Applies to HPE Helion OpenStack 8

6 Boot from SAN and Multipath Configuration

6.1 Introduction

For information about supported hardware for multipathing, see Book “Planning an Installation with Cloud Lifecycle Manager”, Chapter 2 “Hardware and Software Support Matrix”, Section 2.2 “Supported Hardware Configurations”.


When exporting a LUN to a node for boot from SAN, you should ensure that LUN 0 is assigned to the LUN and configure any setup dialog that is necessary in the firmware to consume this LUN 0 for OS boot.


Any hosts that are connected to 3PAR storage must have a host persona of 2-generic-alua set on the 3PAR. Refer to the 3PAR documentation for the steps necessary to check this and change if necessary.

iSCSI boot from SAN is not supported. For more information on the use of Cinder with multipath, see Section 23.1.3, “Multipath Support”.

To allow HPE Helion OpenStack 8 to use volumes from a SAN, you have to specify configuration options for both the installation and the OS configuration phase. In all cases, the devices that are utilized are devices for which multipath is configured.

6.2 Install Phase Configuration

For FC connected nodes and for FCoE nodes where the network processor used is from the Emulex family such as for the 650FLB, the following changes need to be made.

  1. In each stanza of the servers.yml insert a line stating boot-from-san: true

    - id: controller2
          role: CONTROLLER-ROLE
          server-group: RACK2
          nic-mapping: HP-DL360-4PORT

    This uses the disk /dev/mapper/mpatha as the default device on which to install the OS.

  2. In the disk input models, specify the devices that will be used via their multipath names (which will be of the form /dev/mapper/mpatha, /dev/mapper/mpathb, etc.).

          - name: ardana-vg
              # NOTE: 'sda_root' is a templated value. This value is checked in
              # os-config and replaced by the partition actually used on sda
              #for example sda1 or sda5
              - /dev/mapper/mpatha_root
          - name: vg-comp
              - /dev/mapper/mpathb

Instead of using Cobbler, you need to provision a baremetal node manually using the following procedure.

  1. Assign a static IP to the node.

    1. Use the ip addr command to list active network interfaces on your system:

      1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
          link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
          inet scope host lo
             valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
          inet6 ::1/128 scope host
             valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
      2: eno1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP qlen 1000
          link/ether f0:92:1c:05:89:70 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
          inet brd scope global eno1
             valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
          inet6 fe80::f292:1cff:fe05:8970/64 scope link
             valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
      3: eno2: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP qlen 1000
          link/ether f0:92:1c:05:89:74 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    2. Identify the network interface that matches the MAC address of your server and edit the corresponding configuration file in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts. For example, for the eno1 interface, open the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eno1 file and edit IPADDR and NETMASK values to match your environment. Note that the IPADDR is used in the corresponding stanza in servers.yml. You may also need to set BOOTPROTO to none:

    3. Reboot the SLES node and ensure that it can be accessed from the Cloud Lifecycle Manager.

  2. Add the ardana user and home directory:

    root # useradd -m -d /var/lib/ardana -U ardana
  3. Allow the user ardana to run sudo without a password by creating the /etc/sudoers.d/ardana file with the following configuration:

  4. When you start installation using the Cloud Lifecycle Manager, or if you are adding a SLES node to an existing cloud, you need to copy the Cloud Lifecycle Manager public key to the SLES node to enable passwordless SSH access. One way of doing this is to copy the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys from another node in the cloud to the same location on the SLES node. If you are installing a new cloud, this file will be available on the nodes after running the bm-reimage.yml playbook. Ensure that there is global read access to the file /var/lib/ardana/.ssh/authorized_keys.

    Use the following command to test passwordless SSH from the deployer and check the ability to remotely execute sudo commands:

    ssh stack@SLES_NODE_IP "sudo tail -5 /var/log/messages"

6.2.1 Deploying the Cloud

  1. Run the configuration processor:

    tux > cd ~/openstack/ardana/ansible
    ardana > ansible-playbook -i hosts/localhost config-processor-run.yml

    For automated installation, you can specify the required parameters. For example, the following command disables encryption by the configuration processor:

        ansible-playbook -i hosts/localhost config-processor-run.yml \
        -e encrypt="" -e rekey=""
  2. Use the following playbook below to create a deployment directory:

    tux > cd ~/openstack/ardana/ansible
    ardana > ansible-playbook -i hosts/localhost ready-deployment.yml
  3. To ensure that all existing non-OS partitions on the nodes are wiped prior to installation, you need to run the wipe_disks.yml playbook. The wipe_disks.yml playbook is only meant to be run on systems immediately after running bm-reimage.yml. If used for any other case, it may not wipe all of the expected partitions.

