Virtual Machine Issues

The following sections contain information useful in troubleshooting issues related to Harvester VM management.

VM Start Button is Not Visible

Issue Description

On rare occasions, the Start button is unavailable on the Harvester UI for VMs that are Off. Without that button, users are unable to start the VMs.

vm start button is not visible

VM General Operations

On the Harvester UI, the Stop button is visible after a VM is created and started.

stop vm from webui

The Start button is visible after the VM is stopped.

start vm after vm is stopped from webui

When the VM is powered off from inside the VM, both the Start and Restart buttons are visible.

actively powered off vm

A Running VM

The objects vm, vmi, and pod, which are all related to the VM, exist. The status of all three objects is Running.

 # kubectl get vm
vm8    7m25s   Running   True

 # kubectl get vmi
vm8    78s   Running   harv41     True

 # kubectl get pod
NAME                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
virt-launcher-vm8-tl46h   1/1     Running   0          80s

A VM Stopped Using the Harvester UI

Only the object vm exists and its status is Stopped. Both vmi and pod disappear.

 # kubectl get vm
vm8    123m   Stopped   False

 # kubectl get vmi
No resources found in default namespace.

 # kubectl get pod
No resources found in default namespace.

A VM Stopped Using the VM’s Poweroff Command

The objects vm, vmi, and pod, which are all related to the VM, exist. The status of vm is Stopped, while the status of pod is Completed.

 # kubectl get vm
vm8    134m   Stopped   False

 # kubectl get vmi
NAME   AGE     PHASE       IP            NODENAME   READY
vm8    2m49s   Succeeded   harv41     False

 # kubectl get pod
NAME                      READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
virt-launcher-vm8-tl46h   0/1     Completed   0          2m54s

Issue Analysis

When the issue occurs, the objects vm, vmi, and pod exist. The status of the objects is similar to that of A VM Stopped Using the VM’s Poweroff Command.


The VM ocffm031v000 is not ready (status: "False") because the virt-launcher pod is terminating (reason: "PodTerminating").

- apiVersion:
  kind: VirtualMachine
    - lastProbeTime: "2023-07-20T08:37:37Z"
      lastTransitionTime: "2023-07-20T08:37:37Z"
      message: virt-launcher pod is terminating
      reason: PodTerminating
      status: "False"
      type: Ready

Similarly, the VMI (virtual machine instance) ocffm031v000 is not ready (status: "False") because the virt-launcher pod is terminating (reason: "PodTerminating").

- apiVersion:
  kind: VirtualMachineInstance
    name: ocffm031v000
      ec36a1eb-84a5-4421-b57b-2c14c1975018: aibfredg02
    - lastProbeTime: "2023-07-20T08:37:37Z"
      lastTransitionTime: "2023-07-20T08:37:37Z"
      message: virt-launcher pod is terminating
      reason: PodTerminating
      status: "False"
      type: Ready

On the other hand, the pod virt-launcher-ocffm031v000-rrkss is not ready (status: "False") because the pod has run to completion (reason: "PodCompleted").

The underlying container 0d7a0f64f91438cb78f026853e6bebf502df1bdeb64878d351fa5756edc98deb is terminated, and the exitCode is 0.

