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documentation.suse.com / SUSE Private Registry Powered by Harbor 2.1
SUSE CaaS Platform 4.5, RKE2, K3s

SUSE Private Registry Powered by Harbor 2.1

SUSE Best Practices


SUSE CaaS Platform 4.5 or higher
Rancher Kubernetes Engine 2
Date: 2021-01-27

This guide provides instructions how to deploy and maintain a private container registry using Harbor 2.1.

Disclaimer: Documents published as part of the SUSE Best Practices series have been contributed voluntarily by SUSE employees and third parties. They are meant to serve as examples of how particular actions can be performed. They have been compiled with utmost attention to detail. However, this does not guarantee complete accuracy. SUSE cannot verify that actions described in these documents do what is claimed or whether actions described have unintended consequences. SUSE LLC, its affiliates, the authors, and the translators may not be held liable for possible errors or the consequences thereof.

1 Introduction

Cloud Native Application Development and Delivery methods require a registry and a CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Delivery) instance for the development and production of container images. In many cases, using a public container registry and CI/CD does not allow for enough control. A private registry can provide that level of control.

SUSE Private Registry Powered by Harbor 2.1 is a fully OCI-compliant container-image registry solution that gives the development team a place to manage, deploy and sign container images (using Notary), fully control access to OCI container images and helm charts via RBAC (role-based access control), and do vulnerability scanning with Trivy. It is based on Harbor on top of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.

See Table 2, “Supported Features” for a complete list of supported features.

2 Requirements

2.1 Kubernetes Distribution

SUSE Private Registry Powered by Harbor 2.1 can only be deployed on top of a Kubernetes cluster.

2.2 Helm

SUSE Private Registry can only be deployed via the Helm chart.

2.3 Storage

The following types of storage are required for SUSE Private Registry Powered by Harbor 2.1:

  • Kubernetes persistent volumes

    • SUSE Private Registry internal stateful components require persistent volumes to store their data in a way that survives pod restarts. A default Kubernetes StorageClass is needed to dynamically provision the volumes. Alternatively, explicit StorageClass values may be configured for each component.

  • Kubernetes persistent shared volumes

    • In addition to regular persistent volumes, a Kubernetes StorageClass that supports ReadWriteMany access mode is required to deploy the registry component - the component providing the OCI registry API and responsible for storing OCI artifacts - in a highly-available and scalable setup. If such a StorageClass isn’t available in your Kubernetes cluster, an external storage backend may be used instead (see next point). Ultimately, a regular ReadWriteOnce Kubernetes StorageClass may still be used for the registry component, but with HA and scalability features selectively disabled.

  • External storage for OCI artifacts

    • SUSE Private Registry may optionally be configured to store OCI artifacts (e.g. container images and charts) in an external storage backend such as Azure Blob Storage or Amazon S3, instead of the Kubernetes provided persistent volumes.


SUSE CaaS Platform 4.5 provides only very limited options of supported StorageClass configurations. Refer to SUSE CaaS Platform 4.5 Administration Guide: Storage.

For public cloud deployments it is recommended to use the available hosted solutions:

  • Azure Blob Storage or Amazon S3 for storing OCI artifacts

  • The Azure File Share or Amazon EFS Kubernetes StorageClass for the registry component, unless external storage is used to store OCI artifacts

  • The Azure Managed Disk or Amazon EBS Kubernetes StorageClass for other components that require persistent storage

Refer to the table in Table 1, “Supported deployment options” for more details.

2.4 Ingress

The default and recommended way of installing SUSE Private Registry using the helm chart is to employ an ingress service to expose the Harbor service. The Kubernetes cluster where the chart is being deployed needs to have an ingress controller enabled:

  • For SUSE CaaS Platform v4.5, check how to deploy Nginx based Ingress controller with SUSE CaaS Platform.

  • For K3s, traefik ingress controller is deployed by default. It is also possible to disable traefik when installing K3s and install different ingress controller, e.g. Nginx based Ingress controller the same way as for SUSE CaaS Platform.

  • For AKS, the Ingress controller recommended for SUSE Private Registry is the NGINX ingress controller. Follow the documentation on Creating an Ingress Controller in AKS, or Creating an HTTPS ingress controller on AKS. The latter also provides extended instructions about providing support for resolvable FQDNs and generating TLS certificates, which are also SUSE Private Registry requirements.

  • For EKS, the Ingress controller recommended for SUSE Private Registry is the ALB ingress controller. Follow the documentation on Creating an ALB Ingress Controller on EKS.

Alternatively, the Harbor service may be exposed directly via a dedicated Kubernetes LoadBalancer, without requiring an Ingress controller.

2.4.1 Resolvable FQDNs

If the Kubernetes Ingress is the chosen option for exposing the SUSE Private Registry services, it is also required to associate FQDN entries with the exposed SUSE Private Registry endpoints: one FQDN for the Harbor UI/API and another one for the image signing (notary) service, if enabled.

Both these FQDNs need to be resolvable to the external IP address allocated for the Kubernetes Ingress controller and they must not have the same value. Setting this up depends largely on the host infrastructure and the Kubernetes distribution on top of which SUSE Private Registry is installed. Providing complete instructions on allocating FQDNs and configuring external DNS services to resolve them is outside the scope of this document, but some suggestions are provided in this section. nip.io

For simple deployments, an external public service such as nip.io may be used to provide quick DNS mapping for IP addresses without requiring additional services or infrastructure configuration changes. For example, if the external IP address allocated to the Kubernetes Ingress Controller is, then the FQDNs used for the Harbor UI/API and notary endpoints might be:

  • harbor.

  • notary. Azure AKS - Use a DNS Zone

For AKS, a DNS zone may be configured and used as a custom domain for all FQDNs associated with the Ingress. Follow the steps documented in Creating an HTTPS ingress controller on AKS on associating an Azure DNS zone with the external IP allocated for an Ingress Controller.

For example, if the Azure DNS zone mapped to the external IP allocated to the Kubernetes Ingress controller is MY_CUSTOM_DOMAIN, then the FQDNs used for the Harbor UI/API and notary endpoints might be:


  • notary.MY_CUSTOM_DOMAIN Amazon EKS - Use the ALB Ingress Controller

For EKS, the ALB ingress controller already includes a DNS zone that is automatically used to derive FQDNs for every Ingress instance.

2.5 TLS Certificates


Detailed instructions on generating TLS certificates are outside the scope of this document, but some suggestions are provided in the installation section.

By default, SUSE Private Registry is configured to auto-generate TLS certificates associated with the Harbor UI/API and Notary API FQDNs, independently of the way used to expose the services. While this option simplifies the installation process, it also uses self-signed CA certificates that must be explicitly installed on every machine where clients will interact with the registry. For situation when this is not desirable, such as production deployments, custom certificates need to be generated ahead of time and provided during installation.

The custom certificates must reflect the FQDNs, domain name, or external IP address that will be used by clients to access the SUSE Private Registry services. For example, if a Kubernetes Ingress is used, one TLS certificate will be required for the Harbor UI/API FQDN and another one for the Notary FQDN. The second option is to create a single certificate to be used for both services, with the SAN value configured to match both FQDNs. A third option is to create a single certificate for the entire subdomain used to derive both FQDNs.

2.5.1 Kubernetes cert-manager

The cert-manager open source solution could be leveraged to manage certificates.

2.5.2 NGINX Ingress Controller

This type of Kubernetes Ingress Controller supports configuring a default SSL certificate that may be used in common for all services that use it. Detailed instructions on how to do that are available in the official NGINX Ingress Controller documentation.

2.5.3 EKS - AWS Certificate Manager

AWS includes an AWS Certificate Manager service that can be used to manage certificates. The ALB Ingress Controller also supports configuring a default SSL certificate associated with the underlying Application Load Balancer. Detailed instructions on how to do that are available in the Creating an HTTPS Listener for an ALB documentation.

2.6 External PostgreSQL Database

An internal database is provided with the SUSE Private Registry helm chart, but this builtin service is not highly available nor scalable. For production deployments running in public cloud, it is recommended that a highly-available and scalable managed PostgreSQL database instance be created and configured as an external database for SUSE Private Registry. This section covers only high-level instructions on creating a managed PostgreSQL database instance for Azure and AWS. For detailed instructions, please refer to the official documentation:

2.6.1 Azure PostgreSQL

To deploy Azure PosgreSQL server, use az command line client like this:

az postgres server create --location germanywestcentral --resource-group <azure-resource-group> --name <azure-postgres-server> --admin-user <admin-user> --admin-password <admin-password> --sku-name B_Gen5_2

Alternatively, the database server can be created from the Azure Portal page.

After the server creation, it is necessary to manually create the following empty databases: registry, notary_server and notary_signer.

This can be achieved using the az command line client like this:

az postgres db create --resource-group <azure-resource-group> --server-name <azure-postgres-server> -name registry
az postgres db create --resource-group <azure-resource-group> --server-name <azure-postgres-server> -name notary_server
az postgres db create --resource-group <azure-resource-group> --server-name <azure-postgres-server> -name notary_signer

Do not forget to set up correct firewall rules so that other services are able to access the database.

For example, one can setup a rule to enable access from all other Azure services using the command line client:

az postgres server firewall-rule create --resource-group <azure-resource-group> --server-name <azure-postgres-server> -n azure-services-rule --start-ip-address --end-ip-address

When accessing the database from an on-premise Kubernetes cluster, set up the firewall rules accordingly. You can adapt Firewall rules from Azure Portal as well.

Find out the URL of the database as well as the username and password that was used when creating the database server.

For Azure, the host name will likely look like <postgres-server>.postgres.database.azure.com. These will be required during the SUSE Private Registry installation. You can also find it in the Azure Portal in the Connection Strings section.

2.6.2 AWS RDS

SUSE Private Registry is compatible with Amazon RDS using the Amazon Aurora-PostgreSQL or PostgreSQL service.

The RDS database can be created from the AWS RDS Management Console or by using the aws cli using the following command:

aws rds create-db-instance
    --engine postgres \
    --allocated-storage 25 \
    --db-instance-class db.t3.medium \
    --db-security-groups <mydbsecuritygroup> \
    --db-subnet-group <mydbsubnetgroup> \
    --master-username <masterawsuser> \
    --master-user-password <masteruserpassword> \
    --backup-retention-period 3

When accessing the database from an on-premise Kubernetes cluster, set up the firewall rules accordingly. You can adapt Firewall rules from AWS Management Console as well.

Please record the URL of the database as well as the username and password that was used when creating the database server.

These will be required during the SUSE Private Registry installation.

After the server creation, it is necessary to manually create the following empty databases: registry, notary_server and notary_signer. Use your favorite database client tool (like psql) to connect to the database server and create these databases.

2.7 External Redis


Securing connections to the external Redis with TLS/SSL is currently not supported.

An internal Redis service is provided with the SUSE Private Registry helm chart, but this builtin service is not highly available nor scalable. For production deployments running in public cloud, it is recommended that a highly-available and scalable managed Redis instance be created and configured as an external Redis for SUSE Private Registry. This section covers only high-level instructions on creating a managed Redis instance for Azure and AWS.

For detailed instructions, please refer to the official documentation:

As an alternative, the SUSE Redis operator may be used to deploy a Kubernetes managed Redis service and not rely on a public cloud managed Redis service. This is covered in the SUSE Private Registry installation instructions.

2.7.1 Azure Cache for Redis

To deploy Redis Cache in Azure, you can use the command line client and run it like this:

az redis create --location <azure-location> --name <azure-redis-cache> --resource-group <azure-resource-group> --sku Basic --vm-size c0 --enable-non-ssl-port

Use the right value with your resource group and location. The option for enabling non-ssl port is necessary, as Harbor does not support SSL connection to Redis. Use the options for sku and vm-size options that fit your needs. Using the name you will provide as <azure-redis-chache>, Azure will generate DNS name for your Redis Cache in the form of <azure-redis-cache>.redis.cache.windows.net. Use this address for the addr key when adapting the harbor-values.yaml file later. Refer to [install-external-redis] in the Deployment section.

Once the Redis Cache is created, obtain the access key that you will need for connection. List the access keys using the CLI this way:

az redis list-keys --name <azure-redis-cache> --resource-group <azure-resource-group>

Alternatively, the Redis Cache can be created from Azure Portal page. The access keys can be found in the Settings/Access keys section.

2.7.2 Amazon ElastiCache for Redis

To deploy Redis Cache in AWS, you can use the aws command line client and run it like this:

aws elasticache create-cache-cluster \
--cache-cluster-id my-cluster \
--cache-node-type cache.t3.small \
--engine redis \
--num-cache-nodes 1

For enabling High Availability, the Redis Cache needs to be added to a ElastiCache cluster. Please read the AWS CLI documentation for further details.

Refer to [install-external-redis] in the Deployment section.

Alternatively, the Redis Cache can be created from AWS Management Console.

3 High Availability

To install SUSE Private Registry with all high availability features fully enabled, or to be able to fully scale out an existing SUSE Private Registry deployment, the number of replicas for every registry component needs to be configured to 2 or more.

  • Use a ReplicaCount value of 2 or higher

    The replica count can be configured in the Helm chart individually for every component.

  • HA Ingress Controller

    If a Kubernetes Ingress controller is used to expose the SUSE Private Registry services, use a replica count value of 2 or higher for the ingress controller deployment.

