Patch Details

The Patches  Patch List  Patch Details section displays the details of a selected patch. Click the advisory number of a patch in the Patch List to see more information about the patch.

This section is divided into tabs.

1. 세부 사항

The Details tab shows the patch report provided by SUSE.

In the Affected Channels section, all channels that contain the affected package are listed. Click the channel name to go to Software  Channel Details.

For security patches, additional information is shown about the vulnerability, including the CVE and OVAL details.

If available, the original advisory provided by the vendor of the patch is shown in the section Vendor Advisory.

For more information about SUSE Update Advisories, see

2. 패키지

The Packages tab provides links to each of the updated packages by channel. Click the name of a package to go to Software  Channel Details.

3. 영향을 받는 시스템

The Affected Systems tab provides a list of installed clients that the patch affects. You can install updates from this tab.

Click the name of a client to go to Systems  System Details.

Each client in the list shows the current status of the patch on that client. This column identifies only the most recent action. Click the name of a status in the list to go to the Action Details page.

Table 1. Client Update Status Icons
Description Action Required N/A

Check the status manually.


The client will be updated at the next synchronization.

Picked Up

The client is in the progress of updating.


The client successfully installed the patch.


The client attempted to install the patch, but encountered an error.