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documentation.suse.com / SUSE Documentation Style Guide / Terminology and general vocabulary
Applies to 2025-03

A Terminology and general vocabulary

The following two tables define technical terms and general vocabulary for use in SUSE documentation. See also Chapter 6, Language.

If unable to find a term below, check SUSE's official terminology database, TermWeb. It contains company-specific terminology in English and all our supported languages. TermWeb can be accessed only by SUSE employees and external partners with a SUSE account (get one at https://www.suse.com/account/create).

A.1 Terminology

The following table defines the correct spellings and denominations for technical terms in SUSE documentation. Always use the entry listed under Accepted in the table below. All terms are reproduced in sentence-style capitalization.

AcceptedRejected [Reason]Part of Speech; Usage Guideline/Definition
32-bit32 Bit, 32 bit, 32-Bit, 32Bit, 32bitadjective
3D3 D, 3 d, 3.D., 3.d., 3-D, 3-d, 3d, Three-Dadjective
64-bit64 Bit, 64 bit, 64-Bit, 64Bit, 64bitadjective
AArch64ARM64, ARMv8noun; processor architecture
(to) activate sth.(to) block sth., (to) check sth., (to) choose sth., (to) highlight sth., (to) tick sth. verb; when referring to check boxes
add-onadd on, AddOn, addOn, addonnoun
address bookaddressbooknoun
adviceadvise [misspelling]noun
(to) advise sth.(to) advice sth. [misspelling]verb
AMD64/Intel 64x64, x86_64, x86-64, 64-bit AMD/Intel, AMD/Intel64noun; processor architecture; see also x86
AOOAoo, aoo, OO, oonoun; when referring to versions 3.4 and after; spelling according to project standard; acronym of Apache OpenOffice; see also OOo
Apache OpenOfficeApache Open Office, Apache Openoffice, OpenOffice noun; when referring to versions 3.4 and after; spelling according to project standard; acronym is AOO; see also OpenOffice.org
architecturearchnoun; hardware platform, especially concerning processor platform
appendixesappendicesnoun; plural of appendix
application noun; a computer program designed for a specific task or use
audio CDAudio CD, Audio-CD, CD-Audio, CD Audio, CD audio noun
back-endback end, backendnoun
(to) back sth. up(to) backup sth.verb
backupback-up, back upnoun
bare metalbare-metal, baremetalnoun; a computer without an operating system; also a physical computer (in contrast to a virtualized system)
bare-metalbare metal, baremetaladjective
BashBASH, bashnoun; spelling as per the GNU Bash manual
BluetoothBlue tooth, blue tooth, Blue-tooth, blue-tooth, bluetooth noun
Bluetooth cardwireless card [card has wires attached to it]noun; card that enables Bluetooth connections.
boot diskboot disc [usually a misspelling], boot-disk, bootdisknoun; disk for starting the system
boot loaderboot-loader, bootloadernoun
(to) boot using PXE or (to) boot via PXE (to) PXE bootverb
BtrfsB.T.R.F.S., Better FS, BetterFS, Butter FS, ButterFS, btrfs noun; not an acronym
cursorpointer [used for pointing device input]noun; on-screen item indicating the position of keyboard input focus; see also pointer
CAC.A., Canoun; acronym for certificate authority
CDC.D., Cdnoun; acronym for compact disc
CD-ROMCD ROM, CD-Rom, CD Romnoun; acronym for compact disc read-only memory
CUPSC.U.P.S., Cups, cupsnoun; spelling as per project standard; acronym for Common Unix Printing System
case-sensitivecase sensitive, casesensitiveadjective
case-insensitivecase insensitive, caseinsensitiveadjective
certificate authoritycertification authority, certificating authority, certified authority noun; acronym is CA
changelogchange log, change-log, ChangeLognoun; log of changes to software
check boxcheck-box, checkbox, checking option, tick boxnoun; avoid, only mention name of option
checklistcheck list, check-list, ticklist noun
check markcheck, check-mark, checkmark, tick, tick marknoun
chipsetchip set, chip-setnoun
(to) click sth.(to) click on sth., (to) click onto sth.verb; using a mouse button, usually to manipulate user interface element; also see press
