1 Security and Confidentiality #
One of the main characteristics of a Linux or Unix system is its ability to handle several users at the same time (multiuser) and to allow these users to perform several tasks (multitasking) on the same computer simultaneously. Moreover, the operating system is network transparent. The users often do not know whether the data and applications they are using are provided locally from their machine or made available over the network.
With the multiuser capability, the data of different users must be stored separately, and security and privacy need to be guaranteed. Data security was already an important issue, even before computers could be linked through networks. Like today, the most important concern was the ability to keep data available in spite of a lost or otherwise damaged data medium (usually a hard disk).
This section is primarily focused on confidentiality issues and on ways to protect the privacy of users. But it cannot be stressed enough that a comprehensive security concept should always include procedures to have a regularly updated, workable, and tested backup in place. Without this, you could have a very hard time getting your data back—not only in the case of some hardware defect, but also in the case that someone has gained unauthorized access and tampered with files.
1.1 Local Security and Network Security #
There are several ways of accessing data:
personal communication with people who have the desired information or access to the data on a computer
directly through physical access from the console of a computer
over a serial line
using a network link
In all these cases, a user should be authenticated before accessing the resources or data in question. A Web server might be less restrictive in this respect, but you still would not want it to disclose your personal data to an anonymous user.
In the list above, the first case is the one where the highest amount of human interaction is involved (such as when you are contacting a bank employee and are required to prove that you are the person owning that bank account). Then, you are asked to provide a signature, a PIN, or a password to prove that you are the person you claim to be. In some cases, it might be possible to elicit some intelligence from an informed person by mentioning known bits and pieces to win the confidence of that person. The victim could be led to reveal gradually more information, maybe without even being aware of it. Among hackers, this is called social engineering. You can only guard against this by educating people and by dealing with language and information in a conscious way. Before breaking into computer systems, attackers often try to target receptionists, service people working with the company, or even family members. Often such an attack based on social engineering is only discovered at a much later time.
A person wanting to obtain unauthorized access to your data could also use the traditional way and try to get at your hardware directly. Therefore, the machine should be protected against any tampering so that no one can remove, replace, or cripple its components. This also applies to backups and even any network cables or power cords. Also secure the boot procedure, because there are some well-known key combinations that might provoke unusual behavior. Protect yourself against this by setting passwords for the BIOS and the boot loader.
Serial terminals connected to serial ports are still used in many places. Unlike network interfaces, they do not rely on network protocols to communicate with the host. A simple cable or an infrared port is used to send plain characters back and forth between the devices. The cable itself is the weakest point of such a system: with an older printer connected to it, it is easy to record any data being transferred that way. What can be achieved with a printer can also be accomplished in other ways, depending on the effort that goes into the attack.
Reading a file locally on a host requires additional access rules than opening a network connection with a server on a different host. There is a distinction between local security and network security. The line is drawn where data must be put into packets to be sent somewhere else.
1.1.1 Local Security #
Local security starts with the physical environment at the location in
which computer is running. Set up your machine in a place where security
is in line with your expectations and needs. The main goal of local
security is to keep users separate from each other, so no user can
assume the permissions or the identity of another. This is a general
rule to be observed, but it is especially true for the user
, who holds system
administration privileges.
can take on the identity
of any other local user and read any locally-stored file without being
prompted for the password. Passwords #
On a Linux system, passwords are not stored as plain text and the entered text string is not simply matched with the saved pattern. If this were the case, all accounts on your system would be compromised when someone got access to the corresponding file. Instead, the stored password is encrypted and, each time it is entered, is encrypted again and the two encrypted strings are compared. This only provides more security if the encrypted password cannot be reverse-computed into the original text string.
This is achieved by a special kind of algorithm, also called trapdoor algorithm, because it only works in one direction. An attacker who has obtained the encrypted string is not able to get your password by simply applying the same algorithm again. Instead, it would be necessary to test all the possible character combinations until a combination is found that looks like your password when encrypted. With passwords eight characters long, there are many combinations to calculate.
