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documentation.suse.com / SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Documentation / Virtualization Guide / Managing virtual machines with libvirt / Basic VM Guest management
Applies to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP6

11 Basic VM Guest management

Most management tasks, such as starting or stopping a VM Guest, can either be done using the graphical application Virtual Machine Manager or on the command line using virsh. Connecting to the graphical console via VNC is only possible from a graphical user interface.

Note: Managing VM Guests on a remote VM Host Server

If started on a VM Host Server, the libvirt tools Virtual Machine Manager, virsh, and virt-viewer can be used to manage VM Guests on the host. However, it is also possible to manage VM Guests on a remote VM Host Server. This requires configuring remote access for libvirt on the host. For instructions, see Chapter 12, Connecting and authorizing.

To connect to such a remote host with Virtual Machine Manager, you need to set up a connection as explained in Section 12.2.2, “Managing connections with Virtual Machine Manager”. If connecting to a remote host using virsh or virt-viewer, you need to specify a connection URI with the parameter -c, for example, virsh -c qemu+tls://saturn.example.com/system or virsh -c xen+ssh://. The form of connection URI depends on the connection type and the hypervisor—see Section 12.2, “Connecting to a VM Host Server” for details.

Examples in this chapter are all listed without a connection URI.

11.1 Listing VM Guests

The VM Guest listing shows all VM Guests managed by libvirt on a VM Host Server.

11.1.1 Listing VM Guests with Virtual Machine Manager

The main window of the Virtual Machine Manager lists all VM Guests for each VM Host Server it is connected to. Each VM Guest entry contains the machine's name, its status (Running, Paused, or Shutoff) displayed as an icon and literally, and a CPU usage bar.

11.1.2 Listing VM Guests with virsh

Use the command virsh list to get a list of VM Guests:

List all running guests
> virsh list
List all running and inactive guests
> virsh list --all

For more information and further options, see virsh help list or man 1 virsh.

11.2 Accessing the VM Guest via console

VM Guests can be accessed via a VNC connection (graphical console) or, if supported by the guest operating system, via a serial console.

11.2.1 Opening a graphical console

Opening a graphical console to a VM Guest lets you interact with the machine like a physical host via a VNC connection. If accessing the VNC server requires authentication, you are prompted to enter a user name (if applicable) and a password.

When you click into the VNC console, the cursor is grabbed and cannot be used outside the console anymore. To release it, press AltCtrl.

Tip: Seamless (absolute) cursor movement

To prevent the console from grabbing the cursor and to enable seamless cursor movement, add a tablet input device to the VM Guest. See Section 14.5, “Input devices” for more information.

Certain key combinations such as CtrlAltDel are interpreted by the host system and are not passed to the VM Guest. To pass such key combinations to a VM Guest, open the Send Key menu from the VNC window and choose the desired key combination entry. The Send Key menu is only available when using Virtual Machine Manager and virt-viewer. With Virtual Machine Manager, you can alternatively use the sticky key feature as explained in Tip: Passing key combinations to virtual machines.

Note: Supported VNC viewers

Principally all VNC viewers can connect to the console of a VM Guest. However, if you are using SASL authentication and/or TLS/SSL connection to access the guest, the options are limited. Common VNC viewers such as tightvnc or tigervnc support neither SASL authentication nor TLS/SSL. The only supported alternative to Virtual Machine Manager and virt-viewer is Remmina (refer to Section 14.2, “Remmina: the remote desktop client”). Opening a graphical console with Virtual Machine Manager

  1. In the Virtual Machine Manager, right-click a VM Guest entry.

  2. Choose Open from the pop-up menu. Opening a graphical console with virt-viewer

virt-viewer is a simple VNC viewer with added functionality for displaying VM Guest consoles. For example, it can be started in wait mode, where it waits for a VM Guest to start before it connects. It also supports automatically reconnecting to a VM Guest that is rebooted.

virt-viewer addresses VM Guests by name, by ID or by UUID. Use virsh list --all to get this data.

To connect to a guest that is running or paused, use either the ID, UUID or name. VM Guests that are shut off do not have an ID—you can only connect to them by UUID or name.

