Deals with the particulars of installing and setting up a secure SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, and additional post-installation processes required to further secure and harden that installation. Supports the administrator with security-related choices and decisions.
- About This Guide
- 1 Common Criteria
- 2 Linux Security and Service Protection Methods
- 2.1 Physical Security
- 2.2 Locking Down the BIOS
- 2.3 Security via the Boot Loaders
- 2.4 Verifying Security Action with
- 2.5 Retiring Linux Servers with Sensitive Data
- 2.6 Backups
- 2.7 Disk Partitions
- 2.8 Firewall (iptables)
- 2.9 Security Features in the Kernel
- 2.10 AppArmor
- 2.11 SELinux
- 2.12 FTP,
, andrlogin
(rsh) - 2.13 Removing Unnecessary Software Packages (RPMs)
- 2.14 Patching Linux Systems
- 2.15 Securing the Network—Open Network Ports Detection
- 2.16
Services - Disabling - 2.17 Securing Postfix
- 2.18 File Systems: Securing NFS
- 2.19 Copying Files Using SSH Without Providing Login Prompts
- 2.20 Checking File Permissions and Ownership
- 2.21 Default umask
- 2.22 SUID/SGID Files
- 2.23 World-Writable Files
- 2.24 Orphaned or Unowned Files
- 2.25 Restricting Access to Removable Media
- 2.26 Various Account Checks
- 2.27 Enabling Password Aging
- 2.28 Stronger Password Enforcement
- 2.29 Leveraging an Effective PAM stack
- 2.30 Restricting
Logins - 2.31 Setting an Inactivity Timeout for Interactive Shell Sessions
- 2.32 Preventing Accidental Denial of Service
- 2.33 Displaying Login Banners
- 2.34 Miscellaneous
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