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Si applica a SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability 15 SP6

10 Upgrading to the latest product version

For instructions on how to upgrade the cluster nodes, refer to Chapter 29, Upgrading your cluster and updating software packages. The chapter also describes which preparations to take before starting the upgrade process. It provides an overview of the supported upgrade paths and where to find the details for each step.

If you use an arbitrator outside of the cluster sites, upgrade the arbitrator as described in Procedura 10.1.

Procedura 10.1: Upgrading an arbitrator
  1. Perform an upgrade to the desired target version of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server and SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability as described in Chapter 29, Upgrading your cluster and updating software packages.

  2. Check if you have enabled the modules and extensions mentioned in Sezione 3, «Requisiti».

  3. Check if the booth package is installed:

    # zypper pa | grep booth
  4. If not, install it with:

    # zypper install booth