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documentation.suse.com / Documentation / Deployment Guide using Cloud Lifecycle Manager / Cloud Installation / Installing SUSE CaaS Platform heat Templates
Applies to SUSE OpenStack Cloud 9

33 Installing SUSE CaaS Platform heat Templates

This chapter describes how to install SUSE CaaS Platform v3 using heat template on SUSE OpenStack Cloud.

33.1 SUSE CaaS Platform heat Installation Procedure

Procedure 33.1: Preparation
  1. Download the latest SUSE CaaS Platform for OpenStack image (for example, SUSE-CaaS-Platform-3.0-OpenStack-Cloud.x86_64-1.0.0-GM.qcow2) from https://download.suse.com.

  2. Upload the image to glance:

    openstack image create --public --disk-format qcow2 --container-format \
    bare --file SUSE-CaaS-Platform-3.0-OpenStack-Cloud.x86_64-1.0.0-GM.qcow2 \
  3. Install the caasp-openstack-heat-templates package on a machine with SUSE OpenStack Cloud repositories:

    zypper in caasp-openstack-heat-templates

    The installed templates are located in /usr/share/caasp-openstack-heat-templates.

    Alternatively, you can get official heat templates by cloning the appropriate Git repository:

    git clone https://github.com/SUSE/caasp-openstack-heat-templates
Procedure 33.2: Installing Templates via horizon
  1. In horizon, go to Project › Stacks › Launch Stack.

  2. Select File from the Template Source drop-down box and upload the caasp-stack.yaml file.

  3. In the Launch Stack dialog, provide the required information (stack name, password, flavor size, external network of your environment, etc.).

  4. Click Launch to launch the stack. This creates all required resources for running SUSE CaaS Platform in an OpenStack environment. The stack creates one Admin Node, one Master Node, and server worker nodes as specified.

Procedure 33.3: Install Templates from the Command Line
  1. Specify the appropriate flavor and network settings in the caasp-environment.yaml file.

  2. Create a stack in heat by passing the template, environment file, and parameters:

    openstack stack create -t caasp-stack.yaml -e caasp-environment.yaml \
    --parameter image=CaaSP-3 caasp-stack
Procedure 33.4: Accessing Velum SUSE CaaS Platform dashboard
  1. After the stack has been created, the Velum SUSE CaaS Platform dashboard runs on the Admin Node. You can access it using the Admin Node's floating IP address.

  2. Create an account and follow the steps in the Velum SUSE CaaS Platform dashboard to complete the SUSE CaaS Platform installation.

When you have successfully accessed the admin node web interface via the floating IP, follow the instructions at https://documentation.suse.com/suse-caasp/4.1/single-html/caasp-deployment/ to continue the setup of SUSE CaaS Platform.

33.2 Installing SUSE CaaS Platform with Multiple Masters


A heat stack with load balancing and multiple master nodes can only be created from the command line, because horizon does not have support for nested heat templates.

Install the caasp-openstack-heat-templates package on a machine with SUSE OpenStack Cloud repositories:

zypper in caasp-openstack-heat-templates

The installed templates are located in /usr/share/caasp-openstack-heat-templates.

A working load balancer is needed in your SUSE OpenStack Cloud deployment. SUSE OpenStack Cloud uses HAProxy.

Verify that load balancing with HAProxy is working correctly in your OpenStack installation by creating a load balancer manually and checking that the provisioning_status changes to Active.

ardana > openstack loadbalancer show

HAProxy is the default load balancer provider in SUSE OpenStack Cloud.

The steps below can be used to set up a network, subnet, router, security and IPs for a test lb_net1 network with lb_subnet1 subnet.

ardana > openstack network create lb_net1
  ardana > openstack subnet create --name lb_subnet1 lb_net1 \
--subnet-range --gateway
ardana > openstack router create lb_router1
ardana > openstack router add subnet lb_router1 lb_subnet1
ardana > openstack router set lb_router1 --external-gateway ext-net
ardana > openstack network list
Procedure 33.5: Steps to Install SUSE CaaS Platform with Multiple Masters
  1. Specify the appropriate flavor and network settings in the caasp-multi-master-environment.yaml file.

  2. Set master_count to the desired number in the caasp-multi-master-environment.yaml file. The master count must be set to an odd number of nodes.

    master_count: 3
  3. Create a stack in heat by passing the template, environment file, and parameters:

    ardana > openstack stack create -t caasp-multi-master-stack.yaml \
    -e caasp-multi-master-environment.yaml --parameter image=CaaSP-3 caasp-multi-master-stack
  4. Find the floating IP address of the load balancer. This is necessary for accessing the Velum SUSE CaaS Platform dashboard.

