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documentation.suse.com / SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Documentation / Administration Guide / Common tasks / YaST in text mode
Applies to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4

4 YaST in text mode

The ncurses-based pseudo-graphical YaST interface is designed primarily to help system administrators to manage systems without an X server. The interface offers several advantages compared to the conventional GUI. You can navigate the ncurses interface using the keyboard, and there are keyboard shortcuts for practically all interface elements. The ncurses interface is light on resources, and runs fast even on modest hardware. You can run the ncurses-based version of YaST via an SSH connection, so you can administer remote systems. Keep in mind that the minimum supported size of the terminal emulator in which to run YaST is 80x25 characters.

Main window of YaST in text mode
Figure 4.1: Main window of YaST in text mode

To launch the ncurses-based version of YaST, open the terminal and run the sudo yast2 command. Use the →| or arrow keys to navigate between interface elements like menu items, fields, and buttons. All menu items and buttons in YaST can be accessed using the appropriate function keys or keyboard shortcuts. For example, you can cancel the current operation by pressing F9, while the F10 key can be used to accept the changes. Each menu item and button in YaST's ncurses-based interface has a highlighted letter in its label. This letter is part of the keyboard shortcut assigned to the interface element. For example, the letter Q is highlighted in the Quit button. This means that you can activate the button by pressing AltAlt+Q.

Tip: Refreshing YaST dialogs

If a YaST dialog gets corrupted or distorted (for example, while resizing the window), press CtrlL to refresh and restore its contents.

4.1 Navigation in modules

The following description of the control elements in the YaST modules assumes that all function keys and Alt key combinations work and are not assigned to different global functions. Read Section 4.3, “Restriction of key combinations” for information about possible exceptions.

Moving between buttons and selection lists

Use →| to move between the buttons and frames containing selection lists. To navigate in the opposite direction, use Alt→| or Shift→| combinations.

Navigating in selection lists

Use the arrow keys ( and ) to move through the individual elements in an active frame containing a selection list. If individual entries are longer than the frame's width, use Shift or Shift to scroll horizontally. If the arrow key causes the selection to move to another frame, use CtrlE or CtrlA instead.

Working with buttons, radio buttons, and check boxes

To select items with empty square brackets (check boxes) or empty parentheses (radio buttons), press Space or Enter. Alternatively, radio buttons and check boxes can be selected directly with Althighlighted_letter. In this case, you do not need to confirm with Enter. If you navigate to an item with →|, press Enter to execute the selected action or activate the respective menu item.

Function keys

The function keys (from F1 to F12) enable quick access to the various buttons. Available function key combinations (FX) are shown in the bottom line of the YaST screen. Which function keys are actually mapped to which buttons depend on the active YaST module, because the different modules offer different buttons (Details, Info, Add, Delete, etc.). Use F10 for Accept, OK, Next, and Finish. Press F1 to access the YaST help.

Using the navigation tree

Some YaST modules use a navigation tree in the left part of the window to select configuration dialogs. Use the arrow keys ( and ) to navigate in the tree. Use Space to open or close tree items. In the ncurses mode, Enter must be pressed after a selection in the navigation tree to show the selected dialog. This is an intentional behavior to save time-consuming redraws when browsing through the navigation tree.

Selecting software in the software installation module

Use the filters on the left side to list packages matching the specified string. Installed packages are marked with the letter i. To change the status of a package, press Space or Enter. Alternatively, use the Actions menu to select the needed status change (install, delete, update, taboo, or lock).

The software installation module
Figure 4.2: The software installation module

4.2 Advanced key combinations

The ncurses-based version of YaST offers several advanced key combinations.


List advanced hotkeys.


Change color schema.


Quit the application.


Refresh screen.


List advanced hotkeys.


Dump dialog to the log file as a screenshot.


Open YDialogSpy to see the widget hierarchy.

4.3 Restriction of key combinations

If your window manager uses global Alt combinations, the Alt combinations in YaST might not work. Keys like Alt or Shift can also be occupied by the settings of the terminal.

Using Alt instead of Esc

Alt shortcuts can be executed with Esc instead of Alt. For example, EscH replaces AltH. (Press Esc, then press H.)

Backward and forward navigation with CtrlF and CtrlB

If the Alt and Shift combinations are taken over by the window manager or the terminal, use the combinations CtrlF (forward) and CtrlB (backward) instead.

Restriction of function keys

The function keys (F1 ... F12) are also used for functions. Certain function keys might be taken over by the terminal and may not be available for YaST. However, the Alt key combinations and function keys should always be fully available on a text-only console.