client/serverclient server, client-server, client–server, client+server noun/noun
(to) close sth.(to) abort sth. [negative], (to) exit sth., (to) kill sth., (to) terminate sth. verb; when referring to closing a window; always use quit when ending an application normally; always use terminate when ending an application forcefully
codestreamcode stream noun; stream of code
(to) coldplug sth. (into sth.)(to) cold plug sth. (into sth.), (to) cold-plug sth. (into sth.), (to) coldadd sth., (to) coldswap sth. verb; adding a component or device to a system while the system is off
coldpluggingcold plugging, cold-plugging, coldadding, coldswappingnoun
coldpluggablecold pluggable, cold-pluggable, coldaddable, coldswappableadjective
Common Unix Printing SystemCommon UNIX Printing System, common Unix printing system noun; spelling as per project standard; acronym is CUPS
command noun; a signal that initiates an operation defined by an instruction
command linecommand-line, commandlinenoun
command-linecommand line, commandlineadjective
configurationconfignoun; unless when referring to file extension
(to) configure sth.(to) config sth.verb
(to) connect via SSH (to sth.)(to) connect by SSH (to sth.), (to) connect over SSH (to sth.), (to) connect through SSH (to sth.), (to) connect with SSH (to sth.), (to) SSH (to sth.), (to) ssh (to sth.), (to) ssh in (to sth.), (to) ssh into sth. verb
console noun; a physical terminal, used to describe TTYs and PTYs and when talking about consoles (e.g. KVM's console); see also terminal, shell
control centerControl Center, Control center, Control-Center, Control-center, control-center, Controlcenter, controlcenter noun; generic term, as in: the YaST control center or the KDE control center
crash dumpcrashdump noun
(to) create a hard link (to sth.)(to) hard link (sth.), (to) hardlink (sth.)verb; see also hard link
(to) create a symbolic link (to sth.)(to) soft link (sth.), (to) softlink (sth.), (to) symbolic link (sth.), (to) symlink (sth.) verb; see also hard link
(to) deactivate sth.(to) deblock sth., (to) uncheck sth., (to) untick sth. verb; when referring to check boxes
delta RPMdelta-RPM, deltarpmnoun; RPM package that only includes files that changed between a previous and the current version of the package
(to) deselect sth.(to) de-select sth., (to) remove the selection from sth., (to) un-select sth., (to) unselect sth. verb; when referring to list entries or text; for check boxes, use deactivate
DHCPD.H.C.P., Dhcp, dhcpnoun
dial-updial up, dialuponly as an adjective
dialogdialog box, dialog window, dialogue [British], mask [Germanism], screen noun; a secondary window that gives users progress feedback, prompts users to perform a command, enter information or select an option
directorydir, foldernoun
DNSD.N.S., DNS name server, Dns, dnsnoun; acronym for dynamic name server
(to) double-click sth.(to) double click sth., (to) double-click on sth., (to) double-click onto sth., (to) doubleclick sth. verb
drop-down listcombination box, combo box, combobox, dropdown, drop-down, drop-down menu, drop-down list box, popover, pull-down menu noun; GUI element; the list that is opened when clicking on it, showing a list of menu items the user can choose from; if list entries start actions, use menu instead
DVDD.V.D., Dvdnoun; acronym for digital versatile disc
dynamic name serverDynamic Name Server, Dynamic name servernoun; acronym is DNS
e-bookE-book, E-book, Ebook, eBook, electronic book, ebooknoun
e-mailE-mail, E-mail, Email, eMail, electronic mail, emailnoun
EPUBE-PUB, e-PUB, e-Pub, EPub, Epub, ePUB, ePubnoun; project logo uses the capitalization ePub, but the vendor standard is EPUB
end userend-usernoun; avoid; where possible, replace with user
(to) enter sth. (into sth.) verb; only when a value needs to be specified and Enter should be pressed afterward; where possible, replace with specify or provide
Ethernet cardwired card [sounds as if wires attached to the card are meant] noun; card that connects to networks via Ethernet
