
The Systems  States section allows you to manage Salt states on the selected client. States provide configuration templates for Salt clients. Applying the highstate applies all outstanding Salt states. This is only available for Salt clients.

For more information about Salt states, see Salt States and Pillars.

The Systems  States subtab is split into sections:

1. Highstate

This section provides details of the highstate for the selected client. It includes a state summary for the selected client, showing a list of states, formulas, and configuration channels. To schedule a time to apply the highstate, select the date and time and click Apply Hightstate. Toggle the Test mode switch to test the highstate before you apply it.

2. 软件包

This section allows you to manage package states for the selected client. Package states determine which packages and versions should be installed on the selected client.

Use the search tool to search for the package you want to change. To set the package state to install the package, select Installed as the new state. To always upgrade the package to the latest version, select latest. Click Save to save the changes to the state. Click Apply changes to apply the new package state to the selected client.

Use the Changes subtab to see what changes will occur on the selected client when this state is applied.

3. Configuration Channels

This section allows you to manage configuration channels for the selected client.

Use the search tool to search for the configuration channel you want to manage. This section shows the list of configuration channels that are available for the selected client to subscribe to. To subscribe the selected client to a configuration channel, check the channel, and click Apply.

Use the Changes subtab to see what changes will occur on the selected client when this state is applied.

For more information about configuration channels, see 配置管理.