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documentation.suse.com / SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Documentation / Administration Guide / Configuration and administration / Configuration and administration basics
Applies to SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability 15 SP6

5 Configuration and administration basics

The main purpose of an HA cluster is to manage user services. Typical examples of user services are an Apache Web server or a database. From the user's point of view, the services do something specific when ordered to do so. To the cluster, however, they are only resources which may be started or stopped—the nature of the service is irrelevant to the cluster.

This chapter introduces some basic concepts you need to know when administering your cluster. The following chapters show you how to execute the main configuration and administration tasks with each of the management tools SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability provides.

5.1 Use case scenarios

Clusters usually fall into one of two categories:

  • Two-node clusters

  • Clusters with more than two nodes. This usually means an odd number of nodes.

Adding also different topologies, different use cases can be derived. The following use cases are the most common:

Two-node cluster in one location

Configuration:FC SAN or similar shared storage, layer 2 network.

Usage scenario:Embedded clusters that focus on service high availability and not data redundancy for data replication. Such a setup is used for radio stations or assembly line controllers, for example.

Two-node clusters in two locations (most widely used)

Configuration:Symmetrical stretched cluster, FC SAN, and layer 2 network all across two locations.

Usage scenario:Classic stretched clusters, focus on high availability of services and local data redundancy. For databases and enterprise resource planning. One of the most popular setups.

Odd number of nodes in three locations

Configuration:2×N+1 nodes, FC SAN across two main locations. Auxiliary third site with no FC SAN, but acts as a majority maker. Layer 2 network at least across two main locations.

Usage scenario:Classic stretched cluster, focus on high availability of services and data redundancy. For example, databases, enterprise resource planning.

5.2 Quorum determination

Whenever communication fails between one or more nodes and the rest of the cluster, a cluster partition occurs. The nodes can only communicate with other nodes in the same partition and are unaware of the separated nodes. A cluster partition is defined as having quorum (being quorate) if it has the majority of nodes (or votes). How this is achieved is done by quorum calculation. Quorum is a requirement for fencing.

Quorum is not calculated or determined by Pacemaker. Corosync can handle quorum for two-node clusters directly without changing the Pacemaker configuration.

How quorum is calculated is influenced by the following factors:

Number of cluster nodes

To keep services running, a cluster with more than two nodes relies on quorum (majority vote) to resolve cluster partitions. Based on the following formula, you can calculate the minimum number of operational nodes required for the cluster to function:

N ≥ C/2 + 1

N = minimum number of operational nodes
C = number of cluster nodes

For example, a five-node cluster needs a minimum of three operational nodes (or two nodes which can fail).

We strongly recommend to use either a two-node cluster or an odd number of cluster nodes. Two-node clusters make sense for stretched setups across two sites. Clusters with an odd number of nodes can either be built on one single site or might be spread across three sites.

Corosync configuration

Corosync is a messaging and membership layer, see Section 5.2.1, “Corosync configuration for two-node clusters” and Section 5.2.2, “Corosync configuration for n-node clusters”.

5.2.1 Corosync configuration for two-node clusters

When using the bootstrap scripts, the Corosync configuration contains a quorum section with the following options:

Example 5.1: Excerpt of Corosync configuration for a two-node cluster
quorum {
   # Enable and configure quorum subsystem (default: off)
   # see also corosync.conf.5 and votequorum.5
   provider: corosync_votequorum
   expected_votes: 2
   two_node: 1

By default, when two_node: 1 is set, the wait_for_all option is automatically enabled. If wait_for_all is not enabled, the cluster should be started on both nodes in parallel. Otherwise, the first node performs a startup-fencing on the missing second node.

5.2.2 Corosync configuration for n-node clusters

When not using a two-node cluster, we strongly recommend an odd number of nodes for your N-node cluster. For quorum configuration, you have the following options:

  • Adding additional nodes with the crm cluster join command, or

  • Adapting the Corosync configuration manually.

If you adjust /etc/corosync/corosync.conf manually, use the following settings:

Example 5.2: Excerpt of Corosync configuration for an n-node cluster
quorum {
   provider: corosync_votequorum 1
   expected_votes: N 2
   wait_for_all: 1 3


Use the quorum service from Corosync


The number of votes to expect. This parameter can either be provided inside the quorum section, or is automatically calculated when the nodelist section is available.


Enables the wait for all (WFA) feature. When WFA is enabled, the cluster will be quorate for the first time only after all nodes have become visible. To avoid some startup race conditions, setting wait_for_all to 1 may help. For example, in a five-node cluster every node has one vote and thus, expected_votes is set to 5. When three or more nodes are visible to each other, the cluster partition becomes quorate and can start operating.

5.3 Global cluster options

Global cluster options control how the cluster behaves when confronted with certain situations. They are grouped into sets and can be viewed and modified with the cluster management tools like Hawk2 and the crm shell.

The predefined values can usually be kept. However, to make key functions of your cluster work as expected, you might need to adjust the following parameters after basic cluster setup:

5.3.1 Global option no-quorum-policy

This global option defines what to do when a cluster partition does not have quorum (no majority of nodes is part of the partition).