Ext3EXT3, EXT 3, Ext 3, Ext-3, ext 3, ext-3, ext3noun; use this capitalization for all versions of the Ext file system standard; intentionally inconsistent with project standard to emphasize that this is a proper name
Ext4EXT4, EXT 4, Ext 4, Ext-4, ext 4, ext-4, ext4noun
file namefile-name, filenamenoun
file serverfile-server, fileservernoun
file systemfile-system, filesystemnoun
flavorflavour [British]noun
flash driveflash disk, flash disc, USB disk, USB drive, USB stick noun
form noun; a structured window, box or screen that contains numerous fields or spaces to enter data
framebufferframe buffer, frame-buffernoun
front-endfront end, frontendnoun
FTPF.T.P., Ftp, ftpnoun
GIMPG.I.M.P., Gimp, gimpnoun; spelling as per project standard; acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program; if the occurs directly before GIMP, capitalize it: The
GNOMEG.N.O.M.E., GNU Networked Object Model Environment, Gnome noun; spelling as per project standard; not an acronym
GRUBG.R.U.B., Grub, grubnoun; acronym for GRand Unified Bootloader
graphical user interfaceGraphical User Interfacenoun; acronym for graphical user interface
GUIG.U.I., GUI interface, GUI user interface, Gui noun; acronym for graphical user interface
hard diskHDD, HD, hard disc [misspelling], hard disk drive, hard drive, hard-disk, hard-drive, harddisk, harddrive, hdd, hd noun
hard linkhard-link, hardlinkonly as a noun; as a verb, use create a hardlink link; directory entry that contains an alternative name for an existing file, in contrast to that, symbolic links are themselves files which link to the name of another file
home pagehome-page, homepagenoun
host namehost-name, hostnamenoun
(to) hotplug sth. (into sth.)(to) hot plug sth. (into sth.), (to) hot-plug sth. (into sth.), (to) hotadd sth., (to) hotswap sth. verb; adding a component or device to a system while the system is running; use remove at runtime where the specific action of removing a component or device is concerned
hotplugginghot plugging, hot-plugging, hotadding, hotswappingnoun
hotpluggablehot pluggable, hot-pluggable, hotaddable, hotswappableadjective
HTML pageHTML document, HTML Web page, HTML web pagenoun; when referring to a local file; see also Web page
HTTPH.T.T.P., Http, httpnoun
HTTPSH.T.T.P.S., Https, httpsnoun
hypervisorhyper visor, hyper-visor, hypervizor noun
indexesindicesnoun; plural of index
infraredinfra red, infra-rednoun or adjective.
init scriptinit-script, initscript, initialization script [incorrect, when referring to script run by init]noun; a script run by init; for systemd, use unit or unit file
initializationinit, initialisation [British]noun
(to) initialize sth.(to) init sth., (to) initialise sth. [British]verb
installation mediuminstallation data mediumnoun; often in plural, installation media; only for physical sources of installation data for products; when physicality of the installation source is unclear or unimportant, use the more versatile term installation source
installation sourceinstallation data source noun; source of installation data for products, can be a physical medium or online repository
I/O portI.O. port, I-O port, IO port, Io portnoun
IA64IA-64, ia64, ipf, Itaniumnoun; processor architecture
IPsecIPSEC, Ipsecnoun
IPv4IP v4, IPV4, Ipv4noun; acronym for Internet protocol version four
IPv6IP v6, IPV6, Ipv6noun; acronym for Internet protocol version six
journalingjournalling [British]noun
KIWIKiwi, kiwinoun; project spelling; not an acronym; software for creation of operating system images
K Desktop EnvironmentKool Desktop Environmentnoun; spelling according to project standard; acronym is KDE
KDEKDE Desktop Environment, K.D.E., Kde, kdenoun; spelling according to project standard; acronym for K Desktop Environment
KdumpKDUMP, kdumpnoun; only for application
kdumpKDUMP, Kdumpnoun; only for command
kernel spacekernel-space, kernelspace, kernellandnoun; memory area reserved for the kernel and device drivers; see also user space
key combinationhot key, key accelerator, keyboard accelerator, key combo, keyboard combo, keyboard combination, key shortcut noun