In the seventies, it was argued that this method would be more secure
than others because of the relative slowness of the algorithm used
which took a few seconds to encrypt one password. In the meantime, PCs have become powerful enough to do several hundred thousand
or even millions of encryptions per second. Because of this, encrypted
passwords should not be visible to regular users
cannot be read by normal users). It
is even more important that passwords are not easy to guess, in case
the password file becomes visible because of an error. Consequently, it
is not really useful to “translate” a password like
“tantalize” into “t@nt@1lz3”.
Replacing some letters of a word with similar looking numbers (like writing the password “tantalize” as “t@nt@1lz3”) is not sufficient. Password cracking programs that use dictionaries to guess words also play with substitutions like that. A better way is to make up a word that only makes sense to you personally, like the first letters of the words of a sentence or the title of a book, such as “The Name of the Rose” by Umberto Eco. This would give the following safe password: “TNotRbUE9”. In contrast, passwords like “beerbuddy” or “jasmine76” are easily guessed even by someone who has only some casual knowledge about you. The Boot Procedure #
Configure your system so it cannot be booted from a removable device,
either by removing the drives entirely or by setting a BIOS password
and configuring the BIOS to allow booting from a hard disk only.
Normally, a Linux system is started by a boot loader, allowing you to
pass additional options to the booted kernel. Prevent others from using
such parameters during boot by setting an additional password for the
boot loader (see Abschnitt 12.2.6, „Festlegen eines Bootpassworts“ for
instructions). This is crucial to your system's security. Not only does
the kernel itself run with
permissions, but it is
also the first authority to grant
permissions at system
start-up. File Permissions #
As a general rule, always work with the most restrictive privileges
possible for a given task. For example, it is definitely not necessary
to be root
to read or write
e-mail. If the mail program has a bug, this bug could be exploited for
an attack that acts with exactly the permissions of the program when it
was started. By following the above rule, minimize the possible damage.
The permissions of all files included in the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
distribution are carefully chosen. A system administrator who installs
additional software or other files should take great care when doing
so, especially when setting the permission bits. Experienced and
security-conscious system administrators always use the
option with the command ls
get an extensive file list, which allows them to detect any incorrect
file permissions immediately. An incorrect file attribute does not only
mean that files could be changed or deleted. These modified files could
be executed by root
or, in
the case of configuration files, programs could use such files with the
permissions of root
. This
significantly increases the possibilities of an attack. Attacks like
these are called cuckoo eggs, because the program (the egg) is executed
(hatched) by a different user (bird), similar to how a cuckoo tricks
other birds into hatching its eggs.
An SUSE® Linux Enterprise Server system includes the files
, and
, all in the directory
. The purpose of these files is to define
special permissions, such as world-writable directories or, for files,
the setuser ID bit (programs with the setuser ID bit set do not run
with the permissions of the user that has launched it, but with the
permissions of the file owner, usually
). An administrator can
use the file /etc/permissions.local
to add his own
To define which of the above files is used by SUSE Linux Enterprise Server's
configuration programs to set permissions, select in the section
of YaST. To learn more about the topic, read the comments in
or consult the manual page of
). Buffer Overflows and Format String Bugs #
Special care must be taken whenever a program needs to process data that could be changed by a user, but this is more of an issue for the programmer of an application than for regular users. The programmer must make sure that his application interprets data in the correct way, without writing it into memory areas that are too small to hold it. Also, the program should hand over data in a consistent manner, using interfaces defined for that purpose.
A buffer overflow can happen if the actual size of a memory buffer is not taken into account when writing to that buffer. There are cases where this data (as generated by the user) uses up more space than what is available in the buffer. As a result, data is written beyond the end of that buffer area, which, under certain circumstances, makes it possible for a program to execute program sequences influenced by the user (and not by the programmer), rather than processing user data only. A bug of this kind may have serious consequences, especially if the program is being executed with special privileges (see Section, “File Permissions”).
