Introduces the GNOME desktop of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. It guides you through using and configuring the desktop and helps you perform key tasks. It is intended mainly for end users who want to make efficient use of GNOME as their default desktop.
- About This Guide
- I Introduction
- 1 Getting Started with the GNOME Desktop
- 2 Working with Your Desktop
- 2.1 Managing Files and Directories
- 2.2 Accessing Removable Media
- 2.3 Searching for Files
- 2.4 Copying Text Between Applications
- 2.5 Managing Internet Connections
- 2.6 Exploring the Internet
- 2.7 E-mail and Scheduling
- 2.8 Opening or Creating Documents with LibreOffice
- 2.9 Controlling Your Desktop’s Power Management
- 2.10 Creating, Displaying, and Decompressing Archives
- 2.11 Taking Screenshots
- 2.12 Viewing PDF Files
- 2.13 Obtaining Software Updates
- 2.14 For More Information
- 3 Customizing Your Settings
- 3.1 Changing the Desktop Background
- 3.2 Configuring Language Settings
- 3.3 Configuring the Keyboard
- 3.4 Using XCompose to Type Special Characters
- 3.5 Configuring Bluetooth Settings
- 3.6 Configuring Power Settings
- 3.7 Configuring the Mouse and Touchpad
- 3.8 Installing and Configuring Printers
- 3.9 Configuring Screens
- 3.10 Configuring Sound Settings
- 3.11 Setting Default Applications
- 3.12 Setting Session Sharing Preferences
- 4 Assistive Technologies
- II Connectivity, Files and Resources
- III LibreOffice
- IV Internet and Communication
- V Graphics and Multimedia
- A Help and Documentation
- B Licenze GNU
- 1.1 Default GNOME Login Screen
- 1.2 Default GNOME Login Screen—Session Type
- 1.3 GNOME Desktop with Activities Overview
- 2.1 File Manager
- 2.2 Archive Manager
- 2.3 Document Viewer
- 3.1 Keyboard Shortcut Dialog
- 3.2 Enabling the Compose Key in Tweaks
- 3.3 Mouse and Touchpad Settings Dialog
- 3.4 Single Monitor Settings Dialog
- 3.5 Single Monitor Settings Dialog
- 3.6 Configuring Sound Settings
- 3.7 Default Applications
- 5.1 Network File Browser
- 8.1 Password and Keys Main Window
- 9.1 Customization dialog in
- 9.2 The options window
- 10.1 A LibreOffice wizard
- 10.2 Styles panel
- 10.3 Navigator tool in
- 12.1 Mathematical formula in LibreOffice Math
- 13.1 The Browser Window of Firefox
- 13.2 Firefox—Manage Search Engines
- 13.3 The Firefox Bookmark Library
- 13.4 The Firefox Page Info Window
- 13.5 The Preferences Window
- 13.6 Installing Firefox Extensions
- 14.1 Evolution Window
- 16.1 Ekiga User Interface
- 17.1 The Toolbox
- 17.2 The Basic Color Selector Dialog
- 17.3 The Print Dialog
- 18.1 GNOME Videos Start-Up Window
- 18.2 GNOME Videos General Preferences
- 18.3 GNOME Videos Display Preferences
- 18.4 GNOME Videos Audio Preferences
- 19.1 Main View of Brasero
- A.1 Main Window of Help
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