1 Getting started #
SUSE—together with the cloud service providers—offers different products and plans to cater to a variety of use cases. Find out which works best for you.
1.1 Products #
The following SUSE products are available for public cloud:
To constantly adjust and improve SUSE's offerings, availability of products and versions is subject to change and may differ between cloud frameworks.
1.2 Cloud service providers #
SUSE publishes product images in the following cloud service provider (CSP) frameworks:
Amazon Web Services
Microsoft Azure
Google Cloud
SUSE images are also available in other providers' frameworks. These images are generally created and published by the provider.
Please note that this list may change. If you are interested in becoming a SUSE partner, visit https://www.suse.com/partners/cloud-service-providers/ for more information.
1.3 Plans #
SUSE—together with the cloud service providers—offers different plans to cater to a variety of use cases. While details differ depending on the cloud framework, usually there are two types of subscriptions.
- Bring your own subscription (BYOS)
Bring your own subscription
(BYOS) images are useful if you already have a support contract with SUSE and want to move your workloads to the public cloud. An instance launched from a BYOS image is equivalent to a physical machine that just received a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server installation from the SLES installation image. After creation, useregistercloudguest
to register the instance with the SUSE-operated update infrastructure in the cloud framework or use theSUSEConnect
to register the system with SUSE Customer Center using the entitlements you already have. Connect your system to your own running RMT or SUSE Manager infrastructure in the same way you connect systems in your data center.BYOS instances make it easier to manage extensions such as LTSS or kernel live-patching. Extensions for PAYG instances can only be used in conjunction with SUSE Manager.
- Pay as you go (PAYG)
Pay as you go
(PAYG) images are used to create on-demand instances. When an instance is first booted, it automatically registers with a local update server. Once the system finishes booting, it is ready to use.Create an instance when you need it and delete it when you are done. While in use, you have access to updates from SUSE through the automatically configured repositories. You only pay for the resources you use. Upcharges over the basic cloud prices may apply, depending on the image and framework.
PAYG instances include support through the cloud service provider or priority support from SUSE For details, refer to Section 1.4, “Support”.
In summary, if you already have a direct relationship with SUSE you generally want to start out with BYOS. You can still use PAYG for on-demand excess capacity.
Plan |
Bring your own subscription (BYOS) |
Pay as you go (PAYG) |
Customer relationship |
with CSP and SUSE |
with CSP |
Pricing |
per instance and license |
per use |
Registration |
with a local update server, your RMT or SUSE Manager infrastructure, or directly with the SUSE Customer Center |
with a local update server upon instance creation |
Support |
full support by SUSE |
by CSP; by SUSE only for SUSE Marketplace listings, meaning listings where the seller in the listing is SUSE |
Extended ESPOS1 or LTSS2 support |
available |
only if included in image base product |
Extensions |
no limitations |
only with SUSE Manager |
1 ESPOS: Extended Service Pack Overlay Support |
2 LTSS: Long-Term Service Pack Support |
Switching from BYOS to PAYG or vice-versa is only possible on Microsoft Azure
through the Hybrid Benefit
program. For all other cloud
providers, you remain on the plan you initially selected for as long as the
instance is running. The only way to switch plans is to start with the
other image and rebuild your system.
For more information on the Microsoft Azure Hybrid Benefit program, refer to https://azure.microsoft.com/pricing/hybrid-benefit/.
Registering PAYG instances with the SUSE Customer Center or your own RMT server will create conflicts that are not easily solved. Only register BYOS instances. PAYG instances are automatically registered against the correct update server.
1.4 Support #
Regardless of the public cloud you use and the plan you choose, SUSE has you covered with support. Support is dependent on whether you "bring your own subscription" (BYOS) or you use SUSE Linux Enterprise "on-demand" (PAYG). For more information about BYOS and PAYG, refer to Section 1.3, “Plans”.
BYOS instances are supported by SUSE under the terms of your SUSE subscription. For an overview of SUSE's support subscriptions, refer to https://www.suse.com/support/.
Regular PAYG instances include support through the cloud service provider which in turn is supported by SUSE. If you have a problem, always contact your CSP for assistance. They provide first and second level support, and will work with SUSE for L3 support as required.
Note: Microsoft Azure basic imagesMicrosoft Azure also offers a basic PAYG image that only includes updates. Instances created from this image are not eligible for support.
- PAYG with SUSE Priority Support
SUSE offers 24x7 priority support for the PAYG versions of the following products:
SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro
SUSE Manager
Rancher Prime
NeuVector Prime
You can transact priority support through the Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure marketplaces, where you will see two different listings: A global one and one for
EMEA Orders Only
. Two listings are needed as there are different regulations to comply with, but the images and the support offering are identical. Select the correct listing for your organization's CSP account:For Amazon Web Services, it depends on the
tax address
of the account, see https://aws.amazon.com/tax-help/location.For Microsoft Azure, it depends on the
sold to
address of the account, see https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/cost-management-billing/manage/change-azure-account-profile.For Google Cloud, it depends on the
billing country
of the account, see https://support.google.com/cloudidentity/answer/3530790.
For a complete list of countries that are eligble to transact priority support through the CSP's marketplaces, and the correct listing for each country, refer to Appendix B, Geographical availability.
Important: Other countriesIf the billing or tax address of your organization's CSP account is located in a country not listed in Appendix B, Geographical availability, you currently cannot transact priority support through the CSP's marketplaces.
SUSE is committed to making priority support available in more countries. In the meantime, you can still use SUSE PAYG products with regular support from the CSP. If you want support by SUSE, use a BYOS version.
For more information, refer to the SUSE Technical Support Policy and the support statement for SUSE Linux Enterprise in Appendix A, Support.
For information on how to contact the SUSE support team and report problems, refer to the SUSE Technical Support Guide.
1.5 Supported instance types #
To find out what types of instances are supported by each provider, refer to the SUSE Public Cloud Instance Support Matrix. Select your SUSE Linux Enterprise product and your cloud provider to see a list of supported instance types.