Format string bugs work in a slightly different way, but again it is the user input that could lead the program astray. Usually, these programming errors are exploited with programs executed with special permissions—setuid and setgid programs—which also means that you can protect your data and your system from such bugs by removing the corresponding execution privileges from programs. Again, the best way is to apply a policy of using the lowest possible privileges (see Section, “File Permissions”).
Given that buffer overflows and format string bugs are related to the handling of user data, they are only exploitable if access has been given to a local account. Many of the bugs that have been reported can also be exploited over a network link. Accordingly, buffer overflows and format string bugs should be classified as being relevant for both local and network security. Viruses #
Contrary to popular opinion, there are viruses that run on Linux. However, the viruses that are known were released by their authors as a proof of concept that the technique works as intended. None of these viruses have been spotted in the wild so far.
Viruses cannot survive and spread without a host on which to live. In
this case, the host would be a program or an important storage area of
the system (for example, the master boot record) that needs to be writable
for the program code of the virus. Because of its multiuser capability,
Linux can restrict write access to certain files (this is especially
important with system files). Therefore, if you did your normal work
with root
permissions, you
would increase the chance of the system being infected by a virus. In
contrast, if you follow the principle of using the lowest possible
privileges as mentioned above, chances of getting a virus are slim.
Apart from that, you should never rush into executing a program from some Internet site that you do not really know. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server's RPM packages carry a cryptographic signature, as a digital label that the necessary care was taken to build them. Viruses are a typical sign that the administrator or the user lacks the required security awareness, putting at risk even a system that should be highly secure by its very design.
Viruses should not be confused with worms, which belong entirely to the world of networks. Worms do not need a host to spread.
1.1.2 Network Security #
Network security is important for protecting from an attack that is started outside the network. The typical login procedure requiring a user name and a password for user authentication is still a local security issue. In the particular case of logging in over a network, differentiate between the two security aspects. What happens until the actual authentication is network security and anything that happens afterward is local security. X Window System and X Authentication #
As mentioned at the beginning, network transparency is one of the central characteristics of a Unix system. X, the windowing system of Unix operating systems, can use this feature in an impressive way. With X, it is no problem to log in to a remote host and start a graphical program that is then sent over the network to be displayed on your computer.
When an X client needs to be displayed remotely using an X server, the
latter should protect the resource managed by it (the display) from
unauthorized access. In more concrete terms, certain permissions must
be given to the client program. With the X Window System, there are two
ways to do this, called host-based access control and cookie-based
access control. The former relies on the IP address of the host where
the client should run. The program to control this is xhost. xhost
enters the IP address of a legitimate client into a database belonging
to the X server. However, relying on IP addresses for authentication is
not very secure. For example, if there were a second user working on
the host sending the client program, that user would have access to the
X server as well—like someone stealing the IP address. Because
of these shortcomings, this authentication method is not described in
more detail here, but you can learn about it with
In the case of cookie-based access control, a character string is
generated that is only known to the X server and to the legitimate
user, like an ID card of some kind. This cookie is stored on login in
the file .Xauthority
in the user's home directory
and is available to any X client wanting to use the X server to display
a window. The file .Xauthority
can be examined by
the user with the tool xauth
. If you rename
, or if you delete the file from your
home directory by accident, you would not be able to open any new
windows or X clients.
SSH (secure shell) can be used to encrypt a network connection and forward it to an X server transparently. This is also called X forwarding. X forwarding is achieved by simulating an X server on the server side and setting a DISPLAY variable for the shell on the remote host. Further details about SSH can be found in Chapter 15, SSH: Secure Network Operations.
If you do not consider the host where you log in to be a secure host, do not use X forwarding. If X forwarding is enabled, an attacker could authenticate via your SSH connection. The attacker could then intrude on your X server and, for example, read your keyboard input. Buffer Overflows and Format String Bugs #
As discussed in
Section, “Buffer Overflows and Format String Bugs”, buffer
overflows and format string bugs should be classified as issues
applying to both local and network security. As with the local variants
of such bugs, buffer overflows in network programs, when successfully
exploited, are mostly used to obtain
permissions. Even if
that is not the case, an attacker could use the bug to gain access to
an unprivileged local account to exploit other vulnerabilities that
might exist on the system.
