设置 Azure 云提供商
使用 Azure
负载均衡器:在特定网络安全组中启动 Azure 负载均衡器。
持久卷:支持将 Azure Blob 磁盘和 Azure 托管磁盘与标准和高级 Storage Account 一起使用。
网络存储:通过 CIFS 挂载支持 Azure 文件。
Azure 订阅不支持以下账号类型:
RKE 和 SUSE® Rancher Prime: RKE2 的先决条件
要为 RKE 和 RKE2 设置 Azure 云提供商,你需要配置以下凭证:
1. 设置 Azure 租户 ID
访问 Azure 门户,登录并转到 Azure Active Directory,然后选择 Properties。你的 Directory ID 是你的 Tenant ID (tenantID)。
如果要使用 Azure CLI,你可以运行 az account show
2. 设置 Azure 客户端 ID 和 Azure 客户端密码
访问 Azure 门户,登录并按照以下步骤创建 App Registration 和对应的 Azure Client ID (aadClientId) 以及 Azure Client Secret (aadClientSecret)。
选择 Azure Active Directory。
选择 App registrations。
选择 New application registration。
选择 Name,选择
Web app/API
作为 Application Type,并选择任意 Sign-on URL。 -
选择 Create。
在 App registrations 视图中,你应该会看到你创建的应用注册。APPLICATION ID 列中显示的值是需要用作 Azure Client ID 的值。
下一步是生成 Azure Client Secret:
在 Settings 视图中,打开 Keys。
输入 Key description,选择过期时间,然后选择 Save。
Value 列中显示的生成值是需要用作 Azure Client Secret 的值。该值只会显示一次。
Rancher 中的 SUSE® Rancher Prime: RKE2 集群设置
在集群配置中的云提供商下拉列表中选择 Azure。
配置云提供商。请注意,Rancher 会自动创建新的网络安全组、资源组、可用性集、子网和虚拟网络。如果你已经创建了其中的一部分或全部,则需要在创建集群之前指定它们。
"resourceGroup": "docker-machine",
"location": "westus",
"subnetName": "docker-machine",
"securityGroupName": "rancher-managed-KA4jV9V2",
"securityGroupResourceGroup": "docker-machine",
"vnetName": "docker-machine-vnet",
"vnetResourceGroup": "docker-machine",
"primaryAvailabilitySetName": "docker-machine",
"routeTableResourceGroup": "docker-machine",
"cloudProviderBackoff": false,
"useManagedIdentityExtension": false,
"useInstanceMetadata": true
、中,单击补充的 Controller Manager 参数下的添加,并添加--configure-cloud-routes=false
标志。 -
Cloud Provider Configuration
Rancher automatically creates a new Network Security Group, Resource Group, Availability Set, Subnet, and Virtual Network. If you already have some or all of these created, you will need to specify them before creating the cluster. You can check RKE1 Node Templates or RKE2 Machine Pools to view or edit these automatically generated names.
Refer to the full list of configuration options in the upstream docs.
Azure supports reading the cloud config from Kubernetes secrets. The secret is a serialized version of the azure.json file. When the secret is changed, the cloud controller manager reconstructs itself without restarting the pod. It is recommended for the Helm chart to read the Cloud Provider Config from the secret.
Note that the chart reads the Cloud Provider Config from a given secret name in the kube-system
namespace. Since Azure reads Kubernetes secrets, RBAC also needs to be configured. An example secret for the Cloud Provider Config is shown below. Modify it as needed and create the secret.
# azure-cloud-config.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: azure-cloud-config
namespace: kube-system
type: Opaque
cloud-config: |-
"cloud": "AzurePublicCloud",
"tenantId": "<tenant-id>",
"subscriptionId": "<subscription-id>",
"aadClientId": "<client-id>",
"aadClientSecret": "<tenant-id>",
"resourceGroup": "docker-machine",
"location": "westus",
"subnetName": "docker-machine",
"securityGroupName": "rancher-managed-kqmtsjgJ",
"securityGroupResourceGroup": "docker-machine",
"vnetName": "docker-machine-vnet",
"vnetResourceGroup": "docker-machine",
"primaryAvailabilitySetName": "docker-machine",
"routeTableResourceGroup": "docker-machine",
"cloudProviderBackoff": false,
"useManagedIdentityExtension": false,
"useInstanceMetadata": true,
"loadBalancerSku": "standard",
"excludeMasterFromStandardLB": false,
Using the Out-of-tree Azure Cloud Provider
Select External from the Cloud Provider drop-down in the Cluster Configuration section.