- apiVersion: v1
  kind: Pod
    name: virt-launcher-ocffm031v000-rrkss
    - apiVersion:
      kind: VirtualMachineInstance
      name: ocffm031v000
      uid: 8d2cf524-7e73-4713-86f7-89e7399f25db
    uid: ec36a1eb-84a5-4421-b57b-2c14c1975018
    - lastProbeTime: "2023-07-18T13:48:56Z"
      lastTransitionTime: "2023-07-18T13:48:56Z"
      message: the virtual machine is not paused
      reason: NotPaused
      status: "True"
    - lastProbeTime: "null"
      lastTransitionTime: "2023-07-18T13:48:55Z"
      reason: PodCompleted
      status: "True"
      type: Initialized
    - lastProbeTime: "null"
      lastTransitionTime: "2023-07-20T08:38:56Z"
      reason: PodCompleted
      status: "False"
      type: Ready
    - lastProbeTime: "null"
      lastTransitionTime: "2023-07-20T08:38:56Z"
      reason: PodCompleted
      status: "False"
      type: ContainersReady
    - containerID: containerd://0d7a0f64f91438cb78f026853e6bebf502df1bdeb64878d351fa5756edc98deb
      imageID: sha256:43bb08efdabb90913534b70ec7868a2126fc128887fb5c3c1b505ee6644453a2
      lastState: {}
      name: compute
      ready: false
      restartCount: 0
      started: false
          containerID: containerd://0d7a0f64f91438cb78f026853e6bebf502df1bdeb64878d351fa5756edc98deb
          exitCode: 0
          finishedAt: "2023-07-20T08:38:55Z"
          reason: Completed
          startedAt: "2023-07-18T13:50:17Z"

A critical difference is that the Stop and Start actions appear in the stateChangeRequests property of vm.

    printableStatus: Stopped
    - action: Stop
      uid: 8d2cf524-7e73-4713-86f7-89e7399f25db
    - action: Start

Root Cause

The root cause of this issue is under investigation.

It is notable that the source code checks the status of vm and assumes that the object is starting. No Start and Restart operations are added to the object.

func (vf *vmformatter) canStart(vm *kubevirtv1.VirtualMachine, vmi *kubevirtv1.VirtualMachineInstance) bool {
  if vf.isVMStarting(vm) {
    return false

func (vf *vmformatter) canRestart(vm *kubevirtv1.VirtualMachine, vmi *kubevirtv1.VirtualMachineInstance) bool {
  if vf.isVMStarting(vm) {
    return false

func (vf *vmformatter) isVMStarting(vm *kubevirtv1.VirtualMachine) bool {
  for _, req := range vm.Status.StateChangeRequests {
    if req.Action == kubevirtv1.StartRequest {
      return true
  return false


To address the issue, you can force delete the pod using the command kubectl delete pod virt-launcher-ocffm031v000-rrkss -n namespace --force.

After the pod is successfully deleted, the Start button becomes visible again on the Harvester UI.

VM Stuck in Starting State with Error Messsage not a device node

Impacted versions: v1.3.0

Issue Description

Some VMs may fail to start and then become unresponsive after the cluster or some nodes are restarted. On the Dashboard screen of the Harvester UI, the status of the affected VMs is stuck at Starting.

vm stuck at starting

Issue Analysis

The status of the pod related to the affected VM is CreateContainerError.

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                      READY   STATUS                 RESTARTS   AGE
virt-launcher-vm1-w9bqs   0/2     CreateContainerError   0          9m39s

The phrase failed to generate spec: not a device node can be found in the following:

$kubectl get pods -oyaml
apiVersion: v1
  apiVersion: v1
  kind: Pod
    - image:
      imageID: ""
      lastState: {}
      name: compute
      ready: false
      restartCount: 0
      started: false
          message: 'failed to generate container "50f0ec402f6e266870eafb06611850a5a03b2a0a86fdd6e562959719ccc003b5"
            spec: failed to generate spec: not a device node'
          reason: CreateContainerError

kubelet.log file:

file path: /var/lib/rancher/rke2/agent/logs/kubelet.log

E0205 20:44:31.683371    2837 pod_workers.go:1294] "Error syncing pod, skipping" err="failed to \"StartContainer\" for \"compute\" with CreateContainerError: \"failed t
o generate container \\\"255d42ec2e01d45b4e2480d538ecc21865cf461dc7056bc159a80ee68c411349\\\" spec: failed to generate spec: not a device node\"" pod="default/virt-laun
cher-caddytest-9tjzj" podUID=d512bf3e-f215-4128-960a-0658f7e63c7c

containerd.log file:

file path: /var/lib/rancher/rke2/agent/containerd/containerd.log

time="2024-02-21T11:24:00.140298800Z" level=error msg="CreateContainer within sandbox \"850958f388e63f14a683380b3c52e57db35f21c059c0d93666f4fdaafe337e56\" for &ContainerMetadata{Name:compute,Attempt:0,} failed" error="failed to generate container \"5ddad240be2731d5ea5210565729cca20e20694e364e72ba14b58127e231bc79\" spec: failed to generate spec: not a device node"

