mgm_id |
numeric |
131089 |
null |
system.mgm_id |
systemoutdated_system_fkeyR |
The id of the SUSE Manager instance that contains this data |
system_id |
numeric |
131089 |
null |
system.system_id |
systemoutdated_system_fkeyR |
The id of the system |
packages_out_of_date |
int8 |
19 |
√ |
null |
The number of outdated packages installed on this system |
errata_out_of_date |
int8 |
19 |
√ |
null |
The number of outdated patches associated to this system |
synced_date |
timestamptz |
35,6 |
√ |
The timestamp of when this data was last refreshed. |