Connect to guest with the ID 8
> virt-viewer 8
Connect to the inactive guest named sles12; the connection window opens once the guest starts
> virt-viewer --wait sles12

With the --wait option, the connection is upheld even if the VM Guest is not running at the moment. When the guest starts, the viewer is launched.

For more information, see virt-viewer --help or man 1 virt-viewer.

Note: Password input on remote connections with SSH

When using virt-viewer to open a connection to a remote host via SSH, the SSH password needs to be entered twice. The first time for authenticating with libvirt, the second time for authenticating with the VNC server. The second password needs to be provided on the command line where virt-viewer was started.

11.2.2 Opening a serial console

Accessing the graphical console of a virtual machine requires a graphical environment on the client accessing the VM Guest. As an alternative, virtual machines managed with libvirt can also be accessed from the shell via the serial console and virsh. To open a serial console to a VM Guest named sles12, run the following command:

> virsh console sles12

virsh console takes two optional flags: --safe ensures exclusive access to the console, --force disconnects any existing sessions before connecting. Both features need to be supported by the guest operating system.

Being able to connect to a VM Guest via serial console requires that the guest operating system supports serial console access and is properly supported. Refer to the guest operating system manual for more information.

Tip: Enabling serial console access for SUSE Linux Enterprise and openSUSE guests

Serial console access in SUSE Linux Enterprise and openSUSE is disabled by default. To enable it, proceed as follows:

SLES 12, 15 and openSUSE

Launch the YaST Boot Loader module and switch to the Kernel Parameters tab. Add console=ttyS0 to the field Optional Kernel Command Line Parameter.


Launch the YaST Boot Loader module and select the boot entry for which to activate serial console access. Choose Edit and add console=ttyS0 to the field Optional Kernel Command Line Parameter. Additionally, edit /etc/inittab and uncomment the line with the following content:

#S0:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L 9600 ttyS0 vt102

11.3 Changing a VM Guest's state: start, stop, pause

Starting, stopping or pausing a VM Guest can be done with either Virtual Machine Manager or virsh. You can also configure a VM Guest to be automatically started when booting the VM Host Server.

When shutting down a VM Guest, you may either shut it down gracefully, or force the shutdown. The latter is equivalent to pulling the power plug on a physical host and is only recommended if there are no alternatives. Forcing a shutdown may cause file system corruption and loss of data on the VM Guest.

Tip: Graceful shutdown

To be able to perform a graceful shutdown, the VM Guest must be configured to support ACPI. If you have created the guest with the Virtual Machine Manager, ACPI should be available in the VM Guest.

Depending on the guest operating system, availability of ACPI may not be sufficient to perform a graceful shutdown. It is strongly recommended to test shutting down and rebooting a guest before using it in production. openSUSE or SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop, for example, can require Polkit authorization for shutdown and reboot. Make sure this policy is turned off on all VM Guests.

If ACPI was enabled during a Windows XP/Windows Server 2003 guest installation, turning it on in the VM Guest configuration only is not sufficient. For more information, see:

Regardless of the VM Guest's configuration, a graceful shutdown is always possible from within the guest operating system.

11.3.1 Changing a VM Guest's state with Virtual Machine Manager

Changing a VM Guest's state can be done either from Virtual Machine Manager's main window, or from a VNC window.

Procedure 11.1: State change from the Virtual Machine Manager window
  1. Right-click a VM Guest entry.

  2. Choose Run, Pause, or one of the Shutdown options from the pop-up menu.

Procedure 11.2: State change from the VNC window
  1. Open a VNC Window as described in Section, “Opening a graphical console with Virtual Machine Manager”.

  2. Choose Run, Pause, or one of the Shut Down options either from the toolbar or from the Virtual Machine menu. Automatically starting a VM Guest

You can automatically start a guest when the VM Host Server boots. This feature is not enabled by default and needs to be enabled for each VM Guest individually. There is no way to activate it globally.

  1. Double-click the VM Guest entry in Virtual Machine Manager to open its console.

  2. Choose View › Details to open the VM Guest configuration window.

  3. Choose Boot Options and check Start virtual machine on host boot up.

  4. Save the new configuration with Apply.

11.3.2 Changing a VM Guest's state with virsh

In the following examples, the state of a VM Guest named sles12 is changed.

