Applies to HPE Helion OpenStack 8

1 HPE Helion OpenStack®: Security Features Overview

1.1 Security features in HPE Helion OpenStack 8

Enterprises need protection against security breaches, insider threats, and operational issues that increase the risk to sensitive data. By combining technologies from both OpenStack services and Micro Focus Security–Data Security products, HPE Helion OpenStack 8 provides capabilities that help you protect your data at rest and in transit, enable centralized key management, and comply with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS).

In HPE Helion OpenStack 8, a number of security enhancements are available to strengthen and harden your cloud deployment. Below is an overview of some of the features and brief descriptions. Follow the links to the relevant topics for instructions on setup, configuration, and use of these security features.

1.2 Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Support for Neutron Networks

The RBAC feature in this release enables better security as administrators can now control who has access to specific networks. This is a significant improvement over the previous all-or-nothing approach to shared networks. This is beneficial from a security standpoint as some projects (or tenants) have stricter security policies. For example, a finance department must run PCI-compliant workloads in isolation from other departments, and thus cannot share their Neutron network resources. RBAC enables cloud admins to create granular security policies for sharing Neutron resources with one or more tenants or projects using the standard CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) model. More information can be found in Chapter 5, Role-Based Access Control in Neutron.

1.3 Separate Service Administrator Role

Each OpenStack service account now has an optional role available to restrict the OpenStack functions each account can access. This feature enables cloud administrators to apply service-specific role-based, admin-level access to a specific UserID, with the ability to audit admin-level actions. This functionality provides better security by not only providing full visibility into admin-level activities via audit logs, but also by fulfilling compliance requirements such as PCI DSS v3.1 standards. More information in Section 4.1, “Overview”.

1.4 Inter-service Password Enhancements

You can conveniently change the inter-service passwords used for authenticating communications between services in your HPE Helion OpenStack deployment, promoting better compliance with your organization’s security policies. The inter-service passwords that can be changed include (but are not limited to) Keystone, MariaDB, RabbitMQ, Cloud Lifecycle Manager, Monasca and Barbican. Admins can implement this feature by running the configuration processor to generate new passwords followed by Ansible playbook commands to change the credentials.

1.5 SELinux for KVM

SELinux (also known as Security-Enhanced Linux) provides enhanced security at the hypervisor layer on Compute Nodes by mitigating the risk of hypervisor attacks and strongly isolating the guest VMs. It enforces mandatory access control security policies for the Compute Nodes (svirt process) running KVM, thus reducing the risk of a hypervisor breakout. By providing a locked down profile for the KVM/QEMU processes that the guest VMs run in, it strongly isolates the guest VMs. With such strong security measures as SELinux, malicious attacks on VMs and the underlying host OS are much less possible. SELinux provides enhanced security for instances managed by libvirt. It does not, however, provide enhanced security for OpenStack processes.

1.6 Data In Transit Protection

With HPE Helion OpenStack 8, data transmission between internal API endpoints is encrypted using TLS v 1.2 to protect sensitive data against unauthorized disclosure and modification (spoofing and tampering attacks). Additionally, you can configure TLS using your own certificates, from a Certificate Authority of your choice, providing deployment flexibility. More at Section 7.2, “TLS Configuration”.

1.7 Data-at-Rest Protection Using Project-Based Encryption

You can encrypt sensitive data-at-rest on per tenant or project basis, while storing and managing keys externally and centrally using Enterprise Secure Key Manager (ESKM). This capability requires the Barbican API and OASIS KMIP (Key Management Interoperability Protocol) plug-ins for integration, and supports encryption of Cinder block storage with HPE Helion OpenStack 8. More information at Chapter 12, Data at Rest Encryption.

1.8 CADF-Compliant Security Audit Logs

Security audit logs for critical services such as Keystone, Nova, Cinder, Glance, Heat, Neutron, Barbican are available in a standard CADF (Cloud Audit Data Federation) format. These logs contain information on events such as unauthorized logins, admin level access, unsuccessful login attempts, and anomalous deletion of VMs that are critical from a security threat monitoring standpoint. Audit logs are useful as a tool for risk mitigation, identifying suspicious or anomalous activity, and for fulfilling compliance. For more information see Chapter 14, Security Audit Logs.

1.9 PCI Readiness

HPE Helion OpenStack 8 is PCI (Payment Card Industry) ready, enabling retail and finance industries that are subject to PCI compliance, to become certified. The readiness is based on lab assessment and verification conducted by an external audit firm, against the more than 250 security requirements specified in the PCI DSS (Data Security Standard) v3.1 standards document. Since HPE Helion OpenStack satisfies the requirements that fall under vendor responsibility, customers can proceed with their certification efforts with full confidence and peace of mind that HPE Helion OpenStack will not be a blocker.

1.10 Glance-API Rate Limit to Address CVE-2016-8611

No limits are enforced within the Glance service for both v1 and v2/images API POST method for authenticated users, resulting in possible denial of service through database table saturation. Further explanation and instructions for adding a rate-limiter are in Chapter 13, Glance-API Rate Limit (CVE-2016-8611).

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