Kprobeskprobesnoun; only for application
kprobesKprobesnoun; only for command
(to) left-click sth.(to) click the left mouse, (to) click the left mouse button, (to) left click sth., (to) left-click on sth., (to) left-click onto sth., (to) leftclick sth. verb
left click noun
LibreOfficeLibre Office, Libreoffice, LibO, LO, libreofficenoun; spelling according to project standard; do not create acronyms of LibreOffice
licenselicence [British]noun
(to) license sth.(to) licence sth. [British]verb
lifecyclelife cycle, life-cyclenoun; a series of development and support stages that a product passes through
LinuxLINUX, linuxnoun; spelling according to project standard
listlist fieldnoun; GUI element showing a list of menu items the user can choose from
live CDLiveCD, live-CDnoun; CD that allows booting an operating system without installing
live DVDLiveDVD, live-DVDnoun; DVD that allows booting an operating system without installing
live imagelive disk image, LiveImage, live-imagenoun; disk image that can be copied to a medium and then allows booting an operating system without installing
local hostlocal-host, localhostnoun; when describing the concept of hosting locally
localhostlocal host, local-hostnoun; when referring to the default name of a local host
log filelog-file, logfilenoun
loginlog in, log-innoun
logoutlog out, log-outnoun
(to) log in [see below for appropriate preposition](to) log-in, (to) login, (to) log on, (to) log-on, (to) logon, (to) sign in, (to) sign on verb
(to) log in to sth.(to) log in at sth., (to) log into sth.verb; for logging in to a device, application, etc.
(to) log in on sth.(to) log in at sth., (to) log in from sth.verb; for logging in on the console/a host system
(to) log in (to sth.) via SSH(to) log in (to sth.) by SSH, (to) log in (to sth.) over SSH, (to) log in (to sth.) through SSH, (to) log in (to sth.) with SSH, (to) SSH (to sth.), (to) ssh (to sth.), (to) ssh in (to sth.), (to) ssh into sth., verb
(to) log out [see below for appropriate preposition](to) log off, (to) log-out, (to) logout, (to) sign off, (to) sign out verb
(to) log out of sth.(to) log out at sth., (to) log out from sth.verb
loopback deviceloop back device, loop-back devicenoun
lowercaselower case, lower-casenoun
mail servermail-server, mailservernoun
MaildirMail dir, mail dirnoun; specific format for e-mail storage, not a directory for e-mails
mainboardmain board, main-board, mother board, mother-board, motherboard noun
man pagemanual page, Man page, Man-page, man page, man-page, manpagetwo words
Mboxmboxnoun; specific format for e-mail storage
menudrop-down menunoun; GUI element that is a list whose entries each start an action; see also drop-down list
metadatameta data, meta-data, metadatas [misspelling]noun
(to) middle-click sth.(to) click the middle mouse, (to) click the middle mouse button, (to) middle click sth., (to) middle-click on sth., (to) middle-click onto sth., (to) middleclick sth. verb
middle click noun
mount pointmount-point, mountpointnoun
mouse buttonmouse-button, mousebutton, mouse key, mouse-key, mousekey noun
(to) multitask(to) multi task, (to) multi-taskverb
multitaskingmulti tasking, multi-taskingnoun
multiusermulti user, multi-usernoun
multi-versionmulti version, multiversionadjective
name servername-server, nameservernoun
namespacename space, name-spacenoun
need tohave toverb; see also must
NFSN.F.S., NFS file system, Nfsnoun; often: NFS client,NFS server
NISN.I.S., NIS information service, Nisnoun; often: NIS client,NIS server
OOoOo.o, Ooo, OOoo, OO, oonoun; only when referring to versions prior to 3.4; spelling according to former project standard; acronym of OpenOffice.org; see also AOO
(to) open sth.(to) open up sth.verb
OpenOffice.orgOpen Office Org, OpenOffice, Openoffice.org, openoffice, openoffice.orgnoun; only when referring to versions prior to 3.4; spelling according to former project standard; acronym is OOo; see also Apache OpenOffice
openSUSEOpen SUSE, Open-SUSE, open SUSE, open-SUSEnoun; never capitalize first letter