    This step is not required if you are using clean machines.

    Before you run the wipe_disks.yml playbook, you need to make the following changes in the deployment directory.

    • In the ~/scratch/ansible/next/ardana/ansible/roles/diskconfig/tasks/get_disk_info.yml file, locate the following line:

      shell: ls -1 /dev/mapper/ | grep "mpath" | grep -v {{ wipe_disks_skip_partition }}$ | grep -v {{ wipe_disks_skip_partition }}[0-9]

      Replace it with:

      shell: ls -1 /dev/mapper/ | grep "mpath"  | grep -v {{ wipe_disks_skip_partition }}$ | grep -v {{ wipe_disks_skip_partition }}[0-9] | grep -v {{ wipe_disks_skip_partition }}_part[0-9]
    • In the ~/scratch/ansible/next/ardana/ansible/roles/multipath/tasks/install.yml file, set the multipath_user_friendly_names variable value to yes for all occurrences.

    Run the wipe_disks.yml playbook:

    tux > cd ~/scratch/ansible/next/ardana/ansible
    ardana > ansible-playbook -i hosts/verb_hosts wipe_disks.yml

    If you have used an encryption password when running the configuration processor, use the command below, and enter the encryption password when prompted:

    ardana > ansible-playbook -i hosts/verb_hosts wipe_disks.yml --ask-vault-pass
  4. Run the site.yml playbook:

    tux > cd ~/scratch/ansible/next/ardana/ansible
    ardana > ansible-playbook -i hosts/verb_hosts site.yml

    If you have used an encryption password when running the configuration processor, use the command below, and enter the encryption password when prompted:

    ansible-playbook -i hosts/verb_hosts site.yml --ask-vault-pass

    The step above runs osconfig to configure the cloud and ardana-deploy to deploy the cloud. Depending on the number of nodes, this step may take considerable time to complete.

6.3 QLogic FCoE restrictions and additional configurations

If you are using network cards such as Qlogic Flex Fabric 536 and 630 series, there are additional OS configuration steps to support the importation of LUNs as well as some restrictions on supported configurations.

The restrictions are:

  • Only one network card can be enabled in the system.

  • The FCoE interfaces on this card are dedicated to FCoE traffic. They cannot have IP addresses associated with them.

  • NIC mapping cannot be used.

In addition to the configuration options above, you also need to specify the FCoE interfaces for install and for os configuration. There are 3 places where you need to add additional configuration options for fcoe-support:

  • In servers.yml, which is used for configuration of the system during OS install, FCoE interfaces need to be specified for each server. In particular, the mac addresses of the FCoE interfaces need to be given, not the symbolic name (for example, eth2).

        - id: compute1
          role: COMPUTE-ROLE
          server-group: RACK2
          mac-addr: 6c:c2:17:33:4c:a0
          ilo-user: linuxbox
          ilo-password: linuxbox123
          boot-from-san: True
             - 6c:c2:17:33:4c:a1
             - 6c:c2:17:33:4c:a9

    NIC mapping cannot be used.

  • For the osconfig phase, you will need to specify the fcoe-interfaces as a peer of network-interfaces in the net_interfaces.yml file:

            - name: fcoe
                 - eth2
                 - eth3
            - name: eth0
                  name: eth0
                - EXTERNAL-API
                - EXTERNAL-VM
                - GUEST
                - MANAGEMENT

    The MAC addresses specified in the fcoe-interfaces stanza in servers.yml must correspond to the symbolic names used in the fcoe-interfaces stanza in net_interfaces.yml.

    Also, to satisfy the FCoE restriction outlined in Section 6.3, “QLogic FCoE restrictions and additional configurations” above, there can be no overlap between the devices in fcoe-interfaces and those in network-interfaces in the net_interfaces.yml file. In the example, eth2 and eth3 are fcoe-interfaces while eth0 is in network-interfaces.