After adding debug information to containerd, it identifies the error message not a device node is upon the file pvc-3c1b28fb-*.

time="2024-02-22T15:15:08.557487376Z" level=error msg="CreateContainer within sandbox \"d23af3219cb27228623cf8168ec27e64e836ed44f2b2f9cf784f0529a7f92e1e\" for &ContainerMetadata{Name:compute,Attempt:0,} failed" error="failed to generate container \"e4ed94fb5e9145e8716bcb87aae448300799f345197d52a617918d634d9ca3e1\" spec: failed to generate spec: get device path: /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/ containerPath: /dev/disk-0 error: not a device node"

This is a CSI related file, but it is an empty file instead of the expected device file. Then the containerd denied the CreateContainer request.

$ ls /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/ -alth
total 8.0K
drwxr-x--- 2 root root 4.0K Feb 22 15:10 .
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    0 Feb 22 14:28 aa851da3-cee1-45be-a585-26ae766c16ca
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    0 Feb 22 14:07 20291c6b-62c3-4456-be8a-fbeac118ec19
drwxr-x--- 4 root root 4.0K Feb 22 14:06 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    0 Feb 21 15:48 4333c9fd-c2c8-4da2-9b5a-1a310f80d9fd
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    0 Feb 21 09:18 becc0687-b6f5-433e-bfb7-756b00deb61b

$file /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/
: empty

The output listed above directly contrasts with the following example, which shows the expected device file of a running VM.

$ ls  /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/ -alth
total 8.0K
drwxr-x--- 2 root root  4.0K Feb 21 10:53 .
drwxr-x--- 4 root root  4.0K Feb 21 10:53 ..
brw-rw---- 1 root root 8, 16 Feb 21 10:53 4883af80-c202-4529-a2c6-4e7f15fe5a9b

Root Cause

After the cluster or specific nodes are rebooted, the kubelet calls NodePublishVolume for the new pod without first calling NodeStageVolume. Moreover, the Longhorn CSI plugin bind mounts the regular file at the staging target path (previously used by the deleted pod) to the target path, and the operation is considered successful.


Cluster level operation:

  1. Find the backing pods of the affected VMs and the related Longhorn volumes.

     $ kubectl get pods
     NAME                      READY   STATUS                 RESTARTS   AGE
     virt-launcher-vm1-nxfm4   0/2     CreateContainerError   0          7m11s
     $ kubectl get pvc -A
     NAMESPACE                  NAME                       STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS           AGE
     default                    vm1-disk-0-9gc6h           Bound    pvc-f1798969-5b72-4d76-9f0e-64854af7b59c   1Gi        RWX            longhorn-image-fxsqr   7d22h
  2. Stop the affected VMs from Harvester UI.

    The VM may stuck in Stopping, continue the next step.

  3. Delete the backing pods forcely.

     $ kubectl delete pod virt-launcher-vm1-nxfm4 --force
     Warning: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely.
     pod "virt-launcher-vm1-nxfm4" force deleted

    The VM is off now.

    vm is off

Node level operation, node by node:

  1. Cordon a node.

  2. Unmout all the affected Longhorn volumes in this node.

    You need to ssh to this node and execute the sudo -i umount path command.

     $ umount /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/*
     umount: /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/ not mounted.
     umount: /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/ not mounted.
     umount: /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/ not mounted.
     umount: /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/ not mounted.
     umount: /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/ not mounted.
  3. Uncordon this node.

  4. Start the affected VMs from harvester UI.

    Wait some time, the VM will run successfully.

    start vm and run

    The newly generated csi file is an expected device file.

     $ ls /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/ -alth
     brw-rw---- 1 root root 8, 64 Mar  6 11:47 7beb531d-a781-4775-ba5e-8773773d77f1