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documentation.suse.com / Administration and Operations Guide
SUSE Enterprise Storage 7

Administration and Operations Guide

Authors: Tomáš Bažant, Alexandra Settle, and Liam Proven
Publication Date: 05 Feb 2025
List of Figures

Copyright © 2020–2025 SUSE LLC and contributors. All rights reserved.

Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC-BY-SA 4.0): https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode.

For SUSE trademarks, see http://www.suse.com/company/legal/. All third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Trademark symbols (®, ™ etc.) denote trademarks of SUSE and its affiliates. Asterisks (*) denote third-party trademarks.

All information found in this book has been compiled with utmost attention to detail. However, this does not guarantee complete accuracy. Neither SUSE LLC, its affiliates, the authors nor the translators shall be held liable for possible errors or the consequences thereof.

About this guide

This guide focuses on routine tasks that you as an administrator need to take care of after the basic Ceph cluster has been deployed (day 2 operations). It also describes all the supported ways to access data stored in a Ceph cluster.

SUSE Enterprise Storage 7 is an extension to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2. It combines the capabilities of the Ceph (http://ceph.com/) storage project with the enterprise engineering and support of SUSE. SUSE Enterprise Storage 7 provides IT organizations with the ability to deploy a distributed storage architecture that can support a number of use cases using commodity hardware platforms.

1 Available documentation

Note: Online documentation and latest updates

Documentation for our products is available at https://documentation.suse.com, where you can also find the latest updates, and browse or download the documentation in various formats. The latest documentation updates can be found in the English language version.

In addition, the product documentation is available in your installed system under /usr/share/doc/manual. It is included in an RPM package named ses-manual_LANG_CODE. Install it if it is not already on your system, for example:

# zypper install ses-manual_en

The following documentation is available for this product:

Deployment Guide

This guide focuses on deploying a basic Ceph cluster, and how to deploy additional services. It also cover the steps for upgrading to SUSE Enterprise Storage 7 from the previous product version.

Administration and Operations Guide

This guide focuses on routine tasks that you as an administrator need to take care of after the basic Ceph cluster has been deployed (day 2 operations). It also describes all the supported ways to access data stored in a Ceph cluster.

Security Hardening Guide

This guide focuses on how to ensure your cluster is secure.

Troubleshooting Guide

This guide takes you through various common problems when running SUSE Enterprise Storage 7 and other related issues to relevant components such as Ceph or Object Gateway.

SUSE Enterprise Storage for Windows Guide

This guide describes the integration, installation, and configuration of Microsoft Windows environments and SUSE Enterprise Storage using the Windows Driver.

2 Giving feedback

We welcome feedback on, and contributions to, this documentation. There are several channels for this:

Service requests and support

For services and support options available for your product, see http://www.suse.com/support/.

To open a service request, you need a SUSE subscription registered at SUSE Customer Center. Go to https://scc.suse.com/support/requests, log in, and click Create New.

Bug reports

Report issues with the documentation at https://bugzilla.suse.com/. Reporting issues requires a Bugzilla account.

To simplify this process, you can use the Report Documentation Bug links next to headlines in the HTML version of this document. These preselect the right product and category in Bugzilla and add a link to the current section. You can start typing your bug report right away.


To contribute to this documentation, use the Edit Source links next to headlines in the HTML version of this document. They take you to the source code on GitHub, where you can open a pull request. Contributing requires a GitHub account.

For more information about the documentation environment used for this documentation, see the repository's README at https://github.com/SUSE/doc-ses.


You can also report errors and send feedback concerning the documentation to <>. Include the document title, the product version, and the publication date of the document. Additionally, include the relevant section number and title (or provide the URL) and provide a concise description of the problem.

3 Documentation conventions

The following notices and typographic conventions are used in this document:

  • /etc/passwd: Directory names and file names

  • PLACEHOLDER: Replace PLACEHOLDER with the actual value

  • PATH: An environment variable

  • ls, --help: Commands, options, and parameters

  • user: The name of user or group

  • package_name: The name of a software package

  • Alt, AltF1: A key to press or a key combination. Keys are shown in uppercase as on a keyboard.

  • File, File › Save As: menu items, buttons

  • AMD/Intel This paragraph is only relevant for the AMD64/Intel 64 architectures. The arrows mark the beginning and the end of the text block.

    IBM Z, POWER This paragraph is only relevant for the architectures IBM Z and POWER. The arrows mark the beginning and the end of the text block.

  • Chapter 1, Example chapter: A cross-reference to another chapter in this guide.

  • Commands that must be run with root privileges. Often you can also prefix these commands with the sudo command to run them as non-privileged user.

    # command
    > sudo command
  • Commands that can be run by non-privileged users.

    > command
  • Notices

    Warning: Warning notice

    Vital information you must be aware of before proceeding. Warns you about security issues, potential loss of data, damage to hardware, or physical hazards.

    Important: Important notice

    Important information you should be aware of before proceeding.

    Note: Note notice

    Additional information, for example about differences in software versions.

    Tip: Tip notice

    Helpful information, like a guideline or a piece of practical advice.

  • Compact Notices


    Additional information, for example about differences in software versions.


    Helpful information, like a guideline or a piece of practical advice.

4 Support

Find the support statement for SUSE Enterprise Storage and general information about technology previews below. For details about the product lifecycle, see https://www.suse.com/lifecycle.

If you are entitled to support, find details on how to collect information for a support ticket at https://documentation.suse.com/sles-15/html/SLES-all/cha-adm-support.html.

4.1 Support statement for SUSE Enterprise Storage

To receive support, you need an appropriate subscription with SUSE. To view the specific support offerings available to you, go to https://www.suse.com/support/ and select your product.

The support levels are defined as follows:


Problem determination, which means technical support designed to provide compatibility information, usage support, ongoing maintenance, information gathering and basic troubleshooting using available documentation.


Problem isolation, which means technical support designed to analyze data, reproduce customer problems, isolate problem area and provide a resolution for problems not resolved by Level 1 or prepare for Level 3.


Problem resolution, which means technical support designed to resolve problems by engaging engineering to resolve product defects which have been identified by Level 2 Support.

For contracted customers and partners, SUSE Enterprise Storage is delivered with L3 support for all packages, except for the following:

  • Technology previews.

  • Sound, graphics, fonts, and artwork.

  • Packages that require an additional customer contract.

  • Some packages shipped as part of the module Workstation Extension are L2-supported only.

  • Packages with names ending in -devel (containing header files and similar developer resources) will only be supported together with their main packages.

SUSE will only support the usage of original packages. That is, packages that are unchanged and not recompiled.

4.2 Technology previews

Technology previews are packages, stacks, or features delivered by SUSE to provide glimpses into upcoming innovations. Technology previews are included for your convenience to give you a chance to test new technologies within your environment. We would appreciate your feedback! If you test a technology preview, please contact your SUSE representative and let them know about your experience and use cases. Your input is helpful for future development.

Technology previews have the following limitations:

  • Technology previews are still in development. Therefore, they may be functionally incomplete, unstable, or in other ways not suitable for production use.

  • Technology previews are not supported.

  • Technology previews may only be available for specific hardware architectures.

  • Details and functionality of technology previews are subject to change. As a result, upgrading to subsequent releases of a technology preview may be impossible and require a fresh installation.

  • SUSE may discover that a preview does not meet customer or market needs, or does not comply with enterprise standards. Technology previews can be removed from a product at any time. SUSE does not commit to providing a supported version of such technologies in the future.

For an overview of technology previews shipped with your product, see the release notes at https://www.suse.com/releasenotes/x86_64/SUSE-Enterprise-Storage/7.

5 Ceph contributors

The Ceph project and its documentation is a result of the work of hundreds of contributors and organizations. See https://ceph.com/contributors/ for more details.

6 Commands and command prompts used in this guide

As a Ceph cluster administrator, you will be configuring and adjusting the cluster behavior by running specific commands. There are several types of commands you will need:

6.1 Salt-related commands

These commands help you to deploy Ceph cluster nodes, run commands on several (or all) cluster nodes at the same time, or assist you when adding or removing cluster nodes. The most frequently used commands are ceph-salt and ceph-salt config. You need to run Salt commands on the Salt Master node as root. These commands are introduced with the following prompt:

root@master # 

For example:

root@master # ceph-salt config ls

6.2 Ceph related commands

These are lower-level commands to configure and fine tune all aspects of the cluster and its gateways on the command line, for example ceph, cephadm, rbd, or radosgw-admin.

To run Ceph related commands, you need to have read access to a Ceph key. The key's capabilities then define your privileges within the Ceph environment. One option is to run Ceph commands as root (or via sudo) and use the unrestricted default keyring 'ceph.client.admin.key'.

The safer and recommended option is to create a more restrictive individual key for each administrator user and put it in a directory where the users can read it, for example:

Tip: Path to Ceph keys

To use a custom admin user and keyring, you need to specify the user name and path to the key each time you run the ceph command using the -n client.USER_NAME and --keyring PATH/TO/KEYRING options.

To avoid this, include these options in the CEPH_ARGS variable in the individual users' ~/.bashrc files.

Although you can run Ceph-related commands on any cluster node, we recommend running them on the Admin Node. This documentation uses the cephuser user to run the commands, therefore they are introduced with the following prompt:

cephuser@adm > 

For example:

cephuser@adm > ceph auth list
Tip: Commands for specific nodes

If the documentation instructs you to run a command on a cluster node with a specific role, it will be addressed by the prompt. For example:

cephuser@mon > 

6.2.1 Running ceph-volume

Starting with SUSE Enterprise Storage 7, Ceph services are running containerized. If you need to run ceph-volume on an OSD node, you need to prepend it with the cephadm command, for example:

cephuser@adm > cephadm ceph-volume simple scan

6.3 General Linux commands

Linux commands not related to Ceph, such as mount, cat, or openssl, are introduced either with the cephuser@adm > or # prompts, depending on which privileges the related command requires.

6.4 Additional information

For more information on Ceph key management, refer to Section 30.2, “Key management”.

Part I Ceph Dashboard

1 About the Ceph Dashboard

The Ceph Dashboard is a built-in Web-based Ceph management and monitoring application that administers various aspects and objects of the cluster. The dashboard is automatically enabled after the basic cluster is deployed in Book “Deployment Guide”, Chapter 7 “Deploying the bootstrap cluster using ceph-salt.

The Ceph Dashboard for SUSE Enterprise Storage 7 has added more Web-based management capabilities to make it easier to administer Ceph, including monitoring and application administration to the Ceph Manager. You no longer need to know complex Ceph-related commands to manage and monitor your Ceph cluster. You can either use the Ceph Dashboard's intuitive interface, or its built-in REST API.

The Ceph Dashboard module visualizes information and statistics about the Ceph cluster using a Web server hosted by ceph-mgr. See Book “Deployment Guide”, Chapter 1 “SES and Ceph”, Section 1.2.3 “Ceph nodes and daemons” for more details on Ceph Manager.

2 Dashboard's Web user interface

2.1 Logging in

To log in to the Ceph Dashboard, point your browser to its URL including the port number. Run the following command to find the address:

cephuser@adm > ceph mgr services | grep dashboard
"dashboard": "https://host:port/",

The command returns the URL where the Ceph Dashboard is located. If you are having issues with this command, see Book “Troubleshooting Guide”, Chapter 10 “Troubleshooting the Ceph Dashboard”, Section 10.1 “Locating the Ceph Dashboard”.

Ceph Dashboard login screen
Figure 2.1: Ceph Dashboard login screen

Log in by using the credentials that you created during cluster deployment (see Book “Deployment Guide”, Chapter 7 “Deploying the bootstrap cluster using ceph-salt”, Section 7.2.9 “Configuring the Ceph Dashboard login credentials”).

Tip: Custom user account

If you do not want to use the default admin account to access the Ceph Dashboard, create a custom user account with administrator privileges. Refer to Chapter 11, Manage users and roles on the command line for more details.

The dashboard user interface is graphically divided into several blocks: the utility menu in the top right-hand side of the screen, the main menu on the left-hand side, and the main content pane.

Ceph Dashboard home page
Figure 2.2: Ceph Dashboard home page

2.2 Utility menu

The top right-hand side of the screen contains a utility menu. It includes general tasks related more to the dashboard than to the Ceph cluster. By clicking the options, you can access the following topics:

  • Change the dashboard's language interface to: Czech, German, English, Spanish, French, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), and Chinese.

  • Tasks and notifications

  • View the documentation, information about the REST API, or further information about the dashboard.

  • User management and telemetry configuration.


    For more detailed command line descriptions for user roles, see Chapter 11, Manage users and roles on the command line.

  • Log in configuration; change the password or sign out.

2.3 Main menu

The dashboard's main menu occupies the left-hand side of the screen. It covers the following topics:


Return to Ceph Dashboard's home page.


View detailed information about hosts, inventory, Ceph Monitors, services, Ceph OSDs, cluster configuration, CRUSH Map, Ceph Manager modules, logs, and monitoring.


View and manage cluster pools.


View detailed information and manage RADOS Block Device images, mirroring, and iSCSI.


View and manage NFS Ganesha deployments.


If NFS Ganesha is not deployed, an information notice appears. See Section 11.6, “Configuring NFS Ganesha in the Ceph Dashboard”.


View and manage CephFSs.

Object Gateway

View and manage Object Gateway's daemons, users, and buckets.


If Object Gateway is not deployed, an informative notice appears. See Section 10.4, “Enabling the Object Gateway management front-end”.

2.4 Content pane

The content pane occupies the main part of the dashboard's screen. The dashboard home page shows plenty of helpful widgets to inform you briefly about the current status of the cluster, capacity, and performance information.

2.5 Common Web UI features

In Ceph Dashboard, you often work with lists—for example, lists of pools, OSD nodes, or RBD devices. All lists will automatically refresh themselves by default every five seconds. The following common widgets help you manage or adjust these list:

Click Common Web UI features to trigger a manual refresh of the list.

Click Common Web UI features to display or hide individual table columns.

Click Common Web UI features and enter (or select) how many rows to display on a single page.

Click inside Common Web UI features and filter the rows by typing the string to search for.

Use Common Web UI features to change the currently displayed page if the list spans across multiple pages.

2.6 Dashboard widgets

Each dashboard widget shows specific status information related to a specific aspect of a running Ceph cluster. Some widgets are active links and after clicking them, they will redirect you to a related detailed page of the topic they represent.

Tip: More details on mouse over

Some graphical widgets show you more detail when you move the mouse over them.

2.6.1 Status widgets

Status widgets give you a brief overview about the cluster's current status.

Status widgets
Figure 2.3: Status widgets
Cluster Status

Presents basic information about the cluster's health.


Shows the total number of cluster nodes.


Shows the number of running monitors and their quorum.


Shows the total number of OSDs, as well as the number of up and in OSDs.


Shows the number of active and standby Ceph Manager daemons.

Object Gateways

Shows the number of running Object Gateways.

Metadata Servers

Shows the number of Metadata Servers.

iSCSI Gateways

Shows the number of configured iSCSI gateways.

2.6.2 Capacity widgets

Capacity widgets show brief information about the storage capacity.

Capacity widgets
Figure 2.4: Capacity widgets
Raw Capacity

Shows the ratio of used and available raw storage capacity.


Shows the number of data objects stored in the cluster.

PG Status

Displays a chart of the placement groups according to their status.


Shows the number of pools in the cluster.

PGs per OSD

Shows the average number of placement groups per OSD.

2.6.3 Performance widgets

Performance widgets refer to basic performance data of Ceph clients.

performance widgets
Figure 2.5: performance widgets
Client Read/Write

The amount of clients' read and write operations per second.

Client Throughput

The amount of data transferred to and from Ceph clients in bytes per second.

Recovery Throughput

The throughput of data recovered per second.


Shows the scrubbing (see Section 17.4.9, “Scrubbing a placement group”) status. It is either inactive, enabled, or active.

3 Manage Ceph Dashboard users and roles

Dashboard user management performed by Ceph commands on the command line was already introduced in Chapter 11, Manage users and roles on the command line.

This section describes how to manage user accounts by using the Dashboard Web user interface.

3.1 Listing users

Click Listing users in the utility menu and select User Management.

The list contains each user's user name, full name, e-mail, a list of assigned roles, whether the role is enabled, and the password expiration date.

User management
Figure 3.1: User management

3.2 Adding new users

Click Create in the top left of the table heading to add a new user. Enter their user name, password, and optionally a full name and an e-mail.

Adding a user
Figure 3.2: Adding a user

Click the little pen icon to assign predefined roles to the user. Confirm with Create User.

3.3 Editing users

Click a user's table row to highlight the selection Select Edit to edit details about the user. Confirm with Edit User.

3.4 Deleting users

Click a user's table row to highlight the selection Select the drop-down button next to Edit and select Delete from the list to delete the user account. Activate the Yes, I am sure check box and confirm with Delete User.

3.5 Listing user roles

Click Listing user roles in the utility menu and select User Management. Then click the Roles tab.

The list contains each role's name, description, and whether it is a system role.

User roles
Figure 3.3: User roles

3.6 Adding custom roles

Click Create in the top left of the table heading to add a new custom role. Enter the Name and Description and next to Permissions, select the appropriate permissions.

Tip: Purging custom roles

If you create custom user roles and intend to remove the Ceph cluster with the ceph-salt purge command later on, you need to purge the custom roles first. Find more details in Section 13.9, “Removing an entire Ceph cluster”.

Adding a role
Figure 3.4: Adding a role
Tip: Multiple activation

By activating the check box that precedes the topic name, you activate all permissions for that topic. By activating the All check box, you activate all permissions for all the topics.

Confirm with Create Role.

3.7 Editing custom roles

Click a user's table row to highlight the selection Select Edit in the top left of the table heading to edit a description and permissions of the custom role. Confirm with Edit Role.

3.8 Deleting custom roles

Click a role's table row to highlight the selection Select the drop-down button next to Edit and select Delete from the list to delete the role. Activate the Yes, I am sure check box and confirm with Delete Role.

4 View cluster internals

The Cluster menu item lets you view detailed information about Ceph cluster hosts, inventory, Ceph Monitors, services, OSDs, configuration, CRUSH Map, Ceph Manager, logs, and monitoring files.

4.1 Viewing cluster nodes

Click Cluster › Hosts to view a list of cluster nodes.

Figure 4.1: Hosts

Click the drop-down arrow next to a node name in the Hostname column to view the performance details of the node.

The Services column lists all daemons that are running on each related node. Click a daemon name to view its detailed configuration.

4.2 Accessing cluster inventory

Click Cluster › Inventory to view a list of devices. The list includes the device path, type, availability, vendor, model, size, and the OSDs.

Click to select a node name in the Hostname column. When selected, click Identify to identify the device the host is running on. This tells the device to blink its LEDs. Select the duration of this action between 1, 2, 5, 10, or 15 minutes. Click Execute.

Figure 4.2: Services

4.3 Viewing Ceph Monitors

Click Cluster › Monitors to view a list of cluster nodes with running Ceph monitors. The content pane is split into two views: Status, and In Quorum or Not In Quorum.

The Status table shows general statistics about the running Ceph Monitors, including the following:

  • Cluster ID

  • monmap modified

  • monmap epoch

  • quorum con

  • quorum mon

  • required con

  • required mon

The In Quorum and Not In Quorum panes include each monitor's name, rank number, public IP address, and number of open sessions.

Click a node name in the Name column to view the related Ceph Monitor configuration.

Ceph Monitors
Figure 4.3: Ceph Monitors

4.4 Displaying services

Click Cluster › Services to view details on each of the available services: crash, Ceph Manager, and Ceph Monitors. The list includes the container image name, container image ID, status of what is running, size, and when it was last refreshed.

Click the drop-down arrow next to a service name in the Service column to view details of the daemon. The detail list includes the host name, daemon type, daemon ID, container ID, container image name, container image ID, version number, status, and when it was last refreshed.

Figure 4.4: Services

4.5 Displaying Ceph OSDs

Click Cluster › OSDs to view a list of nodes with running OSD daemons. The list includes each node's name, ID, status, device class, number of placement groups, size, usage, reads/writes chart in time, and the rate of read/write operations per second.

Ceph OSDs
Figure 4.5: Ceph OSDs

Select Flags from the Cluster-wide configuration drop-down menu in the table heading to open a pop-up window. This has a list of flags that apply to the whole cluster. You can activate or deactivate individual flags, and confirm with Submit.

OSD flags
Figure 4.6: OSD flags

Select Recovery Priority from the Cluster-wide configuration drop-down menu in the table heading to open a pop-up window. This has a list of OSD recovery priorities that apply to the whole cluster. You can activate the preferred priority profile and fine-tune the individual values below. Confirm with Submit.

OSD recovery priority
Figure 4.7: OSD recovery priority

Click the drop-down arrow next to a node name in the Host column to view an extended table with details about the device settings and performance. Browsing through several tabs, you can see lists of Attributes, Metadata, Device health, Performance counter, a graphical Histogram of reads and writes, and Performance details.

OSD details
Figure 4.8: OSD details
Tip: Performing specific tasks on OSDs

After you click an OSD node name, the table row is highlighted. This means that you can now perform a task on the node. You can choose to perform any of the following actions: Edit, Create, Scrub, Deep Scrub, Reweight, Mark out, Mark In, Mark Down, Mark Lost, Purge, Destroy, or Delete.

Click the down arrow in the top left of the table heading next to the Create button and select the task you want to perform.

4.5.1 Adding OSDs

To add new OSDs, follow these steps:

  1. Verify that some cluster nodes have storage devices whose status is available. Then click the down arrow in the top left of the table heading and select Create. This opens the Create OSDs window.

    Create OSDs
    Figure 4.9: Create OSDs
  2. To add primary storage devices for OSDs, click Add. Before you can add storage devices, you need to specify filtering criteria in the top right of the Primary devices table—for example Type hdd. Confirm with Add.

    Adding primary devices
    Figure 4.10: Adding primary devices
  3. In the updated Create OSDs window, optionally add shared WAL and BD devices, or enable device encryption.

    Create OSDs with primary devices added
    Figure 4.11: Create OSDs with primary devices added
  4. Click Preview to view the preview of DriveGroups specification for the devices you previously added. Confirm with Create.

    Figure 4.12:
  5. New devices will be added to the list of OSDs.

    Newly added OSDs
    Figure 4.13: Newly added OSDs

    There is no progress visualization of the OSD creation process. It takes some time before they are actually created. The OSDs will appear in the list when they have been deployed. If you want to check the deployment status, view the logs by clicking Cluster › Logs.

4.6 Viewing cluster configuration

Click Cluster › Configuration to view a complete list of Ceph cluster configuration options. The list contains the name of the option, its short description, and its current and default values, and whether the option is editable.

Cluster configuration
Figure 4.14: Cluster configuration

Click the drop-down arrow next to a configuration option in the Name column to view an extended table with detailed information about the option, such as its type of value, minimum and maximum permitted values, whether it can be updated at runtime, and many more.

After highlighting a specific option, you can edit its value(s) by clicking the Edit button in the top left of the table heading. Confirm changes with Save.

4.7 Viewing the CRUSH Map

Click Cluster › CRUSH map to view a CRUSH Map of the cluster. For more general information on CRUSH Maps, refer to Section 17.5, “CRUSH Map manipulation”.

Click the root, nodes, or individual OSDs to view more detailed information, such as crush weight, depth in the map tree, device class of the OSD, and many more.

Figure 4.15: CRUSH Map

4.8 Viewing manager modules

Click Cluster › Manager modules to view a list of available Ceph Manager modules. Each line consists of a module name and information on whether it is currently enabled or not.

Manager modules
Figure 4.16: Manager modules

Click the drop-down arrow next to a module in the Name column to view an extended table with detailed settings in the Details table below. Edit them by clicking the Edit button in the top left of the table heading. Confirm changes with Update.

Click the drop-down arrow next to the Edit button in the top left of the table heading to Enable or Disable a module.

4.9 Viewing logs

Click Cluster › Logs to view a list of cluster's recent log entries. Each line consists of a time stamp, the type of the log entry, and the logged message itself.

Click the Audit Logs tab to view log entries of the auditing subsystem. Refer to Section 11.5, “Auditing API requests” for commands to enable or disable auditing.

Figure 4.17: Logs

4.10 Viewing monitoring

Click Cluster › Monitoring to manage and view details on Prometheus alerts.

If you have Prometheus active, in this content pane you can view detailed information on Active Alerts, All Alerts, or Silences.


If you do not have Prometheus deployed, an information banner will appear and link to relevant documentation.

5 Manage pools

Tip: More information on pools

For more general information about Ceph pools, refer to Chapter 18, Manage storage pools. For information specific to erasure code pools, refer to Chapter 19, Erasure coded pools.

To list all available pools, click Pools from the main menu.

The list shows each pool's name, type, related application, placement group status, replica size, last change, erasure coded profile, crush ruleset, usage, and read/write statistics.

List of pools
Figure 5.1: List of pools

Click the drop-down arrow next to a pool name in the Name column to view an extended table with detailed information on the pool, such as the general details, performance details, and configuration.

5.1 Adding a new pool

To add a new pool, click Create in the top left of the pools table. In the pool form you can enter the pool's name, type, its applications, compression mode, and quotas including maximum byes and maximum objects. The pool form itself pre-calculates the number of placement groups that best suited to this specific pool. The calculation is based on the amount of OSDs in the cluster and the selected pool type with its specific settings. As soon as a placement groups number is set manually, it will be replaced by a calculated number. Confirm with Create Pool.

Adding a new pool
Figure 5.2: Adding a new pool

5.2 Deleting pools

To delete a pool, select the pool in the table row. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Create button and click Delete.

5.3 Editing a pool's options

To edit a pool's options, select the pool in the table row and click Edit in the top left of the pools table.

You can change the name of the pool, increase the number of placement groups, change the list of the pool's applications and compression settings. Confirm with Edit Pool.

6 Manage RADOS Block Device

To list all available RADOS Block Devices (RBDs), click Block › Images from the main menu.

The list shows brief information about the device, such as the device's name, the related pool name, namespace, size of the device, number and size of objects on the device, details on the provisioning of the details, and the parent.

List of RBD images
Figure 6.1: List of RBD images

6.1 Viewing details about RBDs

To view more detailed information about a device, click its row in the table:

RBD details
Figure 6.2: RBD details

6.2 Viewing RBD's configuration

To view detailed configuration of a device, click its row in the table and then the Configuration tab in the lower table:

RBD configuration
Figure 6.3: RBD configuration

6.3 Creating RBDs

To add a new device, click Create in the top left of the table heading and do the following on the Create RBD screen:

Adding a new RBD
Figure 6.4: Adding a new RBD
  1. Enter the name of the new device. Refer to Book “Deployment Guide”, Chapter 2 “Hardware requirements and recommendations”, Section 2.11 “Name limitations” for naming limitations.

  2. Select the pool with the rbd application assigned from which the new RBD device will be created.

  3. Specify the size of the new device.

  4. Specify additional options for the device. To fine-tune the device parameters, click Advanced and enter values for object size, stripe unit, or stripe count. To enter Quality of Service (QoS) limits, click Quality of Service and enter them.

  5. Confirm with Create RBD.

6.4 Deleting RBDs

To delete a device, select the device in the table row. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Create button and click Delete. Confirm the deletion with Delete RBD.

Tip: Moving RBDs to trash

Deleting an RBD is an irreversible action. If you Move to Trash instead, you can restore the device later on by selecting it on the Trash tab of the main table and clicking Restore in the top left of the table heading.

6.5 Creating RADOS Block Device snapshots

To create a RADOS Block Device snapshot, select the device in the table row and the detailed configuration content pane appears. Select the Snapshots tab and click Create in the top left of the table heading. Enter the snapshot's name and confirm with Create RBD Snapshot.

After selecting a snapshot, you can perform additional actions on the device, such as rename, protect, clone, copy, or delete. Rollback restores the device's state from the current snapshot.

RBD snapshots
Figure 6.5: RBD snapshots

6.6 RBD mirroring

RADOS Block Device images can be asynchronously mirrored between two Ceph clusters. You can use the Ceph Dashboard to configure replication of RBD images between two or more clusters. This capability is available in two modes:


This mode uses the RBD journaling image feature to ensure point-in-time, crash-consistent replication between clusters.


This mode uses periodically scheduled or manually created RBD image mirror-snapshots to replicate crash-consistent RBD images between clusters.

Mirroring is configured on a per-pool basis within peer clusters and can be configured on a specific subset of images within the pool or configured to automatically mirror all images within a pool when using journal-based mirroring only.

Mirroring is configured using the rbd command, which is installed by default in SUSE Enterprise Storage 7. The rbd-mirror daemon is responsible for pulling image updates from the remote, peer cluster and applying them to the image within the local cluster. See Section 6.6.2, “Enabling the rbd-mirror daemon” for more information on enabling the rbd-mirror daemon.

Depending on the need for replication, RADOS Block Device mirroring can be configured for either one- or two-way replication:

One-way Replication

When data is only mirrored from a primary cluster to a secondary cluster, the rbd-mirror daemon runs only on the secondary cluster.

Two-way Replication

When data is mirrored from primary images on one cluster to non-primary images on another cluster (and vice-versa), the rbd-mirror daemon runs on both clusters.


Each instance of the rbd-mirror daemon must be able to connect to both the local and remote Ceph clusters simultaneously, for example all monitor and OSD hosts. Additionally, the network must have sufficient bandwidth between the two data centers to handle mirroring workload.

Tip: General information

For general information and the command line approach to RADOS Block Device mirroring, refer to Section 20.4, “RBD image mirrors”.

6.6.1 Configuring primary and secondary clusters

A primary cluster is where the original pool with images is created. A secondary cluster is where the pool or images are replicated from the primary cluster.

Note: Relative naming

The primary and secondary terms can be relative in the context of replication because they relate more to individual pools than to clusters. For example, in two-way replication, one pool can be mirrored from the primary cluster to the secondary one, while another pool can be mirrored from the secondary cluster to the primary one.

6.6.2 Enabling the rbd-mirror daemon

The following procedures demonstrate how to perform the basic administrative tasks to configure mirroring using the rbd command. Mirroring is configured on a per-pool basis within the Ceph clusters.

The pool configuration steps should be performed on both peer clusters. These procedures assume two clusters, named “primary” and “secondary”, are accessible from a single host for clarity.

The rbd-mirror daemon performs the actual cluster data replication.

  1. Rename ceph.conf and keyring files and copy them from the primary host to the secondary host:

    cephuser@secondary > cp /etc/ceph/ceph.conf /etc/ceph/primary.conf
    cephuser@secondary > cp /etc/ceph/ceph.admin.client.keyring \
    cephuser@secondary > scp PRIMARY_HOST:/etc/ceph/ceph.conf \
    cephuser@secondary > scp  PRIMARY_HOST:/etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring \
  2. To enable mirroring on a pool with rbd, specify the mirror pool enable, the pool name, and the mirroring mode:

    cephuser@adm > rbd mirror pool enable POOL_NAME MODE

    The mirroring mode can either be image or pool. For example:

    cephuser@secondary > rbd --cluster primary mirror pool enable image-pool image
    cephuser@secondary > rbd --cluster secondary mirror pool enable image-pool image
  3. On the Ceph Dashboard, navigate to Block › Mirroring. The Daemons table to the left shows actively running rbd-mirror daemons and their health.

    Running rbd-mirror daemons
    Figure 6.6: Running rbd-mirror daemons

6.6.3 Disabling mirroring

To disable mirroring on a pool with rbd, specify the mirror pool disable command and the pool name:

cephuser@adm > rbd mirror pool disable POOL_NAME

When mirroring is disabled on a pool in this way, mirroring will also be disabled on any images (within the pool) for which mirroring was enabled explicitly.

6.6.4 Bootstrapping peers

In order for the rbd-mirror to discover its peer cluster, the peer needs to be registered to the pool and a user account needs to be created. This process can be automated with rbd by using the mirror pool peer bootstrap create and mirror pool peer bootstrap import commands.

To manually create a new bootstrap token with rbd, specify the mirror pool peer bootstrap create command, a pool name, along with an optional site name to describe the local cluster:

cephuser@adm > rbd mirror pool peer bootstrap create [--site-name local-site-name] pool-name

The output of mirror pool peer bootstrap create will be a token that should be provided to the mirror pool peer bootstrap import command. For example, on the primary cluster:

cephuser@adm > rbd --cluster primary mirror pool peer bootstrap create --site-name primary
  image-pool eyJmc2lkIjoiOWY1MjgyZGItYjg5OS00NTk2LTgwOTgtMzIwYzFmYzM5NmYzIiwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoicmJkL \
  W1pcnJvci1wZWVyIiwia2V5IjoiQVFBUnczOWQwdkhvQmhBQVlMM1I4RmR5dHNJQU50bkFTZ0lOTVE9PSIsIm1vbl9ob3N0I \

To manually import the bootstrap token created by another cluster with the rbd command, specify the mirror pool peer bootstrap import command, the pool name, a file path to the created token (or ‘-‘ to read from standard input), along with an optional site name to describe the local cluster and a mirroring direction (defaults to rx-tx for bidirectional mirroring, but can also be set to rx-only for unidirectional mirroring):

cephuser@adm > rbd mirror pool peer bootstrap import [--site-name local-site-name] \
[--direction rx-only or rx-tx] pool-name token-path

For example, on the secondary cluster:

cephuser@adm > cat >>EOF < token
eyJmc2lkIjoiOWY1MjgyZGItYjg5OS00NTk2LTgwOTgtMzIwYzFmYzM5NmYzIiwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoicmJkLW1pcn \
Jvci1wZWVyIiwia2V5IjoiQVFBUnczOWQwdkhvQmhBQVlMM1I4RmR5dHNJQU50bkFTZ0lOTVE9PSIsIm1vbl9ob3N0I \
cephuser@adm > rbd --cluster secondary mirror pool peer bootstrap import --site-name secondary image-pool token

6.6.5 Removing cluster peer

To remove a mirroring peer Ceph cluster with the rbd command, specify the mirror pool peer remove command, the pool name, and the peer UUID (available from the rbd mirror pool info command):

cephuser@adm > rbd mirror pool peer remove pool-name peer-uuid

6.6.6 Configuring pool replication in the Ceph Dashboard

The rbd-mirror daemon needs to have access to the primary cluster to be able to mirror RBD images. Ensure you have followed the steps in Section 6.6.4, “Bootstrapping peers” before continuing.

  1. On both the primary and secondary cluster, create pools with an identical name and assign the rbd application to them. Refer to Section 5.1, “Adding a new pool” for more details on creating a new pool.

    Creating a pool with RBD application
    Figure 6.7: Creating a pool with RBD application
  2. On both the primary and secondary cluster's dashboards, navigate to Block › Mirroring. In the Pools table on the right, click the name of the pool to replicate, and after clicking Edit Mode, select the replication mode. In this example, we will work with a pool replication mode, which means that all images within a given pool will be replicated. Confirm with Update.

    Configuring the replication mode
    Figure 6.8: Configuring the replication mode
    Important: Error or warning on the primary cluster

    After updating the replication mode, an error or warning flag will appear in the corresponding right column. That is because the pool has no peer user for replication assigned yet. Ignore this flag for the primary cluster as we assign a peer user to the secondary cluster only.

  3. On the secondary cluster's Dashboard, navigate to Block › Mirroring. Add the pool mirror peer by selecting Add Peer. Provide the primary cluster's details:

    Adding peer credentials
    Figure 6.9: Adding peer credentials
    Cluster Name

    An arbitrary unique string that identifies the primary cluster, such as 'primary'. The cluster name needs to be different from the real secondary cluster's name.

    CephX ID

    The Ceph user ID that you created as a mirroring peer. In this example it is 'rbd-mirror-peer'.

    Monitor Addresses

    Comma-separated list of IP addresses of the primary cluster's Ceph Monitor nodes.

    CephX Key

    The key related to the peer user ID. You can retrieve it by running the following example command on the primary cluster:

    cephuser@adm > ceph auth print_key pool-mirror-peer-name

    Confirm with Submit.

    List of replicated pools
    Figure 6.10: List of replicated pools

6.6.7 Verifying that RBD image replication works

When the rbd-mirror daemon is running and RBD image replication is configured on the Ceph Dashboard, it is time to verify whether the replication actually works:

  1. On the primary cluster's Ceph Dashboard, create an RBD image so that its parent pool is the pool that you already created for replication purposes. Enable the Exclusive lock and Journaling features for the image. Refer to Section 6.3, “Creating RBDs” for details on how to create RBD images.

    New RBD image
    Figure 6.11: New RBD image
  2. After you create the image that you want to replicate, open the secondary cluster's Ceph Dashboard and navigate to Block › Mirroring. The Pools table on the right will reflect the change in the number of # Remote images and synchronize the number of # Local images.

    New RBD image synchronized
    Figure 6.12: New RBD image synchronized
    Tip: Replication progress

    The Images table at the bottom of the page shows the status of replication of RBD images. The Issues tab includes possible problems, the Syncing tab displays the progress of image replication, and the Ready tab lists all images with successful replication.

    RBD images' replication status
    Figure 6.13: RBD images' replication status
  3. On the primary cluster, write data to the RBD image. On the secondary cluster's Ceph Dashboard, navigate to Block › Images and monitor whether the corresponding image's size is growing as the data on the primary cluster is written.

6.7 Managing iSCSI Gateways

Tip: More information on iSCSI Gateways

For more general information about iSCSI Gateways, refer to Chapter 22, Ceph iSCSI gateway.

To list all available gateways and mapped images, click Block › iSCSI from the main menu. An Overview tab opens, listing currently configured iSCSI Gateways and mapped RBD images.

The Gateways table lists each gateway's state, number of iSCSI targets, and number of sessions. The Images table lists each mapped image's name, related pool name backstore type, and other statistical details.

The Targets tab lists currently configured iSCSI targets.

List of iSCSI targets
Figure 6.14: List of iSCSI targets

To view more detailed information about a target, click the drop-down arrow on the target table row. A tree-structured schema opens, listing disks, portals, initiators, and groups. Click an item to expand it and view its detailed contents, optionally with a related configuration in the table on the right.

iSCSI target details
Figure 6.15: iSCSI target details

6.7.1 Adding iSCSI targets

To add a new iSCSI target, click Create in the top left of the Targets table and enter the required information.

Adding a new target
Figure 6.16: Adding a new target
  1. Enter the target address of the new gateway.

  2. Click Add portal and select one or multiple iSCSI portals from the list.

  3. Click Add image and select one or multiple RBD images for the gateway.

  4. If you need to use authentication to access the gateway, activate the ACL Authentication check box and enter the credentials. You can find more advanced authentication options after activating Mutual authentication and Discovery authentication.

  5. Confirm with Create Target.

6.7.2 Editing iSCSI targets

To edit an existing iSCSI target, click its row in the Targets table and click Edit in the top left of the table.

You can then modify the iSCSI target, add or delete portals, and add or delete related RBD images. You can also adjust authentication information for the gateway.

6.7.3 Deleting iSCSI targets

To delete an iSCSI target, select the table row and click the drop-down arrow next to the Edit button and select Delete. Activate Yes, I am sure and confirm with Delete iSCSI target.

6.8 RBD Quality of Service (QoS)

Tip: For more information

For more general information and a description of RBD QoS configuration options, refer to Section 20.6, “QoS settings”.

The QoS options can be configured at different levels.

  • Globally

  • On a per-pool basis

  • On a per-image basis

The global configuration is at the top of the list and will be used for all newly created RBD images and for those images that do not override these values on the pool or RBD image layer. An option value specified globally can be overridden on a per-pool or per-image basis. Options specified on a pool will be applied to all RBD images of that pool unless overridden by a configuration option set on an image. Options specified on an image will override options specified on a pool and will override options specified globally.

This way it is possible to define defaults globally, adapt them for all RBD images of a specific pool, and override the pool configuration for individual RBD images.

6.8.1 Configuring options globally

To configure the RADOS Block Device options globally, select Cluster › Configuration from the main menu.

  1. To list all available global configuration options, next to Level, choose Advanced from the drop-down menu.

  2. Filter the results of the table by filtering for rbd_qos in the search field. This lists all available configuration options for QoS.

  3. To change a value, click the row in the table, then select Edit at the top left of the table. The Edit dialog contains six different fields for specifying values. The RBD configuration option values are required in the mgr text box.


    Unlike the other dialogs, this one does not allow you to specify the value in convenient units. You need to set these values in either bytes or IOPS, depending on the option you are editing.

6.8.2 Configuring options on a new pool

To create a new pool and configure RBD configuration options on it, click Pools › Create. Select replicated as pool type. You will then need to add the rbd application tag to the pool to be able to configure the RBD QoS options.