4.4 YaST command line options

Besides the text mode interface, YaST provides a command line interface. To get a list of YaST command line options, use the following command:

> sudo yast -h

4.4.1 Installing packages from the command line

If you know the package name, and the package is provided by an active installation repository, you can use the command line option -i to install the package:

> sudo yast -i package_name


> sudo yast --install -i package_name

package_name can be a single short package name (for example gvim) installed with dependency checking, or the full path to an RPM package, which is installed without dependency checking.

While YaST offers basic functionality for managing software from the command line, consider using Zypper for more advanced package management tasks. Find more information on using Zypper in Section 9.1, “Using Zypper”.

4.4.2 Working with individual modules

To save time, you can start individual YaST modules using the following command:

> sudo yast module_name

View a list of all modules available on your system with yast -l or yast --list.

4.4.3 Command line parameters of YaST modules

To use YaST functionality in scripts, YaST provides command line support for individual modules. However, not all modules have command line support. To display the available options of a module, use the following command:

> sudo yast module_name help

If a module does not provide command line support, it is started in a text mode with the following message:

This YaST module does not support the command line interface.

The following sections describe all YaST modules with command line support, along with a brief explanation of all their commands and available options. Common YaST module commands

All YaST modules support the following commands:


Lists all the module's supported commands with their description:

> sudo yast lan help

Same as help, but adds a detailed list of all command's options and their descriptions:

> sudo yast lan longhelp

Same as longhelp, but the output is structured as an XML document and redirected to a file:

> sudo yast lan xmlhelp xmlfile=/tmp/yast_lan.xml

Enters the interactive mode. This lets you run the module's commands without prefixing them with sudo yast. Use exit to leave the interactive mode. yast add-on

Adds a new add-on product from the specified path:

 > sudo yast add-on http://server.name/directory/Lang-AddOn-CD1/

You can use the following protocols to specify the source path: http:// ftp:// nfs:// disk:// cd:// or dvd://. yast audit-laf

Displays and configures the Linux Audit Framework. Refer to the Part VII, “The Linux Audit Framework” for more details. yast audit-laf accepts the following commands:


Sets an option:

> sudo yast audit-laf set log_file=/tmp/audit.log

For a complete list of options, run yast audit-laf set help.


Displays settings of an option:

> sudo yast audit-laf show diskspace
space_left: 75
space_left_action: SYSLOG
admin_space_left: 50
admin_space_left_action: SUSPEND
action_mail_acct: root
disk_full_action: SUSPEND
disk_error_action: SUSPEND

For a complete list of options, run yast audit-laf show help. yast dhcp-server

Manages the DHCP server and configures its settings. yast dhcp-server accepts the following commands:


Disables the DHCP server service.


Enables the DHCP server service.


Configures settings for individual hosts.


Specifies to which network interface to listen to:

> sudo yast dhcp-server interface current
Selected Interfaces: eth0
Other Interfaces: bond0, pbu, eth1

For a complete list of options, run yast dhcp-server interface help.


Manages global DHCP options. For a complete list of options, run yast dhcp-server options help.


Prints the status of the DHCP service.


Manages the DHCP subnet options. For a complete list of options, run yast dhcp-server subnet help. yast dns-server

Manages the DNS server configuration. yast dns-server accepts the following commands:


Displays access control list settings:

 > sudo yast dns-server acls show
  Name       Type        Value
  any        Predefined
  localips   Predefined
  localnets  Predefined
  none       Predefined

Configures zone resource records:

> sudo yast dnsrecord add zone=example.org query=office.example.org type=NS value=ns3

For a complete list of options, run yast dns-server dnsrecord help.


Configures DNS forwarders:

> sudo yast dns-server forwarders add ip=
> sudo yast dns-server forwarders show
Forwarder IP

For a complete list of options, run yast dns-server forwarders help.


Handles 'A' and its related 'PTR' record at once:

> sudo yast dns-server host show zone=example.org

For a complete list of options, run yast dns-server host help.


Configures logging settings:

> sudo yast dns-server logging set updates=no transfers=yes

For a complete list of options, run yast dns-server logging help.


Configures zone mail servers:

> sudo yast dns-server mailserver add zone=example.org mx=mx1 priority=100

For a complete list of options, run yast dns-server mailserver help.


Configures zone name servers:

> sudo yast dns-server nameserver add zone=example.com ns=ns1

For a complete list of options, run yast dns-server nameserver help.