open sourceOpen Source, Open-Source, open-source, opensourceonly as a noun
operating systemoperation system, operating-systemnoun
paravirtualizedpara-virtualised, paravirtualised [British], para-virtualized adjective
patch levelpatch-level, patchlevelnoun
path namepath-name, pathnamenoun; avoid, check if path can be used instead
(to) plug sth. in(to) plug-in sth., (to) plugin sth.verb
plug-inplug in, pluginnoun|adjective
pointercursor [used for keyboard input], mouse cursornoun; on-screen item echoing the movement of a pointing device, such as a mouse; mouse pointer is also acceptable; see also cursor
pop-uppop up, popupnoun
on portat portnoun with preposition
PostScriptPOSTSCRIPT, Postscript, postscriptnoun; spelling as per vendor standard
POWERppc64le, POWER8, Powernoun; processor architecture
(to) preconfigure sth.(to) pre-configure sth.verb
(to) print sth.(to) print out sth.verb
print queueprinter queue, printing queue noun
print spoolerprinter spooler, printing spooler noun
(to) press sth.(to) depress sth. [negative], (to) hit sth. [colloquial], (to) punch sth. [colloquial], (to) strike sth. [colloquial] verb; when referring to keyboard keys or device buttons, but not mouse buttons; also see click
program noun; a set of coded instructions that enables a machine, especially a computer, to perform a desired sequence of operations
proxy only as a noun
PXEP.X.E., Pixie, pixie, PXE Environment, Pxe, pxenoun; acronym for Preboot Execution Environment
PXE bootPXE Bootonly as a noun; as a verb, use (to) boot using PXE or (to) boot via PXE instead
(to) quit sth.(to) abort sth., (to) exit sth., (to) kill sth., (to) terminate sth. noun; quitting an application; always use close when referring to windows; always use terminate when ending an application forcefully
RAMR.A.M., RAM memory, Ram, ramnoun; acronym for random access memory
RAM diskRAM disc [misspelling], RAM drive, RAM-disk, RAM-drive, RAMdisk, RAM-drive, Ramdisk, Ramdrive noun; either treating RAM as a hard disk or a type of solid-state storage
READMERead-me, Readme, read-me, readmenoun; use this capitalization for all general references
read-onlyR.O., RO, read only, readonly, roadjective
real timereal-timenoun; as in watch in real time
real-timereal timeadjective, compound noun; as in real-time processing
(to) reconfigure sth.(to) re-configure sth.verb
(to) re-create sth.(to) recreate [different meaning]verb
(to) register [see below for appropriate preposition](to) sign up, (to) sign-up, (to) signupverb; register as a user
(to) register at sth. verb; register at a system
(to) register for sth. verb; register for a service
(to) register to sth. verb; use when writing about registering to a server: register to the RMT server
(to) register with sth. verb; use when writing about the tool used for registration: register the domain with libvirt
(to) remove sth. at runtime (from sth.)(to) hotremove sth.verb; removing a component or device to a system while it is running; where sensible, use the more generic term hotplug
(to) right-click sth.(to) click the right mouse, (to) click the right mouse button, (to) right click sth., (to) right-click on sth., (to) right-click onto sth., (to) rightclick sth. verb
right click noun
RPMR.P.M., Rpm, rpm [different meaning]noun; acronym for RPM Package Manager
runlevelrun level, run-levelnoun
runtimerun time, run-timenoun
SambaSAMBA, sambanoun; project spelling; open-source implementation of the SMB file and print service protocol
(to) save sth.(to) store sth., (to) write sth. outverb; when saving or overwriting a file from a GUI program or via a parameter of a command-line program; see also write
(to) save sth. as sth. verb; when saving a file with a specific name
(to) save sth. in sth. verb; when saving a file either on a specific device or file system
(to) save sth. on sth. verb; when saving a file either on a specific device or file system
(to) save sth. to sth. verb; when saving a file to a specific folder
saved in sth. verb; when retrieving a file from a specific place
SCSIS.C.S.I., Scsi, scsinoun