  • Use external storage, or a ReadWriteMany access mode Kubernetes StorageClass to store OCI artifacts

    If the SUSE Private Registry registry internal component is configured to use Kubernetes persistent volumes to store OCI artifacts instead of an external storage service such as Azure Blob Storage or Amazon S3, increasing the number of replicas is only possible if the Kubernetes StorageClass supports the ReadWriteMany access mode. High availability may be explicitly disabled only for this component, if such a StorageClass cannot be provided.

  • The internal database and redis component do not support high availability.

  • Database can only be HA when SUSE Private Registry is connected to an external HA database setup

    For the database component, the only supported way to achieve High Availability is to connect SUSE Private Registry to an external hosted database service, such as Amazon RDS/PostgreSQL or Azure Database for PostgreSQL, deployed in a highly available setup. See [install-external-database] in the Deployment section.

  • To enable high availability for the Redis component, use one of the following:

    • Connect to an external HA redis service (Azure Cache / Amazon ElastiCache)

      Connect SUSE Private Registry to an external hosted redis service, such as Amazon ElastiCache for Redis or Azure Cache for Redis - deployed in a highly available setup. This is the equivalent to the database solution mentioned above.


    • Install the SUSE Redis operator on the same cluster, as the de facto "external" redis service

      Install a highly available Redis cluster via the SUSE Redis operator Helm chart into the same Kubernetes cluster where SUSE Private Registry is running, then connect the SUSE Private Registry to it as an external redis service. Read more about installing Redis operator in the Deployment section.

4 Deployment of SUSE Private Registry

4.1 Preparation

  • Ensure you have kubectl and helm v3 installed and check that you have access to the target Kubernetes cluster where SUSE Private Registry will be installed.

  • Decide between using a Kubernetes Ingress or just a Load Balancer to expose the SUSE Private Registry services.

    • If Kubernetes Ingress is the chosen option, ensure that:

      • You have an Ingress Controller set up in the target Kubernetes cluster.

      • You prepare two resolvable FQDN values:

        • One for the Harbor UI/API.

        • One for the Notary API (only if Notary will be enabled).

    • If using just a LoadBalancer, ensure that you have one of the following:

      • A predefined external IP address that can be associated with the Load Balancer service used to expose the SUSE Private Registry services.

      • An FQDN value that, later on, can be mapped in the external DNS to the external IP address dynamically allocated to the Load Balancer service during installation.

  • For the Harbor UI/API and Notary API, choose between using auto-generated TLS certificates or providing your own custom TLS certificates. If using your own, have the certificates ready.

  • Choose the persistent storage back-end to store OCI artifacts: a Kubernetes StorageClass, or one of the external storage services available from public-cloud providers.

  • Verify that the target Kubernetes cluster provides the required StorageClass(es). A StorageClass with ReadWriteMany access mode is required to fully enable and scalability for the registry SUSE Private Registry component, unless an external storage service is used to store OCI artifacts.

  • Choose between using an internal or external database service.

    • The internal database service does not support high availability and scalability, and is therefore not recommended for production.

    • If you use an external database service instead, prepare it separately beforehand.

  • Choose between using an internal or external Redis service. Similarly to the database:

    • The internal Redis service does not support high availability and scalability and is not recommended for production.

    • Similarly, if you will use an external, public-cloud-managed Redis service, you must prepare it separately beforehand.

    • If you prefer to use the SUSE redis-ha operator service, installation instructions are included in the SUSE Private Registry installation steps covered this section.

  • Optionally, prepare a GitHub personal authentication token, in order to prevent rate-limiting problems when trivy downloads its vulnerability database.

  • Determine resource requests and limits based on your Kubernetes cluster setup.

  • Optionally, prepare the Service Accounts to use for Harbor components.

4.2 Installation Steps

  1. Download the Helm chart from the official SUSE repository:

    # download a chart from public registry
    helm chart pull registry.suse.com/harbor/harbor:1.5
    # export the chart to local directory
    helm chart export registry.suse.com/harbor/harbor:1.5
  2. Make sure KUBECONFIG is set correctly

    When installing on SUSE CaaS Platform, it is expected that the KUBECONFIG environment variable is set correctly pointing to the Kubernetes cluster.

    When installing into hosted Kubernetes clusters such as EKS or AKS, configuration must be fetched first so the following kubectl and helm commands work correctly.

    For AKS, it is possible to use the az command line tool to get the kubeconfig:

    az aks get-credentials --resource-group <azure-resource-group> --name <aks-cluster-name> --file kubeconfig.yaml
    export KUBECONFIG=<full path to kubeconfig.yaml>

    For EKS, the aws command line tool can be used to generate the kubeconfig:

    aws eks --region <region-code> update-kubeconfig --name <eks-cluster_name> --kubeconfig kubeconfig.yaml
    export KUBECONFIG=<full path to kubeconfig.yaml>
  3. Prepare a harbor-values.yaml file to specify custom SUSE Private Registry configuration values


    The default configuration provided with the SUSE Private Registry helm chart is not suited for production use!

    A separate YAML file (referred to as the harbor-values.yaml file in the following sections) needs to be populated with customized configuration values to be used during installation. The exact configuration options that can be customized, and the values that they can take, are covered in detail in the next installation steps.


    The full list of configuration options and default values that can be overridden in harbor-values.yaml is included in the helm chart itself, and can be viewed in YAML format by running the following command:

    helm show values harbor

    It can also be used as a YAML template for configuration values that need to be customized, although it is recommended to keep only the configuration options that are changed from their default values in harbor-values.yaml, to allow default configuration changes to be introduced during upgrades.


    The harbor-values.yaml file prepared and used during installation is the source of truth for the SUSE Private Registry configuration.

    It will also be required for some administrative operations, such as subsequent configuration changes and upgrades. Make sure to preserve this file in a safe place, preferably under version control, and to update it with every configuration change that is subsequently made to the deployed SUSE Private Registry instance.

  4. (Optional) Disable unnecessary components

    By default, SUSE Private Registry has all supported components enabled. Some components may be disabled in the configuration, if they are not required:

    1. trivy - disable if you do not require the security-vulnerability-scanning feature.

    2. notary - disable if you do not require the artifact-signing feature.

    To disable unnecessary components, set the relevant configuration options to false in harbor-values.yaml:


      enabled: false
      enabled: false

  5. Configure a way to expose the SUSE Private Registry UI and public APIs

    The default and recommended way to expose the SUSE Private Registry services to be consumed from outside the Kubernetes cluster is to use a Kubernetes Ingress. This requires that a Kubernetes Ingress controller is already configured in your cluster and resolvable FQDNs to be prepared for the Harbor UI/API and the Notary API services (if enabled). Alternatively, services may be exposed using a Kubernetes LoadBalancer instead.

    1. Expose SUSE Private Registry using a Kubernetes Ingress

      This option assumes a Kubernetes Ingress Controller is already configured for your Kubernetes cluster, as described in the Section 2.4, “Ingress” section. Update harbor-values.yaml with the following configuration values:


        # Set the way how to expose the service. Default value is "ingress".
            core: "<core_fqdn>"
            notary: "<notary_fqdn>"
      # The external URL for Harbor core service. It is used to
      # 1) populate the docker/helm commands showed on portal
      # 2) populate the token service URL returned to docker/Notary client
      # Format: protocol://domain[:port]. Usually:
      # 1) if "expose.type" is "ingress", the "domain" should be
      # the value of "expose.ingress.hosts.core"
      # If Harbor is deployed behind the proxy, set it as the URL of proxy
      externalURL: "https://<core_fqdn>"

      Replace <core_fqdn> and <notary_fqdn> values with the resolvable FQDN values that were prepared as detailed in the Section 2, “Requirements” section. If the Notary service was not enabled in the configuration, the <notary_fqdn> entry may be omitted. The harbor-values.yaml configuration would look like this, if, for example, a public service like nip.io was used to provide FQDNs:


            core: harbor.
            notary: notary.
      externalURL: "https://harbor."

      Depending on which Kubernetes Ingress Controller is used, you may need to add additional annotations to the SUSE Private Registry Ingress configuration:


            # To be used for the nginx ingress on AKS:
            kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
            # To be used for the ALB ingress on EKS:
            kubernetes.io/ingress.class: alb

    2. Expose SUSE Private Registry using a Kubernetes LoadBalancer

      Update the harbor-values.yaml configuration file with the following configuration values:


        type: loadBalancer
          # Set the IP if the LoadBalancer supports assigning IP
          IP: ""
      # The external URL for Harbor core service. It is used to
      # 1) populate the docker/helm commands showed on portal
      # 2) populate the token service URL returned to docker/Notary client
      # Format: protocol://domain[:port]. Usually:
      # 1) if "expose.type" is "ingress", the "domain" should be
      # the value of "expose.ingress.hosts.core"
      # If Harbor is deployed behind the proxy, set it as the URL of proxy
      externalURL: "https://<harbor_fqdn_or_ip_addr>"

      You must set the <harbor_fqdn_or_ip_addr> value to an FQDN that can be resolved to the external IP address allocated to the Harbor Load Balancer service. Alternatively, if the LoadBalancer solution used for the underlying Kubernetes distribution supports assigning an IP address beforehand, you can set both the expose.loadBalancer.IP configuration option and the <harbor_fqdn> value to a predefined external IP address.

  6. Configure external TLS and certificates

    TLS certificates are required to secure access to the SUSE Private Registry services that are exposed for external consumption - the Harbor UI/API and the Notary API (if Notary is enabled). These certificates may either be generated automatically during installation (default), or provided as Kubernetes secrets, or configured beforehand as the default TLS certificate for the Kubernetes Ingress Controller used to expose the services, as explained in the TLS Certificates requirements (Section 2.5, “TLS Certificates”) section.

    1. Auto-generated certificates

      This is the default helm chart setting. If an Ingress was used to expose the SUSE Private Registry services, the FQDN values configured for the ingress will be used to generate the TLS certificates automatically. If using a LoadBalancer to expose the services instead of Ingress, please also set the commonName option to the pre-allocated external IP address or the FQDN value that will be resolved to it:


          enabled: true
          # The source of the tls certificate. Set it as "auto", "secret"
          # or "none" and fill the information in the corresponding section
          # 1) auto: generate the tls certificate automatically
          # 2) secret: read the tls certificate from the specified secret.
          # The tls certificate can be generated manually or by cert manager
          # 3) none: configure no tls certificate for the ingress. If the default
          # tls certificate is configured in the ingress controller, choose this option
          certSource: auto
            # The common name used to generate the certificate, it's necessary
            # when the type isn't "ingress"
            commonName: "<harbor_fqdn_or_ip_addr>"

    2. Custom certificates

      One or two custom certificates are required for exposed SUSE Private Registry services: one for the Harbor UI/API and another one for the Notary API (required only if Notary is enabled). The certificates need to reflect the FQDN values or external IP address values used at the previous step to configure the Kubernete Ingress or LoadBalancer service exposure settings. The helm chart also supports using a single certificate instead of two, as long as the CN or SAN certificate field values match both FQDNs. The certificates need to be supplied in the form of Kubernetes secrets:

      kubectl create secret tls -n registry <harbor-tls-secret> --key ${HARBOR_CERT_KEY_FILE} --cert ${HARBOR_CERT_FILE}
      kubectl create secret tls -n registry <notary-tls-secret> --key ${NOTARY_CERT_KEY_FILE} --cert ${NOTARY_CERT_FILE}

      In case the certificate has intermediate CAs, you can bundle them into the CERT_FILE prior creating the secret, e.g.:

      cat $CERT_FILE $bundle_ca_file > bundled_cert_file
      kubectl create secret tls -n registry <tls-secret> --key ${KEY_FILE} --cert bundled_cert_file


          enabled: true
          # The source of the tls certificate. Set it as "auto", "secret"
          # or "none" and fill the information in the corresponding section
          # 1) auto: generate the tls certificate automatically
          # 2) secret: read the tls certificate from the specified secret.
          # The tls certificate can be generated manually or by cert manager
          # 3) none: configure no tls certificate for the ingress. If the default
          # tls certificate is configured in the ingress controller, choose this option
          certSource: secret
            # The name of secret which contains keys named:
            # "tls.crt" - the certificate
            # "tls.key" - the private key
            secretName: "<harbor-tls-secret>"
            # The name of secret which contains keys named:
            # "tls.crt" - the certificate
            # "tls.key" - the private key
            # Only needed when the "expose.type" is "ingress".
            notarySecretName: "<notary-tls-secret>"

    3. Default Ingress certificate

      If a default TLS certificate has been set up for the Kubernetes Ingress Controller earlier, as covered in the TLS Certificates section, certificates need not be explicitly supplied during the SUSE Private Registry installation. It is sufficient to set the tls.certSource option to none:


          enabled: true
          # The source of the tls certificate. Set it as "auto", "secret"
          # or "none" and fill the information in the corresponding section
          # 1) auto: generate the tls certificate automatically
          # 2) secret: read the tls certificate from the specified secret.
          # The tls certificate can be generated manually or by cert manager
          # 3) none: configure no tls certificate for the ingress. If the default
          # tls certificate is configured in the ingress controller, choose this option
          certSource: none

  7. Configure internal TLS

    In addition to securing external connections to exposed services, SUSE Private Registry also supports using TLS to secure internal communication between its components. TLS certificates will be generated automatically for this purpose. Enabling internal TLS is optional, but highly recommended:


      enabled: true


    Internal TLS support does not yet cover the internal database and Redis services.