It is not possible to configure RBD QoS configuration options on an erasure coded pool. To configure the RBD QoS options for erasure coded pools, you need to edit the replicated metadata pool of an RBD image. The configuration will then be applied to the erasure coded data pool of that image.

6.8.3 Configuring options on an existing pool

To configure RBD QoS options on an existing pool, click Pools, then click the pool's table row and select Edit at the top left of the table.

You should see the RBD Configuration section in the dialog, followed by a Quality of Service section.


If you see neither the RBD Configuration nor the Quality of Service section, you are likely either editing an erasure coded pool, which cannot be used to set RBD configuration options, or the pool is not configured to be used by RBD images. In the latter case, assign the rbd application tag to the pool and the corresponding configuration sections will show up.

6.8.4 Configuration options

Click Quality of Service + to expand the configuration options. A list of all available options will show up. The units of the configuration options are already shown in the text boxes. In case of any bytes per second (BPS) option, you are free to use shortcuts such as '1M' or '5G'. They will be automatically converted to '1 MB/s' and '5 GB/s' respectively.

By clicking the reset button to the right of each text box, any value set on the pool will be removed. This does not remove configuration values of options configured globally or on an RBD image.

6.8.5 Creating RBD QoS options with a new RBD image

To create an RBD image with RBD QoS options set on that image, select Block › Images and then click Create. Click Advanced... to expand the advanced configuration section. Click Quality of Service + to open all available configuration options.

6.8.6 Editing RBD QoS options on existing images

To edit RBD QoS options on an existing image, select Block › Images, then click the pool's table row, and lastly click Edit. The edit dialog will show up. Click Advanced... to expand the advanced configuration section. Click Quality of Service + to open all available configuration options.

6.8.7 Changing configuration options when copying or cloning images

If an RBD image is cloned or copied, the values set on that particular image will be copied too, by default. If you want to change them while copying or cloning, you can do so by specifying the updated configuration values in the copy/clone dialog, the same way as when creating or editing an RBD image. Doing so will only set (or reset) the values for the RBD image that is copied or cloned. This operation changes neither the source RBD image configuration, nor the global configuration.

If you choose to reset the option value on copying/cloning, no value for that option will be set on that image. This means that any value of that option specified for the parent pool will be used if the parent pool has the value configured. Otherwise, the global default will be used.

7 Manage NFS Ganesha


NFS Ganesha supports NFS version 4.1 and newer. It does not support NFS version 3.

Tip: More information on NFS Ganesha

For more general information about NFS Ganesha, refer to Chapter 25, NFS Ganesha.

To list all available NFS exports, click NFS from the main menu.

The list shows each export's directory, daemon host name, type of storage back-end, and access type.

List of NFS exports
Figure 7.1: List of NFS exports

To view more detailed information about an NFS export, click its table row.

NFS export details
Figure 7.2: NFS export details

7.1 Creating NFS exports

To add a new NFS export, click Create in the top left of the exports table and enter the required information.

Adding a new NFS export
Figure 7.3: Adding a new NFS export
  1. Select one or more NFS Ganesha daemons that will run the export.

  2. Select a storage back-end.


    At this time, only NFS exports backed by CephFS are supported.

  3. Select a user ID and other back-end related options.

  4. Enter the directory path for the NFS export. If the directory does not exist on the server, it will be created.

  5. Specify other NFS related options, such as supported NFS protocol version, pseudo, access type, squashing, or transport protocol.

  6. If you need to limit access to specific clients only, click Add clients and add their IP addresses together with access type and squashing options.

  7. Confirm with Create NFS export.

7.2 Deleting NFS exports

To delete an export, select and highlight the export in the table row. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Edit button and select Delete. Activate the Yes, I am sure check box and confirm with Delete NFS export.

7.3 Editing NFS exports

To edit an existing export, select and highlight the export in the table row and click Edit in the top left of the exports table.

You can then adjust all the details of the NFS export.

Editing an NFS export
Figure 7.4: Editing an NFS export

8 Manage CephFS

Tip: For more information

To find detailed information about CephFS, refer to Chapter 23, Clustered file system.

8.1 Viewing CephFS overview

Click Filesystems from the main menu to view the overview of configured file systems. The main table shows each file system's name, date of creation, and whether it is enabled or not.

By clicking a file system's table row, you reveal details about its rank and pools added to the file system.

CephFS details
Figure 8.1: CephFS details

At the bottom of the screen, you can see statistics counting the number of related MDS inodes and client requests, collected in real time.

CephFS details
Figure 8.2: CephFS details

9 Manage the Object Gateway


Before you begin, you may encounter the following notification when trying to access the Object Gateway front-end on the Ceph Dashboard:

No RGW credentials found, please consult the documentation on how to enable RGW for the dashboard.
Please consult the documentation on how to configure and enable the Object Gateway management functionality.

This is because the Object Gateway has not been automatically configured by cephadm for the Ceph Dashboard. If you encounter this notification, follow the instructions at Section 10.4, “Enabling the Object Gateway management front-end” to manually enable the Object Gateway front-end for the Ceph Dashboard.

Tip: More information on Object Gateway

For more general information about Object Gateway, refer to Chapter 21, Ceph Object Gateway.

9.1 Viewing Object Gateways

To view a list of configured Object Gateways, click Object Gateway › Daemons. The list includes the ID of the gateway, host name of the cluster node where the gateway daemon is running, and the gateway's version number.

Click the drop-down arrow next to the gateway's name to view detailed information about the gateway. The Performance Counters tab shows details about read/write operations and cache statistics.

Gateway's details
Figure 9.1: Gateway's details

9.2 Managing Object Gateway users

Click Object Gateway › Users to view a list of existing Object Gateway users.

Click the drop-down arrow next to the user name to view details about the user account, such as status information or the user and bucket quota details.

Gateway users
Figure 9.2: Gateway users

9.2.1 Adding a new gateway user

To add a new gateway user, click Create in the top left of the table heading. Fill in their credentials, details about the S3 key and user and bucket quotas, then confirm with Create User.

Adding a new gateway user
Figure 9.3: Adding a new gateway user

9.2.2 Deleting gateway users

To delete a gateway user, select and highlight the user. Click the drop-down button next to Edit and select Delete from the list to delete the user account. Activate the Yes, I am sure check box and confirm with Delete user.

9.2.3 Editing gateway user details

To change gateway user details, select and highlight the user. Click Edit in the top left of the table heading.

Modify basic or additional user information, such as their capabilities, keys, sub-users, and quota information. Confirm with Edit User.

The Keys tab includes a read-only list of the gateway's users and their access and secret keys. To view the keys, click a user name in the list and then select Show in the top left of the table heading. In the S3 Key dialog, click the 'eye' icon to unveil the keys, or click the clipboard icon to copy the related key to the clipboard.

9.3 Managing the Object Gateway buckets

Object Gateway (OGW) buckets implement the functionality of OpenStack Swift containers. Object Gateway buckets serve as containers for storing data objects.

Click Object Gateway › Buckets to view a list of Object Gateway buckets.

9.3.1 Adding a new bucket

To add a new Object Gateway bucket, click Create in the top left of the table heading. Enter the bucket's name, select the owner, and set the placement target. Confirm with Create Bucket.


At this stage you can also enable locking by selecting Enabled; however, this is configurable after creation. See Section 9.3.3, “Editing the bucket” for more information.

9.3.2 Viewing bucket details

To view detailed information about an Object Gateway bucket, click the drop-down arrow next to the bucket name.

Gateway bucket details
Figure 9.4: Gateway bucket details
Tip: Bucket quota

Below the Details table, you can find details about the bucket quota and locking settings.

9.3.3 Editing the bucket

Select and highlight a bucket, then click Edit in the top left of the table heading.

You can update the owner of the bucket or enable versioning, multi-factor authentication or locking. Confirm any changes with Edit Bucket.

Editing the bucket details
Figure 9.5: Editing the bucket details

9.3.4 Deleting a bucket

To delete an Object Gateway bucket, select and highlight the bucket. Click the drop-down button next to Edit and select Delete from the list to delete the bucket. Activate the Yes, I am sure check box and confirm with Delete bucket.

10 Manual configuration

This section introduces advanced information for users that prefer configuring dashboard settings manually on the command line.

10.1 Configuring TLS/SSL support

All HTTP connections to the dashboard are secured with TLS/SSL by default. A secure connection requires an SSL certificate. You can either use a self-signed certificate, or generate a certificate and have a well known certificate authority (CA) sign it.

Tip: Disabling SSL

You may want to disable the SSL support for a specific reason. For example, if the dashboard is running behind a proxy that does not support SSL.

Use caution when disabling SSL as user names and passwords will be sent to the dashboard unencrypted.

To disable SSL, run:

cephuser@adm > ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/ssl false
Tip: Restarting the Ceph Manager processes

You need to restart the Ceph Manager processes manually after changing the SSL certificate and key. You can do so by either running

cephuser@adm > ceph mgr fail ACTIVE-MANAGER-NAME

or by disabling and re-enabling the dashboard module, which also triggers the manager to respawn itself:

cephuser@adm > ceph mgr module disable dashboard
cephuser@adm > ceph mgr module enable dashboard

10.1.1 Creating self-signed certificates

Creating a self-signed certificate for secure communication is simple. This way you can get the dashboard running quickly.

Note: Web browsers complaint

Most Web browsers will complain about a self-signed certificate and require explicit confirmation before establishing a secure connection to the dashboard.

To generate and install a self-signed certificate, use the following built-in command:

cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard create-self-signed-cert

10.1.2 Using certificates signed by CA

To properly secure the connection to the dashboard and to eliminate Web browser complaints about a self-signed certificate, we recommend using a certificate that is signed by a CA.

You can generate a certificate key pair with a command similar to the following:

# openssl req -new -nodes -x509 \
  -subj "/O=IT/CN=ceph-mgr-dashboard" -days 3650 \
  -keyout dashboard.key -out dashboard.crt -extensions v3_ca

The above command outputs dashboard.key and dashboard.crt files. After you get the dashboard.crt file signed by a CA, enable it for all Ceph Manager instances by running the following commands:

cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-ssl-certificate -i dashboard.crt
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-ssl-certificate-key -i dashboard.key
Tip: Different certificates for each manager instance

If you require different certificates for each Ceph Manager instance, modify the commands and include the name of the instance as follows. Replace NAME with the name of the Ceph Manager instance (usually the related host name):

cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-ssl-certificate NAME -i dashboard.crt
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-ssl-certificate-key NAME -i dashboard.key

10.2 Changing host name and port number

The Ceph Dashboard binds to a specific TCP/IP address and TCP port. By default, the currently active Ceph Manager that hosts the dashboard binds to TCP port 8443 (or 8080 when SSL is disabled).


If a firewall is enabled on the hosts running Ceph Manager (and thus the Ceph Dashboard), you may need to change the configuration to enable access to these ports. For more information on firewall settings for Ceph, see Book “Troubleshooting Guide”, Chapter 13 “Hints and tips”, Section 13.7 “Firewall settings for Ceph”.

The Ceph Dashboard binds to "::" by default, which corresponds to all available IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. You can change the IP address and port number of the Web application so that they apply to all Ceph Manager instances by using the following commands:

cephuser@adm > ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/server_addr IP_ADDRESS
cephuser@adm > ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/server_port PORT_NUMBER
Tip: Configuring Ceph Manager instances separately

Since each ceph-mgr daemon hosts its own instance of the dashboard, you may need to configure them separately. Change the IP address and port number for a specific manager instance by using the following commands (replace NAME with the ID of the ceph-mgr instance):

cephuser@adm > ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/NAME/server_addr IP_ADDRESS
cephuser@adm > ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/NAME/server_port PORT_NUMBER
Tip: Listing configured endpoints

The ceph mgr services command displays all endpoints that are currently configured. Look for the dashboard key to obtain the URL for accessing the dashboard.

10.3 Adjusting user names and passwords

If you do not want to use the default administrator account, create a different user account and associate it with at least one role. We provide a set of predefined system roles that you can use. For more details refer to Chapter 11, Manage users and roles on the command line.

To create a user with administrator privileges, use the following command:

cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-user-create USER_NAME PASSWORD administrator

10.4 Enabling the Object Gateway management front-end

To use the Object Gateway management functionality of the dashboard, you need to provide the login credentials of a user with the system flag enabled:

  1. If you do not have a user with the system flag, create one:

    cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin user create --uid=USER_ID --display-name=DISPLAY_NAME --system

    Take note of the access_key and secret_key keys in the output of the command.

  2. You can also obtain the credentials of an existing user by using the radosgw-admin command:

    cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin user info --uid=USER_ID
  3. Provide the received credentials to the dashboard in separate files:

    cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-access-key ACCESS_KEY_FILE
    cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-secret-key SECRET_KEY_FILE

By default the firewall is enabled in SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2. For more information on firewall configuration, see Book “Troubleshooting Guide”, Chapter 13 “Hints and tips”, Section 13.7 “Firewall settings for Ceph”.

There are several points to consider:

  • The host name and port number of the Object Gateway are determined automatically.

  • If multiple zones are used, it will automatically determine the host within the master zonegroup and master zone. This is sufficient for most setups, but in some circumstances you may want to set the host name and port manually:

    cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-host HOST
    cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-port PORT
  • These are additional settings that you may need:

    cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-scheme SCHEME  # http or https
    cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-admin-resource ADMIN_RESOURCE
    cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-user-id USER_ID
  • If you are using a self-signed certificate (Section 10.1, “Configuring TLS/SSL support”) in your Object Gateway setup, disable certificate verification in the dashboard to avoid refused connections caused by certificates signed by an unknown CA or not matching the host name:

    cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-ssl-verify False
  • If the Object Gateway takes too long to process requests and the dashboard runs into timeouts, the timeout value can be adjusted (default is 45 seconds):

    cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-rest-requests-timeout SECONDS

10.5 Enabling iSCSI management

The Ceph Dashboard manages iSCSI targets using the REST API provided by the rbd-target-api service of the Ceph iSCSI gateway. Ensure it is installed and enabled on iSCSI gateways.


The iSCSI management functionality of the Ceph Dashboard depends on the latest version 3 of the ceph-iscsi project. Ensure that your operating system provides the correct version, otherwise the Ceph Dashboard will not enable the management features.

If the ceph-iscsi REST API is configured in HTTPS mode and it is using a self-signed certificate, configure the dashboard to avoid SSL certificate verification when accessing ceph-iscsi API.

Disable API SSL verification:

cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-iscsi-api-ssl-verification false

Define the available iSCSI gateways:

cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard iscsi-gateway-list
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard iscsi-gateway-add scheme://username:password@host[:port]
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard iscsi-gateway-rm gateway_name

10.6 Enabling Single Sign-On

Single Sign-On (SSO) is an access control method that enables users to log in with a single ID and password to multiple applications simultaneously.

The Ceph Dashboard supports external authentication of users via the SAML 2.0 protocol. Because authorization is still performed by the dashboard, you first need to create user accounts and associate them with the desired roles. However, the authentication process can be performed by an existing Identity Provider (IdP).

To configure Single Sign-On, use the following command:

cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard sso setup saml2 CEPH_DASHBOARD_BASE_URL \



Base URL where Ceph Dashboard is accessible (for example, 'https://cephdashboard.local').


URL, file path, or content of the IdP metadata XML (for example, 'https://myidp/metadata').


Optional. Attribute that will be used to get the user name from the authentication response. Defaults to 'uid'.


Optional. Use when more than one entity ID exists on the IdP metadata.


Optional. File path or content of the certificate that will be used by Ceph Dashboard (Service Provider) for signing and encryption. These file paths need to be accessible from the active Ceph Manager instance.

Note: SAML requests

The issuer value of SAML requests will follow this pattern:


To display the current SAML 2.0 configuration, run:

cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard sso show saml2

To disable Single Sign-On, run:

cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard sso disable

To check if SSO is enabled, run:

cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard sso status

To enable SSO, run:

cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard sso enable saml2

11 Manage users and roles on the command line

This section describes how to manage user accounts used by the Ceph Dashboard. It helps you create or modify user accounts, as well as set proper user roles and permissions.

11.1 Managing the password policy

By default the password policy feature is enabled including the following checks:

  • Is the password longer than N characters?

  • Are the old and new password the same?

The password policy feature can be switched on or off completely:

cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-pwd-policy-enabled true|false

The following individual checks can be switched on or off:

cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-pwd-policy-check-length-enabled true|false
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-pwd-policy-check-oldpwd-enabled true|false
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-pwd-policy-check-username-enabled true|false
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-pwd-policy-check-exclusion-list-enabled true|false
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-pwd-policy-check-complexity-enabled true|false
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-pwd-policy-check-sequential-chars-enabled true|false
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-pwd-policy-check-repetitive-chars-enabled true|false

In addition, the following options are available to configure the password policy behaviour.

  • The minimum password length (defaults to 8):

    cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-pwd-policy-min-length N
  • The minimum password complexity (defaults to 10):

    cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-pwd-policy-min-complexity N

    The password complexity is calculated by classifying each character in the password.

  • A list of comma-separated words that are not allowed to be used in a password:

    cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-pwd-policy-exclusion-list word[,...]

11.2 Managing user accounts

The Ceph Dashboard supports managing multiple user accounts. Each user account consists of a user name, a password (stored in encrypted form using bcrypt), an optional name, and an optional e-mail address.

User accounts are stored in Ceph Monitor's configuration database and are shared globally across all Ceph Manager instances.

Use the following commands to manage user accounts:

Show existing users:
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-user-show [USERNAME]
Create a new user:
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-user-create USERNAME -i [PASSWORD_FILE] [ROLENAME] [NAME] [EMAIL]
Delete a user:
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-user-delete USERNAME
Change a user's password:
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-user-set-password USERNAME -i PASSWORD_FILE
Modify a user's name and email:
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-user-set-info USERNAME NAME EMAIL
Disable user
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-user-disable USERNAME
Enable User
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-user-enable USERNAME

11.3 User roles and permissions

This section describes what security scopes you can assign to a user role, how to manage user roles and assign them to user accounts.

11.3.1 Defining security scopes

User accounts are associated with a set of roles that define which parts of the dashboard can be accessed by the user. The dashboard parts are grouped within a security scope. Security scopes are predefined and static. The following security scopes are currently available:


Includes all features related to the Hosts menu entry.


Includes all features related to the management of Ceph configuration options.


Includes all features related to pool management.


Includes all features related to the Ceph OSD management.


Includes all features related to the Ceph Monitor management.


Includes all features related to the RADOS Block Device image management.


Includes all features related to the RADOS Block Device mirroring management.


Includes all features related to iSCSI management.


Includes all features related to the Object Gateway management.


Includes all features related to CephFS management.


Includes all features related to the Ceph Manager management.


Includes all features related to Ceph logs management.


Includes all features related to the Grafana proxy.


Include all features related to Prometheus alert management.


Allows changing dashboard settings.

11.3.2 Specifying user roles

A role specifies a set of mappings between a security scope and a set of permissions. There are four types of permissions: 'read', 'create', 'update', and 'delete'.

The following example specifies a role where a user has 'read' and 'create' permissions for features related to pool management, and has full permissions for features related to RBD image management:

  'role': 'my_new_role',
  'description': 'My new role',
  'scopes_permissions': {
    'pool': ['read', 'create'],
    'rbd-image': ['read', 'create', 'update', 'delete']

The dashboard already provides a set of predefined roles that we call system roles. You can instantly use them after a fresh Ceph Dashboard installation:


Provides full permissions for all security scopes.


Provides read permission for all security scopes except the dashboard settings.


Provides full permissions for 'rbd-image', 'rbd-mirroring', and 'iscsi' scopes.


Provides full permissions for the 'rgw' scope.


Provides full permissions for the 'hosts', 'osd', 'monitor', 'manager', and 'config-opt' scopes.


Provides full permissions for the 'pool' scope.


Provides full permissions for the 'cephfs' scope. Managing custom roles

You can create new user roles by using the following commands:

Create a new role:
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-role-create ROLENAME [DESCRIPTION]
Delete a role:
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-role-delete ROLENAME
Add scope permissions to a role:
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-role-add-scope-perms ROLENAME SCOPENAME PERMISSION [PERMISSION...]
Delete scope permissions from a role:
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-role-del-perms ROLENAME SCOPENAME Assigning roles to user accounts

Use the following commands to assign roles to users:

Set user roles:
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-user-set-roles USERNAME ROLENAME [ROLENAME ...]
Add additional roles to a user:
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-user-add-roles USERNAME ROLENAME [ROLENAME ...]
Delete roles from a user:
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-user-del-roles USERNAME ROLENAME [ROLENAME ...]
Tip: Purging custom roles

If you create custom user roles and intend to remove the Ceph cluster with the ceph.purge runner later on, you need to purge the custom roles first. Find more details in Section 13.9, “Removing an entire Ceph cluster”. Example: Creating a user and a custom role

This section illustrates a procedure for creating a user account capable of managing RBD images, viewing and creating Ceph pools, and having read-only access to any other scopes.

  1. Create a new user named tux:

     cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-user-create tux PASSWORD
  2. Create a role and specify scope permissions:

    cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-role-create rbd/pool-manager
    cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-role-add-scope-perms rbd/pool-manager \
     rbd-image read create update delete
    cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-role-add-scope-perms rbd/pool-manager pool read create
  3. Associate the roles with the tux user:

    cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard ac-user-set-roles tux rbd/pool-manager read-only

11.4 Proxy configuration

If you want to establish a fixed URL to reach the Ceph Dashboard or if you do not want to allow direct connections to the manager nodes, you can set up a proxy that automatically forwards incoming requests to the currently active ceph-mgr instance.

11.4.1 Accessing the dashboard with reverse proxies

If you are accessing the dashboard via a reverse proxy configuration, you may need to service it under a URL prefix. To get the dashboard to use hyperlinks that include your prefix, you can set the url_prefix setting:

  cephuser@adm > ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/url_prefix URL_PREFIX

Then you can access the dashboard at http://HOST_NAME:PORT_NUMBER/URL_PREFIX/.

11.4.2 Disabling re-directions

If the Ceph Dashboard is behind a load-balancing proxy such as HAProxy, disable the redirection behaviour to prevent situations where the internal (unresolvable) URLs are published to the front-end client. Use the following command to get the dashboard to respond with an HTTP error (500 by default) instead of redirecting to the active dashboard:

cephuser@adm > ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/standby_behaviour "error"

To reset the setting to the default redirection behaviour, use the following command:

cephuser@adm > ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/standby_behaviour "redirect"

11.4.3 Configuring error status codes

If the redirection behaviour is disabled, then you should customize the HTTP status code of standby dashboards. To do so, run the following command:

cephuser@adm > ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/standby_error_status_code 503

11.4.4 HAProxy example configuration

The following example configuration is for TLS/SSL pass through using HAProxy.


The configuration works under the following conditions: If the dashboard fails over, the front-end client might receive an HTTP redirect (303) response and will be redirected to an unresolvable host.

This happens when the failover occurs during two HAProxy health checks. In this situation the previously active dashboard node will now respond with a 303 which points to the new active node. To prevent that situation you should consider disabling the redirection behaviour on standby nodes.

    log global
    option log-health-checks
    timeout connect 5s
    timeout client 50s
    timeout server 450s

  frontend dashboard_front
    mode http
    bind *:80
    option httplog
    redirect scheme https code 301 if !{ ssl_fc }

  frontend dashboard_front_ssl
    mode tcp
    bind *:443
    option tcplog
    default_backend dashboard_back_ssl

  backend dashboard_back_ssl
    mode tcp
    option httpchk GET /
    http-check expect status 200
    server x HOST:PORT ssl check verify none
    server y HOST:PORT ssl check verify none
    server z HOST:PORT ssl check verify none

11.5 Auditing API requests

The Ceph Dashboard's REST API can log PUT, POST, and DELETE requests to the Ceph audit log. Logging is disabled by default, but you can enable it with the following command:

cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-audit-api-enabled true

If enabled, the following parameters are logged per each request:


The origin of the request, for example 'https://[::1]:44410'.


The REST API path, for example /api/auth.


'PUT', 'POST', or 'DELETE'.


The name of the user (or ‘None’).

An example log entry looks like this:

2019-02-06 10:33:01.302514 mgr.x [INF] [DASHBOARD] \
 from='https://[::ffff:]:37022' path='/api/rgw/user/exu' method='PUT' \
 user='admin' params='{"max_buckets": "1000", "display_name": "Example User", "uid": "exu", "suspended": "0", "email": "user@example.com"}'
Tip: Disable logging of request payload

The logging of the request payload (the list of arguments and their values) is enabled by default. You can disable it as follows:

cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-audit-api-log-payload false

11.6 Configuring NFS Ganesha in the Ceph Dashboard

Ceph Dashboard can manage NFS Ganesha exports that use CephFS or Object Gateway as their backstore. The dashboard manages NFS Ganesha configuration files stored in RADOS objects on the CephFS cluster. NFS Ganesha must store part of their configuration in the Ceph cluster.

Run the following command to configure the NFS Ganesha configuration object's location:

cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-ganesha-clusters-rados-pool-namespace pool_name[/namespace]

You can now manage NFS Ganesha exports using the Ceph Dashboard.

11.6.1 Configuring multiple NFS Ganesha clusters

The Ceph Dashboard supports the management of NFS Ganesha exports belonging to different NFS Ganesha clusters. We recommend each NFS Ganesha cluster store its configuration objects in a different RADOS pool/namespace to isolate the configurations from each other.

Use the following command to specify the locations of the configuration of each NFS Ganesha cluster:

cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-ganesha-clusters-rados-pool-namespace cluster_id:pool_name[/namespace](,cluster_id:pool_name[/namespace])*

The cluster_id is an arbitrary string that uniquely identifies the NFS Ganesha cluster.

When configuring the Ceph Dashboard with multiple NFS Ganesha clusters, the Web UI automatically allows you to choose to which cluster an export belongs.

11.7 Debugging plugins

Ceph Dashboard plugins extend the functionality of the dashboard. The debug plugin allows the customization of the behaviour of the dashboard according to the debug mode. It can be enabled, disabled, or checked with the following command:

cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard debug status
Debug: 'disabled'
cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard debug enable
Debug: 'enabled'
cephuser@adm > dashboard debug disable
Debug: 'disabled'

By default, this is disabled. This is the recommended setting for production deployments. If required, debug mode can be enabled without need of restarting.

Part II Cluster Operation

  • 12 Determine the cluster state
  • When you have a running cluster, you may use the ceph tool to monitor it. Determining the cluster state typically involves checking the status of Ceph OSDs, Ceph Monitors, placement groups, and Metadata Servers.

  • 13 Operational tasks
  • To modify the configuration of an existing Ceph cluster, follow these steps:

  • 14 Operation of Ceph services
  • You can operate Ceph services on a daemon, node, or cluster level. Depending on which approach you need, use cephadm or the systemctl command.

  • 15 Backup and restore
  • This chapter explains which parts of the Ceph cluster you should back up in order to be able to restore its functionality.

  • 16 Monitoring and alerting
  • In SUSE Enterprise Storage 7, cephadm deploys a monitoring and alerting stack. Users need to either define the services (such as Prometheus, Alertmanager, and Grafana) that they want to deploy with cephadm in a YAML configuration file, or they can use the CLI to deploy them. When multiple services o…

12 Determine the cluster state

When you have a running cluster, you may use the ceph tool to monitor it. Determining the cluster state typically involves checking the status of Ceph OSDs, Ceph Monitors, placement groups, and Metadata Servers.

Tip: Interactive mode

To run the ceph tool in an interactive mode, type ceph at the command line with no arguments. The interactive mode is more convenient if you are going to enter more ceph commands in a row. For example:

cephuser@adm > ceph
ceph> health
ceph> status
ceph> quorum_status
ceph> mon stat

12.1 Checking a cluster's status

You can find the immediate state of the cluster using ceph status or ceph -s:

cephuser@adm > ceph -s
    id:     b4b30c6e-9681-11ea-ac39-525400d7702d
    health: HEALTH_OK

    mon: 5 daemons, quorum ses-min1,ses-master,ses-min2,ses-min4,ses-min3 (age 2m)
    mgr: ses-min1.gpijpm(active, since 3d), standbys: ses-min2.oopvyh
    mds: my_cephfs:1 {0=my_cephfs.ses-min1.oterul=up:active}
    osd: 3 osds: 3 up (since 3d), 3 in (since 11d)
    rgw: 2 daemons active (myrealm.myzone.ses-min1.kwwazo, myrealm.myzone.ses-min2.jngabw)

  task status:
    scrub status:
        mds.my_cephfs.ses-min1.oterul: idle

    pools:   7 pools, 169 pgs
    objects: 250 objects, 10 KiB
    usage:   3.1 GiB used, 27 GiB / 30 GiB avail
    pgs:     169 active+clean

The output provides the following information:

  • Cluster ID

  • Cluster health status

  • The monitor map epoch and the status of the monitor quorum

  • The OSD map epoch and the status of OSDs

  • The status of Ceph Managers

  • The status of Object Gateways

  • The placement group map version

  • The number of placement groups and pools

  • The notional amount of data stored and the number of objects stored

  • The total amount of data stored.

Tip: How Ceph calculates data usage

The used value reflects the actual amount of raw storage used. The xxx GB / xxx GB value means the amount available (the lesser number) of the overall storage capacity of the cluster. The notional number reflects the size of the stored data before it is replicated, cloned or snapshot. Therefore, the amount of data actually stored typically exceeds the notional amount stored, because Ceph creates replicas of the data and may also use storage capacity for cloning and snapshotting.

Other commands that display immediate status information are:

  • ceph pg stat

  • ceph osd pool stats

  • ceph df

  • ceph df detail

To get the information updated in real time, put any of these commands (including ceph -s) as an argument of the watch command:

# watch -n 10 'ceph -s'

Press CtrlC when you are tired of watching.

12.2 Checking cluster health

After you start your cluster and before you start reading and/or writing data, check your cluster's health:

cephuser@adm > ceph health
HEALTH_WARN 10 pgs degraded; 100 pgs stuck unclean; 1 mons down, quorum 0,2 \

If you specified non-default locations for your configuration or keyring, you may specify their locations:

cephuser@adm > ceph -c /path/to/conf -k /path/to/keyring health

The Ceph cluster returns one of the following health codes:


One or more OSDs are marked down. The OSD daemon may have been stopped, or peer OSDs may be unable to reach the OSD over the network. Common causes include a stopped or crashed daemon, a down host, or a network outage.

Verify the host is healthy, the daemon is started, and network is functioning. If the daemon has crashed, the daemon log file (/var/log/ceph/ceph-osd.*) may contain debugging information.

OSD_crush type_DOWN, for example OSD_HOST_DOWN

All the OSDs within a particular CRUSH subtree are marked down, for example all OSDs on a host.


An OSD is referenced in the CRUSH map hierarchy but does not exist. The OSD can be removed from the CRUSH hierarchy with:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd crush rm osd.ID

The usage thresholds for backfillfull (defaults to 0.90), nearfull (defaults to 0.85), full (defaults to 0.95), and/or failsafe_full are not ascending. In particular, we expect backfillfull < nearfull, nearfull < full, and full < failsafe_full.

To read the current values, run:

cephuser@adm > ceph health detail
HEALTH_ERR 1 full osd(s); 1 backfillfull osd(s); 1 nearfull osd(s)
osd.3 is full at 97%
osd.4 is backfill full at 91%
osd.2 is near full at 87%

The thresholds can be adjusted with the following commands:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd set-backfillfull-ratio ratio
cephuser@adm > ceph osd set-nearfull-ratio ratio
cephuser@adm > ceph osd set-full-ratio ratio

One or more OSDs has exceeded the full threshold and is preventing the cluster from servicing writes. Usage by pool can be checked with:

cephuser@adm > ceph df

The currently defined full ratio can be seen with:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd dump | grep full_ratio

A short-term workaround to restore write availability is to raise the full threshold by a small amount:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd set-full-ratio ratio

Add new storage to the cluster by deploying more OSDs, or delete existing data in order to free up space.


One or more OSDs has exceeded the backfillfull threshold, which prevents data from being allowed to rebalance to this device. This is an early warning that rebalancing may not be able to complete and that the cluster is approaching full. Usage by pool can be checked with:

cephuser@adm > ceph df

One or more OSDs has exceeded the nearfull threshold. This is an early warning that the cluster is approaching full. Usage by pool can be checked with:

cephuser@adm > ceph df

One or more cluster flags of interest has been set. With the exception of full, these flags can be set or cleared with:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd set flag
cephuser@adm > ceph osd unset flag

These flags include:


The cluster is flagged as full and cannot service writes.

pauserd, pausewr

Paused reads or writes.


OSDs are not allowed to start.


OSD failure reports are being ignored, such that the monitors will not mark OSDs down.


OSDs that were previously marked out will not be marked back in when they start.


Down OSDs will not automatically be marked out after the configured interval.

nobackfill, norecover, norebalance

Recovery or data rebalancing is suspended.

noscrub, nodeep_scrub

Scrubbing (see Section 17.6, “Scrubbing placement groups”) is disabled.


Cache tiering activity is suspended.


One or more OSDs has a per-OSD flag of interest set. These flags include:


OSD is not allowed to start.


Failure reports for this OSD will be ignored.


If this OSD was previously marked out automatically after a failure, it will not be marked in when it starts.


If this OSD is down, it will not be automatically marked out after the configured interval.

Per-OSD flags can be set and cleared with:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd add-flag osd-ID
cephuser@adm > ceph osd rm-flag osd-ID

The CRUSH Map is using very old settings and should be updated. The oldest tunables that can be used (that is the oldest client version that can connect to the cluster) without triggering this health warning is determined by the mon_crush_min_required_version configuration option.


The CRUSH Map is using an older, non-optimal method for calculating intermediate weight values for straw buckets. The CRUSH Map should be updated to use the newer method (straw_calc_version=1).


One or more cache pools is not configured with a hit set to track usage, which prevents the tiering agent from identifying cold objects to flush and evict from the cache. Hit sets can be configured on the cache pool with:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool set poolname hit_set_type type
cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool set poolname hit_set_period period-in-seconds
cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool set poolname hit_set_count number-of-hitsets
cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool set poolname hit_set_fpp target-false-positive-rate

No pre-Luminous v12 OSDs are running but the sortbitwise flag has not been set. You need to set the sortbitwise flag before Luminous v12 or newer OSDs can start:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd set sortbitwise

One or more pools has reached its quota and is no longer allowing writes. You can set pool quotas and usage with:

cephuser@adm > ceph df detail

You can either raise the pool quota with

cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool set-quota poolname max_objects num-objects
cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool set-quota poolname max_bytes num-bytes

or delete some existing data to reduce usage.


Data availability is reduced, meaning that the cluster is unable to service potential read or write requests for some data in the cluster. Specifically, one or more PGs is in a state that does not allow I/O requests to be serviced. Problematic PG states include peering, stale, incomplete, and the lack of active (if those conditions do not clear quickly). Detailed information about which PGs are affected is available from:

cephuser@adm > ceph health detail

In most cases the root cause is that one or more OSDs is currently down. The state of specific problematic PGs can be queried with:

cephuser@adm > ceph tell pgid query

Data redundancy is reduced for some data, meaning the cluster does not have the desired number of replicas for all data (for replicated pools) or erasure code fragments (for erasure coded pools). Specifically, one or more PGs have either the degraded or undersized flag set (there are not enough instances of that placement group in the cluster), or have not had the clean flag set for some time. Detailed information about which PGs are affected is available from:

cephuser@adm > ceph health detail

In most cases the root cause is that one or more OSDs is currently down. The state of specific problematic PGs can be queried with:

cephuser@adm > ceph tell pgid query

Data redundancy may be reduced or at risk for some data because of a lack of free space in the cluster. Specifically, one or more PGs has the backfill_toofull or recovery_toofull flag set, meaning that the cluster is unable to migrate or recover data because one or more OSDs is above the backfillfull threshold.


Data scrubbing (see Section 17.6, “Scrubbing placement groups”) has discovered some problems with data consistency in the cluster. Specifically, one or more PGs has the inconsistent or snaptrim_error flag is set, indicating an earlier scrub operation found a problem, or that the repair flag is set, meaning a repair for such an inconsistency is currently in progress.


Recent OSD scrubs have uncovered inconsistencies.


A cache tier pool is nearly full. Full in this context is determined by the target_max_bytes and target_max_objects properties on the cache pool. When the pool reaches the target threshold, write requests to the pool may block while data is flushed and evicted from the cache, a state that normally leads to very high latencies and poor performance. The cache pool target size can be adjusted with:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool set cache-pool-name target_max_bytes bytes
cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool set cache-pool-name target_max_objects objects

Normal cache flush and evict activity may also be throttled because of reduced availability or performance of the base tier, or overall cluster load.


The number of PGs in use is below the configurable threshold of mon_pg_warn_min_per_osd PGs per OSD. This can lead to suboptimal distribution and balance of data across the OSDs in the cluster reduce overall performance.


The number of PGs in use is above the configurable threshold of mon_pg_warn_max_per_osd PGs per OSD. This can lead to higher memory usage for OSD daemons, slower peering after cluster state changes (for example OSD restarts, additions, or removals), and higher load on the Ceph Managers and Ceph Monitors.

While the pg_num value for existing pools cannot be reduced, the pgp_num value can. This effectively co-locates some PGs on the same sets of OSDs, mitigating some of the negative impacts described above. The pgp_num value can be adjusted with:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool set pool pgp_num value

One or more pools has a pgp_num value less than pg_num. This is normally an indication that the PG count was increased without also increasing the placement behavior. This is normally resolved by setting pgp_num to match pg_num, triggering the data migration, with:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool set pool pgp_num pg_num_value

One or more pools have an average number of objects per PG that is significantly higher than the overall cluster average. The specific threshold is controlled by the mon_pg_warn_max_object_skew configuration value. This is usually an indication that the pool(s) containing most of the data in the cluster have too few PGs, and/or that other pools that do not contain as much data have too many PGs. The threshold can be raised to silence the health warning by adjusting the mon_pg_warn_max_object_skew configuration option on the monitors.


A pool exists that contains one or more objects but has not been tagged for use by a particular application. Resolve this warning by labeling the pool for use by an application. For example, if the pool is used by RBD:

cephuser@adm > rbd pool init pool_name

If the pool is being used by a custom application 'foo', you can also label it using the low-level command:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool application enable foo

One or more pools have reached (or is very close to reaching) its quota. The threshold to trigger this error condition is controlled by the mon_pool_quota_crit_threshold configuration option. Pool quotas can be adjusted up or down (or removed) with:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool set-quota pool max_bytes bytes
cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool set-quota pool max_objects objects

Setting the quota value to 0 will disable the quota.


One or more pools are approaching their quota. The threshold to trigger this warning condition is controlled by the mon_pool_quota_warn_threshold configuration option. Pool quotas can be adjusted up or down (or removed) with:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd osd pool set-quota pool max_bytes bytes
cephuser@adm > ceph osd osd pool set-quota pool max_objects objects

Setting the quota value to 0 will disable the quota.


One or more objects in the cluster are not stored on the node where the cluster wants them to be. This is an indication that data migration caused by a recent cluster change has not yet completed. Misplaced data is not a dangerous condition in itself. Data consistency is never at risk, and old copies of objects are never removed until the desired number of new copies (in the desired locations) are present.


One or more objects in the cluster cannot be found. Specifically, the OSDs know that a new or updated copy of an object should exist, but a copy of that version of the object has not been found on the OSDs that are currently up. Read or write requests to the 'unfound' objects will be blocked. Ideally, the down OSD that has the most recent copy of the unfound object can be brought back up. Candidate OSDs can be identified from the peering state for the PG(s) responsible for the unfound object:

cephuser@adm > ceph tell pgid query

One or more OSD requests is taking a long time to process. This can be an indication of extreme load, a slow storage device, or a software bug. You can query the request queue on the OSD(s) in question with the following command executed from the OSD host:

cephuser@adm > cephadm enter --name osd.ID -- ceph daemon osd.ID ops

You can see a summary of the slowest recent requests:

cephuser@adm > cephadm enter --name osd.ID -- ceph daemon osd.ID dump_historic_ops

You can find the location of an OSD with:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd find osd.id

One or more OSD requests have been blocked for a relatively long time, for example 4096 seconds. This is an indication that either the cluster has been unhealthy for an extended period of time (for example, not enough running OSDs or inactive PGs) or there is some internal problem with the OSD.