The following values are available:


Setting no-quorum-policy to ignore makes a cluster partition behave like it has quorum, even if it does not. The cluster partition is allowed to issue fencing and continue resource management.

On SLES 11 this was the recommended setting for a two-node cluster. Starting with SLES 12, the value ignore is obsolete and must not be used. Based on configuration and conditions, Corosync gives cluster nodes or a single node quorum—or not.

For two-node clusters the only meaningful behavior is to always react in case of node loss. The first step should always be to try to fence the lost node.


If quorum is lost, the cluster partition freezes. Resource management is continued: running resources are not stopped (but might be restarted in response to monitor events), but no further resources are started within the affected partition.

This setting is recommended for clusters where certain resources depend on communication with other nodes (for example, OCFS2 mounts). In this case, the default setting no-quorum-policy=stop is not useful, as it would lead to the following scenario: stopping those resources would not be possible while the peer nodes are unreachable. Instead, an attempt to stop them would eventually time out and cause a stop failure, triggering escalated recovery and fencing.

stop (default value)

If quorum is lost, all resources in the affected cluster partition are stopped in an orderly fashion.


If quorum is lost, all nodes in the affected cluster partition are fenced. This option works only in combination with SBD, see Chapter 13, Storage protection and SBD.

5.3.2 Global option stonith-enabled

This global option defines whether to apply fencing, allowing STONITH devices to shoot failed nodes and nodes with resources that cannot be stopped. By default, this global option is set to true, because for normal cluster operation it is necessary to use STONITH devices. According to the default value, the cluster refuses to start any resources if no STONITH resources have been defined.

If you need to disable fencing for any reasons, set stonith-enabled to false, but be aware that this has impact on the support status for your product. Furthermore, with stonith-enabled="false", resources like the Distributed Lock Manager (DLM) and all services depending on DLM (such as lvmlockd, GFS2, and OCFS2) will fail to start.

Important: No support without STONITH

A cluster without STONITH is not supported.

5.4 Introduction to Hawk2

To configure and manage cluster resources, either use Hawk2, or the crm shell (crmsh) command line utility.

Hawk2's user-friendly Web interface allows you to monitor and administer your High Availability clusters from Linux or non-Linux machines alike. Hawk2 can be accessed from any machine inside or outside of the cluster by using a (graphical) Web browser.

5.4.1 Hawk2 requirements

Before users can log in to Hawk2, the following requirements need to be fulfilled:

hawk2 Package

The hawk2 package must be installed on all cluster nodes you want to connect to with Hawk2.

Web browser

On the machine from which to access a cluster node using Hawk2, you need a (graphical) Web browser (with JavaScript and cookies enabled) to establish the connection.

Hawk2 service

To use Hawk2, the respective Web service must be started on the node that you want to connect to via the Web interface. See Procedure 5.1, “Starting Hawk2 services”.

If you have set up your cluster with the bootstrap scripts provided by the crm shell, the Hawk2 service is already enabled.

Username, group, and password on each cluster node

Hawk2 users must be members of the haclient group. The installation creates a Linux user named hacluster, who is added to the haclient group.

When using the crm cluster init script for setup, a default password is set for the hacluster user. Before starting Hawk2, change it to a secure password. If you did not use the crm cluster init script, either set a password for the hacluster first or create a new user which is a member of the haclient group. Do this on every node you will connect to with Hawk2.

Wild card certificate handling

A wild card certificate is a public key certificate that is valid for multiple sub-domains. For example, a wild card certificate for *.example.com secures the domains www.example.com, login.example.com, and more.

Hawk2 supports wild card certificates as well as conventional certificates. A self-signed default private key and certificate is generated by /srv/www/hawk/bin/generate-ssl-cert.

To use your own certificate (conventional or wild card), replace the generated certificate at /etc/ssl/certs/hawk.pem with your own.

Procedure 5.1: Starting Hawk2 services
  1. On the node you want to connect to, open a shell and log in as root.

  2. Check the status of the service by entering

    # systemctl status hawk
  3. If the service is not running, start it with

    # systemctl start hawk

    If you want Hawk2 to start automatically at boot time, execute the following command:

    # systemctl enable hawk

5.4.2 Logging in

The Hawk2 Web interface uses the HTTPS protocol and port 7630.

Instead of logging in to an individual cluster node with Hawk2, you can configure a floating, virtual IP address (IPaddr or IPaddr2) as a cluster resource. It does not need any special configuration. It allows clients to connect to the Hawk service no matter which physical node the service is running on.

When setting up the cluster with the bootstrap scripts provided by the crm shell, you will be asked whether to configure a virtual IP for cluster administration.

Procedure 5.2: Logging in to the Hawk2 web interface
  1. On any machine, start a Web browser and enter the following URL:


    Replace HAWKSERVER with the IP address or host name of any cluster node running the Hawk Web service. If a virtual IP address has been configured for cluster administration with Hawk2, replace HAWKSERVER with the virtual IP address.

