure as initially provided by the kiwi-pxeboot package

11.15 Booting a Root Filesystem from Network

In KIWI NG, the kiwi-overlay dracut module can be used to boot from a remote exported root filesystem. The exported device is visible as block device on the network client. KIWI NG supports the two export backends NBD (Network Block Device) and AoE (ATA over Ethernet) for this purpose. A system that is booted in this mode will read the contents of the root filesystem from a remote location and targets any write action into RAM by default. The kernel cmdline option rd.root.overlay.write can be used to specify an alternative device to use for writing. The two layers (read and write) are combined using the overlayfs filesystem.

For remote boot of a network client, the PXE boot protocol is used. This functionality requires a network boot server setup on the system. Details how to setup such a server can be found in Section 11.13, “Setting Up a Network Boot Server”.

Before the KIS image can be build, the following configuration step is required:

  • Create dracut configuration to include the kiwi-overlay module

    $ cd kiwi/build-tests/x86/tumbleweed/test-image-pxe
    $ mkdir -p root/etc/dracut.conf.d
    $ cd root/etc/dracut.conf.d
    $ echo 'add_dracutmodules+=" kiwi-overlay "' > overlay.conf

Now the KIS image can be build as shown in Section 10.6, “Build KIS Image (Kernel, Initrd, System)”. After the build, the following configuration steps are required to boot from the network:

  1. Copy initrd/kernel from the KIS build to the PXE server

    The PXE boot process loads the configured kernel and initrd from the PXE server. For this reason, the following files must be copied to the PXE server as follows:

    $ cp *.initrd /srv/tftpboot/boot/initrd
    $ cp *.kernel /srv/tftpboot/boot/linux
  2. Export Root FileSystem to the Network

    Access to the root filesystem is implemented using either the AoE or the NBD protocol. This requires the export of the root filesystem image as remote block device:

    Export via AoE:

    Install the vblade package on the system which is expected to export the root filesystem


    Not all versions of AoE are compatible with any kernel. This means the kernel on the system exporting the root filesystem image must provide a compatible aoe kernel module compared to the kernel used inside of the root filesystem image.

    Once done, export the filesystem from the KIS build above as follows:

    $ vbladed 0 1 IFACE {exc_image_base_name}.x86_64-1.15.3

    The above command exports the given filesystem image file as a block storage device to the network of the given IFACE. On any machine except the one exporting the file, it will appear as /dev/etherd/e0.1 once the aoe kernel module was loaded. The two numbers, 0 and 1 in the above example, classifies a major and minor number which is used in the device node name on the reading side, in this case e0.1.


    Only machines in the same network of the given INTERFACE can see the exported block device.

    Export via NBD:

    Install the nbd package on the system which is expected to export the root filesystem

    Once done, export the filesystem from the KIS build above as follows:

    $ losetup /dev/loop0 {exc_image_base_name}.x86_64-1.15.3
    $ vi /etc/nbd-server/config
          user = root
          group = root
          exportname = /dev/loop0
    $ nbd-server
  3. Setup boot entry in the PXE configuration


    The following step assumes that the pxelinux.0 loader has been configured on the boot server to boot up network clients

    Edit the file /srv/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default and create a boot entry of the form:

    Using NBD:
    LABEL Overlay-Boot
        kernel boot/linux
        append initrd=boot/initrd root=overlay:nbd=server-ip:export

    The boot parameter root=overlay:nbd=server-ip:export specifies the NBD server IP address and the name of the export as used in /etc/nbd-server/config

    Using AoE:
    LABEL Overlay-Boot
        kernel boot/linux
        append initrd=boot/initrd root=overlay:aoe=AOEINTERFACE

    The boot parameter root=overlay:aoe=AOEINTERFACE specifies the interface name as it was exported by the vbladed command

  4. Boot from the Network

    Within the network which has access to the PXE server and the exported root filesystem image, any network client can now boot the system. A test based on QEMU can be done as follows:

    $ sudo qemu -boot n

11.16 Booting a Live ISO Image from Network

In KIWI NG, live ISO images can be configured to boot via the PXE boot protocol. This functionality requires a network boot server setup on the system. Details how to setup such a server can be found in Section 11.13, “Setting Up a Network Boot Server”.

After the live ISO was built as shown in Section 10.1, “Build an ISO Hybrid Live Image”, the following configuration steps are required to boot from the network:

  1. Extract initrd/kernel From Live ISO

    The PXE boot process loads the configured kernel and initrd from the PXE server. For this reason, those two files must be extracted from the live ISO image and copied to the PXE server as follows:

    $ mount {exc_image_base_name}.x86_64-1.15.3.iso /mnt
    $ cp /mnt/boot/x86_64/loader/initrd /srv/tftpboot/boot/initrd
    $ cp /mnt/boot/x86_64/loader/linux /srv/tftpboot/boot/linux
    $ umount /mnt

    This step must be repeated with any new build of the live ISO image

  2. Export Live ISO To The Network

    Access to the live ISO file is implemented using the AoE protocol in KIWI NG. This requires the export of the live ISO file as remote block device which is typically done with the vblade toolkit. Install the following package on the system which is expected to export the live ISO image:

    $ zypper in vblade

    Not all versions of AoE are compatible with any kernel. This means the kernel on the system exporting the live ISO image must provide a compatible aoe kernel module compared to the kernel used in the live ISO image.

    Once done, export the live ISO image as follows:

    $ vbladed 0 1 INTERFACE {exc_image_base_name}.x86_64-1.15.3.iso

    The above command exports the given ISO file as a block storage device to the network of the given INTERFACE. On any machine except the one exporting the file, it will appear as /dev/etherd/e0.1 once the aoe kernel module was loaded. The two numbers, 0 and 1 in the above example, classifies a major and minor number which is used in the device node name on the reading side, in this case e0.1. The numbers given at export time must match the AOEINTERFACE name as described in the next step.


    Only machines in the same network of the given INTERFACE can see the exported live ISO image. If virtual machines are the target to boot the live ISO image they could all be connected through a bridge. In this case INTERFACE is the bridge device. The availability scope of the live ISO image on the network is in general not influenced by KIWI NG and is a task for the network administrators.

  3. Setup live ISO boot entry in PXE configuration


    The following step assumes that the pxelinux.0 loader has been configured on the boot server to boot up network clients

    Edit the file /srv/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default and create a boot entry of the form:

    LABEL Live-Boot
        kernel boot/linux
        append initrd=boot/initrd rd.kiwi.live.pxe root=live:AOEINTERFACE=e0.1
    • The boot parameter rd.kiwi.live.pxe tells the KIWI NG boot process to setup the network and to load the required aoe kernel module.

    • The boot parameter root=live:AOEINTERFACE=e0.1 specifies the interface name as it was exported by the vbladed command from the last step. Currently only AoE (Ata Over Ethernet) is supported.

  4. Boot from the Network

    Within the network which has access to the PXE server and the exported live ISO image, any network client can now boot the live system. A test based on QEMU is done as follows:

    $ sudo qemu -boot n

11.17 Setting Up YaST at First Boot

To be able to use YaST in a non interactive way, create a YaST profile which tells the autoyast module what to do. To create the profile, run:

yast autoyast

Once the YaST profile exists, update the KIWI NG XML description as follows:

  1. Edit the KIWI NG XML file and add the following package to the <packages type="image"> section:

    <package name="yast2-firstboot"/>
  2. Copy the YaST profile file as overlay file to your KIWI NG image description overlay directory:

    mkdir -p root/etc/YaST2
    cp PROFILE_FILE root/etc/YaST2/firstboot.xml
  3. Copy and activate the YaST firstboot template. This is done by the following instructions which needs to be written into the KIWI NG config.sh which is stored in the image description directory:

    if [ ! -e "${sysconfig_firsboot}" ]; then
        cp "${sysconfig_template}" "${sysconfig_firsboot}"
    touch /var/lib/YaST2/reconfig_system

11.18 Add or Update the Fstab File

In KIWI NG, all major filesystems that were created at image build time are handled by KIWI NG itself and setup in /etc/fstab. Thus there is usually no need to add entries or change the ones added by KIWI NG. However depending on where the image is deployed later it might be required to pre-populate fstab entries that are unknown at the time the image is build.

Possible use cases are for example:

  • Adding NFS locations that should be mounted at boot time. Using autofs would be an alternative to avoid additional entries to fstab. The information about the NFS location will make this image specific to the target network. This will be independent of the mount method, either fstab or the automount map has to provide it.

  • Adding or changing entries in a read-only root system which becomes effective on first boot but can’t be added at that time because of the read-only characteristics.


Modifications to the fstab file are a critical change. If done wrongly the risk exists that the system will not boot. In addition this type of modification makes the image specific to its target and creates a dependency to the target hardware, network, etc… Thus this feature should be used with care.

The optimal way to provide custom fstab information is through a package. If this can’t be done the files can also be provided via the overlay file tree of the image description.

KIWI NG supports three ways to modify the contents of the /etc/fstab file:

Providing an /etc/fstab.append file

If that file exists in the image root tree, KIWI NG will take its contents and append it to the existing /etc/fstab file. The provided /etc/fstab.append file will be deleted after successful modification.

Providing an /etc/fstab.patch file

The /etc/fstab.patch represents a patch file that will be applied to /etc/fstab using the patch program. This method also allows to change the existing contents of /etc/fstab. On success /etc/fstab.patch will be deleted.

Providing an /etc/fstab.script file

The /etc/fstab.script represents an executable which is called as chrooted process. This method is the most flexible one and allows to apply any change. On success /etc/fstab.script will be deleted.