, click Add under Additional Controller Manager Args and add this flag:--configure-cloud-routes=false
. -
Prepare the Cloud Provider Configuration to set it in the next step. Note that Rancher automatically creates a new Network Security Group, Resource Group, Availability Set, Subnet, and Virtual Network. If you already have some or all of these created, you must specify them before creating the cluster.
Click Show Advanced to view or edit these automatically generated names. Your Cloud Provider Configuration must match the fields in the Machine Pools section. If you have multiple pools, they must all use the same Resource Group, Availability Set, Subnet, Virtual Network, and Network Security Group.
Under Cluster Configuration > Add-on Config, add the cloud controller manager manifest shown below into Additional Manifest.
Note that this chart reads the Cloud Provider Config from the secret in the
namespace. An example secret for the Cloud Provider Config is shown below; modify it as needed. Refer to the full list of configuration options in the upstream docs.Alternatively, you can also install the cloud controller manager using the Helm CLI.
apiVersion: helm.cattle.io/v1 kind: HelmChart metadata: name: azure-cloud-controller-manager namespace: kube-system spec: chart: cloud-provider-azure repo: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-sigs/cloud-provider-azure/master/helm/repo targetNamespace: kube-system bootstrap: true valuesContent: |- infra: clusterName: <cluster-name> cloudControllerManager: cloudConfigSecretName: azure-cloud-config cloudConfig: null clusterCIDR: null enableDynamicReloading: 'true' nodeSelector: node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane: 'true' allocateNodeCidrs: 'false' hostNetworking: true caCertDir: /etc/ssl configureCloudRoutes: 'false' enabled: true tolerations: - effect: NoSchedule key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master - effect: NoSchedule key: node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane value: 'true' - effect: NoSchedule key: node.cloudprovider.kubernetes.io/uninitialized value: 'true' --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: azure-cloud-config namespace: kube-system type: Opaque stringData: cloud-config: |- { "cloud": "AzurePublicCloud", "tenantId": "<tenant-id>", "subscriptionId": "<subscription-id>", "aadClientId": "<client-id>", "aadClientSecret": "<tenant-id>", "resourceGroup": "docker-machine", "location": "westus", "subnetName": "docker-machine", "securityGroupName": "rancher-managed-kqmtsjgJ", "securityGroupResourceGroup": "docker-machine", "vnetName": "docker-machine-vnet", "vnetResourceGroup": "docker-machine", "primaryAvailabilitySetName": "docker-machine", "routeTableResourceGroup": "docker-machine", "cloudProviderBackoff": false, "useManagedIdentityExtension": false, "useInstanceMetadata": true, "loadBalancerSku": "standard", "excludeMasterFromStandardLB": false, }
Click Create to submit the form and create the cluster.
Choose External from the Cloud Provider drop-down in the Cluster Options section. This sets
for Kubernetes components. -
Install the
chart after the cluster finishes provisioning. Note that the cluster is not successfully provisioned and nodes are still in anuninitialized
state until you deploy the cloud controller manager. This can be done manually using CLI, or via Helm charts in UI.
Refer to the official Azure upstream documentation for more details on deploying the Cloud Controller Manager.
Helm Chart Installation from CLI
Official upstream docs for Helm chart installation can be found on Github.
Create a
secret with the required cloud provider config.kubectl apply -f azure-cloud-config.yaml
Add the Helm repository:
helm repo add azure-cloud-controller-manager https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-sigs/cloud-provider-azure/master/helm/repo helm repo update
Create a
file with the following contents to override the defaultvalues.yaml
# values.yaml infra: clusterName: <cluster-name> cloudControllerManager: cloudConfigSecretName: azure-cloud-config cloudConfig: null clusterCIDR: null enableDynamicReloading: 'true' configureCloudRoutes: 'false' allocateNodeCidrs: 'false' caCertDir: /etc/ssl enabled: true replicas: 1 hostNetworking: true nodeSelector: node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane: 'true' tolerations: - effect: NoSchedule key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master - effect: NoSchedule key: node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane value: 'true' - effect: NoSchedule key: node.cloudprovider.kubernetes.io/uninitialized value: 'true'
# values.yaml cloudControllerManager: cloudConfigSecretName: azure-cloud-config cloudConfig: null clusterCIDR: null enableDynamicReloading: 'true' configureCloudRoutes: 'false' allocateNodeCidrs: 'false' caCertDir: /etc/ssl enabled: true replicas: 1 hostNetworking: true nodeSelector: node-role.kubernetes.io/controlplane: 'true' node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane: null tolerations: - effect: NoSchedule key: node-role.kubernetes.io/controlplane value: 'true' - effect: NoSchedule key: node.cloudprovider.kubernetes.io/uninitialized value: 'true' infra: clusterName: <cluster-name>
Install the Helm chart:
helm upgrade --install cloud-provider-azure azure-cloud-controller-manager/cloud-provider-azure -n kube-system --values values.yaml
Verify that the Helm chart installed successfully:
helm status cloud-provider-azure -n kube-system
(Optional) Verify that the cloud controller manager update succeeded:
kubectl rollout status deployment -n kube-system cloud-controller-manager kubectl rollout status daemonset -n kube-system cloud-node-manager
The cloud provider is responsible for setting the ProviderID of the node. Check if all nodes are initialized with the ProviderID:
kubectl describe nodes | grep "ProviderID"
Helm Chart Installation from UI
Click ☰, then select the name of the cluster from the left navigation.