  • As part of the initial install from an iso, additional parameters need to be supplied on the kernel command line:

    multipath=true partman-fcoe/interfaces=<mac address1>,<mac address2> disk-detect/fcoe/enable=true --- quiet

Since NIC mapping is not used to guarantee order of the networks across the system the installer will remap the network interfaces in a deterministic fashion as part of the install. As part of the installer dialogue, if DHCP is not configured for the interface, it is necessary to confirm that the appropriate interface is assigned the ip address. The network interfaces may not be at the names expected when installing via an ISO. When you are asked to apply an IP address to an interface, press AltF2 and in the console window, run the command ip a to examine the interfaces and their associated MAC addresses. Make a note of the interface name with the expected MAC address and use this in the subsequent dialog. Press AltF1 to return to the installation screen. You should note that the names of the interfaces may have changed after the installation completes. These names are used consistently in any subsequent operations.

Therefore, even if FCoE is not used for boot from SAN (for example for cinder), then it is recommended that fcoe-interfaces be specified as part of install (without the multipath or disk detect options). Alternatively, you need to run osconfig-fcoe-reorder.yml before site.yml or osconfig-run.yml is invoked to reorder the networks in a similar manner to the installer. In this case, the nodes will need to be manually rebooted for the network reorder to take effect. Run osconfig-fcoe-reorder.yml in the following scenarios:

  • If you have used a third-party installer to provision your bare-metal nodes

  • If you are booting from a local disk (that is one that is not presented from the SAN) but you want to use FCoE later, for example, for cinder.

To run the command:

cd ~/scratch/ansible/next/ardana/ansible
ansible-playbook -i hosts/verb_hosts osconfig-fcoe-reorder.yml

If you do not run osconfig-fcoe-reorder.yml, you will encounter a failure in osconfig-run.yml.

If you are booting from a local disk, the LUNs that will be imported over FCoE will not be visible before site.yml or osconfig-run.yml has been run. However, if you need to import the LUNs before this, for instance, in scenarios where you need to run wipe_disks.yml (run this only after first running bm-reimage.yml), then you can run the fcoe-enable playbook across the nodes in question. This will configure FCoE and import the LUNs presented to the nodes.

cd ~/openstack/ardana/ansible
ansible-playbook -i hosts/verb_hosts fcoe-enable.yml

6.4 Red Hat Compute Host for FCoE

When installing a Red Hat compute host, the names of the network interfaces will have names like ens1f2 rather than eth2 therefore a separate role and associated network-interfaces and fcoe-interfaces descriptions will have to be provided in the input model for the Red Hat compute hosts. Here are some excerpts highlighting the changes required:


        - name: fcoe
             - ens1f2
             - ens1f3
        - name: ens1f0
              name: ens1f0
            - EXTERNAL-VM
            - GUEST
            - MANAGEMENT


        - name: rhel-compute
          resource-prefix: rhcomp
          server-role: RHEL-COMPUTE-ROLE
          allocation-policy: any
          min-count: 0
            - ntp-client
            - nova-compute
            - nova-compute-kvm
            - neutron-l3-agent
            - neutron-metadata-agent
            - neutron-openvswitch-agent
            - neutron-lbaasv2-agent


      interface-model: RHEL-COMPUTE-INTERFACES
      disk-model: COMPUTE-DISKS


    - id: QlogicFCoE-Cmp2
      server-group: RACK2
      mac-addr: "6c:c2:17:33:4c:a0"
      ilo-password: linuxbox123
      ilo-user: linuxbox
      boot-from-san: True
         - 6c:c2:17:33:4c:a1
         - 6c:c2:17:33:4c:a9

6.5 Installing the HPE Helion OpenStack 8 ISO for Nodes That Support Boot From SAN

  1. During manual installation of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3, select the desired SAN disk and create an LVM partitioning scheme that meets HPE Helion OpenStack requirements, that is it has an ardana-vg volume group and an ardana-vg-root logical volume. For further information on partitioning, see Section 3.3, “Partitioning”.

  2. After the installation is completed and the system is booted up, open the file /etc/multipath.conf and edit the defaults as follows:

    defaults {
        user_friendly_names yes
        bindings_file "/etc/multipath/bindings"
  3. Open the /etc/multipath/bindings file and map the expected device name to the SAN disk selected during installation. In HPE Helion OpenStack, the naming convention is mpatha, mpathb, and so on. For example:

    mpatha-part1    360000000030349030-part1
    mpatha-part2    360000000030349030-part2
    mpatha-part3    360000000030349030-part3
    mpathb-part1    360000000030349000-part1
    mpathb-part2    360000000030349000-part2
  4. Reboot the machine to enable the changes.

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