All three variants to handle the fstab file can be used together. Appending happens first, patching afterwards and the script call is last. When using the script call, there is no validation that checks if the script actually handles fstab or any other file in the image rootfs.

11.19 Building Images with Profiles

KIWI NG supports so-called profiles inside the XML image description. Profiles act as namespaces for additional settings to be applied on top of the defaults. For further details, see Section 7.4, “Image Profiles”.

11.19.1 Local Builds

To execute local KIWI NG builds with a specific, selected profile, add the command line flag --profile=$PROFILE_NAME:

$ sudo kiwi-ng --type oem --profile libvirt system build \
      --description kiwi/build-tests/x86/leap/test-image-vagrant \
      --set-repo obs://openSUSE:Leap:15.5/standard \
      --target-dir /tmp/myimage

Consult the manual page of kiwi for further details: Section 4.1.1, “SYNOPSIS”.

11.19.2 Building with the Open Build Service

The Open Build Service (OBS) support profiles via the multibuild feature.

To enable and use the profiles, follow these steps:

  1. Add the following XML comment to your config.xml:

    <!-- OBS-Profiles: @BUILD_FLAVOR@ -->

    It must be added before the opening <image> element and after the <?xml?> element, e.g.:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- OBS-Profiles: @BUILD_FLAVOR@ -->
    <image schemaversion="8.0" name="kiwi-test-image-vagrant">
      <!-- snip -->
  2. Add a file _multibuild into your package’s repository with the following contents:


    Add a line <flavor>$PROFILE</flavor> for each profile that you want OBS to build.

Note, by default, OBS excludes the build without any profile enabled.

Running a build of a multibuild enabled repository via osc can be achieved via the -M $PROFILE flag:

$ osc build -M $PROFILE

11.20 Building in the Open Build Service



This document gives a brief overview how to build images with KIWI NG in version 10.2.2 inside of the Open Build Service. A tutorial on the Open Buildservice itself can be found here: https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Build_Service_Tutorial

The next generation KIWI NG is fully integrated with the Open Build Service. In order to start it’s best to checkout one of the integration test image build projects from the base Testing project Virtualization:Appliances:Images:Testing_$ARCH:$DISTRO at:


For example the test images for SUSE on x86 can be found here.

11.20.1 Advantages of using the Open Build Service (OBS)

The Open Build Service offers multiple advantages over running KIWI NG locally:

  • OBS will host the latest successful build for you without having to setup a server yourself.

  • As KIWI NG is fully integrated into OBS, OBS will automatically rebuild your images if one of the included packages or one of its dependencies or KIWI NG itself get updated.

  • The builds will no longer have to be executed on your own machine, but will run on OBS, thereby saving you resources. Nevertheless, if a build fails, you get a notification via email (if enabled in your user’s preferences).

11.20.2 Differences Between Building Locally and on OBS

Note, there is a number of differences when building images with KIWI NG using the Open Build Service. Your image that build locally just fine, might not build without modifications.

The notable differences to running KIWI NG locally include:

  • OBS will pick the KIWI NG package from the repositories configured in your project, which will most likely not be the same version that you are running locally. This is especially relevant when building images for older versions like SUSE Linux Enterprise. Therefore, include the custom appliances repository as described in the following section: Recommendations.

  • When KIWI NG runs on OBS, OBS will extract the list of packages from config.xml and use it to create a build root. In contrast to a local build (where your distributions package manager will resolve the dependencies and install the packages), OBS will not build your image if there are multiple packages that could be chosen to satisfy the dependencies of your packages . This shows errors like this:

    unresolvable: have choice for SOMEPACKAGE: SOMEPAKAGE_1 SOMEPACKAGE_2

    This can be solved by explicitly specifying one of the two packages in the project configuration via the following setting:

    Prefer: SOMEPACKAGE_1

    Place the above line into the project configuration, which can be accessed either via the web interface (click on the tab Project Config on your project’s main page) or via osc meta -e prjconf.


    We strongly encourage you to remove your repositories from config.xml and move them to the repository configuration in your project’s settings. This usually prevents the issue of having the choice for multiple package version and results in a much smoother experience when using OBS.

  • By default, OBS builds only a single build type and the default profile. If your appliance uses multiple build types, put each build type into a profile, as OBS cannot handle multiple build types.

    There are two options to build multiple profiles on OBS:

    1. Use the <image> element and add it bellow the XML declaration (<?xml ..?>):

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <!-- OBS-Profiles: foo_profile bar_profile -->
      <image schemaversion="8.0" name="openSUSE-Leap-15.1">
        <!-- image description with the profiles foo_profile and bar_profile
    2. Use the multibuild feature.

    The first option is simpler to use, but has the disadvantage that your appliances are built sequentially. The multibuild feature allows to build each profile as a single package, thereby enabling parallel execution, but requires an additional _multibuild file. For the above example config.xml would have to be adapted as follows:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- OBS-Profiles: @BUILD_FLAVOR@ -->
    <image schemaversion="8.0" name="openSUSE-Leap-15.1">
      <!-- image description with the profiles foo_profile and bar_profile

    The file _multibuild would have the following contents:

  • Subfolders in OBS projects are ignored by default by osc and must be explicitly added via osc add $FOLDER. Bear that in mind when adding the overlay files inside the root/ directory to your project.

  • OBS ignores file permissions. Therefore config.sh and images.sh will always be executed through BASH (see also: Section 7.6, “User-Defined Scripts”).

11.21 Using SUSE Product ISO To Build

When building an image with KIWI NG, the image description usually points to a number of public/private package source repositories from which the new image root tree will be created. Alternatively the vendor provided product ISO image(s) can be used. The contents of the ISO (DVD) media also provides package source repositories but organized in a vendor specific structure. As a user it’s important to know about this structure such that the KIWI NG image description can consume it.

To use a SUSE product media the following steps are required:

  • Mount the ISO media from file or DVD drive:

$ sudo mount Product_ISO_file.iso|DVD_drive /media/suse
  • Lookup all Product and Module directories:

    Below /media/suse there is a directory structure which provides package repositories in directories starting with Product-XXX and Module-XXX. It depends on the package list in the KIWI NG image description from which location a package or a dependency of the package is taken. Therefore it is best practice to browse through all the directories and create a <repository> definition for each of them in the KIWI NG image description like the following example shows:

    <repository alias="DVD-1-Product-SLES">
        <source path="file:///media/suse/Product-SLES"/>
    <repository alias="DVD-1-Module-Basesystem">
        <source path="file:///media/suse/Module-Basesystem"/>

Once all the individual product and module repos has been created in the KIWI NG image description, the build process can be started as usual.


Because of the manual mount process the /media/suse location stays busy after KIWI NG has created the image. The cleanup of this resource is a responsibility of the user and not done by KIWI NG

11.22 Circumvent Debian Bootstrap

When building Debian based images KIWI NG uses apt in the bootstrap and the system phase to create the image root tree. However, apt does not support a native way to bootstrap an empty root tree. Therefore the bootstrap phase uses apt only to resolve the given bootstrap packages and to download these packages from the given repositories. The list of packages is then manually extracted into the new root tree which is not exactly the same as if apt would have installed them natively. For the purpose of creating an initial tree to begin with, this procedure is acceptable though.

If, for some reasons, this bootstrap procedure is not applicable, KIWI NG allows for an alternative process which is based on a prebuilt bootstrap-root archive provided as a package.

To make use of a bootstrap_package, the name of that package needs to be referenced in the KIWI NG description as follows:

<packages type="bootstrap" bootstrap_package="bootstrap-root">
    <package name="a"/>
    <package name="b"/>

The boostrap process now changes in a way that the provided bootstrap_package bootstrap-root will be installed on the build host machine. Next KIWI NG searches for a tar archive file /var/lib/bootstrap/bootstrap-root.ARCH.tar.xz, where ARCH is the name of the host architecture e.g x86_64. If found the archive gets unpacked and serves as the bootstrap root tree to begin with. The optionally provided additional bootstrap packages, a and b in this example will be installed like system packages via chroot and apt. Usually no additional bootstrap packages are needed as they could all be handled as system packages.

11.22.1 How to Create a bootstrap_package

Changing the setup in KIWI NG to use a bootstrap_package rather then using KIWI NG’s debian bootstrap method to do the job, comes with the task to create that package providing the bootstrap root tree. There are more than one way to do this. The following procedure is just one example and requires some background knowledge about the Open Build Service OBS and its KIWI NG integration.

  1. Create an OBS project and repository setup that matches your image target

  2. Create an image build package

    osc mkpac bootstrap-root
  3. Create the following appliance.kiwi file

    <image schemaversion="7.4" name="bootstrap-root">
        <description type="system">
            <author>The Author</author>
            <specification>prebuilt bootstrap rootfs for ...</specification>
            <type image="tbz"/>
        <repository type="rpm-md">
            <source path="obsrepositories:/"/>
        <packages type="image">
            <package name="gawk"/>
            <package name="apt-utils"/>
            <package name="debconf"/>
            <package name="mawk"/>
            <package name="libpam-runtime"/>
            <package name="util-linux"/>
            <package name="systemd"/>
            <package name="init"/>
            <package name="gnupg"/>
            <package name="iproute2"/>
            <package name="iptables"/>
            <package name="iputils-ping"/>
            <package name="ifupdown"/>
            <package name="isc-dhcp-client"/>
            <package name="netbase"/>
            <package name="dbus"/>
            <package name="xz-utils"/>
            <package name="usrmerge"/>
            <package name="language-pack-en"/>
        <packages type="bootstrap"/>
    osc add appliance.kiwi
    osc ci
  4. Package the image build results into a debian package

    In step 3. the bootstrap root tarball was created but not yet packaged. A debian package is needed such that it can be referenced with the bootstrap_package attribute and the repository providing it. The simplest way to package the bootstrap-root tarball is to create another package in OBS and use the tarball file as its source.