    If SUSE Private Registry is deployed in K3s, note that unmodified Traefik (the default K3s ingress controller) will not work with automatically-generated certificates. You must configure Traefik not to verify the backend SSL certificate (insecureSkipVerify = true option). Learn how to modify Traefik settings in the upstream documentation.

    For example, with K3s version 1.19 and newer, it is possible to use this kind of modification for the Traefik helm chart, then place it into the K3s manifest directory:


    apiVersion: helm.cattle.io/v1
    kind: HelmChartConfig
      name: traefik
      namespace: kube-system
      valuesContent: |-
          insecureSkipVerify: true

  8. Configure Persistent Storage

    1. Configure Persistent Volumes

      By default, persistent volumes are enabled for all stateful components of SUSE Private Registry. However, a default StorageClass must be configured in the Kubernetes cluster to be able to provision volumes dynamically. Alternatively, you can configure explicit StorageClass values for each component.

      For each component that uses persistent storage, you can configure the following settings:

      1. storageClass: Specify the "storageClass" used to provision the volume; if empty, the default StorageClass will be used (default: empty).

      2. accessMode: Volumes can be mounted on a container in any way supported by the storage provider. Valid values are:

        1. ReadWriteOnce: the volume can be mounted as read-write by a single container

        2. ReadWriteMany: the volume can be mounted as read-write by many containers. This is only required for the registry component, when configured in mode and using a persistent volume to store OCI artifacts. If an external storage service is used to store OCI artifacts, or if a ReadWriteMany StorageClass isn’t available in your Kubernetes cluster, you should not use this value. (default: ReadWriteOnce)

      3. size: the size of the volume to be provisioned (e.g. 5Gi for 5 gigabytes). Default values vary by component:

        1. registry: 5Gi

        2. database: 1Gi

        3. redis: 1Gi

        4. trivy: 5Gi


        The default volume sizes provided by SUSE Private Registry are not recommended for production.

        We recommend careful planning and setting the volume sizes according to the expected usage. Expanding in-use persistent-volume claims is only supported by some storage providers, and in some cases it will require restarting the pods, which will impact service availability.

      For configuring persistent storage, update harbor-values.yaml with the following configuration, and set the values accordingly:


            storageClass: ""
            accessMode: ReadWriteMany
            storageClass: ""
            storageClass: ""
            storageClass: ""

      Note: Using external services

      The above settings will be ignored and may be omitted for components configured to use an external service (database, redis), and for the registry component when external storage is configured for OCI artifacts.


      If a Kubernetes persistent volume is configured to store OCI artifacts instead of an external storage service, and if your Kubernetes cluster does not provide a StorageClass with ReadWriteMany access mode capabilities, then the updateStrategy.type option must set to Recreate in the harbor-values.yaml file. Otherwise, running helm upgrade to apply subsequent configuration changes or to perform upgrades will result in failure:

      # The update strategy for deployments with persistent volumes (registry): "RollingUpdate" or "Recreate"
      # Set it as "Recreate" when "RWM" for volumes isn't supported
        type: Recreate
    2. Configure External Storage for OCI Artifacts

      The default option for storing OCI artifacts, such as container images and helm charts, is using a persistent volume provided by the default storageClass of your Kubernetes cluster (as described on the previous section). However, you can configure SUSE Private Registry to use an external storage solution such as Amazon S3 or Azure Blob Storage to store those artifacts.

      For example, for Azure Blob Storage, you must pre-configure an Azure Storage Account and Azure Storage Container. Using the az command line client, execute the following commands to create and fetch necessary resources:

      az storage account create --resource-group <azure-resource-group> --name <azure-storage-account-name>
      az storage account keys list --resource-group <azure-resource-group> --account-name <azure-storage-account-name> -o tsv | head -n 1 | cut -f 3
      az storage container create --account-name <azure-storage-account-name> --name <azure-storage-container-name> --auth-mode key

      Then, you must configure the "imageChartStorage" section in harbor-values.yaml as follows:


          type: azure
            accountname: <azure-storage-account-name>
            accountkey: <azure-storage-account-key>
            container: <azure-storage-container-name>

      For Amazon S3, the process is similar. The imageChartStorage section in harbor-values.yaml will look like this:


          type: s3
            region: <aws-region>
            bucket: <aws-s3-bucket-name>
            accesskey: <aws-account-access-key>
            secretkey: <aws-account-secret-key>

  9. (Optional) Configure a GitHub authentication token for Trivy

    If the Trivy security vulnerability scanner service is enabled, we recommend generating a GitHub personal authentication token and supplying it in the harbor-values.yaml trivy configuration section, to prevent issues with the API rate-limiting that GitHub enforces on unauthenticated requests:


      gitHubToken: "<github-token-value>"

  10. (Optional) Configure parameters

    By default, SUSE Private Registry uses a replica count (that is, the number of redundant pods providing the same service) value of 1 for all its components. To have a highly-available deployment, configure a ReplicaCount value of at least 2 for enabled services in harbor-values.yaml:


      replicas: 3
      replicas: 3
    # Only enabled when using a LoadBalancer instead of Ingress to expose services
      replicas: 3
      replicas: 3
      replicas: 3
      replicas: 3
        replicas: 3
        replicas: 3


    You must have a Kubernetes StorageClass with ReadWriteMany access mode to enable for the SUSE Private Registry registry component, when a Kubernetes persistent volume is used as the storage back-end for OCI artifacts.

    If a StorageClass with ReadWriteMany access is not available for your Kubernetes cluster, setting the replica count to a value higher than 1 for the registry component will result in installation failure. Furthermore, using helm upgrade to apply subsequent configuration changes or to perform upgrades will also result in failures without a ReadWriteMany access mode StorageClass. To prevent that, ensure the updateStrategy.type option is set to Recreate in the harbor-values.yaml file:


    # The update strategy for deployments with persistent volumes(registry): "RollingUpdate" or "Recreate"
    # Set it as "Recreate" when "RWM" for volumes isn't supported
      type: Recreate

  11. (Optional) External Database Setup

    We recommend an external database to deploy SUSE Private Registry in a fully highly-available and scalable setup. This section assumes a managed PostgreSQL database instance has already been setup, either in Azure or AWS, as covered in the Section 2.6, “External PostgreSQL Database”.

    1. Connect to an Azure PostgreSQL database

      Add the following section to the harbor-values.yaml file and fill it with information reflecting the Azure PostgreSQL database instance previously configured as an external database:


        type: external
          host: <database-fully-qualified-hostname>
          port: "5432"
          username: <admin-user>@<database-hostname>
          password: <admin-password>
          # "disable" - No SSL
          # "require" - Always SSL (skip verification)
          # "verify-ca" - Always SSL (verify that the certificate presented by the
          # server was signed by a trusted CA)
          # "verify-full" - Always SSL (verify that the certification presented by the
          # server was signed by a trusted CA and the server host name matches the one
          # in the certificate)
          sslmode: "verify-full"

    2. Connect to an AWS PostgreSQL database

      Add the following section to harbor-values.yaml and fill it with information reflecting the AWS PostgreSQL database instance previously configured as an external database:


        type: external
          host: <database-fully-qualified-hostname>
          port: "5432"
          username: <admin-user>@<database-hostname>
          password: <admin-password>
          # "disable" - No SSL
          # "require" - Always SSL (skip verification)
          # "verify-ca" - Always SSL (verify that the certificate presented by the
          # server was signed by a trusted CA)
          # "verify-full" - Always SSL (verify that the certification presented by the
          # server was signed by a trusted CA and the server host name matches the one
          # in the certificate)
          sslmode: "verify-full"

  12. (Optional) Install Redis Operator

    As mentioned above, Redis Operator provides High Availability to the Redis component of SUSE Private Registry. It can be installed into the same Kubernetes cluster as SUSE Private Registry. The installation of Redis operator is also done via a Helm chart, and must happen before the installation of SUSE Private Registry.

    1. Install Redis operator in its own Kubernetes namespace using the Helm chart:

      helm chart pull registry.suse.com/harbor/redis-operator:3.1
      helm chart export registry.suse.com/harbor/redis-operator:3.1
      kubectl create namespace redis-operator
      helm -n redis-operator install harbor-redis ./redisoperator
    2. Configure RedisFailover object:

      The Redis HA configuration needs to be specified in the redisfailover section of harbor-values.yaml. The following is an example configuration:


        enabled: true
        name: harbor-redisfailover

    3. Configure SUSE Private Registry to be connected to the external Redis

      Extend the harbor-values.yaml file with the configuration specified below.


        type: external
          addr: rfs-harbor-redisfailover:26379
          sentinelMasterSet: mymaster 1


      mymaster is a predefined value of redisfailover deployment and cannot be changed.

    4. (Optional) Set up own password

      By default, if no secret and password are provided, the SUSE Private Registry Helm chart will generate a password. A custom password can also be provided:

      kubectl -n registry create secret generic redis-auth --from-literal=password="<password-value>"


        type: external
          addr: rfs-harbor-redisfailover:26379
          sentinelMasterSet: mymaster
          password: <password-value>

    5. (Optional) Configure Redisfailover deployment

      By default, the Redisfailover deployment has three sentinel replicas, three redis replicas, and will keep the data when the Helm chart is uninstalled. This behavior can be configured in the redisfailover section.

  13. (Optional) External Redis Setup

    We recommend an external Redis to deploy SUSE Private Registry in a fully highly-available and scalable setup. When deployed in AKS or EKS, as an alternative to using the Redis Operator, SUSE Private Registry may instead be connected to a managed Redis instance running in public cloud. This section assumes a managed Redis instance has already been setup, either in Azure or AWS, as covered in the External Redis requirements section.

    1. Connect to an Azure Cache for Redis instance

      Add the following section to the harbor-values.yaml file and fill it with information reflecting the Azure Cache for Redis instance previously prepared. As mentioned above in the Section 2.7.1, “Azure Cache for Redis”, the address will have the form of <azure-redis-cache>.redis.cache.windows.net.


        type: external
          addr: ""
          password: access-key 1


      Replace access-key with the access key retrieved after creating the Azure Cache for Redis instance.

    2. Connect to an Amazon ElastiCache Redis service

      Add the following section to harbor-values.yaml and fill it with information reflecting the Amazon ElastiCache Redis instance that you previously prepared:


        type: external
          addr: ""
          password: "" 1


      Add password if configured manually (not the default) in AWS ElastiCache.

  14. (Optional) Setup Resource Requests and Limits

    It is a good practice to specify resource requests and limit values. For each Harbor component, it is possible to specify a minimal resource value — that is, the amount of CPU units and memory it should get — and a limit value, so that Kubernetes knows the resources given to a component cannot exceed the limit. These per-component values are used for all containers that are created for a given Harbor component.

    For example, add the following section to harbor-values.yaml to specify that the containers from the core component should get at least 0.1 CPU, 256 MiB of RAM, and not more than 1 CPU and 1 GiB of memory:


          memory: 256Mi
          cpu: 100m
          cpu: 1
          memory: 1Gi

    Read more about Resource management in the upstream documentation.

  15. (Optional) Use distinct Service Accounts


    You can use distinct Service Accounts for each Harbor component.

    Refer to the upstream documentation to find out more about Pod Security Policies.

    Without any changes, all created Pods belong to the default Service Account. For better overall cluster security, we recommend creating a Pod Security Policy that restricts the Pods to only specific actions. Then you can assign new ServiceAccounts to your Pod Security Policy using Roles and Role Bindings.

    For example, if you created a suse-registry Service Account, add the following section to the harbor-values.yaml file so that all Harbor services are associated with it:


      serviceAccountName: "suse-registry"
      serviceAccountName: "suse-registry"
      serviceAccountName: "suse-registry"
      serviceAccountName: "suse-registry"
      serviceAccountName: "suse-registry"
      serviceAccountName: "suse-registry"
        serviceAccountName: "suse-registry"
        serviceAccountName: "suse-registry"
        serviceAccountName: "suse-registry"
        serviceAccountName: "suse-registry"

  16. Set up the passwords for deployment

    By default, all passwords are automatically generated when installing SUSE Private Registry with the Helm chart. They can be retrieved post-installation from the created Kubernetes secrets objects. For example, to retrieve the Harbor administrator password necessary to log in into the Harbor Portal UI as admin user, run this command after the deployment is finished:

    kubectl get secret suse-registry-harbor-core -n registry -o jsonpath="{.data.HARBOR_ADMIN_PASSWORD}" | base64 --decode

    To set a custom administrator password before the installation, modify your harbor-values.yaml file like this:


    harborAdminPassword: <password-for-admin-user>

    Similarly, custom passwords may be set before the installation for the database and Redis services, if configured as internal services:


        password: <password-for-redis>
        password: <password-for-redis>

  17. Finally, deploy helm to install SUSE Private Registry

    To install SUSE Private Registry as a suse-registry release into the registry namespace with the custom configuration prepared in harbor-values.yaml in the previous steps, run the following command:

    helm -n registry install suse-registry ./harbor -f harbor-values.yaml

    Once the installation is complete, Helm will provide the information about the location of the newly installed registry, e.g.:

    NAME: suse-registry
    LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Jul 24 10:34:53 2020
    NAMESPACE: registry
    STATUS: deployed
    Please wait for several minutes for Harbor deployment to complete.
    Then you should be able to visit the Harbor portal at https://core.harbor.domain 1


    You will see your <core_fqdn> instead of https://core.harbor.domain.

