Channel Details
The Channel List
to see more information about the channel.
This section is divided into tabs.
1. 细节
The Details
tab shows the basic channel details, including a description of the channel, and the dates it was last modified and built. This tab also provides contact information for the maintainer of the product and the GPG key details, where available.
2. Managers
The Managers
tab shows which users are authorized to manage the selected channel. The list shows the username, real name, and email address of the channel manager, as well as the current status of the user.
Organization and Channel administrators can manage any channel. SUSE Manager Administrators can change roles for specific users by clicking the username.
For more information about user management, see 用户.
3. 补丁
The Patches
tab shows all available patches for packages in the selected channel. The list displays the advisory type, names, synopsis, and the date the patch was last updated. Click the advisory name to go to the Patch Details
For more information about managing patches and packages, see 补丁管理.
4. 软件包
The Packages
tab shows all packages in the selected channel. The list shows the package name, summary, and the provider of the package. Click the package name to go to the Package Details
For more information about managing patches and packages, see 补丁管理.
5. Subscribed Systems
The Subscribed Systems
tab shows the clients currently subscribed to the selected channel. The list shows the client name and type. Check a client in the list to add it to the system set manager. Click the client name to go to the System Details
有关系统集管理器的详细信息,请参见 系统集管理器。
6. Target Systems
The Target Systems
tab shows the clients eligible for subscription to the selected channel. This tab is only available if the selected channel is a child channel. The list shows the client name and type, and the associated base channel.
To subscribe a client to the selected channel, check the client in the list, and click Confirm.
For more information about software channels, see 软件通道.
7. AppStreams
The AppStreams
tab is only visible for modular channels and it shows all the available modules in the channel. The list shows the module name and the streams available for the module. The default stream for each module is indicated with a highlighted color.
For more information about AppStreams and how to use them, see administration:content-lifecycle-examples.adoc#appstream-filters.