12 Contributing



This document describes the development process of KIWI NG and how you can be part of it. This description applies to version 10.2.2.

12.1 Using KIWI NG in a Python Project



KIWI NG is provided as a Python module under the kiwi namespace. It is available for the Python 3 version. The following description applies for KIWI NG version 10.2.2.

KIWI NG can also function as a module for other Python projects. The following example demonstrates how to read an existing image description, add a new repository definition, and export the modified description on stdout.

import sys
import logging

from kiwi.xml_description import XMLDescription
from kiwi.xml_state import XMLState

description = XMLDescription('path/to/kiwi/XML/config.xml')

xml_data = description.load()

xml_state = XMLState(
    xml_data=xml_data, profiles=[], build_type='iso'


    outfile=sys.stdout, level=0

Each class in the example is responsible for a single tasks, so they can be reused in other user cases. Therefore it is possible to use KIWI NG beyond the main image building scope, for example to manage setup of loop devices, filesystems, partitions, etc.

This means KIWI NG offers a way to describe a system, but you can choose whether you want to use the KIWI NG description format or not. The following example shows how to use KIWI NG to create a simple filesystem image which contains your host tmp directory.

import logging

from kiwi.storage.loop_device import LoopDevice
from kiwi.filesystem import FileSystem

with LoopDevice(
    filename='my_tmp.ext4', filesize_mbytes=100
) as loop_provider:

    filesystem = FileSystem.new(
        'ext4', loop_provider, '/tmp/'

12.2 Plugin Architecture

Each command provided by KIWI NG is written as a task plugin under the kiwi.tasks namespace. As a developer, you can extend KIWI NG with custom task plugins, following the conventions below.

12.2.1 Naming conventions

Task plugin file name

The file name of a task plugin must follow the pattern <service>_<command>.py. This allows you to invoke the task with kiwi-ng service command ...

Task plugin option handling

KIWI NG uses the docopt module to handle options. Each task plugin must use docopt to allow option handling.

Task plugin class

The implementation of the plugin must be a class that matches the naming convention <Service><Command>Task. The class must inherit from the CliTask base class. On the plugin startup, KIWI NG expects an implementation of the process method.

Task plugin entry point

Registration of the plugin must be done in setup.py using the entry_points concept from Python’s setuptools.

'packages': ['kiwi_plugin'],
'entry_points': {
    'kiwi.tasks': [

12.2.2 Example plugin


The following example assumes an existing Python project which was set up according to the Python project rules and standards.

  1. Assuming the project namespace is kiwi_relax_plugin, create the task plugin directory kiwi_relax_plugin/tasks

  2. Create the entry point in setup.py.

    Assuming we want to create the service named relax that has the command justdoit, this is the following entry point definition in setup.py:

    'packages': ['kiwi_relax_plugin'],
    'entry_points': {
        'kiwi.tasks': [
  3. Create the plugin code in the file kiwi_relax_plugin/tasks/relax_justdoit.py with the following content:

    usage: kiwi-ng relax justdoit -h | --help
           kiwi-ng relax justdoit --now
            time to relax
            right now. For more details about docopt
            see: http://docopt.org
    # These imports requires kiwi to be part of your environment
    # It can be either installed from pip into a virtual development
    # environment or from the distribution package manager
    from kiwi.tasks.base import CliTask
    from kiwi.help import Help
    class RelaxJustdoitTask(CliTask):
        def process(self):
            self.manual = Help()
            if self.command_args.get('help') is True:
                # The following will invoke man to show the man page
                # for the requested command. Thus for the call to
                # succeed a manual page needs to be written and
                # installed by the plugin
                return self.manual.show('kiwi::relax::justdoit')
  4. Test the plugin

    $ ./setup.py develop
    $ kiwi-ng relax justdoit --now

12.3 Write Integration Tests for the Scripts

KIWI NG comes with a set of helper functions that can be used in config.sh (see also: Section 7.6, “User-Defined Scripts”). These functions utilize containers to run the individual tasks and verify the final result.

Ensure that you have either podman or docker installed and configured on your system. With Podman, the integration tests use podman in rootless mode by default. You can select docker instead by setting the environment variable CONTAINER_RUNTIME to docker. Then you can run the integration tests via tox:

$ tox -e scripts -- -n NUMBER_OF_THREADS

The tests are written using the pytest-container plugin. If applicable, use the utility functions and fixtures of the plugin. For example, the auto_container and auto_container_per_test fixtures in conjunction with testinfra.

12.3.1 Test setup

The script tests can be run inside different containers specified in test/scripts/conftest.py. This file contains the CONTAINERS list with all currently present images. These images are pulled and built as needed, and the functions.sh is copied into /bin/, so it is available in PATH.

To use any of these containers, you can either define the global variable CONTAINER_IMAGES in a test module and use the auto_container fixture, or parametrize the container fixture indirectly:

@pytest.mark.parametrize("container_per_test", (TUMBLEWEED, LEAP_15_3), indirect=True)
def test_RmWorks(container_per_test):
    # create the file /root/foobar
    container_per_test.connection.run_expect([0], "touch /root/foobar")
    assert container_per_test.connection.file("/root/foobar").exists

    # source the functions and execute our function under test
    container_per_test.connection.run_expect([0], ". /bin/functions.sh && Rm /root/foobar")

    # verify the result
    assert not container_per_test.connection.file("/root/foobar").exists

The example above uses the _per_test variant of the container fixture. It ensures that the container is used only in a single test function. Use this variant for tests that mutate the system under test, because otherwise it may lead race conditions that are difficult to debug. For tests that only perform reads, you can omit the _per_test suffix, so that the container environment can shared with other tests. This improves execution speed, but comes at the expense of safety in case of mutation.

For further information, refer to pytest-container.

12.4 Extending KIWI NG with Custom Operations



Extension plugins in KIWI NG offer a mechanism for adding information outside the standard KIWI NG schema.

This document describes how to create an extension plugin for the KIWI NG schema as well as how to add and validate additional information in the KIWI NG image description.

The described schema extension can be used in an additional KIWI NG task plugin to provide a new subcommand for KIWI NG. At the present moment, there is no other plugin interface except for providing additional KIWI NG commands.

Depending on the demand for custom plugins, the interface to hook in code into other parts of the KIWI NG processing needs to be extended.

This description applies for version 10.2.2.

12.4.1 The <extension> Section

The main KIWI NG schema supports an extension section that allows you to specify any XML structure and attributes, as long as they are attached to a namespace. This means that any custom XML structure can be implemented similar to the the example below:

    <extension xmlns:my_plugin="http://www.my_plugin.com">
            <my_plugin:title name="cool stuff"/>
  • Any toplevel namespace must be unique

  • Multiple different toplevel namespaces are allowed, for example: my_plugin_a, my_plugin_b

12.4.2 RELAX NG Schema for the Extension

If an extension section is found, KIWI NG looks up its namespace and uses the main XML catalog for the schema file to validate the extension data. The schema file must be a RELAX NG schema in the .rng format. We recommend to save the schema as /usr/share/xml/kiwi/my_plugin.rng

For the example above, the RELAX NG Schema in the compressed format my_plugin.rnc looks as follows:

namespace my_plugin = "http://www.my_plugin.com"

start =

div {
    k.my_feature.attlist = empty
    k.my_feature =
        element my_plugin:my_feature {
            k.my_feature.attlist &

div {
    k.title.name.attribute =
        attribute name { text }
    k.title.attlist = k.title.name.attribute
    k.title =
        element my_plugin:title {

In order to convert this schema to the .rng format just call:

$ trang -I rnc -O rng my_plugin.rnc /usr/share/xml/kiwi/my_plugin.rng

12.4.3 Extension schema in XML catalog

As mentioned above, the mapping from the extension namespace to the correct RELAX NG schema file is handled by a XML catalog file. The XML catalog for the example is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<catalog xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalog">

For resolving the catalog, KIWI NG uses the xmlcatalog command and the main XML catalog from the system /etc/xml/catalog.


How the main catalog is informed about the existence of the KIWI NG extension catalog file depends on the distribution and its version. Refer to the distribution documentation for information on adding XML catalogs.

If the following command provides the information to the correct RELAX NG schema file, you are ready for a first test:

$ xmlcatalog /etc/xml/catalog http://www.my_plugin.com

12.4.4 Using the extension

In order to test the extension, insert the example extension into one of your image description’s config.xml file.

The following example reads the name attribute from the title section of the my_feature root element and prints it:

import logging

from kiwi.xml_description import XMLDescription

description = XMLDescription('path/to/kiwi/XML/config.xml')

my_plugin = description.get_extension_xml_data('my_plugin')


12.5 The Basics

The core appliance builder is developed in Python and follows the test driven development rules.

If you want to implement a bigger feature, consider opening an issue on GitHub first to discuss the changes. Or join the discussion in the #kiwi channel on Riot.im.

12.6 Fork the upstream repository

  1. On GitHub, navigate to: https://github.com/OSInside/kiwi

  2. In the top-right corner of the page, click Fork.

12.7 Create a local clone of the forked repository

$ git clone https://github.com/YOUR-USERNAME/kiwi

$ git remote add upstream https://github.com/OSInside/kiwi.git

12.8 Install Required Operating System Packages

KIWI NG requires additional packages at runtime which are not provided by pip. Those will be pulled in by installing the following package:

  • kiwi-systemdeps

The package is provided on the Open Build Service in the Virtualization:Appliances:Builder project. For manual inspection of the packages that are pulled in from the above kiwi-systemdeps package, please refer to the package/python-kiwi-spec-template spec file from the checked out Git repository.

