SUSE Linux Micro 6.1

SUSE Linux Micro is a lightweight and secure operating system for the edge. It merges the enterprise-hardened components of SUSE Linux with the features that developers want in a modern, immutable operating system. As a result, you get a reliable infrastructure platform with best-in-class compliance that is also simple to use.

Its flexible subscription model makes SUSE Linux Micro well-suited for any edge, embedded, or Internet of Things deployment and does not create vendor lock-in. Using SUSE Linux Micro, you can build and scale edge systems across a wide range of industries including aerospace, telecom, automotive, defense, healthcare, and manufacturing.

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Accessing Active Directory from SUSE Linux Micro

How to join and access an Active Directory domain on SUSE Linux Micro

Administering SUSE Linux Micro Using Cockpit

An administration guide that describes how to manage SUSE Linux Micro using the Cockpit web interface

Administering SUSE Linux Micro Using transactional-update

Administration of SUSE Linux Micro using the transactional-update command

Analyzing Performance Metrics Using the Performance Co-Pilot Analysis Toolkit

The toolkit that collects performance metrics from the system

Authentication with PAM

PAM is used in the authentication process as a layer that mediates the access between the user and application

Basic Container Management Using Podman

Basic information about Podman, pods, images and containers

Configuring networks using NetworkManager

About NetworkManager and how to use it to manage your network connections

Configuring Superuser Privileges with sudo

Get familiar with the basics of sudo configuration and learn how to delegate superuser privileges with sudo

Deploying SUSE Linux Micro in Public Clouds

Learn how to deploy SUSE Linux Micro in public clouds. Learn how to add users to suit your needs

Deploying SUSE Linux Micro Using a Raw Disk Image on Bare Metal

he article covers the steps needed to deploy a SUSE Linux Micro raw disk image to your system

Deploying SUSE Linux Micro Using an ISO Image

The article covers the steps needed to deploy SUSE Linux Micro selfinstall ISO image to your system

Deploying SUSE Linux Micro Using Network PXE Boot

Remote deployment of SUSE Linux Micro

Deploying SUSE Linux Micro Using Raw Disk Images on IBM Z DASD Disks

Deployment of SUSE Linux Micro raw images on IBM Z DASD disks

Deploying SUSE Linux Micro Using Raw Disk Images on IBM Z zFCP Disks

Deployment of SUSE Linux Micro raw images on IBM Z zFCP disks

Deploying SUSE Linux Micro using Raw Disk Images on Virtual Machines

Deploying SUSE Linux Micro raw disk images on VMs

Installation, Configuration and Management of zram on SUSE Linux Micro

Installation, configuration and management of zram, a tool for creating swap and disks in RAM

Introduction to SUSE Linux Micro deployment

Basic information about available installation images and hardware requirements

Introduction to systemd Basics

Basics of systemd, including service management, dependency tracking, logging, resource management, socket activation and system control

Managing Multi-Container Applications Using docker-compose

Overview of docker-compose and its role in creating container-based application stacks

Managing System Logs of SUSE Linux Micro

The article focuses on location of system logs, their parsing and rotation

Release Notes

Find the latest updates, including new features, enhancements, bug fixes, and important information about deprecated or removed packages

Running Commands as Superuser with sudo

Learn about the basic concepts of sudo, how to configure and use it for the most common use cases to run commands that require root privileges

Securing SUSE Linux Micro Using Keylime

Securing a machine using a TPM-based remote attestation framework—Keylime

Setting Up Virtual Host Metrics Daemon on SUSE Linux Micro

vhostmd is a tool that collects metrics from a virtual machine host and provides these metrics to virtual machines running on that host

Software RAID on SUSE Linux Micro

The article focuses on configuring software RAID and provides detail about various levels of RAID

Synchronizing Time Using NTP/NTS

This article describes what time synchronization is and how to configure it on the SUSE Linux Micro system

The Basic Concepts of Snapper

A basic overview of Snapper that describes the tool, its supported interfaces and main tasks, and presents default settings

The Physical Function Baseband Device Configuration Using pf_bb_config

Configuration of physical functions for broadband devices using pf_bb_config

Troubleshooting SELinux

Using setroubleshoot and audit2allow to troubleshoot SELinux

Understanding SELinux Basics

This article provides an overview of basic SELinux components

Upgrading SUSE Linux Micro from Previous Releases

Upgrading from SUSE Linux Micro older releases to the latest SUSE Linux Micro release

Using toolbox for SUSE Linux Micro debugging

Using the toolbox container to debug your system

Working with systemd Timers

A complete overview of systemd timers that covers creating, maintaining, testing, troubleshooting and migrating from cron