Configures the start of authority (SOA) record:

> sudo yast dns-server soa set zone=example.org serial=2006081623 ttl=2D3H20S

For a complete list of options, run yast dns-server soa help.


Manages the DNS server service:

> sudo yast dns-server startup atboot

For a complete list of options, run yast dns-server startup help.


Configures zone transport rules. For a complete list of options, run yast dns-server transport help.


Manages DNS zones:

> sudo yast dns-server zones add name=example.org zonetype=master

For a complete list of options, run yast dns-server zones help. yast disk

Prints information about all disks or partitions. The only supported command is list followed by either of the following options:


Lists all configured disks in the system:

> sudo yast disk list disks
Device   | Size       | FS Type | Mount Point | Label | Model
/dev/sda | 119.24 GiB |         |             |       | SSD 840
/dev/sdb |  60.84 GiB |         |             |       | WD1003FBYX-0

Lists all partitions in the system:

> sudo yast disk list partitions
Device         | Size       | FS Type | Mount Point | Label | Model
/dev/sda1      |   1.00 GiB | Ext2    | /boot       |       |
/dev/sdb1      |   1.00 GiB | Swap    | swap        |       |
/dev/sdc1      | 698.64 GiB | XFS     | /mnt/extra  |       |
/dev/vg00/home | 580.50 GiB | Ext3    | /home       |       |
/dev/vg00/root | 100.00 GiB | Ext3    | /           |       |
[...] yast ftp-server

Configures FTP server settings. yast ftp-server accepts the following options:


Controls secure connections via SSL and TLS. SSL options are valid for the vsftpd only.

> sudo yast ftp-server SSL enable
> sudo yast ftp-server TLS disable

Configures access permissions:

> sudo yast ftp-server access authen_only

For a complete list of options, run yast ftp-server access help.


Configures access permissions for anonymous users:

> sudo yast ftp-server anon_access can_upload

For a complete list of options, run yast ftp-server anon_access help.


Specifies the directory for anonymous users. The directory must already exist on the server:

> sudo yast ftp-server anon_dir set_anon_dir=/srv/ftp

For a complete list of options, run yast ftp-server anon_dir help.


Controls change root environment (chroot):

> sudo yast ftp-server chroot enable
> sudo yast ftp-server chroot disable

Sets the maximum idle time in minutes before FTP server terminates the current connection:

> sudo yast ftp-server idle-time set_idle_time=15

Determines whether to save the log messages into a log file:

> sudo yast ftp-server logging enable
> sudo yast ftp-server logging disable

Specifies the maximum number of concurrently connected clients:

> sudo yast ftp-server max_clients set_max_clients=1500

Specifies the maximum number of concurrently connected clients via IP:

> sudo yast ftp-server max_clients_ip set_max_clients=20

Specifies the maximum data transfer rate permitted for anonymous clients (KB/s):

> sudo yast ftp-server max_rate_anon set_max_rate=10000

Specifies the maximum data transfer rate permitted for locally authenticated users (KB/s):

> sudo yast ftp-server max_rate_authen set_max_rate=10000

Specifies the port range for passive connection replies:

> sudo yast ftp-server port_range set_min_port=20000 set_max_port=30000

For a complete list of options, run yast ftp-server port_range help.


Displays FTP server settings.


Controls the FTP start-up method:

> sudo yast ftp-server startup atboot

For a complete list of options, run yast ftp-server startup help.


Specifies the file umask for authenticated:anonymous users:

> sudo yast ftp-server umask set_umask=177:077

Specifies the text to display when someone connects to the FTP server:

> sudo yast ftp-server welcome_message set_message="hello everybody" yast http-server

Configures the HTTP server (Apache2). yast http-server accepts the following commands:


Configures the HTTP server host settings:

> sudo yast http-server configure host=main servername=www.example.com \

For a complete list of options, run yast http-server configure help.


Configures virtual hosts:

> sudo yast http-server hosts create servername=www.example.com \
 serveradmin=admin@example.com documentroot=/var/www

For a complete list of options, run yast http-server hosts help.


Specifies the ports and network addresses where the HTTP server should listen:

> sudo yast http-server listen add=81
> sudo yast http-server listen list
Listen Statements:
> sudo yast http-server delete=80

For a complete list of options, run yast http-server listen help.