12.9 Create a Python Virtual Development Environment

The following commands initializes and activates a development environment for Python 3:


KIWI NG uses tox to create a devel environment and to run tests, linters and other tasks in the tox generated environment. A tox version >= 3.3 is required for this setup process. On your host a python version >= 3.9 is required for tox to work.

$ poetry install

The command above automatically creates the application script called kiwi-ng, which allows you to run KIWI NG from the Python sources inside the virtual environment using Poetry:

$ poetry run kiwi-ng --help

12.10 Running the Unit Tests

We use tox to run the unit tests. Tox sets up its own virtualenvs inside the .tox directory for multiple Python versions and should thus not be invoked from inside your development virtualenv.

Before submitting your changes via a pull request, ensure that all tests pass and that the code has the required test coverage via the command:

$ tox

We also include pytest-xdist in the development virtualenv which allows to run the unit tests in parallel. It is turned off by default but can be enabled via:


where you can insert an arbitrary number as NUMBER_OF_PROCESSES (or a shell command like $(nproc)). Note that the double quotes around -n NUMBER_OF_PROCESSES are required (otherwise tox will consume this command line flag instead of forwarding it to pytest).

The previous call would run the unit tests for different Python versions, check the source code for errors and build the documentation.

If you want to see the available targets, use the option -l to let tox print a list of them:

$ tox -l

To only run a special target, use the -e option. The following example runs the test cases for the Python 3.11 interpreter only:

$ tox -e unit_py3_11

12.11 Create a Branch for each Feature or Bugfix

Code changes should be done in an extra Git branch. This allows for creating GitHub pull requests in a clean way. See also: Collaborating with issues and pull requests

$ git checkout -b my-topic-branch

Make and commit your changes.


You can make multiple commits which is generally useful to give your changes a clear structure and to allow us to better review your work.


Your work is important and must be signed to ensure the integrity of the repository and the code. Thus we recommend to setup a signing key as documented in Signing Git Patches.

$ git commit -S -a

Run the tests and code style checks. All of these are also performed by GitLab CI when a pull request is created.

$ tox

Once everything is done, push your local branch to your forked repository and create a pull request into the upstream repository.

$ git push origin my-topic-branch

Thank you much for contributing to KIWI NG. Your time and work effort is very much appreciated!

12.12 Coding Style

KIWI NG follows the general PEP8 guidelines with the following exceptions:

  • We do not use free functions at all. Even utility functions must be part of a class, but should be either prefixed with the @classmethod or @staticmethod decorators (whichever is more appropriate).

  • Do not set module and class level variables, put these into the classes’ __init__ method.

  • The names of constants are not written in all capital letters.

12.12.1 Documentation

KIWI NG uses Sphinx for the API, user documentation and manual pages

tox -e doc

Document all your classes, methods, their parameters and their types using the standard reStructuredText syntax as supported by Sphinx, an example class is documented as follows:

class Example:
    **Example class**

    :param str param: A parameter
    :param bool : Source file name to compress
    :param list supported_zipper: List of supported compression tools
    :attr Optional[str] attr: A class attribute
    def __init__(self, param, param_w_default=False):
        self.attr = param if param_w_default else None

    def method(self, param):
        A method that takes a parameter.

        :param list param: a parameter
        :return: whether param is very long
        :rtype: bool
        return len(param) > 50

Try to stick to the following guidelines when documenting source code:

  • Classes should be documented directly in their main docstring and not in __init__.

  • Document every function parameter and every public attribute including their types.

  • Only public methods should be documented, private methods don’t have to, unless they are complex and it is not easy to grasp what they do (which should be avoided anyway).

Please also document any user-facing changes that you implementing (e.g. adding a new build type) in the user documentation, which can be found in doc/source. General documentation should be put into the working_with_kiwi/ subfolder, whereas documentation about more specialized topics would belong into the building/ subfolder.

Adhere to a line limit of 75 characters when writing the user facing documentation .

12.13 Additional Information

The following sections provides further information about the repository integrity, version, package and documentation management.

12.13.1 Signing Git Patches

To ensure the integrity of the repository and the code base, patches sent for inclusion should be signed with a GPG key.

To prepare Git to sign commits, follow these instructions:

  1. Create a key suitable for signing (it is not recommended to use existing keys to not mix it with your email environment):

    $ gpg2 --expert --full-gen-key
  2. Either choose a RSA key for signing (option (4)) or an ECC key for signing (option (10)). For a RSA key choose a key size of 4096 bits and for a ECC key choose Curve 25519 (option (1)). Enter a reasonable validity period (we recommend 2 to 5 years). Complete the key generation by entering your name and email address.

  3. Add the key ID to your git configuration, by running the following git config commands:

    $ git config --local user.signingkey $YOUR_SIGN_KEY_ID
    $ git config --local commit.gpgSign true

    Omitting the flag --local will make these settings global for all repositories (they will be added to ~/.gitconfig). You can find your signkey’s ID via:

    $ gpg2 --list-keys --keyid-format long $YOUR_EMAIL
    pub   rsa4096/AABBCCDDEEFF0011 2019-04-26 [S] [expires: 2021-04-16]
    uid                 [ultimate] YOU <$YOUR_EMAIL>

    The key’s ID in this case would be AABBCCDDEEFF0011. Note that your signkey will have only a [S] after the creation date, not a [SC] (then you are looking at your ordinary GPG key that can also encrypt).

12.13.2 Bumping the Version

The KIWI NG project follows the Semantic Versioning scheme. We use the bumpversion tool for consistent versioning.

Follow these instructions to bump the major, minor, or patch part of the KIWI NG version. Ensure that your repository is clean (i.e. no modified and unknown files exist) beforehand running bumpversion.

  • For backwards-compatible bug fixes:

    $ bumpversion patch
  • For additional functionality in a backwards-compatible manner. When changed, the patch level is reset to zero:

    $ bumpversion minor
  • For incompatible API changes. When changed, the patch and minor levels are reset to zero:

    $ bumpversion major

12.13.3 Creating a RPM Package

We provide a template for a RPM spec file in package/python-kiwi-spec-template alongside with a rpmlint configuration file and an automatically updated python-kiwi.changes.

To create the necessary files to build a RPM package via rpmbuild, run:

$ make build

The sources are collected in the dist/ directory. These can be directly build it with rpmbuild, fedpkg, or submitted to the Open Build Service using osc.

13 Python API


This API documentation covers KIWI NG 10.2.2

13.1 kiwi Package

13.1.1 Submodules

13.1.2 kiwi.app Module


Bases: object

Implements creation of task instances

Each task class implements a process method which is called when constructing an instance of App

13.1.3 kiwi.cli Module


Bases: object

Implements the main command line interface

An instance of the Cli class builds the entry point for the application and implements methods to load further command plugins which itself provides their own command line interface


Extract selected command name


command name

Return type



Extract argument dict for selected command


Contains dictionary of command arguments

    '--command-option': 'value'

Return type



Extract argument dict for global arguments


Contains dictionary of global arguments

    '--global-option': 'value'

Return type



Extract service name from argument parse result


service name

Return type



Loads task class plugin according to service and command name


loaded task module

Return type



Execute man to show the selected manual page

13.1.4 kiwi.command Module


Bases: object

Implements command invocation

An instance of Command provides methods to invoke external commands in blocking and non blocking mode. Control of stdout and stderr is given to the caller


Execute a program and return an io file handle pair back. stdout and stderr are both on different channels. The caller must read from the output file handles in order to actually run the command. This can be done using the CommandIterator from command_process


process = Command.call(['ls', '-l'])
  • command () – command and arguments

  • custom_env () – custom os.environ


Contains process results in command type

    output='string', output_available=bool,
    error='string', error_available=bool,

Return type


kiwi.command.Command.run ,

Execute a program and block the caller. The return value is a CommandT namedtuple containing the stdout, stderr and return code information. Unless raise_on_error is set to False an exception is thrown if the command exits with an error code not equal to zero. If raise_on_command_not_found is False and the command is not found, then None is returned.


result = Command.run(['ls', '-l'])
  • command () – command and arguments

  • custom_env () – custom os.environ

  • raise_on_error () – control error behaviour

  • stderr_to_stdout () – redirects stderr to stdout


Contains call results in command type

CommandT(output='string', error='string', returncode=int)

Return type



Bases: NamedTuple


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 4


Bases: NamedTuple


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 2

13.1.5 kiwi.command_process Module


Bases: object

Implements an Iterator for Instances of Command


command () – instance of subprocess


Provide return value from processed command



Return type



Provide data which was sent to the stderr channel


stderr data

Return type



Provide process ID of command while running



Return type



Send kill signal SIGTERM to command process


Bases: object

Implements processing of non blocking Command calls

Provides methods to iterate over non blocking instances of the Command class with and without progress information

  • command () – instance of subprocess

  • log_topic () – topic string for logging


create a matcher function pointer which calls the given method as method(item_to_match, data) on dereference


method () – function reference


function pointer

Return type



Iterate over process, raise on error and log output


Iterate over process don’t raise on error and log stdout and stderr


Iterate over process and show progress in percent raise on error and log output

  • items_to_complete () – all items

  • match_method () – method matching item


13.1.6 kiwi.defaults Module


Bases: object

Implements default values

Provides static methods for default values and state information


Implements get method for profile elements


key () – profile keyname


key value

Return type



Provides list of supported archive image types


archive names

Return type



Provides bios core boot binary name



Return type



Provides BIOS directory name which stores the pc binaries


directory name

Return type



Provide default loader entries directory for BLS loaders


directory name

Return type



Provides the path to find custom kiwi boot descriptions


directory path

Return type



Provides the file path to bootloader strip metadata. This file contains information about the files and directories automatically striped out from the kiwi initrd


file path

Return type



Provides the base name of the environment file in a buildservice worker


file basename

Return type



Provides the file path to config functions metadata.