    1. ardana > openstack loadbalancer list --provider
    2. From the output, copy the id and enter it in the following command as shown in the following example:

      ardana > openstack loadbalancer show id
      | Field               | Value                                          |
      | admin_state_up      | True                                           |
      | description         |                                                |
      | id                  | 0d973d80-1c79-40a4-881b-42d111ee9625           |
      | listeners           | {"id": "c9a34b63-a1c8-4a57-be22-75264769132d"} |
      |                     | {"id": "4fa2dae0-126b-4eb0-899f-b2b6f5aab461"} |
      | name                | caasp-stack-master_lb-bhr66gtrx3ue             |
      | operating_status    | ONLINE                                         |
      | pools               | {"id": "8c011309-150c-4252-bb04-6550920e0059"} |
      |                     | {"id": "c5f55af7-0a25-4dfa-a088-79e548041929"} |
      | provider            | haproxy                                        |
      | provisioning_status | ACTIVE                                         |
      | tenant_id           | fd7ffc07400642b1b05dbef647deb4c1               |
      | vip_address         |                                     |
      | vip_port_id         | 53ad27ba-1ae0-4cd7-b798-c96b53373e8b           |
      | vip_subnet_id       | 87d18a53-ad0c-4d71-b82a-050c229b710a           |
    3. Search the floating IP list for vip_address

      ardana > openstack floating ip list | grep
      | d636f3...481b0c | fd7ff...deb4c1 |  |  | 53ad2...373e8b |
    4. The load balancer floating ip address is

Accessing the Velum SUSE CaaS Platform Dashboard

After the stack has been created, the Velum SUSE CaaS Platform dashboard runs on the admin node. You can access it using the floating IP address of the admin node.

Create an account and follow the steps in the Velum SUSE CaaS Platform dashboard to complete the SUSE CaaS Platform installation.

SUSE CaaS Platform Admin Node Install: Screen 1

If you plan to manage your containers using Helm or Airship (this is common), check the box labeled Install Tiller (Helm's server component).


SUSE CaaS Platform Admin Node Install: Screen 2


SUSE CaaS Platform Admin Node Install: Screen 3


SUSE CaaS Platform Admin Node Install: Screen 4


SUSE CaaS Platform Admin Node Install: Screen 5

Set External Kubernetes API to LOADBALANCER_FLOATING_IP, External Dashboard FQDN to ADMIN_NODE_FLOATING_IP


SUSE CaaS Platform Admin Node Install: Screen 6


SUSE CaaS Platform Admin Node Install: Screen 7


33.3 Deploy SUSE CaaS Platform Stack Using heat SUSE CaaS Platform Playbook

  1. Install the caasp-openstack-heat-templates package on a machine with SUSE OpenStack Cloud repositories:

    ardana > zypper in caasp-openstack-heat-templates

    The installed templates are located in /usr/share/caasp-openstack-heat-templates.

  2. Run heat-caasp-deploy.yml on the Cloud Lifecycle Manager to create a SUSE CaaS Platform cluster with heat templates from the caasp-openstack-heat-templates package.

    ardana > cd ~/scratch/ansible/next/ardana/ansible
    ardana > ansible-playbook -i hosts/localhost heat-caasp-deploy.yml
  3. In a browser, navigate to the horizon UI to determine the floating IP address assigned to the admin node.

  4. Go to http://ADMIN-NODE-FLOATING-IP/ to bring up the Velum dashboard.

  5. Complete the web-based bootstrap process to bring up the SUSE CaaS Platform Kubernetes cluster. Refer to the SUSE CaaS Platform documentation for specifics.

    When prompted, set the Internal Dashboard Location to the private network IP address (i.e. in the the 172.x.x.x subnet) of the SUSE CaaS Platform admin node created during the heat-caasp-deploy.yml playbook. Do not use the floating IP address which is also associated with the node.

33.4 Deploy SUSE CaaS Platform Cluster with Multiple Masters Using heat CaasP Playbook

  1. Install the caasp-openstack-heat-templates package on a machine with SUSE OpenStack Cloud repositories:

    ardana > zypper in caasp-openstack-heat-templates

    The installed templates are located in /usr/share/caasp-openstack-heat-templates.

  2. On the Cloud Lifecycle Manager, run the heat-caasp-deploy.yml playbook and pass parameters for caasp_stack_name, caasp_stack_yaml_file and caasp_stack_env_yaml_file.

    ardana > ansible-playbook -i hosts/localhost heat-caasp-deploy.yml -e "caasp_stack_name=caasp_multi-master caasp_stack_yaml_file=caasp-multi-master-stack.yaml caasp_stack_env_yaml_file=caasp-multi-master-environment.yaml"

33.5 SUSE CaaS Platform OpenStack Image for heat SUSE CaaS Platform Playbook

By default the heat SUSE CaaS Platform playbook downloads the SUSE CaaS Platform image from http://download.suse.de/install/SUSE-CaaSP-3-GM/SUSE-CaaS-Platform-3.0-for-OpenStack-Cloud.x86_64-3.0.0-GM.qcow2. If this URL is not accessible, the SUSE CaaS Platform image can be downloaded from https://download.suse.com/Download?buildid=z7ezhywXXRc and copied to the deployer.