> virsh start sles12
> virsh suspend sles12
Resume (a suspended VM Guest)
> virsh resume sles12
> virsh reboot sles12
Graceful shutdown
> virsh shutdown sles12
Force shutdown
> virsh destroy sles12
Turn on automatic start
> virsh autostart sles12
Turn off automatic start
> virsh autostart --disable sles12

11.4 Saving and restoring the state of a VM Guest

Saving a VM Guest preserves the exact state of the guest’s memory. The operation is similar to hibernating a computer. A saved VM Guest can be quickly restored to its previously saved running condition.

When saved, the VM Guest is paused, its current memory state is saved to disk, and then the guest is stopped. The operation does not make a copy of any portion of the VM Guest’s virtual disk. The amount of time taken to save the virtual machine depends on the amount of memory allocated. When saved, a VM Guest’s memory is returned to the pool of memory available on the VM Host Server.

The restore operation loads a VM Guest’s previously saved memory state file and starts it. The guest is not booted but instead resumed at the point where it was previously saved. The operation is similar to coming out of hibernation.

The VM Guest is saved to a state file. Make sure there is enough space on the partition you are going to save to. For an estimation of the file size in megabytes to be expected, issue the following command on the guest:

> free -mh | awk '/^Mem:/ {print $3}'
Warning: Always restore saved guests

After using the save operation, do not boot or start the saved VM Guest. Doing so would cause the machine's virtual disk and the saved memory state to get out of synchronization. This can result in critical errors when restoring the guest.

To be able to work with a saved VM Guest again, use the restore operation. If you used virsh to save a VM Guest, you cannot restore it using Virtual Machine Manager. In this case, make sure to restore using virsh.

Important: Synchronize VM Guest's time after restoring it

If you restore the VM Guest after a long pause (hours) since it was saved, its time synchronization service, for example, chronyd, may refuse to synchronize its time. In this case, manually synchronize VM Guest's time. For example, for KVM hosts, you can use the QEMU guest agent and instruct the guest with the guest-set-time. Refer to Chapter 22, QEMU guest agent for more details.

Important: Only for VM Guests with disk types raw, qcow2

Saving and restoring VM Guests is only possible if the VM Guest is using a virtual disk of the type raw (.img), or qcow2.

11.4.1 Saving/restoring with Virtual Machine Manager

Procedure 11.3: Saving a VM Guest
  1. Open a VNC connection window to a VM Guest. Make sure the guest is running.

  2. Choose Virtual Machine › Shutdown › Save.

Procedure 11.4: Restoring a VM Guest
  1. Open a VNC connection window to a VM Guest. Make sure the guest is not running.

  2. Choose Virtual Machine › Restore.

    If the VM Guest was previously saved using Virtual Machine Manager, you are not offered an option to Run the guest. However, note the caveats on machines saved with virsh outlined in Warning: Always restore saved guests.

11.4.2 Saving and restoring with virsh

Save a running VM Guest with the command virsh save and specify the file which it is saved to.

Save the guest named opensuse13
> virsh save opensuse13 /virtual/saves/opensuse13.vmsav
Save the guest with the ID 37
> virsh save 37 /virtual/saves/opensuse13.vmsave

To restore a VM Guest, use virsh restore:

> virsh restore /virtual/saves/opensuse13.vmsave

11.5 Creating and managing snapshots

VM Guest snapshots are snapshots of the complete virtual machine including the state of CPU, RAM, devices and the content of all writable disks. To use virtual machine snapshots, all the attached hard disks need to use the qcow2 disk image format, and at least one of them needs to be writable.

Snapshots let you restore the state of the machine at a particular point in time. This is useful when undoing a faulty configuration or the installation of a lot of packages. After starting a snapshot that was created while the VM Guest was shut off, you need to boot it. Any changes written to the disk afterward are lost when starting the snapshot.


Snapshots are supported on KVM VM Host Servers only.

11.5.1 Terminology

There are several specific terms used to describe the types of snapshots:

Internal snapshots

Snapshots that are saved into the qcow2 file of the original VM Guest. The file holds both the saved state of the snapshot and the changes made since the snapshot was taken. The main advantage of internal snapshots is that they are all stored in one file and therefore it is easy to copy or move them across multiple machines.

