Inter-Server Synchronization - Version 2

If you have more than one SUSE Manager installation, you will need to copy contents between servers. Inter-Server Synchronization (ISS) allows you to export data from one server (source) and import it on another (target) server. This is useful for hub deployment scenarios or disconnected setups.

With the version 2 ISS implementation SUSE removed the master/slave notion. Contents can be exported and imported in any direction between any SUSE Manager server.

1. Install ISS Packages

To use ISS you need to install the inter-server-sync package on source and target servers.

2. Content Synchronization

Use mgrctl term before running steps inside the server container.

Procedure: Export data on source server
  1. On the source server, on the command line execute the ISS export command. The -h option provides detailed help:

    inter-server-sync export -h

The export procedure creates an output directory with all the needed data for the import procedure.

Procedure: Copy export directory to target server
  1. Contents from the source server needs to be synchronized to the target server. On the command line, as root, execute:

    rsync -r <PATH_EXPORTED_DIR> root@<TARGET_SERVER>:~/

When all contents is copied, start importing it.

Procedure: Import data on target server
  1. On the target server, on the command line execute the ISS import command. The -h option provides detailed help:

    inter-server-sync import -h

3. Database connection configuration

Database connection configuration is loaded by default from /etc/rhn/rhn.conf. Properties file location can be overridden with parameter --serverConfig.

4. Known Limitations

  • Source and target servers need to be on the same version.

  • Export and import organization should have exactly the same name. The organization name is case sensitive.