To create a SUSE CaaS Platform cluster and pass the path to the downloaded image, run the following commands:

ardana > cd ~/scratch/ansible/next/ardana/ansible
ardana > ansible-playbook -i hosts/localhost heat-caasp-deploy.yml -e "caasp_image_tmp_path=~/SUSE-CaaS-Platform-3.0-for-OpenStack-Cloud.x86_64-3.0.0-GM.qcow2"

To create a SUSE CaaS Platform cluster with multiple masters and pass the path to the downloaded image, run the following commands:

ardana > cd ~/scratch/ansible/next/ardana/ansible
ardana > ansible-playbook -i hosts/localhost heat-caasp-deploy.yml -e "caasp_image_tmp_path=caasp_image_tmp_path=~/SUSE-CaaS-Platform-3.0-for-OpenStack-Cloud.x86_64-3.0.0-GM.qcow2
 caasp_stack_name=caasp_multi-master caasp_stack_yaml_file=caasp-multi-master-stack.yaml caasp_stack_env_yaml_file=caasp-multi-master-environment.yaml"

33.6 Enabling the Cloud Provider Integration (CPI) Feature

When deploying a CaaaSP cluster using SUSE CaaS Platform OpenStack heat templates, the following CPI parameters can be set in caasp-environment.yaml or caasp-multi-master-environment.yaml.


The URL of the keystone API used to authenticate the user. This value can be found on OpenStack Dashboard under Access and Security › API Access › Credentials (for example, https://api.keystone.example.net:5000/)


Name of the domain the user belongs to.


Name of the project the user belongs to. This is the project in which SUSE CaaS Platform resources are created.


Name of the region to use when running a multi-region OpenStack cloud. The region is a general division of an OpenStack deployment.


Username of a valid user that has been set in keystone. Default: admin


Password of a valid user that has been set in keystone.


neutron load balancer monitoring max retries. Default: 3


cinder Block Storage API version. Possible values are v1, v2 , v3 or auto. Default: auto


Ignore cinder and nova availability zones. Default: true


Set this to the IP address of a DNS nameserver accessible by the SUSE CaaS Platform cluster.

Immediately after the SUSE CaaS Platform cluster comes online, and before bootstrapping, install the latest SUSE CaaS Platform 3.0 Maintenance Update using the following steps.

  1. Register the SUSE CaaS Platform nodes for Maintenance Updates by following the instructions in Section 33.7, “Register SUSE CaaS Platform Cluster for Software Updates”.

  2. On each of the SUSE CaaS Platform nodes, install the latest Maintenance Update:

    tux > sudo transactional-update

    Verify that the Velum image packages were updated:

    tux > sudo zypper se --detail velum-image
    i | sles12-velum-image | package    | 3.1.7-3.27.3  | x86_64 | update_caasp

    Reboot the node:

    tux > sudo reboot
  3. Finally, when preparing to bootstrap using the SUSE CaaS Platform web interface, upload a valid trust certificate that can validate a certificate presented by keystone at the specified keystone_auth_url in the System-wide certificate section of Velum. If the SSL certificate provided by keystone cannot be verified, bootstrapping fails with the error x509: certificate signed by unknown authority.


    If your OpenStack endpoints operate on the Internet, or if the SSL certificates in use have been signed by a public authority, no action should be needed to enable secure communication with them.

    If your OpenStack services operate in a private network using SSL certificates signed by an organizational certificate authority, provide that CA certificate as the system-wide certificate.

    If your OpenStack service SSL infrastructure was self-signed during the installation of SUSE OpenStack Cloud 9 (as is done by default), its CA certificate can be retrieved from the Cloud Lifecycle Manager node in the /etc/ssl/certs/ directory. The filename should match the node name of your primary controller node. For example: /etc/ssl/certs/ardana-stack1-cp1-core-m1.pem Download this file and provide it as the system-wide certificate.

    The CPI configuration settings match the values provided via the caasp-environment.yaml or caasp-multi-master-environment.yaml files. Verify that they are correct before proceeding.


33.7 Register SUSE CaaS Platform Cluster for Software Updates

Software updates are published for all registered users of SUSE CaaS Platform, and should always be enabled upon deploying a new cluster.

These steps may be performed on cluster nodes one at a time, or in parallel, making SSH connections as the root user with the password that was established in your /usr/share/caasp-openstack-heat-templates/caasp-environment.yaml file.


If using a private SMT server for registration, use its hostname or IP address when running the commands below. Otherwise, use scc.suse.com to connect to SUSE's public registration server.

  1. If this node was previously registered, deactivate its current registration:

    tux > sudo SUSEConnect -d
    tux > sudo SUSEConnect --cleanup
  2. If you are registering with a private SMT server, install its SSL certificate or the related organizational CA in order to perform SMT operations securely.

    tux > sudo curl SMT_SERVER/smt.crt \
      -o /etc/pki/trust/anchors/registration-server.pem
    tux > sudo update-ca-certificates
  3. Establish the new system registration:

    tux > sudo SUSEConnect --write-config --url https://SMT_SERVER \

    The same registration code may be used for all the nodes in your cluster.

  4. Test the registration and look for a status of Registered.

    tux > sudo SUSEConnect --status-text