This file contains bash functions used for system configuration or in the boot code from the kiwi initrd


file path

Return type



Provides the tag used to identify base layers during the build of derived images.



Return type



Provides default container compression



Return type



Provides list of supported container image types


container names

Return type



Returns the rpm bootstrap macro file name created in the custom rpm macros path



Return type



Returns the rpm image macro file name created in the custom rpm macros path



Return type



Returns the custom macros directory for the rpm database.


path name

Return type



Provides default boot partition size in mbytes


mbsize value

Return type



Provides default boot timeout in seconds



Return type



Return default bootloader name which is grub2


bootloader name

Return type



Provides the default ‘created by’ history entry for containers.


the specific kiwi version used for the build

Return type



Provides the default container name.



Return type



Provides the default container subcommand.


command as a list of arguments

Return type



Provides the default container tag.



Return type



Provides the default initial disk sector for the first disk partition.


sector value

Return type



Provides default EFI partition size in mbytes


mbsize value

Return type



Provides the default partition table type for efi firmwares.


partition table type name

Return type



Provides default firmware for specified architecture


arch () – machine architecture name


firmware name

Return type



Provides default size of inodes in bytes. This is only relevant for inode based filesystems


bytesize value

Return type



Provides default size of bios_grub partition in mbytes


mbsize value

Return type



Provides default live iso root filesystem type


filesystem name

Return type



Provides default live iso union type


live iso type

Return type



Returns the default package manager name if none is configured in the image description


package manager name

Return type



Provides the packager tool according to the package manager


package_manager () – package manger name


packager tool binary name

Return type



Provides default size of prep partition in mbytes


mbsize value

Return type



Provides default URI type

Absolute path specifications used in the context of an URI will apply the specified default mime type


URI mime type

Return type



Uses auto mode for default video. See get_video_mode_map for details on the value depending which bootloader is used



Return type



Provides default LVM volume group name



Return type



Provides arch specific partition UUIDs as defined by the UAPI group


partition UUIDs

Return type



Provides supported disk format types


disk types

Return type



Provides supported disk image types


disk image type names

Return type



Provides file path of dracut config file to be used with KIWI


file path name

Return type



Provides list of EC2 capable firmware names. These are those for which kiwi supports the creation of disk images bootable within the Amazon EC2 public cloud


firmware names

Return type



Provides list of EFI capable firmware names. These are those for which kiwi supports the creation of an EFI bootable disk image


firmware names

Return type



Provides architecture specific EFI boot binary name


arch () – machine architecture name



Return type



Provides architecture specific EFI directory name which stores the EFI binaries for the desired architecture.


arch () – machine architecture name


directory name

Return type



Provides EFI vendor directory if present

Looks up distribution specific EFI vendor directory


root_path () – path to efi mountpoint


directory path or None

Return type



Provides supported enclave(initrd-only) image types


enclave image type names

Return type



Provides the list of folders that are not associated with a physical device. KIWI returns the basename of the folders typically used as mountpoint for those devices.


list of file and directory names

Return type



Provides list of files/dirs to exclude from the removed files detection in a delta root build


Provides the list of files or folders that are created by KIWI for its own purposes. Those files should be not be included in the resulting image.


list of file and directory names

Return type



Provides the list of folders that are excluded by the optional metadata file image/exclude_files.yaml


list of file and directory names


root_dir () – image root directory

Return type



Provides failsafe boot kernel options


list of kernel options

['option=value', 'option']

Return type



Provides list of supported filesystem image types


filesystem names

Return type



Provides supported architecture specific firmware types


firmware types per architecture

Return type



Provides list of basic grub modules


multiboot () – grub multiboot mode


list of module names

Return type



Provides grub bios image

Searches distribution specific locations to find the core bios image below the given root path


root_path () – image root path


file path or None

Return type



Provides list of grub bios modules


multiboot () – grub multiboot mode


list of module names

Return type



Provides grub2 data directory name in boot/ directory

Depending on the distribution the grub2 boot path could be either boot/grub2 or boot/grub. The method will decide for the correct base directory name according to the name pattern of the installed grub2 tools


directory basename

Return type



Provides distribution specific EFI font directory used with grub.


root_path () – image root path


file path or None

Return type



Provides list of grub efi modules


multiboot () – grub multiboot mode


list of module names

Return type



Provides list of grub ofw modules (ppc)


list of module names

Return type



Provides grub path to given search file

Depending on the distribution grub could be installed below a grub2 or grub directory. grub could also reside in /usr/lib as well as in /usr/share. Therefore this information needs to be dynamically looked up

  • root_path () – root path to start the lookup from

  • filename () – filename to search

  • raise_on_error () – raise on not found, defaults to True

The method returns the path to the given grub search file. By default it raises a KiwiBootLoaderGrubDataError exception if the file could not be found in any of the search locations. If raise_on_error is set to False and no file could be found the function returns None



Return type



Provides list of grub ofw modules (s390)


list of module names

Return type



Provides the path to an imported root system image

If the image description specified a derived_from attribute the file from this attribute is copied into the root_dir using the name as provided by this method


root_dir () – image root directory


file path name

Return type



Provides default value for ISO volume ID for install media



Return type



Provides arch specific relative path to boot files on kiwi iso filesystems


relative path name

Return type



Return name of eltorito grub image used as ISO loader


file base name

Return type



Return name of hybrid MBR image used as ISO boot record


file base name

Return type



Provides default iso media tag tool



Return type



Provides default iso tool category



Return type



Provides supported kis image types


kis image type names

Return type



Provides flag_name to dracut modules name map

Depending on the value of the flag attribute in the KIWI image description specific dracut modules need to be selected


dracut module names as list

Return type



Provides supported live image types


live image type names

Return type



Provides list of boot options passed to the dracut kiwi-live module to setup persistent writing


list of boot options

Return type



Provides key length to use for random luks keys


Provides empiric LVM overhead size in mbytes


mbsize value

Return type



Provides default minimum partition size in mbytes


mbsize value

Return type



Provides default minimum LVM volume size in mbytes per filesystem


mbsize value

Return type



Provides Mok Manager file path

Searches distribution specific locations to find the Mok Manager EFI binary


root_path () – image root path


file path or None

Return type



Provides the default API server url to access the public open buildservice API


url path

Return type



Provides the default download server url hosting the public open buildservice repositories


url path

Return type



Provides the default OCI archive tool name.



Return type



Provides the default partition mapper tool name.



Return type



Provides the machine architecture name as used by KIWI

This is the architecture name as it is returned by ‘uname -m’ with one exception for the 32bit x86 architecture which is handled as ‘ix86’ in general


architecture name

Return type



Provides ISO preparer name



Return type



Return name of profile file for given root directory


Provides ISO publisher name



Return type



Provides spare size of recovery partition in mbytes


mbsize value

Return type



Provides base file name to store removed files in a delta root build


Provides file path to kiwi RelaxNG schema


file path

Return type



Provides module name for XML SchemaTron validations


python module name

Return type



Provides the shared cache location

This is a directory which shares data from the image buildsystem host with the image root system. The location is returned as an absolute path stripped off by the leading ‘/’. This is because the path is transparently used on the host /<cache-dir> and inside of the image imageroot/<cache-dir>


directory path

Return type



Provides shim loader file path

Searches distribution specific locations to find shim.efi below the given root path


root_path () – image root path


shim_loader_type | None

Return type



Provides shim vendor directory

Searches distribution specific locations to find shim.efi below the given root path and return the directory name to the file found


root_path () – image root path


directory path or None

Return type



Provides shim signed grub loader file path

Searches distribution specific locations to find a grub EFI binary within the given root path


root_path () – image root path


grub_loader_type | None

Return type



Provides the default configuration template file for snapper. The location in etc/ are preferred over files in usr/


file path

Return type



Provides the directory to store SAT solvables for repositories. The solvable files are used to perform package dependency and metadata resolution


directory path

Return type



Provides swapsize in MB


Provides list of default data sync options


list of rsync options

Return type



Provides base file name to store system files in a container build


Provides the base temp directory location

This is the directory used to store any temporary files and directories created by kiwi during runtime


directory path

Return type



Provides unsigned grub efi loader file path

Searches distribution specific locations to find a distro grub EFI binary within the given root path


root_path () – image root path


file path or None

Return type



Provides the default value for vagrantconfig.virtualbox_guest_additions_present


whether guest additions are expected to be present in the vagrant box

Return type



Provides video mode map

Assign a tuple to each kernel vesa hex id for each of the supported bootloaders


video type map

{'kernel_hex_mode': video_type(grub2='mode')}

Return type



Provides default value for ISO volume ID



Return type



Provides the file path to the KIWI XSLT style sheets


file path

Return type



Provides compression options for the xz compressor


Contains list of options


Return type



Checks if build host is an open buildservice machine

The presence of /.buildenv on the build host indicates we are building inside of the open buildservice