One or more PGs have not been scrubbed (see Section 17.6, “Scrubbing placement groups”) recently. PGs are normally scrubbed every mon_scrub_interval seconds, and this warning triggers when mon_warn_not_scrubbed such intervals have elapsed without a scrub. PGs will not scrub if they are not flagged as clean, which may happen if they are misplaced or degraded (see PG_AVAILABILITY and PG_DEGRADED above). You can manually initiate a scrub of a clean PG with:

cephuser@adm > ceph pg scrub pgid

One or more PGs has not been deep scrubbed (see Section 17.6, “Scrubbing placement groups”) recently. PGs are normally scrubbed every osd_deep_mon_scrub_interval seconds, and this warning triggers when mon_warn_not_deep_scrubbed seconds have elapsed without a scrub. PGs will not (deep) scrub if they are not flagged as clean, which may happen if they are misplaced or degraded (see PG_AVAILABILITY and PG_DEGRADED above). You can manually initiate a scrub of a clean PG with:

cephuser@adm > ceph pg deep-scrub pgid

If you specified non-default locations for your configuration or keyring, you may specify their locations:

# ceph -c /path/to/conf -k /path/to/keyring health

12.3 Checking a cluster's usage stats

To check a cluster’s data usage and distribution among pools, use the ceph df command. To get more details, use ceph df detail.

cephuser@adm > ceph df
hdd    30 GiB  27 GiB  121 MiB   3.1 GiB      10.40
TOTAL  30 GiB  27 GiB  121 MiB   3.1 GiB      10.40

--- POOLS ---
POOL                   ID  STORED   OBJECTS  USED     %USED  MAX AVAIL
device_health_metrics   1      0 B        0      0 B      0    8.5 GiB
cephfs.my_cephfs.meta   2  1.0 MiB       22  4.5 MiB   0.02    8.5 GiB
cephfs.my_cephfs.data   3      0 B        0      0 B      0    8.5 GiB
.rgw.root               4  1.9 KiB       13  2.2 MiB      0    8.5 GiB
myzone.rgw.log          5  3.4 KiB      207    6 MiB   0.02    8.5 GiB
myzone.rgw.control      6      0 B        8      0 B      0    8.5 GiB
myzone.rgw.meta         7      0 B        0      0 B      0    8.5 GiB

The RAW STORAGE section of the output provides an overview of the amount of storage your cluster uses for your data.

  • CLASS: The storage class of the device. Refer to Section 17.1.1, “Device classes” for more details on device classes.

  • SIZE: The overall storage capacity of the cluster.

  • AVAIL: The amount of free space available in the cluster.

  • USED: The space (accumulated over all OSDs) allocated purely for data objects kept at block device.

  • RAW USED: The sum of 'USED' space and space allocated/reserved at block device for Ceph purposes, for example BlueFS part for BlueStore.

  • % RAW USED: The percentage of raw storage used. Use this number in conjunction with the full ratio and near full ratio to ensure that you are not reaching your cluster’s capacity. See Section 12.8, “Storage capacity” for additional details.

    Note: Cluster fill level

    When a raw storage fill level is getting close to 100%, you need to add new storage to the cluster. A higher usage may lead to single full OSDs and cluster health problems.

    Use the command ceph osd df tree to list the fill level of all OSDs.

The POOLS section of the output provides a list of pools and the notional usage of each pool. The output from this section does not reflect replicas, clones or snapshots. For example, if you store an object with 1MB of data, the notional usage will be 1MB, but the actual usage may be 2MB or more depending on the number of replicas, clones and snapshots.

  • POOL: The name of the pool.

  • ID: The pool ID.

  • STORED: The amount of data stored by the user.

  • OBJECTS: The notional number of objects stored per pool.

  • USED: The amount of space allocated purely for data by all OSD nodes in kB.

  • %USED: The notional percentage of storage used per pool.

  • MAX AVAIL: The maximum available space in the given pool.


The numbers in the POOLS section are notional. They are not inclusive of the number of replicas, snapshots or clones. As a result, the sum of the USEDand %USED amounts will not add up to the RAW USED and %RAW USED amounts in the RAW STORAGE section of the output.

12.4 Checking OSD status

You can check OSDs to ensure they are up and on by executing:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd stat


cephuser@adm > ceph osd dump

You can also view OSDs according to their position in the CRUSH map.

ceph osd tree will print a CRUSH tree with a host, its OSDs, whether they are up, and their weight:

   cephuser@adm > ceph osd tree
-1      3  0.02939  root default
-3      3  0.00980    rack mainrack
-2      3  0.00980            host osd-host
0       1  0.00980                    osd.0   up   1.00000   1.00000
1       1  0.00980                    osd.1   up   1.00000   1.00000
2       1  0.00980                    osd.2   up   1.00000   1.00000

12.5 Checking for full OSDs

Ceph prevents you from writing to a full OSD so that you do not lose data. In an operational cluster, you should receive a warning when your cluster is getting near its full ratio. The mon osd full ratio defaults to 0.95, or 95% of capacity before it stops clients from writing data. The mon osd nearfull ratio defaults to 0.85, or 85% of capacity, when it generates a health warning.

Full OSD nodes will be reported by ceph health:

cephuser@adm > ceph health
  HEALTH_WARN 1 nearfull osds
  osd.2 is near full at 85%


cephuser@adm > ceph health
  HEALTH_ERR 1 nearfull osds, 1 full osds
  osd.2 is near full at 85%
  osd.3 is full at 97%

The best way to deal with a full cluster is to add new OSD hosts/disks allowing the cluster to redistribute data to the newly available storage.

Tip: Preventing full OSDs

After an OSD becomes full—it uses 100% of its disk space—it will normally crash quickly without warning. Following are a few tips to remember when administering OSD nodes.

  • Each OSD's disk space (usually mounted under /var/lib/ceph/osd/osd-{1,2..}) needs to be placed on a dedicated underlying disk or partition.

  • Check the Ceph configuration files and make sure that Ceph does not store its log file to the disks/partitions dedicated for use by OSDs.

  • Make sure that no other process writes to the disks/partitions dedicated for use by OSDs.

12.6 Checking the monitor status

After you start the cluster and before first reading and/or writing data, check the Ceph Monitors' quorum status. When the cluster is already serving requests, check the Ceph Monitors' status periodically to ensure that they are running.

To display the monitor map, execute the following:

cephuser@adm > ceph mon stat


cephuser@adm > ceph mon dump

To check the quorum status for the monitor cluster, execute the following:

cephuser@adm > ceph quorum_status

Ceph will return the quorum status. For example, a Ceph cluster consisting of three monitors may return the following:

{ "election_epoch": 10,
  "quorum": [
  "monmap": { "epoch": 1,
      "fsid": "444b489c-4f16-4b75-83f0-cb8097468898",
      "modified": "2011-12-12 13:28:27.505520",
      "created": "2011-12-12 13:28:27.505520",
      "mons": [
            { "rank": 0,
              "name": "a",
              "addr": "\/0"},
            { "rank": 1,
              "name": "b",
              "addr": "\/0"},
            { "rank": 2,
              "name": "c",
              "addr": "\/0"}

12.7 Checking placement group states

Placement groups map objects to OSDs. When you monitor your placement groups, you will want them to be active and clean. For a detailed discussion, refer to Section 12.9, “Monitoring OSDs and placement groups”.

12.8 Storage capacity

When a Ceph storage cluster gets close to its maximum capacity, Ceph prevents you from writing to or reading from Ceph OSDs as a safety measure to prevent data loss. Therefore, letting a production cluster approach its full ratio is not a good practice, because it sacrifices high availability. The default full ratio is set to .95, meaning 95% of capacity. This a very aggressive setting for a test cluster with a small number of OSDs.

Tip: Increase Storage Capacity

When monitoring your cluster, be alert to warnings related to the nearfull ratio. It means that a failure of some OSDs could result in a temporary service disruption if one or more OSDs fails. Consider adding more OSDs to increase storage capacity.

A common scenario for test clusters involves a system administrator removing a Ceph OSD from the Ceph storage cluster to watch the cluster rebalance. Then removing another Ceph OSD, and so on until the cluster eventually reaches the full ratio and locks up. We recommend a bit of capacity planning even with a test cluster. Planning enables you to estimate how much spare capacity you will need in order to maintain high availability. Ideally, you want to plan for a series of Ceph OSD failures where the cluster can recover to an active + clean state without replacing those Ceph OSDs immediately. You can run a cluster in an active + degraded state, but this is not ideal for normal operating conditions.

The following diagram depicts a simplistic Ceph storage cluster containing 33 Ceph nodes with one Ceph OSD per host, each of them reading from and writing to a 3 TB drive. This exemplary cluster has a maximum actual capacity of 99 TB. The mon osd full ratio option is set to 0.95. If the cluster falls to 5 TB of the remaining capacity, it will not allow the clients to read and write data. Therefore the storage cluster’s operating capacity is 95 TB, not 99 TB.

Ceph cluster
Figure 12.1: Ceph cluster

It is normal in such a cluster for one or two OSDs to fail. A less frequent but reasonable scenario involves a rack’s router or power supply failing, which brings down multiple OSDs simultaneously (for example, OSDs 7-12). In such a scenario, you should still strive for a cluster that can remain operational and achieve an active + clean state—even if that means adding a few hosts with additional OSDs in short order. If your capacity usage is too high, you may not lose data. But you could still sacrifice data availability while resolving an outage within a failure domain if capacity usage of the cluster exceeds the full ratio. For this reason, we recommend at least some rough capacity planning.

Identify two numbers for your cluster:

  1. The number of OSDs.

  2. The total capacity of the cluster.

If you divide the total capacity of your cluster by the number of OSDs in your cluster, you will find the mean average capacity of an OSD within your cluster. Consider multiplying that number by the number of OSDs you expect will fail simultaneously during normal operations (a relatively small number). Finally, multiply the capacity of the cluster by the full ratio to arrive at a maximum operating capacity. Then, subtract the number of the amount of data from the OSDs you expect to fail to arrive at a reasonable full ratio. Repeat the foregoing process with a higher number of OSD failures (a rack of OSDs) to arrive at a reasonable number for a near full ratio.

The following settings only apply on cluster creation and are then stored in the OSD map:

 mon osd full ratio = .80
 mon osd backfillfull ratio = .75
 mon osd nearfull ratio = .70

These settings only apply during cluster creation. Afterward they need to be changed in the OSD Map using the ceph osd set-nearfull-ratio and ceph osd set-full-ratio commands.

mon osd full ratio

The percentage of disk space used before an OSD is considered full. Default is .95

mon osd backfillfull ratio

The percentage of disk space used before an OSD is considered too full to backfill. Default is .90

mon osd nearfull ratio

The percentage of disk space used before an OSD is considered nearfull. Default is .85

Tip: Check OSD weight

If some OSDs are nearfull, but others have plenty of capacity, you may have a problem with the CRUSH weight for the nearfull OSDs.

12.9 Monitoring OSDs and placement groups

High availability and high reliability require a fault-tolerant approach to managing hardware and software issues. Ceph has no single point-of-failure, and can service requests for data in a 'degraded' mode. Ceph’s data placement introduces a layer of indirection to ensure that data does not bind directly to particular OSD addresses. This means that tracking down system faults requires finding the placement group and the underlying OSDs at root of the problem.

Tip: Access in case of failure

A fault in one part of the cluster may prevent you from accessing a particular object. That does not mean that you cannot access other objects. When you run into a fault, follow the steps for monitoring your OSDs and placement groups. Then begin troubleshooting.

Ceph is generally self-repairing. However, when problems persist, monitoring OSDs and placement groups will help you identify the problem.

12.9.1 Monitoring OSDs

An OSD’s status is either in the cluster ('in') or out of the cluster ('out'). At the same time, it is either up and running ('up') or it is down and not running ('down'). If an OSD is 'up', it may be either in the cluster (you can read and write data) or out of the cluster. If it was in the cluster and recently moved out of the cluster, Ceph will migrate placement groups to other OSDs. If an OSD is out of the cluster, CRUSH will not assign placement groups to it. If an OSD is 'down', it should also be 'out'.

Note: Unhealthy state

If an OSD is 'down' and 'in', there is a problem and the cluster will not be in a healthy state.

If you execute a command such as ceph health, ceph -s or ceph -w, you may notice that the cluster does not always echo back HEALTH OK. With regard to OSDs, you should expect that the cluster will not echo HEALTH OK under the following circumstances:

  • You have not started the cluster yet (it will not respond).

  • You have started or restarted the cluster and it is not ready yet, because the placement groups are being created and the OSDs are in the process of peering.

  • You have added or removed an OSD.

  • You have modified your cluster map.

An important aspect of monitoring OSDs is to ensure that when the cluster is up and running, all the OSDs in the cluster are up and running, too. To see if all the OSDs are running, execute:

# ceph osd stat
x osds: y up, z in; epoch: eNNNN

The result should tell you the total number of OSDs (x), how many are 'up' (y), how many are 'in' (z), and the map epoch (eNNNN). If the number of OSDs that are 'in' the cluster is more than the number of OSDs that are 'up', execute the following command to identify the ceph-osd daemons that are not running:

# ceph osd tree
-1       2.00000 pool openstack
-3       2.00000 rack dell-2950-rack-A
-2       2.00000 host dell-2950-A1
0   ssd 1.00000      osd.0                up  1.00000 1.00000
1   ssd 1.00000      osd.1              down  1.00000 1.00000

For example, if an OSD with ID 1 is down, start it:

cephuser@osd > sudo systemctl start ceph-CLUSTER_ID@osd.0.service

See Book “Troubleshooting Guide”, Chapter 4 “Troubleshooting OSDs”, Section 4.3 “OSDs not running” for problems associated with OSDs that have stopped or that will not restart.

12.9.2 Assigning placement group sets

When CRUSH assigns placement groups to OSDs, it looks at the number of replicas for the pool and assigns the placement group to OSDs such that each replica of the placement group gets assigned to a different OSD. For example, if the pool requires three replicas of a placement group, CRUSH may assign them to osd.1, osd.2 and osd.3 respectively. CRUSH actually seeks a pseudo-random placement that will take into account failure domains you set in your CRUSH Map, so you will rarely see placement groups assigned to nearest neighbor OSDs in a large cluster. We refer to the set of OSDs that should contain the replicas of a particular placement group as the acting set. In some cases, an OSD in the acting set is down or otherwise not able to service requests for objects in the placement group. When these situations arise, it may match one of the following scenarios:

  • You added or removed an OSD. Then, CRUSH reassigned the placement group to other OSDs and therefore changed the composition of the acting set, causing the migration of data with a 'backfill' process.

  • An OSD was 'down', was restarted, and is now recovering.

  • An OSD in the acting set is 'down' or unable to service requests, and another OSD has temporarily assumed its duties.

    Ceph processes a client request using the up set, which is the set of OSDs that will actually handle the requests. In most cases, the up set and the acting set are virtually identical. When they are not, it may indicate that Ceph is migrating data, an OSD is recovering, or that there is a problem (for example, Ceph usually echoes a HEALTH WARN state with a 'stuck stale' message in such scenarios).

To retrieve a list of placement groups, run:

cephuser@adm > ceph pg dump

To view which OSDs are within the acting set or the up set for a given placement group, run:

cephuser@adm > ceph pg map PG_NUM
osdmap eNNN pg RAW_PG_NUM (PG_NUM) -> up [0,1,2] acting [0,1,2]

The result should tell you the osdmap epoch (eNNN), the placement group number (PG_NUM), the OSDs in the up set ('up'), and the OSDs in the acting set ('acting'):

Tip: Cluster problem indicator

If the up set and acting set do not match, this may be an indicator either of the cluster rebalancing itself, or of a potential problem with the cluster.

12.9.3 Peering

Before you can write data to a placement group, it must be in an active state, and it should be in a clean state. For Ceph to determine the current state of a placement group, the primary OSD of the placement group (the first OSD in the acting set), peers with the secondary and tertiary OSDs to establish agreement on the current state of the placement group (assuming a pool with three replicas of the PG).

Peering schema
Figure 12.2: Peering schema

12.9.4 Monitoring placement group states

If you execute a command such as ceph health, ceph -s or ceph -w, you may notice that the cluster does not always echo back the HEALTH OK message. After you check to see if the OSDs are running, you should also check placement group states.

Expect that the cluster will not echo HEALTH OK in a number of placement group peering-related circumstances:

  • You have created a pool and placement groups have not peered yet.

  • The placement groups are recovering.

  • You have added an OSD to or removed an OSD from the cluster.

  • You have modified your CRUSH Map and your placement groups are migrating.

  • There is inconsistent data in different replicas of a placement group.

  • Ceph is scrubbing a placement group’s replicas.

  • Ceph does not have enough storage capacity to complete backfilling operations.

If one of the above mentioned circumstances causes Ceph to echo HEALTH WARN, do not panic. In many cases, the cluster will recover on its own. In some cases, you may need to take action. An important aspect of monitoring placement groups is to ensure that when the cluster is up and running, all placement groups are 'active' and preferably in the 'clean state'. To see the status of all placement groups, run:

cephuser@adm > ceph pg stat
x pgs: y active+clean; z bytes data, aa MB used, bb GB / cc GB avail

The result should tell you the total number of placement groups (x), how many placement groups are in a particular state such as 'active+clean' (y) and the amount of data stored (z).

In addition to the placement group states, Ceph will also echo back the amount of storage capacity used (aa), the amount of storage capacity remaining (bb), and the total storage capacity for the placement group. These numbers can be important in a few cases:

  • You are reaching your near full ratio or full ratio.

  • Your data is not getting distributed across the cluster because of an error in your CRUSH configuration.

Tip: Placement group IDs

Placement group IDs consist of the pool number (not pool name) followed by a period (.) and the placement group ID—a hexadecimal number. You can view pool numbers and their names from the output of ceph osd lspools. For example, the default pool rbd corresponds to pool number 0. A fully qualified placement group ID has the following form:


And it typically looks like this:


To retrieve a list of placement groups, run the following:

cephuser@adm > ceph pg dump

You can also format the output in JSON format and save it to a file:

cephuser@adm > ceph pg dump -o FILE_NAME --format=json

To query a particular placement group, run the following:

cephuser@adm > ceph pg POOL_NUM.PG_ID query

The following list describes the common placement group states in detail.


When you create a pool, it will create the number of placement groups you specified. Ceph will echo 'creating' when it is creating one or more placement groups. When they are created, the OSDs that are part of the placement group’s acting set will peer. When peering is complete, the placement group status should be 'active+clean', which means that a Ceph client can begin writing to the placement group.

Placement groups status
Figure 12.3: Placement groups status

When Ceph is peering a placement group, it is bringing the OSDs that store the replicas of the placement group into agreement about the state of the objects and metadata in the placement group. When Ceph completes peering, this means that the OSDs that store the placement group agree about the current state of the placement group. However, completion of the peering process does not mean that each replica has the latest contents.

Note: Authoritative history

Ceph will not acknowledge a write operation to a client until all OSDs of the acting set persist the write operation. This practice ensures that at least one member of the acting set will have a record of every acknowledged write operation since the last successful peering operation.

With an accurate record of each acknowledged write operation, Ceph can construct and enlarge a new authoritative history of the placement group—a complete and fully ordered set of operations that, if performed, would bring an OSD’s copy of a placement group up to date.


When Ceph completes the peering process, a placement group may become active. The active state means that the data in the placement group is generally available in the primary placement group and the replicas for read and write operations.


When a placement group is in the clean state, the primary OSD and the replica OSDs have successfully peered and there are no stray replicas for the placement group. Ceph replicated all objects in the placement group the correct number of times.


When a client writes an object to the primary OSD, the primary OSD is responsible for writing the replicas to the replica OSDs. After the primary OSD writes the object to storage, the placement group will remain in a 'degraded' state until the primary OSD has received an acknowledgement from the replica OSDs that Ceph created the replica objects successfully.

The reason a placement group can be 'active+degraded' is that an OSD may be 'active' even though it does not hold all of the objects yet. If an OSD goes down, Ceph marks each placement group assigned to the OSD as 'degraded'. The OSDs must peer again when the OSD comes back up. However, a client can still write a new object to a degraded placement group if it is 'active'.

If an OSD is 'down' and the 'degraded' condition persists, Ceph may mark the down OSD as 'out' of the cluster and remap the data from the 'down' OSD to another OSD. The time between being marked 'down' and being marked 'out' is controlled by the mon osd down out interval option, which is set to 600 seconds by default.

A placement group can also be 'degraded' because Ceph cannot find one or more objects that should be in the placement group. While you cannot read or write to unfound objects, you can still access all of the other objects in the 'degraded' placement group.


Ceph was designed for fault-tolerance at a scale where hardware and software problems are ongoing. When an OSD goes 'down', its contents may fall behind the current state of other replicas in the placement groups. When the OSD is back 'up', the contents of the placement groups must be updated to reflect the current state. During that time period, the OSD may reflect a 'recovering' state.

Recovery is not always trivial, because a hardware failure may cause a cascading failure of multiple OSDs. For example, a network switch for a rack or cabinet may fail, which can cause the OSDs of a number of host machines to fall behind the current state of the cluster. Each of the OSDs must recover when the fault is resolved.

Ceph provides a number of settings to balance the resource contention between new service requests and the need to recover data objects and restore the placement groups to the current state. The osd recovery delay start setting allows an OSD to restart, re-peer and even process some replay requests before starting the recovery process. The osd recovery thread timeout sets a thread timeout, because multiple OSDs may fail, restart and re-peer at staggered rates. The osd recovery max active setting limits the number of recovery requests an OSD will process simultaneously to prevent the OSD from failing to serve. The osd recovery max chunk setting limits the size of the recovered data chunks to prevent network congestion.


When a new OSD joins the cluster, CRUSH will reassign placement groups from OSDs in the cluster to the newly added OSD. Forcing the new OSD to accept the reassigned placement groups immediately can put excessive load on the new OSD. Backfilling the OSD with the placement groups allows this process to begin in the background. When backfilling is complete, the new OSD will begin serving requests when it is ready.

During the backfill operations, you may see one of several states: 'backfill_wait' indicates that a backfill operation is pending, but is not yet in progress; 'backfill' indicates that a backfill operation is in progress; 'backfill_too_full' indicates that a backfill operation was requested, but could not be completed because of insufficient storage capacity. When a placement group cannot be backfilled, it may be considered 'incomplete'.

Ceph provides a number of settings to manage the load associated with reassigning placement groups to an OSD (especially a new OSD). By default, osd max backfills sets the maximum number of concurrent backfills to or from an OSD to 10. The backfill full ratio enables an OSD to refuse a backfill request if the OSD is approaching its full ratio (90%, by default) and change with ceph osd set-backfillfull-ratio command. If an OSD refuses a backfill request, the osd backfill retry interval enables an OSD to retry the request (after 10 seconds, by default). OSDs can also set osd backfill scan min and osd backfill scan max to manage scan intervals (64 and 512, by default).


When the acting set that services a placement group changes, the data migrates from the old acting set to the new acting set. It may take some time for a new primary OSD to service requests. So it may ask the old primary to continue to service requests until the placement group migration is complete. When data migration completes, the mapping uses the primary OSD of the new acting set.


While Ceph uses heartbeats to ensure that hosts and daemons are running, the ceph-osd daemons may also get into a 'stuck' state where they are not reporting statistics in a timely manner (for example, a temporary network fault). By default, OSD daemons report their placement group, boot and failure statistics every half second (0.5), which is more frequent than the heartbeat thresholds. If the primary OSD of a placement group’s acting set fails to report to the monitor or if other OSDs have reported the primary OSD as 'down', the monitors will mark the placement group as 'stale'.

When you start your cluster, it is common to see the 'stale' state until the peering process completes. After your cluster has been running for a while, seeing placement groups in the 'stale' state indicates that the primary OSD for those placement groups is down or not reporting placement group statistics to the monitor.

12.9.5 Finding an object location

To store object data in the Ceph Object Store, a Ceph client needs to set an object name and specify a related pool. The Ceph client retrieves the latest cluster map and the CRUSH algorithm calculates how to map the object to a placement group, and then calculates how to assign the placement group to an OSD dynamically. To find the object location, all you need is the object name and the pool name. For example:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd map POOL_NAME OBJECT_NAME [NAMESPACE]
Example 12.1: Locating an object

As an example, let us create an object. Specify an object name 'test-object-1', a path to an example file 'testfile.txt' containing some object data, and a pool name 'data' using the rados put command on the command line:

cephuser@adm > rados put test-object-1 testfile.txt --pool=data

To verify that the Ceph Object Store stored the object, run the following:

cephuser@adm > rados -p data ls

Now, identify the object location. Ceph will output the object’s location:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd map data test-object-1
osdmap e537 pool 'data' (0) object 'test-object-1' -> pg 0.d1743484 \
(0.4) -> up ([1,0], p0) acting ([1,0], p0)

To remove the example object, simply delete it using the rados rm command:

cephuser@adm > rados rm test-object-1 --pool=data

13 Operational tasks

13.1 Modifying the cluster configuration

To modify the configuration of an existing Ceph cluster, follow these steps:

  1. Export the current configuration of the cluster to a file:

    cephuser@adm > ceph orch ls --export --format yaml > cluster.yaml
  2. Edit the file with the configuration and update the relevant lines. Find specification examples in Book “Deployment Guide”, Chapter 8 “Deploying the remaining core services using cephadm” and Section 13.4.3, “Adding OSDs using DriveGroups specification”.

  3. Apply the new configuration:

    cephuser@adm > ceph orch apply -i cluster.yaml

13.2 Adding nodes

To add a new node to a Ceph cluster, follow these steps:

  1. Install SUSE Linux Enterprise Server and SUSE Enterprise Storage on the new host. Refer to Book “Deployment Guide”, Chapter 5 “Installing and configuring SUSE Linux Enterprise Server” for more information.

  2. Configure the host as a Salt Minion of an already existing Salt Master. Refer to Book “Deployment Guide”, Chapter 6 “Deploying Salt” for more information.

  3. Add the new host to ceph-salt and make cephadm aware of it, for example:

    root@master # ceph-salt config /ceph_cluster/minions add ses-min5.example.com
    root@master # ceph-salt config /ceph_cluster/roles/cephadm add ses-min5.example.com

    Refer to Book “Deployment Guide”, Chapter 7 “Deploying the bootstrap cluster using ceph-salt”, Section 7.2.2 “Adding Salt Minions” for more information.

  4. Verify that the node was added to ceph-salt:

    root@master # ceph-salt config /ceph_cluster/minions ls
    o- minions ................................................. [Minions: 5]
      o- ses-min5.example.com .................................... [no roles]
  5. Apply the configuration to the new cluster host:

    root@master # ceph-salt apply ses-min5.example.com
  6. Verify that the newly added host now belongs to the cephadm environment:

    cephuser@adm > ceph orch host ls
    HOST                   ADDR                    LABELS   STATUS
    ses-min5.example.com   ses-min5.example.com

13.3 Removing nodes

Tip: Remove OSDs

If the node that you are going to remove runs OSDs, remove the OSDs from it first and check that no OSDs are running on that node. Refer to Section 13.4.4, “Removing OSDs” for more details on removing OSDs.

To remove a node from a cluster, do the following:

  1. For all Ceph service types except for node-exporter and crash, remove the node's host name from the cluster placement specification file (for example, cluster.yml). Refer to Book “Deployment Guide”, Chapter 8 “Deploying the remaining core services using cephadm”, Section 8.2 “Service and placement specification” for more details. For example, if you are removing the host named ses-min2, remove all occurrences of - ses-min2 from all placement: sections:


    service_type: rgw
    service_id: EXAMPLE_NFS
      - ses-min2
      - ses-min3


    service_type: rgw
    service_id: EXAMPLE_NFS
      - ses-min3

    Apply your changes to the configuration file:

    cephuser@adm > ceph orch apply -i rgw-example.yaml
  2. Remove the node from cephadm's environment:

    cephuser@adm > ceph orch host rm ses-min2
  3. If the node is running crash.osd.1 and crash.osd.2 services, remove them by running the following command on the host:

    root@minion > cephadm rm-daemon --fsid CLUSTER_ID --name SERVICE_NAME

    For example:

    root@minion > cephadm rm-daemon --fsid b4b30c6e... --name crash.osd.1
    root@minion > cephadm rm-daemon --fsid b4b30c6e... --name crash.osd.2
  4. Remove all the roles from the minion you want to delete:

    cephuser@adm > ceph-salt config /ceph_cluster/roles/tuned/throughput remove ses-min2
    cephuser@adm > ceph-salt config /ceph_cluster/roles/tuned/latency remove ses-min2
    cephuser@adm > ceph-salt config /ceph_cluster/roles/cephadm remove ses-min2
    cephuser@adm > ceph-salt config /ceph_cluster/roles/admin remove ses-min2

    If the minion you want to remove is the bootstrap minion, you also need to remove the bootstrap role:

    cephuser@adm > ceph-salt config /ceph_cluster/roles/bootstrap reset
  5. After removing all OSDs on a single host, remove the host from the CRUSH map:

    cephuser@adm > ceph osd crush remove bucket-name

    The bucket name should be the same as the host name.

  6. You can now remove the minion from the cluster:

    cephuser@adm > ceph-salt config /ceph_cluster/minions remove ses-min2

In the event of a failure and the minion you are trying to remove is in a permanently powered-off state, you will need to remove the node from the Salt Master:

root@master # salt-key -d minion_id

Then, manually remove the node from pillar_root/ceph-salt.sls. This is typically located in /srv/pillar/ceph-salt.sls.

13.4 OSD management

This section describes how to add, erase, or remove OSDs in a Ceph cluster.

13.4.1 Listing disk devices

To identify used and unused disk devices on all cluster nodes, list them by running the following command:

cephuser@adm > ceph orch device ls
ses-master /dev/vda  hdd  42.0G         False locked
ses-min1   /dev/vda  hdd  42.0G         False locked
ses-min1   /dev/vdb  hdd  8192M  387836 False locked, LVM detected, Insufficient space (<5GB) on vgs
ses-min2   /dev/vdc  hdd  8192M  450575 True

13.4.2 Erasing disk devices

To re-use a disk device, you need to erase (or zap) it first:

ceph orch device zap HOST_NAME DISK_DEVICE

For example:

cephuser@adm > ceph orch device zap ses-min2 /dev/vdc

If you previously deployed OSDs by using DriveGroups or the --all-available-devices option while the unmanaged flag was not set, cephadm will deploy these OSDs automatically after you erase them.

13.4.3 Adding OSDs using DriveGroups specification

DriveGroups specify the layouts of OSDs in the Ceph cluster. They are defined in a single YAML file. In this section, we will use drive_groups.yml as an example.

An administrator should manually specify a group of OSDs that are interrelated (hybrid OSDs that are deployed on a mixture of HDDs and SDDs) or share identical deployment options (for example, the same object store, same encryption option, stand-alone OSDs). To avoid explicitly listing devices, DriveGroups use a list of filter items that correspond to a few selected fields of ceph-volume's inventory reports. cephadm will provide code that translates these DriveGroups into actual device lists for inspection by the user.

The command to apply the OSD specification to the cluster is:

cephuser@adm > ceph orch apply osd -i drive_groups.yml

To see a preview of actions and test your application, you can use the --dry-run option together with the ceph orch apply osd command. For example:

cephuser@adm > ceph orch apply osd -i drive_groups.yml --dry-run
|osd      |test  |mgr0  |/dev/sda  |-   |-    |
|osd      |test  |mgr0  |/dev/sdb  |-   |-    |

If the --dry-run output matches your expectations, then simply re-run the command without the --dry-run option. Unmanaged OSDs

All available clean disk devices that match the DriveGroups specification will be used as OSDs automatically after you add them to the cluster. This behavior is called a managed mode.

To disable the managed mode, add the unmanaged: true line to the relevant specifications, for example:

service_type: osd
service_id: example_drvgrp_name
 - ses-min2
 - ses-min3
encrypted: true
unmanaged: true

To change already deployed OSDs from the managed to unmanaged mode, add the unmanaged: true lines where applicable during the procedure described in Section 13.1, “Modifying the cluster configuration”. DriveGroups specification

Following is an example DriveGroups specification file:

service_type: osd
service_id: example_drvgrp_name
  host_pattern: '*'
block_wal_size: '5G'  # (optional, unit suffixes permitted)
block_db_size: '5G'   # (optional, unit suffixes permitted)
encrypted: true       # 'True' or 'False' (defaults to 'False')

The option previously called "encryption" in DeepSea has been renamed to "encrypted". When applying DriveGroups in SUSE Enterprise Storage 7, ensure you use this new terminology in your service specification, otherwise the ceph orch apply operation will fail. Matching disk devices

You can describe the specification using the following filters:

  • By a disk model:

  • By a disk vendor:


    Always enter the DISK_VENDOR_STRING in lowercase.

    To obtain details about disk model and vendor, examine the output of the following command:

    cephuser@adm > ceph orch device ls
    HOST     PATH     TYPE  SIZE DEVICE_ID                  MODEL            VENDOR
    ses-min1 /dev/sdb ssd  29.8G SATA_SSD_AF34075704240015  SATA SSD         ATA
    ses-min2 /dev/sda ssd   223G Micron_5200_MTFDDAK240TDN  Micron_5200_MTFD ATA
  • Whether a disk is rotational or not. SSDs and NVMe drives are not rotational.

    rotational: 0
  • Deploy a node using all available drives for OSDs:

      all: true
  • Additionally, by limiting the number of matching disks:

    limit: 10 Filtering devices by size

You can filter disk devices by their size—either by an exact size, or a size range. The size: parameter accepts arguments in the following form:

  • '10G' - Includes disks of an exact size.

  • '10G:40G' - Includes disks whose size is within the range.

  • ':10G' - Includes disks less than or equal to 10 GB in size.

  • '40G:' - Includes disks equal to or greater than 40 GB in size.

Example 13.1: Matching by disk size
service_type: osd
service_id: example_drvgrp_name
  host_pattern: '*'
  size: '40TB:'
  size: ':2TB'
Note: Quotes required

When using the ':' delimiter, you need to enclose the size in quotes, otherwise the ':' sign will be interpreted as a new configuration hash.

Tip: Unit shortcuts

Instead of Gigabytes (G), you can specify the sizes in Megabytes (M) or Terabytes (T). DriveGroups examples

This section includes examples of different OSD setups.

Example 13.2: Simple setup

This example describes two nodes with the same setup:

  • 20 HDDs

    • Vendor: Intel

    • Model: SSD-123-foo

    • Size: 4 TB

  • 2 SSDs

    • Vendor: Micron

    • Model: MC-55-44-ZX

    • Size: 512 GB

The corresponding drive_groups.yml file will be as follows:

service_type: osd
service_id: example_drvgrp_name
  host_pattern: '*'
  model: SSD-123-foo
  model: MC-55-44-XZ

Such a configuration is simple and valid. The problem is that an administrator may add disks from different vendors in the future, and these will not be included. You can improve it by reducing the filters on core properties of the drives:

service_type: osd
service_id: example_drvgrp_name
  host_pattern: '*'
  rotational: 1
  rotational: 0

In the previous example, we are enforcing all rotating devices to be declared as 'data devices' and all non-rotating devices will be used as 'shared devices' (wal, db).

If you know that drives with more than 2 TB will always be the slower data devices, you can filter by size:

service_type: osd
service_id: example_drvgrp_name
  host_pattern: '*'
  size: '2TB:'
  size: ':2TB'
Example 13.3: Advanced setup

This example describes two distinct setups: 20 HDDs should share 2 SSDs, while 10 SSDs should share 2 NVMes.

  • 20 HDDs

    • Vendor: Intel

    • Model: SSD-123-foo

    • Size: 4 TB

  • 12 SSDs

    • Vendor: Micron

    • Model: MC-55-44-ZX

    • Size: 512 GB

  • 2 NVMes

    • Vendor: Samsung

    • Model: NVME-QQQQ-987

    • Size: 256 GB

Such a setup can be defined with two layouts as follows:

service_type: osd
service_id: example_drvgrp_name
  host_pattern: '*'
  rotational: 0
  model: MC-55-44-XZ
service_type: osd
service_id: example_drvgrp_name2
  host_pattern: '*'
  model: MC-55-44-XZ
  vendor: samsung
  size: 256GB
Example 13.4: Advanced setup with non-uniform nodes

The previous examples assumed that all nodes have the same drives. However, that is not always the case:

Nodes 1-5:

  • 20 HDDs

    • Vendor: Intel

    • Model: SSD-123-foo

    • Size: 4 TB

  • 2 SSDs

    • Vendor: Micron

    • Model: MC-55-44-ZX

    • Size: 512 GB

Nodes 6-10:

  • 5 NVMes

    • Vendor: Intel

    • Model: SSD-123-foo

    • Size: 4 TB

  • 20 SSDs

    • Vendor: Micron

    • Model: MC-55-44-ZX

    • Size: 512 GB

You can use the 'target' key in the layout to target specific nodes. Salt target notation helps to keep things simple:

service_type: osd
service_id: example_drvgrp_one2five
  host_pattern: 'node[1-5]'
  rotational: 1
  rotational: 0

followed by

service_type: osd
service_id: example_drvgrp_rest
  host_pattern: 'node[6-10]'
  model: MC-55-44-XZ
  model: SSD-123-foo
Example 13.5: Expert setup

All previous cases assumed that the WALs and DBs use the same device. It is however possible to deploy the WAL on a dedicated device as well:

  • 20 HDDs

    • Vendor: Intel

    • Model: SSD-123-foo

    • Size: 4 TB

  • 2 SSDs

    • Vendor: Micron

    • Model: MC-55-44-ZX

    • Size: 512 GB

  • 2 NVMes

    • Vendor: Samsung

    • Model: NVME-QQQQ-987

    • Size: 256 GB

service_type: osd
service_id: example_drvgrp_name
  host_pattern: '*'
  model: MC-55-44-XZ
  model: SSD-123-foo
  model: NVME-QQQQ-987
Example 13.6: Complex (and unlikely) setup

In the following setup, we are trying to define:

  • 20 HDDs backed by 1 NVMe

  • 2 HDDs backed by 1 SSD(db) and 1 NVMe (wal)

  • 8 SSDs backed by 1 NVMe

  • 2 SSDs stand-alone (encrypted)

  • 1 HDD is spare and should not be deployed

The summary of used drives is as follows:

  • 23 HDDs

    • Vendor: Intel

    • Model: SSD-123-foo

    • Size: 4 TB

  • 10 SSDs

    • Vendor: Micron

    • Model: MC-55-44-ZX

    • Size: 512 GB

  • 1 NVMe

    • Vendor: Samsung

    • Model: NVME-QQQQ-987

    • Size: 256 GB

The DriveGroups definition will be the following:

service_type: osd
service_id: example_drvgrp_hdd_nvme
  host_pattern: '*'
  rotational: 0
  model: NVME-QQQQ-987
service_type: osd
service_id: example_drvgrp_hdd_ssd_nvme
  host_pattern: '*'
  rotational: 0
  model: MC-55-44-XZ
  model: NVME-QQQQ-987
service_type: osd
service_id: example_drvgrp_ssd_nvme
  host_pattern: '*'
  model: SSD-123-foo
  model: NVME-QQQQ-987
service_type: osd
service_id: example_drvgrp_standalone_encrypted
  host_pattern: '*'
  model: SSD-123-foo
encrypted: True

One HDD will remain as the file is being parsed from top to bottom.

13.4.4 Removing OSDs

Before removing an OSD node from the cluster, verify that the cluster has more free disk space than the OSD disk you are going to remove. Be aware that removing an OSD results in rebalancing of the whole cluster.

  1. Identify which OSD to remove by getting its ID:

    cephuser@adm > ceph orch ps --daemon_type osd
    osd.0  target-ses-090  running (3h)  7m ago     3h ...
    osd.1  target-ses-090  running (3h)  7m ago     3h ...
    osd.2  target-ses-090  running (3h)  7m ago     3h ...
    osd.3  target-ses-090  running (3h)  7m ago     3h ...
  2. Remove one or more OSDs from the cluster:

    cephuser@adm > ceph orch osd rm OSD1_ID OSD2_ID ...

    For example:

    cephuser@adm > ceph orch osd rm 1 2
  3. You can query the state of the removal operation:

    cephuser@adm > ceph orch osd rm status
    OSD_ID  HOST         STATE                    PG_COUNT  REPLACE  FORCE  STARTED_AT
    2       cephadm-dev  done, waiting for purge  0         True     False  2020-07-17 13:01:43.147684
    3       cephadm-dev  draining                 17        False    True   2020-07-17 13:01:45.162158
    4       cephadm-dev  started                  42        False    True   2020-07-17 13:01:45.162158 Stopping OSD removal

After you have scheduled an OSD removal, you can stop the removal if needed. The following command will reset the initial state of the OSD and remove it from the queue:

cephuser@adm > ceph orch osd rm stop OSD_SERVICE_ID

13.4.5 Replacing OSDs

There are several reasons why you may need to replace an OSD disk. For example:

  • The OSD disk failed or is soon going to fail based on SMART information, and can no longer be used to store data safely.

