SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP6
This guide introduces the GNOME desktop of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.
Publication Date: March 20, 2025
- Preface
- I Introduction
- 1 Getting started with the GNOME desktop
- 2 Working with your desktop
- 2.1 Managing files and directories
- 2.2 Accessing removable media
- 2.3 Searching for files
- 2.4 Copying text between applications
- 2.5 Managing Internet connections
- 2.6 Exploring the Internet
- 2.7 E-mail and scheduling
- 2.8 Opening or creating documents with LibreOffice
- 2.9 Controlling your desktop’s power management
- 2.10 Creating, displaying, and decompressing archives
- 2.11 Taking screenshots
- 2.12 Viewing PDF files
- 2.13 Obtaining software updates
- 3 Customizing your settings
- 3.1 Changing the desktop background
- 3.2 Configuring language settings
- 3.3 Configuring the keyboard
- 3.4 Using XCompose to type special characters
- 3.5 Configuring Bluetooth settings
- 3.6 Configuring power settings
- 3.7 Configuring the mouse and touchpad
- 3.8 Installing and configuring printers
- 3.9 Configuring screens
- 3.10 Configuring sound settings
- 3.11 Setting default applications
- 3.12 Setting session sharing preferences
- 4 Assistive technologies
- II Connectivity, files and resources
- III LibreOffice
- IV Internet and communication
- V Graphics and multimedia
- A Help and documentation
- B GNU licenses
List of Figures
- 1.1 Default GNOME login screen
- 1.2 Default GNOME login screen—session type
- 1.3 GNOME desktop with activities overview
- 2.1 File manager
- 2.2 Archive manager
- 2.3 Document viewer
- 3.1 GNOME Background settings
- 3.2 Enabling the compose key in tweaks
- 3.3 settings dialog
- 3.4 Single monitor settings dialog
- 3.5 Configuring sound settings
- 3.6 Default applications
- 5.1 Network file browser
- 8.1 main window
- 9.1 Customization dialog in
- 9.2 The options window
- 10.1 A LibreOffice wizard
- 10.2 Styles panel
- 10.3 Navigator tool in
- 12.1 Mathematical formula in LibreOffice Math
- 13.1 The browser window of Firefox
- 13.2 Firefox—manage search engines
- 13.3 The Firefox bookmark library
- 13.4 The Firefox page info window
- 13.5 The preferences window
- 13.6 Installing Firefox extensions
- 14.1 Evolution window
- 16.1 Ekiga user interface
- 17.1 The toolbox
- 17.2 The basic color selector dialog
- 17.3 The print dialog
- 18.1 start-up window
- 18.2 general preferences
- 18.3 display preferences
- 18.4 audio preferences
- A.1 Main window of Help
List of Tables
List of Examples
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