True if obs worker, else False

Return type



Checks if machine architecture is ppc64 based

Any arch that matches little endian or big endian ppc64 architecture causes the method to return True. Anything else will cause the method to return False

Return type



Checks if machine architecture is x86 based

Any arch that matches 32bit and 64bit x86 architecture causes the method to return True. Anything else will cause the method to return False

Return type



Provides the python module base directory search path

The method uses the importlib.resources.path method to identify files and directories from the application


filename () – relative project file


absolute file path name

Return type



Sets the runtime config file once


filename () – a file path name


Sets the platform architecture once


name () – an architecture name


Sets the runtime checker metadata filename


filename () – a file path name


Sets the shared cache location once


location () – a location path


Sets the temp directory location once


location () – a location path


Implements method to add list of profile keys and their values to the specified instance of a Profile class


profile () – Profile instance


Bases: tuple


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0


Bases: tuple


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0


Bases: tuple


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 2

13.1.7 kiwi.exceptions Module


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the python anymarkup module failed to load.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if an unsupported image archive type is used.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if impossible to determine which tar command version is installed on the underlying system


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if an unsupported initrd system type is used.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if a configuration for an unsupported bootloader is requested.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the disk password could not be set


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if no grub installation was found.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if no grub unicode font was found.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if grub install to master boot record has failed.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the synchronisation of modules from the grub installation to the boot space has failed.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if an attempt was made to use grub on an unsupported platform.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the Microsoft signed shim loader or grub2 loader could not be found in the image root system


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if an installation for an unsupported bootloader is requested.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the target to read the bootloader path from is not a disk or an iso image.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the installation of zipl has failed.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if a configuration for an unsupported zipl architecture is requested.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the data set to configure the zipl bootloader is incomplete.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the bootstrap phase of the system prepare command has failed.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised on inconsistent buildah class calls


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the system bundle command has failed.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception is raised when some the CommandCapabilities methods fails, usually meaning there is some issue trying to parse some command output.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if an external command called via a Command instance has returned with an exit code != 0 or could not be called at all.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if any executable command cannot be found in the evironment PATH variable.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if a kiwi command task module could not be loaded.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the compression format of the data could not be detected.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if kiwi description file format is not supported.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if no kiwi XML description was found.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception is raised when something fails during a container image build procedure.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if an attempt to create a container instance for an unsupported container type is performed.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if an error in the creation of the container archive happened.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if required credentials information is missing


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the entry in a custom partition setup conflicts with an existing partition table layout setting


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the XML description failed to parse the data structure.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the bootstrap installation for Debian based systems has failed


Bases: KiwiError

Exception is raised on decoding literals failure


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the XML description failed to validate the XML schema.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if a storage provide is asked for its managed device but no such device exists.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if a kiwi boot image does not provide the requested data, e.g kernel, or hypervisor files.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if an attempt was made to create a disk format instance of an unsupported disk format.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the disk geometry (partition table) could not be read or evaluated against their expected geometry and capabilities.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the distribution name could not be found. The information is extracted from the boot attribute of the XML description. If no boot attribute is present or does not match the naming conventions the exception is raised.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if no kernel image was found while building an enclave image.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if no enclave_format attribute specified for the selected build type


Bases: Exception

Base class to handle all known exceptions

Specific exceptions are implemented as sub classes of KiwiError



message () – Exception message text


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if an extension section of the same namespace is used multiple times as toplevel section within the extension section. Each extension must have a single toplevel entry point qualified by its namespace


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if accessing a file or its metadata failed


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the requested file could not be found.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if an attempt was made to build an unsupported or unspecified filesystem.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the data sync from the system into the loop mounted filesystem image failed.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the requested disk format could not be created.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the request for the help page is executed without a command to show the help for.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the request to resize a disk image failed. Reasons could be a missing raw disk reference or a wrong size specification.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the XML description data and scripts could not be imported into the root of the image.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the file reference in an <include> statement could not be found


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the required files to boot an installation image could not be found, e.g kernel or hypervisor.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if a request for an installation media is made but the system image type is not an oem type.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the install phase of a system prepare command has failed.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if an inconsistency in the ISO header was found such like invalid eltorito specification or a broken path table.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if an iso helper tool such as isoinfo could not be found on the build system.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the search for the kernel image file failed


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if a required boot file e.g the kernel could not be found in the process of building a kis image.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if an attempt was made to use an unsupported live iso type.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if no command is specified for a given service on the commandline.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the log file could not be created.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the Unix Domain log socket could not be created.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if not enough user data to create a loop device is specified.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if not enough user data is provided to setup the luks encryption on the given device.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the device to become mapped does not exist.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the markup format conversion is not possible.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if a kernel filesystem such as proc or sys could not be mounted.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the host <-> image shared directory could not be mounted.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if a functionality is not yet implemented.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the requested OCI archive tool is not supported


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if reading etc/os-release caused an issue


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the offset for a seek operation does not match the expected data to write


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if an attempt was made to create a package manager instance for an unsupported package manager.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the packages deletion phase in system prepare fails.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the specified partition size is smaller than the required bytes to store the data


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if an attempt was made to set an unknown partition flag for an entry in the GPT table.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if an attempt was made to set an unknown partition flag for an entry in the MSDOS table.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if an attempt was made to create an instance of a partitioner for an unsupporte partitioner.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if root privileges are required but not granted.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if a specified profile does not exist in the XML configuration.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if invalid or not enough user data is provided to create a raid array on the specified storage device.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if an attempt was made to create an instance of a repository for an unsupported package manager.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if a package request could not be processed by the corresponding package manager instance.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if an attempt was made to build an image for an unsupported image type.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if an attempt was made to resize the image disk to a smaller size than the current one. Simply shrinking a disk image file is not possible without data corruption because the partitions were setup to use the entire disk geometry as it fits into the file. A successful shrinking operation would require the filesystems and the partition table to be reduced which is not done by the provided simple storage resize method. In addition without the user overwriting the disk size in the XML setup, kiwi will calculate the minimum required size in order to store the data. Thus in almost all cases it will not be possible to store the data in a smaller disk.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the image build result pickle information could not be created or loaded.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the specified image root directory already exists and should not be re-used.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception is raised when something fails during the root import procedure.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the initialization of a new image root directory has failed.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the provided rpm-dir repository is not local


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the provided custom runtime config file could not be found


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the expected format in the yaml KIWI runtime config file does not match


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if a runtime check has failed.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if a sat solver job can not be done, e.g because the requested package or collection does not exist in the registered repository metadata


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the sat solver operations returned with solver problems e.g package conflicts


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the python solv module failed to load. The solv module is provided by SUSE’s rpm package python-solv and provides a python binding to the libsolv C library


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the schema file could not be read by lxml.RelaxNG.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if a user script returned with an exit code != 0.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the setup of the temporary image system configuration for the duration of the build process has failed.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if a given python value cannot be converted into a string representation for use in shell scripts


Bases: KiwiError

Exception is raised when the convertion from a given size in string format to a number.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the repository type is not supported for the creation of a SAT solvable


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the deletion of a package has failed in the corresponding package manager instance.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the installation of a package has failed in the corresponding package manager instance.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the package upgrade has failed in the corresponding package manager instance.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the specified target directory to store the image results was not found.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the substitution of variables in a configuration file template has failed.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if no build type was found in the XML description.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the attempt to umount a resource has failed


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if an unknown service name was provided on the commandline.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the urllib urlopen request has failed


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if an unsupported URI style was used in the source definition of a repository.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the protocol type of an URI is unknown in the source definition of a repository.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the XML validation against the schema has failed.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the GUID tag is not provided in the expected format.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the requested LVM volume group already is in use on the build system.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the preconditions for volume mangement support are not met or an attempt was made to create an instance of a volume manager for an unsupported volume management system.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the root volume can not be found. This concept currently exists only for the btrfs subvolume system.


Bases: KiwiError

Exception raised if the specified volume size is smaller than the required bytes to store the data

13.1.8 kiwi.firmware Module


Bases: object

Implements firmware specific methods

According to the selected firmware some parameters in a disk image changes. This class provides methods to provide firmware dependant information

  • param object xml_state

    instance of XMLState


Check if BIOS mode is requested


True or False

Return type



Check if EC2 mode is requested


True or False

Return type



Check if EFI mode is requested


The requested EFI mode or None if no EFI mode requested

Return type



Size of EFI partition. Returns 0 if no such partition is needed


mbsize value

Return type



Size of legacy bios_grub partition if legacy BIOS mode is required. Returns 0 if no such partition is needed


mbsize value

Return type



Provides partition table type according to architecture and firmware


partition table name

Return type



Size of Prep partition if OFW mode is requested. Returns 0 if no such partition is needed


mbsize value

Return type



Check if the legacy boot from BIOS systems should be activated


True or False

Return type



Check if OFW mode is requested


True or False

Return type



Check if Opal mode is requested


True or False

Return type


13.1.9 kiwi.help Module


Bases: object

Implements man page help for kiwi commands

Each kiwi command implements their own manual page, which is shown if the positional argument ‘help’ is passed to the command.