screen noun; the surface on which the image appears in an electronic display (as in a computer terminal); also the information displayed on a computer screen at one time
screenshotscreen shot, screen-shotnoun
screen saverscreen-saver, screensavernoun
script noun; a prewritten list of commands, and perhaps other control information, to be executed (interpreted) by a shell or other command interpreter
scrollbarscroll-bar, scroll bar, scrollbox, scroller, slidebar noun; GUI element that is used to change which portion of a screen area is visible
(to) select sth.(to) block sth., (to) choose sth., (to) highlight sth. verb; when referring to list entries or text; for check boxes, use activate
selectedblocked, chosen, highlightedadjective; selection state of list entries or text; opposite of deselected
(to) set sth. up(to) set-up sth., (to) setup sth.verb
setupset up, set-upadjective|noun
shell noun; a command-line interpreter used to describe programs that expose the input/output to the user (bash, sh, zsh) and to refer to the command prompt; see also console, terminal
(to) shut sth. down(to) shut-down sth., (to) shutdown sth.verb
shutdownshut down, shut-downadjective|noun
SLES.L.E., SLE Enterprise, SLE Linux, Sle, slenoun; avoid; acronym for SUSE Linux Enterprise
SLEDS.L.E.D., SLE Desktop, SLE Enterprise Desktop, SLE Linux Desktop, Sled, sled noun; avoid; acronym for SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop
SLESS.L.E.S., SLE Server, SLE Enterprise Server, SLE Linux Server, Sles, sles noun; avoid; acronym for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
SLES for SAPSLES for SAP Applications, SLE for SAPnoun; acronym for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications
sliderslide bar, slidebarnoun; GUI element that is used manipulate values that have an upper and a lower bound
solid-state driveSD [misleading], solid state disc [misspelling], solid-state disk drive, solid-state disk, solid state drive, solidstate drive, sd noun; acronym is SSD; a type of mass storage that does not depend on mechanical parts
spec fileSpec file, Spec-file, Specfile, spec-file, specfile noun
SSDS.S.D., SD [misleading], SS-D, sd, ss-dnoun; acronym of solid-state drive; a type of mass storage that does not depend on mechanical parts
stand-alonestand alone, standaloneadjective
(to) start sth. up(to) start-up sth., (to) startup sth.verb
start-upstart up, startupnoun
statusbarstatus bar, status-barnoun
SSHS.S.H., SSH Shell, SSH shell, Ssh, sshnoun
SUSES.U.S.E., Software- und System-Entwicklung, SuSE, SuSe, Suse, suse noun; not an acronym
SUSE Enterprise StorageSUSE Storage, SUSE Linux Enterprise Storagenoun; acronym is SES
SUSE Linux EnterpriseSUSE Linux Entreprise [British], SUSE Linux enterprise, SUSE linux enterprise noun; acronym is SLE
SUSE Linux Enterprise DesktopSUSE Desktop, SUSE Linux Enterprise desktopnoun; acronym is SLED
SUSE Linux Enterprise ServerSUSE Server, SUSE Linux Enterprise servernoun; acronym is SLES
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP ApplicationsSUSE Linux Enterprise for SAP, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP, SUSE Server for SAP noun; acronym is SLES for SAP Applications
SUSE ManagerSUSE Linux Managernoun
SUSE OpenStack CloudSUSE Cloud, SUSE Linux Cloudnoun
SUSE StudioSUSE Linux Studionoun
submenusub menu, sub-menunoun; menu that is nested inside another menu
subsystemsub system, sub-systemnoun
systemdSystem D, Systemd, systemD, system d, System 500noun; project spelling; initialization system for Linux
System V initSysVinit, SysV init, system 5 init, system dnoun; spoken: System five init; initialization system for Unix operating systems
system-widesystemwide, system wideadjective
symbolic linksoft link, softlink, symlink [jargon]only as a noun; as a verb, use create a symbolic link; a file with a reference to another file or a directory, in contrast to that, a hard link is a directory entry that contains an alternative name for an existing file
synchronizationsync, synch, synchronisation [British]noun; two-way or many-way copying process to ensure data is consistent across two or more locations