Buffer overflows and format string bugs exploitable over a network link are certainly the most frequent form of remote attacks, in general. Exploits for these—programs to exploit these newly-found security holes—are often posted on security mailing lists. They can be used to target the vulnerability without knowing the details of the code.
Experience has shown that the availability of exploit codes has contributed to more secure operating systems, as they force operating system makers to fix problems in their software. With free software, anyone has access to the source code (SUSE Linux Enterprise Server comes with complete source code) and anyone who finds a vulnerability and its exploit code can submit a patch to fix the corresponding bug. Denial of Service #
The purpose of a denial-of-service (DoS) attack is to block a server program or even an entire system. This can be achieved in several ways: overloading the server, keeping it busy with garbage packets, or exploiting a remote buffer overflow. Often, a DoS attack is made with the sole purpose of making the service disappear. However, when a given service has become unavailable, communications could become vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks (sniffing, TCP connection hijacking, spoofing) and DNS poisoning. Man in the Middle: Sniffing, Hijacking, Spoofing #
In general, any remote attack performed by an attacker who puts himself between the communicating hosts is called a man-in-the-middle attack. What almost all types of man-in-the-middle attacks have in common is that the victim is usually not aware that there is something happening. There are many variants. For example, the attacker could pick up a connection request and forward that to the target machine. Now the victim has unwittingly established a connection with the wrong host, because the other end is posing as the legitimate destination machine.
The simplest form of a man-in-the-middle attack is called sniffer (the attacker is “only” listening to the network traffic passing by). As a more complex attack, the “man in the middle” could try to take over an already established connection (hijacking). To do so, the attacker would need to analyze the packets for some time to be able to predict the TCP sequence numbers belonging to the connection. When the attacker finally seizes the role of the target host, the victims notice this, because they get an error message saying the connection was terminated because of a failure. That there are protocols not secured against hijacking through encryption (which only perform a simple authentication procedure upon establishing the connection) makes it easier for attackers.
Spoofing is an attack where packets are modified
to contain counterfeit source data, usually the IP address. Most active
forms of attack rely on sending out such fake packets (something that,
on a Linux machine, can only be done by the superuser
Many of the attacks mentioned are carried out in combination with a DoS. If an attacker sees an opportunity to bring down a certain host abruptly, even if only for a short time, it makes it easier for him to push the active attack, because the host cannot interfere with the attack for some time. DNS Poisoning #
DNS poisoning means that the attacker corrupts the cache of a DNS server by replying to it with spoofed DNS reply packets, trying to get the server to send certain data to a victim who is requesting information from that server. Many servers maintain a trust relationship with other hosts, based on IP addresses or host names. The attacker needs a good understanding of the actual structure of the trust relationships among hosts to disguise itself as one of the trusted hosts. Usually, the attacker analyzes some packets received from the server to get the necessary information. The attacker often needs to target a well-timed DoS attack at the name server as well. Protect yourself by using encrypted connections that can verify the identity of the hosts to which to connect. Worms #
Worms are often confused with viruses, but there is a clear difference between the two. Unlike viruses, worms do not need to infect a host program to live. Instead, they are specialized to spread as quickly as possible on network structures. The worms that appeared in the past, such as Ramen, Lion, or Adore, used well-known security holes in server programs like bind8. Protection against worms is relatively easy. Given that some time elapses between the discovery of a security hole and the moment the worm hits your server, there is a good chance that an updated version of the affected program is available on time. That is only useful if the administrator actually installs the security updates on the systems in question.
1.2 Some General Security Tips and Tricks #
To handle security competently, it is important to observe some recommendations. You may find the following list of rules useful in dealing with basic security concerns:
Get and install the updated packages recommended by security announcements as quickly as possible.
Stay informed about the latest security issues:
http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-security-announce/ is the SUSE mailing list for security announcements. It is a first-hand source of information regarding updated packages and includes members of SUSE's security team among its active contributors. You can subscribe to this list on page http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Mailing_lists.
