This guide is intended for administrators who need to set up, configure, and maintain clusters with SUSE® Linux Enterprise High Availability. For quick and efficient configuration and administration, the product includes both a graphical user interface and a command line interface (CLI). For performing key tasks, both approaches are covered in this guide. Thus, you can choose the appropriate tool that matches your needs.
- Preface
- I Installation and setup
- II Configuration and administration
- 5 Configuration and administration basics
- 6 Configuring cluster resources
- 6.1 Types of resources
- 6.2 Supported resource agent classes
- 6.3 Timeout values
- 6.4 Creating primitive resources
- 6.5 Creating resource groups
- 6.6 Creating clone resources
- 6.7 Creating promotable clones (multi-state resources)
- 6.8 Creating resource templates
- 6.9 Creating STONITH resources
- 6.10 Configuring resource monitoring
- 6.11 Loading resources from a file
- 6.12 Resource options (meta attributes)
- 6.13 Instance attributes (parameters)
- 6.14 Resource operations
- 7 Configuring resource constraints
- 7.1 Types of constraints
- 7.2 Scores and infinity
- 7.3 Resource templates and constraints
- 7.4 Adding location constraints
- 7.5 Adding colocation constraints
- 7.6 Adding order constraints
- 7.7 Using resource sets to define constraints
- 7.8 Specifying resource failover nodes
- 7.9 Specifying resource failback nodes (resource stickiness)
- 7.10 Placing resources based on their load impact
- 7.11 For more information
- 8 Managing cluster resources
- 9 Managing services on remote hosts
- 10 Adding or modifying resource agents
- 11 Monitoring clusters
- 12 Fencing and STONITH
- 13 Storage protection and SBD
- 13.1 Conceptual overview
- 13.2 Overview of manually setting up SBD
- 13.3 Requirements and restrictions
- 13.4 Number of SBD devices
- 13.5 Calculation of timeouts
- 13.6 Setting up the watchdog
- 13.7 Setting up SBD with devices
- 13.8 Setting up diskless SBD
- 13.9 Testing SBD and fencing
- 13.10 Additional mechanisms for storage protection
- 13.11 Changing SBD configuration
- 13.12 For more information
- 14 QDevice and QNetd
- 15 Access control lists
- 16 Network device bonding
- 17 Load balancing
- 18 High Availability for virtualization
- 19 Geo clusters (multi-site clusters)
- III Storage and data replication
- IV Maintenance and upgrade
- 28 Executing maintenance tasks
- 28.1 Preparing and finishing maintenance work
- 28.2 Different options for maintenance tasks
- 28.3 Putting the cluster into maintenance mode
- 28.4 Stopping the cluster services for the whole cluster
- 28.5 Putting a node into maintenance mode
- 28.6 Putting a node into standby mode
- 28.7 Stopping the cluster services on a node
- 28.8 Putting a resource into maintenance mode
- 28.9 Putting a resource into unmanaged mode
- 28.10 Rebooting a cluster node while in maintenance mode
- 29 Upgrading your cluster and updating software packages
- 28 Executing maintenance tasks
- V Appendix
- Glossary
- E GNU licenses
- 1.1 Three-server cluster
- 1.2 Three-server cluster after one server fails
- 1.3 Typical Fibre Channel cluster configuration
- 1.4 Typical iSCSI cluster configuration
- 1.5 Typical cluster configuration without shared storage
- 1.6 Architecture
- 4.1 YaST —multicast configuration
- 4.2 YaST —unicast configuration
- 4.3 YaST —security
- 4.4 YaST
— - 4.5 YaST —services
- 4.6 YaST —Csync2
- 5.1 Hawk2—cluster configuration
- 5.2 Hawk2—wizard for Apache web server
- 5.3 Hawk2 batch mode activated
- 5.4 Hawk2 batch mode—injected invents and configuration changes
- 6.1 Hawk2—primitive resource
- 6.2 Group resource
- 6.3 Hawk2—resource group
- 6.4 Hawk2—clone resource
- 6.5 Hawk2—STONITH resource
- 6.6 Operation values
- 6.7 Hawk2—resource details
- 7.1 Hawk2—location constraint
- 7.2 Hawk2—colocation constraint
- 7.3 Hawk2—order constraint
- 7.4 Hawk2—two resource sets in a colocation constraint
- 7.5 Hawk2: meta attributes for resource failover
- 7.6 Hawk2: meta attributes for resource failback
- 7.7 Hawk2: edit node utilization attributes
- 8.1 Hawk2—editing a primitive resource
- 8.2 Hawk2—tag
- 11.1 Hawk2—cluster status
- 11.2 Hawk2 dashboard with one cluster site (
) - 11.3 Hawk2 add cluster details
- 11.4 Recent events table
- 11.5 Hawk2—history explorer main view
- 11.6 Hawk2 report details
- 15.1 Hawk2 Create Role
- 17.1 YaST IP load balancing—global parameters
- 17.2 YaST IP load balancing—virtual services
- 21.1 Hawk2 summary screen of OCFS2 CIB changes
- 23.1 Position of DRBD within Linux
- 23.2 Resource configuration
- 23.3 Resource stacking
- 23.4 Showing a good connection by
- 23.5 Showing a bad connection by
- 24.1 Setup of a shared disk with Cluster LVM
- 26.1 Structure of a CTDB cluster
- 29.1 Overview of supported upgrade paths
- 5.1 Excerpt of Corosync configuration for a two-node cluster
- 5.2 Excerpt of Corosync configuration for an n-node cluster
- 5.3 A simple crmsh shell script
- 6.1 Resource group for a web server
- 7.1 A resource set for location constraints
- 7.2 A chain of colocated resources
- 7.3 A chain of ordered resources
- 7.4 A chain of ordered resources expressed as resource set
- 7.5 Migration threshold—process flow
- 7.6 Creating resource agents for KVM with
disabled - 7.7 Creating resource agents for Xen with
disabled - 9.1 Configuring resources for monitoring plug-ins
- 12.1 Configuration of an IBM RSA lights-out device
- 12.2 Configuration of a UPS fencing device
- 12.3 Configuration of a Kdump device
- 13.1 Formula for timeout calculation
- 14.1 Status of QDevice
- 14.2 Status of QNetd server
- 15.1 Excerpt of a cluster configuration in XML
- 17.1 Simple ldirectord configuration
- 23.1 Configuration of a three-node stacked DRBD resource
- 27.1 Using an NFS server to store the file backup
- 27.2 Backing up Btrfs subvolumes with
- 27.3 Using third-party backup tools like EMC NetWorker
- 27.4 Backing up multipath devices
- 27.5 Booting your system with UEFI
- 27.6 Creating a recovery system with a basic
backup - 27.7 Creating a recovery system with a third-party backup
- A.1 Stopped resources
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