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documentation.suse.com / SUSE Edge Documentation / Day 2 Operations / Management Cluster

24 Management Cluster

This section covers how to do various Day 2 operations on a management cluster.

24.1 RKE2 upgrade


To ensure disaster recovery, we advise to do a backup of the RKE2 cluster data. For information on how to do this, check here. The default location for the rke2 binary is /opt/rke2/bin.

You can upgrade the RKE2 version using the RKE2 installation script as follows:

curl -sfL https://get.rke2.io | INSTALL_RKE2_VERSION=vX.Y.Z+rke2rN sh -

Remember to restart the rke2 process after installing:

# For server nodes:
systemctl restart rke2-server

# For agent nodes:
systemctl restart rke2-agent

To avoid any unforseen upgrade problems, use the following node upgrade order:

  1. Server nodes - should be upgraded one node at a time.

  2. Agent nodes - should be upgraded after all server node upgrades have finished. Can be upgraded in parallel.

For further information, see the RKE2 upgrade documentation.

24.2 OS upgrade


This section assumes that you have registered your system to https://scc.suse.com.

SUSE regularly releases new SLE Micro package updates. To retrieve the updated package versions SLE Micro uses transactional-upgrade.

transactional-upgrade provides an application and library to update a Linux operating system in a transactional way, i.e. the update will be performed in the background while the system continues running as it is. Only after you reboot the system will the update take effect. For further information, see the transactional-update GitHub GitHub page.

To update all packages in the system, execute:


Since rebooting the node will result in it being unavailable for some time, if you are running a multi-node cluster, you can cordon and drain the node before the reboot.

To cordon a node, execute:

kubectl cordon <node>

This will result in the node being taken out of the default scheduling mechanism, ensuring that no pods will be assigned to it by mistake.

To drain a node, execute:

kubectl drain <node>

This will ensure that all workloads on the node will be transferred to other available nodes.


Depending on what workloads you are running on the node, you might also need to provide additional flags (e.g. --delete-emptydir-data, --ignore-daemonsets) to the command.

Reboot node:

sudo reboot

After a successful reboot, the packages on your node will be updated. The only thing left is to bring the node back to the default scheduling mechanism with the uncordon command.

Uncordon node:

kubectl uncordon <node>


In case you want to revert the update, use the above steps with the following transactional-update command:

transactional-update rollback last

24.3 Helm upgrade


This section assumes you have installed helm on your system. For helm installation instructions, check here.

This section covers how to upgrade both an EIB (Section 24.3.1, “EIB deployed helm chart”) and non-EIB (Section 24.3.2, “Non-EIB deployed helm chart”) deployed helm chart.

24.3.1 EIB deployed helm chart

EIB deploys helm charts defined in it’s image definition file (Section 3.3, “Creating the image definition file”) by using RKE2’s manifest auto-deploy functionality.

In order to upgrade a chart that is deployed in such a manner, you need to upgrade the chart manifest file that EIB will create under the /var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/manifests directory on your initializer node.


To ensure disaster recovery, we advise that you always backup your chart manifest file as well as follow any documentation related to disaster recovery that your chart offers.

To upgrade the chart manifest file, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the initializer node

    • For multi-node clusters - in your EIB image definition file, you should have specified the initializer: true property for one of your nodes. If you have not specified this property, the initializer node will be the first server node in your node list.

    • For single-node clusters - the initializer is the currently running node.

  2. SSH to the initializer node:

    ssh root@<node_ip>
  3. Pull the helm chart:

    • For helm charts hosted in a helm chart repository:

      helm repo add <chart_repo_name> <chart_repo_urls>
      helm pull <chart_repo_name>/<chart_name>
      # Alternatively if you want to pull a specific verison
      helm pull <chart_repo_name>/<chart_name> --version=X.Y.Z
    • For OCI-based helm charts:

      helm pull oci://<chart_oci_url>
      # Alternatively if you want to pull a specific verison
      helm pull oci://<chart_oci_url> --version=X.Y.Z
  4. Encode the pulled .tgz archive so that it can be passed to a HelmChart CR config:

    base64 -w 0 <chart_name>-X.Y.Z.tgz  > <chart_name>-X.Y.Z.txt
  5. Make a copy of the chart manifest file that we will edit:

    cp /var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/manifests/<chart_name>.yaml ./<chart_name>.yaml
  6. Change the chartContent and version configurations of the bar.yaml file:

    sed -i -e "s|chartContent:.*|chartContent: $(<chart-name-X.Y.Z.txt)|" -e "s|version:.*|version: X.Y.Z|" <chart_name>.yaml

    If you need to do any additional upgrade changes to the chart (e.g. adding new custom chart values), you need to manually edit the chart manifest file.