Enables or disables the wizard mode:

> sudo yast http-server mode wizard=on

Controls the Apache2 server modules:

> sudo yast http-server modules enable=php5,rewrite
> sudo yast http-server modules disable=ssl
> sudo http-server modules list
Enabled rewrite
Disabled ssl
Enabled php5
[...] yast kdump

Configures kdump settings. For more information on kdump, refer to the Section 20.7, “Basic Kdump configuration”. yast kdump accepts the following commands:


Copies the kernel into the dump directory.


Specifies the kernel_string part of the name of the custom kernel. The naming scheme is /boot/vmlinu[zx]-kernel_string[.gz].

> sudo yast kdump customkernel kernel=kdump

For a complete list of options, run yast kdump customkernel help.


Specifies the (compression) format of the dump kernel image. Available formats are 'none', 'ELF', 'compressed', or 'lzo':

> sudo yast kdump dumpformat dump_format=ELF

Specifies the dump level number in the range from 0 to 31:

> sudo yast kdump dumplevel dump_level=24

Specifies the destination for saving dump images:

> sudo kdump dumptarget taget=ssh server=name_server port=22 \
 dir=/var/log/dump user=user_name

For a complete list of options, run yast kdump dumptarget help.


Controls whether the system should reboot immediately after saving the core in the kdump kernel:

> sudo yast kdump immediatereboot enable
> sudo yast kdump immediatereboot disable

Specifies how many old dump images are kept. Specify zero to keep them all:

> sudo yast kdump keepolddumps no=5

Specifies the command line that needs to be passed off to the kdump kernel:

> sudo yast kdump kernelcommandline command="ro root=LABEL=/"

Specifies the command line that you need to append to the default command line string:

> sudo yast kdump kernelcommandlineappend command="ro root=LABEL=/"

Specifies an e-mail address for sending copies of notification messages:

> sudo yast kdump notificationcc email="user1@example.com user2@example.com"

Specifies an e-mail address for sending notification messages:

> sudo yast kdump notificationto email="user1@example.com user2@example.com"

Displays kdump settings:

> sudo yast kdump show
Kdump is disabled
Dump Level: 31
Dump Format: compressed
Dump Target Settings
target: file
file directory: /var/crash
Kdump immediate reboots: Enabled
Numbers of old dumps: 5

Specifies the file with the plain text SMTP password used for sending notification messages:

> sudo yast kdump smtppass pass=/path/to/file

Specifies the SMTP server host name used for sending notification messages:

> sudo yast kdump smtpserver server=smtp.server.com

Specifies the SMTP user name used for sending notification messages:

> sudo yast kdump smtpuser user=smtp_user

Enables or disables start-up options:

> sudo yast kdump startup enable alloc_mem=128,256
> sudo yast kdump startup disable yast keyboard

Configures the system keyboard for virtual consoles. It does not affect the keyboard settings in graphical desktop environments, such as GNOME or KDE. yast keyboard accepts the following commands:


Lists all available keyboard layouts.


Activates new keyboard layout setting:

> sudo yast keyboard set layout=czech

Displays the current keyboard configuration. yast lan

Configures network cards. yast lan accepts the following commands:


Configures a new network card:

> sudo yast lan add name=vlan50 ethdevice=eth0 bootproto=dhcp

For a complete list of options, run yast lan add help.


Deletes an existing network card:

> sudo yast lan delete id=0

Changes the configuration of an existing network card:

> sudo yast lan edit id=0 bootproto=dhcp

Displays a summary of network card configuration:

> sudo yast lan list
id name,           bootproto
0 Ethernet Card 0, NONE
1 Network Bridge,  DHCP yast language

Configures system languages. yast language accepts the following commands:


Lists all available languages.


Specifies the main system languages and secondary languages:

> sudo yast language set lang=cs_CZ languages=en_US,es_ES no_packages yast mail

Displays the configuration of the mail system:

> sudo yast mail summary yast nfs

Controls the NFS client. yast nfs accepts the following commands:


Adds a new NFS mount:

> sudo yast nfs add spec=remote_host:/path/to/nfs/share file=/local/mount/point

For a complete list of options, run yast nfs add help.


Deletes an existing NFS mount:

> sudo yast nfs delete spec=remote_host:/path/to/nfs/share file=/local/mount/point

For a complete list of options, run yast nfs delete help.


Changes an existing NFS mount:

> sudo yast nfs edit spec=remote_host:/path/to/nfs/share \
 file=/local/mount/point type=nfs4

For a complete list of options, run yast nfs edit help.


