Column | Type | Size | Nulls | Auto | Default | Children | Parents | Comments | ||
mgm_id | numeric | 131089 | null |
The id of the SUSE Manager instance that contains this data |
instance_id | numeric | 131089 | null |
The id of the virtual system instance |
host_system_id | numeric | 131089 | √ | null |
The id of the host system, if available |
virtual_system_id | numeric | 131089 | √ | null |
The id of the virtual system, if available |
name | varchar | 128 | √ | null |
The name of this virtual system |
instance_type_name | varchar | 128 | √ | null |
The type of virtualization |
vcpus | numeric | 131089 | √ | null |
The number of virtual CPUs |
memory_size | numeric | 131089 | √ | null |
The available memory in megabytes |
uuid | varchar | 128 | √ | null |
The universally unique identifier of this virtual instance |
confirmed | numeric | 1 | √ | null |
1 if this virtual instance is confirmed |
Constraint Name | Constraint |
vn_systemvirtualdata_instance_type_name | (((instance_type_name)::text <> ''::text)) |
vn_systemvirtualdata_state_name | (((state_name)::text <> ''::text)) |
vn_systemvirtualdata_uuid | (((uuid)::text <> ''::text)) |
vn_systemvirtualdata_name | (((name)::text <> ''::text)) |