  7. Replace the original chart manifest file:

    cp <chart_name>.yaml /var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/manifests/

The above commands will trigger an upgrade of the helm chart. The upgrade will be handled by the helm-controller.

To track the helm chart upgrade you need to view the logs of the pod that the helm-controller creates for the chart upgrade. Refer to the Examples (Section, “Examples”) section for more information. Examples


The examples in this section assume that you have already located and connected to your initializer node.

This section offer examples on how to upgrade a: Rancher upgrade

To ensure disaster recovery, we advise to do a Rancher backup. For information on how to do this, check here.

This example shows how to upgrade Rancher to the 2.8.5 version.

  1. Add the Rancher Prime Helm repository:

    helm repo add rancher-prime https://charts.rancher.com/server-charts/prime
  2. Pull the latest Rancher Prime helm chart version:

    helm pull rancher-prime/rancher --version=2.8.5
  3. Encode .tgz archive so that it can be passed to a HelmChart CR config:

    base64 -w 0 rancher-2.8.5.tgz  > rancher-2.8.5-encoded.txt
  4. Make a copy of the rancher.yaml file that we will edit:

    cp /var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/manifests/rancher.yaml ./rancher.yaml
  5. Change the chartContent and version configurations of the rancher.yaml file:

    sed -i -e "s|chartContent:.*|chartContent: $(<rancher-2.8.5-encoded.txt)|" -e "s|version:.*|version: 2.8.5|" rancher.yaml

    If you need to do any additional upgrade changes to the chart (e.g. adding new custom chart values), you need to manually edit the rancher.yaml file.

  6. Replace the original rancher.yaml file:

    cp rancher.yaml /var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/manifests/

To verify the update:

  1. List pods in default namespace:

    kubectl get pods -n default
    # Example output
    NAME                              READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    helm-install-cert-manager-7v7nm   0/1     Completed   0          88m
    helm-install-rancher-p99k5        0/1     Completed   0          3m21s
  2. Look at the logs of the helm-install-rancher-* pod:

    kubectl logs <helm_install_rancher_pod> -n default
    # Example
    kubectl logs helm-install-rancher-p99k5 -n default
  3. Verify Rancher pods are running:

    kubectl get pods -n cattle-system
    # Example output
    NAME                               READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    helm-operation-mccvd               0/2     Completed   0          3m52s
    helm-operation-np8kn               0/2     Completed   0          106s
    helm-operation-q8lf7               0/2     Completed   0          2m53s
    rancher-648d4fbc6c-qxfpj           1/1     Running     0          5m27s
    rancher-648d4fbc6c-trdnf           1/1     Running     0          9m57s
    rancher-648d4fbc6c-wvhbf           1/1     Running     0          9m57s
    rancher-webhook-649dcc48b4-zqjs7   1/1     Running     0          100s
  4. Verify Rancher version upgrade:

    kubectl get settings.management.cattle.io server-version
    # Example output
    NAME             VALUE
    server-version   v2.8.5 Metal3 upgrade

This example shows how to upgrade Metal3 to the 0.7.3 version.

  1. Pull the latest Metal3 helm chart version:

    helm pull oci://registry.suse.com/edge/metal3-chart --version 0.7.3
  2. Encode .tgz archive so that it can be passed to a HelmChart CR config:

    base64 -w 0 metal3-chart-0.7.3.tgz  > metal3-chart-0.7.3-encoded.txt
  3. Make a copy of the Metal3 manifest file that we will edit:

    cp /var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/manifests/metal3.yaml ./metal3.yaml
  4. Change the chartContent and version configurations of the Metal3 manifest file:

    sed -i -e "s|chartContent:.*|chartContent: $(<metal3-chart-0.7.3-encoded.txt)|" -e "s|version:.*|version: 0.7.3|" metal3.yaml

    If you need to do any additional upgrade changes to the chart (e.g. adding new custom chart values), you need to manually edit the metal3.yaml file.

