This guide supports administrators in problem detection, resolution and optimization.
- Preface
- I Basics
- II System monitoring
- III Kernel monitoring
- IV Resource management
- V Kernel tuning
- VI Handling system dumps
- VII Synchronized clocks with Precision Time Protocol
- A GNU licenses
- 2.1
output on a lightly used machine - 2.2
output on a heavily used machine (CPU bound) - 3.1 Example for
- 4.1 Simple SystemTap script
- 4.2 Probe with timer event
- 4.3
Function with format specifiers - 4.4 Using global variables
- 4.5 Monitoring incoming TCP connections with
- 12.1 Example output of
cpupower frequency-info
- 12.2 Example output of
cpupower idle-info
- 12.3 Example
cpupower monitor
output - 13.1 Creating and applying a profile hook
- 13.2 Custom hook script to handle specific tasks before applying the custom profile
- 13.3 TuneD profile with custom script path
- 13.4 Default global TuneD configuration
- 13.5 Merging
TuneD profiles - 13.6 Merged configuration for
TuneD profiles - 13.7 Automatic reload of kernel modules by TuneD
- 13.8 TuneD plug-in configuration for CPU-intensive workload
- 13.9 TuneD plug-in configuration for optimal audio performance
- 13.10
plug-in configuration in a TuneD profile - 13.11 Using dynamic variables for plug-in configurations in a TuneD profile
- 13.12 Sample configuration for the
plug-in in a TuneD profile - 13.13
plug-in configuration in a TuneD profile - 13.14
plug-in configuration in a TuneD profile - 13.15 Using variables for including a relative script path in a TuneD profile
- 13.16
plug-in configuration in a TuneD profile - 13.17
plug-in configuration in a TuneD profile - 13.18
plug-in configuration in a TuneD profile - 13.19
plug-in configuration in a TuneD profile - 18.1 Checking Parameters
- 22.1 Slave clock using software time stamping
- 22.2 Slave clock using hardware time stamping
- 22.3 Master clock using hardware time stamping
- 22.4 Master clock using software time stamping (not generally recommended)
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