  18. Check the installation

    You can check the status of created artifacts and see if everything is running correctly:

    > kubectl -n registry get deployments
    NAME                              READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    suse-registry-harbor-core         1/1     1            1           17h
    suse-registry-harbor-jobservice   1/1     1            1           17h
    suse-registry-harbor-portal       1/1     1            1           17h
    suse-registry-harbor-registry     1/1     1            1           17h
    > kubectl -n registry get pods
    NAME                                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    suse-registry-harbor-core-c787885b6-2l7lz             1/1     Running   1          105m
    suse-registry-harbor-database-0                       1/1     Running   0          105m
    suse-registry-harbor-jobservice-698fb5bb44-88mc5      1/1     Running   1          105m
    suse-registry-harbor-nginx-b4f7748c5-8v2rp            1/1     Running   0          105m
    suse-registry-harbor-portal-bff5898cc-tt9ss           1/1     Running   0          105m
    suse-registry-harbor-redis-0                          1/1     Running   0          105m
    suse-registry-harbor-registry-7f65b6f87b-sqhzt        2/2     Running   0          105m
    suse-registry-harbor-trivy-0                          1/1     Running   0          105m

After the installation is complete, please proceed with Section 8, “Administration” and configure an authentication method.

5 Deployment in an Air-Gapped Environment 

5.1 Introduction

K3s is a lightweight Kubernetes distribution from Rancher that can be deployed on a single node. 

5.2 Use Cases


The customer wants to test SUSE Private Registry Powered by Harbor 2.1, but they do not have a Kubernetes cluster prepared.

Single-node setup

A production setup for customers that want to use SUSE Private Registry Powered by Harbor 2.1, but do not want to deploy CaaSP, Racher’s RKE or any other Kubernetes cluster.

Air-gapped environments

K3s can be deployed without access to the Internet. With SUSE Private Registry Powered by Harbor 2.1 running on such a cluster, it could for example serve as an image registry for other Kubernetes clusters in the customer’s network.

5.3 Requirements

You should have Helm installed on the machine where you want to install k3s.

Make sure that you have enough disk space. Rancher does not mention any specific requirements for disk size, so prepare at least a few gigabytes. It is possible to put the /var/lib/rancher directory on any partition or disk where you know that you have enough space. In case space starts to run out, you might encounter k3s issue #1552.

Also check for the latest available stable version of k3s by consulting the releases page. We do not recommend running pre-release versions. If you encounter 404 errors trying to download packages from GitHub, this is probably due to the release of a newer version.

5.4 Deployment

  1. We recommend that you read the upstream guide on deploying k3s into an air-gapped environment.

  2. Before you begin, download all the packages for the installation.

    1. You will need to download three different files to install k3s.

      1. The k3s install script. You can fetch this with the command:

        curl https://get.k3s.io -o install.sh
      2. The k3s binary (called just k3s).

      3. The bundle of images required for basic k3s air-gapped deployment and for some optional features (such as the Traefik ingress controller). This is called k3s-airgap-images-amd64.tar.

        Fetch the latter two files from: https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s/releases/latest

    2. Fetch the images required for the SUSE Private Registry:

      mkdir images
      for component in core nginx notary-server notary-signer trivy-adapter registryctl jobservice registry db redis; do
       image="registry.suse.com/harbor/harbor-$component:2.1.2"; \
       docker pull $image; docker save -o "images/harbor-$component-2.1.2.tar" $image; \
    3. Transfer all the files onto the air-gapped machine where k3s will run, for example using a USB key.

    4. On that machine, prepare the images and install the binary:

      sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/rancher/k3s/agent/images/
      sudo cp k3s-airgap-images-amd64.tar /var/lib/rancher/k3s/agent/images/
      sudo cp k3s /usr/local/bin/k3s
      sudo chown +x /usr/local/bin/k3s
      sudo chown +x /usr/local/bin/install.sh
    5. Install k3s. It is not necessary to start the systemd service yet, if you want to watch the start process closely for the first time


      The INSTALL_K3S_SKIP_ENABLE setting means that the systemd service for k3s will not be enabled and started, but you can ignore the value and actually use the service.

    6. Install the images required for the SUSE Private Registry into the k3s images directory, so that the server can import them when it starts:

      sudo cp images/*.tar /var/lib/rancher/k3s/agent/images/
    7. Start the k3s server as root.

      k3s server --write-kubeconfig-mode 644

      The additional option tells k3s to reset the permissions on /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml as it loads.

      To see more information, you can to pass the --debug option to the command, but you will receive a lot of information. Alternatively, you can start the corresponding systemd service:

      systemctl start k3s
    8. In another window, check the start-up process. The first time will be slow, as all the images must be imported. Check the current image list with:

      k3s crictl images

      Use the usual kubectl command to check the state of initial deployment:

      k3s kubectl get deployments

      The above command talks to the default Kubernetes instance. If you want to use your own kubectl file, point to the appropriate config file first:

      export KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml
      kubectl get deployments
  3. Prepare the Trivy offline database

    Trivy is the security scanner installed with Harbor. By default, it downloads the vulnerability database from GitHub. However, it can also be deployed into the air-gapped environment. Refer to the upstream guidelines for such scenarios. Here, we cover the case where Trivy is deployed with Harbor using a Helm chart.

    1. First, on a machine with the internet access, download the offline database from https://github.com/aquasecurity/trivy-db/releases/ and move it to your air-gapped machine.

    2. You must create a Persistent Volume where the database can be kept. For the purpose of this example, we will use the default storageClass that is set up for k3s, the one using the local-path provisioner. This allows us to map the Persistent Volume to a local directory on the host machine where the k3s node is running.

    3. Example of Persistent Volume and persistentVolumeClaim definitions:


      apiVersion: v1
      kind: PersistentVolume
       - kubernetes.io/pv-protection
       name: trivy-pv-volume
       - ReadWriteOnce
         storage: 2Gi
         # local path on my machine
         path: /data/trivy-pv
         type: DirectoryOrCreate
       persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
       storageClassName: local-path
       volumeMode: Filesystem


      apiVersion: v1
      kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
       name: trivy-pvc
       namespace: registry
       - ReadWriteOnce
       storageClassName: local-path
           storage: 2Gi
       volumeName: trivy-pv-volume

      Save these files as pv-trivy.yaml and pvc-trivy.yaml.

    4. Create the directory /data/trivy-pv (see the value of path in the pv-trivy.yaml file). Unpack the downloaded Trivy database under the trivy/db subdirectory, and change the ownership of the whole directory to user and group 10000:

      sudo mkdir -p /data/trivy-pv/trivy/db
      sudo tar -zxf trivy-offline.db.tgz -C /data/trivy-pv/trivy/db/
      sudo chown -R 10000:10000 /data/trivy-pv
  4. Install SUSE Private Registry

    1. Now you can install SUSE Private Registry the usual way. Find out the external address provided by the default ingress controller:

      kubectl get services
    2. Use the IP number to provide correct values for the core components in the Helm chart and create, for example, harbor-config-values.yaml. Add the parts to mount the correct volume with the Trivy database.


       # Set the way how to expose the service. Default value is "ingress".
           core: "<ingress_url>"
      externalURL: "https://<ingress_url>"
       # do not download trivy DB from github:
       skipUpdate: true
      # use existing trivy PVC (prepare offline DB there)
           existingClaim: "trivy-pvc"

    3. Fetch the Helm chart and install Harbor into the new namespace.

      helm chart pull registry.suse.com/harbor/harbor:1.5
      helm chart export registry.suse.com/harbor/harbor:1.5
    4. Do not forget to create Kubernetes objects for the Trivy database:

      kubectl create namespace registry
      kubectl apply -n pv-trivy.yaml
      kubectl apply -n pvc-trivy.yaml
      helm install -n negistry suse-registry ./harbor -f


6 Troubleshooting

The installation using Helm is fully automated and should succeed when the requirements are met. After a few seconds, the ingress controller configured path should be responding with the login screen of an admin UI, see the Section 8, “Administration” section.

In case of issues, please make sure all pods in registry namespace are running and all deployments are in the Ready state. If a pod fails to start, investigate the situation with your debugging tool of choice (k9s, or kubectl).

Private registry deploys in the given Kubernetes namespace multiple deployments and one statefulset, and all of them should be healthy.

6.1 Possible problems

  • As mentioned in the requirements, ingress-controller needs to be set up in your Kubernetes cluster

  • When accessing the web UI, the browser complains about unknown certificate.

    Check the Section 7, “Transport Layer Security (TLS) Setup” for a solution.

  • Images for various SUSE Private Registry components cannot be found, and Pods are not getting created.

    Make sure registry.suse.com is accessible from your network.

  • Pods are not starting, most of them fail with failed to connect to database pod error.

    Check the errors in the database pod. Does it complain with something like:

    FailedScheduling <unknown> default-scheduler pod has unbound immediate `PersistentVolumeClaims`

    (repeated 2 times)? Possible reason is that the storageClass is missing or no storageClass is marked as default.

7 Transport Layer Security (TLS) Setup

With default setup, the SUSE Private Registry public APIs (the UI and the OCI registry API) will both use an auto-generated certificate. To avoid root certificate validation errors, the generated CA certificate should be installed on all hosts that will need to connect to it:

  • All cluster nodes, if a Kubernetes cluster will be used to pull images from the SUSE Private Registry

  • All machines where supported OCI clients, such as docker engine and helm v3 are running, if those clients will be used to interact with the SUSE Private Registry

The generated CA certificate is available for download in the SUSE Private Registry UI, under the Configuration / System Settings section:

registry harbor get ca cert

Install the extracted CA certificate system-wide:

cp harbor.ca /usr/share/pki/trust/anchors/

8 Administration

8.1 Setup Administration Access

SUSE Private Registry User Interface can be accessed from a supported web browser at the location provided as <core_fqdn> during the installation. Find out about the initial admin user password in [install-passwords].

registry harbor landingpage

After the first login, you can change the administrator’s password through the web UI. Select the admin tab and select Change Password.

registry harbor admin pw change

8.2 Configuring Authentication

Caution: Switching Authentication Mode

Once a user (besides the admin) is registered, or logs in when using LDAP/AD or UAA, SUSE Private Registry is locked in the current authentication mode meaning that it is not possible switch to a different authentication mode. In that way, an authentication mode should be configured as soon as SUSE Private Registry is deployed.

Harbor supports different modes for authenticating users and managing user accounts. The following authentication modes are supported by SUSE Private Registry:

  • Database (default): User accounts are created/managed directly in SUSE Private Registry. The user accounts are stored on the SUSE Private Registry database.

  • LDAP/Active Directory: SUSE Private Registry is configured to use an external external LDAP/Active Directory server for user authentication. The user accounts are created and managed by the LDAP/AD provider.

  • UAA: SUSE Private Registry is configured to authenticate using an external UAA provider. The user accounts are created and managed by the UAA provider.

8.2.1 Database Authentication

In database authentication mode, user accounts are stored in the local database. By default, only the SUSE Private Registry system administrator can create new user accounts. However, It is also possible to configure SUSE Private Registry to allow self-registration.

Configuring SUSE Private Registry with Database authentication mode:

  1. Log in to the SUSE Private Registry interface with an account that has system administrator privileges.

  2. Under Administration, go to Configuration and select the Authentication tab.

  3. Leave Auth Mode set to the default Database option.

  4. (Optionally) Select the Allow Self-Registration check box for allowing users to register themselves in SUSE Private Registry. Self-registration is disabled by default. If enabled unregistered users can sign up for a SUSE Private Registry account by clicking Sign up for an account on the SUSE Private Registry log in page.

8.2.2 LDAP/Active Directory Authentication


Note that self-registration, creating users, deleting users, changing passwords, and resetting passwords is not supported in LDAP/AD authentication mode as users are managed by LDAP/AD.

When using LDAP/AD authentication, users whose credentials are stored in an external LDAP or AD server can log in to SUSE Private Registry directly. In this case, it is not necessary to create user accounts in SUSE Private Registry.

To be able to manage user authentication by using LDAP groups, it is required to enable the memberof feature on the LDAP/AD server. With the memberof feature, the LDAP/AD user entity’s memberof attribute is updated when the group entity’s member attribute is updated, for example by adding or removing an LDAP/AD user from the LDAP/AD group.

The following steps describe how to enable LDAP/AD authentication mode:

  1. Log in to the SUSE Private Registry interface with an account that has system administrator privileges.

  2. Under Administration, go to Configuration and select the Authentication tab.

  3. Use the Auth Mode drop-down menu to select LDAP.

  4. Enter the address of the LDAP server, for example ldaps://

  5. Enter information about the LDAP server as follows:

    1. LDAP Search DN and LDAP Search Password: When a user logs in to SUSE Private Registry with their LDAP username and password, it uses these values to bind to the LDAP/AD server. For example, cn=admin,dc=example.com.

    2. LDAP Base DN: SUSE Private Registry looks up the user under the LDAP Base DN entry, including the subtree. For example, dc=example.com.

