- About This Guide
- 1 Overview
- 2 SMT Installation
- 3 SMT Server Configuration
- 4 Mirroring Repositories on the SMT Server
- 5 Managing Repositories with YaST SMT Server Management
- 6 Managing Client Machines with SMT
- 7 SMT Reports
- 8 SMT Tools and Configuration Files
- 9 Configuring Clients to Use SMT
- 9.1 Using Kernel Parameters to Access an SMT Server
- 9.2 Configuring Clients with AutoYaST Profile
- 9.3 Configuring Clients with the clientSetup4SMT.sh Script in SLE 11 and 12
- 9.4 Configuring Clients with YaST
- 9.5 Registering SLE11 Clients against SMT Test Environment
- 9.6 Registering SLE12 Clients against SMT Test Environment
- 9.7 Listing Accessible Repositories
- 9.8 Online Migration of SUSE Linux Enterprise Clients
- 9.9 How to Update Red Hat Enterprise Linux with SMT
- 10 Advanced Topics
- 1 SMT
- 1.1 RMT
- 2.1 SMT Pattern
- 2.2 SMT Wizard
- 2.3 Missing Server Certificate
- 3.1 Setting the Update Server Credentials with YaST
- 3.2 Successful Test of the Update Server Credentials
- 3.3 SMT Job Schedule Configuration
- 3.4 Setting Scheduled Job with YaST
- 4.1 SMT Staging Schema
- 5.1 List of Repositories
- 5.2 Repository Filter
- 5.3 Status of Mirroring Process
- 5.4 Testing Created Snapshot
- 5.5 Clients Status
- 8.1 Certificates of a CA
- 10.1 SMT Disconnected Setup
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