External snapshots

When creating an external snapshot, the original qcow2 file is saved and made read-only, while a new qcow2 file is created to hold the changes. The original file is sometimes called a backing or base file, while the new file with all the changes is called an overlay or derived file. External snapshots are useful when performing backups of VM Guests. However, external snapshots are not supported by Virtual Machine Manager, and cannot be deleted by virsh directly. For more information on external snapshots in QEMU, refer to Section 36.2.4, “Manipulate disk images effectively”.

Live snapshots

Snapshots created when the original VM Guest is running. Internal live snapshots support saving the devices, and memory and disk states, while external live snapshots with virsh support saving either the memory state, or the disk state, or both.

Offline snapshots

Snapshots created from a VM Guest that is shut off. This ensures data integrity as all the guest's processes are stopped and no memory is in use.

11.5.2 Creating and managing snapshots with Virtual Machine Manager

Important: Internal snapshots only

Virtual Machine Manager supports only internal snapshots, either live or offline.

To open the snapshot management view in Virtual Machine Manager, open the VNC window as described in Section, “Opening a graphical console with Virtual Machine Manager”. Now either choose View › Snapshots or click Manage VM Snapshots in the toolbar.

#1: Creating and managing snapshots with Virtual Machine Manager

The list of existing snapshots for the chosen VM Guest is displayed in the left-hand part of the window. The snapshot that was last started is marked with a green tick. The right-hand part of the window shows details of the snapshot currently marked in the list. These details include the snapshot's title and time stamp, the state of the VM Guest at the time the snapshot was taken and a description. Snapshots of running guests also include a screenshot. The Description can be changed directly from this view. Other snapshot data cannot be changed. Creating a snapshot

To take a new snapshot of a VM Guest, proceed as follows:

  1. Optionally, shut down the VM Guest to create an offline snapshot.

  2. Click Add in the bottom left corner of the VNC window.

    The window Create Snapshot opens.

  3. Provide a Name and, optionally, a description. The name cannot be changed after the snapshot has been taken. To be able to identify the snapshot later easily, use a speaking name.

  4. Confirm with Finish. Deleting a snapshot

To delete a snapshot of a VM Guest, proceed as follows:

  1. Click Delete in the bottom left corner of the VNC window.

  2. Confirm the deletion with Yes. Starting a snapshot

To start a snapshot, proceed as follows:

  1. Click Run in the bottom left corner of the VNC window.

  2. Confirm the start with Yes.

11.5.3 Creating and managing snapshots with virsh

To list all existing snapshots for a domain (admin_server in the following), run the snapshot-list command:

> virsh snapshot-list --domain sle-ha-node1
 Name                 Creation Time             State
 sleha_12_sp2_b2_two_node_cluster 2016-06-06 15:04:31 +0200 shutoff
 sleha_12_sp2_b3_two_node_cluster 2016-07-04 14:01:41 +0200 shutoff
 sleha_12_sp2_b4_two_node_cluster 2016-07-14 10:44:51 +0200 shutoff
 sleha_12_sp2_rc3_two_node_cluster 2016-10-10 09:40:12 +0200 shutoff
 sleha_12_sp2_gmc_two_node_cluster 2016-10-24 17:00:14 +0200 shutoff
 sleha_12_sp3_gm_two_node_cluster 2017-08-02 12:19:37 +0200 shutoff
 sleha_12_sp3_rc1_two_node_cluster 2017-06-13 13:34:19 +0200 shutoff
 sleha_12_sp3_rc2_two_node_cluster 2017-06-30 11:51:24 +0200 shutoff
 sleha_15_b6_two_node_cluster 2018-02-07 15:08:09 +0100 shutoff
 sleha_15_rc1_one-node 2018-03-09 16:32:38 +0100 shutoff

The snapshot that was last started is shown with the snapshot-current command:

> virsh snapshot-current --domain admin_server
Basic installation incl. SMT for CLOUD4

Details about a particular snapshot can be obtained by running the snapshot-info command:

> virsh snapshot-info --domain admin_server \
   -name  "Basic installation incl. SMT for CLOUD4"
Name:           Basic installation incl. SMT for CLOUD4
Domain:         admin_server
Current:        yes
State:          shutoff
Location:       internal
Parent:         Basic installation incl. SMT for CLOUD3-HA
Children:       0
Descendants:    0
Metadata:       yes Creating internal snapshots

To take an internal snapshot of a VM Guest, either a live or offline, use the snapshot-create-as command as follows:

> virsh snapshot-create-as --domain admin_server1 --name "Snapshot 1"2 \
--description "First snapshot"3


Domain name. Mandatory.