  • You need to upgrade the OSD disk, for example to increase its size.

  • You need to change the OSD disk layout.

  • You plan to move from a non-LVM to a LVM-based layout.

To replace an OSD while preserving its ID, run:

cephuser@adm > ceph orch osd rm OSD_SERVICE_ID --replace

For example:

cephuser@adm > ceph orch osd rm 4 --replace

Replacing an OSD is identical to removing an OSD (see Section 13.4.4, “Removing OSDs” for more details) with the exception that the OSD is not permanently removed from the CRUSH hierarchy and is assigned a destroyed flag instead.

The destroyed flag is used to determined OSD IDs that will be reused during the next OSD deployment. Newly added disks that match the DriveGroups specification (see Section 13.4.3, “Adding OSDs using DriveGroups specification” for more details) will be assigned OSD IDs of their replaced counterpart.


Appending the --dry-run option will not execute the actual replacement, but will preview the steps that would normally happen.


In the case of replacing an OSD after a failure, we highly recommend triggering a deep scrub of the placement groups. See Section 17.6, “Scrubbing placement groups” for more details.

Run the following command to initiate a deep scrub:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd deep-scrub osd.OSD_NUMBER
Important: Shared device failure

If a shared device for DB/WAL fails you will need to perform the replacement procedure for all OSDs that share the failed device.

13.5 Moving the Salt Master to a new node

If you need to replace the Salt Master host with a new one, follow these steps:

  1. Export the cluster configuration and back up the exported JSON file. Find more details in Book “Deployment Guide”, Chapter 7 “Deploying the bootstrap cluster using ceph-salt”, Section 7.2.14 “Exporting cluster configurations”.

  2. If the old Salt Master is also the only administration node in the cluster, then manually move /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring and /etc/ceph/ceph.conf to the new Salt Master.

  3. Stop and disable the Salt Master systemd service on the old Salt Master node:

    root@master # systemctl stop salt-master.service
    root@master # systemctl disable salt-master.service
  4. If the old Salt Master node is no longer in the cluster, also stop and disable the Salt Minion systemd service:

    root@master # systemctl stop salt-minion.service
    root@master # systemctl disable salt-minion.service

    Do not stop or disable the salt-minion.service if the old Salt Master node has any Ceph daemons (MON, MGR, OSD, MDS, gateway, monitoring) running on it.

  5. Install SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2 on the new Salt Master following the procedure described in Book “Deployment Guide”, Chapter 5 “Installing and configuring SUSE Linux Enterprise Server”.

    Tip: Transition of Salt Minion

    To simplify the transition of Salt Minions to the new Salt Master, remove the original Salt Master's public key from each of them:

    root@minion > rm /etc/salt/pki/minion/minion_master.pub
    root@minion > systemctl restart salt-minion.service
  6. Install the salt-master package and, if applicable, the salt-minion package on the new Salt Master.

  7. Install ceph-salt on the new Salt Master node:

    root@master # zypper install ceph-salt
    root@master # systemctl restart salt-master.service
    root@master # salt '*' saltutil.sync_all

    Make sure to run all three commands before continuing. The commands are idempotent; it does not matter if they get repeated.

  8. Include the new Salt Master in the cluster as described in Book “Deployment Guide”, Chapter 7 “Deploying the bootstrap cluster using ceph-salt”, Section 7.1 “Installing ceph-salt, Book “Deployment Guide”, Chapter 7 “Deploying the bootstrap cluster using ceph-salt”, Section 7.2.2 “Adding Salt Minions” and Book “Deployment Guide”, Chapter 7 “Deploying the bootstrap cluster using ceph-salt”, Section 7.2.4 “Specifying Admin Node”.

  9. Import the backed up cluster configuration and apply it:

    root@master # ceph-salt import CLUSTER_CONFIG.json
    root@master # ceph-salt apply

    Rename the Salt Master's minion id in the exported CLUSTER_CONFIG.json file before importing it.

13.6 Updating the cluster nodes

Keep the Ceph cluster nodes up-to-date by applying rolling updates regularly.

13.6.1 Software repositories

Before patching the cluster with the latest software packages, verify that all the cluster's nodes have access to the relevant repositories.

13.6.2 Repository staging

If you use a staging tool—for example, SUSE Manager, Subscription Management Tool, or RMT—that serves software repositories to the cluster nodes, verify that stages for both 'Updates' repositories for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server and SUSE Enterprise Storage are created at the same point in time.

We strongly recommend to use a staging tool to apply patches which have frozen or staged patch levels. This ensures that new nodes joining the cluster have the same patch level as the nodes already running in the cluster. This way you avoid the need to apply the latest patches to all the cluster's nodes before new nodes can join the cluster.

13.6.3 Downtime of Ceph services

Depending on the configuration, cluster nodes may be rebooted during the update. If there is a single point of failure for services such as Object Gateway, Samba Gateway, NFS Ganesha, or iSCSI, the client machines may be temporarily disconnected from services whose nodes are being rebooted.

13.6.4 Running the update

To update the software packages on all cluster nodes to the latest version, run the following command:

root@master # ceph-salt update

13.7 Updating Ceph

You can instruct cephadm to update Ceph from one bugfix release to another. The automated update of Ceph services respects the recommended order—it starts with Ceph Managers, Ceph Monitors, and then continues on to other services such as Ceph OSDs, Metadata Servers, and Object Gateways. Each daemon is restarted only after Ceph indicates that the cluster will remain available.


The following update procedure uses the ceph orch upgrade command. Keep in mind that the following instructions detail how to update your Ceph cluster with a product version (for example, a maintenance update), and does not provide instructions on how to upgrade your cluster from one product version to another.

13.7.1 Starting the update

Before you start the update, verify that all nodes are currently online and your cluster is healthy:

cephuser@adm > cephadm shell -- ceph -s

To update to a specific Ceph release:

cephuser@adm > ceph orch upgrade start --image REGISTRY_URL

For example:

cephuser@adm > ceph orch upgrade start --image registry.suse.com/ses/7/ceph/ceph:latest

Upgrade packages on the hosts:

cephuser@adm > ceph-salt update

13.7.2 Monitoring the update

Run the following command to determine whether an update is in progress:

cephuser@adm > ceph orch upgrade status

While the update is in progress, you will see a progress bar in the Ceph status output:

cephuser@adm > ceph -s
    Upgrade to registry.suse.com/ses/7/ceph/ceph:latest (00h 20m 12s)
      [=======.....................] (time remaining: 01h 43m 31s)

You can also watch the cephadm log:

cephuser@adm > ceph -W cephadm

13.7.3 Cancelling an update

You can stop the update process at any time:

cephuser@adm > ceph orch upgrade stop

13.8 Halting or rebooting cluster

In some cases it may be necessary to halt or reboot the whole cluster. We recommended carefully checking for dependencies of running services. The following steps provide an outline for stopping and starting the cluster:

  1. Tell the Ceph cluster not to mark OSDs as out:

    cephuser@adm > ceph osd set noout
  2. Stop daemons and nodes in the following order:

    1. Storage clients

    2. Gateways, for example NFS Ganesha or Object Gateway

    3. Metadata Server

    4. Ceph OSD

    5. Ceph Manager

    6. Ceph Monitor

  3. If required, perform maintenance tasks.

  4. Start the nodes and servers in the reverse order of the shutdown process:

    1. Ceph Monitor

    2. Ceph Manager

    3. Ceph OSD

    4. Metadata Server

    5. Gateways, for example NFS Ganesha or Object Gateway

    6. Storage clients

  5. Remove the noout flag:

    cephuser@adm > ceph osd unset noout

13.9 Removing an entire Ceph cluster

The ceph-salt purge command removes the entire Ceph cluster. If there are more Ceph clusters deployed, the one reported by ceph -s is purged. This way you can clean the cluster environment when testing different setups.

To prevent accidental deletion, the orchestration checks if the safety is disengaged. You can disengage the safety measures and remove the Ceph cluster by running:

root@master # ceph-salt disengage-safety
root@master # ceph-salt purge

14 Operation of Ceph services

You can operate Ceph services on a daemon, node, or cluster level. Depending on which approach you need, use cephadm or the systemctl command.

14.1 Operating individual services

If you need to operate an individual service, identify it first:

cephuser@adm > ceph orch ps
NAME                                HOST        STATUS         REFRESHED  [...]
mds.my_cephfs.ses-min1.oterul       ses-min1    running (5d)   8m ago
mgr.ses-min1.gpijpm                 ses-min1    running (5d)   8m ago
mgr.ses-min2.oopvyh                 ses-min2    running (5d)   8m ago
mon.ses-min1                        ses-min1    running (5d)   8m ago
mon.ses-min2                        ses-min2    running (5d)   8m ago
mon.ses-min4                        ses-min4    running (5d)   7m ago
osd.0                               ses-min2    running (61m)  8m ago
osd.1                               ses-min3    running (61m)  7m ago
osd.2                               ses-min4    running (61m)  7m ago
rgw.myrealm.myzone.ses-min1.kwwazo  ses-min1    running (5d)   8m ago
rgw.myrealm.myzone.ses-min2.jngabw  ses-min2    error          8m ago

To identify a service on a specific node, run:

ceph orch ps NODE_HOST_NAME

For example:

cephuser@adm > ceph orch ps ses-min2
NAME                                HOST      STATUS         REFRESHED
mgr.ses-min2.oopvyh                 ses-min2  running (5d)   3m ago
mon.ses-min2                        ses-min2  running (5d)   3m ago
osd.0                               ses-min2  running (67m)  3m ago

The ceph orch ps command supports several output formats. To change it, append the --format FORMAT option where FORMAT is one of json, json-pretty, or yaml. For example:

cephuser@adm > ceph orch ps --format yaml

Once you know the name of the service you can start, restart, or stop it:

ceph orch daemon COMMAND SERVICE_NAME

For example, to restart the OSD service with ID 0, run:

cephuser@adm > ceph orch daemon restart osd.0

14.2 Operating service types

If you need to operate a specific type of service across the whole Ceph cluster, use the following command:


Replace COMMAND with either start, stop, or restart.

For example, the following command restarts all MONs in the cluster, regardless of which nodes they actually run on:

cephuser@adm > ceph orch restart mon

14.3 Operating services on a single node

By using the systemctl command, you can operate Ceph related systemd services and targets on a single node.

14.3.1 Identifying services and targets

Before operating Ceph related systemd services and targets, you need to identify the file names of their unit files. File names of the services have the following pattern:


For example:


Unique ID of the Ceph cluster. You can find it in the output of the ceph fsid command.


Type of the service, for example osd, mon, or rgw.


Identification string of the service. For OSDs, it is the ID number of the service. For other services, it can be either a host name of the node, or additional strings relevant for the service type.


The SERVICE_TYPE.ID part is identical to the content of the NAME column in the output of the ceph orch ps command.

14.3.2 Operating all services on a node

By using Ceph's systemd targets, you can simultaneously operate either all services on a node, or all services that belong to a cluster identified by its FSID.

For example, to stop all Ceph services on a node regardless to which cluster the services belong to, run:

root@minion > systemctl stop ceph.target

To restart all services that belong to a Ceph cluster with ID b4b30c6e-9681-11ea-ac39-525400d7702d, run:

root@minion > systemctl restart ceph-b4b30c6e-9681-11ea-ac39-525400d7702d.target

14.3.3 Operating an individual service on a node

After you have identified the name of a specific service, operate it the following way:


For example, to restart a single OSD service with ID 1 on a cluster with ID b4b30c6e-9681-11ea-ac39-525400d7702d, run:

# systemctl restart ceph-b4b30c6e-9681-11ea-ac39-525400d7702d@osd.1.service

14.3.4 Querying the service status

You can query systemd for the status of services. For example:

# systemctl status ceph-b4b30c6e-9681-11ea-ac39-525400d7702d@osd.0.service

14.4 Shutting down and restarting the whole Ceph cluster

Shutting down and restarting the cluster may be necessary in the case of a planned power outage. To stop all Ceph related services and restart without issue, follow the steps below.

Procedure 14.1: Shutting down the whole Ceph cluster
  1. Shut down or disconnect any clients accessing the cluster.

  2. To prevent CRUSH from automatically rebalancing the cluster, set the cluster to noout:

    cephuser@adm > ceph osd set noout
  3. Stop all Ceph services on all cluster nodes:

    root@master # ceph-salt stop
  4. Power off all cluster nodes:

    root@master # salt -G 'ceph-salt:member' cmd.run "shutdown -h"
Procedure 14.2: Starting the whole Ceph cluster
  1. Power on the Admin Node.

  2. Power on the Ceph Monitor nodes.

  3. Power on the Ceph OSD nodes.

  4. Unset the previously set noout flag:

    root@master # ceph osd unset noout
  5. Power on all configured gateways.

  6. Power on or connect cluster clients.

15 Backup and restore

This chapter explains which parts of the Ceph cluster you should back up in order to be able to restore its functionality.

15.1 Back Up Cluster Configuration and Data

15.1.1 Back up ceph-salt configuration

Export the cluster configuration. Find more information in Book “Deployment Guide”, Chapter 7 “Deploying the bootstrap cluster using ceph-salt”, Section 7.2.14 “Exporting cluster configurations”.

15.1.2 Back up Ceph configuration

Back up the /etc/ceph directory. It contains crucial cluster configuration. For example, you will need a backup of /etc/ceph when you need to replace the Admin Node.

15.1.3 Back up Salt configuration

You need to back up the /etc/salt/ directory. It contains the Salt configuration files, for example the Salt Master key and accepted client keys.

The Salt files are not strictly required for backing up the Admin Node, but make redeploying the Salt cluster easier. If there is no backup of these files, the Salt minions need to be registered again at the new Admin Node.

Note: Security of the Salt Master Private Key

Make sure that the backup of the Salt Master private key is stored in a safe location. The Salt Master key can be used to manipulate all cluster nodes.

15.1.4 Back up custom configurations

  • Prometheus data and customization.

  • Grafana customization.

  • Manual changes to the iSCSI configuration.

  • Ceph keys.

  • CRUSH Map and CRUSH rules. Save the decompiled CRUSH Map including CRUSH rules into crushmap-backup.txt by running the following command:

    cephuser@adm > ceph osd getcrushmap | crushtool -d - -o crushmap-backup.txt
  • Samba Gateway configuration. If you are using a single gateway, backup /etc/samba/smb.conf. If you are using an HA setup, also back up the CTDB and Pacemaker configuration files. Refer to Chapter 24, Export Ceph data via Samba for details on what configuration is used by Samba Gateways.

  • NFS Ganesha configuration. Only needed when using an HA setup. Refer to Chapter 25, NFS Ganesha for details on what configuration is used by NFS Ganesha.

15.2 Restoring a Ceph node

The procedure to recover a node from backup is to reinstall the node, replace its configuration files, and then re-orchestrate the cluster so that the replacement node is re-added.

If you need to redeploy the Admin Node, refer to Section 13.5, “Moving the Salt Master to a new node”.

For minions, it is usually easier to simply rebuild and redeploy.

  1. Re-install the node. Find more information in Book “Deployment Guide”, Chapter 5 “Installing and configuring SUSE Linux Enterprise Server”

  2. Install Salt Find more information in Book “Deployment Guide”, Chapter 6 “Deploying Salt”

  3. After restoring the /etc/salt directory from a backup, enable and restart applicable Salt services, for example:

    root@master # systemctl enable salt-master
    root@master # systemctl start salt-master
    root@master # systemctl enable salt-minion
    root@master # systemctl start salt-minion
  4. Remove the public master key for the old Salt Master node from all the minions.

    root@master # rm /etc/salt/pki/minion/minion_master.pub
    root@master # systemctl restart salt-minion
  5. Restore anything that was local to the Admin Node.

  6. Import the cluster configuration from the previously exported JSON file. Refer to Book “Deployment Guide”, Chapter 7 “Deploying the bootstrap cluster using ceph-salt”, Section 7.2.14 “Exporting cluster configurations” for more details.

  7. Apply the imported cluster configuration:

    root@master # ceph-salt apply

16 Monitoring and alerting

In SUSE Enterprise Storage 7, cephadm deploys a monitoring and alerting stack. Users need to either define the services (such as Prometheus, Alertmanager, and Grafana) that they want to deploy with cephadm in a YAML configuration file, or they can use the CLI to deploy them. When multiple services of the same type are deployed, a highly-available setup is deployed. The node exporter is an exception to this rule.

The following monitoring services can be deployed with cephadm:

  • Prometheus is the monitoring and alerting toolkit. It collects the data provided by Prometheus exporters and fires preconfigured alerts if predefined thresholds have been reached.

  • Alertmanager handles alerts sent by the Prometheus server. It deduplicates, groups, and routes the alerts to the correct receiver. By default, the Ceph Dashboard will automatically be configured as the receiver.

  • Grafana is the visualization and alerting software. The alerting functionality of Grafana is not used by this monitoring stack. For alerting, the Alertmanager is used.

  • Node exporter is an exporter for Prometheus which provides data about the node it is installed on. It is recommended to install the node exporter on all nodes.

The Prometheus Manager Module provides a Prometheus exporter to pass on Ceph performance counters from the collection point in ceph-mgr.

The Prometheus configuration, including scrape targets (metrics providing daemons), is set up automatically by cephadm. cephadm also deploys a list of default alerts, for example health error, 10% OSDs down, or pgs inactive.

By default, traffic to Grafana is encrypted with TLS. You can either supply your own TLS certificate or use a self-signed one. If no custom certificate has been configured before Grafana has been deployed, then a self-signed certificate is automatically created and configured for Grafana.

You can configure custom certificates for Grafana by following these steps:

  1. Configure certificate files:

    cephuser@adm >  ceph config-key set mgr/cephadm/grafana_key -i $PWD/key.pem
    cephuser@adm >  ceph config-key set mgr/cephadm/grafana_crt -i $PWD/certificate.pem
  2. Restart the Ceph Manager service:

    cephuser@adm > ceph orch restart mgr
  3. Reconfigure the Grafana service to reflect the new certificate paths and set the right URL for the Ceph Dashboard:

    cephuser@adm > ceph orch reconfig grafana

The Alertmanager handles alerts sent by the Prometheus server. It takes care of deduplicating, grouping, and routing them to the correct receiver. Alerts can be silenced using the Alertmanager, but silences can also be managed using the Ceph Dashboard.

We recommend that the Node exporter is deployed on all nodes. This can be done using the monitoring.yaml file with the node-exporter service type. See Book “Deployment Guide”, Chapter 8 “Deploying the remaining core services using cephadm”, Section 8.3.8 “Deploying the monitoring stack” for more information on deploying services.

16.1 Configuring custom or local images


This section describes how to change the configuration of container images which are used when services are deployed or updated. It does not include the commands necessary to deploy or re-deploy services.

The recommended method to deploy the monitoring stack is by applying its specification as described in Book “Deployment Guide”, Chapter 8 “Deploying the remaining core services using cephadm”, Section 8.3.8 “Deploying the monitoring stack”.

To deploy custom or local container images, the images need to be set in cephadm. To do so, you will need to run the following command:

cephuser@adm > ceph config set mgr mgr/cephadm/OPTION_NAME VALUE

Where OPTION_NAME is any of the following names:

  • container_image_prometheus

  • container_image_node_exporter

  • container_image_alertmanager

  • container_image_grafana

If no option is set or if the setting has been removed, the following images are used as VALUE:

  • registry.suse.com/ses/7/ceph/prometheus-server:2.27.1

  • registry.suse.com/ses/7/ceph/prometheus-node-exporter:1.1.2

  • registry.suse.com/ses/7/ceph/prometheus-alertmanager:0.21.0

  • registry.suse.com/ses/7/ceph/grafana:7.3.1

For example:

cephuser@adm > ceph config set mgr mgr/cephadm/container_image_prometheus prom/prometheus:v1.4.1

By setting a custom image, the default value will be overridden (but not overwritten). The default value changes when updates become available. By setting a custom image, you will not be able to update the component you have set the custom image for automatically. You will need to manually update the configuration (image name and tag) to be able to install updates.

If you choose to go with the recommendations instead, you can reset the custom image you have set before. After that, the default value will be used again. Use ceph config rm to reset the configuration option:

cephuser@adm > ceph config rm mgr mgr/cephadm/OPTION_NAME

For example:

cephuser@adm > ceph config rm mgr mgr/cephadm/container_image_prometheus

16.2 Updating monitoring services

As mentioned in Section 16.1, “Configuring custom or local images”, cephadm is shipped with the URLs of the recommended and tested container images, and they are used by default.

By updating the Ceph packages, new versions of these URLs may be shipped. This just updates where the container images are pulled from but does not update any services.

After the URLs to the new container images have been updated, either manually as described in Section 16.1, “Configuring custom or local images”, or automatically through an update of the Ceph package, the monitoring services can be updated.

To do so, use ceph orch reconfig like so:

cephuser@adm > ceph orch reconfig node-exporter
cephuser@adm > ceph orch reconfig prometheus
cephuser@adm > ceph orch reconfig alertmanager
cephuser@adm > ceph orch reconfig grafana

Currently no single command to update all monitoring services exists. The order in which these services are updated is not important.


If you use custom container images, the URLs specified for the monitoring services will not change automatically if the Ceph packages are updated. If you have specified custom container images, you will need to specify the URLs of the new container images manually. This may be the case if you use a local container registry.

You can find the URLs of the recommended container images to be used in the Section 16.1, “Configuring custom or local images” section.

16.3 Disabling monitoring

To disable the monitoring stack, run the following commands:

cephuser@adm > ceph orch rm grafana
cephuser@adm > ceph orch rm prometheus --force   # this will delete metrics data collected so far
cephuser@adm > ceph orch rm node-exporter
cephuser@adm > ceph orch rm alertmanager
cephuser@adm > ceph mgr module disable prometheus

16.4 Configuring Grafana

The Ceph Dashboard back-end requires the Grafana URL to be able to verify the existence of Grafana Dashboards before the front-end even loads them. Because of the nature of how Grafana is implemented in Ceph Dashboard, this means that two working connections are required in order to be able to see Grafana graphs in Ceph Dashboard:

  • The back-end (Ceph MGR module) needs to verify the existence of the requested graph. If this request succeeds, it lets the front-end know that it can safely access Grafana.

  • The front-end then requests the Grafana graphs directly from the user's browser using an iframe. The Grafana instance is accessed directly without any detour through Ceph Dashboard.

Now, it might be the case that your environment makes it difficult for the user's browser to directly access the URL configured in Ceph Dashboard. To solve this issue, a separate URL can be configured which will solely be used to tell the front-end (the user's browser) which URL it should use to access Grafana.

To change the URL that is returned to the front-end issue the following command:

cephuser@adm > ceph dashboard set-grafana-frontend-api-url GRAFANA-SERVER-URL

If no value is set for that option, it will simply fall back to the value of the GRAFANA_API_URL option, which is set automatically and periodically updated by cephadm. If set, it will instruct the browser to use this URL to access Grafana.

16.5 Configuring the Prometheus Manager Module

The Prometheus Manager Module is a module inside Ceph that extends Ceph's functionality. The module reads (meta-)data from Ceph about its state and health, providing the (scraped) data in a consumable format to Prometheus.


The Prometheus Manager Module needs to be restarted for the configuration changes to be applied.

16.5.1 Configuring the network interface

By default, the Prometheus Manager Module accepts HTTP requests on port 9283 on all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses on the host. The port and listen address are both configurable with ceph config-key set , with keys mgr/prometheus/server_addr and mgr/prometheus/server_port . This port is registered withPrometheus's registry.

To update the server_addr execute the following command:

cephuser@adm > ceph config set mgr mgr/prometheus/server_addr

To update the server_port execute the following command:

cephuser@adm > ceph config set mgr mgr/prometheus/server_port 9283

16.5.2 Configuring scrape_interval

By default, the Prometheus Manager Module is configured with a scrape interval of 15 seconds. We do not recommend using a scrape interval below 10 seconds. To set a different scrape interval in the Prometheus module, set scrape_interval to the desired value:


To work properly and not cause any issues, the scrape_interval of this module should always be set to match the Prometheus scrape interval .

cephuser@adm > ceph config set mgr mgr/prometheus/scrape_interval 15

16.5.3 Configuring the cache

On large clusters (more than 1000 OSDs), the time to fetch the metrics may become significant. Without the cache, the Prometheus Manager Module can overload the manager and lead to unresponsive or crashing Ceph Manager instances. As a result, the cache is enabled by default and cannot be disabled, but this does mean that the cache can become stale. The cache is considered stale when the time to fetch the metrics from Ceph exceeds the configured scrape_interval.

If this is the case, a warning will be logged and the module will either:

  • Respond with a 503 HTTP status code (service unavailable).

  • Return the content of the cache, even though it might be stale.

This behavior can be configured using the ceph config set commands.

To tell the module to respond with possibly-stale data, set it to return:

cephuser@adm > ceph config set mgr mgr/prometheus/stale_cache_strategy return

To tell the module to respond with service unavailable, set it to fail:

cephuser@adm > ceph config set mgr mgr/prometheus/stale_cache_strategy fail

16.5.4 Enabling RBD-image monitoring

The Prometheus Manager Module can optionally collect RBD per-image IO statistics by enabling dynamic OSD performance counters. The statistics are gathered for all images in the pools that are specified in the mgr/prometheus/rbd_stats_pools configuration parameter.

The parameter is a comma- or space-separated list of pool[/namespace] entries. If the namespace is not specified, the statistics are collected for all namespaces in the pool.

For example:

cephuser@adm > ceph config set mgr mgr/prometheus/rbd_stats_pools "pool1,pool2,poolN"

The module scans the specified pools and namespaces and makes a list of all available images, and refreshes it periodically. The interval is configurable via the mgr/prometheus/rbd_stats_pools_refresh_interval parameter (in seconds), and is 300 seconds (five minutes) by default.

For example, if you changed the synchronization interval to 10 minutes:

cephuser@adm > ceph config set mgr mgr/prometheus/rbd_stats_pools_refresh_interval 600

16.6 Prometheus security model

Prometheus' security model presumes that untrusted users have access to the Prometheus HTTP endpoint and logs. Untrusted users have access to all the (meta-)data Prometheus collects that is contained in the database, plus a variety of operational and debugging information.

However, Prometheus' HTTP API is limited to read-only operations. Configurations cannot be changed using the API, and secrets are not exposed. Moreover, Prometheus has some built-in measures to mitigate the impact of denial-of-service attacks.

16.7 Prometheus Alertmanager SNMP webhook

If you want to get notified about Prometheus alerts via SNMP traps, then you can install the Prometheus Alertmanager SNMP webhook via cephadm. To do so, you need to create a service and placement specification file with the following content:


For more information on service and placement files, see Book “Deployment Guide”, Chapter 8 “Deploying the remaining core services using cephadm”, Section 8.2 “Service and placement specification”.

service_type: container
service_id: prometheus-webhook-snmp
image: registry.suse.com/ses/7/prometheus-webhook-snmp:latest
    - "--publish 9099:9099"
    - ARGS="--debug --snmp-host=ADD_HOST_GATEWAY_HERE"
    - RUN_ARGS="--metrics"

Use this service specification to get the service running using its default settings.

You need to publish the port the Prometheus receiver is listening on by using the command line argument --publish HOST_PORT:CONTAINER_PORT when running the service, because the port is not exposed automatically by the container. This can be done by adding the following lines to the specification:

    - "--publish 9099:9099"

Alternatively, connect the container to the host network by using the command line argument --network=host.

    - "--network=host"

If the SNMP trap receiver is not installed on the same host as the container, then you must also specify the FQDN of the SNMP host. Use the container's network gateway to be able to receive SNMP traps outside the container/host:

    - ARGS="--debug --snmp-host=CONTAINER_GATEWAY"

16.7.1 Configuring the prometheus-webhook-snmp service

The container can be configured by environment variables or by using a configuration file.

For the environment variables, use ARGS to set global options and RUN_ARGS for the run command options. You need to adapt the service specification the following way:

    - ARGS="--debug --snmp-host=CONTAINER_GATEWAY"
    - RUN_ARGS="--metrics --port=9101"

To use a configuration file, the service specification must be adapted the following way:

        - "debug: True"
        - "snmp_host: ADD_HOST_GATEWAY_HERE"
        - "metrics: True"
    etc/prometheus-webhook-snmp.conf: /etc/prometheus-webhook-snmp.conf

To deploy, run the following command:

cephuser@adm > ceph orch apply -i SERVICE_SPEC_FILE

See Book “Deployment Guide”, Chapter 8 “Deploying the remaining core services using cephadm”, Section 8.3 “Deploy Ceph services” for more information.

16.7.2 Configuring the Prometheus Alertmanager for SNMP

Finally, the Prometheus Alertmanager needs to be configured specifically for SNMP traps. If this service has not been deployed already, create a service specification file. You need to replace IP_OR_FQDN with the IP address or FQDN of the host where the Prometheus Alertmanager SNMP webhook has been installed. For example:


If you have already deployed this service, then to ensure the Alertmanager is set up correctly for SNMP, re-deploy with the following settings.

  service_type: alertmanager
    - 'http://IP_OR_FQDN:9099/'

Apply the service specification with the following command:

cephuser@adm > ceph orch apply -i SERVICE_SPEC_FILE

Part III Storing Data in a Cluster

  • 17 Stored data management
  • The CRUSH algorithm determines how to store and retrieve data by computing data storage locations. CRUSH empowers Ceph clients to communicate with OSDs directly rather than through a centralized server or broker. With an algorithmically determined method of storing and retrieving data, Ceph avoids a…

  • 18 Manage storage pools
  • Ceph stores data within pools. Pools are logical groups for storing objects. When you first deploy a cluster without creating a pool, Ceph uses the default pools for storing data. The following important highlights relate to Ceph pools:

  • 19 Erasure coded pools
  • Ceph provides an alternative to the normal replication of data in pools, called erasure or erasure coded pool. Erasure pools do not provide all functionality of replicated pools (for example, they cannot store metadata for RBD pools), but require less raw storage. A default erasure pool capable of s…

  • 20 RADOS Block Device
  • A block is a sequence of bytes, for example a 4 MB block of data. Block-based storage interfaces are the most common way to store data with rotating media, such as hard disks, CDs, floppy disks. The ubiquity of block device interfaces makes a virtual block device an ideal candidate to interact with …

17 Stored data management

The CRUSH algorithm determines how to store and retrieve data by computing data storage locations. CRUSH empowers Ceph clients to communicate with OSDs directly rather than through a centralized server or broker. With an algorithmically determined method of storing and retrieving data, Ceph avoids a single point of failure, a performance bottleneck, and a physical limit to its scalability.

CRUSH requires a map of your cluster, and uses the CRUSH Map to pseudo-randomly store and retrieve data in OSDs with a uniform distribution of data across the cluster.

CRUSH maps contain a list of OSDs, a list of 'buckets' for aggregating the devices into physical locations, and a list of rules that tell CRUSH how it should replicate data in a Ceph cluster's pools. By reflecting the underlying physical organization of the installation, CRUSH can model—and thereby address—potential sources of correlated device failures. Typical sources include physical proximity, a shared power source, and a shared network. By encoding this information into the cluster map, CRUSH placement policies can separate object replicas across different failure domains while still maintaining the desired distribution. For example, to address the possibility of concurrent failures, it may be desirable to ensure that data replicas are on devices using different shelves, racks, power supplies, controllers, and/or physical locations.

After you deploy a Ceph cluster, a default CRUSH Map is generated. It is fine for your Ceph sandbox environment. However, when you deploy a large-scale data cluster, you should give significant consideration to developing a custom CRUSH Map, because it will help you manage your Ceph cluster, improve performance and ensure data safety.

For example, if an OSD goes down, a CRUSH Map can help you locate the physical data center, room, row and rack of the host with the failed OSD in the event you need to use on-site support or replace hardware.

Similarly, CRUSH may help you identify faults more quickly. For example, if all OSDs in a particular rack go down simultaneously, the fault may lie with a network switch or power to the rack or the network switch rather than the OSDs themselves.

A custom CRUSH Map can also help you identify the physical locations where Ceph stores redundant copies of data when the placement group(s) (refer to Section 17.4, “Placement groups”) associated with a failed host are in a degraded state.

There are three main sections to a CRUSH Map.

  • OSD devices consist of any object storage device corresponding to a ceph-osd daemon.

  • Buckets consist of a hierarchical aggregation of storage locations (for example rows, racks, hosts, etc.) and their assigned weights.

  • Rule sets consist of the manner of selecting buckets.

17.1 OSD devices

To map placement groups to OSDs, a CRUSH Map requires a list of OSD devices (the name of the OSD daemon). The list of devices appears first in the CRUSH Map.

device NUM osd.OSD_NAME class CLASS_NAME

For example:

device 0 osd.0 class hdd
device 1 osd.1 class ssd
device 2 osd.2 class nvme
device 3 osd.3 class ssd

As a general rule, an OSD daemon maps to a single disk.

17.1.1 Device classes

The flexibility of the CRUSH Map in controlling data placement is one of the Ceph's strengths. It is also one of the most difficult parts of the cluster to manage. Device classes automate the most common changes to CRUSH Maps that the administrator needed to do manually previously. The CRUSH management problem

Ceph clusters are frequently built with multiple types of storage devices: HDD, SSD, NVMe, or even mixed classes of the above. We call these different types of storage devices device classes to avoid confusion between the type property of CRUSH buckets (for example, host, rack, row, see Section 17.2, “Buckets” for more details). Ceph OSDs backed by SSDs are much faster than those backed by spinning disks, making them better suited for certain workloads. Ceph makes it easy to create RADOS pools for different data sets or workloads and to assign different CRUSH rules to control data placement for those pools.

OSDs with mixed device classes
Figure 17.1: OSDs with mixed device classes

However, setting up the CRUSH rules to place data only on a certain class of device is tedious. Rules work in terms of the CRUSH hierarchy, but if the devices are mixed into the same hosts or racks (as in the sample hierarchy above), they will (by default) be mixed together and appear in the same sub-trees of the hierarchy. Manually separating them out into separate trees involved creating multiple versions of each intermediate node for each device class in previous versions of SUSE Enterprise Storage. Device classes

An elegant solution that Ceph offers is to add a property called device class to each OSD. By default, OSDs will automatically set their device classes to either 'hdd', 'ssd', or 'nvme' based on the hardware properties exposed by the Linux kernel. These device classes are reported in a new column of the ceph osd tree command output:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd tree
 -1       83.17899 root default
 -4       23.86200     host cpach
 2   hdd  1.81898         osd.2      up  1.00000 1.00000
 3   hdd  1.81898         osd.3      up  1.00000 1.00000
 4   hdd  1.81898         osd.4      up  1.00000 1.00000
 5   hdd  1.81898         osd.5      up  1.00000 1.00000
 6   hdd  1.81898         osd.6      up  1.00000 1.00000
 7   hdd  1.81898         osd.7      up  1.00000 1.00000
 8   hdd  1.81898         osd.8      up  1.00000 1.00000
 15  hdd  1.81898         osd.15     up  1.00000 1.00000
 10  nvme 0.93100         osd.10     up  1.00000 1.00000
 0   ssd  0.93100         osd.0      up  1.00000 1.00000
 9   ssd  0.93100         osd.9      up  1.00000 1.00000

If the automatic device class detection fails, for example because the device driver is not properly exposing information about the device via /sys/block, you can adjust device classes from the command line:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd crush rm-device-class osd.2 osd.3
done removing class of osd(s): 2,3
cephuser@adm > ceph osd crush set-device-class ssd osd.2 osd.3
set osd(s) 2,3 to class 'ssd' Setting CRUSH placement rules

CRUSH rules can restrict placement to a specific device class. For example, you can create a 'fast' replicated pool that distributes data only over SSD disks by running the following command:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd crush rule create-replicated RULE_NAME ROOT FAILURE_DOMAIN_TYPE DEVICE_CLASS

For example:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd crush rule create-replicated fast default host ssd

Create a pool named 'fast_pool' and assign it to the 'fast' rule:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool create fast_pool 128 128 replicated fast

The process for creating erasure code rules is slightly different. First, you create an erasure code profile that includes a property for your desired device class. Then, use that profile when creating the erasure coded pool:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd erasure-code-profile set myprofile \
 k=4 m=2 crush-device-class=ssd crush-failure-domain=host
cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool create mypool 64 erasure myprofile

In case you need to manually edit the CRUSH Map to customize your rule, the syntax has been extended to allow the device class to be specified. For example, the CRUSH rule generated by the above commands looks as follows:

rule ecpool {
  id 2
  type erasure
  min_size 3
  max_size 6
  step set_chooseleaf_tries 5
  step set_choose_tries 100
  step take default class ssd
  step chooseleaf indep 0 type host
  step emit

The important difference here is that the 'take' command includes the additional 'class CLASS_NAME' suffix. Additional commands

To list device classes used in a CRUSH Map, run:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd crush class ls

To list existing CRUSH rules, run:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd crush rule ls

To view details of the CRUSH rule named 'fast', run:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd crush rule dump fast
		"rule_id": 1,
		"rule_name": "fast",
		"ruleset": 1,
		"type": 1,
		"min_size": 1,
		"max_size": 10,
		"steps": [
										"op": "take",
										"item": -21,
										"item_name": "default~ssd"
										"op": "chooseleaf_firstn",
										"num": 0,
										"type": "host"
										"op": "emit"

To list OSDs that belong to an 'ssd' class, run:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd crush class ls-osd ssd
1 Migrating from a legacy SSD rule to device classes

In SUSE Enterprise Storage prior to version 5, you needed to manually edit the CRUSH Map and maintain a parallel hierarchy for each specialized device type (such as SSD) in order to write rules that apply to these devices. Since SUSE Enterprise Storage 5, the device class feature has enabled this transparently.

You can transform a legacy rule and hierarchy to the new class-based rules by using the crushtool command. There are several types of transformation possible:

crushtool --reclassify-root ROOT_NAME DEVICE_CLASS

This command takes everything in the hierarchy beneath ROOT_NAME and adjusts any rules that reference that root via


to instead


It renumbers the buckets so that the old IDs are used for the specified class's 'shadow tree'. As a consequence, no data movement occurs.

Example 17.1: crushtool --reclassify-root

Consider the following existing rule:

rule replicated_ruleset {
   id 0
   type replicated
   min_size 1
   max_size 10
   step take default
   step chooseleaf firstn 0 type rack
   step emit

If you reclassify the root 'default' as class 'hdd', the rule will become

rule replicated_ruleset {
   id 0
   type replicated
   min_size 1
   max_size 10
   step take default class hdd
   step chooseleaf firstn 0 type rack
   step emit
crushtool --set-subtree-class BUCKET_NAME DEVICE_CLASS

This method marks every device in the subtree rooted at BUCKET_NAME with the specified device class.

--set-subtree-class is normally used in conjunction with the --reclassify-root option to ensure that all devices in that root are labeled with the correct class. However, some of those devices may intentionally have a different class, and therefore you do not want to relabel them. In such cases, exclude the --set-subtree-class option. Keep in mind that such remapping will not be perfect, because the previous rule is distributed across devices of multiple classes but the adjusted rules will only map to devices of the specified device class.


This method allows merging a parallel type-specific hierarchy with the normal hierarchy. For example, many users have CRUSH Maps similar to the following one:

Example 17.2: crushtool --reclassify-bucket
host node1 {
   id -2           # do not change unnecessarily
   # weight 109.152
   alg straw
   hash 0  # rjenkins1
   item osd.0 weight 9.096
   item osd.1 weight 9.096
   item osd.2 weight 9.096
   item osd.3 weight 9.096
   item osd.4 weight 9.096
   item osd.5 weight 9.096

host node1-ssd {
   id -10          # do not change unnecessarily
   # weight 2.000
   alg straw
   hash 0  # rjenkins1
   item osd.80 weight 2.000

root default {
   id -1           # do not change unnecessarily
   alg straw
   hash 0  # rjenkins1
   item node1 weight 110.967

root ssd {
   id -18          # do not change unnecessarily
   # weight 16.000
   alg straw
   hash 0  # rjenkins1
   item node1-ssd weight 2.000

This function reclassifies each bucket that matches a given pattern. The pattern can look like %suffix or prefix%. In the above example, you would use the pattern %-ssd. For each matched bucket, the remaining portion of the name that matches the '%' wild card specifies the base bucket. All devices in the matched bucket are labeled with the specified device class and then moved to the base bucket. If the base bucket does not exist (for example, if 'node12-ssd' exists but 'node12' does not), then it is created and linked underneath the specified default parent bucket. The old bucket IDs are preserved for the new shadow buckets to prevent data movement. Rules with the take steps that reference the old buckets are adjusted.

crushtool --reclassify-bucket BUCKET_NAME DEVICE_CLASS BASE_BUCKET

You can use the --reclassify-bucket option without a wild card to map a single bucket. For example, in the previous example, we want the 'ssd' bucket to be mapped to the default bucket.

