HPE Helion OpenStack 8

Operations Guide

This guide provides a list of useful procedures for managing your HPE Helion OpenStack 8 cloud. The audience is the admin-level operator of the cloud.

Publication Date: 04/18/2024
1 Operations Overview
1.1 What is a cloud operator?
1.2 Tools provided to operate your cloud
1.3 Daily tasks
1.4 Weekly or monthly tasks
1.5 Semi-annual tasks
1.6 Troubleshooting
1.7 Common Questions
2 Tutorials
2.1 HPE Helion OpenStack Quickstart Guide
2.2 Log Management and Integration
2.3 Integrating Your Logs with Splunk
2.4 Integrating HPE Helion OpenStack with an LDAP System
3 Third-Party Integrations
3.1 Splunk Integration
3.2 Nagios Integration
3.3 Operations Bridge Integration
3.4 Monitoring Third-Party Components With Monasca
4 Managing Identity
4.1 The Identity Service
4.2 Supported Upstream Keystone Features
4.3 Understanding Domains, Projects, Users, Groups, and Roles
4.4 Identity Service Token Validation Example
4.5 Configuring the Identity Service
4.6 Retrieving the Admin Password
4.7 Changing Service Passwords
4.8 Reconfiguring the Identity Service
4.9 Integrating LDAP with the Identity Service
4.10 Keystone-to-Keystone Federation
4.11 Configuring Web Single Sign-On
4.12 Identity Service Notes and Limitations
5 Managing Compute
5.1 Managing Compute Hosts using Aggregates and Scheduler Filters
5.2 Using Flavor Metadata to Specify CPU Model
5.3 Forcing CPU and RAM Overcommit Settings
5.4 Enabling the Nova Resize and Migrate Features
5.5 Enabling ESX Compute Instance(s) Resize Feature
5.6 Configuring the Image Service
6 Managing ESX
6.1 Networking for ESXi Hypervisor (OVSvApp)
6.2 Validating the Neutron Installation
6.3 Removing a Cluster from the Compute Resource Pool
6.4 Removing an ESXi Host from a Cluster
6.5 Configuring Debug Logging
6.6 Making Scale Configuration Changes
6.7 Monitoring vCenter Clusters
6.8 Monitoring Integration with OVSvApp Appliance
7 Managing Block Storage
7.1 Managing Block Storage using Cinder
8 Managing Object Storage
8.1 Running the Swift Dispersion Report
8.2 Gathering Swift Data
8.3 Gathering Swift Monitoring Metrics
8.4 Using the Swift Command-line Client (CLI)
8.5 Managing Swift Rings
8.6 Configuring your Swift System to Allow Container Sync
9 Managing Networking
9.1 Configuring the HPE Helion OpenStack Firewall
9.2 DNS Service Overview
9.3 Networking Service Overview
10 Managing the Dashboard
10.1 Configuring the Dashboard Service
10.2 Changing the Dashboard Timeout Value
11 Managing Orchestration
11.1 Configuring the Orchestration Service
11.2 Autoscaling using the Orchestration Service
12 Managing Monitoring, Logging, and Usage Reporting
12.1 Monitoring
12.2 Centralized Logging Service
12.3 Metering Service (Ceilometer) Overview
13 System Maintenance
13.1 Planned System Maintenance
13.2 Unplanned System Maintenance
13.3 Cloud Lifecycle Manager Maintenance Update Procedure
13.4 Cloud Lifecycle Manager Program Temporary Fix (PTF) Deployment
13.5 Periodic OpenStack Maintenance Tasks
14 Backup and Restore
14.1 Architecture
14.2 Architecture of the Backup/Restore Service
14.3 Default Automatic Backup Jobs
14.4 Enabling Default Backups of the Control Plane to an SSH Target
14.5 Changing Default Jobs
14.6 Backup/Restore Via the Horizon UI
14.7 Restore from a Specific Backup
14.8 Backup/Restore Scheduler
14.9 Backup/Restore Agent
14.10 Backup and Restore Limitations
14.11 Disabling Backup/Restore before Deployment
14.12 Enabling, Disabling and Restoring Backup/Restore Services
14.13 Backing up and Restoring Audit Logs
15 Troubleshooting Issues
15.1 General Troubleshooting
15.2 Control Plane Troubleshooting
15.3 Troubleshooting Compute Service
15.4 Network Service Troubleshooting
15.5 Troubleshooting the Image (Glance) Service
15.6 Storage Troubleshooting
15.7 Monitoring, Logging, and Usage Reporting Troubleshooting
15.8 Backup and Restore Troubleshooting
15.9 Orchestration Troubleshooting
15.10 Troubleshooting Tools
List of Examples
4.1 k2kclient.py

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All information found in this book has been compiled with utmost attention to detail. However, this does not guarantee complete accuracy. Neither SUSE LLC, its affiliates, the authors nor the translators shall be held liable for possible errors or the consequences thereof.

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