Name of the snapshot. It is recommended to use a speaking name, since that makes it easier to identify the snapshot. Mandatory.


Description for the snapshot. Optional. Creating external snapshots

With virsh, you can take external snapshots of the guest's memory state, disk state, or both.

To take both live and offline external snapshots of the guest's disk, specify the --disk-only option:

> virsh snapshot-create-as --domain admin_server --name \
 "Offline external snapshot" --disk-only

You can specify the --diskspec option to control how the external files are created:

> virsh snapshot-create-as --domain admin_server --name \
 "Offline external snapshot" \
 --disk-only --diskspec vda,snapshot=external,file=/path/to/snapshot_file

To take a live external snapshot of the guest's memory, specify the --live and --memspec options:

> virsh snapshot-create-as --domain admin_server --name \
 "Offline external snapshot" --live \
 --memspec snapshot=external,file=/path/to/snapshot_file

To take a live external snapshot of both the guest's disk and memory states, combine the --live, --diskspec, and --memspec options:

> virsh snapshot-create-as --domain admin_server --name \
 "Offline external snapshot" --live \
 --memspec snapshot=external,file=/path/to/snapshot_file
 --diskspec vda,snapshot=external,file=/path/to/snapshot_file

Refer to the SNAPSHOT COMMANDS section in man 1 virsh for more details. Deleting a snapshot

External snapshots cannot be deleted with virsh. To delete an internal snapshot of a VM Guest and restore the disk space it occupies, use the snapshot-delete command:

> virsh snapshot-delete --domain admin_server --snapshotname "Snapshot 2" Starting a snapshot

To start a snapshot, use the snapshot-revert command:

> virsh snapshot-revert --domain admin_server --snapshotname "Snapshot 1"

To start the current snapshot (the one the VM Guest was started off), it is sufficient to use --current rather than specifying the snapshot name:

> virsh snapshot-revert --domain admin_server --current

11.6 Deleting a VM Guest

By default, deleting a VM Guest using virsh removes only its XML configuration. Since attached storage is not deleted by default, you can reuse it with another VM Guest. With Virtual Machine Manager, you can also delete a guest's storage files as well.

11.6.1 Deleting a VM Guest with Virtual Machine Manager

  1. In the Virtual Machine Manager, right-click a VM Guest entry.

  2. From the context menu, choose Delete.

  3. A confirmation window opens. Clicking Delete permanently erases the VM Guest. The deletion is not recoverable.

    You can also permanently delete the guest's virtual disk by activating Delete Associated Storage Files. The deletion is not recoverable either.

11.6.2 Deleting a VM Guest with virsh

To delete a VM Guest, it needs to be shut down first. It is not possible to delete a running guest. For information on shutting down, see Section 11.3, “Changing a VM Guest's state: start, stop, pause”.

To delete a VM Guest with virsh, run virsh undefine VM_NAME.

> virsh undefine sles12

There is no option to automatically delete the attached storage files. If they are managed by libvirt, delete them as described in Section, “Deleting volumes from a storage pool”.

11.7 Monitoring

11.7.1 Monitoring with Virtual Machine Manager

After starting Virtual Machine Manager and connecting to the VM Host Server, a CPU usage graph of all the running guests is displayed.

It is also possible to get information about disk and network usage with this tool, however, you must first activate this in Preferences:

  1. Run virt-manager.

  2. Select Edit › Preferences.

  3. Change the tab from General to Polling.

  4. Activate the check boxes for the kind of activity you want to see: Poll Disk I/O, Poll Network I/O, and Poll Memory stats.