The final command to convert the map comprised of the above fragments would be as follows:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd getcrushmap -o original
cephuser@adm > crushtool -i original --reclassify \
  --set-subtree-class default hdd \
  --reclassify-root default hdd \
  --reclassify-bucket %-ssd ssd default \
  --reclassify-bucket ssd ssd default \
  -o adjusted

In order to verify that the conversion is correct, there is a --compare option that tests a large sample of inputs to the CRUSH Map and compares if the same result comes back out. These inputs are controlled by the same options that apply to the --test. For the above example, the command would be as follows:

cephuser@adm > crushtool -i original --compare adjusted
rule 0 had 0/10240 mismatched mappings (0)
rule 1 had 0/10240 mismatched mappings (0)
maps appear equivalent

If there were differences, you would see what ratio of inputs are remapped in the parentheses.

If you are satisfied with the adjusted CRUSH Map, you can apply it to the cluster:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd setcrushmap -i adjusted For more information

Find more details on CRUSH Maps in Section 17.5, “CRUSH Map manipulation”.

Find more details on Ceph pools in general in Chapter 18, Manage storage pools.

Find more details about erasure coded pools in Chapter 19, Erasure coded pools.

17.2 Buckets

CRUSH maps contain a list of OSDs, which can be organized into a tree-structured arrangement of buckets for aggregating the devices into physical locations. Individual OSDs comprise the leaves on the tree.



A specific device or OSD (osd.1, osd.2, etc.).



The name of a host containing one or more OSDs.



Identifier for which chassis in the rack contains the host.



A computer rack. The default is unknownrack.



A row in a series of racks.



Abbreviation for "Power Distribution Unit".



Abbreviation for "Point of Delivery": in this context, a group of PDUs, or a group of rows of racks.



A room containing rows of racks.



A physical data center containing one or more rooms.



Geographical region of the world (for example, NAM, LAM, EMEA, APAC etc.)



The root node of the tree of OSD buckets (normally set to default).


You can modify the existing types and create your own bucket types.

Ceph's deployment tools generate a CRUSH Map that contains a bucket for each host, and a root named 'default', which is useful for the default rbd pool. The remaining bucket types provide a means for storing information about the physical location of nodes/buckets, which makes cluster administration much easier when OSDs, hosts, or network hardware malfunction and the administrator needs access to physical hardware.

A bucket has a type, a unique name (string), a unique ID expressed as a negative integer, a weight relative to the total capacity/capability of its item(s), the bucket algorithm ( straw2 by default), and the hash (0 by default, reflecting CRUSH Hash rjenkins1). A bucket may have one or more items. The items may consist of other buckets or OSDs. Items may have a weight that reflects the relative weight of the item.

[bucket-type] [bucket-name] {
  id [a unique negative numeric ID]
  weight [the relative capacity/capability of the item(s)]
  alg [the bucket type: uniform | list | tree | straw2 | straw ]
  hash [the hash type: 0 by default]
  item [item-name] weight [weight]

The following example illustrates how you can use buckets to aggregate a pool and physical locations like a data center, a room, a rack and a row.

host ceph-osd-server-1 {
        id -17
        alg straw2
        hash 0
        item osd.0 weight 0.546
        item osd.1 weight 0.546

row rack-1-row-1 {
        id -16
        alg straw2
        hash 0
        item ceph-osd-server-1 weight 2.00

rack rack-3 {
        id -15
        alg straw2
        hash 0
        item rack-3-row-1 weight 2.00
        item rack-3-row-2 weight 2.00
        item rack-3-row-3 weight 2.00
        item rack-3-row-4 weight 2.00
        item rack-3-row-5 weight 2.00

rack rack-2 {
        id -14
        alg straw2
        hash 0
        item rack-2-row-1 weight 2.00
        item rack-2-row-2 weight 2.00
        item rack-2-row-3 weight 2.00
        item rack-2-row-4 weight 2.00
        item rack-2-row-5 weight 2.00

rack rack-1 {
        id -13
        alg straw2
        hash 0
        item rack-1-row-1 weight 2.00
        item rack-1-row-2 weight 2.00
        item rack-1-row-3 weight 2.00
        item rack-1-row-4 weight 2.00
        item rack-1-row-5 weight 2.00

room server-room-1 {
        id -12
        alg straw2
        hash 0
        item rack-1 weight 10.00
        item rack-2 weight 10.00
        item rack-3 weight 10.00

datacenter dc-1 {
        id -11
        alg straw2
        hash 0
        item server-room-1 weight 30.00
        item server-room-2 weight 30.00

root data {
        id -10
        alg straw2
        hash 0
        item dc-1 weight 60.00
        item dc-2 weight 60.00

17.3 Rule sets

CRUSH maps support the notion of 'CRUSH rules', which are the rules that determine data placement for a pool. For large clusters, you will likely create many pools where each pool may have its own CRUSH ruleset and rules. The default CRUSH Map has a rule for the default root. If you want more roots and more rules, you need to create them later or they will be created automatically when new pools are created.


In most cases, you will not need to modify the default rules. When you create a new pool, its default ruleset is 0.

A rule takes the following form:

rule rulename {

        ruleset ruleset
        type type
        min_size min-size
        max_size max-size
        step step


An integer. Classifies a rule as belonging to a set of rules. Activated by setting the ruleset in a pool. This option is required. Default is 0.


A string. Describes a rule for either a 'replicated' or 'erasure' coded pool. This option is required. Default is replicated.


An integer. If a pool group makes fewer replicas than this number, CRUSH will NOT select this rule. This option is required. Default is 2.


An integer. If a pool group makes more replicas than this number, CRUSH will NOT select this rule. This option is required. Default is 10.

step take bucket

Takes a bucket specified by a name, and begins iterating down the tree. This option is required. For an explanation about iterating through the tree, see Section 17.3.1, “Iterating the node tree”.

step targetmodenum type bucket-type

target can either be choose or chooseleaf. When set to choose, a number of buckets is selected. chooseleaf directly selects the OSDs (leaf nodes) from the sub-tree of each bucket in the set of buckets.

mode can either be firstn or indep. See Section 17.3.2, “firstn and indep.

Selects the number of buckets of the given type. Where N is the number of options available, if num > 0 && < N, choose that many buckets; if num < 0, it means N - num; and, if num == 0, choose N buckets (all available). Follows step take or step choose.

step emit

Outputs the current value and empties the stack. Typically used at the end of a rule, but may also be used to form different trees in the same rule. Follows step choose.

17.3.1 Iterating the node tree

The structure defined with the buckets can be viewed as a node tree. Buckets are nodes and OSDs are leafs in this tree.

Rules in the CRUSH Map define how OSDs are selected from this tree. A rule starts with a node and then iterates down the tree to return a set of OSDs. It is not possible to define which branch needs to be selected. Instead the CRUSH algorithm assures that the set of OSDs fulfills the replication requirements and evenly distributes the data.

With step take bucket the iteration through the node tree begins at the given bucket (not bucket type). If OSDs from all branches in the tree are to be returned, the bucket must be the root bucket. Otherwise the following steps are only iterating through a sub-tree.

After step take one or more step choose entries follow in the rule definition. Each step choose chooses a defined number of nodes (or branches) from the previously selected upper node.

In the end the selected OSDs are returned with step emit.

step chooseleaf is a convenience function that directly selects OSDs from branches of the given bucket.

Figure 17.2, “Example tree” provides an example of how step is used to iterate through a tree. The orange arrows and numbers correspond to example1a and example1b, while blue corresponds to example2 in the following rule definitions.

Example tree
Figure 17.2: Example tree
# orange arrows
rule example1a {
        ruleset 0
        type replicated
        min_size 2
        max_size 10
        # orange (1)
        step take rack1
        # orange (2)
        step choose firstn 0 host
        # orange (3)
        step choose firstn 1 osd
        step emit

rule example1b {
        ruleset 0
        type replicated
        min_size 2
        max_size 10
        # orange (1)
        step take rack1
        # orange (2) + (3)
        step chooseleaf firstn 0 host
        step emit

# blue arrows
rule example2 {
        ruleset 0
        type replicated
        min_size 2
        max_size 10
        # blue (1)
        step take room1
        # blue (2)
        step chooseleaf firstn 0 rack
        step emit

17.3.2 firstn and indep

A CRUSH rule defines replacements for failed nodes or OSDs (see Section 17.3, “Rule sets”). The keyword step requires either firstn or indep as parameter. Figure 17.3, “Node replacement methods” provides an example.

firstn adds replacement nodes to the end of the list of active nodes. In case of a failed node, the following healthy nodes are shifted to the left to fill the gap of the failed node. This is the default and desired method for replicated pools, because a secondary node already has all data and therefore can take over the duties of the primary node immediately.

indep selects fixed replacement nodes for each active node. The replacement of a failed node does not change the order of the remaining nodes. This is desired for erasure coded pools. In erasure coded pools the data stored on a node depends on its position in the node selection. When the order of nodes changes, all data on affected nodes needs to be relocated.

Node replacement methods
Figure 17.3: Node replacement methods

17.4 Placement groups

Ceph maps objects to placement groups (PGs). Placement groups are shards or fragments of a logical object pool that place objects as a group into OSDs. Placement groups reduce the amount of per-object metadata when Ceph stores the data in OSDs. A larger number of placement groups—for example, 100 per OSD—leads to better balancing.

17.4.1 Using placement groups

A placement group (PG) aggregates objects within a pool. The main reason is that tracking object placement and metadata on a per-object basis is computationally expensive. For example, a system with millions of objects cannot track placement of each of its objects directly.

Placement groups in a pool
Figure 17.4: Placement groups in a pool

The Ceph client will calculate to which placement group an object will belong to. It does this by hashing the object ID and applying an operation based on the number of PGs in the defined pool and the ID of the pool.

The object's contents within a placement group are stored in a set of OSDs. For example, in a replicated pool of size two, each placement group will store objects on two OSDs:

Placement groups and OSDs
Figure 17.5: Placement groups and OSDs

If OSD #2 fails, another OSD will be assigned to placement group #1 and will be filled with copies of all objects in OSD #1. If the pool size is changed from two to three, an additional OSD will be assigned to the placement group and will receive copies of all objects in the placement group.

Placement groups do not own the OSD, they share it with other placement groups from the same pool or even other pools. If OSD #2 fails, the placement group #2 will also need to restore copies of objects, using OSD #3.

When the number of placement groups increases, the new placement groups will be assigned OSDs. The result of the CRUSH function will also change and some objects from the former placement groups will be copied over to the new placement groups and removed from the old ones.

17.4.2 Determining the value of PG_NUM


Since Ceph Nautilus (v14.x), you can use the Ceph Manager pg_autoscaler module to auto-scale the PGs as needed. If you want to enable this feature, refer to Book “Deploying and Administering SUSE Enterprise Storage with Rook”, Chapter 7 “Configuration”, Section “Default PG and PGP counts”.

When creating a new pool, you can still choose the value of PG_NUM manually:

# ceph osd pool create POOL_NAME PG_NUM

PG_NUM cannot be calculated automatically. Following are a few commonly used values, depending on the number of OSDs in the cluster:

Less than 5 OSDs:

Set PG_NUM to 128.

Between 5 and 10 OSDs:

Set PG_NUM to 512.

Between 10 and 50 OSDs:

Set PG_NUM to 1024.

As the number of OSDs increases, choosing the right value for PG_NUM becomes more important. PG_NUM strongly affects the behavior of the cluster as well as the durability of the data in case of OSD failure. Calculating placement groups for more than 50 OSDs

If you have less than 50 OSDs, use the preselection described in Section 17.4.2, “Determining the value of PG_NUM. If you have more than 50 OSDs, we recommend approximately 50-100 placement groups per OSD to balance out resource usage, data durability, and distribution. For a single pool of objects, you can use the following formula to get a baseline:

total PGs = (OSDs * 100) / POOL_SIZE

Where POOL_SIZE is either the number of replicas for replicated pools, or the 'k'+'m' sum for erasure coded pools as returned by the ceph osd erasure-code-profile get command. You should round the result up to the nearest power of 2. Rounding up is recommended for the CRUSH algorithm to evenly balance the number of objects among placement groups.

As an example, for a cluster with 200 OSDs and a pool size of 3 replicas, you would estimate the number of PGs as follows:

          (200 * 100) / 3 = 6667

The nearest power of 2 is 8192.

When using multiple data pools for storing objects, you need to ensure that you balance the number of placement groups per pool with the number of placement groups per OSD. You need to reach a reasonable total number of placement groups that provides reasonably low variance per OSD without taxing system resources or making the peering process too slow.

For example, a cluster of 10 pools, each with 512 placement groups on 10 OSDs, is a total of 5,120 placement groups spread over 10 OSDs, that is 512 placement groups per OSD. Such a setup does not use too many resources. However, if 1000 pools were created with 512 placement groups each, the OSDs would handle approximately 50,000 placement groups each and it would require significantly more resources and time for peering.

17.4.3 Setting the number of placement groups


Since Ceph Nautilus (v14.x), you can use the Ceph Manager pg_autoscaler module to auto-scale the PGs as needed. If you want to enable this feature, refer to Book “Deploying and Administering SUSE Enterprise Storage with Rook”, Chapter 7 “Configuration”, Section “Default PG and PGP counts”.

If you still need to specify the number of placement groups in a pool manually, you need to specify them at the time of pool creation (see Section 18.1, “Creating a pool”). Once you have set placement groups for a pool, you may increase the number of placement groups by running the following command:

# ceph osd pool set POOL_NAME pg_num PG_NUM

After you increase the number of placement groups, you also need to increase the number of placement groups for placement (PGP_NUM) before your cluster will rebalance. PGP_NUM will be the number of placement groups that will be considered for placement by the CRUSH algorithm. Increasing PG_NUM splits the placement groups but data will not be migrated to the newer placement groups until PGP_NUM is increased. PGP_NUM should be equal to PG_NUM. To increase the number of placement groups for placement, run the following:

# ceph osd pool set POOL_NAME pgp_num PGP_NUM

17.4.4 Finding the number of placement groups

To find out the number of placement groups in a pool, run the following get command:

# ceph osd pool get POOL_NAME pg_num

17.4.5 Finding a cluster's PG statistics

To find out the statistics for the placement groups in your cluster, run the following command:

# ceph pg dump [--format FORMAT]

Valid formats are 'plain' (default) and 'json'.

17.4.6 Finding statistics for stuck PGs

To find out the statistics for all placement groups stuck in a specified state, run the following:

# ceph pg dump_stuck STATE \
 [--format FORMAT] [--threshold THRESHOLD]

STATE is one of 'inactive' (PGs cannot process reads or writes because they are waiting for an OSD with the most up-to-date data to come up), 'unclean' (PGs contain objects that are not replicated the desired number of times), 'stale' (PGs are in an unknown state—the OSDs that host them have not reported to the monitor cluster in a time interval specified by the mon_osd_report_timeout option), 'undersized', or 'degraded'.

Valid formats are 'plain' (default) and 'json'.

The threshold defines the minimum number of seconds the placement group is stuck before including it in the returned statistics (300 seconds by default).

17.4.7 Searching a placement group map

To search for the placement group map for a particular placement group, run the following:

# ceph pg map PG_ID

Ceph will return the placement group map, the placement group, and the OSD status:

# ceph pg map 1.6c
osdmap e13 pg 1.6c (1.6c) -> up [1,0] acting [1,0]

17.4.8 Retrieving a placement groups statistics

To retrieve statistics for a particular placement group, run the following:

# ceph pg PG_ID query

17.4.9 Scrubbing a placement group

To scrub (Section 17.6, “Scrubbing placement groups”) a placement group, run the following:

# ceph pg scrub PG_ID

Ceph checks the primary and replica nodes, generates a catalog of all objects in the placement group, and compares them to ensure that no objects are missing or mismatched and their contents are consistent. Assuming the replicas all match, a final semantic sweep ensures that all of the snapshot-related object metadata is consistent. Errors are reported via logs.

17.4.10 Prioritizing backfill and recovery of placement groups

You may run into a situation where several placement groups require recovery and/or back-fill, while some groups hold data more important than others. For example, those PGs may hold data for images used by running machines and other PGs may be used by inactive machines or less relevant data. In that case, you may want to prioritize recovery of those groups so that performance and availability of data stored on those groups is restored earlier. To mark particular placement groups as prioritized during backfill or recovery, run the following:

# ceph pg force-recovery PG_ID1 [PG_ID2 ... ]
# ceph pg force-backfill PG_ID1 [PG_ID2 ... ]

This will cause Ceph to perform recovery or backfill on specified placement groups first, before other placement groups. This does not interrupt currently ongoing backfills or recovery, but causes specified PGs to be processed as soon as possible. If you change your mind or prioritize wrong groups, cancel the prioritization:

# ceph pg cancel-force-recovery PG_ID1 [PG_ID2 ... ]
# ceph pg cancel-force-backfill PG_ID1 [PG_ID2 ... ]

The cancel-* commands remove the 'force' flag from the PGs so that they are processed in default order. Again, this does not affect placement groups currently being processed, only those that are still queued. The 'force' flag is cleared automatically after recovery or backfill of the group is done.

17.4.11 Reverting lost objects

If the cluster has lost one or more objects and you have decided to abandon the search for the lost data, you need to mark the unfound objects as 'lost'.

If the objects are still lost after having queried all possible locations, you may need to give up on the lost objects. This is possible given unusual combinations of failures that allow the cluster to learn about writes that were performed before the writes themselves are recovered.

Currently the only supported option is 'revert', which will either roll back to a previous version of the object, or forget about it entirely in case of a new object. To mark the 'unfound' objects as 'lost', run the following:

  cephuser@adm > ceph pg PG_ID mark_unfound_lost revert|delete

17.4.12 Enabling the PG auto-scaler

Placement groups (PGs) are an internal implementation detail of how Ceph distributes data. By enabling pg-autoscaling, you can allow the cluster to either make or automatically tune PGs based on how the cluster is used.

Each pool in the system has a pg_autoscale_mode property that can be set to off, on, or warn:

The autoscaler is configured on a per-pool basis, and can run in three modes:


Disable autoscaling for this pool. It is up to the administrator to choose an appropriate PG number for each pool.


Enable automated adjustments of the PG count for the given pool.


Raise health alerts when the PG count should be adjusted.

To set the autoscaling mode for existing pools:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool set POOL_NAME pg_autoscale_mode mode

You can also configure the default pg_autoscale_mode that is applied to any pools that are created in the future with:

cephuser@adm > ceph config set global osd_pool_default_pg_autoscale_mode MODE

You can view each pool, its relative utilization, and any suggested changes to the PG count with this command:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool autoscale-status

17.5 CRUSH Map manipulation

This section introduces ways to basic CRUSH Map manipulation, such as editing a CRUSH Map, changing CRUSH Map parameters, and adding/moving/removing an OSD.

17.5.1 Editing a CRUSH Map

To edit an existing CRUSH map, do the following:

  1. Get a CRUSH Map. To get the CRUSH Map for your cluster, execute the following:

    cephuser@adm > ceph osd getcrushmap -o compiled-crushmap-filename

    Ceph will output (-o) a compiled CRUSH Map to the file name you specified. Since the CRUSH Map is in a compiled form, you must decompile it first before you can edit it.

  2. Decompile a CRUSH Map. To decompile a CRUSH Map, execute the following:

    cephuser@adm > crushtool -d compiled-crushmap-filename \
     -o decompiled-crushmap-filename

    Ceph will decompile (-d) the compiled CRUSH Mapand output (-o) it to the file name you specified.

  3. Edit at least one of Devices, Buckets and Rules parameters.

  4. Compile a CRUSH Map. To compile a CRUSH Map, execute the following:

    cephuser@adm > crushtool -c decompiled-crush-map-filename \
     -o compiled-crush-map-filename

    Ceph will store a compiled CRUSH Mapto the file name you specified.

  5. Set a CRUSH Map. To set the CRUSH Map for your cluster, execute the following:

    cephuser@adm > ceph osd setcrushmap -i compiled-crushmap-filename

    Ceph will input the compiled CRUSH Map of the file name you specified as the CRUSH Map for the cluster.

Tip: Use versioning system

Use a versioning system—such as git or svn—for the exported and modified CRUSH Map files. It makes a possible rollback simple.

Tip: Test the new CRUSH Map

Test the new adjusted CRUSH Map using the crushtool --test command, and compare to the state before applying the new CRUSH Map. You may find the following command switches useful: --show-statistics, --show-mappings, --show-bad-mappings, --show-utilization, --show-utilization-all, --show-choose-tries

17.5.2 Adding or moving an OSD

To add or move an OSD in the CRUSH Map of a running cluster, execute the following:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd crush set id_or_name weight root=pool-name
bucket-type=bucket-name ...

An integer. The numeric ID of the OSD. This option is required.


A string. The full name of the OSD. This option is required.


A double. The CRUSH weight for the OSD. This option is required.


A key/value pair. By default, the CRUSH hierarchy contains the pool default as its root. This option is required.


Key/value pairs. You may specify the OSD's location in the CRUSH hierarchy.

The following example adds osd.0 to the hierarchy, or moves the OSD from a previous location.

cephuser@adm > ceph osd crush set osd.0 1.0 root=data datacenter=dc1 room=room1 \
row=foo rack=bar host=foo-bar-1

17.5.3 Difference between ceph osd reweight and ceph osd crush reweight

There are two similar commands that change the 'weight' of a Ceph OSD. The context of their usage is different and may cause confusion. ceph osd reweight


cephuser@adm > ceph osd reweight OSD_NAME NEW_WEIGHT

ceph osd reweight sets an override weight on the Ceph OSD. This value is in the range of 0 to 1, and forces CRUSH to reposition the data that would otherwise live on this drive. It does not change the weights assigned to the buckets above the OSD, and is a corrective measure in case the normal CRUSH distribution is not working out quite right. For example, if one of your OSDs is at 90% and the others are at 40%, you could reduce this weight to try and compensate for it.

Note: OSD weight is temporary

Note that ceph osd reweight is not a persistent setting. When an OSD gets marked out, its weight will be set to 0 and when it gets marked in again, the weight will be changed to 1. ceph osd crush reweight


cephuser@adm > ceph osd crush reweight OSD_NAME NEW_WEIGHT

ceph osd crush reweight sets the CRUSH weight of the OSD. This weight is an arbitrary value—generally the size of the disk in TB—and controls how much data the system tries to allocate to the OSD.

17.5.4 Removing an OSD

To remove an OSD from the CRUSH Map of a running cluster, execute the following:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd crush remove OSD_NAME

17.5.5 Adding a bucket

To add a bucket to the CRUSH Map of a running cluster, execute the ceph osd crush add-bucket command:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd crush add-bucket BUCKET_NAME BUCKET_TYPE

17.5.6 Moving a bucket

To move a bucket to a different location or position in the CRUSH Map hierarchy, execute the following:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd crush move BUCKET_NAME BUCKET_TYPE=BUCKET_NAME [...]

For example:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd crush move bucket1 datacenter=dc1 room=room1 row=foo rack=bar host=foo-bar-1

17.5.7 Removing a bucket

To remove a bucket from the CRUSH Map hierarchy, execute the following:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd crush remove BUCKET_NAME
Note: Empty bucket only

A bucket must be empty before removing it from the CRUSH hierarchy.

17.6 Scrubbing placement groups

In addition to making multiple copies of objects, Ceph ensures data integrity by scrubbing placement groups (find more information about placement groups in Book “Deployment Guide”, Chapter 1 “SES and Ceph”, Section 1.3.2 “Placement groups”). Ceph scrubbing is analogous to running fsck on the object storage layer. For each placement group, Ceph generates a catalog of all objects and compares each primary object and its replicas to ensure that no objects are missing or mismatched. Daily light scrubbing checks the object size and attributes, while weekly deep scrubbing reads the data and uses checksums to ensure data integrity.

Scrubbing is important for maintaining data integrity, but it can reduce performance. You can adjust the following settings to increase or decrease scrubbing operations:

osd max scrubs

The maximum number of simultaneous scrub operations for a Ceph OSD. Default is 1.

osd scrub begin hour, osd scrub end hour

The hours of day (0 to 24) that define a time window during which the scrubbing can happen. By default, begins at 0 and ends at 24.


If the placement group's scrub interval exceeds the osd scrub max interval setting, the scrub will happen no matter what time window you define for scrubbing.

osd scrub during recovery

Allows scrubs during recovery. Setting this to 'false' will disable scheduling new scrubs while there is an active recovery. Already running scrubs will continue. This option is useful for reducing load on busy clusters. Default is 'true'.

osd scrub thread timeout

The maximum time in seconds before a scrub thread times out. Default is 60.

osd scrub finalize thread timeout

The maximum time in seconds before a scrub finalize thread times out. Default is 60*10.

osd scrub load threshold

The normalized maximum load. Ceph will not scrub when the system load (as defined by the ratio of getloadavg() / number of online cpus) is higher than this number. Default is 0.5.

osd scrub min interval

The minimal interval in seconds for scrubbing Ceph OSD when the Ceph cluster load is low. Default is 60*60*24 (once a day).

osd scrub max interval

The maximum interval in seconds for scrubbing Ceph OSD, irrespective of cluster load. Default is 7*60*60*24 (once a week).

osd scrub chunk min

The minimum number of object store chunks to scrub during a single operation. Ceph blocks writes to a single chunk during a scrub. Default is 5.

osd scrub chunk max

The maximum number of object store chunks to scrub during a single operation. Default is 25.

osd scrub sleep

Time to sleep before scrubbing the next group of chunks. Increasing this value slows down the whole scrub operation, while client operations are less impacted. Default is 0.

osd deep scrub interval

The interval for 'deep' scrubbing (fully reading all data). The osd scrub load threshold option does not affect this setting. Default is 60*60*24*7 (once a week).

osd scrub interval randomize ratio

Add a random delay to the osd scrub min interval value when scheduling the next scrub job for a placement group. The delay is a random value smaller than the result of osd scrub min interval * osd scrub interval randomized ratio. Therefore, the default setting practically randomly spreads the scrubs out in the allowed time window of [1, 1.5] * osd scrub min interval. Default is 0.5.

osd deep scrub stride

Read size when doing a deep scrub. Default is 524288 (512 kB).

18 Manage storage pools

Ceph stores data within pools. Pools are logical groups for storing objects. When you first deploy a cluster without creating a pool, Ceph uses the default pools for storing data. The following important highlights relate to Ceph pools:

  • Resilience: Ceph pools provide resilience by replicating or encoding the data contained within them. Each pool can be set to either replicated or erasure coding. For replicated pools, you further set the number of replicas, or copies, which each data object within the pool will have. The number of copies (OSDs, CRUSH buckets/leaves) that can be lost is one less than the number of replicas. With erasure coding, you set the values of k and m, where k is the number of data chunks and m is the number of coding chunks. For erasure coded pools, it is the number of coding chunks that determines how many OSDs (CRUSH buckets/leaves) can be lost without losing data.

  • Placement Groups: You can set the number of placement groups for the pool. A typical configuration uses approximately 100 placement groups per OSD to provide optimal balancing without using up too many computing resources. When setting up multiple pools, be careful to ensure you set a reasonable number of placement groups for both the pool and the cluster as a whole.

  • CRUSH Rules: When you store data in a pool, objects and its replicas (or chunks in case of erasure coded pools) are placed according to the CRUSH ruleset mapped to the pool. You can create a custom CRUSH rule for your pool.

  • Snapshots: When you create snapshots with ceph osd pool mksnap, you effectively take a snapshot of a particular pool.

To organize data into pools, you can list, create, and remove pools. You can also view the usage statistics for each pool.

18.1 Creating a pool

A pool can be created as either replicated to recover from lost OSDs by keeping multiple copies of the objects or erasure to have generalized RAID 5 or 6 capability. Replicated pools require more raw storage, while erasure coded pools require less raw storage. The default setting is replicated. For more information on erasure coded pools, see Chapter 19, Erasure coded pools.

To create a replicated pool, execute:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool create POOL_NAME

The autoscaler will take care of the remaining optional arguments. For more information, see Section 17.4.12, “Enabling the PG auto-scaler”.

To create an erasure coded pool, execute:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool create POOL_NAME erasure CRUSH_RULESET_NAME \

The ceph osd pool create command can fail if you exceed the limit of placement groups per OSD. The limit is set with the option mon_max_pg_per_osd.


The name of the pool. It must be unique. This option is required.


The pool type which may either be replicated to recover from lost OSDs by keeping multiple copies of the objects or erasure to get a kind of generalized RAID 5 capability. The replicated pools require more raw storage but implement all Ceph operations. The erasure pools require less raw storage but only implement a subset of the available operations. The default POOL_TYPE is replicated.


The name of the CRUSH ruleset for this pool. If the specified ruleset does not exist, the creation of replicated pools will fail with -ENOENT. For replicated pools it is the ruleset specified by the osd pool default CRUSH replicated ruleset configuration variable. This ruleset must exist. For erasure pools it is 'erasure-code' if the default erasure code profile is used or POOL_NAME otherwise. This ruleset will be created implicitly if it does not exist already.


For erasure coded pools only. Use the erasure code profile. It must be an existing profile as defined by osd erasure-code-profile set.


If for any reason the autoscaler has been disabled (pg_autoscale_mode set to off) on a pool, you can calculate and set the PG numbers manually. See Section 17.4, “Placement groups” for details on calculating an appropriate number of placement groups for your pool.


The expected number of objects for this pool. By setting this value (together with a negative filestore merge threshold), the PG folder splitting happens at the pool creation time. This avoids the latency impact with a runtime folder splitting.

18.2 Listing pools

To list your cluster’s pools, execute:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool ls

18.3 Renaming a pool

To rename a pool, execute:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool rename CURRENT_POOL_NAME NEW_POOL_NAME

If you rename a pool and you have per-pool capabilities for an authenticated user, you must update the user’s capabilities with the new pool name.

18.4 Deleting a pool

Warning: Pool deletion is not reversible

Pools may contain important data. Deleting a pool causes all data in the pool to disappear, and there is no way to recover it.

Because inadvertent pool deletion is a real danger, Ceph implements two mechanisms that prevent pools from being deleted. Both mechanisms must be disabled before a pool can be deleted.

The first mechanism is the NODELETE flag. Each pool has this flag, and its default value is 'false'. To find out the value of this flag on a pool, run the following command:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool get pool_name nodelete

If it outputs nodelete: true, it is not possible to delete the pool until you change the flag using the following command:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool set pool_name nodelete false

The second mechanism is the cluster-wide configuration parameter mon allow pool delete, which defaults to 'false'. This means that, by default, it is not possible to delete a pool. The error message displayed is:

Error EPERM: pool deletion is disabled; you must first set the
mon_allow_pool_delete config option to true before you can destroy a pool

To delete the pool in spite of this safety setting, you can temporarily set mon allow pool delete to 'true', delete the pool, and then return the parameter to 'false':

cephuser@adm > ceph tell mon.* injectargs --mon-allow-pool-delete=true
cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool delete pool_name pool_name --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
cephuser@adm > ceph tell mon.* injectargs --mon-allow-pool-delete=false

The injectargs command displays the following message:

injectargs:mon_allow_pool_delete = 'true' (not observed, change may require restart)

This is merely confirming that the command was executed successfully. It is not an error.

If you created your own rulesets and rules for a pool you created, you should consider removing them when you no longer need your pool.

18.5 Other operations

18.5.1 Associating pools with an application

Before using pools, you need to associate them with an application. Pools that will be used with CephFS, or pools that are automatically created by Object Gateway are automatically associated.

For other cases, you can manually associate a free-form application name with a pool:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool application enable POOL_NAME APPLICATION_NAME
Tip: Default application names

CephFS uses the application name cephfs, RADOS Block Device uses rbd, and Object Gateway uses rgw.

A pool can be associated with multiple applications, and each application can have its own metadata. To list the application (or applications) associated with a pool, issue the following command:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool application get pool_name

18.5.2 Setting pool quotas

You can set pool quotas for the maximum number of bytes and/or the maximum number of objects per pool.

cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool set-quota POOL_NAME MAX_OBJECTS OBJ_COUNT MAX_BYTES BYTES

For example:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool set-quota data max_objects 10000

To remove a quota, set its value to 0.

18.5.3 Showing pool statistics

To show a pool’s usage statistics, execute:

cephuser@adm > rados df
 .rgw.root                 768 KiB       4      0     12                  0       0        0      44  44 KiB       4   4 KiB        0 B         0 B
 cephfs_data               960 KiB       5      0     15                  0       0        0    5502 2.1 MiB      14  11 KiB        0 B         0 B
 cephfs_metadata           1.5 MiB      22      0     66                  0       0        0      26  78 KiB     176 147 KiB        0 B         0 B
 default.rgw.buckets.index     0 B       1      0      3                  0       0        0       4   4 KiB       1     0 B        0 B         0 B
 default.rgw.control           0 B       8      0     24                  0       0        0       0     0 B       0     0 B        0 B         0 B
 default.rgw.log               0 B     207      0    621                  0       0        0 5372132 5.1 GiB 3579618     0 B        0 B         0 B
 default.rgw.meta          961 KiB       6      0     18                  0       0        0     155 140 KiB      14   7 KiB        0 B         0 B
 example_rbd_pool          2.1 MiB      18      0     54                  0       0        0 3350841 2.7 GiB     118  98 KiB        0 B         0 B
 iscsi-images              769 KiB       8      0     24                  0       0        0 1559261 1.3 GiB      61  42 KiB        0 B         0 B
 mirrored-pool             1.1 MiB      10      0     30                  0       0        0  475724 395 MiB      54  48 KiB        0 B         0 B
 pool2                         0 B       0      0      0                  0       0        0       0     0 B       0     0 B        0 B         0 B
 pool3                     333 MiB      37      0    111                  0       0        0 3169308 2.5 GiB   14847 118 MiB        0 B         0 B
 pool4                     1.1 MiB      13      0     39                  0       0        0 1379568 1.1 GiB   16840  16 MiB        0 B         0 B

A description of individual columns follow:


Number of bytes used by the pool.


Number of objects stored in the pool.


Number of clones stored in the pool. When a snapshot is created and one writes to an object, instead of modifying the original object its clone is created so the original snapshotted object content is not modified.


Number of object replicas. For example, if a replicated pool with the replication factor 3 has 'x' objects, it will normally have 3 * x copies.


Number of objects in the degraded state (not all copies exist) while the copy is missing on the primary OSD.


Number of unfound objects.


Number of degraded objects.


Total number of read operations requested for this pool.


Total number of bytes read from this pool.


Total number of write operations requested for this pool.


Total number of bytes written to the pool. Note that it is not the same as the pool's usage because you can write to the same object many times. The result is that the pool's usage will remain the same but the number of bytes written to the pool will grow.


Number of bytes allocated for compressed data.


Number of bytes that the compressed data occupy when it is not compressed.

18.5.4 Getting pool values

To get a value from a pool, run the following get command:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool get POOL_NAME KEY

You can get values for keys listed in Section 18.5.5, “Setting pool values” plus the following keys:


The number of placement groups for the pool.


The effective number of placement groups to use when calculating data placement. Valid range is equal to or less than PG_NUM.

Tip: All of a pool's values

To list all values related to a specific pool, run:

 cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool get POOL_NAME all

18.5.5 Setting pool values

To set a value to a pool, execute:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool set POOL_NAME KEY VALUE

The following is a list of pool values sorted by a pool type:

Common pool values

The number of seconds to allow clients to replay acknowledged, but uncommitted requests.


The number of placement groups for the pool. If you add new OSDs to the cluster, verify the value for placement groups on all pools targeted for the new OSDs.


The effective number of placement groups to use when calculating data placement.


The ruleset to use for mapping object placement in the cluster.


Set (1) or unset (0) the HASHPSPOOL flag on a given pool. Enabling this flag changes the algorithm to better distribute PGs to OSDs. After enabling this flag on a pool whose HASHPSPOOL flag was set to the default 0, the cluster starts backfilling to have a correct placement of all PGs again. Be aware that this can create quite substantial I/O load on a cluster, therefore do not enable the flag from 0 to 1 on highly loaded production clusters.


Prevents the pool from being removed.


Prevents the pool's pg_num and pgp_num from being changed.


Disables (deep) scrubbing of the data for the specific pool to resolve temporary high I/O load.


Set or unset the WRITE_FADVISE_DONTNEED flag on a given pool's read/write requests to bypass putting data into cache. Default is false. Applies to both replicated and EC pools.


The minimum interval in seconds for pool scrubbing when the cluster load is low. The default 0 means that the osd_scrub_min_interval value from the Ceph configuration file is used.


The maximum interval in seconds for pool scrubbing, regardless of the cluster load. The default 0 means that the osd_scrub_max_interval value from the Ceph configuration file is used.


The interval in seconds for the pool deep scrubbing. The default 0 means that the osd_deep_scrub value from the Ceph configuration file is used.

Replicated pool values

Sets the number of replicas for objects in the pool. See Section 18.5.6, “Setting the number of object replicas” for further details. Replicated pools only.


Sets the minimum number of replicas required for I/O. See Section 18.5.6, “Setting the number of object replicas” for further details. Replicated pools only.


Prevents the pool's size from being changed. When a pool is created, the default value is taken from the value of the osd_pool_default_flag_nosizechange parameter which is false by default. Applies to replicated pools only because you cannot change size for EC pools.


Enables hit set tracking for cache pools. See Bloom Filter for additional information. This option can have the following values: bloom, explicit_hash, explicit_object. Default is bloom, other values are for testing only.


The number of hit sets to store for cache pools. The higher the number, the more RAM consumed by the ceph-osd daemon. Default is 0.


The duration of a hit set period in seconds for cache pools. The higher the number, the more RAM consumed by the ceph-osd daemon. When a pool is created, the default value is taken from the value of the osd_tier_default_cache_hit_set_period parameter, which is 1200 by default. Applies to replicated pools only because EC pools cannot be used as a cache tier.


The false positive probability for the bloom hit set type. See Bloom Filter for additional information. Valid range is 0.0 - 1.0 Default is 0.05


Force OSDs to use GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) time stamps when creating a hit set for cache tiering. This ensures that nodes in different time zones return the same result. Default is 1. This value should not be changed.


The percentage of the cache pool containing modified (dirty) objects before the cache tiering agent will flush them to the backing storage pool. Default is 0.4.


The percentage of the cache pool containing modified (dirty) objects before the cache tiering agent will flush them to the backing storage pool with a higher speed. Default is 0.6.


The percentage of the cache pool containing unmodified (clean) objects before the cache tiering agent will evict them from the cache pool. Default is 0.8.


Ceph will begin flushing or evicting objects when the max_bytes threshold is triggered.


Ceph will begin flushing or evicting objects when the max_objects threshold is triggered.


Temperature decay rate between two successive hit_sets. Default is 20.


Count at most N appearances in hit_sets for temperature calculation. Default is 1.


The time (in seconds) before the cache tiering agent will flush an object from the cache pool to the storage pool.


The time (in seconds) before the cache tiering agent will evict an object from the cache pool.

Erasure coded pool values

If this flag is enabled on erasure coding pools, then the read request issues sub-reads to all shards, and waits until it receives enough shards to decode to serve the client. In the case of jerasure and isa erasure plug-ins, when the first K replies return, then the client’s request is served immediately using the data decoded from these replies. This approach causes more CPU load and less disk/network load. Currently, this flag is only supported for erasure coding pools. Default is 0.

18.5.6 Setting the number of object replicas

To set the number of object replicas on a replicated pool, execute the following:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool set poolname size num-replicas

The num-replicas includes the object itself. For example if you want the object and two copies of the object for a total of three instances of the object, specify 3.

Warning: Do not set less than 3 replicas

If you set the num-replicas to 2, there will be only one copy of your data. If you lose one object instance, you need to trust that the other copy has not been corrupted, for example since the last scrubbing during recovery (refer to Section 17.6, “Scrubbing placement groups” for details).

Setting a pool to one replica means that there is exactly one instance of the data object in the pool. If the OSD fails, you lose the data. A possible usage for a pool with one replica is storing temporary data for a short time.

Tip: Setting more than 3 replicas

Setting 4 replicas for a pool increases the reliability by 25%.

In case of two data centers, you need to set at least 4 replicas for a pool to have two copies in each data center so that if one data center is lost, two copies still exist and you can still lose one disk without losing data.