    3. LDAP Filter: The filter to search for LDAP/AD users. For example, objectclass=user.

    4. LDAP UID: An attribute, for example uid, or cn, that is used to match a user with the username. If a match is found, the user’s password is verified by a bind request to the LDAP/AD server.

    5. LDAP Scope: The scope to search for LDAP/AD users. Select from Subtree, Base, and OneLevel.

  6. To be able to manage user authentication with LDAP groups, configure the group settings:

    1. LDAP Group Base DN: The base DN from which to lookup a group in LDAP/AD. For example, ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com.

    2. LDAP Group Filter: The filter to search for LDAP/AD groups. For example, objectclass=groupOfNames.

    3. LDAP Group GID: The attribute used to name an LDAP/AD group. For example, cn.

    4. LDAP Group Admin DN: All LDAP/AD users in this group DN have Harbor system administrator privileges.

    5. LDAP Group Membership: The user attribute usd to identify a user as a member of a group. By default this is memberof.

    6. LDAP Scope: The scope to search for LDAP/AD groups. Select from Subtree, Base, and OneLevel.

  7. Uncheck LDAP Verify Cert if the LDAP/AD server uses a self-signed or untrusted certificate.

  8. Click Test LDAP Server to make sure that your configuration is correct.

  9. Click Save to complete the configuration.

8.2.3 UAA Authentication

By configuring UAA authentication, users whose credentials are stored in an external UAA server can log in to SUSE Private Registry directly. In this case, it is not necessary to create user accounts in SUSE Private Registry. Note that just like LDAP authentication mode, self-registration, creating users, deleting users, changing passwords, and resetting passwords are not supported in UAA authentication mode as users are managed by UAA.

The following steps describe how to configure UAA authentication mode:

  1. Register a client account on UAA. For example, using the UAA CLI and assuming the UAA server is available at

    1. Configure UAA CLI to target the UAA server and login as admin:

      $ uaac target
      $ uaac token client get admin -s <admin_secret> # replace <admin_secret> with the secret of the admin user
    2. Register a client account for SUSE Private Registry:

      $ uaac client add suse_private_registry -s suseprivateregistrysupersecret --scope uaa.user --authorized_grant_types client_credentials,password --authorities oauth.login
  2. Log in to the SUSE Private Registry interface with an account that has system administrator privileges.

  3. Under Administration, go to Configuration and select the Authentication tab.

  4. Use the Auth Mode drop-down menu to select UAA.

  5. Enter the address of the UAA server token endpoint, for example

  6. Enter information about the UAA client account as follows:

    1. UAA Client ID: The client account ID. For example suse_private_registry as created on step 1.

    2. UAA Client Secret: The client account secret. For example suseprivateregistrysupersecret as created on step 1.

  7. Uncheck UAA Verify Cert if the UAA server uses a self-signed or untrusted certificate.

  8. Click Save to complete the configuration.

8.3 Registry Deployment Configuration Changes

Caution: Updating the Registry Deployment Configuration

Changing the deployment configuration of a running SUSE Private Registry instance involves running helm upgrade in some form or other. The harbor-values.yaml file used during installation to provide the initial SUSE Private Registry configuration should be treated as the source of truth during all subsequent deployment configuration changes and upgrade operations. For all SUSE Private Registry configuration change operations documented in this section, it is therefore highly recommended that the harbor-values.yaml be updated accordingly, and that the file be supplied to the helm upgrade command, instead of using additional --set command line arguments that are not be persisted.

Disregarding this recommendation may lead to situation in which the configuration of the running SUSE Private Registry installation is no longer in sync with the configuration described in the harbor-values.yaml file, which will cause unexpected configuration changes during upgrade operations.


Some SUSE Private Registry deployment configuration changes require restarting one or several of the registry components. To reduce service downtime while configuration changes are being applied, it is recommended to run SUSE Private Registry in high-availability mode (see Section 3, “High Availability” for more information).

Examples of supported post-installation deployment configuration changes, some of which are further documented in the sub-sections that follow:

  • Enabling or disabling internal TLS

  • Adding custom CA certificate bundles into the trust store used by SUSE Private Registry components

  • Rotating TLS certificates

  • Increasing the size of Kubernetes persistent volumes used by SUSE Private Registry components

  • Changing passwords, tokens and access keys

    • The password for the database admin

    • The password for the redis default account

    • The github token used by trivy to regularly update the vulnerability database

  • Changing the update strategy used for rolling updates

  • Changing the scale (replica count) for SUSE Private Registry services

  • Changing the Kubernetes service accounts associated with SUSE Private Registry pods

  • Enable or disable the notary component

  • Enable or disable trivy component

The following post-installation deployment configuration changes are not supported and require a full SUSE Private Registry re-installation:

  • Changing the storage type for the OCI artifact storage

  • Changing the storage class for Kubernetes persistent volumes

  • Decreasing the size of Kubernetes persistent volumes used by SUSE Private Registry components

  • Replacing the redis service

  • Replacing the database service

Helm configuration changes can usually be applied by updating the SUSE Private Registry harbor-values.yaml configuration file used during installation with the new configuration values and then running helm upgrade to apply the changes. Cases that required additional steps are explicitly documented in the sub-sections that follow.


The full list of deployment configuration options and default values that can overridden in the harbor-values.yaml file is included in the helm chart itself and can be viewed in YAML format by running the following command:

helm show values harbor

The SUSE Private Registry Deployment section also contains extended information on the most relevant helm configuration options. Those configuration options can be customized not only during installation but also updated post-installation, with the exceptions documented earlier in this section as not supported.

For example, to enable internal TLS, notary and trivy in one go (assuming they are all currently disabled), update the harbor-values.yaml configuration file and run helm upgrade as follows:


  enabled: true
  enabled: true
  replicas: 3
  gitHubToken: "<github-auth-token>"
  enabled: true
    replicas: 3
    replicas: 3

helm -n registry upgrade suse-registry ./harbor -f harbor-values.yaml

8.3.1 Changing the Database Password


Changing the database password is an administrative operation that has impact on service availability.

The password for the SUSE Private Registry internal or external database service can be changed in three steps:

  1. First, shutdown all SUSE Private Registry services that use the database, to eliminate the risk of incomplete or failed transactions:

    kubectl -n registry scale deployment -l component=core --replicas=0
    kubectl -n registry scale deployment -l component=notary-server --replicas=0
    kubectl -n registry scale deployment -l component=notary-signer --replicas=0
  2. Change the password for the database server

    For an external database, use the means available from the public cloud provider to set a new admin password.

    For the internal database, the easiest way to do this is by accessing the database pod via kubectl exec and running a psql command to change the password, e.g.:

    kubectl -n registry exec -ti harbor-harbor-database-0 -- psql
    psql (12.4)
    Type "help" for help.
    postgres=# \password
    Enter new password: <new-password-value>
    Enter it again: <new-password-value>
    postgres=# \q
  3. Update the SUSE Private Registry harbor-values.yaml configuration file with the new password value and run helm upgrade to apply the change and start the services that were stopped at the first step:


        # use this field for the internal database
        password: "<new password value>"
        # use this field for the external database
        password: "<new password value>"

    helm -n registry upgrade suse-registry ./harbor -f harbor-values.yaml

8.3.2 Changing the Redis Password


Changing the redis password is an administrative operation that has impact on service availability.

The password for the SUSE Private Registry redis service can be changed in two steps:

  1. First, change the password for the redis service itself

    For an internal redis service, nothing needs to be done at this step.

    If you’re running an external public cloud redis service, change the external redis password using the means available from the public cloud provider.

    For a redis service deployed using the SUSE redis operator, the password can be changed as follows:

    1. Update the secret created during installation with the new password:

      helm -n registry delete secret redis-auth
      kubectl -n registry create secret generic redis-auth --from-literal=password="<new-password-value>"
    2. Delete the running redis statefulset to force a configuration update:

      helm -n registry delete statefulset -l app.kubernetes.io/component=redis
  2. Update the SUSE Private Registry harbor-values.yaml configuration file with the new password value and run helm upgrade to apply the change:


        # use this field for the internal redis
        password: "<new password value>"
        # use this field for the external redis
        password: "<new password value>"

    helm -n registry upgrade suse-registry ./harbor -f harbor-values.yaml

8.3.3 Rotating Autogenerated TLS Certificates

Caution: Rotate certificates on minor version upgrades

Certificate rotation is an administrative operation that impacts service availability. The certificates auto-generated by helm have a validity of 365 days, sufficient to not require rotating them too frequently. It is advised that all auto-generated certificates be rotated with every upgrade operation consisting in a minor or major version number change, to avoid loss of operation, but it is not required to do so more frequently.

The SUSE Private Registry helm chart provides the option to auto-generate certificates, if custom certificates aren’t explicitly provided. This applies to the following certificates and their use:

  • TLS certificates for the publicly exposed APIs: the Harbor UI/API and the notary API

    A single certificate is generated for both endpoints, if tls.certSource is set to auto in the helm chart configuration.

  • TLS certificates for the internal communication

    A certificate is generated for every SUSE Private Registry component that exposes an API consumed internally by other components (core, jobservice, registry, portal and trivy), if internalTLS.enabled is set to true and internalTLS.certSource is set to auto in the helm chart configuration.

  • A TLS certificate is used to secure the notary-signer internal API

    This is handled independently of the global internalTLS.enable flag controlling internal TLS for other SUSE Private Registry components, because, for technical reasons, internal TLS cannot be disabled for the notary-signer component. A certificate is automatically generated unless notary.secretName is set to point to a predefined secret providing a custom TLS certificate for this component.

  • A TLS certificate and private key pair are used by the SUSE Private Registry core component to generate encryption/decryption tokens for use by robot accounts

    A certificate is automatically generated unless core.secretName is set to point to a predefined secret providing a custom TLS certificate and private key pair for this purpose.

By default, auto-generated TLS certificates are created during the initial SUSE Private Registry installation and kept unchanged during subsequent helm runs. To re-generate these TLS certificates, the relevant rotateCert configuration flags need to be explicitly set during the helm runs, as detailed in the remainder of this section.


Rotating the certificates autogenerated for the Harbor UI/API and notary API will invalidate the CA certificates already configured on the remote hosts where these SUSE Private Registry services are accessed. See the Section 7, “Transport Layer Security (TLS) Setup” section for details on how to reconfigure these hosts.

To rotate the TLS certificates auto-generated for the publicly exposed APIs, run:

helm -n registry upgrade suse-registry ./harbor -f harbor-values.yaml --set expose.tls.auto.rotateCert=true

This operation can be performed with zero downtime, the SUSE Private Registry services themselves are not impacted by it.

To rotate the TLS certificates auto-generated for the internal communication (including notary-server), run:

helm -n registry upgrade suse-registry ./harbor -f harbor-values.yaml --set internalTLS.rotateCert=true --set notary.rotateCert=true

This operation requires all SUSE Private Registry components to be updated


Rotating the TLS certificate and private key pair autogenerated for encryption/decryption of tokens for robot accounts will invalidate the existing tokens.

To re-generate the TLS certificate and private key pair used for encryption/decryption of tokens for robot accounts, run:

helm -n registry upgrade suse-registry ./harbor -f harbor-values.yaml --set core.rotateCert=true

8.3.4 Scaling the Registry Services


A Kubernetes StorageClass with ReadWriteMany access mode is required to enable high-availability for the SUSE Private Registry registry component, if a Kubernetes persistent volume is used as the storage back-end for OCI artifacts. If a StorageClass with ReadWriteMany access is not configured for these components, setting the replica count to a value higher than 1 for them will result in failure.

To change the scale parameters for the internal components of a running SUSE Private Registry instance, update the harbor-values.yaml configuration file with new replica values, as desired, and then apply the change by running helm upgrade with the same parameters used during installation:


  replicas: 3
  replicas: 3
# Only enabled when using a LoadBalancer instead of Ingress to expose services
  replicas: 3
  replicas: 3
  replicas: 3
  replicas: 3
    replicas: 3
    replicas: 3

helm -n registry upgrade suse-registry ./harbor -f harbor-values.yaml

Alternatively, kubectl may be used directly to scale SUSE Private Registry components individually, but special care should be taken to keep the harbor-values.yaml file updated to reflect the running configuration, otherwise subsequent configuration changes or upgrade operations that require running helm upgrade will revert the number of replicas back to the known configuration. For example, to scale the portal component to a new value of 3 pods, the following command may be used:

kubectl -n registry scale deployment -l component=portal --replicas=3

8.3.5 Expanding Persistent Volumes Claims

Note: Expanding Volumes Containing a File System

It is only possible to resize volumes containing a file system if the file system is XFS, Ext3, or Ext4.

When a volume contains a file system, the file system is only resized when a new Pod is using the PersistentVolumeClaim in ReadWrite mode. File system expansion is either done when a Pod is starting up or when a Pod is running and the underlying file system supports online expansion.

Caution: Risk of Data Loss

It is extremely advised to perform a backup of the existing volumes that will be resized before taking any action as there is a risk of permanent data loss.

Only specific storage providers offer support for expanding PersistentVolumeClaims (PVCs). Before taking any action, it is recommended to check the documentation of the storage provider available for your Kubernetes cluster and make sure that it supports expanding PVCs.