Find SUSE security advisories at http://www.suse.com/support/update/.
is one of the best-known security mailing lists worldwide. Reading this list, which receives between 15 and 20 postings per day, is recommended. More information can be found at http://www.securityfocus.com.
Discuss any security issues of interest on our mailing list
.According to the rule of using the most restrictive set of permissions possible for every job, avoid doing your regular jobs as
. This reduces the risk of getting a cuckoo egg or a virus and protects you from your own mistakes.If possible, always try to use encrypted connections to work on a remote machine. Using
(secure shell) to replacetelnet
, andrlogin
should be standard practice.Avoid using authentication methods based solely on IP addresses.
Try to keep the most important network-related packages up-to-date and subscribe to the corresponding mailing lists to receive announcements on new versions of such programs (
, etc.). The same should apply to software relevant to local security.Change the
file to optimize the permissions of files crucial to your system's security. If you remove the setuid bit from a program, it might well be that it cannot do its job anymore in the intended way. On the other hand, the program will usually have ceased to be a potential security risk. You might take a similar approach with world-writable directories and files.Disable any network services you do not absolutely require for your server to work properly. This makes your system safer. Open ports, with the socket state LISTEN, can be found with the program
. As for the options, it is recommended to usenetstat
. The-p
option allows you to see which process is occupying a port under which name.Compare the
results with those of a thorough port scan done from outside your host. An excellent program for this job isnmap
, which not only checks out the ports of your machine, but also draws some conclusions as to which services are waiting behind them. However, port scanning may be interpreted as an aggressive act, so do not do this on a host without the explicit approval of the administrator. Finally, remember that it is important not only to scan TCP ports, but also UDP ports (options-sS
).To monitor the integrity of the files of your system in a reliable way, use the program
(Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment), available on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. Encrypt the database created by AIDE to prevent someone from tampering with it. Furthermore, keep a backup of this database available outside your machine, stored on an external data medium not connected to it by a network link.Take proper care when installing any third-party software. There have been cases where a hacker had built a Trojan horse into the TAR archive of a security software package, which was fortunately discovered very quickly. If you install a binary package, have no doubts about the site from which you downloaded it.
SUSE's RPM packages are gpg-signed. The key used by SUSE for signing is:
ID:9C800ACA 2000-10-19 SUSE Package Signing Key <build@suse.de> Key fingerprint = 79C1 79B2 E1C8 20C1 890F 9994 A84E DAE8 9C80 0ACA
The command
--checksig package.rpm
shows whether the checksum and the signature of an uninstalled package are correct. Find the key on the first CD of the distribution and on most key servers worldwide.Check backups of user and system files regularly. Consider that if you do not test whether the backup works, it might actually be worthless.
Check your log files. Whenever possible, write a small script to search for suspicious entries. Admittedly, this is not exactly a trivial task. In the end, only you can know which entries are unusual and which are not.
to restrict access to the individual services running on your machine, so you have explicit control over which IP addresses can connect to a service. For further information regardingtcp_wrapper
, consult the manual pages of tcpd and hosts_access (man
8 tcpd
).Use SuSEfirewall to enhance the security provided by
).Design your security measures to be redundant: a message seen twice is much better than no message.
If you use suspend to disk, consider configuring the suspend image encryption using the
script. The program creates the key, copies it to/etc/suspend.key
, and modifies/etc/suspend.conf
to use encryption for suspend images.
1.3 Using the Central Security Reporting Address #
If you discover a security-related problem (check the available update packages first), write an e-mail to <security@suse.de>. Include a detailed description of the problem and the version number of the package concerned. SUSE will try to send a reply when possible. You are encouraged to pgp-encrypt your e-mail messages. SUSE's PGP key is:
ID:3D25D3D9 1999-03-06 SUSE Security Team <security@suse.de> Key fingerprint = 73 5F 2E 99 DF DB 94 C4 8F 5A A3 AE AF 22 F2 D5
This key is also available for download from http://www.suse.com/support/security/contact.html.