An object might accept I/Os in degraded mode with fewer than pool size replicas. To set a minimum number of required replicas for I/O, you should use the min_size setting. For example:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool set data min_size 2

This ensures that no object in the data pool will receive I/O with fewer than min_size replicas.

Tip: Get the number of object replicas

To get the number of object replicas, execute the following:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd dump | grep 'replicated size'

Ceph will list the pools, with the replicated size attribute highlighted. By default, Ceph creates two replicas of an object (a total of three copies, or a size of 3).

18.6 Pool migration

When creating a pool (see Section 18.1, “Creating a pool”) you need to specify its initial parameters, such as the pool type or the number of placement groups. If you later decide to change any of these parameters—for example when converting a replicated pool into an erasure coded one, or decreasing the number of placement groups—you need to migrate the pool data to another one whose parameters suit your deployment.

This section describes two migration methods—a cache tier method for general pool data migration, and a method using rbd migrate sub-commands to migrate RBD images to a new pool. Each method has its specifics and limitations.

18.6.1 Limitations

  • You can use the cache tier method to migrate from a replicated pool to either an EC pool or another replicated pool. Migrating from an EC pool is not supported.

  • You cannot migrate RBD images and CephFS exports from a replicated pool to an EC pool. The reason is that EC pools do not support omap, while RBD and CephFS use omap to store its metadata. For example, the header object of the RBD will fail to be flushed. But you can migrate data to EC pool, leaving metadata in replicated pool.

  • The rbd migration method allows migrating images with minimal client downtime. You only need to stop the client before the prepare step and start it afterward. Note that only a librbd client that supports this feature (Ceph Nautilus or newer) will be able to open the image just after the prepare step, while older librbd clients or the krbd clients will not be able to open the image until the commit step is executed.

18.6.2 Migrating using cache tier

The principle is simple—include the pool that you need to migrate into a cache tier in reverse order. The following example migrates a replicated pool named 'testpool' to an erasure coded pool:

Procedure 18.1: Migrating replicated to erasure coded pool
  1. Create a new erasure coded pool named 'newpool'. Refer to Section 18.1, “Creating a pool” for a detailed explanation of pool creation parameters.

     cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool create newpool erasure default

    Verify that the used client keyring provides at least the same capabilities for 'newpool' as it does for 'testpool'.

    Now you have two pools: the original replicated 'testpool' filled with data, and the new empty erasure coded 'newpool':

    Pools before migration
    Figure 18.1: Pools before migration
  2. Set up the cache tier and configure the replicated pool 'testpool' as a cache pool. The -force-nonempty option allows adding a cache tier even if the pool already has data:

    cephuser@adm > ceph tell mon.* injectargs \
    cephuser@adm > ceph osd tier add newpool testpool --force-nonempty
    cephuser@adm > ceph osd tier cache-mode testpool proxy
    Cache tier setup
    Figure 18.2: Cache tier setup
  3. Force the cache pool to move all objects to the new pool:

    cephuser@adm > rados -p testpool cache-flush-evict-all
    Data flushing
    Figure 18.3: Data flushing
  4. Until all the data has been flushed to the new erasure coded pool, you need to specify an overlay so that objects are searched on the old pool:

    cephuser@adm > ceph osd tier set-overlay newpool testpool

    With the overlay, all operations are forwarded to the old replicated 'testpool':

    Setting overlay
    Figure 18.4: Setting overlay

    Now you can switch all the clients to access objects on the new pool.

  5. After all data is migrated to the erasure coded 'newpool', remove the overlay and the old cache pool 'testpool':

    cephuser@adm > ceph osd tier remove-overlay newpool
    cephuser@adm > ceph osd tier remove newpool testpool
    Migration complete
    Figure 18.5: Migration complete
  6. Run

    cephuser@adm > ceph tell mon.* injectargs \

18.6.3 Migrating RBD images

The following is the recommended way to migrate RBD images from one replicated pool to another replicated pool.

  1. Stop clients (such as a virtual machine) from accessing the RBD image.

  2. Create a new image in the target pool, with the parent set to the source image:

    cephuser@adm > rbd migration prepare SRC_POOL/IMAGE TARGET_POOL/IMAGE
    Tip: Migrate only data to an erasure coded pool

    If you need to migrate only the image data to a new EC pool and leave the metadata in the original replicated pool, run the following command instead:

    cephuser@adm > rbd migration prepare SRC_POOL/IMAGE \
     --data-pool TARGET_POOL/IMAGE
  3. Let clients access the image in the target pool.

  4. Migrate data to the target pool:

    cephuser@adm > rbd migration execute SRC_POOL/IMAGE
  5. Remove the old image:

    cephuser@adm > rbd migration commit SRC_POOL/IMAGE

18.7 Pool snapshots

Pool snapshots are snapshots of the state of the whole Ceph pool. With pool snapshots, you can retain the history of the pool's state. Creating pool snapshots consumes storage space proportional to the pool size. Always check the related storage for enough disk space before creating a snapshot of a pool.

18.7.1 Making a snapshot of a pool

To make a snapshot of a pool, run:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool mksnap POOL-NAME SNAP-NAME

For example:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool mksnap pool1 snap1
created pool pool1 snap snap1

18.7.2 Listing snapshots of a pool

To list existing snapshots of a pool, run:

cephuser@adm > rados lssnap -p POOL_NAME

For example:

cephuser@adm > rados lssnap -p pool1
1	snap1	2018.12.13 09:36:20
2	snap2	2018.12.13 09:46:03
2 snaps

18.7.3 Removing a snapshot of a pool

To remove a snapshot of a pool, run:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool rmsnap POOL-NAME SNAP-NAME

18.8 Data compression

BlueStore (find more details in Book “Deployment Guide”, Chapter 1 “SES and Ceph”, Section 1.4 “BlueStore”) provides on-the-fly data compression to save disk space. The compression ratio depends on the data stored in the system. Note that compression/decompression requires additional CPU power.

You can configure data compression globally (see Section 18.8.3, “Global compression options”) and then override specific compression settings for each individual pool.

You can enable or disable pool data compression, or change the compression algorithm and mode at any time, regardless of whether the pool contains data or not.

No compression will be applied to existing data after enabling the pool compression.

After disabling the compression of a pool, all its data will be decompressed.

18.8.1 Enabling compression

To enable data compression for a pool named POOL_NAME, run the following command:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool set POOL_NAME compression_algorithm COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM
cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool set POOL_NAME compression_mode COMPRESSION_MODE
Tip: Disabling pool compression

To disable data compression for a pool, use 'none' as the compression algorithm:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool set POOL_NAME compression_algorithm none

18.8.2 Pool compression options

A full list of compression settings:


Possible values are none, zstd, snappy. Default is snappy.

Which compression algorithm to use depends on the specific use case. Several recommendations follow:

  • Use the default snappy as long as you do not have a good reason to change it.

  • zstd offers a good compression ratio, but causes high CPU overhead when compressing small amounts of data.

  • Run a benchmark of these algorithms on a sample of your actual data while keeping an eye on the CPU and memory usage of your cluster.


Possible values are none, aggressive, passive, force. Default is none.

  • none: compress never

  • passive: compress if hinted COMPRESSIBLE

  • aggressive: compress unless hinted INCOMPRESSIBLE

  • force: compress always


Value: Double, Ratio = SIZE_COMPRESSED / SIZE_ORIGINAL. Default is 0.875, which means that if the compression does not reduce the occupied space by at least 12.5%, the object will not be compressed.

Objects above this ratio will not be stored compressed because of the low net gain.


Value: Unsigned Integer, size in bytes. Default: 0

Maximum size of objects that are compressed.


Value: Unsigned Integer, size in bytes. Default: 0

Minimum size of objects that are compressed.

18.8.3 Global compression options

The following configuration options can be set in the Ceph configuration and apply to all OSDs and not only a single pool. The pool specific configuration listed in Section 18.8.2, “Pool compression options” takes precedence.


See compression_algorithm


See compression_mode


See compression_required_ratio


Value: Unsigned Integer, size in bytes. Default: 0

Minimum size of objects that are compressed. The setting is ignored by default in favor of bluestore_compression_min_blob_size_hdd and bluestore_compression_min_blob_size_ssd. It takes precedence when set to a non-zero value.


Value: Unsigned Integer, size in bytes. Default: 0

Maximum size of objects that are compressed before they will be split into smaller chunks. The setting is ignored by default in favor of bluestore_compression_max_blob_size_hdd and bluestore_compression_max_blob_size_ssd. It takes precedence when set to a non-zero value.


Value: Unsigned Integer, size in bytes. Default: 8K

Minimum size of objects that are compressed and stored on solid-state drive.


Value: Unsigned Integer, size in bytes. Default: 64K

Maximum size of objects that are compressed and stored on solid-state drive before they will be split into smaller chunks.


Value: Unsigned Integer, size in bytes. Default: 128K

Minimum size of objects that are compressed and stored on hard disks.


Value: Unsigned Integer, size in bytes. Default: 512K

Maximum size of objects that are compressed and stored on hard disks before they will be split into smaller chunks.

19 Erasure coded pools

Ceph provides an alternative to the normal replication of data in pools, called erasure or erasure coded pool. Erasure pools do not provide all functionality of replicated pools (for example, they cannot store metadata for RBD pools), but require less raw storage. A default erasure pool capable of storing 1 TB of data requires 1.5 TB of raw storage, allowing a single disk failure. This compares favorably to a replicated pool, which needs 2 TB of raw storage for the same purpose.

For background information on Erasure Code, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erasure_code.

For a list of pool values related to EC pools, refer to Erasure coded pool values.

19.1 Prerequisite for erasure coded Pools

To make use of erasure coding, you need to:

  • Define an erasure rule in the CRUSH Map.

  • Define an erasure code profile that specifies the coding algorithm to be used.

  • Create a pool using the previously mentioned rule and profile.

Keep in mind that changing the profile and the details in the profile will not be possible after the pool is created and has data.

Ensure that the CRUSH rules for erasure pools use indep for step. For details see Section 17.3.2, “firstn and indep.

19.2 Creating a sample erasure coded pool

The simplest erasure coded pool is equivalent to RAID5 and requires at least three hosts. This procedure describes how to create a pool for testing purposes.

  1. The command ceph osd pool create is used to create a pool with type erasure. The 12 stands for the number of placement groups. With default parameters, the pool is able to handle the failure of one OSD.

    cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool create ecpool 12 12 erasure
    pool 'ecpool' created
  2. The string ABCDEFGHI is written into an object called NYAN.

    cephuser@adm > echo ABCDEFGHI | rados --pool ecpool put NYAN -
  3. For testing purposes OSDs can now be disabled, for example by disconnecting them from the network.

  4. To test whether the pool can handle the failure of devices, the content of the file can be accessed with the rados command.

    cephuser@adm > rados --pool ecpool get NYAN -

19.3 Erasure code profiles

When the ceph osd pool create command is invoked to create an erasure pool, the default profile is used, unless another profile is specified. Profiles define the redundancy of data. This is done by setting two parameters, arbitrarily named k and m. k and m define in how many chunks a piece of data is split and how many coding chunks are created. Redundant chunks are then stored on different OSDs.

Definitions required for erasure pool profiles:


when the encoding function is called, it returns chunks of the same size: data chunks which can be concatenated to reconstruct the original object and coding chunks which can be used to rebuild a lost chunk.


the number of data chunks, that is the number of chunks into which the original object is divided. For example, if k = 2 a 10 kB object will be divided into k objects of 5 kB each. The default min_size on erasure coded pools is k + 1. However, we recommend min_size to be k + 2 or more to prevent loss of writes and data.


the number of coding chunks, that is the number of additional chunks computed by the encoding functions. If there are 2 coding chunks, it means 2 OSDs can be out without losing data.


defines to which devices the chunks are distributed. A bucket type needs to be set as value. For all bucket types, see Section 17.2, “Buckets”. If the failure domain is rack, the chunks will be stored on different racks to increase the resilience in case of rack failures. Keep in mind that this requires k+m racks.

With the default erasure code profile used in Section 19.2, “Creating a sample erasure coded pool”, you will not lose cluster data if a single OSD or host fails. Therefore, to store 1 TB of data it needs another 0.5 TB of raw storage. That means 1.5 TB of raw storage is required for 1 TB of data (because of k=2, m=1). This is equivalent to a common RAID 5 configuration. For comparison, a replicated pool needs 2 TB of raw storage to store 1 TB of data.

The settings of the default profile can be displayed with:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd erasure-code-profile get default

Choosing the right profile is important because it cannot be modified after the pool is created. A new pool with a different profile needs to be created and all objects from the previous pool moved to the new one (see Section 18.6, “Pool migration”).

The most important parameters of the profile are k, m and crush-failure-domain because they define the storage overhead and the data durability. For example, if the desired architecture must sustain the loss of two racks with a storage overhead of 66%, the following profile can be defined. Note that this is only valid with a CRUSH Map that has buckets of type 'rack':

cephuser@adm > ceph osd erasure-code-profile set myprofile \
   k=3 \
   m=2 \

The example Section 19.2, “Creating a sample erasure coded pool” can be repeated with this new profile:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool create ecpool 12 12 erasure myprofile
cephuser@adm > echo ABCDEFGHI | rados --pool ecpool put NYAN -
cephuser@adm > rados --pool ecpool get NYAN -

The NYAN object will be divided in three (k=3) and two additional chunks will be created (m=2). The value of m defines how many OSDs can be lost simultaneously without losing any data. The crush-failure-domain=rack will create a CRUSH ruleset that ensures no two chunks are stored in the same rack.

#1: Erasure code profiles

19.3.1 Creating a new erasure code profile

The following command creates a new erasure code profile:

# ceph osd erasure-code-profile set NAME \
 directory=DIRECTORY \
 plugin=PLUGIN \
 stripe_unit=STRIPE_UNIT \
 KEY=VALUE ... \

Optional. Set the directory name from which the erasure code plugin is loaded. Default is /usr/lib/ceph/erasure-code.


Optional. Use the erasure code plugin to compute coding chunks and recover missing chunks. Available plugins are 'jerasure', 'isa', 'lrc', and 'shes'. Default is 'jerasure'.


Optional. The amount of data in a data chunk, per stripe. For example, a profile with 2 data chunks and stripe_unit=4K would put the range 0-4K in chunk 0, 4K-8K in chunk 1, then 8K-12K in chunk 0 again. This should be a multiple of 4K for best performance. The default value is taken from the monitor configuration option osd_pool_erasure_code_stripe_unit when a pool is created. The 'stripe_width' of a pool using this profile will be the number of data chunks multiplied by this 'stripe_unit'.


Key/value pairs of options specific to the selected erasure code plugin.


Optional. Override an existing profile by the same name, and allow setting a non-4K-aligned stripe_unit.

19.3.2 Removing an erasure code profile

The following command removes an erasure code profile as identified by its NAME:

# ceph osd erasure-code-profile rm NAME

If the profile is referenced by a pool, the deletion will fail.

19.3.3 Displaying an erasure code profile's details

The following command displays details of an erasure code profile as identified by its NAME:

# ceph osd erasure-code-profile get NAME

19.3.4 Listing erasure code profiles

The following command lists the names of all erasure code profiles:

# ceph osd erasure-code-profile ls

19.4 Marking erasure coded pools with RADOS Block Device

To mark an EC pool as an RBD pool, tag it accordingly:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool application enable rbd ec_pool_name

RBD can store image data in EC pools. However, the image header and metadata still need to be stored in a replicated pool. Assuming you have the pool named 'rbd' for this purpose:

cephuser@adm > rbd create rbd/image_name --size 1T --data-pool ec_pool_name

You can use the image normally like any other image, except that all of the data will be stored in the ec_pool_name pool instead of 'rbd' pool.

20 RADOS Block Device

A block is a sequence of bytes, for example a 4 MB block of data. Block-based storage interfaces are the most common way to store data with rotating media, such as hard disks, CDs, floppy disks. The ubiquity of block device interfaces makes a virtual block device an ideal candidate to interact with a mass data storage system like Ceph.

Ceph block devices allow sharing of physical resources, and are resizable. They store data striped over multiple OSDs in a Ceph cluster. Ceph block devices leverage RADOS capabilities such as snapshotting, replication, and consistency. Ceph's RADOS Block Devices (RBD) interact with OSDs using kernel modules or the librbd library.

RADOS protocol
Figure 20.1: RADOS protocol

Ceph's block devices deliver high performance with infinite scalability to kernel modules. They support virtualization solutions such as QEMU, or cloud-based computing systems such as OpenStack that rely on libvirt. You can use the same cluster to operate the Object Gateway, CephFS, and RADOS Block Devices simultaneously.

20.1 Block device commands

The rbd command enables you to create, list, introspect, and remove block device images. You can also use it, for example, to clone images, create snapshots, rollback an image to a snapshot, or view a snapshot.

20.1.1 Creating a block device image in a replicated pool

Before you can add a block device to a client, you need to create a related image in an existing pool (see Chapter 18, Manage storage pools):

cephuser@adm > rbd create --size MEGABYTES POOL-NAME/IMAGE-NAME

For example, to create a 1 GB image named 'myimage' that stores information in a pool named 'mypool', execute the following:

cephuser@adm > rbd create --size 1024 mypool/myimage
Tip: Image size units

If you omit a size unit shortcut ('G' or 'T'), the image's size is in megabytes. Use 'G' or 'T' after the size number to specify gigabytes or terabytes.

20.1.2 Creating a block device image in an erasure coded pool

It is possible to store data of a block device image directly in erasure coded (EC) pools. A RADOS Block Device image consists of data and metadata parts. You can store only the data part of a RADOS Block Device image in an EC pool. The pool needs to have the overwrite flag set to true, and that is only possible if all OSDs where the pool is stored use BlueStore.

You cannot store the image's metadata part in an EC pool. You can specify the replicated pool for storing the image's metadata with the --pool= option of the rbd create command or specify pool/ as a prefix to the image name.

Create an EC pool:

cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool create EC_POOL 12 12 erasure
cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool set EC_POOL allow_ec_overwrites true

Specify the replicated pool for storing metadata:

cephuser@adm > rbd create IMAGE_NAME --size=1G --data-pool EC_POOL --pool=POOL


cephuser@adm > rbd create POOL/IMAGE_NAME --size=1G --data-pool EC_POOL

20.1.3 Listing block device images

To list block devices in a pool named 'mypool', execute the following:

cephuser@adm > rbd ls mypool

20.1.4 Retrieving image information

To retrieve information from an image 'myimage' within a pool named 'mypool', run the following:

cephuser@adm > rbd info mypool/myimage

20.1.5 Resizing a block device image

RADOS Block Device images are thin provisioned—they do not actually use any physical storage until you begin saving data to them. However, they do have a maximum capacity that you set with the --size option. If you want to increase (or decrease) the maximum size of the image, run the following:

cephuser@adm > rbd resize --size 2048 POOL_NAME/IMAGE_NAME # to increase
cephuser@adm > rbd resize --size 2048 POOL_NAME/IMAGE_NAME --allow-shrink # to decrease

20.1.6 Removing a block device image

To remove a block device that corresponds to an image 'myimage' in a pool named 'mypool', run the following:

cephuser@adm > rbd rm mypool/myimage

20.2 Mounting and unmounting

After you create a RADOS Block Device, you can use it like any other disk device: format it, mount it to be able to exchange files, and unmount it when done.

The rbd command defaults to accessing the cluster using the Ceph admin user account. This account has full administrative access to the cluster. This runs the risk of accidentally causing damage, similarly to logging into a Linux workstation as root. Thus, it is preferable to create user accounts with fewer privileges and use these accounts for normal read/write RADOS Block Device access.

20.2.1 Creating a Ceph user account

To create a new user account with Ceph Manager, Ceph Monitor, and Ceph OSD capabilities, use the ceph command with the auth get-or-create subcommand:

cephuser@adm > ceph auth get-or-create client.ID mon 'profile rbd' osd 'profile profile name \
  [pool=pool-name] [, profile ...]' mgr 'profile rbd [pool=pool-name]'

For example, to create a user called qemu with read-write access to the pool vms and read-only access to the pool images, execute the following:

ceph auth get-or-create client.qemu mon 'profile rbd' osd 'profile rbd pool=vms, profile rbd-read-only pool=images' \
  mgr 'profile rbd pool=images'

The output from the ceph auth get-or-create command will be the keyring for the specified user, which can be written to /etc/ceph/ceph.client.ID.keyring.


When using the rbd command, you can specify the user ID by providing the optional --id ID argument.

For more details on managing Ceph user accounts, refer to Chapter 30, Authentication with cephx.

20.2.2 User authentication

To specify a user name, use --id user-name. If you use cephx authentication, you also need to specify a secret. It may come from a keyring or a file containing the secret:

cephuser@adm > rbd device map --pool rbd myimage --id admin --keyring /path/to/keyring


cephuser@adm > rbd device map --pool rbd myimage --id admin --keyfile /path/to/file

20.2.3 Preparing a RADOS Block Device for use

  1. Make sure your Ceph cluster includes a pool with the disk image you want to map. Assume the pool is called mypool and the image is myimage.

    cephuser@adm > rbd list mypool
  2. Map the image to a new block device:

    cephuser@adm > rbd device map --pool mypool myimage
  3. List all mapped devices:

    cephuser@adm > rbd device list
    id pool   image   snap device
    0  mypool myimage -    /dev/rbd0

    The device we want to work on is /dev/rbd0.

    Tip: RBD device path

    Instead of /dev/rbdDEVICE_NUMBER, you can use /dev/rbd/POOL_NAME/IMAGE_NAME as a persistent device path. For example:

  4. Make an XFS file system on the /dev/rbd0 device:

    # mkfs.xfs /dev/rbd0
          log stripe unit (4194304 bytes) is too large (maximum is 256KiB)
          log stripe unit adjusted to 32KiB
          meta-data=/dev/rbd0              isize=256    agcount=9, agsize=261120 blks
          =                       sectsz=512   attr=2, projid32bit=1
          =                       crc=0        finobt=0
          data     =                       bsize=4096   blocks=2097152, imaxpct=25
          =                       sunit=1024   swidth=1024 blks
          naming   =version 2              bsize=4096   ascii-ci=0 ftype=0
          log      =internal log           bsize=4096   blocks=2560, version=2
          =                       sectsz=512   sunit=8 blks, lazy-count=1
          realtime =none                   extsz=4096   blocks=0, rtextents=0
  5. Replacing /mnt with your mount point, mount the device and check it is correctly mounted:

    # mount /dev/rbd0 /mnt
          # mount | grep rbd0
          /dev/rbd0 on /mnt type xfs (rw,relatime,attr2,inode64,sunit=8192,...

    Now you can move data to and from the device as if it was a local directory.

    Tip: Increasing the size of RBD device

    If you find that the size of the RBD device is no longer enough, you can easily increase it.

    1. Increase the size of the RBD image, for example up to 10 GB.

      cephuser@adm > rbd resize --size 10000 mypool/myimage
               Resizing image: 100% complete...done.
    2. Grow the file system to fill up the new size of the device:

      # xfs_growfs /mnt
      data blocks changed from 2097152 to 2560000
  6. After you finish accessing the device, you can unmap and unmount it.

    cephuser@adm > rbd device unmap /dev/rbd0
    # unmount /mnt
Tip: Manual mounting and unmounting

A rbdmap script and systemd unit is provided to make the process of mapping and mounting RBDs after boot, and unmounting them before shutdown, smoother. Refer to Section 20.2.4, “rbdmap Map RBD devices at boot time”.

20.2.4 rbdmap Map RBD devices at boot time

rbdmap is a shell script that automates rbd map and rbd device unmap operations on one or more RBD images. Although you can run the script manually at any time, the main advantage is automatic mapping and mounting of RBD images at boot time (and unmounting and unmapping at shutdown), as triggered by the Init system. A systemd unit file, rbdmap.service is included with the ceph-common package for this purpose.

The script takes a single argument, which can be either map or unmap. In either case, the script parses a configuration file. It defaults to /etc/ceph/rbdmap, but can be overridden via an environment variable RBDMAPFILE. Each line of the configuration file corresponds to an RBD image which is to be mapped, or unmapped.

The configuration file has the following format:

image_specification rbd_options

Path to an image within a pool. Specify as pool_name/image_name.


An optional list of parameters to be passed to the underlying rbd device map command. These parameters and their values should be specified as a comma-separated string, for example:


The example makes the rbdmap script run the following command:

cephuser@adm > rbd device map POOL_NAME/IMAGE_NAME --PARAM1 VAL1 --PARAM2 VAL2

In the following example you can see how to specify a user name and a keyring with a corresponding secret:

cephuser@adm > rbdmap device map mypool/myimage id=rbd_user,keyring=/etc/ceph/ceph.client.rbd.keyring

When run as rbdmap map, the script parses the configuration file, and for each specified RBD image, it attempts to first map the image (using the rbd device map command) and then mount the image.

When run as rbdmap unmap, images listed in the configuration file will be unmounted and unmapped.

rbdmap unmap-all attempts to unmount and subsequently unmap all currently mapped RBD images, regardless of whether they are listed in the configuration file.

If successful, the rbd device map operation maps the image to a /dev/rbdX device, at which point a udev rule is triggered to create a friendly device name symbolic link /dev/rbd/pool_name/image_name pointing to the real mapped device.

In order for mounting and unmounting to succeed, the 'friendly' device name needs to have a corresponding entry in /etc/fstab. When writing /etc/fstab entries for RBD images, specify the 'noauto' (or 'nofail') mount option. This prevents the Init system from trying to mount the device too early—before the device in question even exists, as rbdmap.service is typically triggered quite late in the boot sequence.

For a complete list of rbd options, see the rbd manual page (man 8 rbd).

For examples of the rbdmap usage, see the rbdmap manual page (man 8 rbdmap).

20.2.5 Increasing the size of RBD devices

If you find that the size of the RBD device is no longer enough, you can easily increase it.

  1. Increase the size of the RBD image, for example up to 10GB.

    cephuser@adm > rbd resize --size 10000 mypool/myimage
     Resizing image: 100% complete...done.
  2. Grow the file system to fill up the new size of the device.

    # xfs_growfs /mnt
     data blocks changed from 2097152 to 2560000

20.3 Snapshots

An RBD snapshot is a snapshot of a RADOS Block Device image. With snapshots, you retain a history of the image's state. Ceph also supports snapshot layering, which allows you to clone VM images quickly and easily. Ceph supports block device snapshots using the rbd command and many higher-level interfaces, including QEMU, libvirt, OpenStack, and CloudStack.


Stop input and output operations and flush all pending writes before snapshotting an image. If the image contains a file system, the file system must be in a consistent state at the time of snapshotting.

20.3.1 Enabling and configuring cephx

When cephx is enabled, you must specify a user name or ID and a path to the keyring containing the corresponding key for the user. See Chapter 30, Authentication with cephx for more details. You may also add the CEPH_ARGS environment variable to avoid re-entry of the following parameters.

cephuser@adm > rbd --id user-ID --keyring=/path/to/secret commands
cephuser@adm > rbd --name username --keyring=/path/to/secret commands

For example:

cephuser@adm > rbd --id admin --keyring=/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring commands
cephuser@adm > rbd --name client.admin --keyring=/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring commands

Add the user and secret to the CEPH_ARGS environment variable so that you do not need to enter them each time.

20.3.2 Snapshot basics

The following procedures demonstrate how to create, list, and remove snapshots using the rbd command on the command line. Creating snapshots

To create a snapshot with rbd, specify the snap create option, the pool name, and the image name.

cephuser@adm > rbd --pool pool-name snap create --snap snap-name image-name
cephuser@adm > rbd snap create pool-name/image-name@snap-name

For example:

cephuser@adm > rbd --pool rbd snap create --snap snapshot1 image1
cephuser@adm > rbd snap create rbd/image1@snapshot1 Listing snapshots

To list snapshots of an image, specify the pool name and the image name.

cephuser@adm > rbd --pool pool-name snap ls image-name
cephuser@adm > rbd snap ls pool-name/image-name

For example:

cephuser@adm > rbd --pool rbd snap ls image1
cephuser@adm > rbd snap ls rbd/image1 Rolling back snapshots

To rollback to a snapshot with rbd, specify the snap rollback option, the pool name, the image name, and the snapshot name.

cephuser@adm > rbd --pool pool-name snap rollback --snap snap-name image-name
cephuser@adm > rbd snap rollback pool-name/image-name@snap-name

For example:

cephuser@adm > rbd --pool pool1 snap rollback --snap snapshot1 image1
cephuser@adm > rbd snap rollback pool1/image1@snapshot1

Rolling back an image to a snapshot means overwriting the current version of the image with data from a snapshot. The time it takes to execute a rollback increases with the size of the image. It is faster to clone from a snapshot than to rollback an image to a snapshot, and it is the preferred method of returning to a pre-existing state. Deleting a snapshot

To delete a snapshot with rbd, specify the snap rm option, the pool name, the image name, and the user name.

cephuser@adm > rbd --pool pool-name snap rm --snap snap-name image-name
cephuser@adm > rbd snap rm pool-name/image-name@snap-name

For example:

cephuser@adm > rbd --pool pool1 snap rm --snap snapshot1 image1
cephuser@adm > rbd snap rm pool1/image1@snapshot1

Ceph OSDs delete data asynchronously, so deleting a snapshot does not free up the disk space immediately. Purging snapshots

To delete all snapshots for an image with rbd, specify the snap purge option and the image name.

cephuser@adm > rbd --pool pool-name snap purge image-name
cephuser@adm > rbd snap purge pool-name/image-name

For example:

cephuser@adm > rbd --pool pool1 snap purge image1
cephuser@adm > rbd snap purge pool1/image1

20.3.3 Snapshot layering

Ceph supports the ability to create multiple copy-on-write (COW) clones of a block device snapshot. Snapshot layering enables Ceph block device clients to create images very quickly. For example, you might create a block device image with a Linux VM written to it, then, snapshot the image, protect the snapshot, and create as many copy-on-write clones as you like. A snapshot is read-only, so cloning a snapshot simplifies semantics—making it possible to create clones rapidly.


The terms 'parent' and 'child' mentioned in the command line examples below mean a Ceph block device snapshot (parent) and the corresponding image cloned from the snapshot (child).

Each cloned image (child) stores a reference to its parent image, which enables the cloned image to open the parent snapshot and read it.

A COW clone of a snapshot behaves exactly like any other Ceph block device image. You can read to, write from, clone, and resize cloned images. There are no special restrictions with cloned images. However, the copy-on-write clone of a snapshot refers to the snapshot, so you must protect the snapshot before you clone it.

Note: --image-format 1 not supported

You cannot create snapshots of images created with the deprecated rbd create --image-format 1 option. Ceph only supports cloning of the default format 2 images. Getting started with layering

Ceph block device layering is a simple process. You must have an image. You must create a snapshot of the image. You must protect the snapshot. After you have performed these steps, you can begin cloning the snapshot.

The cloned image has a reference to the parent snapshot, and includes the pool ID, image ID, and snapshot ID. The inclusion of the pool ID means that you may clone snapshots from one pool to images in another pool.

  • Image Template: A common use case for block device layering is to create a master image and a snapshot that serves as a template for clones. For example, a user may create an image for a Linux distribution (for example, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server), and create a snapshot for it. Periodically, the user may update the image and create a new snapshot (for example, zypper ref && zypper patch followed by rbd snap create). As the image matures, the user can clone any one of the snapshots.

  • Extended Template: A more advanced use case includes extending a template image that provides more information than a base image. For example, a user may clone an image (a VM template) and install other software (for example, a database, a content management system, or an analytics system), and then snapshot the extended image, which itself may be updated in the same way as the base image.

  • Template Pool: One way to use block device layering is to create a pool that contains master images that act as templates, and snapshots of those templates. You may then extend read-only privileges to users so that they may clone the snapshots without the ability to write or execute within the pool.

  • Image Migration/Recovery: One way to use block device layering is to migrate or recover data from one pool into another pool. Protecting a snapshot

Clones access the parent snapshots. All clones would break if a user inadvertently deleted the parent snapshot. To prevent data loss, you need to protect the snapshot before you can clone it.

cephuser@adm > rbd --pool pool-name snap protect \
 --image image-name --snap snapshot-name
cephuser@adm > rbd snap protect pool-name/image-name@snapshot-name

For example:

cephuser@adm > rbd --pool pool1 snap protect --image image1 --snap snapshot1
cephuser@adm > rbd snap protect pool1/image1@snapshot1

You cannot delete a protected snapshot. Cloning a snapshot

To clone a snapshot, you need to specify the parent pool, image, snapshot, the child pool, and the image name. You need to protect the snapshot before you can clone it.

cephuser@adm > rbd clone --pool pool-name --image parent-image \
 --snap snap-name --dest-pool pool-name \
 --dest child-image
cephuser@adm > rbd clone pool-name/parent-image@snap-name \

For example:

cephuser@adm > rbd clone pool1/image1@snapshot1 pool1/image2

You may clone a snapshot from one pool to an image in another pool. For example, you may maintain read-only images and snapshots as templates in one pool, and writable clones in another pool. Unprotecting a snapshot

Before you can delete a snapshot, you must unprotect it first. Additionally, you may not delete snapshots that have references from clones. You need to flatten each clone of a snapshot before you can delete the snapshot.

cephuser@adm > rbd --pool pool-name snap unprotect --image image-name \
 --snap snapshot-name
cephuser@adm > rbd snap unprotect pool-name/image-name@snapshot-name

For example:

cephuser@adm > rbd --pool pool1 snap unprotect --image image1 --snap snapshot1
cephuser@adm > rbd snap unprotect pool1/image1@snapshot1 Listing children of a snapshot

To list the children of a snapshot, execute the following:

cephuser@adm > rbd --pool pool-name children --image image-name --snap snap-name
cephuser@adm > rbd children pool-name/image-name@snapshot-name

For example:

cephuser@adm > rbd --pool pool1 children --image image1 --snap snapshot1
cephuser@adm > rbd children pool1/image1@snapshot1 Flattening a cloned image

Cloned images retain a reference to the parent snapshot. When you remove the reference from the child clone to the parent snapshot, you effectively 'flatten' the image by copying the information from the snapshot to the clone. The time it takes to flatten a clone increases with the size of the snapshot. To delete a snapshot, you must flatten the child images first.

cephuser@adm > rbd --pool pool-name flatten --image image-name
cephuser@adm > rbd flatten pool-name/image-name

For example:

cephuser@adm > rbd --pool pool1 flatten --image image1
cephuser@adm > rbd flatten pool1/image1

Since a flattened image contains all the information from the snapshot, a flattened image will take up more storage space than a layered clone.

20.4 RBD image mirrors

RBD images can be asynchronously mirrored between two Ceph clusters. This capability is available in two modes:


This mode uses the RBD journaling image feature to ensure point-in-time, crash-consistent replication between clusters. Every write to the RBD image is first recorded to the associated journal before modifying the actual image. The remote cluster will read from the journal and replay the updates to its local copy of the image. Since each write to the RBD image will result in two writes to the Ceph cluster, expect write latencies to nearly double when using the RBD journaling image feature.


This mode uses periodically-scheduled or manually-created RBD image mirror-snapshots to replicate crash-consistent RBD images between clusters. The remote cluster will determine any data or metadata updates between two mirror-snapshots, and copy the deltas to its local copy of the image. With the help of the RBD fast-diff image feature, updated data blocks can be quickly computed without the need to scan the full RBD image. Since this mode is not point-in-time consistent, the full snapshot delta will need to be synchronized prior to use during a failover scenario. Any partially-applied snapshot deltas will be rolled back to the last fully synchronized snapshot prior to use.

Mirroring is configured on a per-pool basis within peer clusters. This can be configured on a specific subset of images within the pool, or configured to automatically mirror all images within a pool when using journal-based mirroring only. Mirroring is configured using the rbd command. The rbd-mirror daemon is responsible for pulling image updates from the remote, peer cluster and applying them to the image within the local cluster.

Depending on the desired needs for replication, RBD mirroring can be configured for either one- or two-way replication:

One-way Replication

When data is only mirrored from a primary cluster to a secondary cluster, the rbd-mirror daemon runs only on the secondary cluster.

Two-way Replication

When data is mirrored from primary images on one cluster to non-primary images on another cluster (and vice-versa), the rbd-mirror daemon runs on both clusters.


Each instance of the rbd-mirror daemon needs to be able to connect to both the local and remote Ceph clusters simultaneously. For example, all monitor and OSD hosts. Additionally, the network needs to have sufficient bandwidth between the two data centers to handle mirroring workload.

20.4.1 Pool configuration

The following procedures demonstrate how to perform the basic administrative tasks to configure mirroring using the rbd command. Mirroring is configured on a per-pool basis within the Ceph clusters.

You need to perform the pool configuration steps on both peer clusters. These procedures assume two clusters, named local and remote, are accessible from a single host for clarity.

See the rbd manual page (man 8 rbd) for additional details on how to connect to different Ceph clusters.

Tip: Multiple clusters

The cluster name in the following examples corresponds to a Ceph configuration file of the same name /etc/ceph/remote.conf and Ceph keyring file of the same name /etc/ceph/remote.client.admin.keyring. Enable mirroring on a pool

To enable mirroring on a pool, specify the mirror pool enable subcommand, the pool name, and the mirroring mode. The mirroring mode can either be pool or image:


All images in the pool with the journaling feature enabled are mirrored.


Mirroring needs to be explicitly enabled on each image. See Section, “Enabling image mirroring” for more information.

For example:

cephuser@adm > rbd --cluster local mirror pool enable POOL_NAME pool
cephuser@adm > rbd --cluster remote mirror pool enable POOL_NAME pool Disable mirroring

To disable mirroring on a pool, specify the mirror pool disable subcommand and the pool name. When mirroring is disabled on a pool in this way, mirroring will also be disabled on any images (within the pool) for which mirroring was enabled explicitly.

cephuser@adm > rbd --cluster local mirror pool disable POOL_NAME
cephuser@adm > rbd --cluster remote mirror pool disable POOL_NAME Bootstrapping peers

In order for the rbd-mirror daemon to discover its peer cluster, the peer needs to be registered to the pool and a user account needs to be created. This process can be automated with rbd and the mirror pool peer bootstrap create and mirror pool peer bootstrap import commands.

To manually create a new bootstrap token with rbd, specify the mirror pool peer bootstrap create command, a pool name, along with an optional friendly site name to describe the local cluster:

cephuser@local > rbd mirror pool peer bootstrap create \

The output of mirror pool peer bootstrap create will be a token that should be provided to the mirror pool peer bootstrap import command. For example, on the local cluster:

cephuser@local > rbd --cluster local mirror pool peer bootstrap create --site-name local image-pool
eyJmc2lkIjoiOWY1MjgyZGItYjg5OS00NTk2LTgwOTgtMzIwYzFmYzM5NmYzIiwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoicmJkLW1pcnJvci1wZWVyIiwia2V5I \

To manually import the bootstrap token created by another cluster with the rbd command, use the following syntax:

rbd mirror pool peer bootstrap import \
 [--site-name LOCAL_SITE_NAME] \
 [--direction DIRECTION \



An optional friendly site name to describe the local cluster.


A mirroring direction. Defaults to rx-tx for bidirectional mirroring, but can also be set to rx-only for unidirectional mirroring.


Name of the pool.


A file path to the created token (or - to read it from the standard input).

For example, on the remote cluster:

cephuser@remote > cat <<EOF > token
cephuser@adm > rbd --cluster remote mirror pool peer bootstrap import \
 --site-name remote image-pool token Adding a cluster peer manually

Alternatively to bootstrapping peers as described in Section, “Bootstrapping peers”, you can specify peers manually. The remote rbd-mirror daemon will need access to the local cluster to perform mirroring. Create a new local Ceph user that the remote rbd-mirror daemon will use, for example rbd-mirror-peer:

cephuser@adm > ceph auth get-or-create client.rbd-mirror-peer \
 mon 'profile rbd' osd 'profile rbd'

Use the following syntax to add a mirroring peer Ceph cluster with the rbd command:

rbd mirror pool peer add POOL_NAME CLIENT_NAME@CLUSTER_NAME

For example:

cephuser@adm > rbd --cluster site-a mirror pool peer add image-pool client.rbd-mirror-peer@site-b
cephuser@adm > rbd --cluster site-b mirror pool peer add image-pool client.rbd-mirror-peer@site-a

By default, the rbd-mirror daemon needs to have access to the Ceph configuration file located at /etc/ceph/.CLUSTER_NAME.conf. It provides IP addresses of the peer cluster’s MONs and a keyring for a client named CLIENT_NAME located in the default or custom keyring search paths, for example /etc/ceph/CLUSTER_NAME.CLIENT_NAME.keyring.

