Volume Conditions

Volume Conditions

Volume conditions describe the current status of a volume and potential issues that may occur.

  • Scheduled: All replicas were scheduled successfully. If Longhorn was unable to schedule any of the replicas, the condition is set to false and error messages are displayed. The condition is set to true when the setting Allow Volume Creation With Degraded Availability is enabled and at least one replica is scheduled.

  • TooManySnapshots: This specific volume has more than 100 snapshots. Longhorn allows you to create a maximum of 250 snapshots for each volume. For more information about configuring the maximum snapshot count, see Snapshot Space Management.

  • Restore: Longhorn is restoring the volume from a backup.

  • WaitForBackingImage: The replicas have not started because the backing images must first be synced with their disks.

Engine Conditions

Engine conditions describe the current status of an engine and potential issues that may occur. FilesystemReadOnly: The state of the current volume mount point has changed to read-only. This change may prevent workloads from writing data to the volume. For troubleshooting information, see Volume Recovery.

Replica Conditions

Replica conditions describe the current status of a replica and potential issues that may occur.

  • RebuildFailed: The replica failed to rebuild.

  • WaitForBackingImage: The replicas have not started because the backing images must first be synced with their disks.