Troubleshooting upgrade

For a high level overview of the upgrade lifecycle and components, please refer to the related document.

Rancher side

In this example we upgraded the cluster nodes with the following ManagedOSImage definition:

kind: ManagedOSImage
  name: my-upgrade
  namespace: fleet-default
  # Set to the new SUSE® Rancher Prime OS Manager version you would like to upgrade to or track the latest tag
  osImage: ""
    - clusterName: my-cluster

Once the ManagedOSImage is applied, the elemental-operator will verify it and generate a related Bundle. The Bundle name will be prefixed with mos and then the ManagedOSImage name. In this case mos-my-upgrade.

In the Bundle definition, you will find the details about the upgrade plan and the desired target. For example:

kubectl -n fleet-default get bundle mos-my-upgrade -o yaml
Click here for details
kind: Bundle
  creationTimestamp: "2023-06-16T09:01:47Z"
  generation: 1
  name: mos-my-upgrade
  namespace: fleet-default
  - apiVersion:
    controller: true
    kind: ManagedOSImage
    name: my-upgrade
    uid: e468ed21-23bb-487a-a022-dbc7ef753720
  resourceVersion: "1038645"
  uid: 35e83fc4-28c8-4b10-8059-cae6cdff2cda
  - content: '{"kind":"ClusterRole","apiVersion":"","metadata":{"name":"os-upgrader-my-upgrade","creationTimestamp":null},"rules":[{"verbs":["update","get","list","watch","patch"],"apiGroups":[""],"resources":["nodes"]},{"verbs":["list"],"apiGroups":[""],"resources":["pods"]}]}'
    name: ClusterRole--os-upgrader-my-upgrade-296a3abf3451.yaml
  - content: '{"kind":"ClusterRoleBinding","apiVersion":"","metadata":{"name":"os-upgrader-my-upgrade","creationTimestamp":null},"subjects":[{"kind":"ServiceAccount","name":"os-upgrader-my-upgrade","namespace":"cattle-system"}],"roleRef":{"apiGroup":"","kind":"ClusterRole","name":"os-upgrader-my-upgrade"}}'
    name: ClusterRoleBinding--os-upgrader-my-upgrade-f63eaecde935.yaml
  - content: '{"kind":"ServiceAccount","apiVersion":"v1","metadata":{"name":"os-upgrader-my-upgrade","namespace":"cattle-system","creationTimestamp":null}}'
    name: ServiceAccount-cattle-system-os-upgrader-my-upgrade-ce93d-01096.yaml
  - content: '{"kind":"Secret","apiVersion":"v1","metadata":{"name":"os-upgrader-my-upgrade","namespace":"cattle-system","creationTimestamp":null},"data":{"cloud-config":""}}'
    name: Secret-cattle-system-os-upgrader-my-upgrade-a997ee6a67ef.yaml
  - content: '{"kind":"Plan","apiVersion":"","metadata":{"name":"os-upgrader-my-upgrade","namespace":"cattle-system","creationTimestamp":null},"spec":{"concurrency":1,"nodeSelector":{},"serviceAccountName":"os-upgrader-my-upgrade","version":"latest","secrets":[{"name":"os-upgrader-my-upgrade","path":"/run/data"}],"tolerations":[{"operator":"Exists"}],"cordon":true,"upgrade":{"image":"","command":["/usr/sbin/suc-upgrade"]}},"status":{}}'
    name: Plan-cattle-system-os-upgrader-my-upgrade-273c2c09afca.yaml
  - clusterName: my-cluster

SUSE® Rancher Prime OS Manager Cluster side

Any SUSE® Rancher Prime OS Manager node correctly registered and part of the target cluster will fetch the bundle and start applying it.
This operation is performed by the Rancher’s system-upgrade-controller running on the SUSE® Rancher Prime OS Manager Cluster.
To monitor the correct operation of this controller, you can read its logs:

kubectl -n cattle-system logs deployment/system-upgrade-controller

If everything is correct, the system-upgrade-controller will create an upgrade Plan on the cluster:

kubectl -n cattle-system get plans

For each Plan, the controller will orchestrate the jobs that will apply it on each targeted node.
The job names will use the Plan name (os-upgrader-my-upgrade) and the target machine hostname (my-host) for easy discoverability.
For example: apply-os-upgrader-my-upgrade-on-my-host-7a25e
You can monitor these jobs with:

kubectl -n cattle-system get jobs

Each job will use a privileged: true container with the SLE Micro image specified in the ManagedOSImage definition. This container will try to upgrade the system and perform a reboot.

If the job fails, you can check its status by examining the logs:

kubectl -n cattle-system logs job.batch/apply-os-upgrader-my-upgrade-on-my-host-7a25e
Two stages job process

Note that the upgrade process is performed in two stages.
You will notice that the same job is ran twice and the first one ends with the Uknown Status and will not complete.
This is to be expected, as SUSE® Rancher Prime OS Manager relies on the job to be ran again after the machine restarts, so that it can verify the new version was installed correctly.
You will notice a second run of the job, this time completing correctly.

kubectl -n cattle-system get jobs
NAMESPACE       NAME                                            COMPLETIONS   DURATION   AGE
cattle-system   apply-os-upgrader-my-upgrade-on-my-host-0b392   1/1           2m34s      6m23s
cattle-system   apply-os-upgrader-my-upgrade-on-my-host-7a25e   0/1           6m23s      6m23s
kubectl -n cattle-system get pods
NAME                                            READY   STATUS      RESTARTS      AGE
apply-os-upgrader-my-upgrade-on-my-host-zbkrh   0/1     Completed   0             9m40s
apply-os-upgrader-my-upgrade-on-my-host-zvrff   0/1     Unknown     0             12m