    Note: Certificate warning

    If a certificate warning appears when you try to access the URL for the first time, a self-signed certificate is in use. Self-signed certificates are not considered trustworthy by default.

    To verify the certificate, ask your cluster operator for the certificate details.

    To proceed anyway, you can add an exception in the browser to bypass the warning.

    For information on how to replace the self-signed certificate with a certificate signed by an official Certificate Authority, refer to Replacing the self-signed certificate.

  2. On the Hawk2 login screen, enter the Username and Password of the hacluster user (or of any other user that is a member of the haclient group).

  3. Click Log In.

5.4.3 Hawk2 overview: main elements

After logging in to Hawk2, you will see a navigation bar on the left-hand side and a top-level row with several links on the right-hand side.

Note: Available functions in Hawk2

By default, users logged in as root or hacluster have full read-write access to all cluster configuration tasks. However, Access control lists (ACLs) can be used to define fine-grained access permissions.

If ACLs are enabled in the CRM, the available functions in Hawk2 depend on the user role and their assigned access permissions. The History Explorer in Hawk2 can only be executed by the user hacluster. Left navigation bar

  • Status: Displays the current cluster status at a glance (similar to crm status on the crmsh). For details, see Section 11.1.1, “Monitoring a single cluster”. If your cluster includes guest nodes (nodes that run the pacemaker_remote daemon), they are displayed, too. The screen refreshes in near real-time: any status changes for nodes or resources are visible almost immediately.

  • Dashboard: Allows you to monitor multiple clusters (also located on different sites, in case you have a Geo cluster setup). For details, see Section 11.1.2, “Monitoring multiple clusters”. If your cluster includes guest nodes (nodes that run the pacemaker_remote daemon), they are displayed, too. The screen refreshes in near real-time: any status changes for nodes or resources are visible almost immediately.

Configuration Top-level row

Hawk2's top-level row shows the following entries:

  • Batch: Click to switch to batch mode. This allows you to simulate and stage changes and to apply them as a single transaction. For details, see Section 5.4.7, “Using batch mode”.

  • USERNAME: Allows you to set preferences for Hawk2 (for example, the language for the Web interface, or whether to display a warning if STONITH is disabled).

  • Help: Access the SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability documentation, read the release notes or report a bug.

  • Logout: Click to log out.

5.4.4 Configuring global cluster options

Global cluster options control how the cluster behaves when confronted with certain situations. They are grouped into sets and can be viewed and modified with cluster management tools like Hawk2 and crmsh. The predefined values can usually be kept. However, to ensure the key functions of your cluster work correctly, you need to adjust the following parameters after basic cluster setup:

Procedure 5.3: Modifying global cluster options
  1. Log in to Hawk2:

  2. From the left navigation bar, select Configuration › Cluster Configuration.

    The Cluster Configuration screen opens. It displays the global cluster options and their current values.

    To display a short description of the parameter on the right-hand side of the screen, hover your mouse over a parameter.

    Hawk2—cluster configuration
    Figure 5.1: Hawk2—cluster configuration
  3. Check the values for no-quorum-policy and stonith-enabled and adjust them, if necessary:

    1. Set no-quorum-policy to the appropriate value. See Section 5.3.1, “Global option no-quorum-policy for more details.

    2. If you need to disable fencing for any reason, set stonith-enabled to no. By default, it is set to true, because using STONITH devices is necessary for normal cluster operation. According to the default value, the cluster refuses to start any resources if no STONITH resources have been configured.

      Important: No Support Without STONITH
      • You must have a node fencing mechanism for your cluster.

      • The global cluster options stonith-enabled and startup-fencing must be set to true. When you change them, you lose support.

    3. To remove a parameter from the cluster configuration, click the Minus icon next to the parameter. If a parameter is deleted, the cluster behaves as if that parameter had the default value.

    4. To add a new parameter to the cluster configuration, choose one from the drop-down box.

  4. If you need to change Resource Defaults or Operation Defaults, proceed as follows:

    1. To adjust a value, either select a different value from the drop-down box or edit the value directly.

    2. To add a new resource default or operation default, choose one from the empty drop-down box and enter a value. If there are default values, Hawk2 proposes them automatically.

    3. To remove a parameter, click the Minus icon next to it. If no values are specified for Resource Defaults and Operation Defaults, the cluster uses the default values that are documented in Section 6.12, “Resource options (meta attributes)” and Section 6.14, “Resource operations”.

  5. Confirm your changes.

5.4.5 Showing the current cluster configuration (CIB)

Sometimes a cluster administrator needs to know the cluster configuration. Hawk2 can show the current configuration in crm shell syntax, as XML and as a graph. To view the cluster configuration in crm shell syntax, from the left navigation bar select Configuration › Edit Configuration and click Show. To show the configuration in raw XML instead, click XML. Click Graph for a graphical representation of the nodes and resources configured in the CIB. It also shows the relationships between resources.

