Rancher Setup

Installing Rancher

If you’re already running Rancher, you can skip this section and jump to Install SUSE® Rancher Prime Cluster API.

Helm is the recommended way to install Rancher in an existing or new Kubernetes cluster.

Make sure to follow one of the official installation guides for Rancher.

Here’s a minimal configuration example of a command to install Rancher:

helm install rancher rancher-stable/rancher
    --namespace cattle-system
    --set hostname=<rancher-hostname>
    --version <rancher-version>

Replace <rancher-hostname> with the actual hostname of your Rancher server and use the --version option to specify the version of Rancher you want to install. In this case, use the recommended Rancher version for SUSE® Rancher Prime Cluster API.

You are now ready to install and use SUSE® Rancher Prime Cluster API! 🎉