(to) synchronize sth. (with sth.)(to) sync sth., (to) synch sth., (to) synchronise sth. [British], (to) synchronize sth. (and sth.)noun; copy data in two or more ways to ensure it is consistent across two or more locations
TAR archiveTAR ball [Unix jargon], tar ball, tar-ball, tarball noun
taskbartask bar, task-barnoun
technology previewtech preview, technical preview, technology-previewnoun; product features that are shipped without support and marked as such
text boxentry area, entry box, entry field, input area, input box, input field, text area, text field noun; GUI element that text can be typed into with one or more lines
terminal noun; text input/output environment where users interact with Linux and Linux applications; the default term to describe a text-only user interface
(to) terminate sth.(to) abort sth., (to) close sth., (to) exit sth., (to) kill sth., (to) quit sth. noun; ending an application forcefully; always use close when referring to windows; always use quit when ending an application normally
TFTPT.F.T.P., Tftp, tftpnoun
time stamptime-stamp, timestampnoun
titlebartitle bar, title-barnoun
tool noun; a utility or feature used to develop software or hardware, or to perform particular tasks
toolbartool bar, tool-barnoun
toolchaintool chain, tool-chainnoun; set of tools (such as build tools) that is used in succession
tooltiptool tip, tool-tipnoun
UEFIUefi, u-EFI, uEFInoun; acronym of Unified Extensible Firmware Interface
Unified Extensible Firmware Interfaceunified extensible firmware interfacenoun; acronym is UEFI; software interface between firmware and operating system; replaces the BIOS interface
unitunit filenoun; concept of systemd; generic term for services, timers, etc.; use when starting, stopping, enabling or disabling a unit
unit fileunitnoun; configuration file of a systemd unit; has a suffix (.service, .timer, etc.); only use when referring to the actual file (e.g. when editing it) and not the unit
UnixUNIX [brand name registered by Open Group], unix noun; use this capitalization for all general references that are not related to brand names
(to) uninstall sth.(to) deinstall sth., (to) un-install sth. verb
unselecteddeselected, un-selectedadjective; selection state of list entries or text; opposite of selected
uppercaseupper case, upper-casenoun
usage noun; the way in which something is used, or the amount of it that is used; see also utilization
use caseuse-case, usecasenoun
(to) use sth.(to) utilise sth. [British], (to) utilize sth.verb
user nameuser-name, usernamenoun
user spaceuser-space, userspace, userlandnoun; memory area used by applications; see also kernel space
utilizationutilisation [British]noun; an act or instance of making practical or profitable use of something, especially in CPU utilization, memory utilization
video DVDVideo DVD, Video-DVD, DVD videonoun
view noun; a reusable set of user interface widgets that serve as an interface for user interaction
virtualizationVirtualization, virtualisation [British] noun; referring to software (usually an operating system) running on a virtual computer created by software running on a physical computer or virtual computer created with software running on a physical computer
(to) virtualize sth.virtualise [British]verb; running software (usually an operating system) on a virtual computer created by software running on a physical computer or creating a virtual computer with software running on a physical computer
VLANV.L.A.N., Vlan, vlannoun; acronym for Virtualized Local Area Network
WebWEB, World Wide Web, WWW, web, wwwnoun; you may use World Wide Web or WWW in historical contexts
Web camWebcam, Web camera, webcamnoun; camera that can be connected to a computer, mainly for video chats
Web pageHTML Web page, Web-page, Webpagenoun; when referring to page on the Internet; see also HTML page
Web serverWeb-server, Webservernoun
Web siteWeb-site, Website, web site, web-site, websitenoun
WebmasterWeb master, Web-masternoun
