

The list of systems managed by a SUSE Manager instance


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
mgm_id numeric 131089 null
systemaction.mgm_id systemaction_system_fkeyR
systemchannel.mgm_id systemchannel_system_fkeyR
systemconfigchannel.mgm_id systemconfigchannel_system_fkeyR
systemcustominfo.mgm_id systemcustominfoR
systementitlement.mgm_id systementitlement_system_fkeyR
systemerrata.mgm_id systemerrata_system_fkeyR
systemgroupmember.mgm_id systemgroupmember_system_fkeyR
systemhistory.mgm_id systemhistory_system_fkeyR
systemnetinterface.mgm_id systemnetinterface_system_fkeyR
systemoutdated.mgm_id systemoutdated_system_fkeyR
systempackageinstalled.mgm_id systempackageinstalled_system_fkeyR
systempackageupdate.mgm_id systempackageupdate_system_fkeyR
systemvirtualdata.mgm_id systemvirtualdata_virtual_system_fkeyR
xccdscanresult.mgm_id xccdscanresult_system_fkeyR

The id of the SUSE Manager instance that contains this data

system_id numeric 131089 null
systemaction.system_id systemaction_system_fkeyR
systemchannel.system_id systemchannel_system_fkeyR
systemconfigchannel.system_id systemconfigchannel_system_fkeyR
systemcustominfo.system_id systemcustominfoR
systementitlement.system_id systementitlement_system_fkeyR
systemerrata.system_id systemerrata_system_fkeyR
systemgroupmember.system_id systemgroupmember_system_fkeyR
systemhistory.system_id systemhistory_system_fkeyR
systemnetinterface.system_id systemnetinterface_system_fkeyR
systemoutdated.system_id systemoutdated_system_fkeyR
systempackageinstalled.system_id systempackageinstalled_system_fkeyR
systempackageupdate.system_id systempackageupdate_system_fkeyR
systemvirtualdata.host_system_id systemvirtualdata_host_system_fkeyR
systemvirtualdata.virtual_system_id systemvirtualdata_virtual_system_fkeyR
xccdscanresult.system_id xccdscanresult_system_fkeyR

The id of the system

profile_name varchar 128 null

The unique descriptive name of the system

hostname varchar 128 null

The hostname that identifies this system

minion_id varchar 256 null

The identifier of the minion, if the system is a Salt Minion

minion_os_family varchar 32 null

The family of the operating system, if the system is a Salt Minion

minion_kernel_live_version varchar 255 null

The current live kernel version, if the system is a Salt Minion

machine_id varchar 256 null

The identifier of the machine

registered_by varchar 64 null

The user account who onboarded this system

registration_time timestamptz 35,6 null

When this system was onboarded

last_checkin_time timestamptz 35,6 null

When this system was visible and reachable last time

kernel_version varchar 64 null

The version of the kernel installed on this system

architecture varchar 64 null

The architecture of the system

is_proxy bool 1 false

True if this system is a SUSE Manager Proxy instance

proxy_system_id numeric 131089 null

The id of the SUSE Manager proxy that this system is connected to, if any

is_mgr_server bool 1 false

True of this system is a SUSE Manager instance

organization varchar 128 null

The organization that owns this data

hardware text 2147483647 null

A brief description of the hardware specification of this system

machine varchar 64 null

The machine on which this system is located

rack varchar 64 null

The rack on which this system is located

room varchar 32 null

The room where this system is located

building varchar 128 null

The building where this system is located

address1 varchar 128 null

The first row of the address where this system is located

address2 varchar 128 null

The second row of the address where this system is located

city varchar 128 null

The city where this system is located

state varchar 60 null

The state where this system is located

country varchar 2 null

The country where this system is located

synced_date timestamptz 35,6 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

The timestamp of when this data was last refreshed.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
system_pk Primary key Asc/Asc mgm_id + system_id
system_profile_name_idx Performance Asc profile_name

Check Constraints

Constraint Name Constraint
vn_system_building (((building)::text <> ''::text))
vn_system_room (((room)::text <> ''::text))
vn_system_address1 (((address1)::text <> ''::text))
vn_system_rack (((rack)::text <> ''::text))
vn_system_city (((city)::text <> ''::text))
vn_system_architecture (((architecture)::text <> ''::text))
vn_system_country (((country)::text <> ''::text))
vn_system_minion_kernel_live_version (((minion_kernel_live_version)::text <> ''::text))
vn_system_kernel_version (((kernel_version)::text <> ''::text))
vn_system_machine_id (((machine_id)::text <> ''::text))
vn_system_minion_id (((minion_id)::text <> ''::text))
vn_system_registered_by (((registered_by)::text <> ''::text))
vn_system_minion_os_family (((minion_os_family)::text <> ''::text))
vn_system_organization (((organization)::text <> ''::text))
vn_system_address2 (((address2)::text <> ''::text))
vn_system_machine (((machine)::text <> ''::text))
vn_system_state (((state)::text <> ''::text))
vn_system_hostname (((hostname)::text <> ''::text))
vn_system_profile_name (((profile_name)::text <> ''::text))