Alternatively, the peer cluster’s MON and/or client key can be securely stored within the local Ceph config-key store. To specify the peer cluster connection attributes when adding a mirroring peer, use the --remote-mon-host and --remote-key-file options. For example:

cephuser@adm > rbd --cluster site-a mirror pool peer add image-pool \
 client.rbd-mirror-peer@site-b --remote-mon-host, \
 --remote-key-file /PATH/TO/KEY_FILE
cephuser@adm > rbd --cluster site-a mirror pool info image-pool --all
Mode: pool
  UUID        NAME   CLIENT                 MON_HOST                KEY
  587b08db... site-b client.rbd-mirror-peer, AQAeuZdb... Remove cluster peer

To remove a mirroring peer cluster, specify the mirror pool peer remove subcommand, the pool name, and the peer UUID (available from the rbd mirror pool info command):

cephuser@adm > rbd --cluster local mirror pool peer remove POOL_NAME \
cephuser@adm > rbd --cluster remote mirror pool peer remove POOL_NAME \
 60c0e299-b38f-4234-91f6-eed0a367be08 Data pools

When creating images in the destination cluster, rbd-mirror selects a data pool as follows:

  • If the destination cluster has a default data pool configured (with the rbd_default_data_pool configuration option), it will be used.

  • Otherwise, if the source image uses a separate data pool, and a pool with the same name exists on the destination cluster, that pool will be used.

  • If neither of the above is true, no data pool will be set.

20.4.2 RBD Image configuration

Unlike pool configuration, image configuration only needs to be performed against a single mirroring peer Ceph cluster.

Mirrored RBD images are designated as either primary or non-primary. This is a property of the image and not the pool. Images that are designated as non-primary cannot be modified.

Images are automatically promoted to primary when mirroring is first enabled on an image (either implicitly if the pool mirror mode was 'pool' and the image has the journaling image feature enabled, or explicitly (see Section, “Enabling image mirroring”) by the rbd command). Enabling image mirroring

If mirroring is configured in the image mode, then it is necessary to explicitly enable mirroring for each image within the pool. To enable mirroring for a specific image with rbd, specify the mirror image enable subcommand along with the pool and image name:

cephuser@adm > rbd --cluster local mirror image enable \

The mirror image mode can either be journal or snapshot:

journal (default)

When configured in journal mode, mirroring will use the RBD journaling image feature to replicate the image contents. If the RBD journaling image feature is not yet enabled on the image, it will be automatically enabled.


When configured in snapshot mode, mirroring will use RBD image mirror-snapshots to replicate the image contents. Once enabled, an initial mirror-snapshot will automatically be created. Additional RBD image mirror-snapshots can be created by the rbd command.

For example:

cephuser@adm > rbd --cluster local mirror image enable image-pool/image-1 snapshot
cephuser@adm > rbd --cluster local mirror image enable image-pool/image-2 journal Enabling the image journaling feature

RBD mirroring uses the RBD journaling feature to ensure that the replicated image always remains crash-consistent. When using the image mirroring mode, the journaling feature will be automatically enabled if mirroring is enabled on the image. When using the pool mirroring mode, before an image can be mirrored to a peer cluster, the RBD image journaling feature must be enabled. The feature can be enabled at image creation time by providing the --image-feature exclusive-lock,journaling option to the rbd command.

Alternatively, the journaling feature can be dynamically enabled on pre-existing RBD images. To enable journaling, specify the feature enable subcommand, the pool and image name, and the feature name:

cephuser@adm > rbd --cluster local feature enable POOL_NAME/IMAGE_NAME exclusive-lock
cephuser@adm > rbd --cluster local feature enable POOL_NAME/IMAGE_NAME journaling
Note: Option dependency

The journaling feature is dependent on the exclusive-lock feature. If the exclusive-lock feature is not already enabled, you need to enable it prior to enabling the journaling feature.


You can enable journaling on all new images by default by adding rbd default features = layering,exclusive-lock,object-map,deep-flatten,journaling to your Ceph configuration file. Creating image mirror-snapshots

When using snapshot-based mirroring, mirror-snapshots will need to be created whenever it is desired to mirror the changed contents of the RBD image. To create a mirror-snapshot manually with rbd, specify the mirror image snapshot command along with the pool and image name:

cephuser@adm > rbd mirror image snapshot POOL_NAME/IMAGE_NAME

For example:

cephuser@adm > rbd --cluster local mirror image snapshot image-pool/image-1

By default only three mirror-snapshots will be created per image. The most recent mirror-snapshot is automatically pruned if the limit is reached. The limit can be overridden via the rbd_mirroring_max_mirroring_snapshots configuration option if required. Additionally, mirror-snapshots are automatically deleted when the image is removed or when mirroring is disabled.

Mirror-snapshots can also be automatically created on a periodic basis if mirror-snapshot schedules are defined. The mirror-snapshot can be scheduled globally, per-pool, or per-image levels. Multiple mirror-snapshot schedules can be defined at any level, but only the most-specific snapshot schedules that match an individual mirrored image will run.

To create a mirror-snapshot schedule with rbd, specify the mirror snapshot schedule add command along with an optional pool or image name, interval, and optional start time.

The interval can be specified in days, hours, or minutes using the suffixes d, h, or m respectively. The optional start time can be specified using the ISO 8601 time format. For example:

cephuser@adm > rbd --cluster local mirror snapshot schedule add --pool image-pool 24h 14:00:00-05:00
cephuser@adm > rbd --cluster local mirror snapshot schedule add --pool image-pool --image image1 6h

To remove a mirror-snapshot schedule with rbd, specify the mirror snapshot schedule remove command with options that match the corresponding add schedule command.

To list all snapshot schedules for a specific level (global, pool, or image) with rbd, specify the mirror snapshot schedule ls command along with an optional pool or image name. Additionally, the --recursive option can be specified to list all schedules at the specified level and below. For example:

cephuser@adm > rbd --cluster local mirror schedule ls --pool image-pool --recursive
image-pool  -         -      every 1d starting at 14:00:00-05:00
image-pool            image1 every 6h

To find out when the next snapshots will be created for snapshot-based mirroring RBD images with rbd, specify the mirror snapshot schedule status command along with an optional pool or image name. For example:

cephuser@adm > rbd --cluster local mirror schedule status
2020-02-26 18:00:00 image-pool/image1 Disabling image mirroring

To disable mirroring for a specific image, specify the mirror image disable subcommand along with the pool and image name:

cephuser@adm > rbd --cluster local mirror image disable POOL_NAME/IMAGE_NAME Promoting and demoting images

In a failover scenario where the primary designation needs to be moved to the image in the peer cluster, you need to stop access to the primary image, demote the current primary image, promote the new primary image, and resume access to the image on the alternate cluster.

Note: Forced promotion

Promotion can be forced using the --force option. Forced promotion is needed when the demotion cannot be propagated to the peer cluster (for example, in case of cluster failure or communication outage). This will result in a split-brain scenario between the two peers, and the image will no longer be synchronized until a resync subcommand is issued.

To demote a specific image to non-primary, specify the mirror image demote subcommand along with the pool and image name:

cephuser@adm > rbd --cluster local mirror image demote POOL_NAME/IMAGE_NAME

To demote all primary images within a pool to non-primary, specify the mirror pool demote subcommand along with the pool name:

cephuser@adm > rbd --cluster local mirror pool demote POOL_NAME

To promote a specific image to primary, specify the mirror image promote subcommand along with the pool and image name:

cephuser@adm > rbd --cluster remote mirror image promote POOL_NAME/IMAGE_NAME

To promote all non-primary images within a pool to primary, specify the mirror pool promote subcommand along with the pool name:

cephuser@adm > rbd --cluster local mirror pool promote POOL_NAME
Tip: Split I/O load

Since the primary or non-primary status is per-image, it is possible to have two clusters split the I/O load and stage failover or failback. Forcing image resync

If a split-brain event is detected by the rbd-mirror daemon, it will not attempt to mirror the affected image until corrected. To resume mirroring for an image, first demote the image determined to be out of date and then request a resync to the primary image. To request an image resync, specify the mirror image resync subcommand along with the pool and image name:

cephuser@adm > rbd mirror image resync POOL_NAME/IMAGE_NAME

20.4.3 Checking the mirror status

The peer cluster replication status is stored for every primary mirrored image. This status can be retrieved using the mirror image status and mirror pool status subcommands:

To request the mirror image status, specify the mirror image status subcommand along with the pool and image name:

cephuser@adm > rbd mirror image status POOL_NAME/IMAGE_NAME

To request the mirror pool summary status, specify the mirror pool status subcommand along with the pool name:

cephuser@adm > rbd mirror pool status POOL_NAME

Adding the --verbose option to the mirror pool status subcommand will additionally output status details for every mirroring image in the pool.

20.5 Cache settings

The user space implementation of the Ceph block device (librbd) cannot take advantage of the Linux page cache. Therefore, it includes its own in-memory caching. RBD caching behaves similar to hard disk caching. When the OS sends a barrier or a flush request, all 'dirty' data is written to the OSDs. This means that using write-back caching is just as safe as using a well-behaved physical hard disk with a VM that properly sends flushes. The cache uses a Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm, and in write-back mode it can merge adjacent requests for better throughput.

Ceph supports write-back caching for RBD. To enable it, run

cephuser@adm > ceph config set client rbd_cache true

By default, librbd does not perform any caching. Writes and reads go directly to the storage cluster, and writes return only when the data is on disk on all replicas. With caching enabled, writes return immediately, unless there are more unflushed bytes than set in the rbd cache max dirty option. In such a case, the write triggers writeback and blocks until enough bytes are flushed.

Ceph supports write-through caching for RBD. You can set the size of the cache, and you can set targets and limits to switch from write-back caching to write-through caching. To enable write-through mode, run

cephuser@adm > ceph config set client rbd_cache_max_dirty 0

This means writes return only when the data is on disk on all replicas, but reads may come from the cache. The cache is in memory on the client, and each RBD image has its own cache. Since the cache is local to the client, there is no coherency if there are others accessing the image. Running GFS or OCFS on top of RBD will not work with caching enabled.

The following parameters affect the behavior of RADOS Block Devices. To set them, use the client category:

cephuser@adm > ceph config set client PARAMETER VALUE
rbd cache

Enable caching for RADOS Block Device (RBD). Default is 'true'.

rbd cache size

The RBD cache size in bytes. Default is 32 MB.

rbd cache max dirty

The 'dirty' limit in bytes at which the cache triggers write-back. rbd cache max dirty needs to be less than rbd cache size. If set to 0, uses write-through caching. Default is 24 MB.

rbd cache target dirty

The 'dirty target' before the cache begins writing data to the data storage. Does not block writes to the cache. Default is 16 MB.

rbd cache max dirty age

The number of seconds dirty data is in the cache before writeback starts. Default is 1.

rbd cache writethrough until flush

Start out in write-through mode, and switch to write-back after the first flush request is received. Enabling this is a conservative but safe setting in case virtual machines running on rbd are too old to send flushes (for example, the virtio driver in Linux before kernel 2.6.32). Default is 'true'.

20.6 QoS settings

Generally, Quality of Service (QoS) refers to methods of traffic prioritization and resource reservation. It is particularly important for the transportation of traffic with special requirements.

Important: Not supported by iSCSI

The following QoS settings are used only by the user space RBD implementation librbd and not used by the kRBD implementation. Because iSCSI uses kRBD, it does not use the QoS settings. However, for iSCSI you can configure QoS on the kernel block device layer using standard kernel facilities.

rbd qos iops limit

The desired limit of I/O operations per second. Default is 0 (no limit).

rbd qos bps limit

The desired limit of I/O bytes per second. Default is 0 (no limit).

rbd qos read iops limit

The desired limit of read operations per second. Default is 0 (no limit).

rbd qos write iops limit

The desired limit of write operations per second. Default is 0 (no limit).

rbd qos read bps limit

The desired limit of read bytes per second. Default is 0 (no limit).

rbd qos write bps limit

The desired limit of write bytes per second. Default is 0 (no limit).

rbd qos iops burst

The desired burst limit of I/O operations. Default is 0 (no limit).

rbd qos bps burst

The desired burst limit of I/O bytes. Default is 0 (no limit).

rbd qos read iops burst

The desired burst limit of read operations. Default is 0 (no limit).

rbd qos write iops burst

The desired burst limit of write operations. Default is 0 (no limit).

rbd qos read bps burst

The desired burst limit of read bytes. Default is 0 (no limit).

rbd qos write bps burst

The desired burst limit of write bytes. Default is 0 (no limit).

rbd qos schedule tick min

The minimum schedule tick (in milliseconds) for QoS. Default is 50.

20.7 Read-ahead settings

RADOS Block Device supports read-ahead/prefetching to optimize small, sequential reads. This should normally be handled by the guest OS in the case of a virtual machine, but boot loaders may not issue efficient reads. Read-ahead is automatically disabled if caching is disabled.

Important: Not supported by iSCSI

The following read-ahead settings are used only by the user space RBD implementation librbd and not used by the kRBD implementation. Because iSCSI uses kRBD, it does not use the read-ahead settings. However, for iSCSI you can configure read-ahead on the kernel block device layer using standard kernel facilities.

rbd readahead trigger requests

Number of sequential read requests necessary to trigger read-ahead. Default is 10.

rbd readahead max bytes

Maximum size of a read-ahead request. If set to 0, read-ahead is disabled. Default is 512 kB.

rbd readahead disable after bytes

After this many bytes have been read from an RBD image, read-ahead is disabled for that image until it is closed. This allows the guest OS to take over read-ahead when it is booted. If set to 0, read-ahead stays enabled. Default is 50 MB.

20.8 Advanced features

RADOS Block Device supports advanced features that enhance the functionality of RBD images. You can specify the features either on the command line when creating an RBD image, or in the Ceph configuration file by using the rbd_default_features option.

You can specify the values of the rbd_default_features option in two ways:

  • As a sum of features' internal values. Each feature has its own internal value—for example 'layering' has 1 and 'fast-diff' has 16. Therefore to activate these two feature by default, include the following:

    rbd_default_features = 17
  • As a comma-separated list of features. The previous example will look as follows:

    rbd_default_features = layering,fast-diff
Note: Features not supported by iSCSI

RBD images with the following features will not be supported by iSCSI: deep-flatten, object-map, journaling, fast-diff, striping

A list of advanced RBD features follows:


Layering enables you to use cloning.

Internal value is 1, default is 'yes'.


Striping spreads data across multiple objects and helps with parallelism for sequential read/write workloads. It prevents single node bottlenecks for large or busy RADOS Block Devices.

Internal value is 2, default is 'yes'.


When enabled, it requires a client to get a lock on an object before making a write. Enable the exclusive lock only when a single client is accessing an image at the same time. Internal value is 4. Default is 'yes'.


Object map support depends on exclusive lock support. Block devices are thin provisioned, meaning that they only store data that actually exists. Object map support helps track which objects actually exist (have data stored on a drive). Enabling object map support speeds up I/O operations for cloning, importing and exporting a sparsely populated image, and deleting.

Internal value is 8, default is 'yes'.


Fast-diff support depends on object map support and exclusive lock support. It adds another property to the object map, which makes it much faster to generate diffs between snapshots of an image and the actual data usage of a snapshot.

Internal value is 16, default is 'yes'.


Deep-flatten makes the rbd flatten (see Section, “Flattening a cloned image”) work on all the snapshots of an image, in addition to the image itself. Without it, snapshots of an image will still rely on the parent, therefore you will not be able to delete the parent image until the snapshots are deleted. Deep-flatten makes a parent independent of its clones, even if they have snapshots.

Internal value is 32, default is 'yes'.


Journaling support depends on exclusive lock support. Journaling records all modifications to an image in the order they occur. RBD mirroring (see Section 20.4, “RBD image mirrors”) uses the journal to replicate a crash consistent image to a remote cluster.

Internal value is 64, default is 'no'.

20.9 Mapping RBD using old kernel clients

Old clients (for example, SLE11 SP4) may not be able to map RBD images because a cluster deployed with SUSE Enterprise Storage 7 forces some features (both RBD image level features and RADOS level features) that these old clients do not support. When this happens, the OSD logs will show messages similar to the following:

2019-05-17 16:11:33.739133 7fcb83a2e700  0 -- >> \ pipe(0x65d4e0 sd=3 :57323 s=1 pgs=0 cs=0 l=1 c=0x65d770).connect \
protocol feature mismatch, my 2fffffffffff < peer 4010ff8ffacffff missing 401000000000000
Warning: Changing CRUSH Map bucket types causes massive rebalancing

If you intend to switch the CRUSH Map bucket types between 'straw' and 'straw2', do it in a planned manner. Expect a significant impact on the cluster load because changing bucket type will cause massive cluster rebalancing.

  1. Disable any RBD image features that are not supported. For example:

    cephuser@adm > rbd feature disable pool1/image1 object-map
    cephuser@adm > rbd feature disable pool1/image1 exclusive-lock
  2. Change the CRUSH Map bucket types from 'straw2' to 'straw':

    1. Save the CRUSH Map:

      cephuser@adm > ceph osd getcrushmap -o crushmap.original
    2. Decompile the CRUSH Map:

      cephuser@adm > crushtool -d crushmap.original -o crushmap.txt
    3. Edit the CRUSH Map and replace 'straw2' with 'straw'.

    4. Recompile the CRUSH Map:

      cephuser@adm > crushtool -c crushmap.txt -o crushmap.new
    5. Set the new CRUSH Map:

      cephuser@adm > ceph osd setcrushmap -i crushmap.new

20.10 Enabling block devices and Kubernetes

You can use Ceph RBD with Kubernetes v1.13 and higher through the ceph-csi driver. This driver dynamically provisions RBD images to back Kubernetes volumes, and maps these RBD images as block devices (optionally mounting a file system contained within the image) on worker nodes running pods that reference an RBD-backed volume.

To use Ceph block devices with Kubernetes, you must install and configure ceph-csi within your Kubernetes environment.


ceph-csi uses the RBD kernel modules by default which may not support all Ceph CRUSH tunables or RBD image features.

  1. By default, Ceph block devices use the RBD pool. Create a pool for Kubernetes volume storage. Ensure your Ceph cluster is running, then create the pool:

    cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool create kubernetes
  2. Use the RBD tool to initialize the pool:

    cephuser@adm > rbd pool init kubernetes
  3. Create a new user for Kubernetes and ceph-csi. Execute the following and record the generated key:

    cephuser@adm > ceph auth get-or-create client.kubernetes mon 'profile rbd' osd 'profile rbd pool=kubernetes' mgr 'profile rbd pool=kubernetes'
        key = AQD9o0Fd6hQRChAAt7fMaSZXduT3NWEqylNpmg==
  4. ceph-csi requires a ConfigMap object stored in Kubernetes to define the Ceph monitor addresses for the Ceph cluster. Collect both the Ceph cluster unique fsid and the monitor addresses:

    cephuser@adm > ceph mon dump
    fsid b9127830-b0cc-4e34-aa47-9d1a2e9949a8
    0: [v2:,v1:] mon.a
    1: [v2:,v1:] mon.b
    2: [v2:,v1:] mon.c
  5. Generate a csi-config-map.yaml file similar to the example below, substituting the FSID for clusterID, and the monitor addresses for monitors:

    kubectl@adm > cat <<EOF > csi-config-map.yaml
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      config.json: |-
            "clusterID": "b9127830-b0cc-4e34-aa47-9d1a2e9949a8",
            "monitors": [
      name: ceph-csi-config
  6. When generated, store the new ConfigMap object in Kubernetes:

    kubectl@adm > kubectl apply -f csi-config-map.yaml
  7. ceph-csi requires the cephx credentials for communicating with the Ceph cluster. Generate a csi-rbd-secret.yaml file similar to the example below, using the newly-created Kubernetes user ID and cephx key:

    kubectl@adm > cat <<EOF > csi-rbd-secret.yaml
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: csi-rbd-secret
      namespace: default
      userID: kubernetes
      userKey: AQD9o0Fd6hQRChAAt7fMaSZXduT3NWEqylNpmg==
  8. When generated, store the new secret object in Kubernetes:

    kubectl@adm > kubectl apply -f csi-rbd-secret.yaml
  9. Create the required ServiceAccount and RBAC ClusterRole/ClusterRoleBinding Kubernetes objects. These objects do not necessarily need to be customized for your Kubernetes environment, and therefore can be used directly from the ceph-csi deployment YAML files:

    kubectl@adm > kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ceph/ceph-csi/master/deploy/rbd/kubernetes/csi-provisioner-rbac.yaml
    kubectl@adm > kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ceph/ceph-csi/master/deploy/rbd/kubernetes/csi-nodeplugin-rbac.yaml
  10. Create the ceph-csi provisioner and node plugins:

    kubectl@adm > wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ceph/ceph-csi/master/deploy/rbd/kubernetes/csi-rbdplugin-provisioner.yaml
    kubectl@adm > kubectl apply -f csi-rbdplugin-provisioner.yaml
    kubectl@adm > wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ceph/ceph-csi/master/deploy/rbd/kubernetes/csi-rbdplugin.yaml
    kubectl@adm > kubectl apply -f csi-rbdplugin.yaml

    By default, the provisioner and node plugin YAML files will pull the development release of the ceph-csi container. The YAML files should be updated to use a release version.

20.10.1 Using Ceph block devices in Kubernetes

The Kubernetes StorageClass defines a class of storage. Multiple StorageClass objects can be created to map to different quality-of-service levels and features. For example, NVMe versus HDD-based pools.

To create a ceph-csi StorageClass that maps to the Kubernetes pool created above, the following YAML file can be used, after ensuring that the clusterID property matches your Ceph cluster's FSID:

kubectl@adm > cat <<EOF > csi-rbd-sc.yaml
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
   name: csi-rbd-sc
provisioner: rbd.csi.ceph.com
   clusterID: b9127830-b0cc-4e34-aa47-9d1a2e9949a8
   pool: kubernetes
   csi.storage.k8s.io/provisioner-secret-name: csi-rbd-secret
   csi.storage.k8s.io/provisioner-secret-namespace: default
   csi.storage.k8s.io/node-stage-secret-name: csi-rbd-secret
   csi.storage.k8s.io/node-stage-secret-namespace: default
reclaimPolicy: Delete
   - discard
kubectl@adm > kubectl apply -f csi-rbd-sc.yaml

A PersistentVolumeClaim is a request for abstract storage resources by a user. The PersistentVolumeClaim would then be associated to a pod resource to provision a PersistentVolume, which would be backed by a Ceph block image. An optional volumeMode can be included to select between a mounted file system (default) or raw block-device-based volume.

Using ceph-csi, specifying Filesystem for volumeMode can support both ReadWriteOnce and ReadOnlyMany accessMode claims, and specifying Block for volumeMode can support ReadWriteOnce, ReadWriteMany, and ReadOnlyMany accessMode claims.

For example, to create a block-based PersistentVolumeClaim that uses the ceph-csi-based StorageClass created above, the following YAML file can be used to request raw block storage from the csi-rbd-sc StorageClass:

kubectl@adm > cat <<EOF > raw-block-pvc.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: raw-block-pvc
    - ReadWriteOnce
  volumeMode: Block
      storage: 1Gi
  storageClassName: csi-rbd-sc
kubectl@adm > kubectl apply -f raw-block-pvc.yaml

The following demonstrates and example of binding the above PersistentVolumeClaim to a pod resource as a raw block device:

kubectl@adm > cat <<EOF > raw-block-pod.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: pod-with-raw-block-volume
    - name: fc-container
      image: fedora:26
      command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
      args: ["tail -f /dev/null"]
        - name: data
          devicePath: /dev/xvda
    - name: data
        claimName: raw-block-pvc
kubectl@adm > kubectl apply -f raw-block-pod.yaml

To create a file-system-based PersistentVolumeClaim that uses the ceph-csi-based StorageClass created above, the following YAML file can be used to request a mounted file system (backed by an RBD image) from the csi-rbd-sc StorageClass:

kubectl@adm > cat <<EOF > pvc.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: rbd-pvc
    - ReadWriteOnce
  volumeMode: Filesystem
      storage: 1Gi
  storageClassName: csi-rbd-sc
kubectl@adm > kubectl apply -f pvc.yaml

The following demonstrates an example of binding the above PersistentVolumeClaim to a pod resource as a mounted file system:

kubectl@adm > cat <<EOF > pod.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: csi-rbd-demo-pod
    - name: web-server
      image: nginx
        - name: mypvc
          mountPath: /var/lib/www/html
    - name: mypvc
        claimName: rbd-pvc
        readOnly: false
kubectl@adm > kubectl apply -f pod.yaml

Part IV Accessing Cluster Data

  • 21 Ceph Object Gateway
  • This chapter introduces details about administration tasks related to Object Gateway, such as checking status of the service, managing accounts, multisite gateways, or LDAP authentication.

  • 22 Ceph iSCSI gateway
  • The chapter focuses on administration tasks related to the iSCSI Gateway. For a procedure of deployment refer to Book “Deployment Guide”, Chapter 8 “Deploying the remaining core services using cephadm”, Section 8.3.5 “Deploying iSCSI Gateways”.

  • 23 Clustered file system
  • This chapter describes administration tasks that are normally performed after the cluster is set up and CephFS exported. If you need more information on setting up CephFS, refer to Book “Deployment Guide”, Chapter 8 “Deploying the remaining core services using cephadm”, Section 8.3.3 “Deploying Meta…

  • 24 Export Ceph data via Samba
  • This chapter describes how to export data stored in a Ceph cluster via a Samba/CIFS share so that you can easily access them from Windows* client machines. It also includes information that will help you configure a Ceph Samba gateway to join Active Directory in the Windows* domain to authenticate a…

  • 25 NFS Ganesha
  • NFS Ganesha is an NFS server that runs in a user address space instead of as part of the operating system kernel. With NFS Ganesha, you can plug in your own storage mechanism—such as Ceph—and access it from any NFS client. For installation instructions, see Book “Deployment Guide”, Chapter 8 “Deploy…

21 Ceph Object Gateway

This chapter introduces details about administration tasks related to Object Gateway, such as checking status of the service, managing accounts, multisite gateways, or LDAP authentication.

21.1 Object Gateway restrictions and naming limitations

Following is a list of important Object Gateway limits:

21.1.1 Bucket limitations

When approaching Object Gateway via the S3 API, bucket names are limited to DNS-compliant names with a dash character '-' allowed. When approaching Object Gateway via the Swift API, you may use any combination of UTF-8 supported characters except for a slash character '/'. The maximum length of a bucket name is 255 characters. Bucket names must be unique.

Tip: Use DNS-compliant bucket names

Although you may use any UTF-8 based bucket name via the Swift API, it is recommended to name buckets with regard to the S3 naming limitations to avoid problems accessing the same bucket via the S3 API.

21.1.2 Stored object limitations

Maximum number of objects per user

No restriction by default (limited by ~ 2^63).

Maximum number of objects per bucket

No restriction by default (limited by ~ 2^63).

Maximum size of an object to upload/store

Single uploads are restricted to 5 GB. Use multipart for larger object sizes. The maximum number of multipart chunks is 10000.

21.1.3 HTTP header limitations

HTTP header and request limitation depend on the Web front-end used. The default Beast restricts the size of the HTTP header to 16 kB.

21.2 Deploying the Object Gateway

The Ceph Object Gateway deployment follows the same procedure as the deployment of other Ceph services—by means of cephadm. For more details, refer to Book “Deployment Guide”, Chapter 8 “Deploying the remaining core services using cephadm”, Section 8.2 “Service and placement specification”, specifically to Book “Deployment Guide”, Chapter 8 “Deploying the remaining core services using cephadm”, Section 8.3.4 “Deploying Object Gateways”.

21.3 Operating the Object Gateway service

You can operate the Object Gateways same as other Ceph services by first identifying the service name with the ceph orch ps command, and running the following command for operating services, for example:

ceph orch daemon restart OGW_SERVICE_NAME

Refer to Chapter 14, Operation of Ceph services for complete information about operating Ceph services.

21.4 Configuration options

Refer to Section 28.5, “Ceph Object Gateway” for a list of Object Gateway configuration options.

21.5 Managing Object Gateway access

You can communicate with Object Gateway using either S3- or Swift-compatible interface. S3 interface is compatible with a large subset of the Amazon S3 RESTful API. Swift interface is compatible with a large subset of the OpenStack Swift API.

Both interfaces require you to create a specific user, and install the relevant client software to communicate with the gateway using the user's secret key.

21.5.1 Accessing Object Gateway S3 interface access

To access the S3 interface, you need a REST client. S3cmd is a command line S3 client. You can find it in the OpenSUSE Build Service. The repository contains versions for both SUSE Linux Enterprise and openSUSE based distributions.

If you want to test your access to the S3 interface, you can also write a small a Python script. The script will connect to Object Gateway, create a new bucket, and list all buckets. The values for aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key are taken from the values of access_key and secret_key returned by the radosgw_admin command from Section, “Adding S3 and Swift users”.

  1. Install the python-boto package:

    # zypper in python-boto
  2. Create a new Python script called s3test.py with the following content:

    import boto
    import boto.s3.connection
    access_key = '11BS02LGFB6AL6H1ADMW'
    secret_key = 'vzCEkuryfn060dfee4fgQPqFrncKEIkh3ZcdOANY'
    conn = boto.connect_s3(
    aws_access_key_id = access_key,
    aws_secret_access_key = secret_key,
    host = 'HOSTNAME',
    calling_format = boto.s3.connection.OrdinaryCallingFormat(),
    bucket = conn.create_bucket('my-new-bucket')
    for bucket in conn.get_all_buckets():
      print "NAME\tCREATED".format(
      name = bucket.name,
      created = bucket.creation_date,

    Replace HOSTNAME with the host name of the host where you configured the Object Gateway service, for example gateway_host.

  3. Run the script:

    python s3test.py

    The script outputs something like the following:

    my-new-bucket 2015-07-22T15:37:42.000Z Swift interface access

To access Object Gateway via Swift interface, you need the swift command line client. Its manual page man 1 swift tells you more about its command line options.

The package is included in the 'Public Cloud' module for SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 from SP3 and SUSE Linux Enterprise 15. Before installing the package, you need to activate the module and refresh the software repository:

# SUSEConnect -p sle-module-public-cloud/12/SYSTEM-ARCH
sudo zypper refresh


# SUSEConnect -p sle-module-public-cloud/15/SYSTEM-ARCH
# zypper refresh

To install the swift command, run the following:

# zypper in python-swiftclient

The swift access uses the following syntax:

> swift -A http://IP_ADDRESS/auth/1.0 \
-U example_user:swift -K 'SWIFT_SECRET_KEY' list

Replace IP_ADDRESS with the IP address of the gateway server, and SWIFT_SECRET_KEY with its value from the output of the radosgw-admin key create command executed for the swift user in Section, “Adding S3 and Swift users”.

For example:

> swift -A http://gateway.example.com/auth/1.0 -U example_user:swift \
-K 'r5wWIxjOCeEO7DixD1FjTLmNYIViaC6JVhi3013h' list

The output is:


21.5.2 Manage S3 and Swift accounts Adding S3 and Swift users

You need to create a user, access key and secret to enable end users to interact with the gateway. There are two types of users: a user and subuser. While users are used when interacting with the S3 interface, subusers are users of the Swift interface. Each subuser is associated to a user.

To create a Swift user, follow the steps:

  1. To create a Swift user—which is a subuser in our terminology—you need to create the associated user first.

    cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin user create --uid=USERNAME \
     --display-name="DISPLAY-NAME" --email=EMAIL

    For example:

    cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin user create \
       --uid=example_user \
       --display-name="Example User" \
  2. To create a subuser (Swift interface) for the user, you must specify the user ID (--uid=USERNAME), a subuser ID, and the access level for the subuser.

    cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin subuser create --uid=UID \
     --subuser=UID \
     --access=[ read | write | readwrite | full ]

    For example:

    cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin subuser create --uid=example_user \
     --subuser=example_user:swift --access=full
  3. Generate a secret key for the user.

    cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin key create \
       --gen-secret \
       --subuser=example_user:swift \
  4. Both commands will output JSON-formatted data showing the user state. Notice the following lines, and remember the secret_key value:

    "swift_keys": [
       { "user": "example_user:swift",
         "secret_key": "r5wWIxjOCeEO7DixD1FjTLmNYIViaC6JVhi3013h"}],

When accessing Object Gateway through the S3 interface you need to create an S3 user by running:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin user create --uid=USERNAME \
 --display-name="DISPLAY-NAME" --email=EMAIL

For example:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin user create \
   --uid=example_user \
   --display-name="Example User" \

The command also creates the user's access and secret key. Check its output for access_key and secret_key keywords and their values:

 "keys": [
       { "user": "example_user",
         "access_key": "11BS02LGFB6AL6H1ADMW",
         "secret_key": "vzCEkuryfn060dfee4fgQPqFrncKEIkh3ZcdOANY"}],
 [...] Removing S3 and Swift users

The procedure for deleting users is similar for S3 and Swift users. But in case of Swift users you may need to delete the user including its subusers.

To remove a S3 or Swift user (including all its subusers), specify user rm and the user ID in the following command:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin user rm --uid=example_user

To remove a subuser, specify subuser rm and the subuser ID.

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin subuser rm --uid=example_user:swift

You can make use of the following options:


Purges all data associated to the user ID.


Purges all keys associated to the user ID.

Tip: Removing a subuser

When you remove a subuser, you are removing access to the Swift interface. The user will remain in the system. Changing S3 and Swift user access and secret keys

The access_key and secret_key parameters identify the Object Gateway user when accessing the gateway. Changing the existing user keys is the same as creating new ones, as the old keys get overwritten.

For S3 users, run the following:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin key create --uid=EXAMPLE_USER --key-type=s3 --gen-access-key --gen-secret

For Swift users, run the following:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin key create --subuser=EXAMPLE_USER:swift --key-type=swift --gen-secret

Specifies the type of key. Either swift or s3.


Generates a random access key (for S3 user by default).


Generates a random secret key.


Specifies a secret key, for example manually generated. Enabling user quota management

The Ceph Object Gateway enables you to set quotas on users and buckets owned by users. Quotas include the maximum number of objects in a bucket and the maximum storage size in megabytes.

Before you enable a user quota, you first need to set its parameters:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin quota set --quota-scope=user --uid=EXAMPLE_USER \
 --max-objects=1024 --max-size=1024

Specifies the maximum number of objects. A negative value disables the check.


Specifies the maximum number of bytes. A negative value disables the check.


Sets the scope for the quota. The options are bucket and user. Bucket quotas apply to buckets a user owns. User quotas apply to a user.

Once you set a user quota, you may enable it:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin quota enable --quota-scope=user --uid=EXAMPLE_USER

To disable a quota:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin quota disable --quota-scope=user --uid=EXAMPLE_USER

To list quota settings:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin user info --uid=EXAMPLE_USER

To update quota statistics:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin user stats --uid=EXAMPLE_USER --sync-stats

21.6 HTTP front-ends

The Ceph Object Gateway supports two embedded HTTP front-ends: Beast and Civetweb.

The Beast front-end uses the Boost.Beast library for HTTP parsing and the Boost.Asio library for asynchronous network I/O.

The Civetweb front-end uses the Civetweb HTTP library, which is a fork of Mongoose.

You can configure them with the rgw_frontends option. Refer to Section 28.5, “Ceph Object Gateway” for a list of configuration options.

21.7 Enable HTTPS/SSL for Object Gateways

To enable the Object Gateway to communicate securely using SSL, you need to either have a CA-issued certificate or create a self-signed one.

21.7.1 Creating a self-signed certificate


Skip this section if you already have a valid certificate signed by CA.

The following procedure describes how to generate a self-signed SSL certificate on the Salt Master.

  1. If you need your Object Gateway to be known by additional subject identities, add them to the subjectAltName option in the [v3_req] section of the /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf file:

    [ v3_req ]
    subjectAltName = DNS:server1.example.com DNS:server2.example.com
    Tip: IP addresses in subjectAltName

    To use IP addresses instead of domain names in the subjectAltName option, replace the example line with the following:

    subjectAltName = IP: IP:
  2. Create the key and the certificate using openssl. Enter all data you need to include in your certificate. We recommend entering the FQDN as the common name. Before signing the certificate, verify that 'X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:' is included in requested extensions, and that the resulting certificate has "X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:" set.

    root@master # openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 1095 \
     -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout rgw.key
     -out rgw.pem
  3. Append the key to the certificate file:

    root@master # cat rgw.key >> rgw.pem

21.7.2 Configuring Object Gateway with SSL

To configure Object Gateway to use SSL certificates, use the rgw_frontends option. For example:

cephuser@adm > ceph config set WHO rgw_frontends \
 beast ssl_port=443 ssl_certificate=config://CERT ssl_key=config://KEY

If you do not specify the CERT and KEY configuration keys, then the Object Gateway service will look for the SSL certificate and key under the following configuration keys:


If you want to override the default SSL key and certificate location, import them to the configuration database by using the following command:

ceph config-key set CUSTOM_CONFIG_KEY -i PATH_TO_CERT_FILE

Then use your custom configuration keys using the config:// directive.

21.8 Synchronization modules

Object Gateway is deployed as a multi-site service while you can mirror data and metadata between the zones. Synchronization modules are built atop of the multisite framework that allows for forwarding data and metadata to a different external tier. A synchronization module allows for a set of actions to be performed whenever a change in data occurs (for example, metadata operations such as bucket or user creation). As the Object Gateway multisite changes are eventually consistent at remote sites, changes are propagated asynchronously. This covers use cases such as backing up the object storage to an external cloud cluster, a custom backup solution using tape drives, or indexing metadata in ElasticSearch.

21.8.1 Configuring synchronization modules

All synchronization modules are configured in a similar way. You need to create a new zone (refer to Section 21.13, “Multisite Object Gateways” for more details) and set its --tier_type option, for example --tier-type=cloud for the cloud synchronization module:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zonegroup=ZONE-GROUP-NAME \
 --rgw-zone=ZONE-NAME \
 --endpoints=http://endpoint1.example.com,http://endpoint2.example.com, [...] \

You can configure the specific tier by using the following command:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin zone modify --rgw-zonegroup=ZONE-GROUP-NAME \
 --rgw-zone=ZONE-NAME \

The KEY in the configuration specifies the configuration variable that you want to update, and the VALUE specifies its new value. Nested values can be accessed using period. For example:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin zone modify --rgw-zonegroup=ZONE-GROUP-NAME \
 --rgw-zone=ZONE-NAME \

You can access array entries by appending square brackets '[]' with the referenced entry. You can add a new array entry by using square brackets '[]'. Index value of -1 references the last entry in the array. It is not possible to create a new entry and reference it again in the same command. For example, a command to create a new profile for buckets starting with PREFIX follows:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin zone modify --rgw-zonegroup=ZONE-GROUP-NAME \
 --rgw-zone=ZONE-NAME \
cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin zone modify --rgw-zonegroup=ZONE-GROUP-NAME \
 --rgw-zone=ZONE-NAME \
Tip: Adding and removing configuration entries

You can add a new tier configuration entry by using the --tier-config-add=KEY=VALUE parameter.

You can remove an existing entry by using --tier-config-rm=KEY.

21.8.2 Synchronizing zones

A synchronization module configuration is local to a zone. The synchronization module determines whether the zone exports data or can only consume data that was modified in another zone. As of Luminous the supported synchronization plug-ins are ElasticSearch, rgw, which is the default synchronization plug-in that synchronizes data between the zones and log which is a trivial synchronization plug-in that logs the metadata operation that happens in the remote zones. The following sections are written with the example of a zone using ElasticSearch synchronization module. The process would be similar for configuring any other synchronization plug-in.

Note: Default synchronization plug-in

rgw is the default synchronization plug-in and there is no need to explicitly configure this. Requirements and assumptions

Let us assume a simple multisite configuration as described in Section 21.13, “Multisite Object Gateways” consists of 2 zones: us-east and us-west. Now we add a third zone us-east-es which is a zone that only processes metadata from the other sites. This zone can be in the same or a different Ceph cluster than us-east. This zone would only consume metadata from other zones and Object Gateways in this zone will not serve any end user requests directly. Configuring zones

  1. Create the third zone similar to the ones described in Section 21.13, “Multisite Object Gateways”, for example

    cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zonegroup=us --rgw-zone=us-east-es \
    --access-key=SYSTEM-KEY --secret=SECRET --endpoints=http://rgw-es:80
  2. A synchronization module can be configured for this zone via the following:

    cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin zone modify --rgw-zone=ZONE-NAME --tier-type=TIER-TYPE \
    --tier-config={set of key=value pairs}
  3. For example in the ElasticSearch synchronization module

    cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin zone modify --rgw-zone=ZONE-NAME --tier-type=elasticsearch \

    For the various supported tier-config options refer to Section 21.8.3, “ElasticSearch synchronization module”.