5.4.6 Adding resources with the wizard

The Hawk2 wizard is a convenient way of setting up simple resources like a virtual IP address or an SBD STONITH resource, for example. It is also useful for complex configurations that include multiple resources, like the resource configuration for a DRBD block device or an Apache Web server. The wizard guides you through the configuration steps and provides information about the parameters you need to enter.

Procedure 5.4: Using the resource wizard
  1. Log in to Hawk2:

  2. From the left navigation bar, select Configuration › Wizards.

  3. Expand the individual categories by clicking the arrow down icon next to them and select the desired wizard.

  4. Follow the instructions on the screen. After the last configuration step, Verify the values you have entered.

    Hawk2 shows which actions it is going to perform and what the configuration looks like. Depending on the configuration, you might be prompted for the root password before you can Apply the configuration.

Hawk2—wizard for Apache web server
Figure 5.2: Hawk2—wizard for Apache web server

For more information, see Chapter 6, Configuring cluster resources.

5.4.7 Using batch mode

Hawk2 provides a Batch Mode, including a cluster simulator. It can be used for the following:

  • Staging changes to the cluster and applying them as a single transaction, instead of having each change take effect immediately.

  • Simulating changes and cluster events, for example, to explore potential failure scenarios.

For example, batch mode can be used when creating groups of resources that depend on each other. Using batch mode, you can avoid applying intermediate or incomplete configurations to the cluster.

While batch mode is enabled, you can add or edit resources and constraints or change the cluster configuration. It is also possible to simulate events in the cluster, including nodes going online or offline, resource operations and tickets being granted or revoked. See Procedure 5.6, “Injecting node, resource or ticket events” for details.

The cluster simulator runs automatically after every change and shows the expected outcome in the user interface. For example, this also means: If you stop a resource while in batch mode, the user interface shows the resource as stopped—while actually, the resource is still running.

Important: Wizards and changes to the live system

Some wizards include actions beyond mere cluster configuration. When using those wizards in batch mode, any changes that go beyond cluster configuration would be applied to the live system immediately.

Therefore, wizards that require root permission cannot be executed in batch mode.

Procedure 5.5: Working with batch mode
  1. Log in to Hawk2:

  2. To activate batch mode, select Batch from the top-level row.

    An additional bar appears below the top-level row. It indicates that batch mode is active and contains links to actions that you can execute in batch mode.

    Hawk2 batch mode activated
    Figure 5.3: Hawk2 batch mode activated
  3. While batch mode is active, perform any changes to your cluster, like adding or editing resources and constraints, or editing the cluster configuration.

    The changes will be simulated and shown in all screens.

  4. To view details of the changes you have made, select Show from the batch mode bar. The Batch Mode window opens.

    For any configuration changes it shows the difference between the live state and the simulated changes in crmsh syntax: Lines starting with a - character represent the current state whereas lines starting with + show the proposed state.

  5. To inject events or view even more details, see Procedure 5.6. Otherwise Close the window.

  6. Choose to either Discard or Apply the simulated changes and confirm your choice. This also deactivates batch mode and takes you back to normal mode.

When running in batch mode, Hawk2 also allows you to inject Node Events and Resource Events.

Node events

Let you change the state of a node. Available states are online, offline and unclean.

Resource events

Let you change some properties of a resource. For example, you can set an operation (like start, stop, monitor), the node it applies to, and the expected result to be simulated.

Ticket events

Let you test the impact of granting and revoking tickets (used for Geo clusters).

Procedure 5.6: Injecting node, resource or ticket events
  1. Log in to Hawk2:

  2. If batch mode is not active yet, click Batch at the top-level row to switch to batch mode.

  3. In the batch mode bar, click Show to open the Batch Mode window.

  4. To simulate a status change of a node:

    1. Click Inject › Node Event.

    2. Select the Node you want to manipulate and select its target State.

    3. Confirm your changes. Your event is added to the queue of events listed in the Batch Mode dialog.

  5. To simulate a resource operation:

    1. Click Inject › Resource Event.

    2. Select the Resource you want to manipulate and select the Operation to simulate.

    3. If necessary, define an Interval.

    4. Select the Node on which to run the operation and the targeted Result. Your event is added to the queue of events listed in the Batch Mode dialog.

    5. Confirm your changes.

  6. To simulate a ticket action:

    1. Click Inject › Ticket Event.

    2. Select the Ticket you want to manipulate and select the Action to simulate.

    3. Confirm your changes. Your event is added to the queue of events listed in the Batch Mode dialog.

  7. The Batch Mode dialog (Figure 5.4) shows a new line per injected event. Any event listed here is simulated immediately and is reflected on the Status screen.

    If you have made any configuration changes, too, the difference between the live state and the simulated changes is shown below the injected events.

    Hawk2 batch mode—injected invents and configuration changes
    Figure 5.4: Hawk2 batch mode—injected invents and configuration changes
  8. To remove an injected event, click the Remove icon next to it. Hawk2 updates the Status screen accordingly.

  9. To view more details about the simulation run, click Simulator and choose one of the following:


    Shows a detailed summary.