  5. Replace the original Metal3 manifest file:

    cp metal3.yaml /var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/manifests/

To verify the update:

  1. List pods in default namespace:

    kubectl get pods -n default
    # Example output
    NAME                              READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    helm-install-metal3-7p7bl         0/1     Completed   0          27s
  2. Look at the logs of the helm-install-rancher-* pod:

    kubectl logs <helm_install_rancher_pod> -n default
    # Example
    kubectl logs helm-install-metal3-7p7bl -n default
  3. Verify Metal3 pods are running:

    kubectl get pods -n metal3-system
    # Example output
    NAME                                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
    baremetal-operator-controller-manager-785f99c884-9z87p   2/2     Running   2 (25m ago)   36m
    metal3-metal3-ironic-96fb66cdd-lkss2                     4/4     Running   0             3m54s
    metal3-metal3-mariadb-55fd44b648-q6zhk                   1/1     Running   0             36m
  4. Verify the HelmChart resource version is upgraded:

    kubectl get helmchart metal3 -n default
    # Example output
    metal3   helm-install-metal3           metal3-system     0.7.3

24.3.2 Non-EIB deployed helm chart

  1. Get the values for the currently running helm chart .yaml file and make any changes to them if necessary:

    helm get values <chart_name> -n <chart_namespace> -o yaml > <chart_name>-values.yaml
  2. Update the helm chart:

    # For charts using a chart repository
    helm upgrade <chart_name> <chart_repo_name>/<chart_name> \
      --namespace <chart_namespace> \
      -f <chart_name>-values.yaml \
    # For OCI based charts
    helm upgrade <chart_name> oci://<oci_registry_url>/<chart_name> \
      --namespace <chart_namespace> \
      -f <chart_name>-values.yaml \
  3. Verify the chart upgrade. Depending on the chart you may need to verify different resources. For examples of chart upgrades, see the Examples (Section, “Examples”) section. Examples

This section offer examples on how to upgrade a: Rancher

To ensure disaster recovery, we advise to do a Rancher backup. For information on how to do this, check here.

This example shows how to upgrade Rancher to the 2.8.5 version.

  1. Get the values for the current Rancher release and print them to a rancher-values.yaml file:

    helm get values rancher -n cattle-system -o yaml > rancher-values.yaml
  2. Update the helm chart:

    helm upgrade rancher rancher-prime/rancher \
      --namespace cattle-system \
      -f rancher-values.yaml \
  3. Verify Rancher version upgrade:

    kubectl get settings.management.cattle.io server-version
    # Example output
    NAME             VALUE
    server-version   v2.8.5

For additional information on the Rancher helm chart upgrade, check here. Metal3

This example shows how to upgrade Metal3 to the 0.7.3 version.

  1. Get the values for the current Rancher release and print them to a rancher-values.yaml file:

    helm get values metal3 -n metal3-system -o yaml > metal3-values.yaml
  2. Update the helm chart:

    helm upgrade metal3 oci://registry.suse.com/edge/metal3-chart \
      --namespace metal3-system \
      -f metal3-values.yaml \
  3. Verify Metal3 pods are running:

    kubectl get pods -n metal3-system
    # Example output
    NAME                                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    baremetal-operator-controller-manager-785f99c884-fvsx4   2/2     Running   0          12m
    metal3-metal3-ironic-96fb66cdd-j9mgf                     4/4     Running   0          2m41s
    metal3-metal3-mariadb-55fd44b648-7fmvk                   1/1     Running   0          12m
  4. Verify Metal3 helm release version change:

    helm ls -n metal3-system
    # Expected output
    NAME    NAMESPACE      REVISION  UPDATED                                  STATUS    CHART         APP VERSION
    metal3  metal3-system  2         2024-06-17 12:43:06.774802846 +0000 UTC  deployed  metal3-0.7.3  1.16.0

24.4 Cluster API upgrade

The Cluster API (CAPI) controllers on a Metal3 management cluster are not currently managed via Helm, this section describes the upgrade process.


This section assumes you have installed clusterctl and configured on your system as described in the Metal3 quickstart (Chapter 1, BMC automated deployments with Metal3)

When upgrading to Edge 3.0.2 from any previous version it will be necessary to upgrade the RKE2 providers:

clusterctl upgrade apply --bootstrap "rke2:v0.4.1" --control-plane "rke2:v0.4.1"

Please ensure the versions selected align with those described in the Release Notes (Chapter 33, Release Notes), usage of other upstream releases is not supported.