  4. Finally update the period

    cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin period update --commit
  5. Now start the Object Gateway in the zone

    cephuser@adm > ceph orch start rgw.REALM-NAME.ZONE-NAME

21.8.3 ElasticSearch synchronization module

This synchronization module writes the metadata from other zones to ElasticSearch. As of Luminous this is JSON of data fields we currently store in ElasticSearch.

  "_index" : "rgw-gold-ee5863d6",
  "_type" : "object",
  "_id" : "34137443-8592-48d9-8ca7-160255d52ade.34137.1:object1:null",
  "_score" : 1.0,
  "_source" : {
    "bucket" : "testbucket123",
    "name" : "object1",
    "instance" : "null",
    "versioned_epoch" : 0,
    "owner" : {
      "id" : "user1",
      "display_name" : "user1"
    "permissions" : [
    "meta" : {
      "size" : 712354,
      "mtime" : "2017-05-04T12:54:16.462Z",
      "etag" : "7ac66c0f148de9519b8bd264312c4d64"
} ElasticSearch tier type configuration parameters


Specifies the ElasticSearch server endpoint to access.


(integer) The number of shards that ElasticSearch will be configured with on data synchronization initialization. Note that this cannot be changed after initialization. Any change here requires rebuild of the ElasticSearch index and reinitialization of the data synchronization process.


(integer) The number of replicas that ElasticSearch will be configured with on data synchronization initialization.


(true | false) Specifies whether all user custom metadata will be indexed, or whether user will need to configure (at the bucket level) what customer metadata entries should be indexed. This is false by default


(comma separated list of strings) If empty, all buckets will be indexed. Otherwise, only buckets specified here will be indexed. It is possible to provide bucket prefixes (for example 'foo*'), or bucket suffixes (for example '*bar').


(comma separated list of strings) If empty, buckets of all owners will be indexed (subject to other restrictions), otherwise, only buckets owned by specified owners will be indexed. Suffixes and prefixes can also be provided.


(string) if not empty, this string will be used as the ElasticSearch index path. Otherwise the index path will be determined and generated on synchronization initialization.


Specifies a user name for ElasticSearch if authentication is required.


Specifies a password for ElasticSearch if authentication is required. Metadata queries

Since the ElasticSearch cluster now stores object metadata, it is important that the ElasticSearch endpoint is not exposed to the public and only accessible to the cluster administrators. For exposing metadata queries to the end user itself this poses a problem since we'd want the user to only query their metadata and not of any other users, this would require the ElasticSearch cluster to authenticate users in a way similar to RGW does which poses a problem.

As of Luminous RGW in the metadata master zone can now service end user requests. This allows for not exposing the ElasticSearch endpoint in public and also solves the authentication and authorization problem since RGW itself can authenticate the end user requests. For this purpose RGW introduces a new query in the bucket APIs that can service ElasticSearch requests. All these requests must be sent to the metadata master zone.

Get an ElasticSearch Query

request params:

  • max-keys: max number of entries to return

  • marker: pagination marker

expression := [(]<arg> <op> <value> [)][<and|or> ...]

op is one of the following: <, <=, ==, >=, >

For example:

GET /?query=name==foo

Will return all the indexed keys that user has read permission to, and are named 'foo'. The output will be a list of keys in XML that is similar to the S3 list buckets response.

Configure custom metadata fields

Define which custom metadata entries should be indexed (under the specified bucket), and what are the types of these keys. If explicit custom metadata indexing is configured, this is needed so that rgw will index the specified custom metadata values. Otherwise it is needed in cases where the indexed metadata keys are of a type other than string.

POST /BUCKET?mdsearch
x-amz-meta-search: <key [; type]> [, ...]

Multiple metadata fields must be comma separated, a type can be forced for a field with a `;`. The currently allowed types are string(default), integer and date, for example, if you want to index a custom object metadata x-amz-meta-year as int, x-amz-meta-date as type date and x-amz-meta-title as string, you would do

POST /mybooks?mdsearch
x-amz-meta-search: x-amz-meta-year;int, x-amz-meta-release-date;date, x-amz-meta-title;string
Delete custom metadata configuration

Delete custom metadata bucket configuration.

Get custom metadata configuration

Retrieve custom metadata bucket configuration.

GET /BUCKET?mdsearch

21.8.4 Cloud synchronization module

This section introduces a module that synchronizes the zone data to a remote cloud service. The synchronization is only unidirectional—the date is not synchronized back from the remote zone. The main goal of this module is to enable synchronizing data to multiple cloud service providers. Currently it supports cloud providers that are compatible with AWS (S3).

To synchronize data to a remote cloud service, you need to configure user credentials. Because many cloud services introduce limits on the number of buckets that each user can create, you can configure the mapping of source objects and buckets, different targets to different buckets and bucket prefixes. Note that source access lists (ACLs) will not be preserved. It is possible to map permissions of specific source users to specific destination users.

Because of API limitations, there is no way to preserve original object modification time and HTTP entity tag (ETag). The cloud synchronization module stores these as metadata attributes on the destination objects. Configuring the cloud synchronization module

Following are examples of a trivial and non-trivial configuration for the cloud synchronization module. Note that the trivial configuration can collide with the non-trivial one.

Example 21.1: Trivial configuration
  "connection": {
    "access_key": ACCESS,
    "secret": SECRET,
    "endpoint": ENDPOINT,
    "host_style": path | virtual,
  "acls": [ { "type": id | email | uri,
    "source_id": SOURCE_ID,
    "dest_id": DEST_ID } ... ],
  "target_path": TARGET_PATH,
Example 21.2: Non-trivial configuration
  "default": {
    "connection": {
      "access_key": ACCESS,
      "secret": SECRET,
      "endpoint": ENDPOINT,
      "host_style" path | virtual,
    "acls": [
      "type": id | email | uri,   #  optional, default is id
      "source_id": ID,
      "dest_id": ID
    } ... ]
    "target_path": PATH # optional
  "connections": [
    "connection_id": ID,
    "access_key": ACCESS,
    "secret": SECRET,
    "endpoint": ENDPOINT,
    "host_style": path | virtual,  # optional
  } ... ],
  "acl_profiles": [
    "acls_id": ID, # acl mappings
    "acls": [ {
      "type": id | email | uri,
      "source_id": ID,
      "dest_id": ID
    } ... ]
  "profiles": [
   "source_bucket": SOURCE,
   "connection_id": CONNECTION_ID,
   "acls_id": MAPPINGS_ID,
   "target_path": DEST,          # optional
  } ... ],

Explanation of used configuration terms follows:


Represents a connection to the remote cloud service. Contains 'connection_id', 'access_key', 'secret', 'endpoint', and 'host_style'.


The remote cloud access key that will be used for the specific connection.


The secret key for the remote cloud service.


URL of remote cloud service endpoint.


Type of host style ('path' or 'virtual') to be used when accessing remote cloud endpoint. Default is 'path'.


Array of access list mappings.


Each 'acl_mapping' structure contains 'type', 'source_id', and 'dest_id'. These will define the ACL mutation for each object. An ACL mutation allows converting source user ID to a destination ID.


ACL type: 'id' defines user ID, 'email' defines user by email, and 'uri' defines user by uri (group).


ID of user in the source zone.


ID of user in the destination.


A string that defines how the target path is created. The target path specifies a prefix to which the source object name is appended. The target path configurable can include any of the following variables:


A unique string that represents the synchronization instance ID.


Zonegroup name.


Zonegroup ID.


Zone name.


Zone ID.


Source bucket name.


Source bucket owner ID.

For example: target_path = rgwx-ZONE-SID/OWNER/BUCKET


An array of access list profiles.


Each profile contains 'acls_id' that represents the profile, and an 'acls' array that holds a list of 'acl_mappings'.


A list of profiles. Each profile contains the following:


Either a bucket name, or a bucket prefix (if ends with *) that defines the source bucket(s) for this profile.


See above for the explanation.


ID of the connection that will be used for this profile.


ID of ACL's profile that will be used for this profile. S3 specific configurables

The cloud synchronization module will only work with back-ends that are compatible with AWS S3. There are a few configurables that can be used to tweak its behavior when accessing S3 cloud services:

  "multipart_sync_threshold": OBJECT_SIZE,
  "multipart_min_part_size": PART_SIZE

Objects whose size is equal to or larger than this value will be synchronized with the cloud service using multipart upload.


Minimum parts size to use when synchronizing objects using multipart upload.

21.8.5 Archive synchronization module

The archive sync module uses the versioning feature of S3 objects in Object Gateway. You can configure an archive zone that captures the different versions of S3 objects as they occur over time in other zones. The history of versions that the archive zone keeps can only be eliminated via gateways associated with the archive zone.

With such an architecture, several non-versioned zones can mirror their data and metadata via their zone gateways providing high availability to the end users, while the archive zone captures all the data updates to consolidate them as versions of S3 objects.

By including the archive zone in a multi-zone configuration, you gain the flexibility of an S3 object history in one zone while saving the space that the replicas of the versioned S3 objects would consume in the remaining zones. Configuring the archive synchronization module

Tip: More information

Refer to Section 21.13, “Multisite Object Gateways” for details on configuring multisite gateways.

Refer to Section 21.8, “Synchronization modules” for details on configuring synchronization modules.

To use the archive sync module, you need to create a new zone whose tier type is set to archive:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zonegroup=ZONE_GROUP_NAME \
 --rgw-zone=OGW_ZONE_NAME \

21.9 LDAP authentication

Apart from the default local user authentication, Object Gateway can use LDAP server services to authenticate users as well.

21.9.1 Authentication mechanism

The Object Gateway extracts the user's LDAP credentials from a token. A search filter is constructed from the user name. The Object Gateway uses the configured service account to search the directory for a matching entry. If an entry is found, the Object Gateway attempts to bind to the found distinguished name with the password from the token. If the credentials are valid, the bind will succeed, and the Object Gateway grants access.

You can limit the allowed users by setting the base for the search to a specific organizational unit or by specifying a custom search filter, for example requiring specific group membership, custom object classes, or attributes.

21.9.2 Requirements

  • LDAP or Active Directory: A running LDAP instance accessible by the Object Gateway.

  • Service account: LDAP credentials to be used by the Object Gateway with search permissions.

  • User account: At least one user account in the LDAP directory.

Important: Do not overlap LDAP and local users

You should not use the same user names for local users and for users being authenticated by using LDAP. The Object Gateway cannot distinguish them and it treats them as the same user.

Tip: Sanity checks

Use the ldapsearch utility to verify the service account or the LDAP connection. For example:

> ldapsearch -x -D "uid=ceph,ou=system,dc=example,dc=com" -W \
-H ldaps://example.com -b "ou=users,dc=example,dc=com" 'uid=*' dn

Make sure to use the same LDAP parameters as in the Ceph configuration file to eliminate possible problems.

21.9.3 Configuring Object Gateway to use LDAP authentication

The following parameters are related to the LDAP authentication:


Set this option to true to enable S3 authentication with LDAP.


Specifies the LDAP server to use. Make sure to use the ldaps://FQDN:PORT parameter to avoid transmitting the plain text credentials openly.


The Distinguished Name (DN) of the service account used by the Object Gateway.


The password for the service account.


Specifies the base in the directory information tree for searching users. This might be your users organizational unit or some more specific Organizational Unit (OU).


The attribute being used in the constructed search filter to match a user name. Depending on your Directory Information Tree (DIT) this would probably be uid or cn.


If not specified, the Object Gateway automatically constructs the search filter with the rgw_ldap_dnattr setting. Use this parameter to narrow the list of allowed users in very flexible ways. Consult Section 21.9.4, “Using a custom search filter to limit user access” for details.

21.9.4 Using a custom search filter to limit user access

There are two ways you can use the rgw_search_filter parameter. Partial filter to further limit the constructed search filter

An example of a partial filter:


The Object Gateway will generate the search filter as usual with the user name from the token and the value of rgw_ldap_dnattr. The constructed filter is then combined with the partial filter from the rgw_search_filter attribute. Depending on the user name and the settings the final search filter may become:


In that case, user 'hari' will only be granted access if he is found in the LDAP directory, has an object class of 'inetorgperson', and did specify a valid password. Complete filter

A complete filter must contain a USERNAME token which will be substituted with the user name during the authentication attempt. The rgw_ldap_dnattr parameter is not used anymore in this case. For example, to limit valid users to a specific group, use the following filter:

Note: memberOf attribute

Using the memberOf attribute in LDAP searches requires server side support from you specific LDAP server implementation.

21.9.5 Generating an access token for LDAP authentication

The radosgw-token utility generates the access token based on the LDAP user name and password. It outputs a base-64 encoded string which is the actual access token. Use your favorite S3 client (refer to Section 21.5.1, “Accessing Object Gateway”) and specify the token as the access key and use an empty secret key.

cephuser@adm > radosgw-token --encode --ttype=ldap
Important: Clear text credentials

The access token is a base-64 encoded JSON structure and contains the LDAP credentials as a clear text.

Note: Active Directory

For Active Directory, use the --ttype=ad parameter.

21.10 Bucket index sharding

The Object Gateway stores bucket index data in an index pool, which defaults to .rgw.buckets.index. If you put too many (hundreds of thousands) objects into a single bucket and the quota for maximum number of objects per bucket (rgw bucket default quota max objects) is not set, the performance of the index pool may degrade. Bucket index sharding prevents such performance decreases and allows a high number of objects per bucket.

21.10.1 Bucket index resharding

If a bucket has grown large and its initial configuration is not sufficient anymore, the bucket's index pool needs to be resharded. You can either use automatic online bucket index resharding (refer to Section, “Dynamic resharding”), or reshard the bucket index offline manually (refer to Section, “Resharding manually”). Dynamic resharding

From SUSE Enterprise Storage 5, we support online bucket resharding. This detects if the number of objects per bucket reaches a certain threshold, and automatically increases the number of shards used by the bucket index. This process reduces the number of entries in each bucket index shard.

The detection process runs:

  • When new objects are added to the bucket.

  • In a background process that periodically scans all the buckets. This is needed in order to deal with existing buckets that are not being updated.

A bucket that requires resharding is added to the reshard_log queue and will be scheduled to be resharded later. The reshard threads run in the background and execute the scheduled resharding, one at a time.

Configuring dynamic resharding

Enables or disables dynamic bucket index resharding. Possible values are 'true' or 'false'. Defaults to 'true'.


Number of shards for the resharding log. Defaults to 16.


Duration of lock on the bucket object during resharding. Defaults to 120 seconds.


Maximum number of objects per bucket index shard. Defaults to 100000 objects.


Maximum time between rounds of reshard thread processing. Defaults to 600 seconds.

Commands to administer the resharding process
Add a bucket to the resharding queue:
cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin reshard add \
 --bucket BUCKET_NAME \
 --num-shards NEW_NUMBER_OF_SHARDS
List resharding queue:
cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin reshard list
Process/schedule a bucket resharding:
cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin reshard process
Display the bucket resharding status:
cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin reshard status --bucket BUCKET_NAME
Cancel pending bucket resharding:
cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin reshard cancel --bucket BUCKET_NAME Resharding manually

Dynamic resharding as mentioned in Section, “Dynamic resharding” is supported only for simple Object Gateway configurations. For multisite configurations, use manual resharding as described in this section.

To reshard the bucket index manually offline, use the following command:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin bucket reshard

The bucket reshard command performs the following:

  • Creates a new set of bucket index objects for the specified object.

  • Spreads all entries of these index objects.

  • Creates a new bucket instance.

  • Links the new bucket instance with the bucket so that all new index operations go through the new bucket indexes.

  • Prints the old and the new bucket ID to the standard output.


When choosing a number of shards, note the following: aim for no more than 100000 entries per shard. Bucket index shards that are prime numbers tend to work better in evenly distributing bucket index entries across the shards. For example, 503 bucket index shards is better than 500 since the former is prime.


Multi-site configurations do not support resharding a bucket index.

For multi-site configurations, resharding a bucket index requires resynchronizing all data from the master zone to all slave zones. Depending on the bucket size, this can take a considerable amount of time and resources.

Procedure 21.1: Resharding the bucket index
  1. Make sure that all operations to the bucket are stopped.

  2. Back up the original bucket index:

    cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin bi list \
     --bucket=BUCKET_NAME \
     > BUCKET_NAME.list.backup
  3. Reshard the bucket index:

     cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin bucket reshard \
     --bucket=BUCKET_NAME \
    Tip: Old bucket ID

    As part of its output, this command also prints the new and the old bucket ID.

21.10.2 Bucket index sharding for new buckets

There are two options that affect bucket index sharding:

  • Use the rgw_override_bucket_index_max_shards option for simple configurations.

  • Use the bucket_index_max_shards option for multisite configurations.

Setting the options to 0 disables bucket index sharding. A value greater than 0 enables bucket index sharding and sets the maximum number of shards.

The following formula helps you calculate the recommended number of shards:

number_of_objects_expected_in_a_bucket / 100000

Be aware that the maximum number of shards is 7877. Multisite configurations

Multisite configurations can have a different index pool to manage failover. To configure a consistent shard count for zones in one zone group, set the bucket_index_max_shards option in the zone group's configuration:

  1. Export the zonegroup configuration to the zonegroup.json file:

    cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin zonegroup get > zonegroup.json
  2. Edit the zonegroup.json file and set the bucket_index_max_shards option for each named zone.

  3. Reset the zonegroup:

    cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin zonegroup set < zonegroup.json
  4. Update the period. See Section, “Update the period”.

21.11 OpenStack Keystone integration

OpenStack Keystone is an identity service for the OpenStack product. You can integrate the Object Gateway with Keystone to set up a gateway that accepts a Keystone authentication token. A user authorized by Keystone to access the gateway will be verified on the Ceph Object Gateway side and automatically created if needed. The Object Gateway queries Keystone periodically for a list of revoked tokens.

21.11.1 Configuring OpenStack

Before configuring the Ceph Object Gateway, you need to configure the OpenStack Keystone to enable the Swift service and point it to the Ceph Object Gateway:

  1. Set the Swift service. To use OpenStack to validate Swift users, first create the Swift service:

    > openstack service create \
     --name=swift \
     --description="Swift Service" \
  2. Set the endpoints. After you create the Swift service, point to the Ceph Object Gateway. Replace REGION_NAME with the name of the gateway’s zonegroup name or region name.

    > openstack endpoint create --region REGION_NAME \
     --publicurl   "http://radosgw.example.com:8080/swift/v1" \
     --adminurl    "http://radosgw.example.com:8080/swift/v1" \
     --internalurl "http://radosgw.example.com:8080/swift/v1" \
  3. Verify the settings. After you create the Swift service and set the endpoints, show the endpoints to verify that all the settings are correct.

    > openstack endpoint show object-store

21.11.2 Configuring the Ceph Object Gateway Configure SSL certificates

The Ceph Object Gateway queries Keystone periodically for a list of revoked tokens. These requests are encoded and signed. Keystone may be also configured to provide self-signed tokens, which are also encoded and signed. You need to configure the gateway so that it can decode and verify these signed messages. Therefore, the OpenSSL certificates that Keystone uses to create the requests need to be converted to the 'nss db' format:

# mkdir /var/ceph/nss
# openssl x509 -in /etc/keystone/ssl/certs/ca.pem \
 -pubkey | certutil -d /var/ceph/nss -A -n ca -t "TCu,Cu,Tuw"
rootopenssl x509 -in /etc/keystone/ssl/certs/signing_cert.pem \
 -pubkey | certutil -A -d /var/ceph/nss -n signing_cert -t "P,P,P"

To allow Ceph Object Gateway to interact with OpenStack Keystone, OpenStack Keystone can use a self-signed SSL certificate. Either install Keystone’s SSL certificate on the node running the Ceph Object Gateway, or alternatively set the value of the option rgw keystone verify ssl to 'false'. Setting rgw keystone verify ssl to 'false' means that the gateway will not attempt to verify the certificate. Configure the Object Gateway's options

You can configure Keystone integration using the following options:

rgw keystone api version

Version of the Keystone API. Valid options are 2 or 3. Defaults to 2.

rgw keystone url

The URL and port number of the administrative RESTful API on the Keystone server. Follows the pattern SERVER_URL:PORT_NUMBER.

rgw keystone admin token

The token or shared secret that is configured internally in Keystone for administrative requests.

rgw keystone accepted roles

The roles required to serve requests. Defaults to 'Member, admin'.

rgw keystone accepted admin roles

The list of roles allowing a user to gain administrative privileges.

rgw keystone token cache size

The maximum number of entries in the Keystone token cache.

rgw keystone revocation interval

The number of seconds before checking revoked tokens. Defaults to 15 * 60.

rgw keystone implicit tenants

Create new users in their own tenants of the same name. Defaults to 'false'.

rgw s3 auth use keystone

If set to 'true', the Ceph Object Gateway will authenticate users using Keystone. Defaults to 'false'.

nss db path

The path to the NSS database.

It is also possible to configure the Keystone service tenant, user, and password for Keystone (for version 2.0 of the OpenStack Identity API), similar to the way OpenStack services tend to be configured. This way you can avoid setting the shared secret rgw keystone admin token in the configuration file, which should be disabled in production environments. The service tenant credentials should have admin privileges. For more details refer to the official OpenStack Keystone documentation. The related configuration options follow:

rgw keystone admin user

The Keystone administrator user name.

rgw keystone admin password

The keystone administrator user password.

rgw keystone admin tenant

The Keystone version 2.0 administrator user tenant.

A Ceph Object Gateway user is mapped to a Keystone tenant. A Keystone user has different roles assigned to it, possibly on more than one tenant. When the Ceph Object Gateway gets the ticket, it looks at the tenant and the user roles that are assigned to that ticket, and accepts or rejects the request according to the setting of the rgw keystone accepted roles option.

Tip: Mapping to OpenStack tenants

Although Swift tenants are mapped to the Object Gateway user by default, they can be also mapped to OpenStack tenants via the rgw keystone implicit tenants option. This will make containers use the tenant namespace instead of the S3 like global namespace that the Object Gateway defaults to. We recommend deciding on the mapping method at the planning stage to avoid confusion. The reason for this is that toggling the option later affects only newer requests which get mapped under a tenant, while older buckets created before still continue to be in a global namespace.

For version 3 of the OpenStack Identity API, you should replace the rgw keystone admin tenant option with:

rgw keystone admin domain

The Keystone administrator user domain.

rgw keystone admin project

The Keystone administrator user project.

21.12 Pool placement and storage classes

21.12.1 Displaying placement targets

Placement targets control which pools are associated with a particular bucket. A bucket’s placement target is selected on creation, and cannot be modified. You can display its placement_rule by running the following command:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin bucket stats

The zonegroup configuration contains a list of placement targets with an initial target named 'default-placement'. The zone configuration then maps each zonegroup placement target name onto its local storage. This zone placement information includes the 'index_pool' name for the bucket index, the 'data_extra_pool' name for metadata about incomplete multipart uploads, and a 'data_pool' name for each storage class.

21.12.2 Storage classes

Storage classes help customizing the placement of object data. S3 Bucket Lifecycle rules can automate the transition of objects between storage classes.

Storage classes are defined in terms of placement targets. Each zonegroup placement target lists its available storage classes with an initial class named 'STANDARD'. The zone configuration is responsible for providing a 'data_pool' pool name for each of the zonegroup’s storage classes.

21.12.3 Configuring zonegroups and zones

Use the radosgw-admin command on the zonegroups and zones to configure their placement. You can query the zonegroup placement configuration using the following command:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin zonegroup get
    "id": "ab01123f-e0df-4f29-9d71-b44888d67cd5",
    "name": "default",
    "api_name": "default",
    "placement_targets": [
            "name": "default-placement",
            "tags": [],
            "storage_classes": [
    "default_placement": "default-placement",

To query the zone placement configuration, run:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin zone get
    "id": "557cdcee-3aae-4e9e-85c7-2f86f5eddb1f",
    "name": "default",
    "domain_root": "default.rgw.meta:root",
    "placement_pools": [
            "key": "default-placement",
            "val": {
                "index_pool": "default.rgw.buckets.index",
                "storage_classes": {
                    "STANDARD": {
                        "data_pool": "default.rgw.buckets.data"
                "data_extra_pool": "default.rgw.buckets.non-ec",
                "index_type": 0
Note: No previous multisite configuration

If you have not done any previous multisite configuration, a 'default' zone and zonegroup are created for you, and changes to the zone/zonegroup will not take effect until you restart the Ceph Object Gateways. If you have created a realm for multisite, the zone/zonegroup changes will take effect after you commit the changes with the radosgw-admin period update --commit command. Adding a placement target

To create a new placement target named 'temporary', start by adding it to the zonegroup:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin zonegroup placement add \
      --rgw-zonegroup default \
      --placement-id temporary

Then provide the zone placement info for that target:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin zone placement add \
      --rgw-zone default \
      --placement-id temporary \
      --data-pool default.rgw.temporary.data \
      --index-pool default.rgw.temporary.index \
      --data-extra-pool default.rgw.temporary.non-ec Adding a storage class

To add a new storage class named 'COLD' to the 'default-placement' target, start by adding it to the zonegroup:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin zonegroup placement add \
      --rgw-zonegroup default \
      --placement-id default-placement \
      --storage-class COLD

Then provide the zone placement info for that storage class:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin zone placement add \
      --rgw-zone default \
      --placement-id default-placement \
      --storage-class COLD \
      --data-pool default.rgw.cold.data \
      --compression lz4

21.12.4 Placement customization Editing default zonegroup placement

By default, new buckets will use the zonegroup’s default_placement target. You can change this zonegroup setting with:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin zonegroup placement default \
      --rgw-zonegroup default \
      --placement-id new-placement Editing default user placement

A Ceph Object Gateway user can override the zonegroup’s default placement target by setting a non-empty default_placement field in the user info. Similarly, the default_storage_class can override the STANDARD storage class applied to objects by default.

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin user info --uid testid
    "default_placement": "",
    "default_storage_class": "",
    "placement_tags": [],

If a zonegroup’s placement target contains any tags, users will be unable to create buckets with that placement target unless their user info contains at least one matching tag in its 'placement_tags' field. This can be useful to restrict access to certain types of storage.

The radosgw-admin command cannot modify these fields directly, therefore you need to edit the JSON format manually:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin metadata get user:USER-ID > user.json
> vi user.json     # edit the file as required
cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin metadata put user:USER-ID < user.json Editing the S3 default bucket placement

When creating a bucket with the S3 protocol, a placement target can be provided as part of the LocationConstraint to override the default placement targets from the user and zonegroup.

Normally, the LocationConstraint needs to match the zonegroup’s api_name:


You can add a custom placement target to the api_name following a colon:

<LocationConstraint>default:new-placement</LocationConstraint> Editing the Swift bucket placement

When creating a bucket with the Swift protocol, you can provide a placement target in the HTTP header's X-Storage-Policy:

X-Storage-Policy: NEW-PLACEMENT

21.12.5 Using storage classes

All placement targets have a STANDARD storage class which is applied to new objects by default. You can override this default with its default_storage_class.

To create an object in a non-default storage class, provide that storage class name in an HTTP header with the request. The S3 protocol uses the X-Amz-Storage-Class header, while the Swift protocol uses the X-Object-Storage-Class header.

You can use S3 Object Lifecycle Management to move object data between storage classes using Transition actions.

21.13 Multisite Object Gateways

Ceph supports several multi-site configuration options for the Ceph Object Gateway:


A configuration consisting of one zonegroup and multiple zones, each zone with one or more ceph-radosgw instances. Each zone is backed by its own Ceph Storage Cluster. Multiple zones in a zone group provide disaster recovery for the zonegroup should one of the zones experience a significant failure. Each zone is active and may receive write operations. In addition to disaster recovery, multiple active zones may also serve as a foundation for content delivery networks.


Ceph Object Gateway supports multiple zonegroups, each zonegroup with one or more zones. Objects stored to zones in one zonegroup within the same realm as another zonegroup share a global object namespace, ensuring unique object IDs across zonegroups and zones.


It is important to note that zonegroups only sync metadata amongst themselves. Data and metadata are replicated between the zones within the zonegroup. No data or metadata is shared across a realm.

Multiple realms

Ceph Object Gateway supports the notion of realms; a globally unique namespace. Multiple realms are supported which may encompass single or multiple zonegroups.

You can configure each Object Gateway to work in an active-active zone configuration, allowing for writes to non-master zones. The multi-site configuration is stored within a container called a realm. The realm stores zonegroups, zones, and a time period with multiple epochs for tracking changes to the configuration. The rgw daemons handle the synchronization, eliminating the need for a separate synchronization agent. This approach to synchronization allows the Ceph Object Gateway to operate with an active-active configuration instead of active-passive.

21.13.1 Requirements and assumptions

A multi-site configuration requires at least two Ceph storage clusters, and at least two Ceph Object Gateway instances, one for each Ceph storage cluster. The following configuration assumes at least two Ceph storage clusters are in geographically separate locations. However, the configuration can work on the same site. For example, named rgw1 and rgw2.

A multi-site configuration requires a master zonegroup and a master zone. A master zone is the source of truth with regard to all metadata operations in a multisite cluster. Additionally, each zonegroup requires a master zone. zonegroups may have one or more secondary or non-master zones. In this guide, the rgw1 host serves as the master zone of the master zonegroup and the rgw2 host serves as the secondary zone of the master zonegroup.

21.13.2 Limitations

Multi-site configurations do not support resharding a bucket index.

As a workaround, the bucket can be purged from the slave zones, resharded on the master zone, and then resynchronized. Depending on the contents of the bucket, this can be a time- and resource-intensive operation.

21.13.3 Configuring a master zone

All gateways in a multi-site configuration retrieve their configuration from a ceph-radosgw daemon on a host within the master zonegroup and master zone. To configure your gateways in a multi-site configuration, select a ceph-radosgw instance to configure the master zonegroup and master zone. Creating a realm

A realm represents a globally unique namespace consisting of one or more zonegroups containing one or more zones. Zones contain buckets, which in turn contain objects. A realm enables the Ceph Object Gateway to support multiple namespaces and their configuration on the same hardware. A realm contains the notion of periods. Each period represents the state of the zonegroup and zone configuration in time. Each time you make a change to a zonegroup or zone, update the period and commit it. By default, the Ceph Object Gateway does not create a realm for backward compatibility. As a best practice, we recommend creating realms for new clusters.

Create a new realm called gold for the multi-site configuration by opening a command line interface on a host identified to serve in the master zonegroup and zone. Then, execute the following:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin realm create --rgw-realm=gold --default

If the cluster has a single realm, specify the --default flag. If --default is specified, radosgw-admin uses this realm by default. If --default is not specified, adding zone-groups and zones requires specifying either the --rgw-realm flag or the --realm-id flag to identify the realm when adding zonegroups and zones.

After creating the realm, radosgw-admin returns the realm configuration:

  "id": "4a367026-bd8f-40ee-b486-8212482ddcd7",
  "name": "gold",
  "current_period": "09559832-67a4-4101-8b3f-10dfcd6b2707",
  "epoch": 1

Ceph generates a unique ID for the realm, which allows the renaming of a realm if the need arises. Creating a master zonegroup

A realm must have at least one zonegroup to serve as the master zonegroup for the realm. Create a new master zonegroup for the multi-site configuration by opening a command line interface on a host identified to serve in the master zonegroup and zone. Create a master zonegroup called us by executing the following:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin zonegroup create --rgw-zonegroup=us \
--endpoints=http://rgw1:80 --master --default

If the realm only has a single zonegroup, specify the --default flag. If --default is specified, radosgw-admin uses this zonegroup by default when adding new zones. If --default is not specified, adding zones requires either the --rgw-zonegroup flag or the --zonegroup-id flag to identify the zonegroup when adding or modifying zones.

After creating the master zonegroup, radosgw-admin returns the zonegroup configuration. For example:

 "id": "d4018b8d-8c0d-4072-8919-608726fa369e",
 "name": "us",
 "api_name": "us",
 "is_master": "true",
 "endpoints": [
 "hostnames": [],
 "hostnames_s3website": [],
 "master_zone": "",
 "zones": [],
 "placement_targets": [],
 "default_placement": "",
 "realm_id": "4a367026-bd8f-40ee-b486-8212482ddcd7"
} Creating a master zone


Zones need to be created on a Ceph Object Gateway node that will be within the zone.

Create a new master zone for the multi-site configuration by opening a command line interface on a host identified to serve in the master zonegroup and zone. Execute the following:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zonegroup=us --rgw-zone=us-east-1 \
--endpoints=http://rgw1:80 --access-key=SYSTEM_ACCESS_KEY --secret=SYSTEM_SECRET_KEY

The --access-key and --secret options are not specified in the above example. These settings are added to the zone when the user is created in the next section.

After creating the master zone, radosgw-admin returns the zone configuration. For example:

      "id": "56dfabbb-2f4e-4223-925e-de3c72de3866",
      "name": "us-east-1",
      "domain_root": "us-east-1.rgw.meta:root",
      "control_pool": "us-east-1.rgw.control",
      "gc_pool": "us-east-1.rgw.log:gc",
      "lc_pool": "us-east-1.rgw.log:lc",
      "log_pool": "us-east-1.rgw.log",
      "intent_log_pool": "us-east-1.rgw.log:intent",
      "usage_log_pool": "us-east-1.rgw.log:usage",
      "reshard_pool": "us-east-1.rgw.log:reshard",
      "user_keys_pool": "us-east-1.rgw.meta:users.keys",
      "user_email_pool": "us-east-1.rgw.meta:users.email",
      "user_swift_pool": "us-east-1.rgw.meta:users.swift",
      "user_uid_pool": "us-east-1.rgw.meta:users.uid",
      "otp_pool": "us-east-1.rgw.otp",
      "system_key": {
          "access_key": "1555b35654ad1656d804",
          "secret_key": "h7GhxuBLTrlhVUyxSPUKUV8r/2EI4ngqJxD7iBdBYLhwluN30JaT3Q=="
      "placement_pools": [
              "key": "us-east-1-placement",
              "val": {
                  "index_pool": "us-east-1.rgw.buckets.index",
                  "storage_classes": {
                      "STANDARD": {
                          "data_pool": "us-east-1.rgw.buckets.data"
                  "data_extra_pool": "us-east-1.rgw.buckets.non-ec",
                  "index_type": 0
      "metadata_heap": "",
      "realm_id": ""
  } Deleting the default zone and group


The following steps assume a multi-site configuration using newly installed systems that are not storing data yet. Do not delete the default zone and its pools if you are already using it to store data, or the data will be deleted and unrecoverable.

The default installation of Object Gateway creates the default zonegroup called default. Delete the default zone if it exists. Make sure to remove it from the default zonegroup first.

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin zonegroup delete --rgw-zonegroup=default

Delete the default pools in your Ceph storage cluster if they exist:


The following step assumes a multi-site configuration using newly installed systems that are not currently storing data. Do not delete the default zonegroup if you are already using it to store data.

cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool rm default.rgw.control default.rgw.control --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool rm default.rgw.data.root default.rgw.data.root --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool rm default.rgw.gc default.rgw.gc --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool rm default.rgw.log default.rgw.log --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
cephuser@adm > ceph osd pool rm default.rgw.meta default.rgw.meta --yes-i-really-really-mean-it

If you delete the default zonegroup, you are also deleting the system user. If your admin user keys are not propagated, the Object Gateway management functionality of the Ceph Dashboard will fail. Follow on to the next section to re-create your system user if you go ahead with this step. Creating system users

The ceph-radosgw daemons must authenticate before pulling realm and period information. In the master zone, create a system user to simplify authentication between daemons:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin user create --uid=zone.user \
--display-name="Zone User" --access-key=SYSTEM_ACCESS_KEY \
--secret=SYSTEM_SECRET_KEY --system

Make a note of the access_key and secret_key as the secondary zones require them to authenticate with the master zone.

Add the system user to the master zone:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin zone modify --rgw-zone=us-east-1 \
--access-key=ACCESS-KEY --secret=SECRET

Update the period to make the changes take effect:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin period update --commit Update the period

After updating the master zone configuration, update the period:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin period update --commit

After updating the period, radosgw-admin returns the period configuration. For example:

  "id": "09559832-67a4-4101-8b3f-10dfcd6b2707", "epoch": 1, "predecessor_uuid": "", "sync_status": [], "period_map":
    "id": "09559832-67a4-4101-8b3f-10dfcd6b2707", "zonegroups": [], "short_zone_ids": []
  }, "master_zonegroup": "", "master_zone": "", "period_config":
     "bucket_quota": {
     "enabled": false, "max_size_kb": -1, "max_objects": -1
     }, "user_quota": {
       "enabled": false, "max_size_kb": -1, "max_objects": -1
  }, "realm_id": "4a367026-bd8f-40ee-b486-8212482ddcd7", "realm_name": "gold", "realm_epoch": 1

Updating the period changes the epoch and ensures that other zones receive the updated configuration. Start the gateway

On the Object Gateway host, start and enable the Ceph Object Gateway service. To identify the unique FSID of the cluster, run ceph fsid. To identify the Object Gateway daemon name, run ceph orch ps --hostname HOSTNAME.

cephuser@ogw > systemctl start ceph-FSID@DAEMON_NAME
cephuser@ogw > systemctl enable ceph-FSID@DAEMON_NAME

21.13.4 Configure secondary zones

Zones within a zonegroup replicate all data to ensure that each zone has the same data. When creating the secondary zone, execute all of the following operations on a host identified to serve the secondary zone.


To add a third zone, follow the same procedures as for adding the secondary zone. Use different zone name.


You must execute metadata operations, such as user creation, on a host within the master zone. The master zone and the secondary zone can receive bucket operations, but the secondary zone redirects bucket operations to the master zone. If the master zone is down, bucket operations will fail. Pulling the realm

Using the URL path, access key, and secret of the master zone in the master zonegroup, pull the realm configuration to the host. To pull a non-default realm, specify the realm using the --rgw-realm or --realm-id configuration options.

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin realm pull --url=url-to-master-zone-gateway --access-key=access-key --secret=secret

Pulling the realm also retrieves the remote's current period configuration, and makes it the current period on this host as well.

If this realm is the default realm or the only realm, make the realm the default realm.

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin realm default --rgw-realm=REALM-NAME Creating a secondary zone

Create a secondary zone for the multi-site configuration by opening a command line interface on a host identified to serve the secondary zone. Specify the zonegroup ID, the new zone name and an endpoint for the zone. Do not use the --master flag. All zones run in an active-active configuration by default. If the secondary zone should not accept write operations, specify the --read-only flag to create an active-passive configuration between the master zone and the secondary zone. Additionally, provide the access_key and secret_key of the generated system user stored in the master zone of the master zonegroup. Execute the following:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zonegroup=ZONE-GROUP-NAME\
 --rgw-zone=ZONE-NAME --endpoints=URL \
 --access-key=SYSTEM-KEY --secret=SECRET\
 --endpoints=http://FQDN:80 \

For example:

cephuser@adm > radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zonegroup=us --endpoints=http://rgw2:80 \
--rgw-zone=us-east-2 --access-key=SYSTEM_ACCESS_KEY --secret=SYSTEM_SECRET_KEY
  "id": "950c1a43-6836-41a2-a161-64777e07e8b8",
  "name": "us-east-2",
  "domain_root": "us-east-2.rgw.data.root",
  "control_pool": "us-east-2.rgw.control",
  "gc_pool": "us-east-2.rgw.gc",
  "log_pool": "us-east-2.rgw.log",
  "intent_log_pool": "us-east-2.rgw.intent-log",
  "usage_log_pool": "us-east-2.rgw.usage",
  "user_keys_pool": "us-east-2.rgw.users.keys",
  "user_email_pool": "us-east-2.rgw.users.email",
  "user_swift_pool": "us-east-2.rgw.users.swift",
  "user_uid_pool": "us-east-2.rgw.users.uid",
  "system_key": {
      "access_key": "1555b35654ad1656d804",
      "secret_key": "h7GhxuBLTrlhVUyxSPUKUV8r\/2EI4ngqJxD7iBdBYLhwluN30JaT3Q=="
  "placement_pools": [
          "key": "default-placement",
          "val": {
              "index_pool": "us-east-2.rgw.buckets.index",
              "data_pool": "us-east-2.rgw.buckets.data",
              "data_extra_pool": "us-east-2.rgw.buckets.non-ec",
              "index_type": 0
  "metadata_heap": "us-east-2.rgw.meta",
  "realm_id": "815d74c2-80d6-4e63-8cfc-232037f7ff5c"

The following steps assume a multi-site configuration using newly-installed systems that are not yet storing data.