To be able to expand a PVC the storage class’s allowVolumeExpansion field needs to be set to true. For example:

kind: StorageClass
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
  name: persistent
    storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class: 'true'
provisioner: kubernetes.io/cinder
reclaimPolicy: Delete
volumeBindingMode: Immediate
allowVolumeExpansion: true Expanding Volumes Managed by Deployments (registry, jobservice)
Note: Storage backend without support for online expansion

If the storage backend does not support online expansion, additional steps that impact the service availability are required to conclude the resizing.

To resize the PVC for the registry and the jobservice components of SUSE Private Registry, update the harbor-values.yaml configuration file with the new storage sizes for the registry and jobservice components, then apply the change by running helm upgrade with the same parameters used during installation, e.g.:


      size: 100Gi
      size: 5Gi

helm -n registry upgrade suse-registry ./harbor -f harbor-values.yaml

The above command will set the PVC size of the jobservice component to 5 gigabytes and 100 gigabytes for the registry PVC.

If the storage backend supports online expansion the PVCs will be automatically resized and no additional action is needed. However, If the storage backend does not support online expansion additional steps are required to conclude the volume resize which includes deleting the pods that are using the volume being resized, waiting for the volume to be resized and finally starting new pods. For example, to finalize the resize of the jobservice PVC when volume online expansion is not supported:

  1. Check the status of the PVC to make sure it is waiting for the volume to be detached to perform the resize:

    kubectl -n registry describe pvc -l component=jobservice | sed -n -e '/Conditions/,$p'
      Type       Status  LastProbeTime                     LastTransitionTime                Reason  Message
      ----       ------  -----------------                 ------------------                ------  -------
      Resizing   True    Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000   Fri, 23 Oct 2020 17:56:33 +0200
      Type     Reason                 Age                 From                         Message
      ----     ------                 ----                ----                         -------
      Normal   ProvisioningSucceeded  2m34s               persistentvolume-controller  Successfully provisioned volume pvc-297dfa22-0711-4b43-bea0-cdb3684bc2a0 using kubernetes.io/<plugin>
      Warning  VolumeResizeFailed     31s (x13 over 73s)  volume_expand                error expanding volume "suse-registry/suse-registry-harbor-jobservice" of plugin "kubernetes.io/<plugin>": volume in in-use status can not be expanded, it must be available and not attached to a node
  2. Set the number of replicas of the jobservice deployment to 0 (this will delete the jobservice pods and the service will be unavailable):

    kubectl -n registry scale deployment -l component=jobservice --replicas=0
    deployment.apps/suse-registry-harbor-jobservice scaled
  3. Check the status of the PVC, wait until the volume resize is complete and its just waiting for the pod to start to finish resizing the file system:

    kubectl -n registry describe pvc -l component=jobservice | sed -n '/Conditions/,/Events/p'
      Type                      Status  LastProbeTime                     LastTransitionTime                Reason  Message
      ----                      ------  -----------------                 ------------------                ------  -------
      FileSystemResizePending   True    Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000   Fri, 23 Oct 2020 18:02:03 +0200           Waiting for user to (re-)start a pod to finish file system resize of volume on node.
  4. Set the number of replicas back to the previous value (1 in this case) to conclude the resize:

    kubectl -n registry scale deployment -l component=jobservice --replicas=1
    deployment.apps/suse-registry-harbor-jobservice scaled
  5. Confirm that the file system resize has finished successfully:

    kubectl -n registry describe pvc -l component=jobservice | sed -n -e '/Events/,$p'
      Normal   FileSystemResizeSuccessful  52s                   kubelet, caasp-worker-eco-caasp4-upd-eco-2                MountVolume.NodeExpandVolume succeeded for volume "pvc-297dfa22-0711-4b43-bea0-cdb3684bc2a0"

The same steps can be followed to conclude expanding the registry PVC by replacing component=jobservice with component=registry on each command. Expanding Volumes Managed by StatefulSets (database, redis and trivy)

Kubernetes does not officially support volume expansion through StatefulSets, trying to do so by using helm with new values for PVC size will throw the following error:

Error: UPGRADE FAILED: cannot patch "suse-registry-release-12-harbor-trivy" with kind StatefulSet: StatefulSet.apps "suse-registry-release-12-harbor-trivy" is invalid: spec: Forbidden: updates to statefulset spec for fields other than 'replicas', 'template', and 'updateStrategy' are forbidden

This means that the volumeClaimTemplates field of a StatefulSet is immutable and cannot be updated with a new value for size. In that way, extra actions are required to perform the resize of PVCs managed by StatefulSets.

The following steps describe how to expand volumes managed by SatefulSets using the trivy component as an example. The same steps can be performed also for the database and redis components of SUSE Private Registry just by replacing trivy for database or redis on each command:

  1. Delete the StatefulSet while keeping the pods running together with any other resource that was managed by the StatefulSet such as the PVC. This can be done by setting --cascade=false to the kubectl delete command, for example:

    kubectl -n registry delete sts --cascade=false -l component=trivy
    statefulset.apps "suse-registry-harbor-trivy" deleted
  2. Edit the PVC spec with the new size (10 gigabytes in this example), this can be done in many different ways. For example using kubectl patch:

    # depending on the number of replicas, trivy can have more than one PVC.
    for pvc in $(kubectl -n $NAMESPACE get pvc -l component=trivy -o name); do
      kubectl -n $NAMESPACE patch $pvc -p "{\"spec\":{\"resources\":{\"requests\":{\"storage\":\"$NEW_SIZE\"}}}}"
    persistentvolumeclaim/data-suse-registry-harbor-trivy-0 patched
    persistentvolumeclaim/data-suse-registry-harbor-trivy-1 patched
  3. Update the harbor-values.yaml configuration file with the new storage size for the intended component, then apply the change by running helm upgrade with the same parameters used during installation, to re-define the StatefulSets with the new size to keep consistency. For trivy, for example:


          size: 10Gi

    helm -n registry upgrade suse-registry ./harbor -f harbor-values.yaml

Just like for deployments, if the storage backend supports online expansion the PVCs will be automatically resized and no additional action is needed. However, If the storage backend does not support online expansion additional steps are required to conclude the volume resize which includes deleting the pods that are using the volume being resized, waiting for the volume to be resized and finally starting new pods. For example, to finalize the resize of the trivy PVC when volume online expansion is not supported:

  1. Check the status of the PVCs to make sure it is waiting for the volume to be detached to perform the resize:

    kubectl -n registry describe pvc -l component=trivy | sed -n -e '/Conditions/,$p'
      Type       Status  LastProbeTime                     LastTransitionTime                Reason  Message
      ----       ------  -----------------                 ------------------                ------  -------
      Resizing   True    Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000   Mon, 26 Oct 2020 13:29:58 +0100
      Type     Reason                 Age                   From                         Message
      ----     ------                 ----                  ----                         -------
      Normal   ProvisioningSucceeded  8m8s                  persistentvolume-controller  Successfully provisioned volume pvc-8fe4a4b6-83c8-47d0-a266-f8cdbd4e3918 using kubernetes.io/<plugin>
      Warning  VolumeResizeFailed     28s (x17 over 5m57s)  volume_expand                error expanding volume "suse-registry/data-suse-registry-harbor-trivy-0" of plugin "kubernetes.io/<plugin>": volume in in-use status can not be expanded, it must be available and not attached to a node
  2. Set the number of replicas of the trivy statefulset to 0 (this will delete the trivy pods and the service will be unavailable):

    kubectl -n registry scale sts -l component=trivy --replicas=0
    statefulset.apps/suse-registry-harbor-trivy scaled
  3. Check the status of the PVC, wait until the volume resize is complete and its just waiting for the pod to start to finish resizing the file system:

    kubectl -n registry describe pvc -l component=trivy | sed -n '/Conditions/,/Events/p'
      Type                      Status  LastProbeTime                     LastTransitionTime                Reason  Message
      ----                      ------  -----------------                 ------------------                ------  -------
      FileSystemResizePending   True    Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000   Mon, 26 Oct 2020 13:40:55 +0100           Waiting for user to (re-)start a pod to finish file system resize of volume on node.
  4. Set the number of replicas back to the previous value (2 in this case) to conclude the resize:

    kubectl -n registry scale sts -l component=trivy --replicas=2
    deployment.apps/suse-registry-harbor-jobservice scaled
  5. Confirm that the file system resize has finished successfully:

    kubectl -n registry describe pvc -l component=trivy | sed -n -e '/Events/,$p'
      Normal   FileSystemResizeSuccessful  64s                   kubelet, caasp-worker-eco-caasp4-upd-eco-2  MountVolume.NodeExpandVolume succeeded for volume "pvc-8fe4a4b6-83c8-47d0-a266-f8cdbd4e3918"

8.4 Installing Maintenance Updates

SUSE Private Registry maintenance updates containing new helm chart and container image versions are regularly published to address security vulnerabilities and to fix critical bugs. These updates do not introduce new features and therefore can be applied in a manner similar to regular helm configuration changes, with minimal disruption to service availability.


It is highly recommended to install SUSE Private Registry maintenance updates regularly and as frequently as possible, to keep your SUSE Private Registry instance up to date with the latest security patches and fixes for functionality impairing issues.


Installing SUSE Private Registry maintenance updates require restarting one or several of the registry components. To minimize service downtime while the update is being applied, it is recommended to run SUSE Private Registry in high-availability mode (see Section 3, “High Availability” for more information).

The harbor-values.yaml file used during installation to provide the initial SUSE Private Registry configuration, as well as during subsequent helm configuration changes is also required to install maintenance updates.

To check for SUSE Private Registry maintenance updates and subsequently install them:

  1. Download the newest Helm chart version from the official SUSE repository:

    # download a chart from public registry
    helm chart pull registry.suse.com/harbor/harbor:1.5
    # export the chart to local directory
    helm chart export registry.suse.com/harbor/harbor:1.5

    The output from the helm chart pull command will indicate the helm chart version that is available in the public registry. Make a note of it:

    1.5: Pulling from registry.suse.com/harbor/harbor
    ref:     registry.suse.com/harbor/harbor:1.5
    digest:  db4731ab843d9837eb83327b735a7c5c19826e225858333a3b9a57668d5d40b8
    size:    178.1 KiB
    name:    harbor
    version: 1.5.2
    Status: Chart is up to date for registry.suse.com/harbor/harbor:1.5
  2. Verify the version of the running SUSE Private Registry instance:

    > helm -n registry list
    NAME         	NAMESPACE    	REVISION	UPDATED                              	STATUS  	CHART       	APP VERSION
    suse-registry	registry	6       	2020-11-17 15:20:46.037254 +0200 CEST	deployed	harbor-1.5.1	2.1.1

    If the helm chart version displayed is the same as the one available from the public registry, your SUSE Private Registry instance is up to date and nothing else needs to be done. Otherwise, maintenance updates are available and can be installed.

  3. Trigger the upgrade using the harbor-values.yaml configuration file:

    helm -n registry upgrade suse-registry ./harbor -f harbor-values.yaml
  4. Check the installation

    The SUSE Private Registry update will take a while to complete, while new pods are being created to replace old pods. You can check the status and see if everything is running correctly, e.g.:

    > kubectl -n registry get deployments
    NAME                              READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    suse-registry-harbor-core         2/2     2            2           32d
    suse-registry-harbor-jobservice   2/2     2            2           32d
    suse-registry-harbor-portal       2/2     2            2           32d
    suse-registry-harbor-registry     1/1     1            1           32d
    > kubectl -n registry get statefulset
    NAME                            READY   AGE
    suse-registry-harbor-database   1/1     32d
    suse-registry-harbor-redis      1/1     32d
    suse-registry-harbor-trivy      2/2     4d1h
    > kubectl -n registry get pod
    NAME                                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    suse-registry-harbor-core-85845f9777-5rkbb         1/1     Running   0          24h
    suse-registry-harbor-core-85845f9777-krwk2         1/1     Running   0          24h
    suse-registry-harbor-database-0                    1/1     Running   0          24h
    suse-registry-harbor-jobservice-7f954f9466-66b2r   1/1     Running   0          24h
    suse-registry-harbor-jobservice-7f954f9466-6n96t   1/1     Running   0          24h
    suse-registry-harbor-portal-76b465644f-4zmxw       1/1     Running   0          24h
    suse-registry-harbor-portal-76b465644f-lndlm       1/1     Running   0          24h
    suse-registry-harbor-redis-0                       1/1     Running   0          24h
    suse-registry-harbor-registry-65854df7bc-mrfnj     2/2     Running   0          24h
    suse-registry-harbor-trivy-0                       1/1     Running   1          24h
    suse-registry-harbor-trivy-1                       1/1     Running   0          24h

8.5 Backup and Restore

Backup and restore for SUSE Private Registry can be performed by Velero. Velero not only handles this, but also disaster recovery, and the migration of Kubernetes cluster resources and persistent volumes.

When SUSE Private Registry is deployed together with its internal services (database, Redis and filesystem storage for image and artifacts) Velero is able to fully cover the backup and restore. However, as Velero is only responsible for Kubernetes resources, when SUSE Private Registry is deployed using external service providers, such as managed PostgreSQL database or object storage (Amazon S3 or Azure Blob Storage), additional actions must be performed to ensure the backup of data that is external to the Kubernetes cluster.