    CIB (in)/CIB (out)

    CIB (in) shows the initial CIB state. CIB (out) shows what the CIB would look like after the transition.

    Transition graph

    Shows a graphical representation of the transition.


    Shows an XML representation of the transition.

  10. If you have reviewed the simulated changes, close the Batch Mode window.

  11. To leave batch mode, either Apply or Discard the simulated changes.

5.5 Introduction to crmsh

To configure and manage cluster resources, either use the crm shell (crmsh) command line utility or Hawk2, a Web-based user interface.

This section introduces the command line tool crm. The crm command has several subcommands which manage resources, CIBs, nodes, resource agents, and others. It offers a thorough help system with embedded examples. All examples follow a naming convention described in Appendix B.

Events are logged to /var/log/crmsh/crmsh.log.

Tip: Interactive crm prompt

By using crm without arguments (or with only one sublevel as argument), the crm shell enters the interactive mode. This mode is indicated by the following prompt:


For readability reasons, we omit the host name in the interactive crm prompts in our documentation. We only include the host name if you need to run the interactive shell on a specific node, like alice for example:


5.5.1 Logging in

Managing a cluster requires sufficient privileges. The following users can run the crm command and its subcommands:

  • The root user or a user with sudo privileges. These users have full privileges on all cluster nodes by using SSH for crmsh operations such as crm cluster init, crm cluster join, and crm report. They can also make changes to the CIB, such as adding resources and constraints.

  • The CRM owner user (typically the user hacluster, created by default during the cluster installation). This user can make changes to the CIB, but has limited privileges for operations that use SSH, such as crm report.

    Tip: Unprivileged users

    The user option allows you to run crm and its subcommands as a regular (unprivileged) user, and to change its ID using sudo when necessary. For example, the following command sets hacluster as the privileged user ID:

    # crm options user hacluster

    You must set up /etc/sudoers so that sudo does not ask for a password.

For operations that use SSH, the cluster uses passwordless SSH access for communication between the nodes. If you set up the cluster with crm cluster init, the script checks for SSH keys and generates them if they do not already exist. If you set up the cluster with the YaST cluster module, you must configure the SSH keys yourself.

In most cases, the root or sudo user's SSH keys must exist (or be generated) on the node. Alternatively, a sudo user's SSH keys can exist on a local machine and be passed to the node via SSH agent forwarding. This can be useful if you need to avoid storing SSH keys on the nodes, but requires additional configuration.

Procedure 5.7: Using the bootstrap scripts to set up a cluster with SSH agent forwarding
  1. On your local machine, start the SSH agent and add your keys to it. For more information, see Automated public key logins with ssh-agent in Security and Hardening Guide for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.

  2. Log in to the first cluster node as a user with sudo privileges, using the -A option to enable SSH agent forwarding:

    user@local > ssh -A USER@NODE1
  3. Initialize the cluster with the crm cluster init script:

    user@node1 > sudo --preserve-env=SSH_AUTH_SOCK \1
    crm cluster init --use-ssh-agent2


    Preserves the environment variable SSH_AUTH_SOCK, which is required for SSH agent communication.


    Tells the script to use your local SSH keys instead of generating keys on the node.

  4. When the initial configuration is complete, exit the first node and log in to the second node using the -A option.

  5. Add the second node to the cluster with the crm cluster join script. Use the -c option to specify the user and node that initialized the cluster:

    user@node2 > sudo --preserve-env=SSH_AUTH_SOCK \
    crm cluster join --use-ssh-agent -c USER@NODE1

If you set up the cluster with YaST instead of using the bootstrap scripts, the SSH keys are not automatically generated. To configure SSH keys with SSH agent forwarding enabled, you can use the ssh stage of the bootstrap scripts on its own. Run these commands after configuring the cluster in YaST, but before bringing the cluster online.

Run the following command on the first node:

user@node1 > sudo --preserve-env=SSH_AUTH_SOCK \
crm cluster init ssh --use-ssh-agent

Run the following command on all other nodes:

user@node2 > sudo --preserve-env=SSH_AUTH_SOCK \
crm cluster join ssh --use-ssh-agent -c USER@NODE1

5.5.2 Getting help

Help can be accessed in several ways:

  • To output the usage of crm and its command line options:

    # crm --help
  • To give a list of all available commands:

    # crm help
  • To access other help sections, not only the command reference:

    # crm help topics
  • To view the extensive help text of the configure subcommand:

    # crm configure help
  • To print the syntax, its usage, and examples of the group subcommand of configure:

    # crm configure help group

    This is the same:

    # crm help configure group

Almost all output of the help subcommand (do not mix it up with the --help option) opens a text viewer. This text viewer allows you to scroll up or down and read the help text more comfortably. To leave the text viewer, press the Q key.

Tip: Use tab completion in Bash and interactive shell

The crmsh supports full tab completion in Bash directly, not only for the interactive shell. For example, typing crm help config→| completes the word like in the interactive shell.

5.5.3 Executing crmsh's subcommands

The crm command itself can be used in the following ways:

  • Directly: Concatenate all subcommands to crm, press Enter and you see the output immediately. For example, enter crm help ra to get information about the ra subcommand (resource agents).