  5. If desired, also change the update interval using Update status every n seconds.

  6. Close the Preferences dialog.

  7. Activate the graphs that should be displayed under View › Graph.

Afterward, the disk and network statistics are also displayed in the main window of the Virtual Machine Manager.

More precise data is available from the VNC window. Open a VNC window as described in Section 11.2.1, “Opening a graphical console”. Choose Details from the toolbar or the View menu. The statistics are displayed from the Performance entry of the left-hand tree menu.

11.7.2 Monitoring with virt-top

virt-top is a command-line tool similar to the well-known process monitoring tool top. virt-top uses libvirt and therefore is capable of showing statistics for VM Guests running on different hypervisors. It is recommended to use virt-top instead of hypervisor-specific tools like xentop.

By default virt-top shows statistics for all running VM Guests. Among the data that is displayed is the percentage of memory used (%MEM) and CPU (%CPU) and the uptime of the guest (TIME). The data is updated regularly (every three seconds by default). The following shows the output on a VM Host Server with seven VM Guests, four of them inactive:

virt-top 13:40:19 - x86_64 8/8CPU 1283MHz 16067MB 7.6% 0.5%
7 domains, 3 active, 3 running, 0 sleeping, 0 paused, 4 inactive D:0 O:0 X:0
CPU: 6.1%  Mem: 3072 MB (3072 MB by guests)

    7 R  123    1  18K  196  5.8  6.0   0:24.35 sled12_sp1
    6 R    1    0  18K    0  0.2  6.0   0:42.51 sles12_sp1
    5 R    0    0  18K    0  0.1  6.0  85:45.67 opensuse_leap
    -                                           (Ubuntu_1410)
    -                                           (debian_780)
    -                                           (fedora_21)
    -                                           (sles11sp3)

By default the output is sorted by ID. Use the following key combinations to change the sort field:

ShiftP: CPU usage
ShiftM: Total memory allocated by the guest
ShiftT: time
ShiftI: ID

To use any other field for sorting, press ShiftF and select a field from the list. To toggle the sort order, use ShiftR.

virt-top also supports different views on the VM Guests data, which can be changed on-the-fly by pressing the following keys:

0: default view
1: show physical CPUs
2: show network interfaces
3: show virtual disks

virt-top supports more hot keys to change the view of the data and many command line switches that affect the behavior of the program. For more information, see man 1 virt-top.

11.7.3 Monitoring with kvm_stat

kvm_stat can be used to trace KVM performance events. It monitors /sys/kernel/debug/kvm, so it needs the debugfs to be mounted. On SUSE Linux Enterprise Server it should be mounted by default. In case it is not mounted, use the following command:

> sudo mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug

kvm_stat can be used in three different modes:

kvm_stat                    # update in 1 second intervals
kvm_stat -1                 # 1 second snapshot
kvm_stat -l > kvmstats.log  # update in 1 second intervals in log format
                            # can be imported to a spreadsheet
Example 11.1: Typical output of kvm_stat
kvm statistics

 efer_reload                  0       0
 exits                 11378946  218130
 fpu_reload               62144     152
 halt_exits              414866     100
 halt_wakeup             260358      50
 host_state_reload       539650     249
 hypercalls                   0       0
 insn_emulation         6227331  173067
 insn_emulation_fail          0       0
 invlpg                  227281      47
 io_exits                113148      18
 irq_exits               168474     127
 irq_injections          482804     123
 irq_window               51270      18
 largepages                   0       0
 mmio_exits                6925       0
 mmu_cache_miss           71820      19
 mmu_flooded              35420       9
 mmu_pde_zapped           64763      20
 mmu_pte_updated              0       0
 mmu_pte_write           213782      29
 mmu_recycled                 0       0
 mmu_shadow_zapped       128690      17
 mmu_unsync                  46      -1
 nmi_injections               0       0
 nmi_window                   0       0
 pf_fixed               1553821     857
 pf_guest               1018832     562
 remote_tlb_flush        174007      37
 request_irq                  0       0
 signal_exits                 0       0
 tlb_flush               394182     148

See https://clalance.blogspot.com/2009/01/kvm-performance-tools.html for further information on how to interpret these values.