In general, the backup and restore process for SUSE Private Registry can be split in two parts:

  • Backup and restore of Kubernetes resources (performed by Velero):

    • Namespace

    • Deployment

    • ReplicaSet

    • StatefulSet

    • Endpoint

    • Service

    • Ingress

    • ConfigMap

    • Secret

    • PersistentVolumeClaim

    • PersistentVolume

    • Pod

    • Other CRDs (e.g. Certificate when using cert-manager or RedisFailover when using redis-operator)

  • Backup and restore of external services:

    • Database

    • Redis

    • Object Storage

8.5.1 Backup and restore of Kubernetes resources

The following steps describe how to perform the backup and restore of Kubernetes resources using Velero. Backup
  1. Install Velero as described in the documentation

  2. (optional) If you are using a volume provider that does not support volume snapshots or a volume-snapshot API, or does not have Velero-supported storage plugin, then Velero uses Restic as a generic solution to backing and restoring this sort of persistent volume. To perform a Restic backup of persistent volumes, Velero requires the addition of a specific annotation (backup.velero.io/backup-volumes=<VOLUME_NAME_1>,<VOLUME_NAME_2>,…​) to the pods that have the volumes mounted. This can be achieved by adding the following entries to the SUSE Private Registry’s Helm chart (harbor-values.yaml), then performing helm upgrade to apply the annotations:


        backup.velero.io/backup-volumes: registry-data
        backup.velero.io/backup-volumes: data
        backup.velero.io/backup-volumes: database-data
        backup.velero.io/backup-volumes: data

    helm -n registry upgrade suse-registry ./harbor -f harbor-values.yaml
    Note: External Services

    If using an external service, such as a managed PostgreSQL database, you do not need to add the database entry. The same applies for redis when using an external Redis, and for registry when using an external storage back-end for storing images and artifacts.

  3. Back-up the cluster with the command velero backup create <backup-name> --include-namespaces <namespace-to-backup>. For example:

    > velero backup create registry-backup --include-namespaces registry
    Backup request "registry-backup" submitted successfully.
    Run `velero backup describe registry-backup` or `velero backup logs registry-backup` for more details.
    Note: Scope of the backup

    Velero supports backing up all Kubernetes cluster resources; however, in this case, the backup is performed for the registry namespace only. In some cases, such as when using cert-manager or redis-operator, you might need to include those namespaces in the backup.

  4. To check the backup status and ensure its completion, run velero backup describe <backup-name>. For example:

    > velero backup describe registry-backup
    Name:         registry-backup
    Namespace:    velero
    Labels:       velero.io/storage-location=default
    Annotations:  <none>
    Phase:  Completed
      Included:  registry
      Excluded:  <none>
      Included:        *
      Excluded:        <none>
      Cluster-scoped:  auto
    Label selector:  <none>
    Storage Location:  default
    Snapshot PVs:  auto
    TTL:  720h0m0s
    Hooks:  <none>
    Backup Format Version:  1
    Started:    2020-12-17 12:00:12 +0100 CET
    Completed:  2020-12-17 12:01:36 +0100 CET
    Expiration:  2021-01-16 12:00:12 +0100 CET
    Persistent Volumes: <none included>
    Restic Backups (specify --details for more information):
      Completed:  4
Note: Backup options

For more advanced options, such as scheduling backups and configuring expiration times, check the Velero documentation. Restore
  1. If you are restoring onto a new Kubernetes cluster, install Velero by following the CaaSP Velero documentation. Make sure to use the same storage back-end used to perform the backup, so that Velero can access the existing backups. If restoring onto the same cluster, make sure to completely delete the existing SUSE Private Registry deployment, including its namespace.

  2. To restore the cluster, run the command velero restore create <restore-name> --from-backup <backup-name>. For example:

    > velero restore create registry-restore --from-backup registry-backup
    Restore request "registry-restore" submitted successfully.
    Run `velero restore describe registry-restore` or `velero restore logs registry-restore` for more details.
  3. To check the restore status and ensure its completion, run velero restore describe <restore-name>. For example:

    > velero restore describe registry-restore
    Name:         registry-restore
    Namespace:    velero
    Labels:       <none>
    Annotations:  <none>
    Phase:  Completed
      Velero:     <none>
      Namespaces: <none>
    Backup:  registry-backup
      Included:  *
      Excluded:  <none>
      Included:        *
      Excluded:        nodes, events, events.events.k8s.io, backups.velero.io, restores.velero.io, resticrepositories.velero.io
      Cluster-scoped:  auto
    Namespace mappings:  <none>
    Label selector:  <none>
    Restore PVs:  auto
    Restic Restores (specify --details for more information):
      Completed:  4
Note: Restore options

For more advanced options, such restoring from a scheduled backup, see the Velero documentation.

8.5.2 Backup and restore of external services

For backup and restore of external services, see the official documentation of the adopted solution. For example:

9 User Guide

9.1 Accessing Landing Page

After logging in, a harbor installation lands on the Projects page. Project pages are the individual "tenants" or "organisations" that the SUSE Private Registry can host. For each one of those, Access Control, Security Policies, Webhooks or Accounts can be defined. Access (push/pull) and other event logs can be accessed. A Project can be populated by replicating another registry, like for example registry.suse.com. Here’s how an example harbor installation with mirroring itself from registry.suse.com would look like:

registry harbor landingpage

9.2 Using docker for managing images

Assume there’s a "hello-world" image in your current local docker registry:

> docker images
REPOSITORY                                                                        TAG                  IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
hello-world                                                                       latest               bf756fb1ae65        6 months ago        13.3kB

Let’s assume the value of <core_fqdn> is core.harbor.domain.

  1. Log in to new Harbor based Docker registry. Use the correct administrator password, refer to: [install-passwords].

    docker login core.harbor.domain -u admin
  2. Tag an existing image:

    docker tag hello-world core.harbor.domain/library/hello-world:latest

    Note the "library" part. That’s a project you will be pushing the image to. Look how to manage projects in the upstream documentation.

  3. Push the image to your Harbor registry:

    > docker push core.harbor.domain/library/hello-world:latest
    The push refers to repository [core.harbor.domain/library/hello-world]
    9c27e219663c: Pushed
    latest: digest: sha256:90659bf80b44ce6be8234e6ff90a1ac34acbeb826903b02cfa0da11c82cbc042 size: 525

    Now go to Harbor web UI and you can see the new image is stored under library project as library/hello-world

9.3 Manage Helm Charts with SUSE Private Registry

Helm Charts in SUSE Private Registry requires Helm v3, which is not a default option for SUSE CaaS Platform 4.5. Helm v3 is a client only solution so you only need it on the machine that you launch the installation from. Read about installing of Helm v3 in the SUSE CaaS Platform Administration Guide. In order to use helm, you need to Log into OCI-compatible registry of Harbor:

> helm registry login core.harbor.domain
Username: admin
Login succeeded

After logging in, run the helm chart save command to save a chart directory that prepares the artifact for pushing:

helm chart save my-chart core.harbor.domain/library/my-chart

Now you can push the chart to the Private Registry:

helm chart push core.harbor.domain/library/my-chart:version

Go to the Helm web UI and you can see the chart located under library project.

Read more in the upstream documentation.

9.4 Using SUSE Private Registry in the Kubernetes Cluster

You can set up your Kubernetes Cluster to use your newly deployed SUSE Private Registry as a source of Images. Read more about using SUSE Private Registry for 4 cluster. Following setup is based on Specifying ImagePullSecrets on a Pod section.

  1. Copy your generated CA certificate to all nodes of Kubernetes cluster so that container daemons trust it when pulling images from the private registry. It’s possible to install them to the configuration directory specific to the container engine you are using, e.g. /etc/docker/certs.d/ for docker.

    Or copy them system-wide - repeat this for all your Kubernetes nodes:

    scp harbor.ca root@$kubernetes_node:
    ssh root@$kubernetes_node
    cp harbor.ca /usr/share/pki/trust/anchors/
    systemctl restart crio

    Notice that example above is restarting CRI-Oo service which is the container engine used by SUSE CaaS Platform.

  2. Create a Secret of docker-registry type. Use the right own values for docker-server and docker-password, so that they match your environment:

    kubectl create secret docker-registry registrycred --docker-server=core.harbor.domain --docker-username=admin --docker-password=Harbor12345

    Now, you can create pods which reference newly created registrycred secret by adding an imagePullSecrets section to a Pod definition. Like this:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: foo
      - name: foo
        image: core.harbor.domain/library/hello-world:latest
      - name: registrycred
  3. Save the code above into some yaml file, e.g. hello-pod.yaml and create the new pod that pulls the image from your private registry:

    kubectl apply -f hello-pod.yaml

It is possible to add ImagePullSecrets to a service account, so it is not necessary to pass it to each Pod. Read about it in the upstream documentation.

9.5 Vulnerability Scanning

SUSE Private Registry provides static analysis of vulnerabilities in images through the Open Source project Trivy. No other scanners are supported.

Trivy is enabled by default when deploying the Helm chart and can be disabled by editing the harbor-values.yaml before deployment:

  # enabled the flag to enable Trivy scanner
  enabled: true

Log in to the Harbor interface with an account that has at least project administrator privileges. To see the vulnerabilities detected in repository artifacts, click the Repositories tab and then click on a repository. For each artifact in the repository, the Vulnerabilities column displays the vulnerability scanning status and related information.

registry harbor vulnerability scanning

To run a vulnerability scan, select the artifacts to scan and then click the Scan button. You can optionally select the checkbox at the top to select all artifacts in the repository.

Read more about vulnerability scanning in the upstream documentation.

9.6 Image Signing

By default, Notary, the solution for managing the content trust is installed and enabled when Harbor is installed using the Helm chart. This allows users to store signed images in SUSE Private Registry, and in turn they have the option to use only signed images from the client applications.

To use command line tools together with the Notary signing support in Harbor:

  1. Enable Docker Content Trust

    Set these environment variables on your client:

    export DOCKER_CONTENT_TRUST_SERVER=https://<notary_fqdn>

    When DOCKER_CONTENT_TRUST variable is set to 1, you cannot pull unsigned images from any sources. So for the time you want to pull some unsigned image (so you can push it signed into your local registry), it’s necessary to unset the variable, or set its value to 0.

  2. Make sure your certificates are correctly installed on your system. Refer to: Section 7, “Transport Layer Security (TLS) Setup”.

  3. Push a signed Image to the private registry

    > export DOCKER_CONTENT_TRUST_SERVER=https://notary.harbor.domain
    > docker push core.harbor.domain/library/alpine:latest
    The push refers to repository [core.harbor.domain/library/alpine]
    50644c29ef5a: Pushed
    latest: digest: sha256:a15790640a6690aa1730c38cf0a440e2aa44aaca9b0e8931a9f2b0d7cc90fd65 size: 528
    Signing and pushing trust metadata
    You are about to create a new root signing key passphrase. This passphrase
    will be used to protect the most sensitive key in your signing system. Please
    choose a long, complex passphrase and be careful to keep the password and the
    key file itself secure and backed up. It is highly recommended that you use a
    password manager to generate the passphrase and keep it safe. There will be no
    way to recover this key. You can find the key in your config directory.
    Enter passphrase for new root key with ID a69b97e:
    Repeat passphrase for new root key with ID a69b97e:
    Enter passphrase for new repository key with ID 5419081:
    Repeat passphrase for new repository key with ID 5419081:
    Finished initializing "core.harbor.domain/library/alpine"
    Successfully signed core.harbor.domain/library/alpine:latest

    You will be asked for the passhprases for a new root and new repository key. The root key only need to be set once.

  4. Log into Harbor Portal UI, browse to the image you have just pushed and you will see an icon indicating that the image is signed

    registry harbor notary signed image

9.7 Using SUSE Private Registry as a Proxy Cache

You can set up SUSE Private Registry to act as a caching proxy for other private or public registries. When used with Docker Hub for example, this can greatly reduce the impact that Docker Hub’s rate limiting policy can have on your workload.


Currently, the proxy cache feature can only be used with Docker Hub and other Harbor registries.

Log in to the Harbor interface with an account that has administrator privileges. First, you need to configure the remote registry as a registry endpoint under the Registries tab.

registry harbor add registry endpoint

The proxy cache feature can be enabled at project level, when a new project is created. Enabling the Proxy Cache box and selecting the previously created registry endpointcauses the project to act as a caching proxy for all images pulled from the project.

registry harbor add proxy cache project

Read more about the proxy cache feature in the upstream documentation.

10 Appendix

10.1 Glossary


Azure Kubernetes Service


Azure Load Balancer OR Amazon Application Load Balancer


Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service


Persistent Volume Claim. Refer to: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#lifecycle-of-a-volume-and-claim

10.2 Limitations

  • Once an authentication method is chosen and a user other than admin is added, the authentication method can not be changed without deploying a completely fresh registry.

  • High availability and scalability are not available for the internal redis and database components. Use external database and redis services to compensate this limitation.

  • Internal TLS can be enabled to secure internal connections between the SUSE Private Registry components. This doesn’t currently cover the internal database and internal redis components.

  • Securing connections to the external Redis with TLS/SSL is currently not supported.

  • Accuracy of the Image scanning using Trivy might be limited.

  • GPG signing for OCI artifacts is currently not supported. The only method for signing OCI artifacts is TUF (The Update Framework), provided by the Notary component.

