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documentation.suse.com / Registering RHEL 8 or CentOS Linux 8 with RMT / Accessing the Source or Debug repositories
Applies to SUSE Multi-Linux Support

A Accessing the Source or Debug repositories

Mirroring the Source or Debug repositories and enabling them on your system is documented as part of Section 4, “Mirroring SUSE Multi-Linux Support repositories with RMT” and Section 5, “Registering RHEL or CentOS Linux with RMT”.

However, if your RHEL or CentOS Linux system is already registered with the RMT server and you just need to enable individual repositories, this section highlights the relevant steps.

  • The RMT server is installed and up to date.

  • The SUSE Multi-Linux Support 8 product is enabled on the RMT server.

  • Your RHEL or CentOS Linux system is registered with the RMT server.

Repositories must be mirrored on the RMT server before you can access them on your system. Source and Debug repositories are not mirrored by default. Use this procedure to mirror any additional repositories you need:

Procedure A.1: Mirroring additional repositories on the RMT server
  1. List the SUSE Multi-Linux Support 8 repositories:

    # rmt-cli repos list --all | grep RES[A-Z\-]8

    If the repositories you need already have the status Mirror, skip this procedure and go to Procedure A.2, “Enabling additional repositories on RHEL or CentOS Linux”.

  2. Enable the repositories using their four-digit repository ID. You can enable multiple repositories at once:

    # rmt-cli repos enable REPO_ID1 REPO_ID2 REPO_ID3
  3. Start package mirroring for the enabled repositories:

    # rmt-cli mirror

    This will take some time to complete.

After the repositories finish mirroring, use this procedure to enable them on your RHEL or CentOS Linux system:

Procedure A.2: Enabling additional repositories on RHEL or CentOS Linux
  1. List the available repositories:

    # dnf repolist all

    Be aware that all SUSE Multi-Linux Support 8 repositories are listed and can be enabled even if they are not mirrored on the RMT server. However, you can only download content from a repository if it is mirrored on the RMT server.

  2. Enable the repositories you need using their repo id. You can enable multiple repositories at once:

    # dnf config-manager --enable REPO_ID1 REPO_ID2 REPO_ID3
  3. Run the update command to make sure there are no errors:

    # dnf update

    If you enabled a repository that is not mirrored on the RMT server, you will see a 404 error.