    It is possible to abbreviate subcommands if they are unique. For example, you can shorten status as st and crmsh knows what you mean.

    Another feature is to shorten parameters. Usually, you add parameters through the params keyword. You can leave out the params section if it is the first and only section. For example, this line:

    # crm configure primitive ipaddr IPaddr2 params ip=

    is equivalent to this line:

    # crm configure primitive ipaddr IPaddr2 ip=
  • As crm shell script: Crm shell scripts contain subcommands of crm. For more information, see Section 5.5.5, “Using crmsh's shell scripts”.

  • As crmsh cluster scripts:These are a collection of metadata, references to RPM packages, configuration files, and crmsh subcommands bundled under a single, yet descriptive name. They are managed through the crm script command.

    Do not confuse them with crmsh shell scripts: although both share some common objectives, the crm shell scripts only contain subcommands whereas cluster scripts incorporate much more than a simple enumeration of commands. For more information, see Section 5.5.6, “Using crmsh's cluster scripts”.

  • Interactive as internal shell: Type crm to enter the internal shell. The prompt changes to crm(live). With help you can get an overview of the available subcommands. As the internal shell has different levels of subcommands, you can enter one by typing this subcommand and press Enter.

    For example, if you type resource you enter the resource management level. Your prompt changes to crm(live)resource#. To leave the internal shell, use the command quit. If you need to go one level back, use back, up, end, or cd.

    You can enter the level directly by typing crm and the respective subcommand without any options and press Enter.

    The internal shell supports also tab completion for subcommands and resources. Type the beginning of a command, press →| and crm completes the respective object.

crmsh also supports synchronous command execution. Use the -w option to activate it. If you have started crm without -w, you can enable it later with the user preference's wait set to yes (options wait yes). If this option is enabled, crm waits until the transition is finished. Whenever a transaction is started, dots are printed to indicate progress. Synchronous command execution is only applicable for commands like resource start.

Note: Differentiate between management and configuration subcommands

The crm tool has management capability (the subcommands resource and node) and can be used for configuration (cib, configure).

The following subsections give you an overview of important aspects of the crm tool.

5.5.4 Displaying information about OCF resource agents

As you need to deal with resource agents in your cluster configuration all the time, the crm tool contains the ra command. Use it to show information about resource agents and to manage them (for additional information, see also Section 6.2, “Supported resource agent classes”):

# crm ra

The command classes lists all classes and providers:

crm(live)ra# classes
 ocf / heartbeat linbit lvm2 ocfs2 pacemaker

To get an overview of all available resource agents for a class (and provider) use the list command:

crm(live)ra# list ocf
AoEtarget           AudibleAlarm        CTDB                ClusterMon
Delay               Dummy               EvmsSCC             Evmsd
Filesystem          HealthCPU           HealthSMART         ICP
IPaddr              IPaddr2             IPsrcaddr           IPv6addr
LVM                 LinuxSCSI           MailTo              ManageRAID
ManageVE            Pure-FTPd           Raid1               Route
SAPDatabase         SAPInstance         SendArp             ServeRAID

An overview of a resource agent can be viewed with info:

crm(live)ra# info ocf:linbit:drbd
This resource agent manages a DRBD* resource
as a master/slave resource. DRBD is a shared-nothing replicated storage
device. (ocf:linbit:drbd)

Master/Slave OCF Resource Agent for DRBD

Parameters (* denotes required, [] the default):

drbd_resource* (string): drbd resource name
    The name of the drbd resource from the drbd.conf file.

drbdconf (string, [/etc/drbd.conf]): Path to drbd.conf
    Full path to the drbd.conf file.

Operations' defaults (advisory minimum):

    start         timeout=240
    promote       timeout=90
    demote        timeout=90
    notify        timeout=90
    stop          timeout=100
    monitor_Slave_0 interval=20 timeout=20 start-delay=1m
    monitor_Master_0 interval=10 timeout=20 start-delay=1m

Leave the viewer by pressing Q.

Tip: Use crm directly

In the former example we used the internal shell of the crm command. However, you do not necessarily need to use it. You get the same results if you add the respective subcommands to crm. For example, you can list all the OCF resource agents by entering crm ra list ocf in your shell.

5.5.5 Using crmsh's shell scripts

The crmsh shell scripts provide a convenient way to enumerate crmsh subcommands into a file. This makes it easy to comment specific lines or to replay them later. Keep in mind that a crmsh shell script can contain only crmsh subcommands. Any other commands are not allowed.

Before you can use a crmsh shell script, create a file with specific commands. For example, the following file prints the status of the cluster and gives a list of all nodes:

Example 5.3: A simple crmsh shell script
# A small example file with some crm subcommands
node list

Any line starting with the hash symbol (#) is a comment and is ignored. If a line is too long, insert a backslash (\) at the end and continue in the next line. We recommend that you indent lines belonging to a certain subcommand to improve readability.