10.3 Supported Deployment Scenarios

For an exhaustive list of Helm chart deployment options, please consult the documentation included in the helm chart, by running e.g.:

# download the chart from public registry
helm chart pull registry.suse.com/harbor/harbor:1.5
# export the chart to local directory
helm chart export registry.suse.com/harbor/harbor:1.5
# show the chart information
helm show readme harbor

The following table lists the Helm chart deployment options officially supported by the SUSE Private Registry 2.1 release.

Table 1: Supported deployment options
Deployment OptionValues Supported by HarborSupported by SUSE Private Registry?Description

Deployment tool

Helm chart (helm v3)


K8s distribution

SUSE CaaS Platform v4.2

Supported Kubernetes distributions on top of which the registry can be deployed as a helm chart.

SUSE CaaS Platform v4.5

AKS (Azure K8s Services)

EKS (Amazon)

K3s (Rancher)

RKE2 (Rancher)

Registry Image / Chart Storage Backend


Back-ends supported for storing registry objects such as container images and helm charts.

Azure Blob Storage




Options available for exposing the Harbor public APIs (UI, harbor core API and notary API).




Ingress controllers

SUSE NGINX Ingress Controller (SUSE CaaS Platform v4.5)

Ingress controllers for providing ingresses to expose services.

Kubernetes ingress nginx (AKS, EKS)


Traefik Ingress Controller (K3s)


External TLS

TLS can be enabled for securing the connection between the harbor services (internal) as well as between its consumers (external). The certificates can be generated by the helm chart or provided in advance.

Internal TLS

Database service


Database used by Harbor. Can be deployed internally by the Harbor helm chart or can be configured to consume an external database.


External database service

Amazon RDS/PostgreSQL

Managed postgresql database services that can be configured as an external database service for Harbor.

Azure Database for PostgreSQL

Redis service


In-memory cache used by Harbor. Can be deployed internally by the Harbor helm chart or can be configured to consume an external redis service.


External redis service

Amazon ElastiCache for Redis

Managed redis cache services that can be configured as an external redis service for Harbor.

Azure Cache for Redis

SUSE redis-ha operator

Persistent Block Storage


Persistent storage can be enabled/disabled for the harbor stateful services:

  • Database (internal)

  • Redis (internal)

  • Registry (when using the filesystem backend)

  • Jobservice

  • Trivy

The registry can be deployed without persistent storage, e.g. for evaluation purposes, but this deployment option is not supported.


Persistent Block Storage Backends

Azure Managed Disks (RWO)

Kubernetes storage backend used to provide persistent storage support.


A Kubernetes storage class with RWM (ReadWriteMany) capabilities is required to deploy SUSE Private Registry in full HA mode. Alternatively, a storage class with RWO (ReadWriteOnce) capabilities can be used to deploy the SUSE Private Registry with partial HA. Refer to Section 3, “High Availability” for more details.

† for Kubernetes storage classes supported for SUSE CaaS Platform v4.5, consult the relevant documentation at: https://documentation.suse.com/suse-caasp/4.5/html/caasp-admin/_storage.html

Azure Files (RWM)

Amazon EBS (RWO)

Amazon EFS (RWM)

SUSE CaaS Platform v4.5 supported storage backends †

Update Strategy


Registry configuration update and upgrade strategy, delivered via Helm:

  • RollingUpdate: Ensures overall minimal service downtime during a helm upgrade operation by activating the rolling update feature for all registry components that support it. This requires a Kubernetes storage class with RWM (ReadWriteMany) support to be used for registry services that need shared persistent storage (jobservice and docker-registry).

  • Recreate: Use this strategy when a Kubernetes storage class with RWM (ReadWriteMany) support isn’t available. It selectively disables the rolling update feature for registry components that need shared persistent storage (jobservice and docker-registry), resulting in increased service downtime during configuration update and upgrade operations.


The possibility to use RollingUpdate strategy depends on the Persistent Volume configuration. If the persistent volumes do not support ReadWriteMany access, using the RollingUpdate strategy will result in failure.




A proxy can be configured for replicating artifacts from/to the registries that cannot be reached directly


High Availability for Stateless components


To achieve true HA, the number of replicas for each component needs to be set to 2 or more. This can easily be done for stateless components, however for some stateful components (jobservice and docker-registry), a persistent block storage backend that supports the ReadWriteMany access mode is needed to provide shared persistent storage.


HA for the internal database and internal redis is not supported by Harbor. External database and redis services with HA support should be use to complement the HA features supported for the other components.




High Availability for Stateful components




internal database

internal redis

10.4 Supported Features

Table 2: Supported Features
Harbor FeatureDescriptionFeature SpecificsNotesSupported by SUSE Private Registry

User Authentication & Authorization

Supported backends for user authentication and authorization.




To change the authentication mode from database to LDAP, OIDC or UAA no local users should be registered to the database. If there is at least one user other than admin in the Harbor database, it is not possible to change the authentication mode.



Access to resources are controlled using RBAC where the following roles can applied to users

Limited Guest

  • Can pull images but cannot push

  • Cannot see logs or the other members of a project


  • Can pull and retag images, but cannot push

  • Read-only privilege for a specified project


  • Read and write privileges for a project


  • Same as Developer plus can scan images, view replications jobs, and delete images and helm charts


  • Same as Master plus some management privileges, such as adding and removing members

System Admin

  • Same as ProjectAdmin plus can also list all projects, set an ordinary user as administrator, delete users and set vulnerability scan policy for all images


  • Has no access to private projects

  • Has read-only access to public projects

A project contains all repositories of an application. Images cannot be pushed to Harbor before a project is created. RBAC is applied to projects, so that only users with the appropriate roles can perform certain operations.


Any user can pull images from this project. This is a convenient way for a user to share repositories with others.


Only users who are members of the project can pull images


Quotas are applied on projects to limit the amount of storage capacity that a project can consume.


Registry events such as pushing and deleting images are logged and available for querying by an ordinary user (project level) and an admin user (system level)


Logs can be filtered by:

  • Push only

  • Pull only

  • Pull and push

  • Delete only

  • All

  • Push and delete

  • Different date ranges

  • Date range and push


Labels can be created on different levels and assigned to images. Can be used for filtering


  • System admin can create/edit/delete

  • Available for all projects


  • Project admin can create/edit/delete

  • Available for a specific project

OCI Compliant Registry

The registry must support versioning, storing and distributing the following contents

Multi-architecture images

  • Requires experimental features enabled on the Docker client

  • Multi-arch images are created using the manifests feature

Container images


Helm charts

  • helm 2

  • helm 3

Cloud Native Application Bundles

  • CNAB is composed by a set of images and a manifest.

  • The registry must be able to understand how to present a CNAB

  • cnab-to-oci


  • A single or multiple files can be pushed/pulled to/from the registry

  • oras


Convey useful information about a specific image or chart version/variant. They are aliases to the ID of an image.


A repository can hold many objects (stored as tags)

Any client that is able to consume the OCI API can interact with the registry





Helm 2

Helm 2 is not OCI compatible.

Helm 3



Replication allows users to replicate resources (e.g. images and charts) between Harbor and non-Harbor registries, in both pull or push mode.

SUSE Registry


Docker Hub


Docker Registry


Content Trust

The registry must provide the ability to use digital signatures to allow client-side or runtime verification of the integrity and publisher of specific images.

Signed Images

Publishers can sign their images and image consumers can ensure that the images they pull are signed

Project Level Trust

Projects with content trust enable does not allow pulling unsigned images

Image Vulnerability Scanning

Provides static analysis of vulnerabilities in images through the following open source projects or other compatible scanners (Anchore, CSP, DoSec)





Artifacts subject to a CVE might not be permitted to run. CVEs whitelists enable the scanner to ignore those CVEs

CVE Whitelists


Garbage Collection

Deleted images does not automatically free up space. Garbage collection must be executed to free up space by removing blobs that are no longer referenced by a manifest from the file system


While it is running Harbor goes into read-only mode. All modifications to the registry are prohibited.

Tag Policies

As a Harbor system administrator, it is possible to define rules that govern how many artifacts of a given repository to retain, or for how long to retain certain artifacts.

Harbor also allows the creation of tag immutability rules at the project level, so that artifacts with certain tags cannot be pushed into Harbor if their tags match existing tags


Rules that govern how many artifacts of a given repository to retain, or for how long to retain certain artifacts.


Artifacts with certain tags cannot be pushed into Harbor if their tags match existing tags. This prevents existing artifacts from being overwritten. Tag immutability guarantees that an immutable tagged artifact cannot be deleted, and also cannot be altered in any way such as through re-pushing, re-tagging, or replication from another target registry.

Robot Accounts

Robot accounts can be used to run automated operations. Robot accounts have the following limitations:

  • Robot accounts cannot log in to the Harbor interface.

  • Robot accounts can only perform operations by using the Docker and Helm CLIs.



Webhooks allows the integration of Harbor with other tools to streamline continuous integration and development processes by sending notifications based on certain events that occur in the project


Webhook notifications provide information about events in JSON format and are delivered by HTTP or HTTPS POST


10.5 Authors

  • Boris Bobrov, System Engineer, SUSE

  • Christian Almeida de Oliveira, System Engineer, SUSE

  • Dirk Müller, Distinguished Engineer, SUSE

  • Markus Napp, Senior Technical Writer SUSE CaaS Platform, SUSE

  • Stefan Nica, System Engineer, SUSE

  • Flávio Ramalho, System Engineer, SUSE

  • Robert Simai, Engineering Manager, SUSE

  • Jiří Suchomel, SUSE OpenStack Cloud Engineer, SUSE

12 GNU Free Documentation License

Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.


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This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that derivative works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft license designed for free software.

We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free software, because free software needs free documentation: a free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.


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  7. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections and required Cover Texts given in the Document’s license notice.

  8. Include an unaltered copy of this License.

  9. Preserve the section Entitled "History", Preserve its Title, and add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If there is no section Entitled "History" in the Document, create one stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified Version as stated in the previous sentence.

  10. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document for public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise the network locations given in the Document for previous versions it was based on. These may be placed in the "History" section. You may omit a network location for a work that was published at least four years before the Document itself, or if the original publisher of the version it refers to gives permission.

  11. For any section Entitled "Acknowledgements" or "Dedications", Preserve the Title of the section, and preserve in the section all the substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements and/or dedications given therein.

  12. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document, unaltered in their text and in their titles. Section numbers or the equivalent are not considered part of the section titles.

  13. Delete any section Entitled "Endorsements". Such a section may not be included in the Modified Version.

  14. Do not retitle any existing section to be Entitled "Endorsements" or to conflict in title with any Invariant Section.

  15. Preserve any Warranty Disclaimers.

If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all of these sections as invariant. To do this, add their titles to the list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version’s license notice. These titles must be distinct from any other section titles.

You may add a section Entitled "Endorsements", provided it contains nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various parties—​for example, statements of peer review or that the text has been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a standard.

You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or through arrangements made by) any one entity. If the Document already includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit permission from the previous publisher that added the old one.

The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this License give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or imply endorsement of any Modified Version.


You may combine the Document with other documents released under this License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and list them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its license notice, and that you preserve all their Warranty Disclaimers.

The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but different contents, make the title of each such section unique by adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number. Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work.

In the combination, you must combine any sections Entitled "History" in the various original documents, forming one section Entitled "History"; likewise combine any sections Entitled "Acknowledgements", and any sections Entitled "Dedications". You must delete all sections Entitled "Endorsements".


You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other documents released under this License, and replace the individual copies of this License in the various documents with a single copy that is included in the collection, provided that you follow the rules of this License for verbatim copying of each of the documents in all other respects.

You may extract a single document from such a collection, and distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert a copy of this License into the extracted document, and follow this License in all other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document.


A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separate and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an "aggregate" if the copyright resulting from the compilation is not used to limit the legal rights of the compilation’s users beyond what the individual works permit. When the Document is included in an aggregate, this License does not apply to the other works in the aggregate which are not themselves derivative works of the Document.

If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one half of the entire aggregate, the Document’s Cover Texts may be placed on covers that bracket the Document within the aggregate, or the electronic equivalent of covers if the Document is in electronic form. Otherwise they must appear on printed covers that bracket the whole aggregate.


Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4. Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special permission from their copyright holders, but you may include translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may include a translation of this License, and all the license notices in the Document, and any Warranty Disclaimers, provided that you also include the original English version of this License and the original versions of those notices and disclaimers. In case of a disagreement between the translation and the original version of this License or a notice or disclaimer, the original version will prevail.

If a section in the Document is Entitled "Acknowledgements", "Dedications", or "History", the requirement (section 4) to Preserve its Title (section 1) will typically require changing the actual title.


You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document except as expressly provided for under this License. Any other attempt to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.


The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/.

Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number. If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation.

ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents

Copyright (c) YEAR YOUR NAME.
   Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
   under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2
   or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
   with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts.
   A copy of the license is included in the section entitled “GNU
   Free Documentation License”.

If you have Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts and Back-Cover Texts, replace the “ with…​Texts.” line with this:

with the Invariant Sections being LIST THEIR TITLES, with the
   Front-Cover Texts being LIST, and with the Back-Cover Texts being LIST.

If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other combination of the three, merge those two alternatives to suit the situation.

If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of free software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to permit their use in free software.