Lists existing NFS mounts:

> sudo yast nfs list
Server            Remote File System    Mount Point    Options
nfs.example.com   /mnt                  /nfs/mnt       nfs
nfs.example.com   /home/tux/nfs_share   /nfs/tux       nfs yast nfs-server

Configures the NFS server. yast nfs-server accepts the following commands:


Adds a directory to export:

> sudo yast nfs-server add mountpoint=/nfs/export hosts=*.allowed_hosts.com

For a complete list of options, run yast nfs-server add help.


Deletes a directory from the NFS export:

 > sudo yast nfs-server delete mountpoint=/nfs/export

Specifies additional parameters for the NFS server:

> sudo yast nfs-server set enablev4=yes security=yes

For a complete list of options, run yast nfs-server set help.


Starts the NFS server service:

> sudo yast nfs-server start

Stops the NFS server service:

> sudo yast nfs-server stop

Displays a summary of the NFS server configuration:

> sudo yast nfs-server summary
NFS server is enabled
NFS Exports
* /mnt
* /home

NFSv4 support is enabled.
The NFSv4 domain for idmapping is localdomain.
NFS Security using GSS is enabled. yast nis

Configures the NIS client. yast nis accepts the following commands:


Changes global settings of a NIS client:

> sudo yast nis configure server=nis.example.com broadcast=yes

For a complete list of options, run yast nis configure help.


Disables the NIS client:

> sudo yast nis disable

Enables your machine as NIS client:

> sudo yast nis enable server=nis.example.com broadcast=yes automounter=yes

For a complete list of options, run yast nis enable help.


Shows available NIS servers for a given domain:

> sudo yast nis find domain=nisdomain.com

Displays a configuration summary of a NIS client. yast nis-server

Configures a NIS server. yast nis-server accepts the following commands:


Configures a NIS master server:

> sudo yast nis-server master domain=nisdomain.com yppasswd=yes

For a complete list of options, run yast nis-server master help.


Configures a NIS worker server:

> sudo yast nis-server slave domain=nisdomain.com master_ip=

For a complete list of options, run yast nis-server slave help.


Stops a NIS server:

> sudo yast nis-server stop

Displays a configuration summary of a NIS server:

> sudo yast nis-server summary yast proxy

Configures proxy settings. yast proxy accepts the following commands:


Specifies the authentication options for proxy:

> sudo yast proxy authentication username=tux password=secret

For a complete list of options, run yast proxy authentication help.

enable, disable

Enables or disables proxy settings.


Changes the current proxy settings:

> sudo yast proxy set https=proxy.example.com

For a complete list of options, run yast proxy set help.


Displays proxy settings. yast rdp

Controls remote desktop settings. yast rdp accepts the following commands:


Allows remote access to the server's desktop:

> sudo yast rdp allow set=yes

Displays the remote desktop configuration summary. yast samba-client

Configures the Samba client settings. yast samba-client accepts the following commands:


Changes global settings of Samba:

> sudo yast samba-client configure workgroup=FAMILY

Checks whether the machine is a member of a domain:

> sudo yast samba-client isdomainmember domain=SMB_DOMAIN

Makes the machine a member of a domain:

> sudo yast samba-client joindomain domain=SMB_DOMAIN user=username password=pwd

Enables or disables Winbind services (the winbindd daemon):

> sudo yast samba-client winbind enable
> sudo yast samba-client winbind disable yast samba-server

Configures Samba server settings. yast samba-server accepts the following commands:


Specifies the back-end for storing user information:

> sudo yast samba-server backend smbpasswd

For a complete list of options, run yast samba-server backend help.


Configures global settings of the Samba server:

> sudo yast samba-server configure workgroup=FAMILY description='Home server'

For a complete list of options, run yast samba-server configure help.


Displays a list of available shares:

> sudo yast samba-server list
Status     Type Name
Disabled   Disk profiles
Enabled    Disk print$
Enabled    Disk homes
Disabled   Disk groups
Enabled    Disk movies
Enabled    Printer printers

Specifies the role of the Samba server:

> sudo yast samba-server role standalone

For a complete list of options, run yast samba-server role help.


Enables or disables the Samba services (smb and nmb):

> sudo yast samba-server service enable
> sudo yast samba-server service disable

Manipulates a single Samba share:

> sudo yast samba-server share name=movies browseable=yes guest_ok=yes

For a complete list of options, run yast samba-server share help. yast security

Controls the security level of the host. yast security accepts the following commands:


Specifies the security level of the host:

> sudo yast security level server

For a complete list of options, run yast security level help.


Sets the value of a specific option:

> sudo yast security set passwd=sha512 crack=yes

For a complete list of options, run yast security set help.


