section allows you to manage provisioning for the selected client. This includes managing and scheduling autoinstallation and booting the selected client.The
tab is split into subtabs:1. 자동 설치
This section displays a list of the available autoinstallation profiles for the selected client. Select a time and date for autoinstallation to re-install the client.
For more information about autoinstallation, see 운영 체제 설치.
2. 전원 관리
This section allows you to power on, power off, and reboot the selected client.
This feature uses either the IPMI or Redfish protocol and is managed using a Cobbler profile. The selected client must have a power management controller supporting one of these protocols. For Redfish, ensure you can establish a valid SSL connection between the client and the SUSE Manager Server.
Complete the details for the power management server, and click the appropriate button for the action to take. Click Get status to determine if the client is currently running. Click Save only to save the details without taking any action.
Click Remove Cobbler System Profile to remove the current client’s system profile from Cobbler. For more information about unattended provisioning with Cobbler, see 무인 프로비저닝.
For more information about power management, see 전원 관리.