To use this script, use one of the following methods:

# crm -f example.cli
# crm < example.cli

5.5.6 Using crmsh's cluster scripts

Collecting information from all cluster nodes and deploying any changes is a key cluster administration task. Instead of performing the same procedures manually on different nodes (which is error-prone), you can use the crmsh cluster scripts.

Do not confuse them with the crmsh shell scripts, which are explained in Section 5.5.5, “Using crmsh's shell scripts”.

In contrast to crmsh shell scripts, cluster scripts performs additional tasks like:

  • Installing software that is required for a specific task.

  • Creating or modifying any configuration files.

  • Collecting information and reporting potential problems with the cluster.

  • Deploying the changes to all nodes.

crmsh cluster scripts do not replace other tools for managing clusters—they provide an integrated way to perform the above tasks across the cluster. Find detailed information at https://crmsh.github.io/scripts/. Usage

To get a list of all available cluster scripts, run:

# crm script list

To view the components of a script, use the show command and the name of the cluster script, for example:

# crm script show mailto
mailto (Basic)

 This is a resource agent for MailTo. It sends email to a sysadmin
whenever  a takeover occurs.

1. Notifies recipients by email in the event of resource takeover

  id (required)  (unique)
      Identifier for the cluster resource
  email (required)
      Email address

The output of show contains a title, a short description, and a procedure. Each procedure is divided into a series of steps, performed in the given order.

Each step contains a list of required and optional parameters, along with a short description and its default value.

Each cluster script understands a set of common parameters. These parameters can be passed to any script:

Table 5.1: Common parameters
actionINDEXIf set, only execute a single action (index, as returned by verify)
dry_runBOOLIf set, simulate execution only (default: no)
nodesLISTList of nodes to execute the script for
portNUMBERPort to connect to
statefileFILEWhen single-stepping, the state is saved in the given file
sudoBOOLIf set, crm prompts for a sudo password and uses sudo where appropriate (default: no)
timeoutNUMBERExecution timeout in seconds (default: 600)
userUSERRun script as the given user Verifying and running a cluster script

Before running a cluster script, review the actions that it will perform and verify its parameters to avoid problems. A cluster script can potentially perform a series of actions and may fail for various reasons. Thus, verifying your parameters before running it helps to avoid problems.

For example, the mailto resource agent requires a unique identifier and an e-mail address. To verify these parameters, run:

# crm script verify mailto id=sysadmin email=tux@example.org
1. Ensure mail package is installed


2. Configure cluster resources

        primitive sysadmin MailTo
                op start timeout="10"
                op stop timeout="10"
                op monitor interval="10" timeout="10"

        clone c-sysadmin sysadmin

The verify command prints the steps and replaces any placeholders with your given parameters. If verify finds any problems, it reports it. If everything is OK, replace the verify command with run:

# crm script run mailto id=sysadmin email=tux@example.org
INFO: MailTo
INFO: Nodes: alice, bob
OK: Ensure mail package is installed
OK: Configure cluster resources

Check whether your resource is integrated into your cluster with crm status:

# crm status
 Clone Set: c-sysadmin [sysadmin]
     Started: [ alice bob ]

5.5.7 Using configuration templates

Note: Deprecation notice

The use of configuration templates is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Configuration templates will be replaced by cluster scripts. See Section 5.5.6, “Using crmsh's cluster scripts”.

Configuration templates are ready-made cluster configurations for crmsh. Do not confuse them with the resource templates (as described in Section 6.8.2, “Creating resource templates with crmsh”). Those are templates for the cluster and not for the crm shell.

Configuration templates require minimum effort to be tailored to the particular user's needs. Whenever a template creates a configuration, warning messages give hints which can be edited later for further customization.

The following procedure shows how to create a simple yet functional Apache configuration:

  1. Log in as root and start the crm interactive shell:

    # crm configure
  2. Create a new configuration from a configuration template:

    1. Switch to the template subcommand:

      crm(live)configure# template
    2. List the available configuration templates:

      crm(live)configure template# list templates
      gfs2-base   filesystem  virtual-ip  apache   clvm     ocfs2    gfs2
    3. Decide which configuration template you need. As we need an Apache configuration, we select the apache template and name it g-intranet:

      crm(live)configure template# new g-intranet apache
      INFO: pulling in template apache
      INFO: pulling in template virtual-ip
  3. Define your parameters:

    1. List the configuration you have created:

      crm(live)configure template# list
    2. Display the minimum required changes that need to be filled out by you:

      crm(live)configure template# show
      ERROR: 23: required parameter ip not set
      ERROR: 61: required parameter id not set
      ERROR: 65: required parameter configfile not set
    3. Invoke your preferred text editor and fill out all lines that have been displayed as errors in Step 3.b:

      crm(live)configure template# edit
  4. Show the configuration and check whether it is valid (bold text depends on the configuration you have entered in Step 3.c):

    crm(live)configure template# show
    primitive virtual-ip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr \
        params ip=""
    primitive apache apache \
        params configfile="/etc/apache2/httpd.conf"
        monitor apache 120s:60s
    group g-intranet \
        apache virtual-ip
  5. Apply the configuration:

    crm(live)configure template# apply
    crm(live)configure# cd ..
    crm(live)configure# show
  6. Submit your changes to the CIB:

    crm(live)configure# commit

It is possible to simplify the commands even more, if you know the details. The above procedure can be summarized with the following command on the shell:

# crm configure template \
   new g-intranet apache params \
   configfile="/etc/apache2/httpd.conf" ip=""

If you are inside your internal crm shell, use the following command:

crm(live)configure template# new intranet apache params \
   configfile="/etc/apache2/httpd.conf" ip=""

However, the previous command only creates its configuration from the configuration template. It does not apply nor commit it to the CIB.

