AutoYaST is a system for unattended mass deployment of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server systems using an AutoYaST profile containing installation and configuration data. The manual guides you through the basic steps of auto-installation: preparation, installation, and configuration.
- 1 Introduction
- 2 The Control File
- 3 Creating a Control File
- 4 Configuration and Installation Options
- 4.1 General Options
- 4.2 Reporting
- 4.3 System Registration and Extension Selection
- 4.4 The Boot Loader
- 4.5 Partitioning
- 4.6 iSCSI Initiator Overview
- 4.7 Fibre Channel over Ethernet Configuration (FCoE)
- 4.8 Country Settings
- 4.9 Software
- 4.10 Upgrade
- 4.11 Services and Targets
- 4.12 Network Configuration
- 4.13 NIS Client
- 4.14 NIS Server
- 4.15 LDAP Server (Authentication Server)
- 4.16 Windows Domain Membership
- 4.17 Samba Server
- 4.18 Authentication Client
- 4.19 NFS Client and Server
- 4.20 NTP Client
- 4.21 Mail Configuration
- 4.22 HTTP Server Configuration
- 4.23 Squid Server
- 4.24 FTP Server
- 4.25 TFTP Server
- 4.26 Firstboot Workflow
- 4.27 Security Settings
- 4.28 Linux Audit Framework (LAF)
- 4.29 Users and Groups
- 4.30 Custom User Scripts
- 4.31 System Variables (Sysconfig)
- 4.32 Adding Complete Configurations
- 4.33 Ask the User for Values during Installation
- 4.34 Kernel Dumps
- 4.35 DNS Server
- 4.36 DHCP Server
- 4.37 SUSE Firewall
- 4.38 Miscellaneous Hardware and System Components
- 4.39 Importing SSH Keys and Configuration
- 4.40 Configuration Management
- 5 Rules and Classes
- 6 The Auto-Installation Process
- 7 Running AutoYaST in an Installed System
- A Handling Rules
- B AutoYaST FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
- C Advanced Linuxrc Options
- D GNU licenses
- 4.1 Init script XML representation
- 4.2 Script XML Representation
- 4.3 Ask the User for Values: XML representation
- 4.4 Default Value Scripts: XML representation
- 4.5 Scripts: XML representation
- 4.6 Kdump Memory Reservation Settings:XML Representation
- 4.7 Dump Target Settings: XML Representation
- 4.8 E-Mail Notification Settings: XML Representation
- 4.9 Kernel Settings: XML Representation
- 4.10 Expert Settings: XML Representations
- 5.1 System Attributes
- 6.1 Keywords for linuxrc
- C.1
- C.2 Advanced linuxrc keywords
- 2.1 AutoYaST Control File (Profile)
- 2.2 Control file container
- 2.3 Nested Resources
- 2.4 Nested Resources with Type Attributes
- 3.1 Example File for Replacing the Host Name/Domain by Script
- 4.1 General Options
- 4.2 Reporting Behavior
- 4.3 Using a Whole Disk as a File System
- 4.4 Automated Partitioning
- 4.5 Detailed Automated Partitioning
- 4.6 Mount Options
- 4.7 Keeping partitions
- 4.8 Auto-detection of partitions to be kept.
- 4.9 Reading an Existing
- 4.10 Create LVM Physical Volume
- 4.11 LVM Logical Volumes
- 4.12 RAID1 configuration
- 4.13 Using Multipath Devices
- 4.14 iSCSI client
- 4.15 FCoE configuration
- 4.16 Language
- 4.17 Timezone
- 4.18 Keyboard
- 4.19 Package Selection in the Control File with Patterns
- 4.20 Packages selection using a regular expression
- 4.21 Creating a Package Database With the Additional Package inst-source-utils.rpm
- 4.22
- 4.23 Adding SDK product auto AutoYaST configuration file
- 4.24 Kernel Selection in the Control File
- 4.25 Package Selection in Control File
- 4.26 Upgrade and Backup
- 4.27 Configuring Services and Targets
- 4.28 Network Configuration
- 4.29 Bridge Interface Configuration
- 4.30 Network configuration: Proxy
- 4.31 Inetd Example
- 4.32 Network configuration: NIS
- 4.33 NIS Server Configuration
- 4.34 LDAP configuration
- 4.35 Samba Client configuration
- 4.36 Samba Server configuration
- 4.37 Network Configuration: NFS Client
- 4.38 Network Configuration: NFS Server
- 4.39 Network configuration: NTP Client
- 4.40 Mail Configuration
- 4.41 HTTP Server Configuration
- 4.42 Squid Server Configuration
- 4.43 FTP server configuration:
- 4.44 TFTP server configuration:
- 4.45 Enabling Firstboot Workflow
- 4.46 Security configuration
- 4.47 LAF configuration
- 4.48 Minimal User Configuration
- 4.49 Complex User Configuration
- 4.50 Group Configuration
- 4.51 Enabling autologin and password-less login
- 4.52 Script Configuration
- 4.53 Sysconfig Configuration
- 4.54 Dumping files into the installed system
- 4.55 Dumping files into the installed system
- 4.56 Kdump configuration
- 4.57 Kdump memory reservation with multiple values
- 4.58 Basic DNS server settings
- 4.59 Configuring DNS server zones and advanced settings
- 4.60 Example dhcp-server section
- 4.61 Example firewall section
- 4.62 Printer configuration
- 4.63 Sound configuration
- 4.64 Importing SSH Keys and Configuration from /dev/sda2
- 4.65 Configuring Salt Manager
- 5.1 Simple Rules File
- 5.2 Simple Rules File
- 6.1 Determine HEX code for an IP address
- 6.2 Linuxrc options in the control file
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