Select Apps > Repositories.
Click the Create button.
in the Index URL field. -
Select Apps > Charts from the left navigation and install cloud-provider-azure chart.
Select the namespace,
, and enable Customize Helm options before install. -
cloudConfig: /etc/kubernetes/azure.json
to read from the Cloud Config Secret and enable dynamic reloading:cloudConfigSecretName: azure-cloud-config enableDynamicReloading: 'true'
Update the following fields as required:
allocateNodeCidrs: 'false' configureCloudRoutes: 'false' clusterCIDR: null
Rancher-provisioned RKE2 nodes have the selector
set totrue
. Update the nodeSelector:nodeSelector: node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane: 'true'
Rancher-provisioned RKE nodes are tainted
. Update tolerations and the nodeSelector:tolerations: - effect: NoSchedule key: node.cloudprovider.kubernetes.io/uninitialized value: 'true' - effect: NoSchedule value: 'true' key: node-role.kubernetes.io/controlplane
nodeSelector: node-role.kubernetes.io/controlplane: 'true'
Install the chart and confirm that the cloud controller and cloud node manager deployed successfully:
kubectl rollout status deployment -n kube-system cloud-controller-manager kubectl rollout status daemonset -n kube-system cloud-node-manager
The cloud provider is responsible for setting the ProviderID of the node. Check if all nodes are initialized with the ProviderID:
kubectl describe nodes | grep "ProviderID"
Installing CSI Drivers
Install Azure Disk CSI driver or Azure File CSI Driver to access Azure Disk or Azure File volumes respectively.
The steps to install the Azure Disk CSI driver are shown below. You can install the Azure File CSI Driver in a similar manner by following the helm installation documentation.
Clusters must be provisioned using |
Official upstream docs for Helm chart installation can be found on Github.
Add and update the helm repository:
helm repo add azuredisk-csi-driver https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-sigs/azuredisk-csi-driver/master/charts helm repo update azuredisk-csi-driver
Install the chart as shown below, updating the --version argument as needed. Refer to the full list of latest chart configurations in the upstream docs.
helm install azuredisk-csi-driver azuredisk-csi-driver/azuredisk-csi-driver --namespace kube-system --version v1.30.1 --set controller.cloudConfigSecretName=azure-cloud-config --set controller.cloudConfigSecretNamespace=kube-system --set controller.runOnControlPlane=true
(Optional) Verify that the azuredisk-csi-driver installation succeeded:
kubectl --namespace=kube-system get pods --selector="app.kubernetes.io/name=azuredisk-csi-driver" --watch
Provision an example Storage Class:
cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f - kind: StorageClass apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: standard provisioner: kubernetes.io/azure-disk parameters: storageaccounttype: Standard_LRS kind: Managed EOF
Verify that the storage class has been provisioned:
kubectl get storageclasses
Create a PersistentVolumeClaim:
cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f - kind: PersistentVolumeClaim apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: azure-disk-pvc spec: storageClassName: standard accessModes: ** ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 5Gi EOF
Verify that the PersistentVolumeClaim and PersistentVolume have been created:
kubectl get persistentvolumeclaim kubectl get persistentvolume
Attach the new Azure Disk:
You can now mount the Kubernetes PersistentVolume into a Kubernetes Pod. The disk can be consumed by any Kubernetes object type, including a Deployment, DaemonSet, or StatefulSet. However, the following example simply mounts the PersistentVolume into a standalone Pod.
cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f - kind: Pod apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: mypod-dynamic-azuredisk spec: containers: - name: mypod image: nginx ports: - containerPort: 80 name: "http-server" volumeMounts: - mountPath: "/usr/share/nginx/html" name: storage volumes: - name: storage persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: azure-disk-pvc EOF