5.5.8 Testing with shadow configuration

A shadow configuration is used to test different configuration scenarios. If you have created several shadow configurations, you can test them one by one to see the effects of your changes.

The usual process looks like this:

  1. Log in as root and start the crm interactive shell:

    # crm configure
  2. Create a new shadow configuration:

    crm(live)configure# cib new myNewConfig
    INFO: myNewConfig shadow CIB created

    If you omit the name of the shadow CIB, a temporary name @tmp@ is created.

  3. To copy the current live configuration into your shadow configuration, use the following command, otherwise skip this step:

    crm(myNewConfig)# cib reset myNewConfig

    The previous command makes it easier to modify any existing resources later.

  4. Make your changes as usual. After you have created the shadow configuration, all changes go there. To save all your changes, use the following command:

    crm(myNewConfig)# commit
  5. If you need the live cluster configuration again, switch back with the following command:

    crm(myNewConfig)configure# cib use live

5.5.9 Debugging your configuration changes

Before loading your configuration changes back into the cluster, it is recommended to review your changes with ptest. The ptest command can show a diagram of actions that will be induced by committing the changes. You need the graphviz package to display the diagrams. The following example is a transcript, adding a monitor operation:

# crm configure
crm(live)configure# show fence-bob
primitive fence-bob stonith:apcsmart \
        params hostlist="bob"
crm(live)configure# monitor fence-bob 120m:60s
crm(live)configure# show changed
primitive fence-bob stonith:apcsmart \
        params hostlist="bob" \
        op monitor interval="120m" timeout="60s"
crm(live)configure# ptest
crm(live)configure# commit

5.5.10 Cluster diagram

To output a cluster diagram, use the command crm configure graph. It displays the current configuration on its current window, therefore requiring X11.

If you prefer Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), use the following command:

# crm configure graph dot config.svg svg

5.5.11 Managing Corosync configuration

Corosync is the underlying messaging layer for most HA clusters. The corosync subcommand provides commands for editing and managing the Corosync configuration.

For example, to list the status of the cluster, use status:

# crm corosync status
Printing ring status.
Local node ID 175704363
        id      =
        status  = ring 0 active with no faults
Quorum information
Date:             Thu May  8 16:41:56 2014
Quorum provider:  corosync_votequorum
Nodes:            2
Node ID:          175704363
Ring ID:          4032
Quorate:          Yes

Votequorum information
Expected votes:   2
Highest expected: 2
Total votes:      2
Quorum:           2
Flags:            Quorate

Membership information
    Nodeid      Votes Name
 175704363          1 alice.example.com (local)
 175704619          1 bob.example.com

The diff command compares the Corosync configuration on all nodes (if not stated otherwise) and prints the difference between them:

# crm corosync diff
--- bob
+++ alice
@@ -46,2 +46,2 @@
-       expected_votes: 2
-       two_node: 1
+       expected_votes: 1
+       two_node: 0

For more details, see https://crmsh.nongnu.org/crm.8.html#cmdhelp_corosync.

5.5.12 Setting passwords independent of cib.xml

If your cluster configuration contains sensitive information, such as passwords, it should be stored in local files. That way, these parameters will never be logged or leaked in support reports.

Before using secret, run the show command to get an overview of all your resources:

# crm configure show
primitive mydb mysql \
   params replication_user=admin ...

To set a password for the above mydb resource, use the following commands:

# crm resource secret mydb set passwd linux
INFO: syncing /var/lib/heartbeat/lrm/secrets/mydb/passwd to [your node list]

You can get the saved password back with:

# crm resource secret mydb show passwd

The parameters need to be synchronized between nodes; the crm resource secret command takes care of that. We highly recommend that you only use this command to manage secret parameters.

5.6 For more information


Home page of the crm shell (crmsh), the advanced command line interface for High Availability cluster management.


Holds several documents about the crm shell, including a Getting Started tutorial for basic cluster setup with crmsh and the comprehensive Manual for the crm shell. The latter is available at https://crmsh.github.io/man-2.0/. Find the tutorial at https://crmsh.github.io/start-guide/.


Home page of Pacemaker, the cluster resource manager shipped with SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability.


Holds several comprehensive manuals and some shorter documents explaining general concepts. For example:

  • Pacemaker Explained: Contains comprehensive and detailed information for reference.

  • Colocation Explained

  • Ordering Explained