SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP6
This guide details how to install single or multiple systems, and how to exploit the product-inherent capabilities for a deployment infrastructure.
Publication Date: March 06, 2025
- Preface
- I Installation preparation
- II Installation procedure
- 4 Boot parameters
- 5 Installation steps
- 5.1 Overview
- 5.2 Installer self-update
- 5.3 Language, keyboard and product selection
- 5.4 License agreement
- 5.5 Network settings
- 5.6 Registration
- 5.7 Extension and module selection
- 5.8 Add-on product
- 5.9 System roles
- 5.10 Partitioning
- 5.11 Clock and time zone
- 5.12 Create new user
- 5.13 Authentication for the system administrator
- 5.14 Installation settings
- 5.15 Performing the installation
- 6 Registering SUSE Linux Enterprise and managing modules/extensions
- 7
- 8 Remote installation
- 9 Troubleshooting
- III Customizing installation images
- IV Setting up an installation server
- A Imaging and creating products
- B GNU licenses
List of Figures
- 4.1 The boot screen on machines with a traditional BIOS
- 4.2 The boot screen on machines with UEFI
- 4.3 GRUB options editor
- 5.1 Language, keyboard and product selection
- 5.2 License agreement
- 5.3 Network settings
- 5.4 SUSE Customer Center registration
- 5.5 Installing without registration
- 5.6 Extension and module selection
- 5.7 Add-on product
- 5.8 System role
- 5.9 Suggested partitioning
- 5.10 Clock and time zone
- 5.11 Create new user
- 5.12 Authentication for the system administrator
- 5.13 Installation settings
- 5.14 Software selection and system tasks
- 7.1 The YaST partitioner
- 7.2 Btrfs subvolumes in YaST partitioner
- 7.3 Creating a volume group
- 7.4 Logical volume management
- 7.5 RAID partitions
- 9.1 US keyboard layout
List of Tables
List of Examples
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