Call man to show the command specific manual page

All kiwi commands store their manual page in the section ‘8’ of the man system. The calling process is replaced by the man process


command () – man page name

13.1.10 kiwi.kiwi Module


Overwritten method from docopt

Shows our own usage message for -h|–help

  • help () – indicate to show help

  • version () – version string

  • options ()

list of option tuples

[option(name='name', value='value')]

doc () – docopt doc string


kiwi - main application entry point

Initializes a global log object and handles all errors of the application. Every known error is inherited from KiwiError, everything else is passed down until the generic Exception which is handled as unexpected error including the python backtrace


Instead of the docopt way to show the usage information we provide a kiwi specific usage information. The usage data now always consists out of:

  1. the generic call kiwi-ng [global options] service <command> [<args>]

  2. the command specific usage defined by the docopt string short form by default, long form with -h | –help

  3. the global options


command_usage () – usage data

13.1.11 kiwi.logger Module


Bases: Logger

Extended logging facility based on Python logging


name () – name of the logger


Return logging flags


Dictionary with flags and their activation status

Return type



Return currently used log level


log level number

Return type



Return file path name of logfile


file path

Return type



Custom progress log information. progress information is intentionally only logged to stdout and will bypass any handlers. We don’t want this information to show up in the log file

  • current () – current item

  • total () – total number of items

  • prefix () – prefix name

  • bar_length () – length of progress bar


Set logging flag for further properties of the logging facility Available flags are:

  • run-scripts-in-screen


flag () – name


Set custom log level for all console handlers

  • level () – log level number

  • except_for () – set log level to all handlers except for the given list

  • only_for () – set log level to the given handlers only

if both except_for and only_for handlers are specified, the except_for list will be ignored


Set color format for all console handlers


Set log socket handler


filename () – UDS socket file path. Note if there is no server listening on the socket the log handler setup will fail


Set logfile handler


filename () – logfile file path

13.1.12 kiwi.logger_color_formatter Module


Bases: Formatter

Extended standard logging Formatter

Extended format supporting text with color metadata


ColorFormatter(message_format, '%H:%M:%S')

Creates a logging Formatter with support for color messages


record () – logging message record


result from format_message

Return type



Bases: object

Implements color messages for Python logging facility

Has to implement the format_message method to serve as message formatter


Message formatter with support for embedded color sequences

The Message is allowed to contain the following color metadata:

  • $RESET, reset to no color mode

  • $BOLD, bold

  • $COLOR, color the following text

  • $LIGHTCOLOR, light color the following text

The color of the message depends on the level and is defined in the ColorMessage constructor

  • level () – color level name

  • message () – text


color message with escape sequences

Return type


13.1.13 kiwi.logger_filter Module


Bases: Filter

Extended standard debug logging Filter


Only messages with record level DEBUG can pass for messages with another level an extra handler is used


record () – logging message record



Return type



Bases: Filter

Extended standard error logging Filter


Only messages with record level DEBUG can pass for messages with another level an extra handler is used


record () – logging message record



Return type



Bases: Filter

Extended standard logging Filter


Only messages with record level INFO can pass for messages with another level an extra handler is used


record () – logging message record



Return type



Bases: Filter

Extended standard logging Filter


Messages from apscheduler scheduler instances are filtered out They conflict with console progress information


record () – logging message record



Return type



Bases: Filter

Extended standard warning logging Filter


Only messages with record level WARNING can pass for messages with another level an extra handler is used


record () – logging message record



Return type


13.1.14 kiwi.mount_manager Module


Bases: object

Implements methods for mounting, umounting and mount checking

The caller is responsible for unmounting the device if the MountManager is used as is.

The class also supports to be used as a context manager, where the device is unmounted once the context manager’s with block is left

  • param string device

    device node name

  • param string mountpoint

    mountpoint directory name

  • param dict attributes

    optional attributes to store


Bind mount the device to the mountpoint


Return attributes dict for this mount manager


Check if mounted


True or False

Return type



Standard mount the device to the mountpoint


options () – mount options


tmpfs mount the device to the mountpoint


Umount by the mountpoint directory

Wait up to 10sec trying to umount. If the resource stays busy the call will raise an exception unless raise_on_busy is set to False. In case the umount failed and raise_on_busy is set to False, the method returns False to indicate the error condition.


True or False

Return type



Umount by the mountpoint directory in lazy mode

Release the mount in any case, however the time when the mounted resource is released by the kernel depends on when the resource enters the non busy state

13.1.15 kiwi.path Module


Bases: object

Directory path helpers


Check whether path can be accessed with the given mode.

  • path () – The path that should be checked for access.

  • mode () – Which access mode should be checked. This value must be a bit-wise or of one or more of the following constants: os.F_OK (note that this one is zero), os.X_OK, os.R_OK and os.W_OK

  • kwargs – further keyword arguments are forwarded to os.access()


Boolean value whether this access mode is allowed

Return type



Create path and all sub directories to target


path () – path name


Change the given path elements to a new root directory

  • root () – the root path to trim

  • elements () – list of path names


changed elements

Return type



Include the root prefix for the given paths elements

  • root () – the new root path

  • elements () – list of path names


changed elements

Return type



Recursively remove an empty path and its sub directories starting at a given root directory. Ignore non empty or protected paths and leave them untouched

  • root () – start at directory

  • path () – path name below root


Sort given list of path names by their hierachy in the tree


result = Path.sort_by_hierarchy(['/var/lib', '/var'])

path_list () – list of path names


hierachy sorted path_list

Return type



Lookup file name in PATH

  • filename () – file base name

  • alternative_lookup_paths () – list of additional lookup paths

  • custom_env () – a custom os.environ used to obtain $PATH

  • access_mode () – one of the os access modes or a combination of them (os.R_OK, os.W_OK and os.X_OK). If the provided access mode does not match the file is considered not existing

  • root_dir () – the root path to look at


absolute path to file or None

Return type



Delete path and all contents


path () – path name

13.1.16 kiwi.privileges Module


Bases: object

Implements check for root privileges


Check if we are effectively root on the system. If not an exception is thrown


True or raise an Exception

Return type


13.1.17 kiwi.runtime_checker Module


Bases: object

Implements build consistency checks at runtime


When building wsl images there are some naming conventions that must be fulfilled to run the container on Microsoft Windows


If a kiwi initrd is used, a lookup to the specified boot description is done and fails early if it does not exist


If a kiwi initrd is used, the kernel used to build the kiwi initrd and the kernel used in the system image must be the same in order to avoid an inconsistent boot setup


When creating container images the specific tools are used in order to import and export OCI or Docker compatible images. This check searches for those tools to be installed in the build system and fails if it can’t find them


OEM images if configured to use dracut as initrd system requires the KIWI provided dracut-kiwi-oem-repart module to be installed at the time dracut is called. Thus this runtime check examines if the required package is part of the package list in the image description.


Disk images configured to use a root filesystem overlay requires the KIWI provided kiwi-overlay dracut module to be installed at the time dracut is called. Thus this runtime check examines if the required package is part of the package list in the image description.


Live ISO images uses a dracut initrd to boot and requires the KIWI provided kiwi-live dracut module to be installed at the time dracut is called. Thus this runtime check examines if the required package is part of the package list in the image description.


OEM images if configured to use dracut as initrd system and configured with one of the installiso, installstick or installpxe attributes requires the KIWI provided dracut-kiwi-oem-dump module to be installed at the time dracut is called. Thus this runtime check examines if the required package is part of the package list in the image description.


KIWI images which makes use of kiwi dracut modules has to use module versions compatible with the version of this KIWI builder code base. This is important to avoid inconsistencies between the way how kiwi includes its own dracut modules and former version of those dracut modules which could be no longer compatible with the builder. Therefore this runtime check maintains a min_version constraint for which we know this KIWI builder to be compatible with.


Verify that the efifatimagesize does not exceed the max El Torito load size of 65535 * 512 bytes


Disk images configured to use a root filesystem overlay only supports the standard EFI mode and not secure boot. That’s because the shim setup performs changes to the root filesystem which can not be applied during the bootloader setup at build time because at that point the root filesystem is a read-only squashfs source.


Verify that all repos marked with the imageinclude attribute can be resolved into a http based web URL


Verify that the selected image type is unique within the range of the configured types and profiles.


Kiwi requires a <version> element to be specified as part of at least one <preferences> section.


Raise for still included <include> statements as not resolvable. The KIWI XSLT processing replaces the specified include directive(s) with the given file reference(s). If this action did not happen for example on nested includes, it can happen that they stay in the document as sort of waste.


If the boot attribute is used without selecting kiwi as the initrd_system, the setting of the boot attribute will not have any effect. We assume that configurations which explicitly specify the boot attribute wants to use the custom kiwi initrd system and not dracut.


Options set via the luksformat element are passed along to the cryptsetup tool. Only options that are known to the tool should be allowed. Thus this runtime check looks up the provided option names if they exist in the cryptsetup version used on the build host


If the image description enables the mediacheck attribute the required tools to run this check must be installed on the image build host


The devicepersistency setting by-partuuid can only be used in combination with a partition table type that supports UUIDs. In any other case Linux creates artificial values for PTUUID and PARTUUID from the disk signature which can change without touching the actual partition table. We consider this unsafe and only allow the use of by-partuuid in combination with partition tables that actually supports it properly.


Verify that there are repositories configured


The optional oem-swapname is only effective if used together with the LVM volume manager. A name for the swap space can only be set if it is created as a LVM volume. In any other case the name does not apply to the system


The target directory must be outside of the kiwi shared cache directory in order to avoid busy mounts because kiwi bind mounts the cache directory into the image root tree to access host caching information


target_dir () – path name


The optional volume label in a systemdisk setup is only effective if the LVM, logical volume manager system is used. In any other case where the filesystem itself offers volume management capabilities there are no extra filesystem labels which can be applied per volume


The volume size specification ‘all’ makes this volume to take the rest space available on the system. It’s only allowed to specify one all size volume


The root volume in a systemdisk setup is handled in a special way. It is not allowed to setup a custom name or mountpoint for the root volume. Therefore the size of the root volume can be setup via the @root volume name. This check looks up the volume setup and searches if there is a configuration for the ‘/’ mountpoint which would cause the image build to fail


If the image is classified to be used as Xen image, it can be either a Xen Server(dom0) or a Xen guest. The image configuration is checked if the information uniquely identifies the image as such


Bases: tuple


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

13.1.18 kiwi.runtime_config Module


Bases: object

Implements reading of runtime configuration file:

  1. Check for –config provided from the CLI

  2. ~/.config/kiwi/config.yml

  3. /etc/kiwi.yml

The KIWI runtime configuration file is a yaml formatted file containing information to control the behavior of the tools used by KIWI.


reread () – reread runtime config


Return boolean value to express if the image bundle should contain XZ compressed image results or not.

