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documentation.suse.com / SUSE Enterprise Storage 7 文件 / SUSE Enterprise Storage for Windows guide / Sample configuration files
適用範圍 SUSE Enterprise Storage 7

A Sample configuration files


     log to stderr = true
     run dir = C:/ProgramData/ceph
     crash dir = C:/ProgramData/ceph
     keyring = C:/ProgramData/ceph/keyring
     log file = C:/ProgramData/ceph/$name.$pid.log
     admin socket = C:/ProgramData/ceph/$name.$pid.asok
     ; Specify IP addresses for monitor nodes as in the following example: ;
     mon host = [v2:,v1:] [v2:,v1:] [v2:,v1:]

Directory paths in the ceph.conf must be delimited using forward-slashes.


; This file should be copied directly from /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring
; The contents should be similar to the following example:
    key = ADCyl77eBBAAABDDjX72tAljOwv04m121v/7yA==
    caps mds = "allow *"
    caps mon = "allow *"
    caps osd = "allow *"
    caps mgr = "allow *"