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Se aplica a SUSE Enterprise Storage 7

1 Reporting software problems

If you come across a problem when running SUSE Enterprise Storage 7 related to some of its components, such as Ceph or Object Gateway, report the problem to SUSE Technical Support. The recommended way is with the supportconfig utility.


Because supportconfig is modular software, make sure that the supportutils-plugin-ses package is installed.

tux > rpm -q supportutils-plugin-ses

If it is missing on the Ceph server, install it with:

root # zypper ref && zypper in supportutils-plugin-ses

supportutils-plugin-ses will try to capture as much useful information as it can about both the Ceph cluster as a whole, and about the host on which it is running. Some information, including the Ceph daemon's status, podman image information, rpm verification and some relevant configuration data will be saved to the plugin-ses.txt file inside the supportconfig tar archive. A lot more information, including overall cluster status, logs, and diagnostic data for each currently running Ceph daemon will be saved to files in the Ceph subdirectory inside the supportconfig tar archive.

When supportconfig is run on an Admin Node, it will be able to capture the overall status of the entire cluster. For example, ceph status and ceph health. If the ceph.conf file and admin keyring are not present, it will not be able to capture overall cluster status, but still capture diagnostic data for each currently running Ceph daemon.

In general, when using supportconfig, you will want to run it on an admin node (to ensure the overall cluster status is captured), as well as on any other nodes that are experiencing problems, to ensure it captures diagnostic data for anything and everything that may be relevant.

Although you can use supportconfig on the command line, we recommend using the related YaST module. Find more information about supportconfig in