Displays a summary of the current security configuration:

sudoyast security summary yast sound

Configures sound card settings. yast sound accepts the following commands:


Configures a new sound card. Without any parameters, the command adds the first detected card.

> sudo yast sound add card=0 volume=75

For a complete list of options, run yast sound add help.


Lists available volume channels of a sound card:

> sudo yast sound channels card=0
Master 75
PCM 100

Lists all available sound kernel modules:

> sudo yast sound modules
snd-atiixp ATI IXP AC97 controller (snd-atiixp)
snd-atiixp-modem ATI IXP MC97 controller (snd-atiixp-modem)
snd-virtuoso Asus Virtuoso driver (snd-virtuoso)

Plays a test sound on a sound card:

> sudo yast sound playtest card=0

Removes a configured sound card:

> sudo yast sound remove card=0
> sudo yast sound remove all

Specifies new values for a sound card:

> sudo yast sound set card=0 volume=80

Displays detailed information about a sound card:

> sudo yast sound show card=0
Parameters of card 'ThinkPad X240' (using module snd-hda-intel):

 Force buffer and period sizes to be multiple of 128 bytes.
 BDL position adjustment offset.
 Select HDA Beep registration mode (0=off, 1=on) (default=1).
 Default Value: 0
 Enable Message Signaled Interrupt (MSI)

Prints a configuration summary for all sound cards on the system:

> sudo yast sound summary

Specifies the volume level of a sound card:

sudoyast sound volume card=0 play yast sysconfig

Controls the variables in files under /etc/sysconfig. yast sysconfig accepts the following commands:


Sets empty value to a variable:

> sudo yast sysconfig clear=POSTFIX_LISTEN
Tip: Variable in multiple files

If the variable is available in several files, use the VARIABLE_NAME$FILE_NAME syntax:

> sudo yast sysconfig clear=CONFIG_TYPE$/etc/sysconfig/mail

Displays detailed information about a variable:

> sudo yast sysconfig details variable=POSTFIX_LISTEN
File: /etc/sysconfig/postfix
Possible Values: Any value
Default Value:
Configuration Script: postfix
 Comma separated list of IP's
 NOTE: If not set, LISTEN on all interfaces

Displays summary of modified variables. Use all to list all variables and their values:

> sudo yast sysconfig list all

Sets a value for a variable:

> sudo yast sysconfig set DISPLAYMANAGER=gdm
Tip: Variable in multiple files

If the variable is available in several files, use the VARIABLE_NAME$FILE_NAME syntax:

> sudo yast sysconfig set CONFIG_TYPE$/etc/sysconfig/mail=advanced yast tftp-server

Configures a TFTP server. yast tftp-server accepts the following commands:


Specifies the directory of the TFTP server:

> sudo yast tftp-server directory path=/srv/tftp
> sudo yast tftp-server directory list
Directory Path: /srv/tftp

Controls the status of the TFTP server service:

> sudo yast tftp-server status disable
> sudo yast tftp-server status show
Service Status: false
> sudo yast tftp-server status enable yast timezone

Configures the time zone. yast timezone accepts the following commands:


Lists all available time zones grouped by region:

> sudo yast timezone list
Region: Africa
Africa/Abidjan (Abidjan)
Africa/Accra (Accra)
Africa/Addis_Ababa (Addis Ababa)

Specifies new values for the time zone configuration:

> sudo yast timezone set timezone=Europe/Prague hwclock=local

Displays the time zone configuration summary:

> sudo yast timezone summary
Current Time Zone: Europe/Prague
Hardware Clock Set To: Local time
Current Time and Date: Mon 12. March 2018, 11:36:21 CET yast users

Manages user accounts. yast users accepts the following commands:


Adds a new user:

> sudo yast users add username=user1 password=secret home=/home/user1

For a complete list of options, run yast users add help.


Deletes an existing user account:

> sudo yast users delete username=user1 delete_home

For a complete list of options, run yast users delete help.


Changes an existing user account:

> sudo yast users edit username=user1 password=new_secret

For a complete list of options, run yast users edit help.


Lists existing users filtered by user type:

> sudo yast users list system

For a complete list of options, run yast users list help.


Displays details about a user:

> sudo yast users show username=wwwrun
Full Name: WWW daemon apache
List of Groups: www
Default Group: wwwrun
Home Directory: /var/lib/wwwrun
Login Shell: /sbin/nologin
Login Name: wwwrun
UID: 456

For a complete list of options, run yast users show help.