Quick Start SUMA Server

This guide shows you how to install and configure a single SUSE Manager Server for x86-64 architecture from the SUSE Linux Enterprise installation media with the Unified Installer.

For this topic we assume that you already have valid organization credentials with SUSE Customer Center and have obtained a registration code for your SUSE Manager, for example from a "SUSE Manager Lifecycle Management+" subscription.

1. Install SUSE Manager Server

This section describes how to install SUSE Manager Server from the SUSE Linux Enterprise installation media.

Procedure: Installing SUSE Manager Server from a DVD Image
  1. Boot your system with the Unified Installer. If booting fails you might need to adjust the boot order in the BIOS.

  2. When prompted, select Installation.

  3. In the Language, Keyboard and Product Selection screen, check SUSE Manager Server, and click Next.

  4. Read and agree to the End User Licence Agreement, and click Next.

  5. In the Registration screen, check the Register System via scc.suse.com checkbox, enter your SUSE Customer Center credentials, and click Next.

  6. In the Extension and Module Selection screen, select additional extensions or modules you require, and click Next. Mandatory modules are pre-selected and you cannot disable them.

  7. OPTIONAL: In the Add On Product screen, select any additional or add-on products you require, and click Next. We do not recommend that you run any other workloads on SUSE Manager. Only use add-ons that you absolutely require, such as driver repositories from your hardware vendor.

  8. In the System Role screen, check the SUSE Manager Server checkbox, and click Next.

  9. In the Suggested Partitioning screen, either accept the default values, or use the Guided Setup or Expert Partitioner options to customize your partitioning model, and click Next.

  10. In the Clock and Time Zone screen, enter your region and timezone, and click Next.

  11. In the Local Users screen, create a new user, and click Next.

  12. In the System Administrator "root" screen, create the "root" user, and click Next.

  13. Review the settings on the Installation Settings screen.

  14. On the Installation Settings screen click Install.

2. Set up SUSE Manager with YaST

This section guides you through SUSE Manager setup using YaST.

Procedure: SUSE Manager Setting up
  1. On the SUSE Manager Server, at the command line, use the yast2 susemanager_setup command to begin setup.

  2. From the introduction screen select SUSE Manager Setup  Setup SUSE Manager from scratch and click Next to continue.

  3. Enter an email address to receive status notifications and click Next to continue. SUSE Manager can sometimes send a large volume of notification emails. You can disable email notifications in the Web UI after setup, if you need to. For more information on disabling email notifications, see User Details.

  4. Enter your certificate information and a password. If you intend to use a custom SSL certificate, you need to have set this up first. For more information about SSL certificates, see SSL 证书.

  5. Click Next to continue.

  6. From the SUSE Manager Setup  Database Settings screen, enter a database user and password and click Next to continue.

  7. Click Next to continue.

  8. Click Yes to run setup when prompted, and wait for it to complete.

  9. Click Next to continue. Take a note of the address of the SUSE Manager Web UI.

  10. Click Finish to complete SUSE Manager setup.

3. Create the main administraton account

This section guides you through creating your organization’s main administration account for SUSE Manager

Procedure: Setting Up the Main Administration Account
  1. In the browser, enter the address provided after completing setup. With this address you open the SUSE Manager Web UI.

  2. In the Web UI, navigate to the Create Organization  Organization Name field and enter your organization name.

  3. In the Create Organization  Desired Login and Create Organization  Desired Password fields, enter your username and password.

  4. Fill in the Account Information fields including an email for system notifications.

  5. Click Create Organization to finish creating your administration account.

You are now presented with the SUSE Manager Home  Overview page.

When you have finished creating the main administrator account on the new SUSE Manager Server, you need to mirror the products from SCC.

4. Synchronize with SUSE Customer Center

This section covers synchronizing with SCC from the Web UI and adding your first client channel.

Procedure: Entering Organization Credentials
  1. In the SUSE Manager Web UI, select Admin  Setup Wizard.

  2. From the Setup Wizard page select the Organization Credentials tab.

  3. Click Add a new credential.

  4. In the dialog, enter Username and Password, and confirm with Save.

When the credentials are confirmed with a check-mark icon, proceed with Procedure: Synchronizing with SUSE Customer Center.

Procedure: Synchronizing with SUSE Customer Center
  1. In the Web UI, navigate to Admin  Setup Wizard.

  2. From the Setup Wizard page select the SUSE Products tab. If you previously registered with SUSE Customer Center a list of products will populate the table. This operation could take up to a few minutes. You can monitor the progress of the operation in section on the right Refresh the product catalog from SUSE Customer Center. The table of products lists architecture, channels, and status information. For more information, see Wizard.

  3. Use Filter by product description and Filter by architecture to filter the list of displayed products. If your SUSE Linux Enterprise client is based on x86_64 architecture scroll down the page and select the check box for this channel now.

    • Add channels to SUSE Manager by selecting the check box to the left of each channel. Click the arrow symbol to the left of the description to unfold a product and list available modules.

    • Click Add Products to start product synchronization.

After adding the channel, SUSE Manager will schedule the channel to be synchronized. This can take a long time as SUSE Manager will copy channel software sources from the SUSE repositories located at SUSE Customer Center to local /var/spacewalk/ directory of your server.

When the channel is fully synchronised, the bootstrap repository will be automatically created. The bootstrap repository is necessary for the succesful bootstrapping of creation of the activation key will be assciated with the clients can be bootstrapped following the steps This completes SUSE Manager installation and configuration, with channel preparation for the client bootstrapping.

When the channel synchronization process is complete, you can continue with client registration. For more instructions, see 客户端注册.