whitespacewhite-space, white spacenoun
Wi-FiWi fi, Wi-fi, Wifi, wireless fidelity, WLANnoun; use the Wi-Fi brand name whenever referring to IEEE 802.11-based networks or access points; use WLAN when referring to non-IEEE 802.11-based wireless LANs
Wi-Fi cardwireless card [card has wires attached to it]noun; card that connects to Wi-Fi networks
Wi-Fi/Bluetooth cardwireless card [card has wires attached to it]noun; card that combines a Wi-Fi and a Bluetooth card
wild cardjoker [Germanism], wild-card, wildcardnoun
WLANWlannoun; avoid; use only when referring to wireless LANs that are not IEEE 802.11-based; use Wi-Fi in all other cases
(to) write sth.(to) pipe sth. [Unix jargon], (to) write sth. outverb; when saving the command-line output of a program as a file using > or >>; see also save
x8632-bit AMD/Intel, i686, i386noun; processor architecture; see also AMD64/Intel 64
X Window SystemX Window, X Windows, X window, X window system, X windows, XWSnoun
XenXEN, xennoun
YaSTYAST, YAST2, Yast, YaST2, yast, yast2noun; spelling according to project standard; acronym for Yet another Setup Tool
IBM Zz Systems, System z, zSeries, z System, zsystems, S390xnoun; processor architecture; see also AMD64/Intel 64
Zypperzyppernoun; only for application
zypperZyppernoun; only for command

A.2 General vocabulary

The following table defines the correct spellings and denominations for general vocabulary in SUSE documentation. Always use the entry listed under Accepted in the table below. All entries are reproduced in sentence-style capitalization.

Note: Review the word list of the Inclusive Naming Initiative

In addition to the words documented here, make sure to also review the Word lists of the Inclusive Naming Initiative's Evaluation Framework.

For more information about word choices, see Section 6.2, “Biases and inclusiveness”.

AcceptedRejected [Reason]Part of Speech; Usage Guideline/Definition
afteronceadverb; only use once in the meaning of one time only
afterwardafterwards [BrE]adverb
althoughwhileconjunction; only use while in the meaning of during the time that
andwhileconjunction; only use while in the meaning of during the time that
backwardbackwards [BrE]adverb
 basically [filler]adverb
because ofsince, due to, owing topreposition; only use since in temporal phrases
business casebusiness-case, businesscasenoun
butwhileconjunction; only use while in the meaning of during the time that
cannotcan't [contraction], can notverb
canmayverb; use can to express an ability, only use may to express permissions sought/given
couldmayverb; use could to express a possibility, only use may to express permissions sought/given
data isdata arenoun with verb; use all other verbs in the singular
 easy [filler], easilyadjective, adverb; avoid
etc. abbreviation; avoid; do not use together with for example and such as; always precede with a comma
for examplefor instance, for instances [misspelling]adverb
forwardforwards [BrE]adverb
if pronoun; use if an event depends on a condition; also see when and whether
inwardinwards [BrE]adverb
 just [filler]adjective, adverb; avoid
mightmayverb; use might to express a possibility, only use may to express permissions sought/given
musthave toverb; see also need to
need tohave toverb; see also must
 obvious [insulting], obviouslyadjective, adverb
outwardoutwards [BrE]adverb
 pleaseadverb; avoid
 self-evident [insulting], self-evidentlyadjective, adverb
sidewardsidewards [BrE]adverb
 simple [filler], simplyadjective, adverb; avoid
(to) simplify sth.(to) ease sth., (to) facilitate sth.verb; avoid
(to) simplify sth.(to) ease sth., (to) facilitate sth.verb; avoid
 stuff [colloquial], stuffsnoun
towardtowards [BrE]adverb
want sth.(to) wish sth., (to) wish for sth., would like sth.verb
whenonceadverb; use once only in the meaning one time only
when pronoun; use if an event is inevitable; also see if
whetherwhether or notpronoun; use to present two alternatives which are not conditions, otherwise use if; see also if
regardingas regards, in regard to, with regard to, with regards topreposition