SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP6
This book guides you through upgrades of SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop.
Publication Date: March 06, 2025
- Preface
- 1 Lifecycle and support
- 2 Upgrade paths and methods
- 3 Preparing the upgrade
- 3.1 Make sure the system is up-to-date
- 3.2 Read the release notes
- 3.3 Make a backup
- 3.4 Check the available disk space
- 3.5 Listing installed packages and repositories
- 3.6 Disable the LTSS extension
- 3.7 Create non-MD5 server certificates for Java applications
- 3.8 Shut down virtual machine guests
- 3.9 Adjust your SMT client setup
- 3.10 Adjust the
boot parameter
- 4 Upgrading offline
- 5 Upgrading online
- 6 Finishing the upgrade
- 7 Backports of source code
- A GNU licenses
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Examples
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