  • compress: true|false

If compression of image build results is activated the size of the bundle is smaller and the download speed increases. However the image must be uncompressed before use

If no compression is explicitly configured, the provided default value applies


default () – Default value


True or False

Return type



Return compression for container images

  • compress: xz|none|true|false

if no or invalid configuration data is provided, the default compression from the Defaults class is returned


True or False

Return type



Return verification metadata signing key file, used for signature creation of rootfs verification metadata:

  • verification_metadata_signing_key_file: …

There is no default value for this setting available


file path name or ‘’

Return type



Returns disabled runtime checks. Checks can be disabled with:

  • disable: check_container_tool_chain_installed

if the provided string does not match any RuntimeChecker method it is just ignored.


Return media tag tool used to checksum iso images

  • media_tag_tool: checkmedia

if no or invalid configuration exists the default media tagger from the Defaults class is returned


A name

Return type



Return tool category which should be used to build iso images

  • tool_category: xorriso

if no or invalid configuration exists the default tool category from the Defaults class is returned


A name

Return type



Return partition mapper tool

  • part_mapper: partx

if no configuration exists the default tool from the Defaults class is returned


A name

Return type



Returns the maximum allowed size of the built image. The value is returned in bytes and it is specified in build_constraints element with the max_size attribute. The value can be specified in bytes or it can be specified with m=MB or g=GB.

  • max_size: 700m

if no configuration exists None is returned


byte value or None

Return type



Return OBS API credentials if configured:

  • user:
    • user_name: user_credentials


List of Dicts with credentials per user

Return type



Return URL of buildservice API server in:

  • api_url: …

if no configuration exists the API server from the Defaults class is returned


URL type data

Return type



Return URL of buildservice download server in:

  • download_url: …

if no configuration exists the downloadserver from the Defaults class is returned


URL type data

Return type



Return OCI archive tool which should be used on creation of container archives for OCI compliant images, e.g docker

  • archive_tool: umoci

if no configuration exists the default tool from the Defaults class is returned


A name

Return type



Return boolean value to express if the image build and bundle should contain a .changes file. The .changes file contains the package changelog information from all packages installed into the image.

  • has_package_changes: true|false

By default the creation is switched on. When building in the Open Build Service the default is switched off because obs provides a .report file containing the same information.


default () – Default value


True or False

Return type



Return list of XZ compression options in:

  • options: …

if no configuration exists None is returned


Contains list of options


Return type



Check if the buildservice configuration is public or private in:

  • public: true|false

if no configuration exists we assume to be public


True or False

Return type


13.1.19 kiwi.version Module

Global version information used in kiwi and the package

13.1.20 kiwi.xml_description Module


Bases: object

Implements data management for the image description

Supported description markup languages are XML, YAML, JSON and INI. The provided input file is converted into XML, transformed to the current RelaxNG schema via XSLT and validated against this result.

  • XSLT Style Sheet processing to apply on this version of kiwi

  • Schema Validation based on RelaxNG schema

  • Loading XML data into internal data structures


  • description () – path to description file

  • derived_from () – path to base description file


Return the xml etree parse result for the specified extension namespace


namespace_name () – name of the extension namespace


result of etree.parse

Return type



Read XML description, validate it against the schema and the schematron rules and pass it to the autogenerated(generateDS) parser.


instance of XML toplevel domain (image)

Return type


13.1.21 kiwi.xml_state Module


Bases: NamedTuple


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 4


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 5


Alias for field number 0


Bases: NamedTuple


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 0


Bases: object

Implements methods to get stateful information from the XML data

  • xml_data () – parse result from XMLDescription.load()

  • profiles () – list of used profiles

  • build_type () – build <type> section reference


Adds a new label in the containerconfig section, if a label with the same name is already defined in containerconfig it gets overwritten by this method.

  • label_name () – the string representing the label name

  • value () – the value of the label


Add a new repository section at the end of the list

  • repo_source () – repository URI

  • repo_type () – type name defined by schema

  • repo_alias () – alias name

  • repo_prio () – priority number, package manager specific

  • repo_imageinclude () – setup repository inside of the image

  • repo_package_gpgcheck () – enable/disable package gpg checks

  • repo_signing_keys () – list of signing key file names

  • components () – component names for debian repos

  • distribution () – base distribution name for debian repos

  • repo_gpgcheck () – enable/disable repo gpg checks


Check if setting a default volume for btrfs is requested


Tests if the given namedcollection section is applicable for the current host architecture. If no architecture is specified within the section it is considered as a match returning True.

Note: The XML section pointer must provide an arch attribute


section – XML section object


True or False

Return type



Tests if the given container section is applicable for the current host architecture. If no arch attribute is provided in the section it is considered as a match and returns: True.


section – XML section object


True or False

Return type



Tests if the given containers section is applicable for the current host architecture. If no arch attribute is provided in the section it is considered as a match and returns: True.


section – XML section object


True or False

Return type



Copy packages marked as bootdelete to the packages type=delete section in the target xml state


target_state () – XMLState instance


Copy archives marked as bootinclude to the packages type=bootstrap section in the target xml state


target_state () – XMLState instance


Copy packages marked as bootinclude to the packages type=bootstrap section in the target xml state. The package will also be removed from the packages type=delete section in the target xml state if present there


target_state () – XMLState instance


Copy bootloader section from this xml state to the target xml state


target_state () – XMLState instance


Copy specified attributes from this build type section to the target xml state build type section

  • attribute_names () – type section attributes

  • target_state () – XMLState instance


Copy image displayname from this xml state to the target xml state


target_state () – XMLState instance


Copy drivers sections from this xml state to the target xml state


target_state () – XMLState instance


Copy machine sections from this xml state to the target xml state


target_state () – XMLState instance


Copy image name from this xml state to the target xml state


target_state () – XMLState instance


Copy oemconfig sections from this xml state to the target xml state


target_state () – XMLState instance


Copy subsections of the preferences sections, matching given section names, from this xml state to the target xml state

  • section_names () – preferences subsection names

  • target_state () – XMLState instance


Copy repository sections from this xml state to the target xml state

  • target_state () – XMLState instance

  • wipe () – delete all repos in target prior to copy


Copy strip sections from this xml state to the target xml state


target_state () – XMLState instance


Copy systemdisk sections from this xml state to the target xml state


target_state () – XMLState instance


Delete all repository sections matching configured profiles


Delete all repository sections used to build the image matching configured profiles


Dict of archive names and target dirs for packages section(s), if any :return: archive names and its target dir :rtype: dict


List of custom options used in the bootloader configuration


List of custom options used in the bootloader installation


List of custom options used in the process to run bootloader setup workloads


List of custom options used in the process to setup secure boot


List of archive names from the type=”bootstrap” packages section(s)


archive names

Return type



Dict of archive names and target dirs from the type=”bootstrap” packages section(s) :return: archive names and its target dir :rtype: dict


Collection type for packages sections matching type=”bootstrap”


collection type name

Return type



List of collection names from the packages sections matching type=”bootstrap”


collection names

Return type



List of file names from the type=”bootstrap” packages section(s)


file names

Return type



List of ignore package names from the packages sections matching type=”image” and type=build_type


package names

Return type



bootstrap_package name from type=”bootstrap” packages section


bootstrap_package name

Return type



List of package names from the type=”bootstrap” packages section(s)

The list gets the selected package manager appended if there is a request to install packages inside of the image via a chroot operation


plus_packages () – list of additional packages


package names

Return type



List of packages sections matching type=”bootstrap”


list of <packages> section reference(s)

Return type



List of product names from the packages sections matching type=”bootstrap”


product names

Return type



Return bootloader bls setting for selected build type


True or False

Return type



Return bootloader console setting for selected build type


list of console settings for output (first element) and input (second element)

Return type



Return bootloader name for selected build type


bootloader name

Return type



First bootloader section from the build type section


<bootloader> section reference

Return type



First securelinux section from the build type bootloader section


<securelinux> section reference

Return type



Return bootloader serial line setup parameters for the selected build type


serial line setup

Return type



First bootloadersettings section from the build type bootloader section


<bootloadersettings> section reference

Return type



Return bootloader target type setting. Only relevant for the zipl bootloader because zipl is installed differently depending on the storage target it runs later


target type string

Return type



Return bootloader timeout setting for selected build type


timeout string

Return type



Return bootloader timeout style setting for selected build type


timeout_style string

Return type



Indicate whether the bootloader configuration should use the password protecting the encrypted root volume.



Return type



Return bundle_format for build type

The bundle_format string is validated against the available name tags from kiwi.system.result::result_name_tags.


bundle format string

Return type



First containerconfig section from the build type section


<containerconfig> section reference

Return type



Disk format options returned as a dictionary


format options

Return type



First machine section from the build type section


<machine> section reference

Return type



Default build type name


Content of image attribute from build type

Return type
